Why Trump May Actually Win Re-Election Even Though Everyone Hates Him

I have said that America is a left-wing country and continues to move left, even after the election of Tantrum Trump in 2016, and I’m right. If you don’t believe that, read this article here so you can see the data for yourself.

I have also said that Tantrum Trump winning the election in 2016 did not, in any way, represent some kind of conservative revolution or “return to the right,” and I’m right. If you don’t believe that, read this article here so you can see the data for yourself. You know, the data about how Trump barely won the election over the Lizard Queen, the worst presidential candidate in my lifetime, by just one and a half percent in four states.

I have also said that the biggest problem with Trump is not Trump, but the left-wing blowback reaction Americans will have after Trump. After Trump (and perhaps even during Trump), you will start to see openly admitted socialists elected to high office, perhaps even the Presidency. The left-wing decline of the USA will not only continue, but accelerate. And I will be right. Just watch.

Despite all of that, Trump may actually win re-election in 2020.

Wait. Huh? How does that make any sense?

I shall explain.

Reason 1: The Electoral College

Here’s something to wrap your brain around. Trump won the election by getting 302 electoral votes. Sounds like a lot… but only 21% of American adults voted for Trump(!).

Only 21%? Yep. Look at the data and do the math. Only about 26% of eligible voters voted for Trump and only about 79% of American adults are registered to vote. That means 20.54%, or 21% if you round it.

Moreover, 17% of people who voted for Trump said he wasn’t qualified. (Isn’t that fucking amazing? Almost one-fifth of the people who voted for Trump didn’t think he was qualified to be president! This is the kind of insane things the population will do in a collapsing society. Expect more of this asinine stuff as we go forward.)

This means only 17% of the population voted for Trump and actually wanted him to be president. Our electoral system is so screwed up, and our corrupt, two-party political system is so non-democratic, this is exactly how someone as embarrassing and universally despised as Donald Trump can be elected as president.

As a side note, I am not commenting on the electoral college specifically. I have no opinion for or against the electoral college, since I’m against democracy because I prefer freedom. Asking me whether or not I’m for the electoral college is like asking me if I prefer to be stabbed with a stiletto or a switchblade. I’m just saying that our current electoral system does not determine winners based on popularity or how well they are liked. Thus, the 2016 presidential election, where two of the most hated people in America ran against each other and one of them barely won.

Reason 2: The Democrats Have Become Hopelessly Retarded

I’m not saying left-wingers or liberals have become retarded. I’m saying Democrats, as in the American Democratic Party, has become retarded.

The Democrat campaign of Hillary Clinton in 2016 was the biggest cluster-fuck I’ve ever seen in American politics in my entire life, and that’s saying a lot. Democrats did literally, and I mean literally everything wrong. Where they campaigned, what they said, the messaging, the logos, the horrible response to Trump, Hillary’s horribly unlikeable personality, Hillary’s blatantly criminal activity, where they did and did not spend money, not to mention the anti-Bernie Sanders corruption at the DNC… it was one huge fuck-up after the next. They couldn’t do anything right.

After the election, you would think the Democrats would be horrified into getting their act together, but amazingly, that hasn’t happened. Two years later they have remained just as stupid and tone-deaf as they were in 2016. It seems their entire message seems to be “Russia Russia Russia Trump Is Bad!” This message, if they keep it, will virtually ensure they will lose the next presidential election. It’s not a winning message, and the fact they haven’t figured this out is comical to say the least.

The incompetence of the Democrats is simply stunning despite the fact that most of the country agrees with them and not the Republicans. It’s the most hilarious thing I’ve ever seen; the left-wingers may actually lose the next presidential election even though most Americans are left-wing, simply because the chosen representatives of the left-wingers, the ridiculously incompetent Democratic Party, can’t, or perhaps won’t, get their shit together.

Reason 3: The Left-Wing Civil War

Three years ago, I wrote an article about the Coming Left-Wing Civil War about a conflict between the American left-wing and itself.

Well, I was right, and now it’s officially here. The left has now split into two factions that full-on hate each other and are spending energy attacking each other rather than Tantrum Trump, their mutual enemy.

On one side are the left-wing corporatists, often called the neo-liberals, represented by people like Obama, the Lizard Queen, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer. These are the corrupt, evil, pro-war, pro-bank, pro-Wall-Street corporatists that lean left in some of their social policies and rhetoric. Instead of “health care for all” they enact corporatist versions of these things like Obamacare. They are the ones currently in power and have most of the money, as well as the backing of the elites.

On the other side are the progressives, represented by people like Bernie Sanders, The Young Turks (and other prominent internet left-wingers), and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. These people are full-on, Western-European-style socialists. They live in a Disney fantasyland where if everyone had free college, free health care, free housing if needed, and a $20 (or whatever) per hour minimum wage, everything would work out great, completely regardless of America’s skyrocketing debt and so on.

It’s entirely possible that this civil war will last well into the 2020 presidential election, meaning that Tantrum Trump would be up against two factions wasting their time warring with each other instead of posing a united front. Mix this with the fucked-up electoral system, this means he could win with minimal problems.

So you heard it from me here, in July of 2018: If he’s not removed from office before then (or leaves), which I still think that has a 25% chance of occurring, it’s quite possible that Trump could get re-elected in 2020 despite the fact that everyone hates him and that the USA is still moving to the political left. If he does win in 2020, you’ll see the usual delusional conservatives screaming about how America is moving “back to the right” or about how awesome Trump is, when neither will be the case. We just have a really screwed-up electoral system and the left-wing in America doesn’t know what the hell they’re doing.

Amercia’s decline has become as entertaining as hell. I had no idea shit would get this crazy this fast… and it’s only just getting started.

Enjoy the decline!

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  • BigTime
    Posted at 12:33 pm, 15th July 2018

    In 2016, the media and the left scared a lot of independent voters away from Trump.  If he’s elected the economy will crash — didn’t happen.  There will be a huge world war — nope.  He’ll declare himself dictator and be another Hitler — sorry, fail.  The scare stories won’t work in 2020 because the sky hasn’t fallen.

    Every day he bashes the media and points out their falsehoods.  They are pretty much neutered now.  Except for the committed opposition, which would hate him if he made it rain diamonds.

    Therefore, I predict a Trump landslide in 2020.  It will still only be 25% of eligible voters because half don’t bother to vote.

  • CTV
    Posted at 04:13 pm, 15th July 2018

    Oh fuck yea he’s gonna win. I’ve been saying this to everyone and just the other day Joe Rogan said it.

    Trump doesn’t represent the Populist Right. He’s doesn’t give a flying fuck about anyone but himself. In reality he just represents the Authoritarian Right. I guarantee you Roe V. Wade is going bye bye. He’s so stupid that he just doubles down when he’s wrong and makes things worse EVERY TIME.

    The Democrats and the left really aren’t Liberal anymore. They’ve go this corporatist message on one side that helps nobody.

    Than you’ve Bernie on the other side making promises that he can’t keep simply based on the fact that we don’t have the money and can’t force businesses to stay in the USA. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez actually wants to abolish ICE! The Progressives have valid points but they create so much false hope that I really wonder if they’re not the devil incarnate. Both the Progressives and Corporate Democrats represent the different factions of the Authorarian Left.

