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I have just spent an entire week in a country the vast majority of Westerners will never visit or even consider visiting in their entire lives: Pakistan.
Indeed, when I was leaving Dubai for Pakistan and while I was there if I was communicating with any Westerner and mentioned I was going to Pakistan, 100% of the responses were complete shock and confusion. Even when I posted on YouTube that I was sick after getting back from Pakistan, Westerners in my audience said the same thing.
“Wait… what? Pakistan??? Why are you going to Pakistan??? Why would anyone ever go there???”
Well, maybe because there’s much more to the entire planet Earth than just New York, Los Angeles, Texas, and London, you silly collapsing Westerner.
And maybe I’m not a pussy who is terrified of other countries, nor am I afraid of the possibility of getting sick for two or three days just to experience the world and achieve my objectives.
Also, there are only two regions in the world with high positive birth rates, and these two regions will dominate the demographics of the planet for at least the next 100 years: Africa and Central Asia.
Like it or not, these regions are the future, not the Collapsing West.
Half the week I spent in Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city and the 12th largest city in the world with about 22 million people in the greater metro area.
The second half I spent out in the countryside in the Northern part of the country, southwest of Lahore, a city with “only” about 13 million people. (Remember what I said about birth rates? How many Western cities are this large?)
During my entire visit, I had several different hosts. Throughout this article, I will add direct quotes of what these people said in italics.
As always when I do a deep-dive analysis of countries I visit, will objectively cover both the good and the bad. With Pakistan, there’s a lot of both.
The Culture
Pakistan is very Islamic, much more so than even the Emiratis in Dubai where I live. They take Islam very seriously and while exceptions to this rule exist, they are extremely rare.
As I’ve analyzed many times, unlike modern-day Christians, Muslims deeply value and actually practice their faith. They enjoy doing things like praying five times a day or going to Mosque, whereas Christians either rarely do any of these things or treat these things as boring and tedious obligations they “have” to do.
Women and men are always covered head-to-toe. Some women show their hair and some do not.
Women dress in colorful baggy dresses or baggy pants and shirts, ensuring that you can’t see any shape of their bodies. Women can wear things like jeans but they’re always very loose and most or all of their hips are usually covered in large, low-hanging tops.
Pakistanis are the “colorful Muslims.” Very unlike the Muslims in the Middle East which are always dressed in black, white, or brown, the Pakistanis dress in all different kinds of bright colors, and the women’s clothing are covered in sparkly shit which is pleasant to the eyes.
There are no bars or dance clubs in Pakistan. Alcohol, dating, and sex before marriage aren’t allowed, and these rules are actually followed, enthusiastically so, by the vast majority of the population. Instead of dating several different people and then eventually marrying or moving in with one of them, Pakistanis choose one person in their early twenties and just get engaged, then get married.
When I asked where young people go out at night, I was told:
“What do you mean, ‘go out?’ Young people don’t ‘go out’ at night. They stay with their families.”
Quite different than Dubai where bars and clubs are everywhere and are packed every night of the week until 3 AM!
Men and women are both short and small by Western standards. Pakistanis, especially the men, are very skinny.
So there are no fat people in Pakistan but there are no fit people either. Gyms do not exist.
“We do not exercise here.”
In the Lahore countryside, I attended a wedding. Weddings in Pakistan aren’t a one-day event like in the West; they last about a week and are often celebrated for about a month. Yes, I’m serious.
In a country where enforced monogamy actually somewhat works and where divorce isn’t a thing, I guess this makes sense.
So for several days, I attended various fun wedding events. During one event the men and the women were completely segregated for most of the night, annoying the three other American guests, especially the two female ones (one of whom was Billie, since it was her operations manager who was getting married).
The People
Pakistani people are one of the nicest groups of people I have ever encountered in all of my world travels. They are all friendly, helpful, and happy. Many times my hosts asked random strangers for directions or assistance and 100% of the time these people were cheerful and happy to spend a lot of time helping out, from young kids to very old men and old ladies.
I’ve described Pakistanis before as just like Indians if you deduct the anal-retentiveness and social awkwardness. This trip has confirmed this for me. Pakistanis rank up there with the Fijians and Canadians as some of the friendliest and most relaxed people I’ve ever met.
“We love everyone, even though everyone hates us.”
Surprisingly for me, all the signs are in English in Pakistan, and the vast majority of people of all ages speak English, making it shockingly easy to navigate, especially for such a strict Islamic culture like this.
Only when you get out into the distant countryside do some people not speak English (usually defaulting to Urdu or Punjabi), but even then there are plenty of English speakers to translate.
