A Few Questions for Alex Jones Supporters

When I spoke about Alex Jones getting banned from social media last week, a lot of you defended Alex Jones and his conspiracy theories.

I want to understand your viewpoint. I have a few questions for those of you who defend Alex Jones and who take him seriously. I am not talking to you if you just “like” Alex Jones or think he’s entertaining. (I think he’s quite entertaining.) No, I’m talking to those of you who support what he says and takes what he says seriously as rational fact (at least for the most part; I realize everyone makes mistakes, including me).

If that’s you, please answer the following questions in the comments. They’re all simple yes or no answers. Please do not skip any of the questions; if you answer any of them, you need to answer all of them, even if your answer is a simple “no.”

When answering, do not strawman the questions or modify the questions. Example: If I say “Explain why Alex Jones said the frogs are turning gay,” do not come back and say “the frogs are becoming hermaphrodites.” I wasn’t referring to hermaphrodite frogs because that’s not what he said; I was referring to gay frogs. If I ask if Hillary Clinton is a demon, and you respond by saying she’s evil, again, you’re changing the question. Don’t do that. I’m asking if she’s a demon, not evil. I will ignore any answers in the comments that strawman or modify the questions I am asking.

We will continue this discussion in the comments. Here we go!

1. Do you think Hillary Clinton is literally a demon? Do you think Hillary Clinton is literally not a human being? Alex Jones said this multiple times, and he was not using hyperbole. If your answer is yes, please explain your answer.

2. Do you believe the Earth is being invaded by aliens from another dimension? Alex Jones has said this multiple times, and he was not using hyperbole. If your answer is yes, please explain your answer.

3. Do you believe that the top elites are Satanists who actively worship the Devil? Alex Jones has said this multiple times, and he was not using hyperbole. If your answer is yes, please explain your answer.

4. Do you believe Michelle Obama is a man? Alex Jones has said this multiple times, and he was not using hyperbole. If your answer is yes, please explain your answer.

5. Do you believe demonic possession is real? Do you think demons have literally possessed powerful people in the elite, including the Pope? Alex Jones has said this multiple times, and he was not using hyperbole. If your answer is yes, please explain your answer.

6. Do you believe that Pepsi was trying to make baby-flavored Pepsi drinks using aborted fetuses? Alex Jones has said this multiple times, and he was not using hyperbole. If your answer is yes, please explain your answer.

7. The most important question of all: If you answered “no” to at least four of the above six questions, why do you take Alex Jones seriously when he is that insanely wrong that often? Please explain. (I could fill the next several pages with insane stuff he’s said; I just picked the above six things at random.)

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Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.

  • John Smith
    Posted at 06:49 am, 26th August 2018

    I’m not an Alex Jones supporter,  so my answer is “no” to all the official questions, but we already have lesbian lizards (New Mexico whiptail), so I don’t see why gay frogs are out of the question.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:34 am, 26th August 2018

    I don’t see why gay frogs are out of the question.

    Gay frogs were not one of my questions.

    my answer is “no” to all the official questions

    Good, thanks.

  • mago
    Posted at 10:09 am, 26th August 2018

    There is a new wave in Satanism, is not a black metal cult anymore. Is more like a protest cult or something like that, Christianism teaches you to put God in #1 place, and to help other people even if they are bad with you, like Jesus.

    This new wave of satanism is more like, is super ok to be egoistic and put yourself #1 all the time, as long as you are not a complete asshole to others, listen to bands like Ghost to get the idea.

    No idea who Alex Jones is, but it wouldn’t surprise me if some elites worships the devil

  • Morpheus
    Posted at 11:56 am, 26th August 2018

    Alex jones is a clown.
    But the answear to 3 is yes.You can see Satanic symbols in the majority of music videos and movies,especially the piramid,or the all seeing eye.
    I can give you over 100 examples of popular movies or music videos where you can see the symbols.

    Also watch the Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony,or watch the full 2012 Olympic ceremony from london.
    Do you think it is a coincidence?

  • Johnny Ringo
    Posted at 11:58 am, 26th August 2018

    Great points BD.

    Like you, I find him sometimes entertaining, but watched him flop on many things over time and he seemed like more of a self promoter than an honest broker.

    He is not without some interesting merit, however.

    Doubt you will get the answers you are looking for, but how would you explain Bohemian Grove, that where he broke in and filmed the creepy ceremony where they were worshipping a strange owl (Molech?) while performing (mock?) baby sacrifices?

    That’s pretty fucked up stuff.

    Also, there is much more evidence for Aliens in this world than Religion.

    But, he should explain where he gets his info on “other dimensions”.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:40 pm, 26th August 2018

    I’m not here to debate Satanism or the Bohemian Grove. There are merits to both of those arguments. I’m here to have a discussion with men who take Alex Jones seriously like the ones who were defending him vehemently in the last thread we had about this.

    I haven’t seen anyone like that post in this thread yet. So I’m still patiently waiting.

