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When It’s Good To Spend Money

I’m  a financial tightwad. I’m serious. I hate spending money. For any reason. Maybe it’s because I was raised in a financially strapped family when I was a kid. Or maybe it’s because I’m an INTJ. I’m sure we could have all kinds of...

Losing Focus

There’s a very interesting thing about Lee Iacocca that most people don’t know, or don’t remember. If you don’t know who  Lee Iacocca is (and shame on you for your lack of business knowledge if you don’t!), he’s one of the most...

Our New Form Of Government: Bush-Obamaism

Is the USA an example of capitalism? Socialism? Corporatism? Fascism? It’s none of those! It’s a new form of government never seen before called Bush-Obamaism. I shall describe how Bush-Obamaism works. Massive government and government growth is extremely important...

Circus Analogy of Economics

Several Austrian economists including guys like Peter Schiff have used what is now called the circus analogy. It goes something like this. A big traveling circus comes to a small town. All the circus people go have regular breakfast, lunch, and dinner at one of the...