On Election Day last November, I said, and I quote:
Remember I said this to you, right-wingers: Trump will fuck you. He will fuck you just like George W. Bush fucked you. He’ll fuck you just like Obama fucked the progressives. The odds are overwhelming that Trump is going to do some things in the next four years that is going to confuse and enrage you. Just watch, and remember I said it, because I’m going to be right.
I told you. I warned you. I said it over and over again, both before the election and afterwards.
In response, I have received anger, excuses, and personal attacks. Trump was going to be different. Trump was going to Make America Great Again™. Trump was going to turn it all around. I was just being negative. I was a “leftist” and a “cuck.”
Just one problem. I was right all along.
If you didn’t already know, a few days ago, Donald Trump, a dishonest authoritarian with zero emotional control who supports government health care, hates freedom of speech, and is terrified you might find out what’s in his tax returns, launched 59 tomahawk missiles at Syria, a country that has never attacked the US. Why? Because maybe Syria’s government gassed some of its own citizens (even though Syria has killed literally hundreds of thousands of its own citizens already).
Trump did this after repeatedly saying that attacking Syria was a crazy idea, that it would start World War III, and that America should focus on America instead.
But as I’ve said all along, Trump is a liar, so he didn’t mean any of that America First stuff. Nah, he just peddled that line of bullshit to dupe angry, delusional alt-righters into voting for him, the same way Obama duped angry, delusional left-wingers to vote for him, the same way George W. Bush duped angry, delusional conservatives to vote for him, and on, and on.
Apparently, Trump is simply another warmongering neocon, another supporter of Bush-Obamism, and another supporter of Dick Cheney’s Neocon Empire. I guess Obama’s six different wars weren’t enough for him… he wants it to be seven now. Perhaps more.
It’s also very likely that Assad didn’t gas his own citizens. If that’s the case, this makes this attack even worse. It means Trump attacked a sovereign nation that never attacked us because of either a mistake, misunderstanding, or a hoax. Isn’t that nice?
Even if the chemical attack was real and was indeed ordered by Assad, that means that as a US taxpayer, you just spent about $50 million dollars to attack yet another country. Great. As if we weren’t bombing enough countries already.
Is this why you guys elected Trump?
Watching the reactions of Trump supporters over the last few days has been interesting as it’s been depressing. As soon as Trump launched these missiles, Trump supporters fell into two camps:
The first camp are the Trump supporters who were shocked, shocked! How could he have done this?!? I believed in him!
Are you guys completely retarded? Haven’t I been saying he’s been full of shit for at least a year now? What did you guys tell me last year when I warned you about Trump? I hope you feel really stupid right now. You deserve it. And you have blood on your hands.
Check out the comments on this article here. You’ll see the “shocked and confused” Trump supporters suddenly discovering something I saw very clearly at least 18 months ago. Here are a few samples:
Fuck Trump. I worked my ass off down here in Florida to help the son of bitch liar get elected. I went to over 4 of his rallies and believed in his America first lies. I’ve never felt so betrayed in my entire life. I put so much energy and time into this man. I even threw printed out emails all over the place at Hillary’s campaign hq office down here in Tampa FL. All for what? Nothing. So pissed.
it illustrates Trump responds too emotionally to things. He needs to embrace logic, reason, calm. He needs to listen to better and smarter advisers… So yeah.. this shit is DAMN hard to watch right now. I have been trying to stay busy with my business and personal life when I feel like this nonsense cannot be influenced or stopped by me and others like me.
I do feel betrayed and confused
crap! We got Hillary and a damn war anyway!
If Bannon leaves, the Trump Presidency will be Obama 2.0. The chances of this happening are very high now. Trump crossed the line getting into Syria’s business. Despite this he will never appease the factions of America that oppose him, what he will do is alienate his supporters.
He is going to make a bunch of bad decisions that will ruin his Presidency. I really thought whoever won in 2016 would be a 4 year President, whether it was Trump or Clinton.
