There are approximately 194 countries, regions, or principalities in the world to move to, so how do you determine what country to move to if you decide to move somewhere better?
In this article, I’ll give you the exact parameters I used to pick the ideal country when I moved out of the collapsing United States. You can copy these parameters to ensure that the decision you make is the best country for you.
Deciding Factors
Here are the parameters I used when I did my research into the country that was best for me to move to. Believe me, it wasn’t just whether I liked the women there or if the weather happened to be nice during my visit. There were six criteria that I used in making this decision.
1. Decent economics
This was at the top of the list for me, and this means several things. Mainly, it means the country is economically growing (or at least reasonably stable). The long-term economic future of the country is not in question. The challenge of the Western world right now is that it’s in a state of collapse; just about every Western country will be worse off, economically, in the future than it is today, and that includes the U.S., Canada, the UK, all of Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Clearly, I didn’t want to stay there.
Economic considerations weren’t limited to the government; they also included civilian economics. The government of Australia, for instance, doesn’t have a lot of debt relative to other Western countries, but the people of Australia have massive amounts of debt. That’s probably not a great place to move to; the economic conditions are not very favorable.
Most countries in the world have embraced either some form of big-government corporatism (like the U.S. or Japan) or socialism (just about everyone else). Certainly, many (if not most) countries have embraced more authoritarian rules and regulations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and you have to factor that in as well. So the economic conditions and how free that country is are very important factors.
Keep in mind, you can weigh these factors as you see fit. Some of them will probably mean more to me than they do to you. For me, economics was a very strong factor. Maybe you’re a young guy and you’re just trying to get laid, or maybe you’re an older guy who just wants to retire and you don’t really care about the economics of the country. I’m just giving you the entire picture here; you decide how important each factor is.
2. Low odds of war and civil unrest
War and civil unrest are two different things.
Civil unrest is not civil war; it’s when you have rioting in the streets in certain cities. The U.S. in particular has entered an era in which people who stay in the U.S. are going to have to become accustomed to more and more civil unrest as time goes on. Major cities are going to start seeing this kind of thing more. So clearly, if a country had that kind of an ongoing problem, I wasn’t interested in moving there.
I also did not want to move to a country that was adjacent to a hostile neighbor. A good example of that is the country of Georgia. In my opinion, it’s one of the best countries in the world all around, especially for things like economics, weather, and women. The challenge there is that it borders Russia, a country that likes to invade other countries whenever Putin feels like it. For me, that’s a no-go.
A lot of countries are like this; they’re great on their own, but they share one or more borders with a hostile nation. The UAE is in the Middle East, but it only borders two countries—Oman and Saudi Arabia, both of which are very friendly to the UAE and are strong allies. So that’s a problem I don’t have living here.
True, just about any country is within striking distance of a hostile government, but we’re not talking about perfection here. My criteria involved the adjacent borders.
3. Low or zero terrorism
As you’re aware, if you live anywhere in Western Europe or the U.S., terror is kind of a norm now. If that was the case in a given country, I didn’t want to live there. I like to live in countries that mind their own damn business. Do you see a lot of terrorists going after neutral countries like Switzerland? Of course not. Hong Kong? No. But you see it in the UK, the U.S., and other countries with big militaries who stick their noses into other people’s business and can’t leave well enough alone.
So that was a big factor for me. I didn’t want to exchange one country with a terrorism problem for another.
At this point, people love to point out that your odds of dying in a terrorist attack are less than two percent. That’s correct—I’m not talking about me becoming involved personally in a terrorist event. I’m really talking more about the authoritarian measures many countries are taking to avoid a terrorist attack. Have you flown on a plane in the United States lately? That’s exactly my point. When I look for a country with low terrorism, I’m talking about countries that don’t feel the need to take extreme measures that directly affect my quality of life. I just don’t want to deal with it.
4. A climate I can tolerate
I’m not talking about an “ideal” climate. If that’s all I cared about, I’d move to California, which is one of the worst places in the world for the Alpha Male 2.0 to live, both in terms of dating and economics. So I was a little more flexible on climate; it just had to be tolerable.
An unfortunate example of a climate I just can’t stand is Singapore. I love the place, and all things being equal, I’d love to live there. It’s just about perfect across the board except that it’s hot and humid the entire year. I can’t take that year round.
Here in Dubai, it’s somewhat humid during the summer months, but that’s only three months a year. I can either deal with it or vacation somewhere for the summer. But in Singapore, I couldn’t make it work.
5. Not adjacent to a strong trading partner that will have economic problems
Some Americans think they’re being very smart by leaving the U.S. and moving to Canada.
Is Canada as bad off as America economically? No, Canada is much less badly off than we are. The problem is that one of Canada’s biggest trading partners is the U.S. So when the U.S. collapses—and it will within our lifetimes—Canada’s fucked.
So if you’re moving to avoid a future collapse, it doesn’t make any sense to move from one collapsing country to another.
The same thing goes for guys who move out of the UK to Portugal or Spain. What? No! That’s dumb unless you just love one of those countries independent of their economics, I suppose.
So I had to pay attention to where countries are getting their money, who they’re trading and doing business with, and what the region was like in terms of violence and war.
6. Women who are decently attractive
One of the reasons I didn’t move to the Philippines is that I don’t find the women very attractive, no matter how much I love the people and the country overall. That’s also one of the reasons I didn’t move to China (among many others).
But as an Alpha Male 2.0 who will be non-monogamous for the rest of his life, I wanted to move to a country where the women were reasonably attractive to me. Wherever you go, you want to make sure the women are your type, whatever that may be.
Get It Done
You want to move out of the collapsing West. Don’t waste time on this. Figure out your ideal country and get there.
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