Staying 100% Legal With Five Flags

Is offshoring your business or finances legal?

Is having multiple passports legal?

Is having multiple residencies legal?

Yep. It’s 100% legal (unless you do it incorrectly).

Is reducing your tax down to microscopic levels legal? Won’t you get in trouble?

The answer is, again, that it’s 100% legal, and no, you won’t get in trouble at all if you do it correctly.

So yeah, if you do this stuff incorrectly, if you half-ass this stuff, if you do things based on what your buddy told you or what you read on a forum somewhere instead of what a trained attorney in these matters advises, then yes, you may get into really big trouble. And it will be your fault. But it won’t be because these things are illegal. They’re perfectly legal if you do them correctly.

Hell, you shouldn’t even follow my advice regarding this specific topic. I’m not an attorney, nor am I versed in all the international laws of every one of the 196 countries on the planet. You can emulate my strategy if you wish, because I think it’s a good strategy for a certain type of man, but then you need to hire internationally skilled attorneys and accountants to guide you and ensure 100% legal compliance so you do this stuff correctly.

That’s the first thing I do whenever I visit any new country under my five flags plan; I immediately have one or two sit-down meetings with immigration and tax attorneys in that country. At these meetings, I get the real story, and all the real specifics I need, utterly regardless of what I heard on the internet, or in a forum, or read on Wikipedia (since all three of these sources are often wrong regarding this topic).

You need to do the same. (And if you can’t afford to do this, you might not be a good candidate for five flags. At least not yet.)

Alpha Male 2.0s Obey The Law

As I’ve said in my book and at my blogs, the Alpha Male 2.0 always obeys the law in whichever country he resides, even if he thinks the laws there are ridiculous or evil. Freedom is the greatest aspect of the Alpha 2.0, and if you break the law, you risk going to prison, where all of your freedom will be taken from you. The risk isn’t worth it, nor is the energy required to constantly avoid getting caught.

Instead of breaking the law, re-orient your personal and financial life (and where you live) so that less laws apply to you. Bingo; problem solved. That’s exactly what the Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle is all about, as well as five flags. And it’s all 100% legal.


I have found that the biggest aspect of keeping everything legal is regarding disclosure. In other words, disclosing to your government everything that is legally required regarding where your money is. If your government requires you to disclose that you have bank accounts in other countries, then for fuck’s sake, tell your government this via whatever tax or disclosure forms are required. Don’t hide it. Hiding it is illegal, and I just described why this is a very bad idea for you.

The good news is that you don’t have to declare all of your assets. Even many nosy, quasi-socialist, high-bureaucracy countries like the USA don’t require you to disclose absolutely everything you have offshore. For example, Americans do not have to report any foreign-owned real estate or gold that is stored outside of the country.

That’s pretty awesome. As an American, you can invest all the foreign-stored gold and foreign real estate you want, and your government will never know it’s there (unless it changes its laws down the road). If you’re not an American, that’s probably better, since most countries have even less foreign declaration laws than we do in the Collapsing USA.

Hell, there are less reporting requirements on foreign gold and real estate than there are on bitcoin. Amazingly, foreign gold is actually better, in terms of international privacy, than cryptocurrencies(!). At least for Americans.

Just like I say when you move in with a woman, it is your job to know all the laws before you do it. Same applies to five flags, getting foreign passports/residencies, getting foreign bank accounts, offshoring your business, or what have you. Learn the law (even if you have to spend money to do so), then obey the law.

Then you can move forward with confidence that no matter what happens, illegalities won’t be a problem.

Now if governments could just reduce their paperwork requirements…

I’m coming to a town near you in 2019 to do the least expensive Alpha Male 2.0 seminar I’ve ever done. I’ll be in 18 different cities in the USA, Australia, Canada, and Europe. If you want to come to a low-cost seminar to learn how to improve your financial and woman life, click HERE and get your tickets! The next cities coming up are Dallas, Houston, and Brisbane!

Alpha Male 2.0 World Tour 2019

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Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.

  • Investor
    Posted at 07:07 pm, 16th December 2018

    I still fundamentally disagree on disclosure of bank accounts abroad. It is abroad and hence none of theyre business and nothing to do with them. If they have such laws that I should disclose then all I can tell them is that they should not have such laws and that they should change it.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:56 am, 17th December 2018

    I still fundamentally disagree on disclosure of bank accounts abroad. It is abroad and hence none of theyre business and nothing to do with them.

    I fundamentally disagree too. But I follow the law. If you want to break the law, go ahead. I will not.

  • Investor
    Posted at 11:54 am, 17th December 2018

    I fundamentally disagree too. But I follow the law. If you want to break the law, go ahead. I will not.

    It depends on whether the law is easily enforceable or not. In many cases it is not. And often not even possible for them to find out realistically. 2% rule? If you are a semi public figure and have millions abroad in non secret accounts you should probably disclose. If you are a nobody and your foreign money is in the orders of tens of thousands and youre not on any benefits no one cares. The chances of getting into trouble are far less than the hassle of disclosing.

    What about even more off the radar money like crypto or gold coins you have burried in some undisclosed location. They are out of the system by definition – do you disclose this kind of stuff also because it is to obey the law?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:51 pm, 17th December 2018

    If you are a semi public figure and have millions abroad in non secret accounts you should probably disclose. If you are a nobody and your foreign money is in the orders of tens of thousands and youre not on any benefits no one cares. The chances of getting into trouble are far less than the hassle of disclosing.

    At that point, you’re trying to accurately assess the 2% Rule. You might calculate it correctly. You might not. My advice is to always err on the side of caution.

    What about even more off the radar money like crypto or gold coins you have burried in some undisclosed location. They are out of the system by definition – do you disclose this kind of stuff also because it is to obey the law?

    Only if I have to. If I absolutely have to, yes. If I don’t or it’s a grey area, no.

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