How To Set Up Your Own Alpha 2.0 Business Structure

The countdown has officially begun for the release of the Alpha 2.0 Video Business Course on Friday, October 19th. Over the next two weeks I will provide you, at both of my blogs, with a few articles overviewing how you can set up your own low-work, high-income, location-independent business that makes you money and enhances your lifestyle at the same time. These articles are free, even if you choose to not get the course.

For the next three weeks, the posting schedule at both of my blogs (this one and my other one) will be a little different than normal, so fair warning. (These business articles will also be simultaneously duplicated in my free email newsletter and at the Alpha 2.0 Community as well.)

The topic of how to create your own Alpha 2.0 business will be the primary focus of both blogs for that time (which should be good for you, since more business information is one of my most requested topics).

After October 25th I will return both blogs to business as usual, but until then, my focus is to help you start your own Alpha 2.0 business (or convert your normal business to Alpha 2.0) so you can make plenty of money while living and traveling anywhere in the world you like.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to just hit you up with a bunch of sales pitches. (You should know me better than that!) I’m going to give you real content and real business advice, as you’re about to see.

First I’ll give you the meat and the content, then I’ll end this article with new details about the upcoming course. If your curiosity is killing you and you want to go straight to the course website, it’s right here. Make sure you bookmark that page so you can go back to it on Friday, October 19th when enrollment opens.

Overview of the Alpha 2.0 Business Structure

The Alpha 2.0 business structure means you have 2 – 4 small, profitable, location-independent, highly niched businesses, all of which spin off money every month. Each business sells a completely different thing to a completely different and unrelated market. This means you have a “portfolio” of diversified income sources.

You start one business at a time, growing it to a certain monthly income level, at which point you place it on autopilot while you start up the second one, and so on. Starting your first business is the hardest and will take you the most amount of time. This is normal. The good news is starting your second business (and all subsequent businesses, if you want them) will be incredibly easy and you’ll be shocked at how fast the money comes in from this second business. This puts your income on an exponential growth curve. It’s fucking awesome. And it’s all location-independent. It’s fucking awesome. (I will show you exactly how to do all of this in the course.)

When your two, three, or four businesses are all “done,” you have a very strong income that allows you to live or travel anywhere you want in the world while having a highly secure and diversified income. This means you are not only free, but safe from most recessions, governmental regulation changes, your political enemies (if any) banning you, and so on.

As I talk about in great detail in my main book, since I have three diversified location-independent businesses, if one of those businesses goes out of business for whatever reason, I might be upset for a little bit, but my financial life continues just fine because I still have plenty of income from my other two companies.

It’s very nice. But it gets even better.

Each of your Alpha 2.0 businesses also has multiple income streams. You don’t just sell one thing to your niche. Instead, you sell a variety of things to appeal to all the different needs, desires, and modalities of your niche.

I will illustrate with an example. Take a look at the chart at the top of this article. I have laid out an example of an Alpha 2.0 business structure, based closely on a guy I’ve been coaching who’s been making shitloads of money doing this. (The chart is not exactly what he’s doing, but it’s very close. And no, please don’t ask me who he is; he has asked to remain anonymous.)

As you can see, he has three small businesses. His first business, Business A sells cool gadgets to a particular type of engineer. He uses primarily Amazon FBA to do this as well as Ebay and various other outlets, including his own webpage. All of these things are directly dropshipped to his customers; he never needs to buy any products or inventory anything.

His next business, Business B, sells books and ebooks to day traders. Day traders is his niche, so he writes to them and sells information, much like I do at my Blackdragon business.

His last business, which he considers his “money hobby,” is where he provides instructional videos on how to paint small metal figurines, the kind they use for games like Dungeons and Dragons and Warhammer.

So he has three different companies selling to three completely different markets, all of which make money, don’t require a lot of work on his part at all, and are totally location independent. He splits his time between Thailand and Europe, traveling whenever and wherever the hell he wants. He’s a happy guy. That’s what Alpha 2.0 is all about.

Each business also has multiple income streams. In his Business A, he sells multiple types of products, not just one thing. In his Business B, he sells paper books (he calls them “special reports”), ebooks, audiobooks, and has a membership program. Very, very profitable, and he’s hitting all the modalities of his market (audio, visual, and emotional). In his Business C, he does videos (both free ones and paid ones), coaching via Google Hangouts, and sells color guides (I have no idea what that is) which is a sort of information product.

You might be thinking it would take you forever to set all these businesses up. It might take you a few years before you’re all done BUT you’re making money as soon as you get your first business to the point where you’re making regular sales. It’s not like you have to wait years and years before you see any money. You could be making $1000 per month, $2000 per month, or more, pretty damn fast, before your first business is even close to being done.

