Labels Really Don’t Matter Anymore

Reading Time – 4 minutes

One of the new things in the Collapsing West over the last 15 years is that most labels in the English language are becoming incredibly inaccurate, and thus useless.

It’s bizarre and fascinating to watch.

For example, the word “racist.”

Before about 15 years ago, if someone called you a racist, that was a big deal. You probably were a racist, at least in most cases. Even if you weren’t a racist, you were in huge trouble. You’d probably get fired, or worse, and everyone would hate you.

But then the left went full-on insane and started calling everyone a racist. (Even I have been called a racist, or at least have implied to be so, even though my son is black and my last girlfriend was Asian.)

After 15 years of psycho left-wingers screaming at everyone and calling everyone a racist, today, if someone publicly calls someone else a “racist,” nothing happens and no one cares.

The left has over-used the term and has thus destroyed it.

This is unfortunate because racism is a real thing and real racists (what few there are in the left-wing Western world) should be called out. But now they can’t because the term “racist” has been destroyed by the left.

The right did this with the term “libertarian.”

Before about 15 years ago, “libertarian” meant you were for abolishing government completely (anarcho-capitalists) or you were for reducing government down to near-microscopic levels (minarchists, like me).

A libertarian NEVER voted for a Republican no matter how compelling he was because Republicans always make government bigger, which is the opposite of what libertarians wanted, and libertarians knew this.

But the right, after losing the culture war around 2011, went completely insane, embraced Trump, and suddenly the internet was flooded with people who used to be libertarian but quickly converted to big government nationalists, espousing the opposite views they just had a few years prior (Alex Jones, Vox Day, Stefan Molyneux, and many others) or guys who still call themselves “libertarians,” yet get ecstatically happy whenever Trump wins an election (Dave Smith, Peter Schiff, and many others) even though Trump is one of the biggest big-government presidents in human history, and they know it.

So now, the word “libertarian” means nothing. It just means another big-government Trump supporter.

It’s gotten so bad that every time I identify myself politically, I have to say that I’m a “minarchist libertarian” because if I say “libertarian” people will assume I’m a typical right-wing Trump worshipper who doesn’t mind at all when Trump increases government spending by trillions of dollars like he did before the pandemic hit.

Indeed, as of 2024, the terms “right” and “left” don’t even mean anything anymore as I already analyzed here.

Left-wing or right-wing views are not how Americans voted in 2024. Instead, they voted on whether or not they liked or hated Trump.

Trump is pro-abortion. He said numerous times that he would never ban abortion, yet left-wing pro-abortion people voted against him, saying he would ban abortion.

And the right-wing religious anti-abortion types loved voting for Trump saying he would ban abortion.

The “left” loved that Dick Cheney supported Kamala Harris and the “right” loved that Trump said he wanted “free” government health care for people just like Bernie Sanders.

So even the terms “left” and “right” don’t really mean anything anymore. The more accurate term is “pro-Trump” or “anti-Trump,” both of whom are largely left-wing in their fiscal views and have a lot of overlap in their cultural views (when is the last time someone on the “right” proclaimed that weed should be illegal?).

Before 2020, the term “vaccine” meant a shot you took that prevented you from getting or transferring a particular disease forever.  If you got a chickenpox vaccine, that means you’d never get chickenpox for the rest of your life.

But since the pandemic, the medical community has forever changed the definition of “vaccine” into a shot you take where you’ll still get the disease just as easily and still transmit it to others just as easily. WTF?

The “vaccine” just prevents you from dying when you get sick. It doesn’t actually “vaccinate” you against anything.

But just a few years ago in 2019, that wasn’t the definition of a “vaccine” and any doctor would kick you out of his office if you said so.

This label even extends to my own life. I’m starting to feel strange identifying as an “American.”

