Reading Time – 4 minutes
Welcome to New Year’s Eve. Everyone’s excited for the new year, as you should be. The first week of January is a magical time, as I’ve talked about often. It’s always been my favorite time of year.
The problem is that, statistically speaking at least, most of the goals, resolutions, plans, and excitement you may feel about the new year will all but vanish from your mind in a few weeks, usually by the end of February.
What will probably happen is that you’ll be pretty pumped about your goals and fresh slate until around January 15th or so, but then your usual life will start taking over.
Your job or location-dependent business, your problems, your routine, your family if you have one, your mediocre-to-crappy relationship or marriage (or lack thereof), your addiction to drugs (including prescription ones; those are just as bad), social media, apps and the news, your anger about politics (if you’re an American), and all of this other garbage will start seeping back into your brain.
And before you know it, by the end of January or February at the latest, you’ll be back to your normal self, the self you were so excited to change back on January 1st.
This usually happens with positive goals, like “I want to make $100,000 in my new location-independent business by the end of the year!” or “I want a Lamborghini!” or “I want a six-pack!”
There’s nothing wrong with those goals. I have many positive goals myself and always do.
However, I’ve found that also having negative goals tends to motivate people better, longer, and more consistently than positive ones.
These would be the “running away from” goals instead of the “running towards” positive goals.
I usually have a healthy mix of both positive and negative goals.
In this article, I’ll give you a big negative goal that hopefully will propel you to action not just in January, but also in March, July, September, and even November and December of this year.
It’s actually not even a goal.
It’s a fact.
And that is, you don’t have any more time left to fuck around.
How old are you? Whatever your age is, that year you are now, and that last calendar year that just went by, are literally gone forever and you’re never getting them back.
I’m 52 so most of my age 52 is now permanently gone along with 2024 and I’m never, ever getting that year back. Neither are you, whatever age you are.
Now, you’re just ONE YEAR OLDER.
You’re one year closer to death.
One year closer to being old and wrinkly and disgusting and ugly and weak and full of medical problems, complaining about your back and your knees all the time, and not being able to take a decent piss.
Yeah, you’re now one year closer to all of that.
That last year you just had? Whatever youth and health you had in that year is now 100% gone and you’re never getting it back. Say goodbye, it’s gone forever. It’s all downhill from here.
You don’t have any more time to fuck around.
You’re also one year closer to the collapse of that corrupt, bankrupt, quasi-socialist, quasi-fascist, inflation-ridden, high-taxed, Western country you’re living in.
You’re now one year closer to that country (USA, Canada, UK, Germany, etc) completely caving in under one of several different collapse scenarios that you will personally experience because it will happen in your lifetime.
(And no, four years of Trump isn’t going to prevent any of this, but I’ve explained that many times already.)
You have even less time now to get your location-independent business started, set up your international backup plan, and/or leave the Collapsing West.
A year ago you had more time. Not a lot of time, but some. Now you have even less time than you did a year ago.
You don’t have any more time to fuck around.
You are now one year closer to AI putting millions of people out of work, perhaps even hundreds of millions.
That’s millions of data entry clerks, telemarketers, customer service reps, assembly line workers, retail cashiers, accountants, bookkeepers, truck drivers, coders, Uber drivers, administrative assistants, warehouse workers, legal assistants and on, and on, and on.
These people will suddenly be unable to pay their bills.
You might be one of them.
And if you’re not, do you seriously think all those people going out of work won’t negatively affect the greater economy of your already collapsing Western nation and thus won’t affect you?
And how the hell are Western governments, already in a state of collapse, already with too much debt, be able to support all of these people?
Do we let 50 million or 100 million people just suddenly become homeless?
If not, where do we get the trillions of dollars to support these people?
This is going to happen in the next few years.
To you.
And you’re now one year closer to this happening.
You don’t have any more time to fuck around.
How about the next big global problem?
The next big war?
The next big pandemic?
The next big global financial crisis?
The next big whatever?
One of these things is going to happen at some point.
You’re now one year closer to it happening.
Are you prepared?
(Most of you reading this are not. Not even close. That should terrify you.)
I’m sorry, I love you, but you don’t have any more time to fuck around.
It FEELS like you do.
When you watch Netflix or smoke weed or play your video game or have sex with your girlfriend or watch Trump or Elon speak it FEELS like everything might be okay and you might have plenty of time after all.
Plenty of time to waste another year of not having any location-independent income.
To not have any international backup plan whatsoever.
To stay rooted and stuck in your current collapsing Western country while you make bullshit excuses about cartels in Mexico or Muslims in Dubai or diseases in South America or people in Asia not speaking English, none of which will ever be a problem for you if you live abroad and only exist in your head.
To just sit back and rely on Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, Viktor Orbán, Elon Musk, Javier Milei, Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, Vivek Ramaswamy, or some other right-wing or left-wing savior to swoop in and magically fix all of your collapsing country’s or society’s problems.
To have all of your money, life, and future stuck in your current Western country, completely attached to all of the horrible things that country is going to experience in the next few years (and is already experiencing now).
But that’s all a lie.
The reality is you don’t have any more time to fuck around.
So yeah, make more money, lose weight, get that car, that’s great!
But also remember that, right now, you’re sitting in the back seat of that car with Thelma and Lousie, about to drive off that cliff while they’re cheering and high-fiving.
This year, all year, not just January or February, might be time for you to finally wake the hell up, stop making excuses, take some action, and get out of that car.
You don’t have any more time to fuck around.
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Posted at 06:25 pm, 31st December 2024I have a 6 unit apt building abroad as my back-up plan, Is that a good start?
Willem Erasmus
Posted at 09:12 pm, 31st December 2024The gullible populations of the morally bankrupt hypocritical West are easily scared, easily influenced to support yet another endless war.
Tom Wright
Posted at 11:13 pm, 31st December 2024Heading to Canberra in 5 weeks for my Mexican Temporary Residency appointment!
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:30 am, 1st January 2025Of course.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:31 am, 1st January 2025Yup, they support more endless wars, more trillions in new spending, more money printing and borrowing, more…
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:31 am, 1st January 2025EXCELLENT!
Rick Anders
Posted at 04:04 pm, 1st January 2025I already have two residencies and I’m going to pickup my cedula when I’m back in Paraguay in a few months. I would like to start with the 90 day Business builder in the 3th quarter (July -september) during the winter in Asuncion. Will this be available then? Would be awesome. I already have location independent income, but this will be my second business/income stream and protection from AI possibly taking away my current location independent income in a few years time.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:17 am, 2nd January 2025Probably but I can’t make you any guarantees.