Its mainly going to be a good number of Trump supporters that will realize they have been had and will not bother again. Trump attracted these people because they believed he would be different. So far he has become a standard politician. Draining the Swamp? Yeah right.I actually got off my butt and voted for the first time in my life, hoping that Trump would be just 10% more independent than previous presidents. His campaign rhetoric even hinted that he was a 9/11 Truther, saw through the lies of ISIS and even came right out and said that “Obama and Hillary created ISIS.” He correctly called out the false-flag Syrian “gas attack” in 2013 and tweeted at that time that to attack Syria would be a huge mistake and might even lead to WWIII! He called out the entire MSM and globalist establishment and promised an independent policy from that evil power structure….Words cannot express how disappointed I am with Trump today’
Same here. First time I voted in decades, and Trump has let (((them))) get to him.
If that’s not delusional, I don’t know what is. But hell, we haven’t even scratched the surface yet. The second camp of Trump supporters are those true Kool-Aid drinkers who still think that Trump is awesome and is doing everything right. They are bending over backwards, using the most insane, irrational arguments to show that attacking Syria was a really great idea.
These are lead by, I’m sorry to say, Scott Adams. He posted an article here that basically says launching millions of dollars of missiles at yet another country was a good move because it was good persuasion (what?!?) because it helps Israel (who gives a fuck about Israel?), and because it makes Putin mad (what?!?).
(Side note: I used to think Scott Adams was a more or less rational, objective actor, as much as is possible anyway. Since that article, no longer. He’s now clearly trying to come up with reasons why literally 100% of everything Trump does is “good persuasion,” even when it’s launching military attacks against countries who never attacked us. It’s a real shame; I’ve been reading Scott Adam’s blog for a very long time, long before this Trump stuff. It’s sad to see that Trump has claimed yet another victim.)
Trump supporters who are defending him now sound exactly like Obama supporters over the last eight years. Whenever Obama did something against what his supporters wanted, they claimed that oh no, it was okay, since Obama was a genius and was playing three dimensional chess. The sad reality was that Obama was just another warmongering corporatist.
Now, Trump defenders are saying the exact same thing. Indeed, Trump is such a super-genius, he’s not playing three dimensional chess, he’s playing FOUR dimensional chess!!!
Haha! You can’t make this shit up. It’s like we’re stuck in an endless time loop of dickhead presidents who do the same evil shit, while their delusional supporters make the same hopeful yet false arguments. The comments in Scott Adam’s article are flooded with Trump ass-kissers who are saying the most insane things to defend this neocon. Here are some examples:
He made his move quickly and decisively, not just in responding to Syria, but in taking control of public perception and turning the situation to his advantage.
All you nervous Nancys need to calm down. No one is at war. It was a surgical strike specifically designed to avoid casualties, and a necessary step toward educating our enemies that Trump is the “non-Obama”. Now that they realize he WILL pull the trigger when they get out of line, his leverage as a global negotiator just increased exponentially. This is a good thing
so much freak-out and pearl clutching out there about how trump betrayed us and has become a globalist tool. C’mon. It is possible that out here in the interweb world we don’t have the full picture. To rhink that Trump suddenly got weak and caved is ridiculous
Trump betrayed no one. He did not run on instantaneous withdrawal from every conflict. Obama got the U.S. involved in Syria, it is Trump’s inherited problem now and he dealt it a measured, surgical, blow, whilst simultaneously showing strength to the rest of the world. He did not occupy any countries. Not to mention, a full withdrawal of aggression before a situation has been brought under control is precisely what caused ISIS in the first place. The last thing good conservatives should want is a repeat of Obama’s premature withdrawal from Iraq.
President Trump showed how carefully measured he was to combine the use of real time foreign intelligence and good military advice. Oliver North has been saying this measured air base strike was a good message to Assad. The democrat crybabies couldn’t care less about the dead children much less the Syrian adults gassed to death. For liberals it’s a global numbers game of increasing socialist government control and subsequently relinquishing of control by individuals. Personally I hate aggression but it is sometimes needed. The US has been the leader in protecting the innocent globally for decades.
In other words, launching missile attacks against another country for no reason is just great, because A) Trump is showing the world how strong he is, and B) he didn’t occupy any countries yet.
As I’ve said before, the left lost their minds a long time ago, and the right lost their minds around 2004 when they re-elected George W. Bush. My country is being run by two groups of madmen in an insane asylum.