Exactly What The Alpha 2.0 Business Course Will Include

On 12:01 a.m. October 19th, enrollment for the video course will open right here and will be only available for one week. At midnight on October 25th, I will shut down enrollment and you will not be able to purchase it.

Here’s exactly what you will get in the course:

Almost seven hours of video of me (and my lovely assistant), broken out into 35 lessons. Each lesson runs between 3 and 20 minutes, depending on the complexity of the topic. You receive access to these videos immediately, as soon as you sign up (and you’ve paid for the course in full), and you will have a permanent account where you will have access to them forever.

Membership in an exclusive and private Facebook community where you can interact with other participants of the course. You receive this immediately, as soon as you sign up and your last payment is made.

Written PDF transcripts of the entire course. These will be sent to you 35 days after you sign up for the course.

A resources sheet, listing all of the companies, services, and websites you’ll need to set up your Alpha 2.0 business, complete with links. You receive this immediately, as soon as you sign up and your last payment is made.

Personal coaching time with me, Caleb Jones, so I can assist you personally in setting up (or improving) your Alpha 2.0 business. This is done over email where you’ll have a day to ask me all the questions you want, 35-40 days after you sign up for the course and your last payment is made.

The cost for the course is $697 if you make one payment or three monthly payments of $267 if you would like to do the installment plan (this is for guys who don’t want to miss out on the one week this course is available).

For an additional nominal fee (don’t know how much yet), you will have the option of adding another course that includes these three items:

A full 2.5 hour audio course on Alpha 2.0 business success, with extra material not included in the video course. I cover topics such as how to find international opportunities, how to identify and cash in on growing trends, a big section on time management, how to work with vendors, managing your finances, and strategic planning.

A training video on how to create your product funnel, which is perhaps the most profitable thing I have ever done in any business. I’ll show you exactly how I did it so you can copy what I did.

Extra coaching time with me. It’s just like the email coaching above except you get two full days with me instead of one. One day, then a second day a few weeks afterwards.

If you want much more details on the course, just click here to go to the course website. Take a look at that site; it has a huge FAQ and answer section that will answer probably any question you have.

Just to wet your appetite, here’s a behind-the-scenes sneak peak of all of us filming these videos two weeks ago:

The next business article is coming on Thursday, October 11th.

Please let me know if you have any questions or any specific requests for any upcoming business articles. I’m all ears.

Want over 35 hours of how-to podcasts on how to improve your woman life and financial life? Want to be able to coach with me twice a month? Want access to hours of technique-based video and audio? The SMIC Program is a monthly podcast and coaching program where you get access to massive amounts of exclusive, members-only Alpha 2.0 content as soon as you sign up, and you can cancel whenever you want. Click here for the details.

Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.

  • Kukurasu
    Posted at 06:49 am, 8th October 2018

    Oh my god you’re looking so fucking dapper in That outfit!

    Is that your wife?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:57 am, 8th October 2018

    Oh my god you’re looking so fucking dapper in That outfit!

    I’m dapper as fuck.

    Is that your wife?

    No, though she looks similar if you make her hair much longer.

  • Stork
    Posted at 10:24 am, 8th October 2018

    Hey Caleb, I think you’re doing a great job and I just cannot wait for the 19th to come. I’m hyped AF.

    Two questions come to my mind after reading the FAQ over the course’s website though:

    -Will the extra course content that you sell separately be available to buy after the term expires if I bought the main part of the course?

    -If someone joins the SMIC at Diamond or above or Nuclear this month will that someone still get the 25% discount or free course? I checked prices and in the case of Diamond and Titanium it’s kinda cheaper or the same price if you do this. [Which means it’s exactly what I’ll do ;-)]

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:50 am, 8th October 2018

    Will the extra course content that you sell separately be available to buy after the term expires if I bought the main part of the course?

    Hm. Good question. I’m learning towards no.

    If someone joins the SMIC at Diamond or above or Nuclear this month will that someone still get the 25% discount or free course?

    Nuclear, yes. If you do that with Diamond or Titanium, then yes, BUT if you abuse the system, i.e. sign up for SMIC, get the course, then a month or two later cancel out of SMIC, then that’s a dick move, you’re officially an asshole in my view, and I will put you on our ban list so that you can’t buy any future products or services from me.

  • Maya
    Posted at 11:49 am, 8th October 2018

    As a price range from the top of your head,how much do you think the extra content will cost?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:36 pm, 8th October 2018

    As a price range from the top of your head,how much do you think the extra content will cost?

    Perhaps around $300.