The Food
Holy shit, some of the best food I’ve ever eaten in my life. Like many lower-end non-Western countries, food in Pakistan is real food, not a bunch of hormones, chemicals, and GMOs.
Pakistan probably has the best chicken I’ve ever tasted. Their beef is on par with Paraguay’s which is high praise. Their spices, sauces, rice, meat, everything was fantastic. They tend towards more spicy flavors which are amazing. Even the Pakistani-style pizza was fucking perfect.
The only issue I had, and one that is 100% my fault, is that during my first three days in Karachi, I ate so much of their food, and so many different kinds of their food, that my body didn’t react well (being physically unaccustomed to central Asian food) that I had some fun bowel problems and got sick towards the end of my trip.
This happened to me the first time I went to Armenia as well. If you’re a Westerner visiting this part of the world you have to remind yourself that your stomach and digestive system aren’t accustomed to food there, and you’ll pay a price if you’re not careful. During the latter few days I kept most of my diet to fruit (which tasted fantastic).
Pakistani infrastructure is dreadful. Despite the fact it’s one of the few countries that possess nuclear weapons (it’s one deterrent against India) it truly is a third-world country, far worse than Paraguay and just as bad as many regions of Africa.
As a comparison, in Paraguay, if you look around enough, you’ll see pockets of true third-world status, like piles of trash on the ground and so on, but you’ll just see this in pockets; the vast majority of any city in Paraguay is perfectly livable and pleasant.
But in Pakistan, you can drive for miles upon miles and see nothing but trash covering the entire ground, even up in the trees, floating on the water, with horribly dilapidated and collapsing buildings, children playing in the dirt, angry wild dogs fighting each other in the streets, people in their 30s who look like they’re in their 60s (I’m serious), and so on.
Twice in the small towns, we drove by an entire store that was on fire. People just crowded around and watched it burn down because there was no fire department infrastructure.
The air quality is the worst I’ve encountered, even in China. I measure the AQI index everywhere I live and visit, and the higher the number, the worse the air quality. Under 50 is considered good, 50-100 is not good, and more than 100 is bad.
At this time of year, Dubai’s AQI hovers around 50, which is the high end of good. In the summer it gets to 120 or even 150, which is quite bad (which is why I don’t live in Dubai during those months).
Right now, when the air quality is the least bad in this part of the world (because of the cooler temperatures), Pakistan’s AQI is 180 to 200 and often even higher, even when you’re hours away from any major city(!).
Nearby buildings are obscured by haze. I noticed many people coughing regularly, including my hosts. I started coughing myself towards the end of my visit.
It’s really bad and I truly feel sorry for the people who have to spend their entire lives in that horrible, disgusting air.
Driving in Pakistan is the most insane I’ve seen anywhere in the world. Drivers completely ignore the lines on the road or even how the roads are designed. They drive on the lines in the middle of the road. They drive on the shoulder. They drive the wrong way on one-way streets. No one gives a shit, they just do whatever they want and they just figure it out.
I spent many hours in the countryside driving on a single-lane road where the other lane wasn’t finished so you’re driving at highway speeds with cars driving in the middle of the road in the opposite direction, coming right at you head-on at freeway speeds.
Oh, and seatbelts aren’t a thing in Pakistan. In most cars, you can’t buckle up because either the seatbelt doesn’t work or there’s nothing to click it into.
On top of that, their roads are third-world quality like Los Angeles; huge gaps, potholes, and fragments everywhere, even on high-speed highways.
So yeah, terrifying for a Westerner.
In these scenarios, I had to remind myself that these drivers were accustomed to driving like this and I hadn’t seen any car accidents, so I recalled the 2% Rule, put on some headphones, listened to 1980s heavy metal music, and enjoyed the adventure.
“Pakistani drivers are the best drivers in the world.”
In most parts of the country, they use the Asian-style toilets (or squat toilets) where it’s basically just a hole in the ground. You need to squat down, balance on the balls of your feet, do your business (if you can), try not to fall over, and try not to make a very disgusting mess.
Most Westerners don’t even know how to use toilets like this and have panic attacks when they see one (I’ve seen it happen; Westerners are such pussies), but thankfully I’ve spent enough time in China to be experienced in this area.
The airports. Oh, the airports. I had to hit several different cities in Pakistan so I was in airports quite a bit.
Landing at the airports is usually fine. Leaving the airports is also fine if you go during a time when the airport is near-empty (this happens sometimes, strangely).
But if you have to catch a flight at an airport in Pakistan when the airport is busy, which is often, then god help you.