Here’s the bottom line to all of this, as I’ve said over and over again:
Any time you get actually EXCITED about ANY individual running for high office, immediately slap yourself in the face and go dunk your head into the nearest toilet. You are not thinking rationally. A) The guy is lying to you and B) the problems of the Western world are far beyond the power of any individual to fix. NO ONE can fix this society, and ONLY YOU can fix your life. Stop looking for politicians to fix your problems. Focus on your own life and your own loved ones instead.
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Paul Murray
Posted at 09:36 am, 12th April 20171 – The thing that Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Regan, etc etc all have in common is that they do not control the military. No-one does. The military state decided to attack Syria, and the current sockpuppet has to make excuses for it. The POTUS actually doesn’t have all that much power. By design. It’s very, very different from being CEO of a company.
2 – The gas attack might have been a false-flag attack by ISIS. It won’t be the first time that they (in a previous incarnation) have killed some children and blamed it on someone else to create outrage in the west. How could they kill their own kids? First, these were probably not “their own” – just because they all look the same to us, doesn’t meant they all look the same to each other. And secondly, we are talking about people who will strap a suicide vest to their own son.
And, I suppose:
3 – it just doesn’t matter to you or to me. The powers-that-be are going to barge ahead and do what they do, irrespective of what people on the internet might say about it.
Posted at 10:47 am, 12th April 2017PaulMurray,
The president is more than a sock puppet if he really wanted to not bomb Syria he could have done something to stop it. He didn’t.
Caleb do you think that this could possibly provoke a war with Russia ?
Not this one incident but if trump and his administration continue down their current path. Which I’m sure they will.
Posted at 03:39 pm, 12th April 2017I’m about as anti-Trump as you can get, but I didn’t mind the strikes. In fact, I think he was a pussy by telling Russia (and therefore Syria) and not doing any real damage. Most likely his Russian puppet master had him do the strike so they could say “See? We did something Russia didn’t like. Proves Trump isn’t Putin’s puppet.”
$50 million is nothing for a country the size of the US. That’s $0.16 in taxes per person. I’d happily throw in an extra quarter to limit a dictator’s ability to kill people.
On a bigger point, I obviously voted Clinton, and I voted Bernie in the primaries, and Obama before that, but to act like one person is suddenly going to make everything perfect and act in the exact way you want is ridiculous. I have a lot of complaints about Obama, but he also did a lot right, almost certainly more than Romney or McCain would have done. I also believe that Clinton or Bernie would do a much, much better job in office than Trump, but I would also have complaints about them.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:58 pm, 12th April 2017Blood on my hands? A little less melodrama please (goddammit, I wish I could quote you like on your other blog, Grrrrr!!!!!!!!!)!
Bombing Syria was the very first truly retarded thing that Trump has done. Especially when you consider the fact that ISIS is in a jihad against Assad. Assad could have been a very valuable ally against the terrorists that we actually do want to kill (and that also want to kill Assad). And even if Assad did gas some people, so what? Why is this America’s problem again?
But even though Assad hates ISIS, he is hated by Israel, so the Israelis deployed Trump’s bitch daughter to say, “daddy, could you do me a favor, since you’re the best daddy in the world?” I think it’s pretty clear that Israel is Trump’s puppet master here, not Russia. This just means that the neo-cons and other globalist scum are getting to him or blackmailing him in some way.
But I’m still glad that he’s in the White House instead of the Bull Dyke. When he killed TPP on his first day in office, I stood up and saluted! And he’s in the process of beginning mass deportations of illegals (yay!). Plus his Muslim ban (which will be restored by the Supreme Court) is an excellent step in the right direction as well.
So no, I don’t feel bad for voting for him because of this one act of stupidity on behalf of the globalists. He’s done a lot of good so far, notwithstanding this one retarded mistake. Let’s just see what he continues to do.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 05:38 pm, 12th April 2017Excuses.
(And largely inaccurate.)
Correct. Then why bother voting for, or getting excited about these people?
It’s possible, though I’ve always said a true world war in the style of WWII is extremely unlikely, well within the 2% Rule, because too many elites in too many countries would lose too much money. The world has grown too small for a true world war.
