Caleb Jones | The Concept of Emotional Mobility – Why You Won’t Leave

The Concept of Emotional Mobility – Why You Won’t Leave

Reading Time – 5 minutes

When I was a kid back in 1986, I spent three months in New York City. Back in ’86, most of New York was a serious shithole. Violent crime was rampant, trash everywhere, angry people everywhere, smog, dilapidated buildings, and on and on.

Actually, hmm, that sounds like New York City today too (haha).

I stayed with my best friend in a lower-end neighborhood in Queens with his sister and mother. Having grown up in Portland, Oregon which was a paradise in the 1980s, it was a culture shock for me to say the least. I even talked about it in my primary book.

I figured that his mom must love New York because she had been there her entire life.

I assumed that if she didn’t like it, she would have moved to somewhere nice like Portland.

But to my surprise, she hated New York. All she did was complain about it for three months. All she talked about were how the people were assholes, the crime, the danger, the air quality, the horrible buildings, the high prices, the government, and so on.

This was very confusing to little logical Caleb.

So one day, I straight up asked her, “Why don’t you just move?”

“Oh no,” she said, shaking her head, “I could never leave New York. This is my home.”


But you hate it.

It made no sense to me.

Little did I realize I had just uncovered one of the many emotional flaws of human beings, a concept I’ve started to call emotional mobility.

A few years later, in the early 1990s, I watched a whole bunch of “in the hood” black movies that were popular at the time, like Boyz n the Hood, Menace 2 Society, Juice, and many others.

I watched these very well-done movies about how horrible life was in South Central Los Angeles.

I really liked them.

But after every movie, I would always ask myself, “Where they live is horrible. Why don’t these people just move?”

Why didn’t these black people in da hood just move to somewhere like Seattle, Montana, or Denver? I’m not saying these places would be 100% perfect for black people but it would be a hell of a lot less bad than the fucking hood where you might get your head shot off by black gangs or racist cops on your way to school.

When I would ask older people about this, they’d give me a pat answer, “Well, they’re poor, so they can’t afford to move.”

That answer made sense, but then I thought about it…

Poor people usually have cars. Shitty cars, true, but they do have cars.

Can’t you just pack your shit into your shitty car and go drive to a different state?

Many years later, as an adult, when I started dating much younger women, I indeed met poor women in their late teens or early twenties who did exactly this.

They lived in a horrible city, so they sold or got rid of all of their stuff, packed whatever was left into their crappy car that barely drove, busted their ass to save up a few hundred bucks for gas even if it took them months to do so, and then drove across the country to a better city, sleeping in their car on the way if they needed to.

So there you go, it can be done, no matter how poor you are.

So why didn’t my friend’s mom or these black people just fucking move?

As I type these words, the entire world is looking at stupid Los Angeles with these stupid fires. Again, for the 14,000th time.

I have absolutely no sympathy for any of these people. I have been saying for almost 20 years that Los Angeles and the entire Southern California region is one of the worst places in the world, yes, the WORLD to live for the Unchained CEO (and if you follow my other content, Alpha Male 2.0).

Let me count the ways…

  • Ultra-high cost of living.
  • Ultra-high taxes.
  • Extremely difficult women and dating environment.
  • Completely insane and corrupt left-wing government.
  • Regulatory environment that hates business owners.
  • Ultra-woke culture.
  • Cities dominated by homeless people and drug addicts
  • Absolutely abysmal infrastructure; the streets in Los Angeles are as bad as any third-world country and I would know.
  • And, of course, your fucking house gets burned down by massive forest fires every few years.

I know lots of people have moved away from California in recent years, and good for them. They’re the rational ones.

But if you look at the data, that only represents about 6% of the state. 94 fucking percent of Californians are still there(!).


Seriously, why in the fuck do these people still live in California? What the hell?

If you are super duper wealthy, like you have hundreds of millions of dollars like Alex Hormozi, then fine, I guess I can make an exception for you because you probably don’t care about high taxes, and if your mansion burns down you can just snap your fingers and buy another one. But that’s only a tiny fraction of one percent of people who live in Southern California so that doesn’t answer my question.

The same goes for famous Hollywood actors and celebrities; I get why they “need” to stay there for industry reasons, but again, that’s a teeny tiny fraction of the population, so that doesn’t apply here.

When I’ve asked people in my audience who are insane enough to still live in California why they still live there, they just look guilty and mumble something about the nice weather.

Nice weather? Really, you moron? Are you fucking insane?

Do you honestly think southern California is the only place in the country or the world with nice weather? Really?

Even if that were true (which it isn’t), is nice weather really worth all the problems I just listed?

Does the “nice weather” make you feel better as your god damn house burns down? Again?

Again I ask – why don’t these people just fucking move?

What do these Californians, black people in the hood, my friend’s mom, and so many other people all have in common?

They live in horrible places that they admit are horrible yet they refuse to move, making a bunch of bullshit excuses.


Because they have low emotional mobility.

Emotional mobility means your ability to emotionally accept that you need to move to a new city, state, province, or country in order to be more happy.

If you have low emotional mobility, you will simply refuse to move from your horrible city and just put up with it, complaining about it and being unhappy for the rest of your life.