  • I don’t live in America.
  • I will never move back to America.
  • I don’t spend any time in America with very rare exceptions (2025 is the first year I have no prescheduled dates to be in the USA).
  • I don’t have any assets in America (other than a few checking accounts).
  • I don’t like going to America (I like to be around happy people, and that’s not America).
  • I disagree with just about everything the American government does, both on the “left” and the “right,” and have for most of my life.
  • I no longer like or agree with what the culture of America is today in 2025.
  • 97% of everyone I spend time with in a typical month of my life is not American.
  • 97% of everyone I spend time with treats America as a strange, distant land they’ve never been to and can’t relate to.
  • I rarely hear anyone speak with an American accent.
  • I vastly prefer my two homes in Dubai and Paraguay over America, and this opinion strengthens every year as these two countries get better and as America gets worse.

That all being said,

  • I hold an American passport (for the moment, hint, hint).
  • I obviously look American (huge, pale white man with dark hair, blue eyes, and American features).
  • I’m still completely in love with American culture pre-2007 or so (though I love non-American cultures as well).
  • As unhealthy as it is, I love American food and probably always will.
  • My outlooks and attitudes regarding life are very 1980s America (success, capitalism, individualism, wealth, masculinity as a good thing, thinking big, lifting weights, women with big boobs, etc).
  • I speak in a very American style (loud, blunt, strong American accent).

So am I an American?

I don’t know.

These days I feel like either I’m not an American and am instead a citizen of the world, or I’m an “outdated” 1980s-style American that doesn’t really exist in American culture anymore.

Honestly, and I never thought I’d say this, I relate to more non-American people who have moved here in Dubai (success-minded business hustle culture guys) than I do modern-day Americans.

I have a feeling that in a few years, I’ll say the same thing about relating more to the happy, friendly people in Paraguay than today’s angry, jaded, depressed, drug-addicted, suicidal Americans.

Even during conversations with my American parents and siblings (all of whom live in the USA), I feel like I can’t relate to them anymore.

Listening to my left-wing mom talking about how the Christian Right is destroying America, or my left-wing dad talk about how all American whites are racist by default, or my Trump-supporter brother who is absolutely orgasmic that Trump is going to wave a magic wand and magically fix everything in the USA…

I mean, I love these people, but when they talk they sound to me like aliens from another planet.

People in Dubai and Paraguay don’t talk like this. They just don’t.

It feels kinda weird, to see this gigantic country called the United States filled with people I don’t relate to anymore.

Even if you take me out of the equation, the term “American” in 2025 means nothing, and I mean nothing like the term used to mean in 1986.

This labeling stuff being inaccurate and useless is going to get even worse with AI. Terms like “human,” “dating,” “sex,” “work,” “universal basic income,” “art,” and many others are all going to radically change their meanings.

People will still say those words, but they won’t mean what they mean today.

The next 10-15 years are going to be a very wild ride for the English language.

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  • Dandy Dude
    Posted at 01:49 pm, 11th February 2025

    Dick Cheney supported Kamala Harris

    What the hell?! That’s hilarious! I don’t pay attention to that stuff, but I’m old enough to remember the Bush years, and the notion of lefties clapping to Dick Cheney is absolutely hysterical, hahahahaha!
    On the “not relating to americans” topic: that’s the way I’ve felt my entire life among my countrymen (brazilians): don’t like soccer, don’t care for the music, hate the envy/anti-success culture, hate the lack of work ethic and commitment, etc. Also reminds me of Andrew Henderson explaining how he didn’t relate to ‘mericans and why he left.

  • Peter Young
    Posted at 03:15 pm, 11th February 2025

    It’s essentially modern-day McCarthyism.

    Back in the simpler times of the 40s and 50s, when “they” were mad at you, they just called you a “communist” and destroyed your life.

    Today, the attack surface area is much wider: Racist, misogynist, sex offender, convicted felon, Nazi, fascist, anti-science, anti-vaxxer.

    Which makes the whole thing with Tulsi Gabbard so hilarious. You could picture them back at HQ, racking their brains on how to smear her: “Well we can’t call her racist, can’t call her misogynist, and the machine we’ve built only targets men as sex offenders, what a conundrum! What do we do? Ooh, PUTIN! She has ties to Putin and Syria! Run with it folks!”.

    And I agree that it is sad. There are real people who actually are suffering from these things, but the media abuse is diluting these very real problems.

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