    Young Turks (who I enjoy watching by the way) go on and on about how unfair the country while at the same time with regulations that skyrocket the cost of living and your effective tax rate. The world essentially runs on feelings and fuck every economic incentive.

    Then you’ve got the bullshit pundits on the Right with their Patriotic Correctness. Basically saying if you don’t support them and everything they say you hate the Troops, you hate America, or that you’re a beta male/chuck if you don’t support Trump/on the Right (ironic if you don’t kiss the ring your get this label).


  • justin
    Posted at 05:15 pm, 15th July 2018

    I agree with BigTime. The bullshit the democrats were spewing in 2016 won’t work this time. Trump has turned out to be a somewhat decent president so far. I work in the healthcare field and him alone vetoing the pacific trade deal won my vote. That would have been disasterous to the healthcare labor force. He at least seems to care about the health of our economy.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 07:06 pm, 15th July 2018

    The world essentially runs on feelings and fuck every economic incentive.

    B-O-O-M. Nailed it. Not only does the world run on feelings, the world (except the east pretty much) runs on collectivism and external solutions as well. Because of this, I’m predicting that just like Australia, voting will be compulsory in the US by 2020. So if you don’t register to vote, you’ll have to pay a fine. I’ll be preparing my exit by then. Probably gonna move to Thailand or some other third world country in Southeast Asia.

    And guess what? The EXACT same thing happened half a century ago in soviet Russia. We’re gonna see a 2nd coming of Stalin almost directly after Tantrum Trump. Get ready for the US to be a communist nation, and not the Anarcho-Communist type either. We’re gonna get everything that Soviet Russia got: All kinds of “free” shit, followed by quotas and great purges just a couple years after. And then the backlash of it? Hooboy. Get ready for Revolutionary War II, where pretty much the whole nation will be put on lockdown.

    I’m g00d on that. Southeast Asia here I come!

  • KhalsaSingh
    Posted at 07:31 pm, 15th July 2018

    Im not gonna lie , im low key excited for the space force , regardless of politics and 2020 stuff I just want to see whats out in space and hope we find something cool or something that will freak people out in a good way

  • American
    Posted at 07:41 pm, 15th July 2018

    Trump is the first president with the balls to call out the bullshit in the mainstream media.  He gets my support for at least verbalizing that we cannot import the whole 3rd world into a welfare state country.

    No politicians are worth a damn.  None of them.  But at least Trump speaks some truths that nobody else has the courage to.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:35 pm, 15th July 2018

    The world essentially runs on feelings and fuck every economic incentive.

    Yup. That’s the problem.

  • CTV
    Posted at 09:09 pm, 15th July 2018

    And both the Right and Left do this bullshit where the world runs on their fucking feelings.

    The Progressives who I really feel so mean well are right to check Motherfuckers who think they can pay ZERO taxes, everyone should pay the legal minimum. But this whole class warfare they create new taxes is just lunacy. It just makes them the Authorarian Left at that point.

    The Right has their stupid ideology with opressing everyone’s sexual and personal freedom. Then they fancy themselves as these fake Alphas and if you don’t agree with them you’re a “Soy Boy” while meanwhile they’re the Right Wing version of what they’re accusing you of. So in this sense the World runs on their feelings of what’s “right vs wrong” or what’s “moral” “Christian” etc. Their Patriotic Correctness is absolutely repulsive considering they toss aside wounded Veterans as discarded trash.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:05 am, 16th July 2018

    Of course Trump is going to win! How do I know that? Because the white bashing hasn’t stopped. It has only gotten worse! SJWs have doubled down on trashing whitey! It has become an epidemic. The more the racist “check your privilege” culture persists, the more it is certain that the Democrats will never win another presidential election again.

    Trump doesn’t represent the Populist Right.

    Actually, he does.

    He’s doesn’t give a flying fuck about anyone but himself.

    Dude, you need to stop watching the Young Turks. They violate and abuse your brain.

    In reality he just represents the Authoritarian Right.

    No! The authoritarians on the right are the traditionalist Christians and the neo-con “never-Trumpers” globalist scum who think America should be Israel’s bitch!

    I guarantee you Roe V. Wade is going bye bye.

    Let’s hope so. That holocaust has to end sometime.

    He’s so stupid that he just doubles down when he’s wrong and makes things worse EVERY TIME.

    Oh, he’s made a lot of things better. He has killed TPP, threatened to withdraw from NATO, withdrew from that garbage “climate change/carbon emission treaty,” or whatever that thing was that pissed off the French, and is now shredding the hearts of illegals by ripping their children from them as the ultimate price for violating our territory. Oh yeah, and the Supreme Court has just approved his Muslim ban!

    All those things are glorious. Although, I would actually like him to go further and actually withdraw from NATO and work to get us out of the UN by correctly labelling all international institutions as violating the Declaration of Independence. He can call it “Amerixit.”

    And abolishing the Federal Reserve Bank, building a wall on the Mexican border and putting landmines on our side of it, and extending the Muslim ban to all Muslim countries wouldn’t hurt either. Maybe in his second term.

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez actually wants to abolish ICE!

    Red Cortez wants to do way more than that. The cunt wants to abolish all borders, saying that “borders are just lines on a map drawn by hate.” This globalist bitch basically wants to abolish America as a country. She’s a card carrying member of the “Democratic Socialists of America,” who were the same ones who chanted, “No Trump, no wall, no USA at all.”

    Oh yeah, and she’s NOT a socialist. Cortez is a Communist.

    She said she wants to criminalize the private sector and make every single job in America a government job that is owned either by a government agency or by the workers directly! She also wants the standard leftist boilerplate – free healthcare, free college, 20 dollar minimum wage, universal basic income, and even free government housing.

    She’s so psychotic that she makes Bernie Sanders (a socialist) look sensible.

    The Progressives have valid points

    They do? Where?

    but they create so much false hope that I really wonder if they’re not the devil incarnate.

    False hope of what? The government owning your dentist? The government owning your home? The government abolishing this country by abolishing our borders? That’s not hope. Those are threats!

    Both the Progressives and Corporate Democrats represent the different factions of the Authorarian Left.


    Young Turks (who I enjoy watching by the way)


    go on and on about how unfair the country

    They also say that it’s all whitey’s fault.

    Then you’ve got the bullshit pundits on the Right with their Patriotic Correctness. Basically saying if you don’t support them and everything they say you hate the Troops, you hate America, or that you’re a beta male/chuck if you don’t support Trump/on the Right (ironic if you don’t kiss the ring your get this label).

    Yeah, right wing political correctness bothers me too.

    Personally, I don’t think America should even have a military – with the exception of the National Guard whose job it is to secure our borders from illegal invaders.

    With our nuclear weapons, no one will attack us and terrorism is a subject for intelligence agencies only. But that’s another topic.




