Moving Out of the Country – Some Resources To Help You

Below are a list of some of the web sites and individuals who can help you with the process of researching your eventual move away from the collapsing Western world.

Look at the news from just the last 10 days:

– Hillary Clinton getting away with felonies.

– Bernie Sanders’s endorsement of Hillary. (Told ya.)

– The police shooting of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling.

– The failed coup in Turkey.

– The assassinations of multiple police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge.

– Trump’s painfully moronic recent speeches. (This guy could actually be president.)

– The massacre of 84 civilians by a Tunisian in Nice, France.

None of this points to a civilization that’s on the rise. A lot of people I know are very upset by one or more of the above recent news stories. I’m not. Because in 2025, I’m outta here. The stuff going on lately is just the usual events endemic to a collapsing civilization.

Below are some web resources to help you research the possibility of you moving to another country. While I like all of these guys and they’ve all helped in my research, I do not agree with everything said by these guys. Let me say that again: I don’t agree with everything these guys say. Sometimes these guys say some really wacky shit. Regardless, they provide a lot of valuable data and insight as to the good places to live and the bad places to live in the world.

Here they are listed in no particular order:

Jeff Berwick – Dollar Vigilante – A Canadian expat who lives in South America. He’s made a lot of money in international investments. Some of his stuff is a little out there, but he’s a good resource.

Andrew Henderson – Nomad Capitalist – Really, really good information about living abroad, investing abroad, taxes, and all kinds of goodies.

Simon Black – Sovereign Man – Fantastic newsletter and blog, Simon has a comprehensive set of knowledge of the world that’s really impressive.

Doug Casey – International Man – Doug Casey has been one of my heroes for many years. I don’t agree with everything he says, but the man is a genius and an Alpha. His information skews more towards older, higher income men who have money to invest, but he’s still a great resource for everyone.

Jim Rogers – He’s on my short list of mentors from afar, and one of the few men where you can emulate just about everything he’s done in his life. He’s one of the most amazing men who have ever lived, right up there with people like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Brian Tracy. He doesn’t really have a web site, but he has many books and is featured on YouTube all the time. Just do a Google/YouTube/Amazon search for him and absorb the goodness. Highly recommend everything he says, both about money and life.

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  • A Man
    Posted at 06:33 pm, 18th July 2016

    This is awesome. I was hoping you’d list out where you get some of your ideas.

    Question for you. What kind of fallout do you expect to see in your 2nd country once the western world starts having its issues? I can’t imagine a situation where if Europe and USA are going down the crapper, that other countries wouldn’t see some kind of blowback from that. Even if you moved to China, if the USA and EU are struggling, China would as well.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 06:43 pm, 18th July 2016

    That depends on the nature of the crash/collapse that occurs in US/Europe. If it’s an overall economic slowdown, the country I live in will suffer due to decreased trade with the West. I won’t be selling to my country of residence so it won’t affect me directly (my decreased sales to the West will of course). If it’s a currency collapse (which I think is most likely), my home country may not suffer enough for me to even notice. It may actually do better(!).

  • A Man
    Posted at 06:57 pm, 18th July 2016

    LOL. Yeah, you could short the dollar and make a killing.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 07:04 pm, 18th July 2016

    Yes, but not yet. In the short/medium term, the dollar will do well since people *think* it’s a safe haven currency (it isn’t) and will flock to it during times of crisis (like Brexit).

    But in the long term, yes, the dollar is fucked. I plan on making plenty of money when it collapses.

  • A Man
    Posted at 07:10 pm, 18th July 2016

    Yep. The USA and EU and Japan are going to have to inflate their way out of the mess that they have created w/ all of the entitlement spending. They all have demographic problems as the population gets old and they don’t have enough young people paying into the system. The only way to pay those entitlements off is to inflate and debase the currency. China has demographic issues too, but they have not promised as many benefits as the west has.

  • Qlue
    Posted at 01:17 am, 19th July 2016

    Approaching women is now illegal in the UK, and also texting them “uninvited”:

    Women holding positions of power = the crumbling of society. Declining birth rate among Europeans while Islamists have 4-5 kids is the reason, ofcourse men don’t want to protect feminists, so why should they risk their lives to uphold a corrupt feminist system.

    If Hillary wins, the US is headed in the same direction. This will leave to a brain drain, just like all the smart people leaving France and UK, leaving all the women behind with the Islamists.

    The price of “equality” is the cost of civilization.

    The good news is there are poor countries who would welcome anyone with intelligence and money.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:38 am, 19th July 2016

    Women holding positions of power = the crumbling of society. Declining birth rate among Europeans while Islamists have 4-5 kids is the reason, ofcourse men don’t want to protect feminists, so why should they risk their lives to uphold a corrupt feminist system.

    If Hillary wins, the US is headed in the same direction.

    It’s headed in the same direction if Trump wins too.

  • Way_of_Man
    Posted at 11:34 pm, 19th July 2016

    This election proves that this country has completely lost its fucking mind. I back tracked on my plans to leave the US a few years back, and am now regretting that decision. I’m on the same page as yourself, and look to be out of here in no more than 5 years.