Leaving Lahore for Dubai on my last day, I got a boarding pass after waiting in line for about 10-15 minutes; not great but not horrible.
But then I had to wait in a gigantic line for passport control. Waiting in this line took almost 50 minutes. When I was one person away from the passport desk, excited to get through the line and on my way, the electricity of the entire airport shut off. Awesome.
The guards at the computers just shrugged like it was no big deal and leaned back. Apparently, this is a normal thing that happens a lot.
I stood there, in the dark, mashed in with hundreds of Pakistanis, waiting patiently for the power to come back on. 15 minutes later, the power comes back.
I wait another few minutes, then get called up. I hand the security guy my passport and boarding pass. He takes them and starts entering stuff into his computer.
Then the fucking power goes out again.
He just looks at me and shrugs, then leans back, talking to one of his friends.
I stand there with a frown on my face. Sometimes I really miss Dubai.
I stand there for another 10 minutes. The power goes back on again. The security guy now has to reboot his computer, which takes another 5 minutes. I remind myself that this is part of the adventure.
Finally, I get through immigration. Total time spent in immigration to catch my flight: 80 minutes. Bad, though in many American cities (like Washington DC) I’ve waited 50 minutes or so as well.
White People As Celebrities
As I’ve said, white people never go to Pakistan. Due to false Societal Programming, most white Westerners are convinced that Pakistan (and any other country that ends in the word “stan”) is a murder-land of death full of angry terrorists.
So the good news is that not only the opposite of the truth, but because white people are so rare a thing in Pakistan, when people see you they are completely shocked and treat you like a celebrity.
As a huge, white-skinned, blue-eyed, clean-shaven white man, when I was in the big cities I was constantly being stared at, gawked at even, mostly by the women.
In the countryside, people mobbed us (myself and the other American wedding guests) crowding around us, excited to see a white person. Little kids would come up to me and speak English. I was constantly bombarded with questions, nicely and politely, about where I was from, things about the USA, California, Trump, New York, and the fires in Los Angeles.
The wedding planners hired three armed guards for us (shown in the picture at the top of this article) armed with semi-automatic weapons just to keep the mobs away from us to not create a scene wherever we went.
I was the only white person for most of my trip; the only time I saw one or two other white people was when I went to the tourist areas in Karachi, and that was it
“White people are easy to identify, even from a distance, because they are always fat.”
Military-level security is extreme in many areas. Guys with big guns are a common site, similar to some South American countries.
In my five-star hotel, to gain access to it, every car is stopped, must pop their hood, and have the front and back sniffed by a bomb-sniffing dog.
In Karachi, my hosts wanted to take me to their “best beach” but it was guarded by the military. There were three of us in the car, and when they saw me, they immediately became suspicious.
When they asked (in Urdu, so I couldn’t understand) about me and my hosts said “USA,” the guards immediately turned us away, stating that the beach was for “Pakistani passport holders only.”
What the guards really meant is that they didn’t want any enemy Americans at their beach.
“We are sorry about that. We have lots of enemies. Even the USA is our enemy. India hates us too even though we like them. Only China likes us.”
It was all good in the end, we found a different beach and hung out there instead.
I loved 85% of my visit to Pakistan and I will definitely return. I learned want I wanted to learn about the people and the economy. It’s been a country I’ve wanted to visit for a very long time and I’m very happy to finally check this checkbox on the massive list of countries and cities I still need to visit.
Next on the new-places-to-travel list: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Saudi Arabia. Can’t wait!
Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.
Thomas Haladner
Posted at 02:09 pm, 30th January 2025Interesting read Caleb. Thanks!
In my early 20’s I drove up north in Norway to see the midnight son When I got back to Canada I went to a party in Ottawa.
A 40-something friend of the family commented that the midnight son was a “once-in-a-lifetime trip” .
I replied, “no way I loved it there and will definitely return” .
But he was right. I never did. Unless you have a business reason to go back it will be interesting to see if you actually do return.
The best laid plans of mice and men…
Raza Mobin
Posted at 02:11 pm, 30th January 2025Glad you enjoyed my home country Caleb. The north is beautiful and my favorite part of Pakistan.
Posted at 02:12 pm, 30th January 2025Great article!
Posted at 03:34 pm, 30th January 2025That’s real rich coming from a guy who measured the air quality index everywhere he goes.