  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:51 am, 16th July 2018

    Young Turks (who I enjoy watching by the way)

    You need a good dose of my boy Devon Tracy who takes a meticulous scalpel to the Young Turks’ racist horseshit on a weekly basis! He, more than anyone else on youtube, has exposed the Young Turks for the racist scum that they are:



    And here:


    He was also the only one who stood up for Brock Turner – a completely innocent man:





  • American
    Posted at 07:09 am, 16th July 2018

    CTV says:  The Progressives who I really feel so mean well are right to check Motherfuckers who think they can pay ZERO taxes, everyone should pay the legal minimum.

    You won’t feel like this anymore when you grow up, start making some real money and move out of mommies basement.  Then you will react in horror as the government takes $50,000 or more from your pocket in the form taxes.

    But until then, why don’t you be the leader of the change you want to see in society.  Go ahead and mail 100% of your paycheck into the IRS.  After all it’s the right thing to do.  You don’t need to wait for me.  Go ahead lead the way.  Start that movement.

    But you won’t do it. Like all socialists you want someone else to pay for your free shit.

  • Eric C Smith
    Posted at 07:50 am, 16th July 2018

    when you say it like that! Getting mine doesn’t seem so intimidating. Thanks!

  • CTV
    Posted at 07:51 am, 16th July 2018

    @ American

    whoa you way mistook me dude. Paying the legal minimum on taxes is a burden we all share. Do I like it? No does it suck YES. Do I like Bernie? No I can’t stand him. Trust me I live in California.. I know all about how the Democrats and Progressives try to fuck everyone every which they can in the name of Social Justice. When I say legal minimum on taxes I’m talking from a perspective of taking care of our Can’t Poor, military, schools , ETC. Not excess government waste and Newsom/Bernie horseshit. I think Bernie should pay the Death Tax And fuck off since he’s closet elite. Trust me I’m in CA I hate these motherfuckers.


    @ Jack Out Side The Box

    Hello again friend. As usual I truly do enjoy what you bring to the table.

    Yes I enjoy watching Young Turks. It helps me get an overall perspective. The same way I watch Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, watch John Stossel, read Robert Ringer and Harry Browne. I even watch the cocksucking MSM too So do agree with everything everyone says? No I don’t, but to get perspective overall of how each side is thinking YES. Young Turks gives me a great idea of how to buckle up for Newsoms ascent to the throne this year and how our country is becoming more Authorarian Left in the name of “social justice” and “democratic socialism”

    I’m not saying EVERY move Trump has made is bad. But is he the Messiah some people think he is? No.

    I really do believe that this whole Presidency was a ego jack off session. He’s not fit to lead because he’s deep down will put his ego ahead of what’s best for the county.

    Will I take Trump over the Authorarian Left (Corporate Democrats/Progeesives)? FUCK YES

    So am I little more cleared up now Jack?

    And YES you turned me onto Sam Harris last time. I ordered Waking Up and am listening to his podcast right now. He’s dope. Thank You Jack.


  • American
    Posted at 12:24 pm, 16th July 2018

    @CTV Thanks for setting me straight.  I mistakenly thought you were one of those who thinks we should all be paying more taxes.  I am happy to hear that I got you wrong.

    My local paper has citizens writing in all the time telling the readership how we should all be paying more to the govt.  I suspect that most of these people are living off the government in some way or another.  But I also personally know of regular wage slaves who also advocate this.  For the life of me I cannot understand why they want this.   If the government were actually effective and efficient at what it does, I might be persuaded to pay more.  But in the real world we do not get much value out of govt spending.

  • CTV
    Posted at 12:38 pm, 16th July 2018


    Its all good, it was my fault on being a bit vague.

    See that’s the thing. Bernie and the Progressives aren’t just saying government accountability the way the Libertarians advocate for. They want to use that message to oppress economic freedom under the guise of helping people.


    And YES! It would’ve awesome if we could have Unversal Healthcare. But we have 300 Million people. That conversation can’t even start until we find out how to lower the cost.


    But Bernies method is just make new taxes. We shouldn’t even have an Estate Tax but he wants it raised. The he wants a tax on idle wealth? See this is where it gets crazy because that money has already been taxed! Basically he knows that we don’t have the money for his Socialism so he goes toward confiscation tactics like double taxation.

    And since government sucks we know damn well that healthcare will be like a drive thru and they’ll be the ones telling you how much treatment you might get or not. See people don’t understand how the Authoritarian regimes operate. It’ll make us the next USSR.


  • Axel
    Posted at 12:57 pm, 16th July 2018

    As my grandfather used to say:

    “A nation gets the leader it deserves.”

    Americans just discovered they got an African leader.

    Interesting watching Americans fiddle whilst Rome burns down, and that’s ironic coming from me living in Africa.

    Added to this, consider thea we’re only talking about politics and not the economy….



  • joelsuf
    Posted at 09:00 pm, 16th July 2018

    And since government sucks we know damn well that healthcare will be like a drive thru and they’ll be the ones telling you how much treatment you might get or not. See people don’t understand how the Authoritarian regimes operate. It’ll make us the next USSR.

    I’m glad someone shares my viewpoint. Only we’re gonna be worse. Its gonna bite progressives in the ass hard. Real hard. All the things that progressives don’t want are what they are gonna get: Martial Law, even LESS access to education and healthcare, quotas, purges, the whole nine yards. Oh it’ll be cool for like 2 years. But then get ready. Its not gonna be funny.

    I’m physically predicting it’s gonna get this way by the end of the 2024 or 2028 election, when (HARD when) we get an openly Socialist president. By the 2028 or 2032 election…Revolutionary War II. And I’m not sticking around for that lol.

  • Qlue
    Posted at 11:43 pm, 16th July 2018

    The way I see it, there’s only two important topics to worry about:

    Islam and economy. The left wing are bad with both. Leftists destroy the economy, hate men and families, and invite islamic barbarians to their homeland.

    Ideally I’m a libertarian, realistically I’m a conservative. There is a thousand year old battle going on, Islam vs the world. Soon Islam will be the biggest religion.

    I think Putin and Trump are putting differences aside to unite and save the world from global jihad. Whereas Merkel and the EU bend over backwards and turn a blind eye when their own citizens are being slaughtered.

  • David
    Posted at 12:39 am, 17th July 2018

    I actually agree with Jack Outside the box on a lot.


    “Roe V. Wade is going bye bye”  

    A lot of trump supporters are former liberals.  Im pro choice, but I see roe v. Wade as the federal government overstepping its bounds on the state power.  Its the principle for me.  Same with gay marriage, gun control, etc.   I dont want the damn federal government telling the states what to do, because true DIVERSITY is diversity of thought.  If the midwest wants to remain traditional, dont force them to be ” progressive” like california, and vise versa.  For that same reason, i agree with the electoral college.  Different states can have totally different cultures, and they should stay that way if they want.


  • Anon
    Posted at 03:35 am, 17th July 2018

    The way I see it, there’s only two important topics to worry about: Islam and economy. […] I think Putin and Trump are putting differences aside to unite and save the world from global jihad.