  • Sammy
    Posted at 02:14 pm, 26th August 2018

    Shh, Jones is broadcasting live right now. Later.

  • HoundDog
    Posted at 03:06 pm, 26th August 2018

    I have no idea who this Jones guy is. I think everything on the internet, TV, newspapers is mainly hyperbole and fiction. A small amount of it is entertaining.

    How do you know what’s hyperbole or not? Are you a mind reader?

    Do you not also use hyperbole and write fiction to promote your businesses?

    I say live and let live. It’s pretty shabby to attack the competition.

  • The Bachelor
    Posted at 04:33 pm, 26th August 2018

    I say live and let live.

    Dude, that’s Caleb’s entire philosophy. Just last week he said Alex Jones should not be banned. He’s not trying to silence anyone.

    It’s pretty shabby to attack the competition.

    As far as I know Caleb/BD isn’t in competition against Alex Jones for anything.

    For someone who doesn’t know who Alex Jones is (and I call bullshit on that!!!) you seem to be oversensitive about this.

  • Joe Smith
    Posted at 10:01 pm, 26th August 2018

    Alex Jones is a gatekeeper working FOR the elites, not against them as he claims.

    It’s his job to not be taken seriously so the average Joe doesn’t think too much about the topics he presents, many which shed light on carefully guarded secrets. He presents, I would say about 80% truth with 20% disinfo.

    Since he’s the ONLY one with significant viewership covering topics that mainstream news won’t touch with a 10 foot barge pole, he’s worth following for education purposes so long as you understand he is an actor playing a role and should be taken with a grain of salt.

  • Truth Seeker
    Posted at 10:17 pm, 26th August 2018

    Okay, I will take a crack at this, since I was one of “those guys” on the other thread defending Alex and his super male vitality. Plus it’s kinda fun.

    1 – No. Hillary is not literally a demon. But Alex was using hyperbole. I’ve been watching AJ on and off for about 20 years. He has stated on the air multiple times that he does not literally believe that Hillary, Obama and others are demons. He even said that the media would eventually take his rants out of context to make it look like he said exactly that (which is what happened). And sure, in his later rants, like the video you linked to, he started to go over the top, like he is wont to do, and starts talking about the Elite as if they are actual demons. But again, this was preceded by weeks where he would interject his rants to say, “No. Not literally demons!” And then would drift back into an entertaining rant. Now that YouTube has deleted his 35,000 video clips, it would be hard to find all those specific instances for me to prove otherwise. Maybe Alex could upload those in his own defense to another platform. But I’m sure he’s got other things to handle right now.


    2 – Maybe. The clip you linked to is AJ on the Joe Rogan podcast. In that podcast AJ smokes dope and downs several shots of whiskey (live), so he is even more unhinged than normal! What he was trying to communicate in that interview, and what he has communicated more soberly in past on his own show – was the elite’s historical use of psychedelic drugs like LSD, DMT and Ketamine and the military’s use of the Monroe Hemi-Sync technology for both mind control and mind expansion. The subjects in these experiments were themselves convinced that they were in communication with entities. On his show, AJ had said many times that the most logical explanation is that the subjects were experiencing projections of their own subconscious. But as a Christian, he also believes that it was possible that they may have been in communication with other worldly entities. Then, over the last decade or so of covering stories of sordid, infinite corruption by the Elites and their minions, AJ slowly drifted into the belief that the Elite are indeed using these drugs, technologies and old-world rituals to communicate with actual demonic entities; The classic “selling their souls in exchange for worldly power” trope. After having experimented myself quite deeply with these same psychedelics and technologies AND having communicated with entities during such experiences, I have to conclude with “Maybe.” All I know is that what I experienced was way beyond the contents of my mind and personal creativity. Maybe these communications were from my deep subconscious or what Carl Jung described as the Collective Unconscious. Or maybe they were actual entities. I don’t know. But either way, I decided NOT to sell my soul for anything. As for the Elite, they probably took the alternate route during such encounters. And again, the important thing is not so much whether these “entities” are real but rather how the human mind interprets these communications. If, for example, you have a power-mad individual who believes they are getting instructions and permission from an other-wordly entity to do this or that evil act, AND if this belief allows the person to operate at a level of cunning, confidence and ruthlessness beyond their normal human capacity – then they might as well be dealing with inter-dimensional entities.


    3 – Yes. HELL yes. I never used to believe that. But the more research I’ve done over the last two decades, the more it becomes obvious that the Elite are indeed devil worshipers or to be more specific, Lucifer worshipers. This goes all the way to the top. For example, the Lucis Trust is a major consultant to the UN Elite:


    If you dig deeper into Lucis Trust, you will find their orignal name, “Lucifer Publishing”


    The trust was started by occultists and was based on the work of Theosophist and Lucifer-worshipper Helena Blavatsky.

    Now this occult subject is super deep and requires months of research to convince yourself that the Elite are truly devil worshippers (replete with ritualistic killings). I don’t expect you to do any of that. You’ve already mentioned you don’t have time for it (and I don’t blame you one bit).

