A Dragon In Panama

Listen to this song as you read this article. I’ve been singing it the entire time I’ve been here so far.


I’m finally here! Of all the countries I’m visiting on this Latin America tour (Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, and Colombia), Argentina and Panama are the two I’m most excited about. And, oh man, I was so right to be excited about Panama. What an amazing place.

Panama! A booming economy thanks to a comparative, if not literal, embrace of capitalism plus a huge infusion of American cash (and as an American subject to the highest taxes in the world, you’re fucking welcome, Panama), it’s been a booming economy for quite a while, rivaling even Brazil. (Incidentally, Brazil’s voters just elected a pro-dictatorship fascist. Oh, South America! Stay crazy, you insane bastard!)

Panama is also an emerging powerhouse in international banking. Which, of course, is why I’m here; to set up legal structures to eventually get Panamanian residency and eventually, citizenship.

Panama City! The Dubai of the Latin world. The first thing you see are the rows upon rows of clean, brand new high rises that are as cool as anything you’ll see in places like Singapore. Fancy apartment buildings, posh hotels, tons of high-top roof bars, a beautiful ocean with beautiful islands connected to the city by man-made land bridges… Panama City is as close as you can get to a “new feeling” city in the entire Western Hemisphere (besides Vancouver BC).

The airport is great (with the exception of the fact that the conveyor belts are never turned on; WTF, Panama?) and they are actually doubling the size of it right now, as the new construction clearly shows. Amazing.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s still Hispanic, so people still honk at each other for no reason and there are crappy, trashy, graffiti-filled areas outside of the fancy downtown high-rise regions. So it certainly isn’t perfect. But damn, I love it!

I’m staying in the tallest building in the city, the JV Marriott, formerly Trump International Hotel & Tower, before Trump and his daughter were forcibly ousted by Cypriot venture capitalist Orestes Fintiklis. Here it is:

The Women

As one might expect from the higher financial standing and lifestyle, the women here, while I wouldn’t consider them super hot, are indeed quite noticeably several notches better-looking than those in most other Hispanic countries. Turbo-hotties are also easy to find.

These women have more chiseled faces, are skinnier, sort of have hips, and have huge boobs. Damn. Boobies be poppin’ out all over the place here. This isn’t surprising considering I’m only 20 miles away from Colombia (which I’ll be visiting in about two weeks). Fake tits are also noticeable here, which is always a plus. (Fake and big is far better than small and real, at least in my opinion.)

I’ve also noticed that a lot of Colombians (men and women both) come to Panama City for vacation, so many of the hot women you see here are actually not from Panama at all, but Colombia.

There are two types of women here; the standard Hispanics and the Central American Hispanics who actually look black, representing about 20% of the women. However, they have sharper, more attractive features than African American women; there’s almost no resemblance other than the skin tone.

You know, in my world travels over the years, I’m seriously starting to think that African blacks got the short end of the stick in terms of the overall attractiveness of the world’s black races, since African American black women are okay-looking (just my opinion of course; many men differ with me on this), but black women in Panama are quite attractive and black women in the Bahamas are gorgeous as fuck. Very interesting.

The People

The people here are very friendly, but I’ve come to expect that of the Latin countries (they were very friendly in Mexico, too). As I said above, they are not quite as temper-prone as the Mexicans, but they are still Hispanics with that hot blood, so tempers can (and do) still flare.

There is also a very pro-Western, pro-America vibe here because of Panama’s long and happy history with the United States vis-à-vis the Panama Canal. This is one of the many reasons I’m able to do things like apply for residency, citizenship, and open foreign bank accounts here a little easier as an American than I could in other nations (thanks to my insane government’s laws like FATCA; I can’t wait to get the hell out of the Collapsing USA).

They even use American currency(!) so there is no need to do any currency conversions if you’re coming from the USA. Awesome! The only weird thing is that if you get coins (not paper, but actual coins) as change, those are indeed Panamanian-minted coins.