    Just curious how exactly does Putin fit into that, when this can be seen on streets of Moscow (or maybe Kadyrov’s “Long live Vladimir Putin! Allahu akbar!” to a stadium full of bearded armed men makes you think Putin’s the savior of the Western world) and when the Russian economy is in such great shape that they have to raise the legal retirement age, being otherwise unable to pay pensions that averaged about $200 per month nationwide in 2017.

  • CrabRangoon
    Posted at 08:18 am, 17th July 2018

    Meanwhile in Chicago we have this…UBI in a city that’s already broke.


    So yea anyone who thinks this country might ever move to the right again is deluded.   Progressives will continue the death march off the cliff while you kid yourself into thinking Trump is going to save you.

  • CTV
    Posted at 09:50 am, 17th July 2018

    I feel Dave and Jack Outside The Box on the states right part on Roe V. Wade

    However my family is from the South and I have a close family member for when Abortion was less available before Roe V. Wade days who was actually Raped (not statutory on some #MeToo horse shit) so she got essentially a back alley Abortion and it went bad. She can’t have kids.

    A lack of access to Abortion isn’t going to prevent Abortion. People will still get them, they just won’t be safe. Or worse the poor who need them due to circumstances won’t have readily available access.

    I’m Pro Choice, but I support some limitations on Abortion. The Right say’s 20 Week Ban, I go up to 24 Week, just so the woman has a FULL 6 MONTHS to decide on it. Because while I support a woman’s right choose One Hundred Percent, I want them to make that choice before that thing gets big, otherwise we enter 8th Amendment territory.

    I’m not trying to be all emotional, I fucking hate when people put emotion into political shit. I’m just offering a different perspective. This is ONE CASE where I think we should have it stay. Much the same how I think we should unrestricted access to guns in all 50 States and Territories if you pass a Background Check and have no Felonies.

    In the End if women have kids they can’t/won’t support they just become part of the system. Hence more benefits we have to dole out.

    If the state tried to tell me I couldn’t get my Vasectomy I’d throw a fit so why tell women what to do? LOL

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 10:27 am, 17th July 2018

    I feel Dave and Jack Outside The Box on the states right part on Roe V. Wade

    No! I am against the concept of “states’ rights” on this issue! I believe abortion should be considered murder in all 50 states and anyone getting an abortion should receive the death penalty. Fuck states rights! I’m not a conservative!

    However my family is from the South and I have a close family member for when Abortion was less available before Roe V. Wade days who was actually Raped (not statutory on some #MeToo horse shit)

    So what? Giving the death penalty to a child for the crimes of his father is unacceptable. No one can be held legally responsible for the crimes of their parents. Certainly not a baby.

    so she got essentially a back alley Abortion and it went bad. She can’t have kids.

    Serves her right! At least she can’ have any more children to kill.

    A lack of access to Abortion isn’t going to prevent Abortion. People will still get them, they just won’t be safe.

    Good! They need to become as unsafe as possible! Make women fear for their lives! Murderers shouldn’t be safe in any way.

    Or worse the poor who need them due to circumstances

    There are no circumstances where you need to commit murder! None.

    won’t have readily available access.

    Good! That’s the point.

    while I support a woman’s right choose One Hundred Percent, I want them to make that choice before that thing gets big, otherwise we enter 8th Amendment territory.

    The 8th Amendment has nothing to do with abortion. Abortion is murder, not a punishment for a crime.

    This is ONE CASE where I think we should have it stay.


    Much the same how I think we should unrestricted access to guns in all 50 States and Territories if you pass a Background Check and have no Felonies.

    Yeah, but defending yourself with guns is a human right. There’s kind of a difference there.

    In the End if women have kids they can’t/won’t support they just become part of the system. Hence more benefits we have to dole out.

    Women can give unwanted children up for adoption. There’s no reason they should force themselves to be mothers against their will. No one should be forced to be a parent. A mother who wanted an abortion is an unfit mother in any case.

    If the state tried to tell me I couldn’t get my Vasectomy I’d throw a fit so why tell women what to do?

    Because a vasectomy has to do with your own body. An abortion has to do with the body of a little baby whom a woman is brutally slaughtering! Again, difference!


  • johnnybegood
    Posted at 11:01 am, 17th July 2018

    Jack Outside the Box wrote:

    Hard line Right-wing Fox News bullshit, through and through. Alex Jones level conspiracy theories


    I lean left and BD clearly leans right, but at least I respect his rational, level-headed thinking and well-reasoned points. People like “Jack” are too far gone into La La land. EVERYTHING is 999 level dooms-day nonsense and propaganda spouted by Sean Hannity. It’s okay to be Republican and watch Hannity as a guilty pleasure. It’s another thing to actually believe it’s the “No spin zone” honest truth or whatever bullshit they tell you. ANYWAY.


    The problem with this country is that 90% of the populace is simply too stupid to figure out complex issues and is easily duped by marketing and television. Idiocracy is here. Of the 10% that are maybe rational and intelligent enough to have a basic grasp of issues, half of those are schemers and crooks trying to enrich themselves & America be damned. That leaves 5% that are being shouted down by the mass of idiots and their puppet masters. So yeah we probably are doomed.

    Yeah I would agree these are some big groups:

    1. SJW ragers. There are 99 genders. Kill whitey. Etc. These people create Trumpers.

    2. Corporatist left.

    3. Corporatist right.

    4. “Tea party” run by the Koch brothers. Wait that’s more of #3, just hidden.

    5. Trumpers. Either are nihilistic and want the world to burn, are racist Klansmen, or are regular conservatives who think they can get taxes down while Trump fucks shit up … aka morons.

    6. Religious Jesus freaks. Despite separation of Church and State, they boarded the Trump train because Jesus said so. Idiots.


    Yeah the rational right and rational left exist, they are just shrinking.

    I lean left. I’m against corporate oligarchy and SJW idiots. I believe in capitalism with a social safety net like food stamps and a fair-price healthcare system that actually responds to market forces, not monopolistic bullshit.

    Oh, and I don’t give a shit if you smoke weed, or cocaine, or have an abortion or get gay married.

    Abortion is the biggest joke. Women shart out fertilized embryos all the time during their period (if their boyfriend has been shooting sperm in them). You ever have a funeral during a woman’s period? Don’t make me laugh. The argument is always “when life begins” — conservatives argue at conception. Liberals say not at conception but after 4-5 months (there is no clear line). THAT is always the sticking point and no one can prove either way. It’s not “all life” or sperm would be considered “life” and obviously NEITHER is viable outside the human body after 1 day.

    At the end of the day, the universe is a cruel, nihilistic shit-hole and pretending to care about a 3-day old fertilized embryo (again, that go down the toilet via period all the time) — when I guarantee you don’t give a single fuck about civilian killings in Chicago or the mass murders happening in the Congo or Syria or Iraq .. you don’t give a shit about those fully grown people and children, but “muh embryos”. Give me a fucking break. It’s a political talking point and everybody sees it.

  • CTV
    Posted at 03:15 pm, 17th July 2018

    @ Jack Outside The Box

    Ahh I see. I wasn’t aware you were I this camp of belief when it came to Abortion.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:20 pm, 17th July 2018

    Meanwhile in Chicago we have this…UBI in a city that’s already broke.