Limited military action, proxy actions, wars against weak countries, sure. But a world war, very unlikely. I just don’t see how the elites here or in Russia would allow such a thing.
Spoken like a true bloodthirsty American.
So if Trump gave $50 million to the Koch Brothers, that would be okay with you? It’s “only” $50 million.
YOU are accusing someone of melodrama?
And yes, you have blood on your hands:
What about hiring Goldman Sachs bankers for his cabinet?
Forbidding green card holders to return to the US if they were on a trip?
Threatening to go after the states that have legalized marijuana (as part of his task force on crime executive order)?
Issuing an executive order promoting “excellence” at black colleges?
Founding a presidential commission combating drug addiction?
Trump has done numerous retarded things, and will do many more, but you’re so blind and delusional you can’t see any of this. And if you voted for him, these things are at least partially your fault. Well done.
You have become an Obama supporter.
You have become an Obama supporter.
Posted at 06:52 pm, 12th April 2017Of course I’d be upset if the federal government gave $50 million to anybody for no reason, but as far as these strikes are concerned the cost is virtually irrelevant. No reasonable person would be dissuaded from taking that kind of action because of a $50 million price tag.
As for being bloodthirsty, like I said I support the airstrikes as a preventative measure against Assad killing more people. From what I’ve read the airstrikes really didn’t accomplish that so were a waste of time, but in general I’m fine with taking that kind of action done by somebody competent and not a Russian pawn who would have actually significantly decreased their abilities. The airstrikes didn’t even kill 10 people, but had they been done effectively they could have saved hundreds of lives. That’s an easy call in my mind.
Where you get into trouble is stuff like the Iraq War, or these double tap airstrikes Obama did. Those kill people without providing any sort of benefit.
A Man
Posted at 08:29 pm, 12th April 2017We had a choice between Trump and Clinton. That’s it. I am still going to allege that Trump, no matter how badly he fucks up, will be 100 times better than Clinton would have been.
Politicians are in it for themselves. Not for you or me. You’d have to be an idiot to think that any politician is “on your side”. So yes, I voted Trump. But I’m under no illusions that he’s gonna do great things for me or for America.
It was Trump or Clinton. Who would you pick?
Posted at 09:58 pm, 12th April 2017Heh, I’m a liberal and it’s been a real education to me, first seeing how Obama abandoned most of what he said he was going to do and ended up bombing 7 or 8 countries for no good reason, and now seeing Trump headed down the same path. It kind of seems like the presidential election is just there to give us something to get excited about while the secret masters do the real work behind the scenes. The whole thing is a sick joke, about as meaningful as the Cola Wars between Pepsi and Coke.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 10:31 pm, 12th April 2017So if the government spends $50 million on billionaires, it’s too much, but if it spends $50 million on bombing a country that has never attacked us, it’s a good value. (Never mind the fact that we’re already bombing 6 other countries, and that every time we interfere in the middle east things become a cluster fuck. But I’m sure this time it will work, right?)
I hope readers can see the insanity people are demonstrating in these comments. Even American left-wingers are pro-war and pro-empire.
I have refuted that absurd, simplistic, childish excuse hundreds of times. Start with reading this.
We are not Australia. Voting is not compulsory (thank god). You have many other options instead of voting for one of two monsters, such as,
1. Vote for a third party, knowing that person won’t win, but that you’re at least not part of the problem and whatever the next president does occurs over your objection.
2. Refrain from voting, and reconfigure your personal and financial life so that whatever the government does has minimal effect on you and your loved ones, as I talked about here and here, even if it takes a few years (which it probably will).
3. Refrain from voting, and move out of the country, or make plans to do so in the next 3-15 years.
Any of the above items are more than doable for any right-thinking human being.
Throwing your arms in the air in surrender and saying the only option is to vote for a shitty candidate is indicative of child-level thinking, as well as Societal Programming.
You don’t justify bad behavior by pointing out worse behavior.
Then at least you are not what I would classify as the kind of Trump “supporter” I talked about in the article.
Instead, you’re just the typical brainwashed American that believes that voting for the lesser of two evils will somehow result in good instead of more evil.
A man offers to stab you once or stab you twice. Which would you pick?