Panamanians have a weird thing about tinted windows. Almost all the cars here in Panama City have extremely dark tinted windows all around.

The Hispanics of Panama City are also very fitness oriented, much more than any other Hispanic place I’ve visited in the past. A lot of them are very fit, men and women both. As you walk along the water, they have permanent, outdoor fitness equipment. This stuff is actually used, too. Every night of the week, these parks are filled with super-ripped guys doing calisthenics on the exercise equipment, right alongside women in an outdoor dance class, next to men playing soccer or baseball.

The City

As I said, it’s a fun, clean, cool city. I really like it.

It’s not perfect and there is certainly some oddness. For examples, the malls, even the giant ones, are almost like weird ghost towns. Hardly any people use them. There are vast hallways full of empty bays where businesses should be.

Very odd. Yet another classic example of overzealous commercial real estate developers overdeveloping before there is demand. Walking through these malls reminds me of the ghost cities in China.

The humidity here, as is so often the case, is a problem. It’s not the wet blast furnace that is Singapore, but the humidity here is still strong. Walking around all day means you’re sticky enough where you need to head back to your hotel room, take a second shower as the sun is going down, then head back out clean again. And this is only November; I can only imagine how bad it its here in the summer. Talking to other Americans at the international banks and immigration attorneys’ offices, they indeed confirmed to me that the humidity is pretty much year-round, and during the summer it’s particularly terrible. Crap.

Intense heat or intense humidity; I can easily handle one. 100F+ degrees in very dry Dubai? No problem at all; I can walk around in that all day long and enjoy myself. 95% humidity on the beach in Panama City once the sun is down and the temperature drops to around 72? No problem; the dampness in the air actually feels kind of nice.

But 90%+ humidity while the sun is out, beating down, and the temperature rises above 80 degrees? Nope, fuck that. I’ll soldier through it but it will severely damage my opinion of your city. I still don’t understand why people tolerate this (I’d move). But as the Singaporeans once explained to me, “If you are born and grow up here, you still hate it, but you get used to it.”

Given that the sometimes tolerable humidity is the only negative, Panama City is fantastic. I’ll be back here many times over the next several years as a requirement for my residency, and I can’t wait. Panama City is now officially one of my favorite cities in the world. Man, I seriously can’t wait to go back in a few months. I didn’t even want to leave!

Next up, I head deep into South America for my next residency… Paraguay!

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  • No more mr nice guy
    Posted at 05:17 am, 15th November 2018

    Am I right in thinking that you don’t make any attempts to chase the local women when you travel? Other than commenting on the attractiveness of the women you see on the street, you never mention anything more than looking at them.

    Why not? Your dislike of one night stands, perhaps?

  • VSmilex
    Posted at 05:31 am, 15th November 2018

    Interesting. Never thought of Panama that way…

    How is pricing? You rarely mention that, I have noticed. Is it cheaper than the US?

     I still don’t understand why people tolerate this (I’d move).

    Most people have patriotic and national feelings to some degree, which I completely understand. You should love your nation, in my opinion.

  • Small Survivor
    Posted at 05:59 am, 15th November 2018

    Most people have patriotic and national feelings to some degree, which I completely understand. You should love your nation, in my opinion.

    Either that, or too afraid of change to actually leave.

  • Anon
    Posted at 06:05 am, 15th November 2018

    Most people have patriotic and national feelings to some degree, which I completely understand. You should love your nation, in my opinion.

    You should be rational about your nation, in my opinion. Even if it were freely chosen by your parents, which is unlikely to have been the case, why would you have to love something that wasn’t your choice?

  • VSmilex
    Posted at 06:32 am, 15th November 2018

    Either that, or too afraid of change to actually leave.

    That is very true, yes. People hate change.

    why would you have to love something that wasn’t your choice?

    We don’t choose our parents either, but most of us love them despite all their flaws. Same applies to our home nation/town/city. No place is perfect.

