Politics Makes You Stupid (Yes, I’m Serious)

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We live in an era where politics has infested just about everything. 25 years ago, politics was just about politics, and political discussion stated in its own lane. Today, everything is about politics. Financial advice is about politics. Dating and relationship advice is about politics. Cooking shows are about politics. Friggin’ sports are about politics. And of course, movies are about politics.

-By Caleb Jones

This infestation of viewing everything from a political lens is making a lot of people say very stupid things. Recently we’ve seen a stark example of this regarding two movies two movies in particular, Black Panther and Death Wish. I’ve seen both movies. Both movies are okay. Not great, but okay. They’re decently crafted, reasonably entertaining movies without being anything special.

Yet, the Rotten Tomatoes score for Black Panther is an astoundingly amazing 97%. The score for Death Wish is an astonishingly horrible 16%. What the hell? Again, they’re both okay movies, but critics are reacting to Black Panther like it’s up there with Lord of the Rings or Citizen Kane, many of them saying it’s one of the best movies ever made. It’s not. It’s just okay. At the same time, they're reacting to Death Wish like it’s one of the worst movies ever made. It’s not. It’s perfectly okay.

This is not my opinion. You can tell with the audience scores of these movies on the same website. With Black Panther, it’s only 78%, and with Death Wish, it’s 85%. Audiences actually like Death Wish more than they like Black Panther(!). (I did too. Again, they’re both “okay” movies, but if I had to watch one of them a second time, I’d probably choose Death Wish.)

How can all of these critics be so obviously and amazingly wrong?

Answer: politics. Specifically, the left-wing politics that is prevalent in both Hollywood and the news media.

The media is worshipping Black Panther because it’s a black movie about black people being awesome. Guilty white left-wingers love that stuff. They eat it up. So they see an okay movie but think it’s mind-blowingly amazing because the movie is all about black people being amazing, and give the damn thing a 97% rating, when it should be around 60%. Death Wish, on the other hand, is about a rich white doctor who takes the law into his own hands and starts shooting (with guns!!!) bad guys without the police. And, OMG, some of those “bad guys” are Hispanic!!! It’s full of everything left-wingers hate: guns, rich white people, portraying poor people or foreign people as evil, and so on.

So the left-wing journalist watches Death Wish, and since he/she can’t get politics out of their head, they see an okay movie and talk about how utterly dreadful it is, giving it a 16% rating, when again, it should be around 60%.

The moral of the story?


I don’t mean it actually lowers your IQ or anything. I mean that when you permanently install the lens of politics over your eyes, and view everything you see through your political views, it makes you behave stupidly. It makes you do and say stupid things. All of these media folks who are jizzing over Black Panther and shitting all over Death Wish, when they’re both decently okay movies, are behaving like idiots. You’re supposed to judge a movie based on whether or not it’s a good movie, not whether or not it accurately reflects your political views, particularly if your fucking job is as a professional movie critic.

Politically, I’m a libertarian who disagrees with both left-wingers and modern-day right-wingers on the vast majority of issues. Yet, I’ve watched many movies that were blatantly left-wing, with politics I completely disagreed with, that I thought were fantastic because they were fantastic movies. A few movies off the top of my head like this would be Malcolm X, Assassins, Born on the Fourth of July, A Time To Kill, and many others.

I’ve also seen some blatantly right-wing movies, again with strong political or religious messaging that I disagreed with completely, that I really liked, because they were well-crafted movies. Examples would be The Patriot, American Sniper, Gods and Generals, and Passion of the Christ. This is because I’m not stupid and I’m not insane. I can watch a movie and judge it on its merits (or faults) as a movie, rather than on my personal biased politics. It’s not that hard. Too bad less and less people are able to do that these days.

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