    But in the off chance you ever want to peer into the rabbit hole, start with the Satanic Panic of the 1980s, that culminated in the infamous McMartin trial in Orange County, CA. Like many people in the 1980s, I thought it was all nonsense. I accepted the mainstream media’s account that the school employees were wrongly accused. But then years later, former FBI head for California, Agent Ted Gunderson decided to dig deeper into the case, as the official story was not adding up. How did all these white, conservative six and seven year old rich kids get all those bruises? How could so many dozens contract STDs at that young age? He went digging (literally) and found that there were INDEED tunnels built below the school, in exactly the configuration the children had described in their “fantastical” stories to the police. And he ultimately found much, much more. And even all of that was just the tip of the iceberg. Of course the MSM has not covered any of this, only dismissing him with the usual pejorative of “conspiracy theorist” though that did not stick with Gunderson as his reputation was stellar.

    Search YouTube for: ted gunderson mcmartin

    Another good resource is the book,  Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier

    vigilantcitizen(dot)com is also a good resource for cataloging all the occult and Illuminati symbolism in media programming. Sometimes that site overstates the case but overall he has done some solid work.

    Finally, read all the historical posts from QANON. He connects the dots. Contrary to the MSM line, Q is NOT a LARP. He has proven himself (or themselves) to be an insider working at the highest levels of military intel. Of course it is possible that this insider is a Black Hat and is fooling us in some way. But all the evidence (at least so far) points to Q being a White Hat. According to Q, much of this EVIL is about to be exposed and taken down by White Hats in the military who are fed up with what has happened to our country over the past few decades. Perhaps too good to be true but we’ll see.

    But again, ALL of the above just barely gets you to the tip of the iceberg.


    4 – No. I think AJ is wrong on this one. Joan Rivers believed Michelle was a man, then died a few days later after stating so publicly on TV. And there are multiple video clips from mainstream sources (like Michelle’s appearance on the Ellen Degeneres Show) where you can clearly see a “package” just under Michelle’s belt line. More than one video from different times and places shows that she has something big “down there.” Personally, I think it’s some kind of medical device and that she is, in fact, a woman.


    5 – Maybe and quite possibly yes. First of all, I am NOT religious and do not follow any God. I am a meditator, professional engineer and an explorer of consciousness. Despite what you may think of me based on my responses to previous questions, I am NOT prone to “woo woo” and believing any kind of nonsense. I operate on facts and my own experiences. I never used to believe in demonic possession, dismissing it all as mere psychology or superstition by weak-minded religious nuts. But after years of personal psyechedelic research, meditation and experiments in so-called “astral projection” I have to come to see that much of what ancient estoric knowledge has described is in fact true. Now this is all a very deep subject and cannot be parsed through in a few paragaphs or even a lengthier article. But if you want to look into demonic possession from a SCIENTIFIC perspective, do a search for psychologist Stan Grof and his experience with that subject. Dr. Grof is not religious either. He is the most reknowed psychedelic researcher in the world. He describes encounters with what could only be described (by the layman) as demonic possession, replete with the possessed subject communating intimate personal knowledge to the psychologist that only the psychologist could have known – basically the psychologist’s deepest personal memories. He further witnessed the subject’s facial features and skeletal muscles warp the subject’s face into a LITERAL DEMON such that the facial contortion could not be explained by any known scientific process.


    6 – No. This was AJ overstating and sensationalizing a news story where Pepsi was found using fetal stem cells in their testing. Yeah, we all acknowledge that AJ goes over the top sometimes. It’s part of his schtick. He has to fill a 4-hour broadcast 6 days a week and keep people perpetually entertained and anxious enough to tune in the next day. I don’t personally like that modus operandi but then again I haven’t built a media empire out of nothing either. So maybe there is a method to that madness.


    7 – Because AJ has proven to be INSANELY RIGHT way more often over the past 20 years than insanely wrong. Most of the example given in this very article were cherry picked, out-of-context stuff that the MSM has been trying to hit AJ with for years. He’s dealt with many of these allegations ad nauseum on his show, playing the counter clips to prove that what he said was the opposite (in most cases). I admit the man has his flaws (BIG flaws perhaps) and is sometimes wrong. But he’s put me on the path to uncovering so much corruption and truth that I otherwise never would have looked into. From most people’s perspectives that might be a bad thing. But from my perspective it is a good thing, no matter how horrific the data uncovered. I’m just one of those people who prefers to know the TRUTH no matter how uncomfortable or painful it may be.

  • Sailormack
    Posted at 01:19 am, 27th August 2018

    IMO Alex Jones uses sensationalism to sell product, no different from other marketers.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:56 am, 27th August 2018

    For the record: I do not support Alex Jones. In my opinion, he is CIA co-intel-pro, or controlled opposition. His job is to make truth seekers look ridiculous, thus furthering the plans of the elites.