  • Eric
    Posted at 06:42 am, 15th November 2018

    I’m sold

  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 07:02 am, 15th November 2018

    Am I right in thinking that you don’t make any attempts to chase the local women when you travel?

    Not often, but sometimes I will if I’m horny as hell and can’t stand it. I will always use online dating or sugar daddy game when traveling since it takes the least amount of time.

    No other reason, other than I’m very busy when I travel and don’t have a lot of time to hobnob with chicks. I get laid plenty in the US so I don’t travel to get laid. I realize that makes me unusual in the red pill world.

    I have an article coming soon on the topic of getting laid abroad, since I get a lot of questions about it (though it’s honestly not my area of expertise).

    How is pricing? You rarely mention that, I have noticed.

    I only mention it if it’s radically different than the US, which Mexico City nor Panama City are not. (Now wait until I talk about Paraguay!)

    Is it cheaper than the US?

    It is, but only for certain things (hotels, but not food), but not radically so.

    Most people have patriotic and national feelings to some degree, which I completely understand. You should love your nation, in my opinion.

    Love is earned. You shouldn’t love a place just because you happen to have been born there. You should love a place because it’s good.

    We don’t choose our parents either, but most of us love them despite all their flaws.

    Love is still earned. I would not love my parents if they were shitty to me. (Fortunately they were good to me, so I love them.)

  • Dexter
    Posted at 07:02 am, 15th November 2018

    Offtopic question for fellow blog readers.


    Facebook Dating seems to have been released.


    Have any of you guys taken a go at it ?


    How does it stand relative to Match, OkCupid, PlentyofFish and the swiping apps like Tinder an Coffee Meets Bagel ?

  • Tomas
    Posted at 08:33 am, 15th November 2018

    BD,if you compare the women from Panama with the women from Portland Oregon,where you said that you find Hb8-Hb10 ,5% from 100 random girls,(age 23 to 32).
    What percentage from 100 random Panama women are HB 8 or higher,for you,(age 23 to 32)?
    Also,if an Alpha 2.0,moves to a spanish speaking country from South America or moves to Spain,do you think he can find low drama women who are natives,not other races,or he has to drop his standard of drama in order to find an Oltr?

  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 09:07 am, 15th November 2018

    BD,if you compare the women from Panama with the women from Portland Oregon,where you said that you find Hb8-Hb10 ,5% from 100 random girls,(age 23 to 32).
    What percentage from 100 random Panama women are HB 8 or higher,for you,(age 23 to 32)?

    Dude. Put your calculator away and stop asking me these math nerd questions.

    if an Alpha 2.0,moves to a spanish speaking country from South America or moves to Spain,do you think he can find low drama women who are natives,not other races,or he has to drop his standard of drama in order to find an Oltr?

    Countries have millions upon millions of women each. So you can find low-drama women in any country. You’ll just have less of them in higher-drama countries. If you’re like me and don’t require a large number of women in your sex life to be happy, then sure, you can find a few low-drama women in the Latin world.

  • Eric
    Posted at 10:26 am, 15th November 2018

    Countries have millions upon millions of women each. So you can find low-drama women in any country. You’ll just have less of them in higher-drama countries. If you’re like me and don’t require a large number of women in your sex life to be happy, then sure, you can find a few low-drama women in the Latin world.

    when yah put it like that…now im really down

  • Tomas
    Posted at 10:43 am, 15th November 2018

    Dude. Put your calculator away and stop asking me these math nerd questions.

    That percentage is very ,very important if you do daygame.

    For example in my native country,Hungary ,that percentage for me is 8-9% in Budapest,hb8 or higher.
    And if you want to travel to a foreign country and also fuck girls there,it is essential to know that ratio,for time management.

  • Sachmo
    Posted at 12:35 pm, 15th November 2018

    How does Panama City compare to Miami?  I’ve imagined them as similar cities, but that could just be my Panamanian friends talking it up.