  • Stork
    Posted at 02:12 pm, 8th October 2018

    BUT if you abuse the system, i.e. sign up for SMIC, get the course, then a month or two later cancel out of SMIC, then that’s a dick move, you’re officially an asshole in my view, and I will put you on our ban list so that you can’t buy any future products or services from me.

    I’d better not do that then.

  • Investor
    Posted at 01:02 am, 9th October 2018

    Nuclear, yes. If you do that with Diamond or Titanium, then yes, BUT if you abuse the system, i.e. sign up for SMIC, get the course, then a month or two later cancel out of SMIC, then that’s a dick move, you’re officially an asshole in my view, and I will put you on our ban list so that you can’t buy any future products or services from me.

    Thats kind of a new information that wasn’t shown clearly anywhere else before. Maybe if you want to avoid this you should make this more clear.

    If I understood correctly though, for you its fine if someone gets nuclear for one month to get the course but not if they get diamond or titatanium for a month to get a discount?

    Interesting, I think you said something else previously. Maybe it would help if you had a unified policy on exactly what is fine for you and what is not and where the line is and have it written clearly at the SMIC programme sign up. Especially now because you can expect a lot of people to do things like this now.

    In fact I was considering something along those lines but it so happens that last week during my holiday I met a guy similar to you in many ways with his views and business history and so I think I will get coaching from him instead. We spent quite a lot of time together discussing various topics so I think hes the right one for me at this moment. Maybe I will get other coaching from you also in the future though.

  • Ivan
    Posted at 05:22 am, 9th October 2018

    Hi Caleb,could you let the extra content to be bought by the people who already bought your course,whenever we want,like your books.I mean I will buy your course,but 700 dolars its already a huge sum of money ,and if you let the extra content  to be bought at a later time,I will happily buy your extra content,which i cannot afford to buy it now,and i think many people will be in the same situation.

  • MoChnk
    Posted at 06:38 am, 9th October 2018

    I’m in the same situation as Ivan. I saved the money for the course because I knew in advance how much it will cost. But I didn’t factor in the upsell price in my budget because you didn’t notify us early enough.

    Can you maybe give us an additional time window for the upsell product?


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:30 am, 9th October 2018

    Thats kind of a new information that wasn’t shown clearly anywhere else before.

    Incorrect. Over the last few weeks he’s at least the third guy to ask that question in the comments on either blog and I have answered it.

    If I understood correctly though, for you its fine if someone gets nuclear for one month to get the course but not if they get diamond or titatanium for a month to get a discount?

    No, I misspoke.

    I’m not stupid. If someone sings up for Nuclear right now, they must pay for the course anyway, because obviously I know what they’re trying to pull. If they stayed a Nuclear member for at least several months after that, then I’d refund them the cost of the course (no, I don’t have a specific number of months).

    Maybe it would help if you had a unified policy on exactly what is fine for you and what is not and where the line is and have it written clearly at the SMIC programme sign up.

    I have a unified policy. I just haven’t plastered it all over my marketing materials because I don’t want to plant seeds in everyone’s heads about how they can attempt to rip me off. We’ve already had trouble with lots of guys trying to pull this kind of thing when we’ve offered products at these higher price points in the past. Trust me, you don’t know the full story behind the scenes. I have to be very careful. I wish I didn’t, but I do.

    The policy now is anyone who signs up for SMIC at the Diamond level or above between now and the 25th will be clearly told via email what the parameters are regarding this course, and they will have the opportunity to bail out of SMIC at that time with no hard feelings.

    Can you maybe give us an additional time window for the upsell product?

    No (unless something very unusual happens between now and the 19th). And you know how I feel about excuses about how something is too much when it can make much more money than you spent.

    That being said, I’m not promising that I won’t sell aspects of pieces of the upsell product down the road or in some other format. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t; I really don’t know. But allowing guys to buy the upsell course after the deadline defeats the entire purpose of what I’m doing here.

  • Juan Sloan
    Posted at 01:33 pm, 9th October 2018

    Really excited for this product. You’ve given me so much value with just your free content. In my dating life you’ve probably saved me a few hundred dollars and your time management blog has probably saved me a similar amount. The podcasts you get with a SMIC membership are easily worth what you’re charging for this course. You continually provide more value than you charge for and that’s why I will always be a customer of yours and, in the near future, a client.

    To anybody on the fence: if it weren’t for Caleb I would not have the business (and very soon, businesses) I have right now. I would not have the lifestyle I have now. I would not have THE FREEDOM I have now. There’s literally no risk as there’s a money back guarantee.

    I already have a profitable location independent service based business but I’m still going to buy this course because I know, without a doubt, it will increase my business’s profits by far more than what Caleb is charging.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:10 pm, 9th October 2018

    Damn, thank you Juan! Glad I could help so far!