    I’m differing in that I’m looking more towards South/Central America. I just can’t get excited about living in China.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:43 pm, 19th July 2016

    This election proves that this country has completely lost its fucking mind.

    Yep. As I’ve been saying for several years now. Our culture has literally lost its mind.

    And its going to get worse. I just saw Melania Trump’s speech at the RNC convention, where she plagiarized portions it from Michelle Obama.

    This election is literally a joke. Literally.

    I back tracked on my plans to leave the US a few years back, and am now regretting that decision. I’m on the same page as yourself, and look to be out of here in no more than 5 years.

    Heh. I think a lot of people who back tracked on that decision will reconsider over the next several years.

    I’m differing in that I’m looking more towards South/Central America. I just can’t get excited about living in China.

    There’s no disagreement. South America is likely where I’m going. 4 of the 5 countries in my current short list are in S. America.

  • Way_of_Man
    Posted at 11:55 pm, 19th July 2016

    I must be out of the loop then. Last I read, you were leaning heavily on Asian countries (minus Singapore).

    Have you disclosed which countries your’e looking at on one of your blogs? I’d be curious to cross check it against my own.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:14 am, 20th July 2016

    Yes. Right here:

    Most of the countries I’m looking at are in South America.

  • Anon.
    Posted at 02:59 pm, 20th July 2016

    Caleb, what exactly are you going to achieve by moving out? In the Alpha 2.0 mindset none of the news above are cause for concern.

    Please name one probable thing that, once occurred, will make you happy you’ve moved out.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:15 pm, 20th July 2016

    Caleb, what exactly are you going to achieve by moving out? In the Alpha 2.0 mindset none of the news above are cause for concern.

    None of them are cause for concern assuming nothing gets any worse than it is today.

    If everything in the Western world remained exactly the same as it is today, forever, then I would stay in the United States forever and continue to live the under the Alpha Male 2.0 model here. The problem is that everything here is getting worse, and 10 / 20 / 30 years from now things are going to suck here in very clear ways they do not now. Namely, tax rates and government interference in your personal life. (But there’s also the issue of the coming collapse…)

    Please name one probable thing that, once occurred, will make you happy you’ve moved out.

    I’ll name three, just off the top of my head:

    1. I’ll be paying less total taxes on my income because of five flags.

    2. I’ll be experiencing less government intrusion into my personal affairs as a non-citizen American living abroad in a more relaxed country. (As just one example, I have a tree in my yard I’m thinking about cutting down. I have to get the god damn city’s permission to do this, despite the fact it’s on my own property. If I lived in Chile, they wouldn’t give a shit.)

    3. Most importantly, I will be living in a country less affected by the eventual collapse of America/Europe than if I stayed in America/Europe. Even if this never happens, I still benefit from items 1 and 2.

  • Andrew
    Posted at 06:50 pm, 20th July 2016

    I’m taking steps to move out as well.its easier for me than most of you because of my age.
    Both of my parents watched the convention last night, to me it looked more like a rock concert than a political convention. Trump looked even more smug and orange than usual.

  • A Man
    Posted at 10:56 am, 14th August 2016

    Caleb, was there any specific items out of the websites you mentioned that helped you the most? In doing some snooping around on the Nomad Capitalist and Simon Black, it looked like they were selling stuff. There was some free info but it was hit or miss. I’m perfectly willing to pay for good info, but I’m not interested in investing in something that doesn’t suit my needs. If you want me to do my own research that’s fine. But I wanted to ask you before investing a lot of time and money. If there is a decent book recommendation you found, I’m all ears on that as well.

    Question 2: If I were more concerned about keeping the govt out of my bank account (so that they couldn’t confiscate $$) and less concerned about getting away from locally higher costs of living and the annoyances of SJW’s… wouldn’t just having an offshore bank account allow for that? This way I wouldn’t have to deal with the 2nd passport problem. Now eventually I think I want to be able to be migration ready. But I’ve got health issues that prevent me from spending a lot of time on research.

    Thanks for your input.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 05:19 pm, 14th August 2016

    Caleb, was there any specific items out of the websites you mentioned that helped you the most?

    Yes. Too many to list.

    In doing some snooping around on the Nomad Capitalist and Simon Black, it looked like they were selling stuff.

    Yes. That’s what “capitalist” means.

    If you want me to do my own research that’s fine. But I wanted to ask you before investing a lot of time and money.

    I’m not here to make product reviews or recommendations. I don’t recommend buying anything expensive from anyone (except me of course), but I do recommend buying cheaper items (like ebooks or inexpensive singular coaching sessions) from all of those guys, if directly applicable to your situation, examining them, and drawing info from them as needed. If you have money to invest this should not be any big financial inconvenience for you.

    Also, as a general comment, don’t expect information of this importance and specificity to be free. ANY info you get on this topic for free (including here at this blog) you should consider an enjoyable bonus, not the basis for research.

    If I were more concerned about keeping the govt out of my bank account (so that they couldn’t confiscate $$) and less concerned about getting away from locally higher costs of living and the annoyances of SJW’s… wouldn’t just having an offshore bank account allow for that?

    Yes. Though physically living outside of the country makes this both easier and safer in many/most cases.

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