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Bureaucracy In Business

Many years ago I rented one of those storage unit thingies. You know, the garages with the bright orange doors that you rent monthly to store all of your crap that you really should throw away but can’t bring yourself to? In my case, I actually had a reason in...

The One Percent

There’s been a lot of talk in politics over the last two years about the “one percent” and the “one percenters”. Usually it’s a negative connotation. Today I’m going to forget about the political side of the discussion and...

What Customers SAY They Want

There once was an independently-owned supermarket with a clever and effective management team. They regularly met with customers and received feedback. Proactively talking to customers and determining what they want. So far, so good. During one of the meetings the...

The Average Workday Is Now Longer

Technology was supposed to help us work less. Nope. The average American workday is now 7:42am to 7:19pm. That doesn’t mean people are actually in the office the whole time. Because of technology, when the typical office worker leaves the office, they’re...

Clever Business Techniques

Listed here are some of the more creative business tactics I’ve seen in my day. These stories are all true. Hopefully they will stimulate your brain enough to come up with your own cool business techniques to make or save money. Effortless Selling I once worked...

Penny Pinching The Customer

My favorite evil food, my favorite break-your-diet-and-be-bad food, is the almighty Taco Bell. Yes, I know everything on the menu is just different arrangements of the same ten or so ingredients. Yes, I know their beef is the grade-D stuff, probably made up of...