A Dragon in Hong Kong

I’ve been to scores of big cities all over the world, and it’s no secret that Hong Kong still ranks as my perhaps my all-time favorite (though it may tie with Shanghai). It is also on my very short list of cities that I’m considering moving to when I finally bail out of the US in 2025. On this visit, I’m not visiting, I’m “living” here for a week, as part of my new travel program.

It’s not a libertarian country, but it’s the closest thing we have to it. It’s not Blade Runner or Star Wars, but it’s the closest thing we have to it. It’s not perfect, but it has very few downsides, and when I’m here I can’t stop smiling. Hong Kong…the most fabulous city on Earth.

As always, there is an exciting vibrancy here in Asia that simply doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world, including the US. In terms of work ethic and bustle, Asia is where the US was in the early 1900s. While the Western world is busing arguing with itself over stupid shit and bankrupting itself, Asia is working very hard to take over the world. And it will. Eventually. That’s why I’m here.

I’ve been in Hong Kong enough times where I can now navigate the city without a map or phone, though I still cheat and use Google maps on my Android just to be efficient. While I’m still very biased and love the city, I’m past the euphoria I once had when I first visited it in 2006. Today I’ll review it just like I review any other city in the “A Dragon In” series, showing both the good and the bad. All the pictures in this post (and in all “A Dragon In” posts) are ones I took myself.

1. The women. This is Hong Kong’s biggest problem, at least in my opinion. I’ve talked before about how Chinese women just aren’t attractive. HK isn’t China but it’s still a Chinese country, so it’s no exception. I can see literally thousands of women as I walk around the city, and I might see one or two that I’d actually want to have sex with. I’m serious. One or two.

I think Korean women and Japanese women are very hot. But those Chinese women…well, they aren’t ugly (that would be the Filipino women), but they’re not attractive at all. They also have very small boobs and very flat butts, so much so that often their jeans can sag down because there’s nothing holding them up. Sometimes you’ll see man/woman couples holding hands, and the guy’s butt is bigger than the woman’s. Again, I’m not exaggerating.

I know a few white guys who think Chinese women are hot. I envy these men. If I found Chinese women attractive I would probably love HK so much I’d move here tomorrow. So maybe it’s a good thing that these women don’t turn me on. I’ve actually thought about what would have happened if HK was populated by women who looked like they were from Sweden. I’d be so stupid in love with this place I fear what I would do. Again, for my own sanity, it’s probably a good thing the Swedish chicks are safely far away in a feministic, socialist country I would never consider living in.

This all being said, there are some hot women here; they just aren’t Chinese. I’ve seen some very hot European, Russian, Brazilian, South American, and mixed women here. It’s also true that when you see a white woman here, the odds of her being a turbo-hottie are much higher than in any Western “white” country. The problem is that they’re few and far between. This is an Asian nation.

I seriously have no idea how something like daygame, or even online game would work here for a guy like me. I would either have to be very creative or “import” a woman or two from somewhere else. Interesting.

2. The architecture is a mix of dilapidated shit and ultra high-tech. Obviously I spent time in the high-tech areas. I worked for a few days in the ICC, the newest and tallest building in HK and the ninth tallest in the world. Here was the view from my office:

In their newer office buildings, the elevators have no buttons, inside or out:

Instead, if you have business in the building you’re issued an ID card that has your information and floor numbers logged. When you go to the elevator, you wave the card over a reader and the elevator is summoned and takes you directly the floor you need to go. You never need to press a button or even worry about where the office is; the computer takes care of it all. If you have any question or trouble, there are smartly-dressed staffers present in every lobby who leap to help you.

At the malls, and HK is jam-packed with the most massive, extensive, mazelike malls you’ve ever seen, if you get lost, you can touch a screen on a wall and a live person on the other end can help you and answer all of your questions.

In several of the meeting rooms I used, the walls were glass, but at a press of a button they would be instantly opaque.

At 8 pm every night, most of the big skyscrapers on both sides of the harbor change colors, light up, and shoot lasers in the sky in a synchronized light show, complete with music and narration. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen, and it’s a normal thing here in HK.

All of this stuff is light-years beyond anything we have in the US, and HK has been like this for years.

3. The food is the best in the world. Let me say that again. It’s the best in the world. You haven’t tasted amazing food if you’ve never been to HK. Hong Kong has more restaurants per capita than any city on Earth. Like any major city, you can find food of any type. Unlike any major city, the food (of any type) is awesome beyond belief. The dim sum here is second to none; melts in your mouth. The pizza here is as good as or better than anything you’d find in New York. The sushi is authentic-Japan quality, if not better.

During this month-long Asia trip I’ve suspended my Carb Nite diet and switched to my usual travel diet, which is “two big salads every day plus a snack, plus one cheat day per week,” which added with all the walking I’m doing (many hours a day) is more than enough to keep my weight loss going.