The irrational answer is “stab me once.” This means you’ll be stabbed, and show complicity in being stabbed, which means you’ll likely be stabbed again in the future, since that’s what you “voted for.”
The rational answer to not choose, and get as far away from that man as is possible.
That’s exactly what it is. Now you know how irrational the excited people are (on both sides) during a presidential election.
Posted at 01:03 am, 13th April 2017Caleb is ON FIRE!!
HAHA.. Yeaah! How’s your tongue taste in your own ass, Poindexter?
Posted at 07:24 am, 13th April 2017Its quite sad that I’ve been telling GROWN ASS ADULTS similar things, when I was in god dam high school.
And now I have to tell whatever classmates I still know as well as my other buddies over 18 the exact same things that I have been saying, again, since high school: Only YOU can make a difference for YOU. Nobody else. Do not give your personal power away to anyone.
Accept and Adapt was what I used to say. And then I foolishly played everyone else’s game of SP in a moment of weakness, and it set me back nearly a decade.
Never again.
I’m so glad CJ has stuck to his minarchist (or whatever you call it, I should think he should begin calling himself an anarchist now) views. Its very refreshing. The other two blogs I followed, Strength by Sonny and Bold And Determined both think that The Donald is the second coming of Christ or something. I’ve stopped following them. It sucks.
And here I am preaching to everyone that Bernie = Clinton = Trump. Three Statists just being Statists. There is no god dam difference.
Steve Z
Posted at 07:43 pm, 13th April 2017Hi Caleb,
Long time reader, first time poster. Love your work.
What if one takes a more pragmatic approach with regard to “We had a choice between Trump and Clinton. That’s it.”? The following three points describe my position:
1. I have no long term faith in the country to right the ship morally or financially. I am only interested in extending my personal window of opportunity an extra 4-8 years.
2. I believe both candidates will have disastrous foreign and domestic policy over all. Both will be warmongers. Clinton will raise taxes, raise spending and raise debt. Trump will lower taxes, raise spending and raise debt.
3. My plan to move out of the country involves hitting it big on some small pharma plays over the next few years. (Set aside any views on speculation vs investment for this thought exercise. Life’s too short to wait around for hard work to pay off.)
I voted for Trump because I believe his policies (lower corp rates, repatriation of sheltered money, reduction of regulation, etc.) will be more favorable to the M&A climate for clinical stage drugs/companies. Everything we saw from Obama and heard from Clinton would be bad for pharma. I have no love for either candidate but when I line them up on a spreadsheet, Trump has one point and Clinton has zero. Both will doom us long term. Both will murder brown children on the other side of the world with equal efficiency.
If I have no care for the country ten years from now isn’t it logical to vote for the lesser short-term evil?
Is this any less moral than refraining from voting since Clinton or Trump would have won without an third party upset?
I sleep well with my choice as the fate of the dead children is the same no matter what I do. I may be jaded and cynical but not irrational. The only thing that keeps me up at night sometimes is that red biotech index!
Posted at 02:27 pm, 14th April 2017Syria was going to get bombed for this gas attack no matter what (doesn’t matter who did it). Clinton stated she supported a bombing retaliation before Trump sent the missiles. Jeb is Clinton-lite and Bernie hasn’t shown anything that makes me believe that he is not just another one of these BS politicians. Caleb is railing away at the political class and they know they don’t have to listen to him when the majority of both parties support system thought this was a good move.
You say Trump fucked those who voted him in? What percentage of those that voted for him supported this (Scott Adams being a good example)? Americans are bloodthirsty and we are used to being the world’s cop. I believe that your opinion of only going to war for America’s interests/defense is a minority opinion. It’s too bad, but it is a reality.
Posted at 08:13 am, 15th April 2017It’s like anything else, isn’t it? If I spend $1k on a new Corvette that’s a good value, but if I spend it on a cheeseburger that’s too much. Giving away $50 million to some random person is obviously a waste of money because we, the public, aren’t getting anything in return for it. But if a strike is well-planned it can be worth it regardless if they attacked us personally. One historical example is the Korean War. This was much more than one strike for $50 million, but most people would agree it ended up being worthwhile since 50 million South Koreans live in an advanced country instead of under the Kim regime. In the same way, if we spend $50 million to save a couple hundred people from being killed with chemical weapons most people would agree that’s worth it.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:06 am, 15th April 2017Syria has never attacked us.