    That being said, I support his right to speak, and I believe that these “private” corporatist monopolies which banned him should either be either declared “instrumentalities of government” (because they are partially funded by tax dollars), and thus be forced to comply with the First Amendment, or be declared monopolies (because they have no serious competition), and thus be regulated as public utilities, which would also force them to comply with the First Amendment.

    Now that we got that out of the way:

    1. Do you think Hillary Clinton is literally a demon?


    2. Do you believe the Earth is being invaded by aliens from another dimension?


    That is CIA counter-intelligence, designed to bring about “unity,” or a one world government.

    3. Do you believe that the top elites are Satanists who actively worship the Devil?


    There is more than enough evidence to support this, even if you disregard all the Satanic symbolism and institutionalized pedophilia among Queen Elizabeth’s “Queen’s Guest List,” which is identical to Britain’s sex offender list (for example).

    If your answer is yes, please explain your answer.

    It will take too long and you won’t watch this because you’re Caleb Jones and Caleb Jones doesn’t “waste his precious time,” but this 40 minute interview clinched it for me.

    After watching this, I couldn’t sleep for two days (Note to all readers: Turn on the English subtitles via the closed captioning (cc) icon at the bottom right hand corner of the video):


    4. Do you believe Michelle Obama is a man?


     If your answer is yes, please explain your answer.

    I can’t, because you won’t even read long posts. You want everything cookie cutter. I can’t play that game with such serious subjects.

    5. Do you believe demonic possession is real?

    I am undecided. I’ve always been an atheist, but not believing in god, or that the universe is run by an authoritarian dictator, doesn’t necessarily mean that I reject the existence of souls, the spirit world, or some type of non-physical dimension that could interact with our own.

    My honest answer is “I don’t know.”

    Do you think demons have literally possessed powerful people in the elite, including the Pope?

    I don’t know.

    6. Do you believe that Pepsi was trying to make baby-flavored Pepsi drinks using aborted fetuses?


    There’s that CIA counter-intelligence again designed to discredit truth seekers.

    7. The most important question of all: If you answered “no” to at least four of the above six questions,

    I’ve answered “no” to 3.

    why do you take Alex Jones seriously when he is that insanely wrong that often?

    I don’t take him seriously. He’s a CIA agent whose job is to destroy the truth movement from the inside out.


  • Stevie
    Posted at 06:28 am, 27th August 2018

    I can’t, because you won’t even read long posts. You want everything cookie cutter. I can’t play that game with such serious subjects.

    Could be a blog post on your blog, Jack! (still looking forward to it)

  • Anon
    Posted at 09:55 am, 27th August 2018

    Jack, for the questions where your answer was yes: what possible set of evidence, if any, will, when observed, cause you to revise that answer to no?

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 11:09 am, 27th August 2018

    Alex Jones is a gatekeeper working FOR the elites, not against them as he claims.


    Alex Jones uses sensationalism to sell product, no different from other marketers

    And this. Let’s not forget, in this age of hyper-collectivism, propaganda will soon be law.

    I think Jones is hilarious and don’t take him or his nuthuggers seriously at all, but I’ll answer these questions for fun.
    1. No, but it would be awesomely terrifying if she was.
    2. No but it would be cool if it did.
    3. Yes. There is a lot of money and popularity in Devil worship and more people are drawn to it now because everyone can see right through most western religion. Devil worship will pretty much replace western religion soon. Is it leading people down a shitty path? Yeah. But worshiping anything in general does that so it’s whatever. I think when we stop worshiping stuff we’ll be much better as a species. Like that will ever happen tho lol
    4. No but she is quite man-ish. Maybe got a sex change? I would laugh for hours if she went public and said she had a sex change. And then progressive assholes will be like “she didn’t do it ‘our way’ so she’s not an ally” or some nonsense like that lol
    5. …Maybe. But I’m a “maybe” on divine intervention as well, so who knows?
    6. No. Is it bad that I want that to happen tho? It would be pretty funny.

    Yes. I can’t, because you won’t even read long posts. You want everything cookie cutter. I can’t play that game with such serious subjects.

    How did you ever work in law? Keeping dialogue short is like the first thing that anyone who works in law has to learn to do.

    Could be a blog post on your blog, Jack! (still looking forward to it)

    Don’t hold your breath. It takes literally 10 minutes to make a blog. JOTB has been talking about making one for well over a year. It’s not happening.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:56 am, 27th August 2018

    Jack – You answered no to most of the questions so this article isn’t directed at you. I will repeat that I agree there is clear evidence of some elites practicing something that looks like Satanism.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:00 pm, 27th August 2018

    Truth Seeker –

    2 – Maybe.


    5 – Maybe and quite possibly yes.


    But after years of personal psyechedelic research, meditation and experiments in so-called “astral projection” I have to come to see that much of what ancient estoric knowledge has described is in fact true.