  • Neil
    Posted at 01:11 pm, 15th November 2018

    Ratios for daygaming women on the so called ‘HB’ rating don’t work unless you know the person who’s saying it has exactly the same taste in girls as you do.

    As anyone knows, one guys HB8 is another guys HB6 and so on…

    The best thing to do is decide what country’s women you find really attractive & then visit the place.

  • johnnybegood
    Posted at 01:43 pm, 15th November 2018

    Eh the general hotness of the female population (sounds like BD said he greatly approves) is very relevant to pickup.

    That’s because absolute attractiveness isn’t as important as relative attractiveness. In reality, the local population “evolves” so that the hottest people begin screwing each other, and all the way down.


    If you live in an environment of warpigs (think a nerdy college, many are starving for babes in reality. The few that exist are literally fucking the mediocre football QB and mediocre D1/D2 athletes at Nerd School) — then a Campus “9” who might be a 5 in LA — a few pounds extra, etcetera — gets her pick of the litter. With the attitude to match.


    Conversely, if you’re in the land of hot chicks, where most chicks are pretty damn fine and thin (Russia comes to mind) — it’s not like they are aware of that factor. A new equilibrium is established. If a “hot” girl is average, she acts like an average girl in America acts (fattie McFattie) — receptive, interest piqued at any guy that brings shit to the table, bitch shields down, etcetera. The elite studs aren’t after her (she’s average) — hell she views herself as average, because there, she is, and she’s treated as such.

    The other equation is your relative value in the situation. Foreigners are frequently treated as an interesting exotic commodity (not always) depending on where you are and race relations etc but eh.

    Obviously, ideal situation is — no shit — the land of abundant hot chicks, with high average hotness — and your relative arbitrage value there, as white American man in my case, or whoever, is sky high.

  • JudoJohn
    Posted at 02:03 pm, 15th November 2018

    Same applies to our home nation/town/city. No place is perfect.

    But some places are pretty fucking great.

    It was an odd series of events that made Colorado what it is. It was a real fluke that this much open space opened up as it did…..if you look at something like the book “1491” it’s all about how disease wiped out the vast majority of the original humans out here. A tragedy. Generally not ethnic cleansing, though….this was before the germ theory of disease, and at any rate, it’s a complex history beyond the point.

    The point is that I live in a small apartment in Denver and own no land, yet I have a series of vast wildernesses at my disposal along with what the Wall Street Journal just called the best large airport in the nation a train ride away (and I live right next to one of those trains, that also takes me downtown for nightlife).

    Oh yeah, and it’s almost never humid, and today it hit 60 degrees.

    People from back east think we have terrible snow removal out here. It’s called the sun, bitches.

    Wait, never mind….it sucks around here lol.

    Might be big tittied women everywhere but they all have horse faces like John Elway (yeah, haven’t let that one go, BD)

  • Mike Hunter
    Posted at 03:01 pm, 15th November 2018

    It’s not perfect and there is certainly some oddness. For examples, the malls, even the giant ones, are almost like weird ghost towns. Hardly any people use them. There are vast hallways full of empty bays where businesses should be.

    Real estate development and upkeep in South and Central America is a major way crime syndicates currently launder drug money.  Or so I’ve heard.


  • Kurt
    Posted at 06:45 pm, 15th November 2018

    Tinder/Bumble works pretty well in the Canal Zone. Plenty of hotties that are eager for EEUU boyfriends/cock and pursue aggressively.

    I agree that Panama City is horrible climate-wise. I recommend escaping to Gamboa or Valle de Anton (easy now with Uber). Night and day– tropical climates are just not the place to live among concrete and asphalt. You’ll like Bogota (~8K’ elevation) much much better (but chicks are hotter in Medellin).


  • Rizzen
    Posted at 08:22 pm, 15th November 2018

    Panamanian here! Glad to read your Panama review, BD.

    Real estate development and upkeep in South and Central America is a major way crime syndicates currently launder drug money.  Or so I’ve heard.