    Oh my god I HOPE they do this. PLEASE DO THIS, CHICAGO!!! It would be hilarious!

    In all seriousness, I’ve been hoping some major city somewhere tries UBI. (Not some small town, but a major city.) Oh please let it be true!

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:09 pm, 17th July 2018

    Jack Outside the Box wrote:

    Hard line Right-wing Fox News bullshit, through and through. Alex Jones level conspiracy theories

    No, that’s not what I wrote. In fact, that’s not what I wrote at all. Please quote me correctly or not at all.

    Also, what “Alex Jones conspiracy” did I articulate when talking about abortion?

    People like “Jack”

    Why is my name in quotes?

    EVERYTHING is 999 level dooms-day nonsense and propaganda spouted by Sean Hannity.

    Why are you bringing up people and institutions which I hate and then deceptively trying to link them with me?

    I don’t watch Sean Hannity, Fox News, or Alex Jones, nor do I have any respect for any of those three.

    It’s okay to be Republican

    I’m not a Republican. I’m a libertarian.

    and watch Hannity as a guilty pleasure.

    I wouldn’t watch that idiot if you paid me.

    It’s another thing to actually believe it’s the “No spin zone” honest truth or whatever bullshit they tell you. ANYWAY.

    What the fuck are you talking about? I don’t form my political opinions based on what blue pill retards like Sean Hannity tell me! Seriously, where are you getting this from? When did I even mention Fox News or any other pro-establishment shill?

    The problem with this country is that 90% of the populace is simply too stupid to figure out complex issues and is easily duped by marketing and television.

    Your arrogant assumption about how I formed my opinions is laughable, insulting, and most importantly, false. Your guessing game about me is completely without merit or basis!

    1. SJW ragers. There are 99 genders. Kill whitey. Etc. These people create Trumpers.

    Correct! They are the only ones which made it possible for Trump to win. They also created the Alt Right.

    5. Trumpers. Either are nihilistic and want the world to burn, are racist Klansmen, or are regular conservatives who think they can get taxes down while Trump fucks shit up … aka morons.

    As a man who voted for Trump, I am none of these. I wanted to smash political correctness, restore Free Speech to college campuses, abolish SJWism, secure our borders, and enforce our immigration laws. The Bull Dyke would have done the opposite on all counts.

    6. Religious Jesus freaks. Despite separation of Church and State, they boarded the Trump train because Jesus said so. Idiots.

    That’s not “despite the separation of church and state.” Separation of church and state simply means that the government must be religiously neutral. But voters, as private citizens, have every right to have whatever motivation they wish to have when voting for someone. Nothing Unconstitutional about that.

    I lean left. I’m against corporate oligarchy and SJW idiots.

    Well, that’s good at least.

    I believe in capitalism with a social safety net like food stamps

    Disagree with the social safety net and food stamps part.

    and a fair-price healthcare system that actually responds to market forces, not monopolistic bullshit.

    Agreed. That’s why we must abolish health insurance. Imagine there was “food insurance.” If food were free, every person would buy three carts full weekly. Then the grocery stores would jack up their prices so that a loaf of bread would cost 1,000 dollars.

    The people wouldn’t care, because they wouldn’t be paying. But the food insurance companies would be shitting their pants. So they would restrict food insurance to people without “pre-existing eating disorders,” or “fat fucks” for the layman. That would leave those people to starve, since they can’t afford 1,000 dollar bread.

    So than some bleeding heart faggot like Obama would propose universal food insurance so babies can eat, and everyone who disagreed would be painted as a sociopath.

    The solution is health insurance for no one, thus putting the customer in direct competition with the medical community. Prices would have to go down because abolishing health insurance would put health care back on the free market table.

    Oh, and I don’t give a shit if you smoke weed, or cocaine, or have an abortion or get gay married.

    Disagree with the last two. Abortion should be punished with death and marriage (whether gay or straight) is, in my opinion, an Unconstitutional state function, as it violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment (refusing to give tax breaks to asexuals because of their lack of a sex life). Marriage should be completely privatized. Then it will hopefully cease to exist.

    Abortion is the biggest joke.

    I wouldn’t call murder a joke, but ok.

    Women shart out fertilized embryos all the time during their period (if their boyfriend has been shooting sperm in them). You ever have a funeral during a woman’s period? Don’t make me laugh.

    Natural miscarriages that are an organic function of the female body, and beyond anyone’s control, cannot be criminally prosecuted. So no.

    The argument is always “when life begins” — conservatives argue at conception. Liberals say not at conception but after 4-5 months (there is no clear line).

    I say life begins at the 14th day of pregnancy. That is when the zygote gets implanted in the uterus. Before the 14th day, it can still technically split into two people (twins), three (triplets), and so forth. It’s obviously not a person yet if we’re still unsure how many people their will be. But the 14th day changes all of this.

    THAT is always the sticking point and no one can prove either way.

    Then it’s best to air on the side of caution.

    It’s not “all life” or sperm would be considered “life” and obviously NEITHER is viable outside the human body after 1 day.

    A fertilized egg that made into the uterus on the 14th day should be considered a human life.

    At the end of the day, the universe is a cruel, nihilistic shit-hole and pretending to care

    Why “pretending?” If I’m just pretending, what’s my real motivation?

    about a 3-day old fertilized embryo (again, that go down the toilet via period all the time)

    Nope. If it’s only three days old, I don’t give a fuck about it. Otherwise, all birth control other than the condom would have to be criminalized. That’s not what I believe. I believe in Day 14.

    But a pregnancy test won’t register a woman as pregnant until the 12th day. Can she get an abortion in two days or less after that? Doubtful.

    when I guarantee you don’t give a single fuck

    You have no right to guarantee me the contents of my own private thoughts.

    about civilian killings in Chicago

    Sure I do. I favor the death penalty for murder. The fact that Illinois got rid of it pisses me off! I also favor hiring more cops and beefing them up in a major way.

    or the mass murders happening in the Congo or Syria or Iraq

    You’re right. I don’t give a fuck about that. Are you some kind of globalist? Congo, Syria, and Iraq are their own sovereign countries which must take care of themselves. It isn’t our job to interfere with them. Our only job is to take care of our own. There’s no reason for anyone to be a globalist do-gooder! It’s pathetic.

    you don’t give a shit about those fully grown people and children,

    I do give a shit about children, as well as fully grown Americans. Let’s face it: You have no psychic powers. If you were a fortune teller, I’d demand my money back!

    but “muh embryos”. Give me a fucking break.

    Yes. Embryos are human life who must be protected here in America. What other countries do is their business.

    It’s a political talking point and everybody sees it.

    You don’t see anything and you know nothing about my motivations. I’m not affiliated with any political party nor do I have any ulterior motives for anything I said.





  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:32 pm, 17th July 2018

    And YES! It would’ve awesome if we could have Unversal Healthcare.

    No, that wouldn’t be awesome. That would be hell on Earth. Yeah, get treated for cancer by the same wonderful people who brought you the DMV. Are you fucking kidding me?