    So if I understand you correctly, after years of doing psychedelic drugs and projecting yourself astrally, you have now believe that quite possibly demons from another dimension are possessing certain people. Is this correct?

  • Truth Seeker
    Posted at 12:40 pm, 27th August 2018

    So if I understand you correctly, after years of doing psychedelic drugs and projecting yourself astrally, you have now believe that quite possibly demons from another dimension are possessing certain people. Is this correct?

    That and decades of research into the behavior, rituals, habits and actions of the Elite.

    Again, I believe the above assertion is possible not that it is an actual fact.

    Neither I nor anyone has any way of proving or disproving that humans can actually be possessed by inter-dimensional entities. Even if one was to witness or video record someone under “possession” who manages to physically contort their face into an inhuman structure and then do something thought to be physically impossible (like lift the back end of an SUV with one arm) – even such a fantastic occurrence could, I imagine, be explained scientifically. I always lean towards a scientific explanation as the first course of consideration. But my point is – even if a scientific explanation is plausible – from the possessed person’s POV, their reality is essentially indistinguishable from a “real” possession. For all intents and purposes, they are possessed. And that makes them dangerous to humanity.

    Just think of serial killers who hear voices (sometimes directly from “Satan”) that tells them to kill. It’s the ultimate shirking of responsibility and conscience, “The devil made me do it!” Now imagine if that serial killer was actually an international banker, or a general commanding an army or the leader of a powerful country. How dangerous would that person be to the rest of humanity? Now imagine a few thousand such people at the highest echelons of power in our modern world and the picture starts to form.

    Again, I want to emphasize that these people themselves believe that they are in contact with and sometimes fully possessed by demons or entities, and not that such demons or entities are an established, objective fact. But at the very least these entities are a subjective fact to the people in question and that is powerful enough. In other words the effect is real, whether or not the entities are “real.”

    In any case, I dismiss people like David Icke who defacto states that the Elite are possessed by inter-dimensional entities (alien lizards in fact!). Stating something like that as a fact is ridiculous. It can’t be proven and as such just becomes a religious belief, even if as a metaphor it makes sense.

    Btw, I had a good friend who personally knew David Icke. Apparently David not only does psychedelics, he actually believes everything he says about alien lizards. I don’t go there. But if you ignore his lizard stuff, most everything else he lectures about is pretty much on point.

  • Sailormack
    Posted at 01:59 pm, 27th August 2018


    Is it possible that there might be alien lizards who have visited from another planet or indeed another dimension but the level of consciousness (either collective or individual) has not evolved adequately to experience their factual existence?
    While we are discussing reptilian possibilities, I would love some opinions on the Audience Hall in the Vatican.

  • Truth Seeker
    Posted at 02:26 pm, 27th August 2018

    Is it possible that there might be alien lizards who have visited from another planet or indeed another dimension

    Anything by definition is possible. So is it possible? Yes. Is it likely? No.

    I will go back to what I wrote earlier – experiences of aliens, ghosts, demons etc. are entirely subjective. Trying to impart objectivity to them is like forcing a round peg into a square hole. People have been seeing all sorts of entities since time immemorial. These entities don’t have to be “real” i.e. objective, to have an effect. Their effect is objective to the people who see them or conjure them, even if their existence is ultimately subjective.

    While we are discussing reptilian possibilities, I would love some opinions on the Audience Hall in the Vatican.

    I’m familiar with the theories behind the Audience Hall. It might very well have been purposefully built to mimic the serpent motif as a giant in-joke against the ignorant masses. But that is a minor proof, if at all, of Satanism in the Catholic church. There is way more proof of Masonic-Luciferian infiltration of the Jesuits and the Church over the ages. As an aside, just look at all the organized mass pedophilia that priests, bishops and cardinals have been involved in for decades, if not centuries. Just ask yourself, what kind of people would do that? By day you present one face (a Godly one) to the masses and by night, in the shadows, you conduct the most heinous crimes against children. Which master do you truly serve?

    Most organized, hierarchical religious orders are evil at their highest levels. It’s like the law of entropy or something. Large-scale organizations that have the blind allegiance of millions and billions will ultimately become corrupt. Absolute power corrupting absolutely and all that.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:23 pm, 27th August 2018

    Could be a blog post on your blog, Jack! (still looking forward to it)

    Oh definitely. I won’t lead with that, but the serious subjects will eventually absolutely be dissected. Thank you for your support.

    In the meantime, here’s a much shorter video (nine minutes) that helped convince me that the elites are Satanists (this one deals with elites from Australia):



  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:35 pm, 27th August 2018

    Jack, for the questions where your answer was yes: what possible set of evidence, if any, will, when observed, cause you to revise that answer to no?

    I answered yes to only two questions.

    3. You would either have to kidnap me and surgically remove from my brain all the evidence I have seen (including the two videos I linked to above), or the evidence would have to be discredited somehow, the makers of the video evidence would have to come out as hoaxers, etc…

    4. Michelle Obama would have to pose naked so I can see her vagina.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:48 pm, 27th August 2018

    How did you ever work in law?