The trouble is “salad” is not a thing you find much of in Asia. There are plenty of places to get a salad in HK, but you have to hunt for it. It’s been a bitch. My dim sum and pastries on my cheat day last Friday made up for it though. I ate my cheat-day dinner at the famous floating restaurant where John Wayne and the Queen of England used to eat:

While there you can dress up as ancient Chinese emperors with those shiny gold and red robes. During my dinner, a bunch of Russians got drunk, dressed up in the robes, and (badly) sang loud drunken Russian songs, embarrassing the Chinese patrons and employees. Soon they were laughing way too loud and hitting on the Chinese waitresses. I was swaying back and forth in my chair with a smile on my face to their horrible songs and clapped whenever paused.

One of their Chinese guests was sitting at the table across from me. She leaned over and apologized for them.

“Very sorry,” she said in broken English, “Too much drink. Russians. Very sorry.”

I smiled and motioned that no apology was necessary. “I am USA,” I said, “They are my brothers. Let them sing.”

Us Alphas gotta support each other, you know? We’re a dying breed (though probably not in Russia).

4. The islands here are beautiful. Hong Kong is pretty much a big island (Hong Kong Island) and a peninsula (Kowloon), but there are actually many other rural islands in this micro-country, and I’ve been to many of them.

On this trip I hit Lantau and Lamma so I could get my nature fix. In the third pic you can see one of the largest Buddhas in the world (Tian Tan) in the distance.

5. The culture here is fast-paced, organized capitalistic chaos. The people are well-dressed and physically fit. There are no obese people here. Seriously. You have to walk around for a day or two just to find one.

Anything here is for sale, and I mean anything. Not only do you have these massive malls (many of which are the size of small towns) but every few feet on the ground floor of every street building is a new shop selling everything from electronics to duck feet.

There’s also the infamous Nathan Road, the main drag in Tsim Sha Tsui (the densely-populated peninsula across from the island). This street has been taken over by a horde of Indian (or perhaps Pakistani) bastards who will verbally assault any white person they see, screaming “Watch!? Handbag!? Suit!?” and trying to shove a business card in your face. As you walk down the street, you’ll be harrowed like this every 30 seconds. I’m not exaggerating. Every 30 seconds. It’s a jarring experience the first time it happens. Most white folks who spend time in HK just avoid Nathan Street for this reason, but this time around my hotel was on the street, so I had to put up with it.

I just ignored them every time they bugged me, and this worked fine. Twice one of the guys got aggressive and actually put his arm in front of me as I was walking. I just bashed it out of the way with my shoulder and kept moving. Not a big deal.

Hey, at least it’s capitalism. I never said capitalism was pretty. I just said it’s better than socialism, because it is. With this capitalism vs. socialism thing, like with monogamy vs. OLTRs, we’re not talking about good or bad, we’re talking about least-bad. I’ll take a street I have to avoid over an authoritarian government with high taxes any day. Hong Kong has a 17% flat tax and one of the best school systems in the world. Capitalism works.

Unlike in mainland China, where I’m usually the only white guy around, white people and those of other non-Asian races are very common in HK. I’ve been seeing so many white people around that I think there are more white people in HK than there was when I first started visiting here 10 years ago. Could be my imagination, but I don’t think so.

As is usually the case, these white people are not Americans. They’re usually Europeans, Australians, New Zealanders, and occasionally Russians. I’ve been here almost a week now and I’ve only run into two other Americans. The stereotype of Americans not liking to travel outside of their country is very true.

When I spent time off the beaten track, in more “suburban” (for HK) areas, I was indeed the only white person around, so the international people do tend to congregate in the main areas (Tsim Sha Tsui and Central district). When I ventured outside of these areas, I did get some people staring at me, mostly from children and old people. “What the hell is that big white man doing here?”

The most common race here besides Chinese are Filipinos, who are essentially the the Mexicans of Asia, often employed as maids and janitorial staff. Wealthier Indians are also common here. (As an unrelated side note, I’m very saddened to see how pacified little Indian boys are. EVERY time I see an Indian family, anywhere in the world, and I mean EVERY time, the daughters are smiling and happy but sons look terrified, always silent, always looking down, like they’re about to be slapped. I’m starting to think that Indian culture is the worst culture on Earth for raising men. Perhaps a topic for a future blog post; it’s really bad.)

They don’t have the sexual imagery here in Hong Kong that they do in countries like the US or Japan. There is no obsession with boobs, cleavage, butts, hips, or lips here. In the ads that feature pretty girls, you just see that, cute pretty girls who are smartly dressed and smiling. They value beauty here more than sexuality. My own American Societal Programming wants to see more sexuality, but I guess focusing on beauty isn’t a bad thing either.

6. The transportation is shockingly efficient and incredibly cheap if you’re accustomed to Western currency. A taxi can take you clear over to the other side of the city for less than $10 USD. Try that in any Western city. The subways, ferries, and buses are even cheaper than that.