Now image if you were a white-skinned, blonde, blue-eyed white woman visiting Pakistan. Hoarded of those “pious” Pakistani Muslim males would ditch their “piety” in a heartbeat just to get a picture with you
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:20 pm, 30th January 2025Unlike 99% of Westerners, who are pussies, I still go to these places, I don’t freak out if the air quality is bad, I don’t leave the country if the air quality is bad, etc. Now explain exactly why gathering on-the-ground data regarding a foreign country makes me a pussy like these people.
And it sounds like someone here has a problem with Muslims.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:22 pm, 30th January 2025I have business reasons for returning, which is why I’ll go back (eventually).
Unlike most people on the internet, I speak literally and I mean what I say.
Posted at 04:29 pm, 30th January 2025Next stop for Caleb, Nigeria
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:32 pm, 30th January 2025Yes, Nigeria is also on my agenda.
Posted at 04:42 pm, 30th January 2025Pakistan sounds like a dream destination for Islamic asylum seekers. Let’s send them there,
Posted at 04:48 pm, 30th January 2025“Also, there are only two regions in the world with high positive birth rates, and these two regions will dominate the demographics of the planet for at least the next 100 years: Africa and Central Asia.”
Not so.
This time, we (and they) are the horses.
Kevin S Van Horn
Posted at 05:20 pm, 30th January 2025I’m having a hard time reconciling this description of Pakistanis as friendly and hospitable, with the horrific Pakistani attitudes that have surfaced in the UK’s Pakistani grooming/rape gang scandal. Their attitude seems to be that raping non-Muslim women is entirely moral. Any thoughts?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:49 pm, 30th January 2025Heh, another Trump fantasy that will never happen. There will be more Muslims in the USA and Western Europe in five years. Much more. Just watch.
Great, show me your data.
Posted at 06:55 pm, 30th January 2025Because most sane, functioning people don’t go around measuring the air quality index everywhere they go. If the air was really bad and unbreathable, it would be visually obvious like the smog in LA in the 1940s and 1950s.
Not really. The same applies to Hindu men in India. It’s just a general behavior with local men who live in shithole South Asian countries
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:57 pm, 30th January 2025Several answers to that:
1. Both facts can be true at the same time and probably are. Pakistanis in Pakistan are friendly and hospitable while having a higher propensity to commit rape against non-Muslim women when they live in stupid collapsing suicidal Western welfare-state quagmires like the UK.
(Pakistanis don’t rape any Western women here in Dubai. I wonder why that is? I have NO sympathy for anything that happens in the UK and you shouldn’t either. No Westerners should live there, as I’ve been saying for about 7 years now.)
2. What percentage of Pakistani men living in the UK rape Western women? I don’t know these numbers, but I imagine they are probably somewhat small, even if larger than white men committing the same crimes in the UK.
3. Are the Pakistani men who rape women in the UK complete assholes to everyone? Or are they also friendly and hospitable in general when not raping? (I don’t know the answer to this, because again, I’m not insane enough to live in the UK.)
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:59 pm, 30th January 2025Not an argument. Most sane, functional people don’t make 7-figure incomes either, but I do, yet this doesn’t mean I’m insane or nonfunctional.
Try again, Pumpkin.
Posted at 08:24 pm, 30th January 2025Thank you for sharing this report. I remember seeing a documentary about Lahore a few months ago here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coNsTXVrTq8
Your report mirrors theirs regarding the pollution and dust.
For younger Westerners, particularly Americans filled with False Societal programming regarding travel outside the US, what would be your recommendations for places to visit? I am curious about the best places to visit to 1) understand how foreigners view Americans, 2) uproot some of my SP, and 3) obtain some useful experiences.
Michal Ded
Posted at 11:55 pm, 30th January 2025Indiana Jones adventure:). Great article!
Posted at 12:35 am, 31st January 2025Great article Caleb – I can’t understand why some of the morons have to try make negative comments out of everything, it’s hilarious.
Have you ever been to Nepal? Bloody incredible country, I’m hoping to go back in the coming years. I believe it’s even poorer than Pakistan.
Posted at 02:02 am, 31st January 2025Generally a great article Caleb. I am glad you enjoyed my home country. Although I would caveat Pakistanis have generally only become religiously practising since the late 1970s when an American sponsored dictator introduced Islam into the constitution.
I would also say that you should spend some more time in Lahore, Islamabad and Gilgit-Baltistan next time – the road infrastructure is pretty decent and you’ll find a lot of Westerners around these areas.
I came to one of your talks a few years ago in London. See you again soon
Matt magna
Posted at 02:17 am, 31st January 2025Hey Caleb, that sounds like an amazing life experience.
I can relate some of your experience to my visits to South Sulawesi.
