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Stress Is Good…But Only For Short Bursts

If you study the human body you discover that stress actually serves a valid biological function. It boosts adrenaline so you can run away from that tiger. It withdraws blood from your extremities so you won’t bleed as much if get your arm bitten off. It tends to make...

Bunch Your Phone Calls

This is another one of those time management techniques that is simple and obvious but is almost never done. It’s this: bunch your phone calls. Go through your to-do list and pick out all the items that require a phone call. Then bunch those together, set aside an...

A Dragon In Japan

Walked by this today and had to take a pic. This is actually someone’s *house*. It’s right in the middle of two skyscrapers. Must be a samurai who wouldn’t move. I’m in Tokyo now, reading lots of signs that say things like “Space...

A Dragon In China

The most ironic picture you’ve ever seen. Mao would have shit his pants at all this capitalism. So I go to Asia and as soon as I leave the country Gene Simmons gets married and Steve Jobs dies.  WTF? If I knew those things were going to happen I would have...