Riding by bus here is actually a nicer experience than riding in a taxi. Most buses here are double-decker (like in England) but clean, plush, quiet, high-tech, and everyone gets their own super-cold air conditioner unit above every seat (like in an airplane, but colder). I try to travel by bus whenever I can, since you can see so much of your surroundings and in greater comfort than in a taxi. A bus ride in Hong Kong is just as entertaining as watching a good movie (for me at least).

7. The weather, as is so often the case, is a serious problem, and the second biggest downside with this country outside of its women. It’s hot and humid. Not horrible humid, but humid enough where if you’re walking around at least a little bit outside, you’ll have to take at least two showers a day. In the summer it’s so hot even people who live here and love it feel like going insane. I’ve never visited HK during the summer and never will. As always when I travel internationally, I only travel during the months of Sept-Nov or March-April. However, even doing that won’t help you escape the humidity unless you get lucky.

Even in late October, it’s in the mid-80s here (that’s Fahrenheit, cuz I’m an American) which means it feels like mid-90s because of the damn humidity. I always wonder when I visit high-humidity places, “Do people like being sweaty and sticky all day, most of the year?” It’s fascinating. I guess living in the Pacific Northwest USA makes me spoiled.

The pollution here is about as bad as Los Angeles used to be back in the 1990s, but not nearly as bad as a horrible city like Beijing. Hong Kong has been improving this slowly, since people are complaining. This is a good thing, since local environmental quality is one of the few things government should actually enforce.

8. The size and complexity of Hong Kong is staggering, and even after coming here for many years I’m still not accustomed to it. The entire massive city is covered with (on the ground and above the ground) and has underneath it (underground) a mind-boggling amount of complex passages, walkways, skyways, and tunnels, attaching most of the buildings to all the adjacent buildings, and at various floors and levels. The entire city is one massive maze. No other city I’ve ever visited has anything like this.

A really fun nerd project would be to map all of these tunnels and walkways. Now that would be a feat.

9. How the people compare to mainland China. Hong Kong people are racially Chinese, but they are not of China. There are clear differences.

The biggest difference is that they don’t speak Chinese here. When Westerners say “Chinese” in reference to the language, they mean Mandarin. Here in HK they speak Cantonese, which sounds completely different. Mandarin is a choppy language full of “ong” and “shr” sounds. Cantonese is vowel-based language, where seemingly every other word ends with a long “aaaahh” sound, making it sound very much like Vietnamese. Unfortunately, that means that Cantonese is going to sound silly or even irritating to most Westerners (though not as bad as Vietnamese). I find Mandarin interesting-sounding, but Cantonese is just weird. I’m accustomed to it now, but don’t assume that Hong Kongers sound anything like mainland Chinese. They don’t.

Hong Kong folks are much more refined and classy than their mainland cousins. In mainland China, as I’ve talked about before, everyone swears, yells, screams, honks, spits, talk way too loudly into their cell phones, and all kind of other crap. You won’t see any of this stuff in Hong Kong. HK people are classy, sophisticated, and polite, even much of the lower-class ones.

I could go on and on about Hong Kong but I have more things to get to.

Next up, Singapore…

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Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.

  • Peter
    Posted at 05:10 am, 29th October 2015

    I thought the food in HK was awful, worst in Asia. Typical Chinese oily MSG loaded crap.
    I live in Bangkok and think it’s is the greatest city in Asia/World IMO. Reasonable (not cheap, but that depends on your lifestyle) cost of living, Stunning women, cutting edge restaurants and nightlife (and no I’m not talking about that tired old red light scene shite), and amazing vibrant colorful culture and people.
    Far warmer folks than the Chinese.

  • Nars-ass-sis bolox
    Posted at 05:56 am, 29th October 2015

    Great review would love to go one day and i agree with you about Asian women, i just don’t find them attractive either and i know plenty of people who do and usually they’re the geeky type who have had bad experiences with western women. My reasons are pretty much the same as you and its mainly Down to their body shape. Some can be really pretty in the face but their body’s have no shape and too petit, almost child like and they seem to love the bush over there, not good!

  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 06:10 am, 29th October 2015

    I’ve had sex with plenty of Asian women, but they weren’t Chinese, so they had actually had big boobs and/or butts. When Asian women have real curves, then they’re rediclously hot. The problem is finding those rare ones…

  • JJ Roberts
    Posted at 08:10 am, 29th October 2015

    You still in HK?

  • CrabRangoon
    Posted at 08:34 am, 29th October 2015

    BD this is a great idea to give people some true insights into living in different cities.  I’d like to do the same for some US cities.  I’m in Chicago and would put together a list like yours to show people the good, bad and ugly of living here.  Would it be of interest to have a US series like this?  It would be for those of us wanting to stay in the US but trying to find a new home if you don’t fit in where you grew up.