You’re pro-war.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:20 am, 15th April 2017If you are planning on leaving the US forever in 10 years no matter what happens, then yes, it’s okay to employ a lesser of two evils strategy, because you’re not basing the results of elections around your life plan. (If you are planning on leaving in 10 years only if things get bad, but not if some messiah turns it all around, then no, it’s not okay to employ it, since we’re right back to the same problem.)
The problem is you’re a very rare exception when it comes to those men who defend the concept of lesser evilism. These are men who never plan on leaving the US and actually think it can be turned around by corrupt politicians.
Not in this article. In this article I’m railing away at enthusiastic Trump supporters.
Correct. The political class isn’t going to listen to you or me, voter or not. This is why voting in national elections no longer matters and is a waste of time.
Yes. And he’ll fuck them worse down the road. Watch.
I don’t know, and I don’t think Scott Adams “supported” this. As I implied in the article, those 50% (just a guess) of enthusiastic Trump supporters who are defending this insanity never thought launching missiles into Syria was a good idea pre-Trump. Instead they’re defending it because either A) they have a financial or business incentive to do so (Scott Adams) or B) they’re circling the wagons and doing identity politics, defending “their guy” no matter what.
These same people would scream bloody fucking murder if Hillary did it.
Correct. That’s the problem.
Correct. The majority also thinks long-term monogamy works great, that the 2008 crash was caused by too much capitalism, etc. The majority factually is wrong on most issues, as I’ve been demonstrating for most of my public life.
This is why the minority who are actually correct need to look at some usual options to live a great life (de-tach from the system, Alpha 2.0, five flags, etc).
Also remember that throwing your arms up in surrender and saying “Well, that’s just the way it is and we can’t change it” A) doesn’t mean the majority is right (they are not) and B) is not a valid plan for effectiveness in life or long-term happiness. There are tons of ways you can live a happy life despite this insanity. (I do.)
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 02:48 pm, 15th April 2017Caleb:
YOU are accusing someone of melodrama?
end quote
Indeed I am. If even I’m doing it, that should tell you something.
And yes, you have blood on your hands:
end quote
What about hiring Goldman Sachs bankers for his cabinet?
end quote
Yes, that was pretty stupid.
Forbidding green card holders to return to the US if they were on a trip?
end quote
Hmm. I’m torn on this. When it comes to legal immigrants, the law says they are only here “at the pleasure of Congress.” This means Congress can vote to deport a specific LEGAL immigrant or group of legal immigrants anytime. However, the law also says that the President may unilaterally deport a group of LEGAL immigrants as well, without the approval of Congress, if in his judgment as Commander-in-Chief, they pose a threat to the physical safety of Americans or American national security. Were these green card holders Muslims by any chance?
Threatening to go after the states that have legalized marijuana (as part of his task force on crime executive order)?
end quote
Majorly stupid. All drugs should be legal at all levels of government. I agree, that was pathetic.
Issuing an executive order promoting “excellence” at black colleges?
end quote
Okay yeah, that’s pretty retarded.
Founding a presidential commission combating drug addiction?
end quote
HAHA! Wow! Ok, yeah that’s pretty dumb as well.
Ok, let me amend my earlier statement: This Syria thing is the first truly retarded thing that Trump has done on the international stage in terms of foreign policy. He’s been great on the foreign stuff, until this neo-con crap reared its ugly head.
Trump has done numerous retarded things, and will do many more, but you’re so blind and delusional you can’t see any of this.
end quote
Ok, I’m sensing some anger. I conceded most of your above points. Can we at least shake hands on that?
And if you voted for him, these things are at least partially your fault. Well done.
end quote
If it makes you feel any better, I live in a blue state, so my vote didn’t count anyway. I voted for him because I felt morally obligated to prevent the Bull Dyke from taking power. I also want to smash political correctness and Trump seemed like the least bad option for at least getting the cultural ball rolling in the anti-PC direction. There are many people (some I know personally) who are suffering (especially in college) because of all this PC crap. The Bull Duke would have accelerated that shit into the stratosphere. Trump will, at worst, keep it the way it is. So I don’t regret my vote.