    I can’t use ad hominems, so just use your imagination about how I’d respond to that.

    Keeping dialogue short is like the first thing that anyone who works in law has to learn to do.

    False. The first thing you learn in law school is “torts.”

    Also, I don’t recall ever being taught to keep dialogue short, unless you have a very deceptive definition of the word “short.” In that case, yes. Ever read a court brief? The term “brief” is very misleading. Although we had debates that were on a timer, because they wanted us to learn brevity and conciseness, it wasn’t a majorly emphasized point.

    Want to disagree? May I ask which law school you attended?

    It takes literally 10 minutes to make a blog.

    Yeah, if one is a complete and utter imbecile who doesn’t care about his privacy. I could make one in 5 minutes. The problem is that I’m not a complete and utter imbecile.

    JOTB has been talking about making one for well over a year.

    Horseshit! It wasn’t a priority until a few months ago.

    It’s not happening.

    You have zero right to speak for me on this issue and tell others what is, or is not, happening in my life!

    But if I talk more about this, Caleb will ban me for talking about the upcoming blog, or for just losing control and going full ad hominem on your ass, so I’ll just say “have a nice day.”




  • joelsuf
    Posted at 08:32 pm, 27th August 2018

    You have zero rightto speak for me on this issue and tell others what is, or is not, happening in my life!

    Alright slow your roll, it was just a little call out. Meant nothing by it my dude. You really need to learn how to deal with this kind of stuff a little better. Historically, we agree on a lot of things, so why would I be malicious? I’m actually waiting for you to make your blog and disappointed you haven’t made it yet, that’s all.

    But then it might just be me. On the incel boards I used to post at back in the day, call-outs like these were (and still are) commonplace. And I was the one trolling the incels on the board haha.

  • David
    Posted at 09:50 pm, 27th August 2018

    Never saw an episode, but coincidentally, everybody i know who did ayahuasca said something about reptile aliens.  Not interested.

  • Sailormack
    Posted at 10:26 pm, 27th August 2018

    Truth Seeker

    Who decides on what is subjective or objective?


  • Joe Smith
    Posted at 11:22 pm, 27th August 2018

    Neither I nor anyone has any way of proving or disproving that humans can actually be possessed by inter-dimensional entities.

    This is just plain wrong. There’s a CRAPLOAD of evidence that possession is possible as well as how to free ones self from possession including entire books full of 100s of case studies that are documented in a methodical, scientific fashion. This includes many cases in which entities literally speak through a subject.

    We’ve been duped into believing that it is all out dated superstition, so the topic has been pushed far out on the fringe, is not widely understood or publicized and is not taken seriously.

    The only reason it’s impossible to reconcile possession and other psychic phenomena with modern science is because the high priests of modern science refuse point-blank to do so.

  • Truth Seeker
    Posted at 08:08 am, 28th August 2018

    Sailormack says
    August 27, 2018 at 10:26 pm

    Truth Seeker
    Who decides on what is subjective or objective?

    Good question. But this one is really for philosophers and “enlightened” beings like Eckhart Tolle to untangle.

    From a simplified point of view, anything an individual experiences is clearly subjective to that individual while an outside observer can only measure the objective effects of that experience from a distance. But then those measurements now become subjective to the outside observer. BUT if there are “many” outside observers who measure the same objective effect and come up with an identical measurement then a consensus is said to be formed and now that measurement is considered to be truly objective. However, I am sure you can see many flaws in the preceding word salad.

    Ultimately your question is really asking, “What is real?”

    And the truthful answer to that is, “Consciousness.”

    Consciousness alone is real. Yes, even beyond and before the big bang. But don’t take my word for it, otherwise that is just another religious belief. Fundamental truth can only be discovered through either deep meditation or mongo doses of psychedelic drugs (or both).

    If you are interested in exploring the question “What is real?” or more fundamentally “Who am I?” then a great place to start are all the YouTube clips from Rupert Spira. He is the most lucid speaker of Advaita Vedanta. The latter has nothing to do with Hinduism, btw. Advaita is best described as “scientific spirituality” and predates Hinduism and most other religions, going back perhaps 7,000 years. It is the foundation stone which most religions hijacked, pasting upon it a million gods, rituals, organizations and mass ignorance.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 01:09 pm, 28th August 2018

    Truth Seeker –

    1. I know you say it’s “possible” demons from another dimension are possessing humans, but that’s a dodge. I too agree it’s “possible” in that there’s perhaps a >1% chance.

    You said, “Maybe and quite possibly yes” when I asked you about this. What do you believe are the odds that demons from another dimension are possessing humans? 1%? 10%? 60%?

    2. You strongly support Alex Jones, as you stated above. What is your response to Joe Smith above who says Alex Jones is working for these elites, you who say are worshiping Satan, in an attempt to lead you astray?