    Sad but true, Mike. That is one of the reasons the malls and skyscrapers are empty here in Panama. The other reason is that actually, our nation’s economy is not doing great these days. So there isn’t that many people in shopping malls as there used to be 5 years ago.

    the women here, while I wouldn’t consider them super hot, are indeed quite noticeably several notches better-looking than those in most other Hispanic countries. 

    There is quite a large number of insanely hot women here in Panama City these days, but most of them aren’t Panamanians, but Venezuelans. Thanks Maduro! =) Lots of really good looking Colombians, too.

    Panamanians have a weird thing about tinted windows. Almost all the cars here in Panama City have extremely dark tinted windows all around.

    Well, some people do it because sunlight can be very bright here. My car’s windows are not that dark, though. It can be dangerous at nighttime.

    I still don’t understand why people tolerate this (I’d move). But as the Singaporeans once explained to me, “If you are born and grow up here, you still hate it, but you get used to it.”

    Well, we Panamanians tolerate the heat and humidity because besides that, it’s a great place to live! Believe me, we DO appreciate everything that BD is pointing out in his review.

    Given that the sometimes tolerable humidity is the only negative, Panama City is fantastic. 

    Thanks, BD. Besides Panama City, there are quite a few places in the countryside that are also fantastic, specially the highlands in Chiriqui, the amazing beaches in Bocas del Toro or the Pearl Islands.

    Waiting for your reviews on Asuncion (never been there, but I’ve heard it resembles Panama a bit) and Buenos Aires (I’ve been there several times and I love it!).

  • Mago
    Posted at 08:36 pm, 15th November 2018

    Almost all the cars here in Panama City have extremely dark tinted windows all around.

    That is to protect the seats and handwheel from the sun. Even if you have AC in your car, if you parked on the sun, touching the handwheel will burn you.

    Another reason is privacy, especially for younger people, sometimes having sex in a car is more practical than going to an hotel…  

  • Gang
    Posted at 09:35 pm, 15th November 2018


    What does this word mean? (I am not a native english speaker)

    When you speak about your travels, some example pictures of what the various women you talk about look like would do wonders such as Naughty Nomad does for instance. It’s really missing. Could even be just a link to some pictures you found with google.

  • Gang
    Posted at 09:50 pm, 15th November 2018

    But 90%+ humidity while the sun is out, beating down, and the temperature rises above 80 degrees? Nope, fuck that. I’ll soldier through it but it will severely damage my opinion of your city. I still don’t understand why people tolerate this (I’d move). But as the Singaporeans once explained to me, “If you are born and grow up here, you still hate it, but you get used to it.”

    I think there is a lot of genetics and physiology going on with this. I actually feel better when weather is warm and wet than warm and dry. Dry air feels tiring and gives me mild sore-throat, and unpleasantly dries my sinuses. Plus I feel like I am constantly dehydrated through breathing no matter how much water I drink.

    I like to live in a country where people take a quick shower first thing when getting home because I like to fuck them ladies clean.

    I also enjoy warm tropical weather, and I don’t quite comprehend how people can tolerate Canadian weather, even Portland weather is way too cold for me, I would never stay there more than a couple of days. I hate autumn and winter weather except for a week or two when skiing in a snowy mountain ski resort.

    I even dislike seasons, the mere fact that daylight duration changes across the year, which is virtually not noticeable near the equator with a steady and stable 12h day and 12h night, give or take 30min.

  • Kaelos
    Posted at 06:55 am, 16th November 2018

    BD, how was the internet speed, reliability, and availability in Panama?

  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 10:01 am, 16th November 2018

    I think there is a lot of genetics and physiology going on with this.

    Sure, very likely.

    even Portland weather is way too cold for me, I would never stay there more than a couple of days.

    Portland isn’t cold. It’s temperate throughout most of the year. It just rains all the fucking time. I can’t stand it.