You have become an Obama supporter.
end quote
Just to be clear, I HATE this attack against a nation that never threatened us, never attacked us, and doesn’t hold any American interests whatsoever. I HATE neo-cons and I hate that Trump was influenced by them. I do not support this bombing. I think it was retarded and due to the influence of globalist scum. If Trump had just listened to Steve Bannan (a true nationalist), this wouldn’t have happened.
I’m ashamed of what Trump did. But I’ll still take him over the Bull Dyke any day!
Posted at 05:24 pm, 15th April 2017First off, how about we stop insulting mentally retarded people with these comparisons? 😉
All this talk about how ‘Obama betrayed the liberals’ is total horseshit. I remember his policy speeches in 2008. He never called himself a liberal, he always called himself a centrist. Then he governed pretty much like a centrist on most things. He did certainly allow the liberals to love him and gush all over him and have orgasms over electing the first black president but he never said he would be any more than pragmatic and centrist, which is basically saying he will continue the agenda of the elites.
Obama didn’t betray or fuck over the liberals, they did it to themselves by believing all that shit about him when they had the evidence right in front of them it wasn’t true.
Same now with the far right Trump supporters, only more so, as the evidence of his dishonesty and treachery is well documented going back four decades and right there for anyone to see.
No one got played. People in this country are just hopelessly stupid.
Posted at 06:07 pm, 15th April 2017@Caleb
Just wondering, do you even vote? It sounds like you don’t.
Posted at 10:12 pm, 15th April 2017One thing I like about Trump is that he didn’t release his taxes , despite all the pressure. Don’t understand why you’re so upset about that. ‘All the other presidents since Nixon did!’ If others are being stupid, that’s not a reason to follow them. Release your taxes , give your enemies the opportunity to attack you. Not smart ! Trump is the only one willing to stand up to the slavish herd mentality and return to the great American tradition of presidents keeping their privacy intact.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:27 pm, 17th April 2017Of course not. Voting is purely an emotional exercise. I haven’t voted in a national election in at least 15 years, and proud of it.
Instead I chose option 2 of the 3 voting alternatives I outlined above. I’ve structured my personal and financial life to the point where I’m barely affected by what my government does.
Today, I’m working on option 3.
Watch this:
The President of the United States is the single most powerful person on the planet Earth, literally. The power he wields over you, our society, and the world is immense, even with all the checks and balances and influence of the elites.
If you seek to hold that kind of power over that many people, we deserve to see as much of your life as humanly possible. Privacy is relevant to normal citizens like you and me, but not to government overloads with that kind of power.
I personally think revealing your tax returns isn’t enough. If you’re running for president, you should be REQUIRED to reveal ALL of your tax returns, going back to as far as you can, PLUS submit your ENTIRE financial life and history to a third-party audit (that we see the results of), PLUS submit to a full psychological evaluation by a battery of third-part psychologists (that we see the results of), PLUS have a full physical done by at least three third-party doctors (that we see the results of), and various other things. Then, this this information, we can make the decision regarding whether or not we want you to lord over us.
But if you want vast power over society but are terrified to show me what’s in your financial or personal past, that tells me something about you, and I don’t want you as my president.
Duke Royal
Posted at 02:03 pm, 22nd April 201717 Republican candidates and the least qualified was selected then elected. There are far too many 1.0 voters in a 2.0 world.
Posted at 11:37 pm, 26th April 2017Of course people didn’t listen to your predictions regarding Trump. You know why? Because you predicted confidently that Trump would never be president when he announced his candidacy. If you suck at predicting , don’t be surprised people don’t listen to your predictions.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:28 pm, 27th April 2017Of course I said that the day he announced his candidacy, 1.5 years before the election. Way back then, no one thought he would win, not even Trump. The guy had to actually hire people to show up to his first rally because no one gave a shit. But after that, all along the entire election process, I clearly said many times that he had a good chance of winning, a 70% chance of winning the Republican nomination, and at least a 40% chance of winning the Presidency. (Feel free to look at the archive of this blog to confirm all this.)
It was Bernie Sanders who I said had no chance in hell of winning. And I was right.