They are Great people, friendly, and they are often surprised to see a ‘bule’. (Me)
Other things similar:
-squat toilets
-traffic flow that seems chaotic but they are accustomed and used to it and they manage
-predominantly muslim, nightclubs or alcohol super rare
-great food, I too, eat too much and get digestive issues.
-infrastructure is ok, but varies
-aqi is usually green to yellow (jakarta or huge city of course would be different)
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:43 pm, 31st January 2025I can’t answer broad questions like that because it depends on you. For example, some people would hate Mongolia, but other people would love Mongolia.
The answer is, whichever countries you would find interesting.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:46 pm, 31st January 2025Oh, I can:
1. Standard American defensiveness about being needlessly scared of other countries.
2. Western dislike of Muslims and similar cultures because of the Collapsing West’s mass importation of these people.
No but Kathmandu is on my list. One of my (infrequent) women here in Dubai is Nepalese and we’ve discussed it in detail. I would love to go.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 01:49 pm, 31st January 2025Ehhhhh I don’t know about that. I’m pretty sure the road infrastructure would still be pretty shitty by Western standards.
And also, when I go to places like Pakistan, I don’t want to see other Westerners. That’s part of the point.
Posted at 03:21 pm, 31st January 2025Good stuff! I missed your blog posts.Glad you’re writing those again 🙂
Posted at 12:40 am, 1st February 2025“Heh, another Trump fantasy that will never happen. There will be more Muslims in the USA and Western Europe in five years. Much more. Just watch.”
Migration of muhammedan memezoids decreased here. We will once again fight back, reclaim our pride and purge Europe from this infestation.
“Great, show me your data.”
Muhammedan immigration here in the EU has decreased and will decrease more. We need positive, resourceful and open-minded people. We do not need islamist memezoids. Let them go fyck their niece in their islamist hellhole instead of molesting our women.
We will survive. We will prosper. We will secure a future for our children. Traitors do not need apply.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 12:01 pm, 1st February 2025You didn’t show me any data about this, just robot shit, so I’m done with you.
FYI I asked Perplexity.AI if the rate of Muslims immigrating to the EU is decreasing and here was its answer:
“Despite a potential decrease in immigration rates, the Muslim population in Europe is still projected to grow due to higher fertility rates and ongoing migration, albeit at a slower pace than during the peak refugee years.”
As usual, guys like you have lots of emotions but no data.
Posted at 09:55 am, 2nd February 2025Damn Caleb! Looking slim!!
Posted at 03:29 pm, 2nd February 2025Your own data prove that muhammedan immigration decreased. Expect this decrease to continue and mass expulsion of problematic muhammedans to commence.
“You didn’t show me any data about this, just robot shit,”
This “robot shit” underlines that, basically, capital will replace labour and is already replacing labour. Pro-immigration loons always whine about labour shortages. Who needs zebibah culturing morons and burqa-wrapped child factories when AI robots can and will do the same job better, faster and cheaper, without beheadings, bombs and rapes?
Posted at 03:48 pm, 2nd February 2025Nice weather in Pakistan, it seems
Joe Zinke
Posted at 04:17 pm, 8th February 2025Two questions.
1) After your tier ranking of most countries in the world, would you still rate Pakistan in the “total shit” category after your visit? I know there was some deliberation about where it belonged in that list. Despite the bad infrastructure and 3rd world type issues, it is economically rising and has a massive population. I could see an argument for sucks or meh. Just my opinion.
2) Would you ever be willing to elaborate on your protocol for not getting sick when traveling? I personally carry some basic anti-diarrhea, ibuprofen, cough drops, vitamin drink mixes, and cold meds when I travel. Every time I’ve traveled overseas for something, I’ve gotten either a stomach bug or a bad cold.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:32 am, 9th February 2025I don’t remember what specific tier ranking you’re referring to, but yes Pakistan would rate at the bottom (or very close to it), at least in most regions. But it is rising.
Yeah I’ll go through it on a livestream.
I never carry any of that stuff because it makes me feel like a hypochondriac.
Yeah I don’t have that problem. 99% of the time I travel to other countries I don’t get sick.
My guess is that you have issues with your immune system.
Joe Zinke
Posted at 03:52 pm, 9th February 2025“I don’t remember what specific tier ranking you’re referring to, but yes Pakistan would rate at the bottom (or very close to it), at least in most regions. But it is rising.”
Aiman -A
Posted at 10:09 am, 21st February 2025So you did not see any business opportunity for now or for future ?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 06:58 am, 22nd February 2025Yes I saw several, at least two I’m going to implement in the next 1-3 years.