  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 08:56 am, 29th October 2015

    You still in HK?

    No. Singapore now. I write these blog posts 1-2 weeks in advance.

    Would it be of interest to have a US series like this?  It would be for those of us wanting to stay in the US but trying to find a new home if you don’t fit in where you grew up.

    I’ve been to Chicago a few times so I could write a city review about that.

    In terms of having other people write city reviews here, the problem is that I think these kinds of reviews are only valid if you’ve spent extensive time in many different cities, so you have a true basis for comparison.

    The majority of people who say “city X sucks” or “city Y awesome” tend to be people who haven’t spent a lot of time in very many cities and/or haven’t spent more than 2-3 days in that city, so they don’t have a true basis for comparison, even if they think they do.

    And when I say “spent time in” I don’t mean “visit.” You can “visit” a city for 2-3 days and still not get a good feeling for it. Most (or all) of the cities I’ve reviewed on this blog are cities I’ve been to more than once and/or stayed for a long time (a week or longer) in those towns. Plus I’ve been all over the world and spent time in a lot of cities, so I have some basis for comparison, at least compared to the average person who loves or hates a certain city.

    Lastly, you need to be clear about your own biases, and state them for the readers. I’ve made it very clear that my primary criteria for cities I like is massive economic growth. The guy above bitching about HK but loving Bangkok clearly has for his primary criteria, nice people. Therefore his views on what an awesome city is are going to be colored very differently than mine. (I don’t give a shit about how nice people are in a city, which is why I can enjoy places like Shanghai or New York while other people absolutely hate those places. On the other hand, lots of people really love laid back, sleepy European cities that are experiencing massive economic decline. I would be bored out of my mind in a town like that.)

    In the end, it’s all a matter of opinion, but people need to know where you’re coming from. I try to be transparent about this when I review a city (or anything else for that matter).

  • Duke
    Posted at 10:47 am, 29th October 2015

    So you’re gonna tough it out for another ten years now? https://alphamale20.com/2012/08/26/why-im-moving-out-of-the-country-in-a-few-years/ In this post you said 4-6 years and that was three years ago. The important thing is it seems you’re going through with it at least. I’m in the same boat. The student loan bubble is probably going to be worst than the real estate bubble, turning the dollar and the economy into shit.

  • Nars-ass-sis bolox
    Posted at 03:12 pm, 29th October 2015

    Have you done any reviews for any cities in the UK? Thats where i live and would like to hear your opinion. 🙂

  • Jason~
    Posted at 03:35 pm, 29th October 2015

    I love these blog posts about different cities. Please keep doing them.


    Can’t believe you think Filipinas are ugly though, I thought you’d love the big asses and tits!

  • ysg
    Posted at 05:12 pm, 29th October 2015

    Hi BD,

    I do have a question.  What if Trump does turn things around (even if some of the problems), would you consider coming back?


  • ysg
    Posted at 05:15 pm, 29th October 2015

    @Jason, filipinas are not horrid ugly (they can be), but there are far prettier asians.  I am surprised that BD would say that, since the face is not as important to his tastes.

  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 07:13 pm, 29th October 2015

    So you’re gonna tough it out for another ten years now?

    Unless something unusual happens, yep.

    In this post you said 4-6 years and that was three years ago.

    No I didn’t. Go re-read it. I said that was my initial plan “which is subject to change because it’s only in its initial phases.” I also said that I might not move at all, and instead just spend many months outside of the country, which is what I’m doing until I move my home base.

    That was the initial plan. Spending several months a year out of the country then moving my home base in 2025 is the plan. (Of course that’s subject to change if something usual happens.)

    Have you done any reviews for any cities in the UK? Thats where i live and would like to hear your opinion.

    Next year! I’ve been neglecting Europe lately (on purpose, since it’s on the decline, worse than the US) but next year I’m hitting Europe bigtime just to cross some more cities off the list. London definitely.

    I love these blog posts about different cities. Please keep doing them.

    I will. Singapore, Australia, and Fiji are coming up next.

    Can’t believe you think Filipinas are ugly though, I thought you’d love the big asses and tits!

    Big asses and tits on ugly women? No thanks.

    What if Trump does turn things around (even if some of the problems), would you consider coming back?

    He won’t. The United States isn’t a fixable system. The cultural and economic problems are too endemic and ingrained in society.

    The US hasn’t been fixable since the 1990s, which was back when I actually was politically active and warning people about exactly the scenarios we now find ourselves in. Harry Browne and Ross Perot accurately predicted all this crap (as did I) and they were all called crackpots. The US had it’s chance. It’s done.

    That all being said, as I explained in the article above Duke linked to, I’m not “leaving” the United States. I’m just moving my home base to Asia or S. America. I will still be spending the summer in the US, perhaps may have an apartment or motor home in the US, etc.