    The government has no business in people’s health! Imagine if the Founding Fathers received free healthcare from England. Would they still revolt, or would King George have them by the balls (perhaps literally)?

    Government healthcare is:

    1. Immoral, because you have no business stealing my money for your own private purposes without my permission.

    2. Dangerous, because controlling the citizens on such a basic fundamental level makes future revolutions impossible. And,

    3. Incompetent, because government bureaucracy  is the most uncaring, anti-commonsense, incompetent, and “cost saving” monstrosity in the world. Why should they care about you if they get your tax dollars anyway? What’s their motive to help you in a timely manner? If Congress slashes the budget, there will have to be death panels and cheap suicide pills. Or just the purge. Take your pick.

    That conversation can’t even start until we find out how to lower the cost.

    The conversation shouldn’t start at all, if you value living in a free country.


  • CTV
    Posted at 06:56 pm, 17th July 2018

    Jack I think you miss the point of why I said that.

    Universal Healthcare in the USA is a pipe dream. It’s not like I’m goibg to pay $100 extra in taxes a year and BOOM no person in our country is denied healthcare ever again and nobody loses their house or goes bankrupt over a illness/hospital visit ever agian.

    I KNOW the cost will be ever rising and no matter how high a taxes we pay it’ll bever cover the cost of quality healthcare.

    It would be a ploy for more Authority over citizens.


    @Caleb and @CrabRagoon

    And who’s gonna pay for the UBI?! I guarantee they will start campaigning for UBI in Progressive States. Like right here in CA where I live. I pray they do it here in So Cal. With our cost of living and homeless population literally no amount of will be enough.

    I can already hear the advertisments “Well you’re not even going to pay for it, the rich will pay for the whole thing”.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 08:08 pm, 17th July 2018

    Yeah the rational right and rational left exist, they are just shrinking.

    To me they’ve never been rational. Just people still trying to tell others what is best for them, only a little nicer about it. Which is pretty weak.

    I guarantee they will start campaigning for UBI in Progressive States. Like right here in CA where I live. I pray they do it here in So Cal. With our cost of living and homeless population literally no amount of will be enough.
    I can already hear the advertisments “Well you’re not even going to pay for it, the rich will pay for the whole thing.”

    LMAO I swear when that happens, the place is gonna turn into a war zone. The casinos in Vegas will probably skyrocket as well, since the recipients of said UBI will head straight to Vegas to go gamble haha.

    Like Caleb, I really want to see these progressive states have UBI. Hilarity will ensue. Shit’s gonna be amazing.

    Yeah, get treated for cancer by the same wonderful people who brought you the DMV. Are you fucking kidding me?

    lol that’s my argument against it as well. I’d rather have healthcare be CHEAP than Universal. How do we do that? Take the government out of it. Completely.

    Same thing with abortion. If a woman wants to kill her unborn kid, its fine by me. Seek out whoever you need to do the operation and do what you need to do. I’m not out to save lives of people I don’t know in the name of “justice.” I’m not Judge Dredd or The Punisher. And yes, I connect those who fight for “justice” to bloodthirsty vigilantes such as they. Because they are. Justice is vengeance.

    All that being said, do we really need EVERY city in EVERY state to have an abortion clinic? That’s coming at the expense of a lot of other things involving medical procedures etc. BUT people should have the right to open an abortion clinic if they choose to. It should be their prerogative (a word statists dislike so much, that they don’t know how to spell it most of the time ;)). Getting rid of the federal government’s involvement in the practice of abortion is a solution.

    But nah. Let’s keep thinking statism will solve everything ever lol

  • CTV
    Posted at 11:59 pm, 17th July 2018

    It’s funny.. I think that the Rational Right and Rational Left probably looks a lot more like the Right Leaning Libertarians and Left Leaning Libertarians/ Classical Liberals. I’d even count the True Republicans and True Democrats who stand by the parties original intentions among these guys.

    The problem is that if you even speak sounding Rational nowadays your seen as not being unified with the party! You’re called a Cuckcif you don’t back what’s mainstream right, a Flip Flooper if you even listen to the other sides opinion, or now if you don’t back Bernie you’re seen as an Establishment Democrat.

    So basically if you have an opinion post 2016 you just shut the fuck up. Guys like me, Caleb, or many other Libertarians/Classic Liberals or even true believers of their own parties don’t waste our time.

    You really can’t have conversations based on the interest of intellectual honesty and ideas. Now on the MSM, and even independent media left and right alike it’s just about smear jobs. You can’t just simply have a conversation and agree to disagree civility post 2016. It’s just tribalism of beleifs and overal lack of maturity and basic respect to others.



  • Anon
    Posted at 07:53 am, 20th July 2018

    — Hate Jews
    — If given power, would execute people for things no-one else considers capital offenses

    Jack Outside the Box:
    — Hates Jews
    — If given power, would execute people for things no-one else considers capital offenses


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 07:36 pm, 20th July 2018

    Jack Outside the Box:
    — Hates Jews

    No. I don’t hate Jews! Where did you get that from? My own girlfriend is Jewish!

    The more you lie about me, the more you discredit yourself!

    If given power, would execute people for things no-one else considers capital offenses

    Plenty of people in America consider abortion to be a capital offense.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 08:14 pm, 20th July 2018

    Jack Outside the Box: Roughly 96 percent of Jewish people are perfectly normal and harmless people who aren’t hurting anybody or doing anything wrong.

    Anon: Jack Outside the Box hates Jews.

    This is what we call intellectual bankruptcy!

    Anon, you’re making a fool of yourself. Did your oneitis break up with you or something?

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 10:01 pm, 20th July 2018

    Anon, you’re making a fool of yourself.

    Caleb, I just realized this quote from me might be considered an ad hominem. My apologies. I wasn’t even thinking. Delete it if you wish. I just don’t enjoy being slandered with vicious and truly hateful lies.

    I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.

  • Anon
    Posted at 07:02 am, 21st July 2018

    This anonymous user on the internet cares not if a pseudonymous user on the internet calls him names. But he thinks hating about 580,000 people is about 580,000 too many.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 11:37 am, 21st July 2018

    This anonymous user on the internet cares not if a pseudonymous user on the internet calls him names.

    Regardless, I did not mean to call you any names. I’m just shocked at your level of intellectual dishonesty and breathtaking lack of nuance.

    But he thinks hating about 580,000 people is about 580,000 too many.


    I don’t hate anyone based on their genetic characteristics, how they were born, or anything they can’t control.

    I only hate people for their voluntary actions and behaviors, which are rooted in their personalities, characters, and chosen beliefs. Why is that type of hate wrong?

    Hate is just a protection shield for that which you love. If you love something, you will hate the opposite. Hate serves as love’s protection. Without hate, love becomes impotent, castrated, unable to defend itself, and ultimately, a meaningless expression for hippies.

    You need to dump the Star Wars garbage (which is just Buddhism in space). Hate is a very good thing. Just like love.

    P.S. That 4 percent of Jews aren’t always a fixed group of people, but a rotating one. People’s beliefs change. Therefore, my feelings for them change.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 12:15 pm, 21st July 2018

    This anonymous user on the internet cares not if a pseudonymous user on the internet calls him names.