  • Investor
    Posted at 02:29 am, 10th October 2018

    We’ve already had trouble with lots of guys trying to pull this kind of thing when we’ve offered products at these higher price points in the past. Trust me, you don’t know the full story behind the scenes. I have to be very careful. I wish I didn’t, but I do.

    Thats a pitty but to be honest to many its not they are trying to game you. They just see that this is what is allowed within the system and might even think (perhaps incorrectly) that this is what the SMIC membership is for. Of course if you would release such things all the time then its something else but I guess problem comes from the fact that once in a while you have an expensive product and SMIC system is on monthly basis. I recall that in the past you used to have something like that some benefits are unlocked only after a few months of being a member on certain level but now it doesn’t seem to official be there case so of course you can expect this kind of stuff.

    The policy now is anyone who signs up for SMIC at the Diamond level or above between now and the 25th will be clearly told via email what the parameters are regarding this course, and they will have the opportunity to bail out of SMIC at that time with no hard feelings.

    Okay that is quite reasonable.

  • Ivan
    Posted at 10:05 am, 10th October 2018

    Hi,Caleb I understand that you had trouble with guys who tried to screw you in the past,and I know your stance on excuses,but I think that you could let the extra content to be bought for a longer time,under the same price,with no money back guarantee,and without the extra coaching time with you,for the people who bought your course but cannot afford to buy the extra content,in that week and want to buy the extra content at a later time.

    This way you dont risk anything.

    And I know that “everything in your life is your fault” and that its your product,its your right to do whatever you want,but search on the internet the medium salary in ukraine,bulgary,moldova,romania,belarus or russia to see the reality of the third world countries.
    And without being mean,or sth, in the future,if you will launch a new course about anything,and you give two month notice ,you could say that the course will be in this price range,in order for people to save money,to buy your course,and you could also add that beside the course,there will be an extra packet that you can buy and its in this price range x-y$.

  • MoChnk
    Posted at 12:58 pm, 10th October 2018

    And you know how I feel about excuses about how something is too much when it can make much more money than you spent.


    But allowing guys to buy the upsell course after the deadline defeats the entire purpose of what I’m doing here.

    True words. I will just use the installment plan then. That’s fine.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 05:27 pm, 10th October 2018

    search on the internet the medium salary in ukraine,bulgary,moldova,romania,belarus or russia to see the reality of the third world countries.

    My friend, I am well aware of the income levels in these countries. That doesn’t mean it’s a good business decision for me to modify my entire business plan for the entire world because of these few countries. (Nor can I show favoritism by making the policies different for just those countries; everyone else would scream.)

    And without being mean,or sth, in the future,if you will launch a new course about anything,and you give two month notice ,you could say that the course will be in this price range,in order for people to save money,to buy your course

    That is exactly what I did. I announced it on Aug 20th (two months in advance) with approximate pricing. (The upsell was added later based on requests from my audience.)


  • CF
    Posted at 10:00 pm, 11th October 2018

    In the SMIC (Diamond or Titanium level), I can ask any questions? Once per month?

    I’m trying to figure out if I should put $700 in the Alpha2.0 business course or SMIC irregular coaching instead.
    I currently wont be able to put more than 5hr/week into an Alpha2.0 business until late 2019.

    How much would I be missing out if I utilize the SMIC (Diamond/Titanium) materials with the 3-4 irregular coaching sessions instead of just getting the Alpha 2.0 business course now?

  • Crimson
    Posted at 12:33 am, 13th October 2018

    Does the discount for SMIC Diamonds and above apply to the upsell course?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 06:28 am, 13th October 2018

    In the SMIC (Diamond or Titanium level), I can ask any questions? Once per month?


    I’m trying to figure out if I should put $700 in the Alpha2.0 business course or SMIC irregular coaching instead.
    I currently wont be able to put more than 5hr/week into an Alpha2.0 business until late 2019.

    That’s up to you, but lots of stuff in the online course is not in SMIC.

    How much would I be missing out if I utilize the SMIC (Diamond/Titanium) materials with the 3-4 irregular coaching sessions instead of just getting the Alpha 2.0 business course now?

    That’s really hard to say because I have no idea where you are in life, what kinds of questions you would ask, what you’re trying to do, etc.

    I would join SMIC under a monthly program and see if you like it and get the course. But obviously I’m biased.

    Does the discount for SMIC Diamonds and above apply to the upsell course?

    Yes, Diamonds and above get 25% off the Audio course. It will be $297 retail, $222.75 for Diamonds and above (they have to pay manually for the course as instructed at the SMIC site).

  • Augusto
    Posted at 08:23 am, 6th February 2019

    Hello Mr Jones I am planning the launch of my own sports  supplement company do you think is an alpha 2.0 business idea?

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