    BD, how was the internet speed, reliability, and availability in Panama?

    It was very good. Never had any problems with wifi or 3G/4G.

    I have had internet problems in some of these other Latin countries though. I’ll talk more about that as I post more articles. But Panama’s internet was great.

  • Dandy Dude
    Posted at 11:47 am, 16th November 2018

    Incidentally, Brazil’s voters just elected a pro-dictatorship fascist. Oh, South America! Stay crazy, you insane bastard!

    He’s kinda like a bargain bin Trump, the right wing folks (naively) believe he’s going to turn things around. Serves as a reminder for me to work harder and get the hell out of here as quickly as possible.

  • Lee
    Posted at 12:51 pm, 16th November 2018

    BD,after you finish your Latin America tour,in your last post on this topic,could you make a ranking about the hotness of women in these countries?
    I think Argentina will be first,and mexico last.

  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 02:54 pm, 16th November 2018

    BD,after you finish your Latin America tour,in your last post on this topic,could you make a ranking about the hotness of women in these countries?

    Sure. Good idea.

    I think Argentina will be first,and mexico last.

    Dead wrong.

    But you’ll have to see how I rank everything…

  • David
    Posted at 10:58 pm, 16th November 2018

    I only spent one day there indoors.  I was planning to return but there was nothing i wanted to see, compared to other countries in latam.  I do have a dream of building a foreign call center one day, in a place where i dont have to pay the local politicians.  Maybe ill take a closer look.


    Food decent?

  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 05:46 am, 17th November 2018

    Food decent?

    Yeah it was fucking great! Great shawarma!

  • AlphaOmega
    Posted at 11:04 am, 18th November 2018

    Singapore and Panama are both very highly strategic positions. In a way those locations were destined for special cities. That alone is a reason for people to stay there.

  • Morfeus
    Posted at 11:29 am, 18th November 2018

    ” I’m seriously starting to think that African blacks got the short end of the stick in terms of the overall attractiveness”

    BD Africa is a huge continent with different types of black people depending on where there live. Have you ever been to Horn of Africa? I think poverty has a huge effect on looks also and African blacks are still very poor.


  • Blackdragon
    Posted at 11:07 am, 19th November 2018

    Singapore and Panama are both very highly strategic positions. In a way those locations were destined for special cities. That alone is a reason for people to stay there.

    Correct and agree.

    BD Africa is a huge continent with different types of black people depending on where there live.

    I have never been to Africa but I have personally seen thousands upon thousands of African-descended black people for over 40 years all over the United States, so based on that huge pool of sample data, that’s how I formed my opinion.

  • Morfeus
    Posted at 01:35 pm, 19th November 2018

    I have never been to Africa but I have personally seen thousands upon thousands of African-descended black people for over 40 years all over the United States, so based on that huge pool of sample data, that’s how I formed my opinion.

    Dude your missing out if you haven’t visited parts of Africa yet. I would recommend Marrakech if you want to visit the arab part. Malindi in Kenya is also a good intro with nice beach and safari tours.

    I also think the black hispanics are African descendants tracing their roots back to the transatlantic slave trade. Hispanics are basically african mixed up with some native americans and europeans and viola you have hispanics.

  • JohnMurdoch
    Posted at 10:43 am, 20th November 2018

    Incidentally, Brazil’s voters just elected a pro-dictatorship fascist. 

    No, no BD you got it all wrong. Where did you read that, some mainstream media?

    I’m brazilian and I’ve been following this guy Bolsonaro for years, trust me he is the closest thing Brazil ever had to a good president. He is for sure the first one who isnt socialist.

    He isnt pro dictatorship, quite the opposite, he wants to reduce federal government power, reduce the size of the estate, reduce taxes and bureacracy and increase individual freedom (like allowing easy access to personal guns for citizens).

    His economic program quotes Milton Friedman and proposes tons of libertarian ideas for the economy.