    I am surprised that BD would say that, since the face is not as important to his tastes.

    As I said last week, I won’t go below a personal 8. Yes, face is less important to me, but it’s still important.

    filipinas are not horrid ugly (they can be), but there are far prettier asians

    I think if Asian-experienced men were being honest, they would admit that filipinas are the least attractive Asians. The good news is that filipina women are by far the horniest, sex-positive, white-man-loving Asians in the world. They’re insatiable. Any white guy going to the Philippines is going to clean up.

    My last OLTR was a filipina, with the bigger ass/tits. However she didn’t look Filipino; she looked like some kind of Thai / Japanese mix, so she was actually pretty. (Even her own fellow Filipinos couldn’t identify her as one of their own.) But I’ve met a lot of filipina women, both in the US and in Asia, and yeah, they have bigger boobs, but like with the Chinese, finding even one who I would have sex with is an “almost never” proposition.

  • Duke
    Posted at 07:55 pm, 29th October 2015

    Thanks for clearing that up about moving, although you actually cleared up what I was really wondering about (“your incongruence”) regarding the filipina. I thought about calling you out when you said they were ugly after you mentioned your OLTR with one.

  • Ken
    Posted at 11:26 pm, 29th October 2015

    It is also on my very short list of cities that I’m considering moving to when I finally bail out of the US in 2025.


    Curious how you plan to navigate the visa hurdles.  Not easy to migrate to most advanced countries, unless you have a job offer or citizen spouse.  Investment/Entrepreneur visa requirements can be fairly steep, often requiring business plans, employment of local citizens, etc.  Even moving to Canada is not easy for most US citizens unless they have a job offer there.

  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 11:34 pm, 29th October 2015

    Curious how you plan to navigate the visa hurdles.

    As I explained in the post Duke linked to above, when I say “move to” I don’t mean “sit there for 12 months a year.” I will get an apartment there (or similar, even if it’s under someone else’s name) but will still be out of the country for 1-3 months at least twice a year. Normal, everyday visas for Americans allow for being in the country 90 days. That’s good enough for me. I also have plenty of local business contacts that can help me with things if needed, and will have a lot more in 9 years (2025).

  • Wil
    Posted at 11:41 pm, 29th October 2015

    Yeah, unfortunately I don’t agree with filipinas being the ugliest. I actually think they are one of the hottest. Maybe the filipinas around your area are just not attractive.

    In my opinion though, I think all foreign women (except blacks) are in general more attractive than the typical white north american chick. I live in Canada BTW.

  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 11:50 pm, 29th October 2015

    Maybe the filipinas around your area are just not attractive.

    I said filipinas all over the world, including the ones I always see in Hong Kong and Singapore (there are tons here). They’re all unattractive (to me), more so than Chinese women whom I don’t find unattractive, just plain looking.

    But as I always have said (and I’m right) this entire looks thing is completely and totally subjective from man to man. If you seriously think filipinas are hot and white chicks are ugly, go for it! More big boobed blondes for me! Mmmmm….

  • Ken
    Posted at 12:00 am, 30th October 2015

    Normal, everyday visas for Americans allow for being in the country 90 days. That’s good enough for me.

    Well, I’m no expert, but I suspect you’ll need a better plan than that.  Don’t be surprised if after a few trips in and out they wise up to what you’re doing and deny you reentry.

  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 12:09 am, 30th October 2015

    Well, I’m no expert, but I suspect you’ll need a better plan than that.  Don’t be surprised if after a few trips in and out they wise up to what you’re doing and deny you reentry.

    Nope. I’ve researched this extensively. What you’re talking about happens to idiots who are there year-round, and every 90 days leave for a week to China and then try to come back. Obviously that’s not going to work. I’ll be gone for many months at a time, several times a year. Hong Kong won’t have any problem with that (though Singapore might).

    And again, I have nine years to figure out any wrinkles if any exist.

  • Gluteus_Maximus
    Posted at 01:43 pm, 30th October 2015

    I always wonder when I visit high-humidity places, “Do people like being sweaty and sticky all day, most of the year?” It’s fascinating. I guess living in the Pacific Northwest USA makes me spoiled.

    Exactly why I’m moving up there.

    The thing also about Filipinas is that they’re often openly loud and overly obnoxious with high-pitch voices/screaming.

    They will also overly suck up to you if you have money. Maybe it’s just me, or the ones I’ve come across, but they’re just so obvious it bothers me. It is a third world country after all.

    Japanese tend to be the calmest, I’ve found. Out of all the Asians, I also prefer them the most. Koreans in second place for me as well.

    Although Asians are not my personal favorite, I still have an affinity for them smaller titties. >;}

  • Mike
    Posted at 02:24 pm, 30th October 2015

    Great article.  Live in LA and have been obsessed with HK.  Going to do a trip out there in the next 6 months taking maybe 5-7 days off.  What would you recommend for a short trip in terms of going out, where to stay hotel wise (not looking for crazy 5 stars, but can do a good hotel in a good location) and some areas generally to go out at night.