    Oh, and just so we’re clear, that message was to Caleb, not you. I don’t really give a fuck what you care about, nor was I apologizing to you in any way.


  • Anon
    Posted at 04:50 pm, 21st July 2018

    Without hate, love becomes… meaningless […] Hate is a very good thing.

    Hate is, I can almost say “by definition”, in the Zone of Concern as Caleb puts it. As such, things you hate must either be gained control of or pushed out of your life. But I see where you’re coming from: you feel negative emotions are essential to contrast positive emotions (sentiment found in most women and some men). Like Caleb, I’m finding this worldview incompatible with long-term consistent happiness.

    I don’t hate anyone based on their genetic characteristics, how they were born, or anything they can’t control.

    Yes you are, otherwise you would not use the words Muslim or Jew, instead you would list the actions that you find deplorable. The alleged conspiracy involving 500,000+ Jews would certainly have non-Jews voluntarily advancing its agenda, yet you only attack the “4% of Jews” as you put it, failing to disclose criteria by which one might verify whether an individual belongs to said group. Banning nationals of certain countries, the list of which you would like to extend, from entering the US is likewise based on characteristics that are completely out of control of those affected.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:50 am, 22nd July 2018

    As such, things you hate must either be gained control of or pushed out of your life.

    Agreed. There are plenty of political and social movements which are working on gaining control, or pushing out of power, the things which I hate. I’m working on this myself, as it is part of my life’s mission.

    But I see where you’re coming from: you feel negative emotions are essential to contrast positive emotions (sentiment found in most women and some men).

    Setting aside that generic extrapolation, I was more specifically talking about love, which must be protected by hate, because otherwise, your love is defenseless against people and things which seek to destroy that which you love.

    Like Caleb, I’m finding this worldview incompatible with long-term consistent happiness.

    Long term consistent happiness depends upon ruthlessly cutting out, and keeping out, things from your life which make you unhappy. If you have a tolerance for that which would threaten your happiness or the things you love, your love and happiness get no protection. That’s all I’m saying.

    Okay, so I said this:

    I don’t hate anyone based on their genetic characteristics, how they were born, or anything they can’t control.

    And then you said this:

    Yes you are, otherwise you would not use the words Muslim or Jew,

    Dude, I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but a Muslim is:

    1. NOT a genetic characteristic

    2. NOT a condition that you were born with; and

    3. NOT something you can’t control.

    I said I hate people for the choices they make in life. Islam is a pure choice. So yes, I hate Muslims for the voluntary act of choosing to become Muslims. There is no contradiction in anything I said.

    As for Jews, obviously I’m not referring to the biological ethnicity or Abrahamic bloodline. I’m referring to the religion (choice). And not even the whole religion, but a peculiar denomination of Talmudic Judaism (referred to as “crypto-Judaism”), which is a racist and bigoted piece of shit for racist and bigoted Jewish supremacists only (which make up a small fraction of the Jewish population).

    So yeah, nothing to do with birth, genetic characteristics, or things beyond the person’s control. I’m only critiquing choices, beliefs, and voluntary behaviors. In other words, personality.

    instead you would list the actions that you find deplorable.

    But these actions are motivated by either Islam or crypto-Judaism. That’s like saying, I shouldn’t mention Nazis, just their deplorable actions. Please, spare me!

    The alleged conspiracy involving 500,000+ Jews would certainly have non-Jews voluntarily advancing its agenda, yet you only attack the “4% of Jews” as you put it,

    The non-Jews are only on a need to know basis and are themselves only clueless servants working for a bigger picture that they are too stupid to perceive. Of course, I don’t condone them either, but I’m going after the masters, not the slaves.

    failing to disclose criteria by which one might verify whether an individual belongs to said group.

    That would require an entire blog post.

    They are essentially Jewish supremacists who think that every non-Jew on this planet is cattle who was put on this planet only to be a slave for the Jews. The Talmud says this in multiple passages. Today, these bigots are the leaders of the anti-white movement, which is composed of social justice culture and 4th wave intersectional feminism. In terms of foreign policy, they are globalists who want to abolish all borders (except for Israel) and put the entire planet under a one world government run by them.

    Specific organizations, such as the SPLC, the ADL, the American Jewish Congress, and others are run by these bigoted Jews, who again, make up only a tiny fraction of the Jewish population.

    I can’t get more specific here because this post will never end.

    Banning nationals of certain countries, the list of which you would like to extend, from entering the US is likewise based on characteristics that are completely out of control of those affected.

    I only want to ban Muslims from entering this country from Muslim countries. As a sovereign nation, the U.S. has the right to ban anyone it wants, control its borders, and dictate its own immigration policies. Every country on the planet, by definition, has this right! This is just commonsense.

    We have a right to prevent religious savages from polluting our liberated culture. That still has nothing to do with anyone’s genetic characteristics, birth, or anything they can’t control. Want to immigrate to this country? Renounce Islam. Then we’ll talk.


  • Anon
    Posted at 08:08 am, 22nd July 2018

    That’s like saying, I shouldn’t mention Nazis, just their deplorable actions.

    That’s exactly what I’m saying! Was anyone sentenced at Nuremberg trials for racism? No, they were sentenced for committing war crimes! As opposed to “Jewish supremacists”, whom you define in terms of “think” and “want”. Thoughtcrime!

  • Antekirtt
    Posted at 12:56 pm, 22nd July 2018

    whom you define in terms of “think” and “want”. Thoughtcrime!

    Thoughtcrime means you want someone dead or in prison for their thoughts. But being hostile to someone for their beliefs is prefectly fine and has nothing to do with a totalitarian “thoughtcrime” mindset. Your beliefs say something about you, the way you think, your values, etc.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:59 am, 23rd July 2018

    That’s exactly what I’m saying! Was anyone sentenced at Nuremberg trials for racism? No, they were sentenced for committing war crimes! As opposed to “Jewish supremacists”, whom you define in terms of “think” and “want”. Thoughtcrime!

    You have completely blurred my position by merging two things which don’t belong together.

    1. When have I ever suggested punishing these people using the legal system for their beliefs or thoughts?

    2.  When have I ever suggested giving them a legal trial for anything other than their actions?

    I’m a Free Speech absolutist who thinks all expressions of personality should be legal. There should be no thought crimes in the legal sense.

    But I wasn’t speaking legally. I was speaking culturally. If a group of racist Jewish bastards refer to the rest of us as cattle whose only purpose in life is to serve the Jews (which is what the Talmud says), then obviously, these scum have to be fought against (in the cultural sense of the word “fought”).

    If they are on trial in a legal court of law, then obviously only their actions are a fit subject for the court (I’m against all hate crime laws).

    But within the cultural sphere, their motivations, personal psychologies, and religious or philosophical beliefs which informed and motivated their actions are a proper arena for discussion and cultural condemnation! The legal system in a free country punishes only actions, but it is the job of the culture to preempt those actions by calling out the sick beliefs from which those actions spring.