If you have high emotional mobility, you won’t tolerate that bullshit and you’ll just move. Then you’ll be happy again.

This is how I am. For my entire adult life, if the city or region where I lived made me unhappy, I just fucking moved.

I didn’t make a bunch of bullshit excuses about the cost or the weather or “what about my mom?” or any of that garbage.

I just moved because I want to live a happy life.

Then if, a few years later, the new place I moved to also started to suck, which happens a lot in the era of Western civilizational collapse,  guess what I did?

I sucked it up and moved again. Then I was happy again.

I’m not saying I move away the next day or the next week. It might take me a year to get all of the logistics in place, but the point is I DO move.

I’ve done it many times and I’m sure I’ll do it again.

Yes, moving is a hassle and yes, it costs money.

So what? You save up the cash, suck it up, make the move, go through the TEMPORARY pain of the transition, and then boom, you’re happier.

The vast majority of these absolute idiots crying about their houses burning down for the 12,000th time in Southern California, moaning about how it’s legal to shoplift $800, screaming about the homeless and drug addicts and rising crime and Gavin Newsom, are not going to move.

These dumbasses are just going to stay in Collapsing California forever and bitch and moan about how horrible it is for the rest of their lives.

Because they’re insane.

This expands out to the greater topic of you leaving the Collapsing USA, Cuckoo Canada, Suicidal Europe, or Authoritarian Australia. The majority of you reading these words are never going to leave these countries no matter how bad it gets.

Because you have low emotional mobility, which is a nice way of saying you’re either totally irrational or you don’t mind being really unhappy all the time (which one could argue is the same thing).

I honestly don’t understand it.

My life is about long-term happiness, and one of the requirements for this is that you must acknowledge that if the city/region/country you live in starts to really suck, you’re going to have to move somewhere far away so you can be happy.

You don’t have to move tomorrow or next month, but you’re going to have to move.

The only valid excuse I’ve seen is if you have small children with an ex and you don’t want to leave your kids, but the odds are very high you don’t have this problem.

You just need to move.

It’s that simple.

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  • Javier
    Posted at 08:38 pm, 21st January 2025

    I completely agree. You don’t even need an automobile/motorcycle. You can buy the Amtrak ticket to another major city and enjoy your time there. Heck you can even bring your own motorcycle/automobile with you on the train since Amtrak offers Auto trains.

    Unfortunately, those are limited to a few routes in the country.

    But the point still stands. People can leave but they choose not to even against their own interests. Nomads win again.

    Thanks for the article and have a great upcoming Valentine’s Day.

  • JP
    Posted at 04:31 am, 22nd January 2025

    I had the same experience.

    I grew up in Denver CO. In 2012, Colorado legalized weed (which I don’t have an issue with and think all drugs should be legal or, at least not have enforced regulations). Regardless, it was a stupid move to legalize weed first. From 2012-2014, I watched as Denver was FILLED and I mean FILLED with loser and assholes from all over the country arriving to buy weed. This is why CA and WA didn’t legalize first. They knew all these lazy people would show up and only had one move in them.

    By 2014, housing had become completely unaffordable (the average home increased in price $100k), and there were all kinds of new laws implementing stupid shit. Like Denver would no longer salt the roads to “save the water” and they started putting toll roads to drive into the mountains.

    Skiing became completely unaffordable ($50 a day to $150 a day) and all the national parks were full of trash. ALL IN TWO FUCKING YEARS!

    I turned 18 in 2013 and, by 2014, knew that Colorado was fucked as more and more Californians and other people filled the state. I remember having this discussion with my family and friends. Their constant bitching and moaning about all the problems Colorado had. I just said, this sucks, I’m leaving. I made a plan and left the state in late 2014.

    Now, I am having the same conversations with people about the entire US. My friends and family still live in Denver and STILL hate it.

    My goal is the leave the United States by the end of 2026.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:28 am, 22nd January 2025

    You don’t even need an automobile/motorcycle. You can buy the Amtrak ticket to another major city and enjoy your time there.

    Correct, didn’t even think about that.

    I’ve stared to come to the opinion is the excuses are a literal symptom of laziness. Not logic, and not even fear. Just being lazy.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:30 am, 22nd January 2025


    Yeah I’ve heard the the same thing from many people in Colorado; that it transformed that quickly.

    My goal is the leave the United States by the end of 2026.


  • Yuri Lee
    Posted at 02:50 am, 24th January 2025

    You’re normally objective and rational, but one thing I’ve noticed a couple of times is you saying people are idiots to live in Florida on account of the weather risks, but then you tell people the Phillipines is a great place to move to lol.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:19 am, 28th January 2025

    You’re normally objective and rational, but one thing I’ve noticed a couple of times is you saying people are idiots to live in Florida on account of the weather risks, but then you tell people the Phillipines is a great place to move to lol.

    1. People who live in Florida are indeed idiots and I stand by that statement. When you could live anywhere in the world, why would you purposely live somewhere where a hurricane blows your house down every 3-4 years? That’s stupid.

    2. I have addressed the fact that PH gets hit by hurricanes as well, which is why it’s not in my top 5 flags and never will be. I’ve just said that men who live there like it and it’s the best place in the world to get laid for beta males, but yes, there are several additional problems there.

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