  • Wil
    Posted at 05:57 pm, 30th October 2015

    If you seriously think filipinas are hot and white chicks are ugly, go for it! More big boobed blondes for me! Mmmmm….

    I never said I thought white chicks are ugly, I said white North American chicks.


    On another note, whatever happened to the next Great Black Dragon Debate?

  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 06:33 pm, 30th October 2015

    Exactly why I’m moving up there.

    Then make sure you move to Washington state instead of Oregon. You’ll get raped with Oregon taxes otherwise.

    Japanese tend to be the calmest, I’ve found. Out of all the Asians, I also prefer them the most.

    Correct. Japanese are the least emotional Asians, Filipinos and Koreans the most, with the Chinese right behind them. Some of the SE Asian races can also be over-emotional.

    What would you recommend for a short trip in terms of going out, where to stay hotel wise (not looking for crazy 5 stars, but can do a good hotel in a good location) and some areas generally to go out at night.

    HK is so compact, and it’s so quick and easy to get everywhere, that it almost doesn’t matter where you stay as long as you stay somewhere in the downtown core (Tsim Tsa Tsui, Admiralty, Central, Wan Chai, or Causeway Bay) and within quick walking distance of an an MTR station. The best views are on the Tsim Tsa Tsui side, so that’s where I usually stay.

    I never said I thought white chicks are ugly, I said white North American chicks.

    That’s exactly what I was referring to when I said “white chicks.” Obviously I’m not talking about Russian women living in Russia. I don’t date those because I don’t live there or travel there.

    Like I said, if you think N. American white girls are ugly, that’s great! I think they’re super hot. You should see the current group I’m dating now. Mmmmmm…. I always love it when guys say they don’t find white Western women attractive. The less competition for me the better.

    On another note, whatever happened to the next Great Black Dragon Debate?

    Why does everyone always ask that? The Great Blackdragon Debate always takes several weeks to complete, so you guys gotta be patient. I’m debating with someone right now and we’re wrapping it up. The post should go up in the next two weeks or less.

  • Signor Farfalla
    Posted at 11:09 pm, 30th October 2015

    I lived in HK for two years. I would say that the HK girls are very unattractive. After awhile, you just don’t see them at all. I would clarify that they are ‘Cantonese’ Chinese and that mainland China has a lot of attractive, taller girls with more diversity. The Cantonese are just small. Small faces, small everything. Girls in Shanghai and even the immigrants to Shenzhen can be very hot and Korean-esque. The iron clad rule of ‘flat-chested’ Asian women….laughable, though with Cantonese it’s kind of true.


    Also, the humidity is deadly in the summertime. It’s just pure shit from a weather standpoint but you survive it.

    You can club on Sunday starting at noon. All of the Indonesians and Filipinas are out partying on their day off, re-creating nightlife at noon. It sounds weird but you get used to it and it’s a fun way to party without derailing your sleep schedule. Also, Indonesians sometimes have extraordinary bodies and are very fun and magnetic. Any of that “I am not attracted to Asians” phase will die off in short order once you actually LIVE IN ASIA. As will the ingrained idealization of the blond Alpha Phi type. The stuff just dies off. Tits are tits. Pedestalizing whites over Asians is a very distant memory for me. Asians are simply a brigade of great bodies storming the world. Some outlying white girl who isn’t obese just doesn’t mean anything to special to me anymore. That said, there is an alarming lack of physical beauty among native Cantonese Hong Kong girls. You need that afternoon of Indonesian eye candy or your balls will atrophy.

    Hong Kong is great. It’s one of the international cities where you simply feel like you’re pulling a fast one on the world. I’m no millionaire but when I’m in HK I feel like a jet-setter and wouldn’t change places with a millionaire stuck in Duluth or Denver or some such place.

  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 02:23 am, 31st October 2015

    I would clarify that they are ‘Cantonese’ Chinese and that mainland China has a lot of attractive, taller girls with more diversity…Girls in Shanghai and even the immigrants to Shenzhen can be very hot and Korean-esque.

    I’ve spent plenty of time in mainland China, including Shanghai and Shenzen. I find those women equally unattractive as HK girls. When I say “Chinese” women I mean all of them. But again, that’s my opinion. As I said, opinions differ.

    Tits are tits.

    Oh god, disagree completely. I’ve fucked plenty of Asian women and plenty of white women. I’ve fucked plenty of big boobed women, medium boobed women, and small boobed women. Small boobs are a huge, huge turnoff for me, even if the rest of the woman is literally a perfect 10. I’ve been that way my whole life, and I very much doubt that will change if/when I move to Asia.

    I do agree that Indonesian women are better than Cantonese women though.