  • Truth Seeker
    Posted at 02:05 pm, 28th August 2018

    Truth Seeker –

    1. I know you say it’s “possible” demons from another dimension are possessing humans, but that’s a dodge. I too agree it’s “possible” in that there’s perhaps a >1% chance.
    You said, “Maybe and quite possibly yes” when I asked you about this. What do you believe are the odds that demons from another dimension are possessing humans? 1%? 10%? 60%?
    2. You strongly support Alex Jones, as you stated above. What is your response to Joe Smith above who says Alex Jones is working for these elites, you who say are worshiping Satan, in an attempt to lead you astray?


    If we define “demons from another dimension” as a powerful subjective experience to the one who is either in communication with these forces or possessed by them, then I place the odds that this is happening in the world, especially in Elite Luciferian circles, at 90% or better.

    If we define “demons from another dimension” as entities that have a 100% objective, corporeal existence on some other plane of reality and who can manifest on our normal plane of reality to communicate with or possess human beings, then I place the odds of that currently happening at roughly 10%.

    But the point I have been trying to make is that it does not matter if these entities have an objective existence or if they are “merely” a figment of someone’s imagination. Because in both cases the effect on the individual, and by extension the world, is the same. 

    Hope that makes sense. Can’t explain it any other way.


    I strongly support Alex Jones but, to be clear, I do NOT support everything he says. I feel he is roughly 80% correct, with 10% exaggerations and another 10% off the mark insanity. At the end of the day, though, he points people to some mind-blowing truths that the MSM has been covering up for decades. It’s up to individuals to be smart enough to sift through his information and separate the wheat from the chaff. At this point, however, I would steer people more towards QANON as he is doing even better than AJ. But I still listen to both.

    I fully disagree with Joe Smith on the referenced point. I do not believe AJ is working for the elites. However, and this is an important point, I do believe that AJ has been compromised by the Moss@d some time in 2014 or thereabouts and AJ himself hinted at that. Prior to that, AJ already had a bias towards Isr@el since he is an end-times Christian Zionist but he was also critical of them when the situation warranted and exposed a lot of truth in that regard (for e.g. he produced the doc Fabled Enemies). But now that he is compromised, he steers his audience away from most of the subversive and major crimes committed by the Zio power structure, which is HUGE since they are one of the main pillars of the NWO and need to be called out. And just to be clear I am not by any means stating that all J$ws are part of some conspiracy (nor all Zionists). Only the top levels of Zionism and the top levels of globalist, Marxist J$wish bankers and media barrons are guilty, with the rest of the tribe following along as ignorant sheep. Similar thing happens in all countries. The top is corrupt, the masses are sheep.

    So I suppose one could say that AJ is partially working for some of the Elites since 2014. But he was never a full “plant” controlled by the capstone of the pyramid since day one. That latter theory is just nonsense, as is the theory that AJ is Bill Hicks.

    AJ has done more to wake up millions of people across the globe to Elite machinations than any other force. If the NWO is ever defeated (and I believe they will be) AJ will be remembered as a pivotal character who aided in the battle. That’s not the role of a plant or double agent.

  • Anon
    Posted at 02:24 pm, 28th August 2018

    Fundamental truth can only be discovered through either deep meditation or mongo doses of psychedelic drugs (or both).

    How are you going to distinguish which visions represent fundamental truths and which are delirious nonsense?

  • Truth Seeker
    Posted at 02:43 pm, 28th August 2018

    How are you going to distinguish which visions represent fundamental truths and which are delirious nonsense?

    I hate to be cryptic but the truth is only known when the mind itself is transcended.

    At that point of stillness, awareness pays no more attention to the mind and all its visions, thoughts, sense and nonsense.

    Instead, awareness is turned back ONTO ITSELF and the TRUTH is seen, without any doubts or filters.

    It’s not my intention to purport to be some kind of enlightened being in human form. People like that certainly exist (Eckhart Tolle, Rupert Spira, Adyashanti, Gangaji, Mooji and others). I’ve only seen a brief but powerful glimpse of that TRUTH. I don’t constantly live in it like the aforementioned individuals. But believe me, a glimpse is all you need to fundamentally change your perception of the entire universe and find a higher level of peace.

    To get to the next “level” as it were and change your entire life and dissolve into total peace, well that takes even greater intent, sincerity, dedication and perhaps grace. I’m still working on all that.

  • Anon
    Posted at 02:55 pm, 28th August 2018

    It’s not my intention to purport to be some kind of enlightened being in human form. People like that certainly exist (Eckhart Tolle, Rupert Spira, Adyashanti, Gangaji, Mooji and others).

    If you can see it in others (without your own mind having transcended), if you have the ability to distinguish second-hand truth coming from those sources from incoherent ravings, then you don’t have to be cryptic and you can list objective criteria as to what constitutes truth (it would also be helpful if you defined the term). By what tests have you been able to deduce that those people are enlightened and tell them from false prophets?

