Why Are We Still Arguing About Diet?

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Finally, a mainstream health expert says what I've been saying for about 20 years. 80% of all chronic diseases could be ended tomorrow by simply using what we already know about a healthy diet. Yet we don't do that.

-By Caleb Jones

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There are many reasons, but one of the biggest is that everyone keeps arguing about exactly what a healthy diet is or is not. Which is stupid. We already know.

The arguments I've seen on men's fitness and bodybuilding blogs and forums are literally the most insane things I've seen on the entire internet (and that's saying a lot when you add politics in there). On every fitness issue, 50% think one way, the other 50% think the exact opposite, both sides can point to credible links to back up what they say, and everyone screams that "My advice is right and yours is stupid."

Like he says in the video, "Eat real food, not too much, mostly plants." That just about covers most of health right there. Of course there are a few other items like avoid high glycemic carbs and sugar, be physically active, eat more protein if you're lifting, and a few other basics. But as soon as we venture out of that fundamental area, it's damn near impossible to get good advice quickly because everyone even a little knowledgeable in these areas are too busy screaming at each other.

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