    Hong Kong is great. It’s one of the international cities where you simply feel like you’re pulling a fast one on the world. I’m no millionaire but when I’m in HK I feel like a jet-setter and wouldn’t change places with a millionaire stuck in Duluth or Denver or some such place.

    Amen. You get it. That’s what I’m talking about.

  • signor farfalla
    Posted at 04:55 pm, 31st October 2015

    Well I feel like an eighth-grader talking like this about tits (I started it), but what I meant was that if an Indonesian girl has 34 D’s it’s worth as much to me as a white girl with the same measurements. Actually, I much prefer the Indonesian girl but that’s another discussion. All I mean is that all kinds of cultural conditioning is out the window once they’re nude. The measurements are all that matters, not where they come from. And I’m glad that’s the case. I didn’t mean A-cups are the same as double E’s. Not at all.

  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 08:43 pm, 31st October 2015

    Correct but has nothing to do with my point. The point is there are far less women with double Ds in Asia than in the US.

    Are there SOME girls in Asia with double Ds? Of course. Are there more (as a percentage) than in the US? Nope. Not even close.

  • E. Shire
    Posted at 02:24 pm, 1st November 2015


    what about the radical feminism and men’s rights there ? The same shit like in North America ?

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:54 pm, 1st November 2015

    BD, regardless of how Chinese women look, what is their attitude towards sex? Are they as open minded as westerners, susceptible to open relationships, and so forth? Or are they terrified of “dishonoring their ancestors” or some horseshit like that?

    Because I heard that, in contrast to western women, Chinese females are rather conservative and slut shame themselves on a regular basis. The average Chinese female hates so called “western whores” and will want to introduce potential lovers to her family, get her father’s approval, and all kinds of puritanical crap.

    Are you sure this is a good idea? Think carefully!

  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 04:18 am, 2nd November 2015

    It’s Asia. There is no feminism, radical or otherwise.

    If you look very hard for it, you’ll see a little of the “strong independent woman” stuff, but it’s barely perceptible and you have to really look for it. Women are feminine and girly, wearing dresses and skirts.

    In terms of sex, you’ve got it slightly wrong. Asian women in Asia fuck guys with game just as fast as they do in the West. However, yes, they tend to push for relationshippy stuff a little faster/sooner than Western girls because of their more traditional backgrounds. The point is they don’t make men wait for sex though (unlike the more feministy places in northern Europe, for example, where my understand is getting to fast sex is quite difficult).

    So yes, they’re traditional, but at the same time sex has never been shamed in Chinese culture like it has in the Christian-based West.

  • Jacob Gypsum
    Posted at 02:13 pm, 2nd November 2015


    This is a big topic in itself, but I’m not sure that we can ignore feminist bullshit from the West by moving to the East in the long term. Perhaps with a few decades of delay, but ideologies seep between cultures.

    As an example, I’ve read that gay marriage is likely to be introduced in Thailand with bipartisan support, and probably also has majority support in Taiwan with some support from both parties. (I don’t consider gay marriage an important issue, it just illustrates well how these leftist causes spread.) It probably wouldn’t have even been considered in Asian countries in this century if it hadn’t become a hot topic in the West. It’s not only that people suddenly became more accepting of it, but that as gay marriage became accepted in much of the West, the “default”, least risky position for a politician is support, while before it would have been opposition.

    Let’s say the “affirmative consent”-based definition of rape, or female quotas in corporations, becomes the law in most of the West. In Hong Kong or Singapore it will only take a few vocal supporters and a largely uninterested general population for it to be safer for a politician to support these laws than to oppose them.

    This vocal minority of feminists may already exist. HK press and some politicians readily attribute gender wage gap to discrimination and decry it: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/economy/article/1845386/pay-divide-widens-between-men-and-women-hong-kong
    Even pro-PAP Straits Times in S’pore: https://www.straitstimes.com/opinion/five-gender-gaps-singapore-women-still-face-in-2015
    Typical SJW in S’pore: https://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/whats-with-golden-villages-sexist-gold-class-065313437.html

    Note that many commenters don’t buy their bullshit. But if the press pushes the issues, and a few women realize that they stand to gain a few dollars, these ideas may become somewhat popular – in pretty much any culture except conservative Muslim countries.

    There are also parliamentary gender quotas in several Asian countries. In India, quotas based on gender in wide areas have been legislated with support from all parties. And the equality before law, and due process traditions don’t exist in Asia, so governments will have even less qualms about “reverse” discrimination, or presumption of guilt for rape, if it occurs to them to make such laws.

    Of course I agree that it’s still much better than in the West in most of Asia and it will stay so for some time.

    You know Asia much better than me. What do you think?

  • Jacob Gypsum
    Posted at 02:42 pm, 2nd November 2015

    To put it another way: when you say there is no feminism in Asia, do you base that on their personal behavior only, or have you assessed their actual political views as well?