    That’s why it must be known that these are Jews or Muslims. We should study their beliefs and read their holy books in order to plan our defense, because those books have declared war against all of our freedoms and human dignity.

    So fuck Islam! And fuck Talmudic Judaism!


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 06:09 am, 23rd July 2018

    “Jewish supremacists”, whom you define in terms of “think” and “want”. Thoughtcrime!

    So you want me to list their actions?

    It would take too long, but here are just the top 10:

    1. Flooding and overwhelming the West with third world savages who reject western values and liberal freedoms in order to divide and conquer us with “multiculturalism” (not to be confused with multiracialism, which is harmless).

    This way, by exempting themselves and their own Jewish communities from their own “diversity rules,” they may have the advantage by cooperating with each other in a race conscious manner in order to position themselves at the top of any country’s hierarchy, while prohibiting any other group of people from doing the same, thus monopolizing racial consciousness exclusively to themselves.

    This actually falls within one of the definitions of genocide expounded by the United Nations – changing a country’s demographics to ensure that the native group cannot psychologically or culturally perpetuate itself as a people, even if the natives are still allowed to live physically.

    They do this by discouraging cultural assimilation of immigrants, which they refer to as “cultural genocide” against those immigrants (which is pure psychological projection and deeply ironic). So cultural integration is now considered cultural genocide and segregation and separatism will balkanize the West so that those “evil white people” can never threaten the Jews again.

    Meanwhile, they believe that they can easily control a western civilization filled with brown people because, as racists, these Jews believe in the genetic inferiority of non-whites, thus viewing them as no threat. Only whites disturb their peace of mind.

    2. Forcing America, through their puppets in government, to commit treason by shedding American blood in pointless garbage wars for the benefit of a foreign entity (Israel). Influencing and bribing politicians to pledge their loyalty to a foreign country and a foreign flag (which would be seen as worthy of the death penalty by our Founding Fathers).

    3.  Demanding fanatic nationalism to Israel, while condemning any other type of nationalism (even non-racial, or civic nationalism) as “racist,” “white supremacist” and “Nazi.”

    4. Working towards a one world globalist government while exempting Israel from its dictates and demanding that it remain a racist ethno-state while all other racist ethno-states are condemned.

    5. Influencing government policy in America to “diversify” America’s white neighborhoods via the creation of government housing (and positioning immigrants) within rich neighborhoods (while encouraging cultural separatism and discouraging cultural assimilation), while completely exempting rich and upper middle class Jewish neighborhoods from being “enriched with the beauty of cultural diversity.”

    6. Using race and ethnic based preferences to hire and promote fellow Jews (in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) to prominent professional positions of key influence within various corporations.

    7. Teaching white people in college to hate their race, while emboldening all the other races to love themselves and hate white people. This is also done by artificially encouraging interracial dating (instead of letting such things develop organically) and suggesting that whites may be racist for dating, and having babies with, other whites. Yes, I’ve actually heard Jewish college professors say this!   

    8. From their positions in banking, charging interest to non-Jews applying for loans, while completely exempting Jews from any and all interest payments (which the Bible requires), thus giving a further unfair economic advantage to their fellow Jews, again, in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    9. Using the above unethical and illegal tactics, they gain control of the nation’s culture, economy, media, banks, and government, even while most Jews are good people who know nothing about this and sincerely believe that they were hired exclusively due to their merit.

    10. Using the above as a springboard, they then endeavor to blue pill the masses and flood our culture with Nazi hysteria, white supremacist hysteria, racism hysteria, sexism hysteria, homophobia hysteria, trans-phobia hysteria, xenophobia hysteria, and Islamophobia hysteria in order to preempt any criticism of any of their plans by making it culturally taboo in advance.

    There’s more, but these are just the basics.


  • Mrod2162
    Posted at 10:10 am, 24th July 2018

    Hi Caleb,

    Would you support a trump dictatorship (Putin, orban, erdogan style) in return for far right libertarian capitalist economics and a restoration of white male alpha male dominance? Yours and many others answer will determine whether the USA remains a democracy or becomes an authoritarian country. I know you don’t like democracy but do you think it’s worse than Russian and Chinese society?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:22 am, 24th July 2018

    Would you support a trump dictatorship (Putin, orban, erdogan style) in return for far right libertarian capitalist economics and a restoration of white male alpha male dominance?

    Of course not, since it would only be that way for about a year or two then would almost immediately devolve into something totalitarian and fucked up. Say goodbye to free speech, freedom of movement, freedom of expression, etc, say hello to armed military in the streets, and so on. Fuck that; no thanks.

    Yours and many others answer will determine whether the USA remains a democracy or becomes an authoritarian country.

    Not my answer. I don’t vote and I’m leaving this country soon. I have nothing to do with any of this, which is the way I want it.

    I know you don’t like democracy but do you think it’s worse than Russian and Chinese society?

    If you put a gun to my had and I only had two options, I would rather live in the USA than Russia, so the USA’s broken left-wing democracy is terrible, but less bad than living in a quasi-totalitarian shithole like Russia (unless I was a billionaire).

    China is different because of the mass migration of hundreds of millions of farmers coming into the cities and rising to the middle class. China is in for a continual slow boom economically no matter what it does, so it’s not a good example for this.

  • Vaquero357
    Posted at 10:58 am, 31st July 2018

    Question (calls for speculation): If the Democrats had let nature take its course and not fiddle the superdelegates to support Hillary, (1) would Sanders have won the Dem nomination? And (2) Would he have beaten Trump?

    I suspect they screwed themselves out of winning the White House and have nobody but themselves to blame for Trump being President.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 01:34 pm, 31st July 2018

    I suspect they screwed themselves out of winning the White House and have nobody but themselves to blame for Trump being President.

    Trump won for only one reason – anti-white racism! That’s it!

    Sam Harris said it the best. The more you bash whites for being white, tell them to shut up and “check their privilege,” force them to go to the back of the bus, and tell them that they aren’t allowed to have self esteem or any opinions on anything without permission from a “person of color,” and tell them that if they demonstrate any self worth or masculinity whatsoever, then they are racist Nazis, guess what’s going to happen:

    Millions and millions of decent white people will join hands with hundreds and hundreds of real racists and Nazis in order to tell the militant anti-white “people of color” and their white ass lickers – GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!! Credit: Sam Harris.

    For the past 50 years, white people have been educated to be non-racist on two pillars:

    1. It’s stupid to discriminate against people on the basis of their skin, instead of on their character.

    2. How would you feel if black people started doing that to you?

    Ever since 2012, black people have been working tirelessly to dismantle these two pillars of white people’s anti-racism by discriminating against whites because of their skin (saying that only white people can be racist) and insisting on racially profiling all white people with their “white privilege” garbage.

    Well, to paraphrase Sam Harris, guess what will happen? The Alt Right will be born and white racism will flood the mainstream again because whites feel stupid for having embraced anti-racism and then realizing that they’re the only race who did. They feel like the joke’s on them.

    Black militants and SJWs are not smart people.


  • Sachmo
    Posted at 09:25 pm, 20th August 2018

    Agree with this article almost 100%.  It’s comical how clueless the democratic party is right now.

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