    He sure as hell aint no fascist. You should know by now that “fascist” is just liberal lingo for “not liberal”. He is hated by both brazilian leftists and social democrats.

    I wont say he is a savior or anything, I know you dont believe in presidents saving society (and I agree with you), but Bolsonaro was definitely the best  option available (the election was basically between him and the communists who just ran the country to bankruptcy and got arrested for corruption – they actually try to run for president with a guy in jail, but had to change last minute to the vice president guy. its nuts).

    Bolsonaro is conservative and I surely dont agree with everything he defends, but he is as good as it gets here. And despite Brazil’s western inclination, things here are not so ugly as in america so maybe there is a chance the country escapes long term destruction by the left. Maybe.

    Look it up, Brazil’s future never looked so bright

  • JohnMurdoch
    Posted at 11:15 am, 20th November 2018


    Oh you will find all kinds of lies on mainstream media about him. His campaign was basically on twitter and facebook because he had no time on tv and mainstream media try to destroys him at all costs (it makes sense since he promised to greatly reduce government funding on Brazil’s main tv channels, newspapers and magazines). All the artists are against him as well (guess what? He promises to end government funding to brazilians musicians and filmmakers as well – and its a lot of money).

    Trust me you will not find the mainstream media describing how he actually wants to reduce government, taxes and bureacreacy, and decentralize the administration, but thats what he ACTUALLY talks about. Its what he has been talking about for years…

    I dont want you to become a fan of him .yes there are quotes of him saying good stuff about the military dictatorship – he says it was necessary to avoid the communist dictatorship that was about to happen… and I agree – but he does not preach going back to dictatorships at all.

    He is against globalism, against the left, against socialism. He is in favor of more free market, globalization, strong borders and immigrant policy and stuff like that. Being totally against the establishment gets him massacred by mainstream media… but who cares? mainstream media sucks

    BD you’re a smart guy but the only people that call him a “pro-dictatorship fascist” in brazil is the far left. You should hear the opinion of libertarians like you about it, and they will say he is far improvement over the communist parties that have ruled Brazil for almost 20 years, or the social democrats that ruled it before. The main thing people can say against him is that he is conservative, but again he doesnt defend that the government should impose any morals on the citizens. He says the opposite.

  • JohnMurdoch
    Posted at 11:24 am, 20th November 2018

    despite a heavily tainted record that includes telling a congresswomanin 2003 that she did not deserve to be raped by him.

    Just an example from the kind of media spin to the facts…

    He was discussing with a congresswoman about voting to lower age restritions to prison in Brazil (even if you murder 20 people here, you cant get arrested until after you are 18 years old- if youre younger, even if youre 17 and 360 days, you go to juvie and thats it):

    The discussion was around a recent crime: a 17 year old man kidnapped a young couple. He killed the guy and proceeded, alongside his group of friends, to rape the girl. They raped her for five days. After that, the man known as ‘Champinha’ cut off the girls head with a blunt knife.

    The congresswoman was defending the criminal. Bolsonaro wanted him arrested. She called Bolsonaro a rapist. He was pissed off with the absurd and spit back that he would not rape her because she didnt deserve.

    That last part is the only thing mainstream media talks about. Its been like that the whole election campaign…

  • Latin
    Posted at 02:01 pm, 1st December 2018

    Just FYI Colombians don’t vacation in Panama, Colombian whores go there for work.  If you are seeing hot Colombian women all over the place they are whores.  Even if Colombians could afford to vacation there (it’s much more expensive than Colombia) there are much better places they could be going for less money.  If you don’t believe this do a simple google search on “colombian women panama” and you’ll notice that the top results are loaded with links about prostitutes.

    If you are having trouble differentiating a whore from a regular girl in Panama you are going to have a really tough time in Colombia and I would advice you to be extremely careful if you plan on gaming any women.  They can spot gringos who don’t know the culture and can’t speak Spanish from a mile away and best case scenario you end up paying her for sex.

  • cbd for sleep
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