  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 03:52 pm, 2nd November 2015

    This is a big topic in itself, but I’m not sure that we can ignore feminist bullshit from the West by moving to the East in the long term. Perhaps with a few decades of delay, but ideologies seep between cultures.

    Absolutely correct. The left-wing has taken over the world; it will only be a matter of time before it seeps into Asia too. I’ll be discussing more of this when I talk about Singapore on Thursday. I’m saying that hasn’t happened yet. But yeah, it will.

    when you say there is no feminism in Asia, do you base that on their personal behavior only, or have you assessed their actual political views as well?

    Obliviously I haven’t talked to or fucked every woman in Asia, but with the ones I have, politically they have no interest in feminism, but they do have very strong Disney and even stronger ties to family and country than we do in the West. So your assessment is correct; they don’t “want” it but when the leftists in their culture starts to push it even a little bit, they’ll go along with it with a smile on their face, much like many “normal” women in the west have/will go along with feminism even though they aren’t “feminists” in the least.

    More so because most men in Asia are extremely beta. These guys aren’t going to stop it. (Again, just like betas in the west didn’t stop it, as I just discussed a week or two ago.)

    I don’t care. None of this affects me. Most women I date now live in or near Portland, Oregon, one of the most feminsity, left-wing cities in the US, and I don’t have any problems in my woman-life whatsoever. Feminism and left-wing influence of society only affect betas and Alpha 1.0s (i.e. men desiring monogamy and/or legal marriage). If you’re a 2.0, you just see it from afar and laugh, like watching a bad sitcom.

  • Jacob Gypsum
    Posted at 04:24 pm, 2nd November 2015

    Thanks for your answer. I look forward to your post about Singapore, as it seems a rather interesting city from what I know.

  • Nathan
    Posted at 10:53 pm, 3rd November 2015

    You said it wasn’t Blade Runner! Tokyo & HK are concentrated areas of people & wealth, and so you do get the Blade Runner high tech effect, if NY & LA were one city it would also be super futuristic. However you have dividing forces since the USA is very spread out.

    ” the Mexicans of Asia” so funny & true.

  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 11:45 pm, 3rd November 2015

    You said it wasn’t Blade Runner!

    But I did say it was the closest thing we have.

    Tokyo & HK are concentrated areas of people

    HK is, but Tokyo is most certainly not. Tokyo is very spread out.

    NY & LA were one city it would also be super futuristic.

    No again. Manhattan is extremely concentrated, and it looks like a pile of shit from the 1970s.

    So no, I don’t buy your theory. It’s an East / West thing, not a concentrated / not concentrated thing.

  • wanderlust prince
    Posted at 07:31 am, 30th November 2015


    I completely agree with you on your preferences for women – I have lived in HK for a while, and the Chinese women there are definitely not attractive if you go just on pure looks. In general, I find Chinese women, Filipina women, African women and Indian women over 30 (the last category since they become obese aunties before you can say that out aloud) the least attractive of all women across all races. No question of racism here, just sexual preferences – I am a reasonably good-looking well-educated Indian male myself.

    Having said that, HK Chinese women can be classy – in terms of their education, conversational style, global awareness, and dressing sense. But they will surely lose out if you just compare them on the basis of how quickly they can turn you on if you just look at them.

    From my travels, I find the Northern and Western European white women the most sexy, followed by the well-dressed (and non-obese) white women in the U.S. Parallel to this, I find the Uzbek, Indian (both light and dark-skinned-you can find beauties across colour ranges in the land of kamasutra) and Indonesian girls (the brown-skinned ones, not the chinese ones) between the ages of 18-25 really really attractive. This attraction to me is very different from my fascination with the blue-eyed blonde dolls of the first category.

    I thought this perspective might be interesting since it is coming from a non-white super beta male, who with gradual introspection, is slowly converting to an alpha-2.0 (skipping the alpha-1.0 stage).

    Wealthier Indians are also common here. (As an unrelated side note, I’m very saddened to see how pacified little Indian boys are. EVERY time I see an Indian family, anywhere in the world, and I mean EVERY time, the daughters are smiling and happy but sons look terrified, always silent, always looking down, like they’re about to be slapped. I’m starting to think that Indian culture is the worst culture on Earth for raising men. Perhaps a topic for a future blog post; it’s really bad

    Although direct attacks on entire cultures is not justified in many cases (it is like saying all Americans are loud-mouthed), I am with you on this. Being an Indian man educated in India and in the U.S, and having worked in major cities around the world, I can see how my upbringing has worked against me specifically when it comes to the dating or scoring scene. The good news though is that Indians are THE MOST ADAPTABLE race on this planet and the intelligent well-traveled world-wise Indian (about 10% of the Indian race as a very rough estimate) should be able to make the appropriate adjustments to any behavioral traits arising from this punitive childhood conditioning.





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