  • Truth Seeker
    Posted at 03:28 pm, 28th August 2018

    If you can see it in others (without your own mind having transcended), if you have the ability to distinguish second-hand truth coming from those sources from incoherent ravings, then you don’t have to be cryptic and you can list objective criteria as to what constitutes truth (it would also be helpful if you defined the term). By what tests have you been able to deduce that those people are enlightened and tell them from false prophets?

    I have transcended my mind for hours at a time and that allows me to recognize truth in others when I see it. The TRUTH resonates and is unmistakable. It is neither subjective nor objective. It just IS.

    Transcending one’s mind is not necessarily some special, super human feat. Anyone can do it. All you have to do is take a mongo dose of the right psychedelic substance in the right setting with the right mindset and with the right intention (yeah, that’s a lot to get right). Of course the very real danger exists of snapping your psyche and becoming permanently altered in a negative way, even ending up in an asylum. Although these outcomes are rare, they have happened (not to me thankfully). But for that reason I don’t recommend the psychedelic route to anyone and everyone. People have to come to it on their own, if and when the time is right for them.

    The other path, of pursuing deep meditation for decades, perhaps under the supervision of a zen master, also works. Adyashanti went down that path. The only issue is that it often takes decades before you see any glimpse of truth. The vast majority of people just don’t last that long with such practices.

    Pick your poison I guess. Personally I do a combination of both.

    Now back to awakened beings for a moment. While these people I mentioned do transmit the TRUTH, I am by no means implying that they are saints or anything like that. Transcending the mind and ego does not mean that the mind and ego cease to exist. They are still there and thus anyone in human form can still have human failings of one kind or another, at least from the POV of external observers.

    What it means to transcend the mind and ego on a permanent basis is that awareness is aware of itself AT ALL TIMES and thus one abides in peace. But the egoic mind still comes into play when the one who is fully awake communicates with another sentient being or needs to do practical tasks in the corporeal world. As such, no being inhabiting a body is going to be flawless or “above” the rest of humanity in that sense.

  • Anon
    Posted at 03:57 pm, 28th August 2018

    All you have to do is take a mongo dose of the right psychedelic substance in the right setting with the right mindset and with the right intention (yeah, that’s a lot to get right).

    If it’s hard to get it all right, how can you be sure you’re seeing the real T-R-U-T-H and not something that deceives you?

  • Truth Seeker
    Posted at 04:24 pm, 28th August 2018

    If it’s hard to get it all right, how can you be sure you’re seeing the real T-R-U-T-H and not something that deceives you?

    Quite simply:

    You cannot be deceived when you are not there.

    When you vanish, then there is no one left to be deceived or conversely be convinced of anything.

    Any further talk about this will just go in endless circles.

    Instead, listen to some Rupert Spira on YouTube. If it resonates with you at any level, you will be inspired to go deeper and eventually see for yourself. Conversely, if it does not resonate with you, then just drop that line of inquiry all together and find other things in life that intrigue you or make you happy.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 05:49 pm, 28th August 2018

    If we define “demons from another dimension” as a powerful subjective experience to the one who is either in communication with these forces or possessed by them, then I place the odds that this is happening in the world, especially in Elite Luciferian circles, at 90% or better.


    AJ has done more to wake up millions of people across the globe to Elite machinations than any other force. If the NWO is ever defeated (and I believe they will be) AJ will be remembered as a pivotal character who aided in the battle. That’s not the role of a plant or double agent.

    Got it. Thanks for answering my questions.

  • Joe Smith
    Posted at 10:51 pm, 28th August 2018

    AJ has done more to wake up millions of people across the globe to Elite machinations than any other force. If the NWO is ever defeated (and I believe they will be) AJ will be remembered as a pivotal character who aided in the battle. That’s not the role of a plant or double agent.

    Did you ever consider that AJ might be there because the truth is already getting out organically?

    If he’s such a threat then why was he not shut down years ago like other whistle-blowers have been, and by “shut down” I don’t mean a slap on the wrist and a ban on social media, when, as Brendon O’Connell recently pointed out, AJ gets a regular 30 million views on mainstream TV, is building a third studio and is about to get his own TV station (the new Fox News?), yet they “forgot” to ban him on twitter while Apple and Google also “forgot” to ban his news app which is the #1 news app in the world.

  • Investor
    Posted at 01:15 am, 29th August 2018

    If he’s such a threat then why was he not shut down years ago like other whistle-blowers have been, and by “shut down” I don’t mean a slap on the wrist and a ban on social media, when, as Brendon O’Connell recently pointed out, AJ gets a regular 30 million views on mainstream TV, is building a third studio and is about to get his own TV station (the new Fox News?), yet they “forgot” to ban him on twitter while Apple and Google also “forgot” to ban his news app which is the #1 news app in the world.

    This just supports the idea that it was all a facade. After all I think all this stuff is just about money. He does the ridiculous stuff he does because it entertains or shocks people and that means money. They forgot to blocks some of the stuff because it means there is trafic still and that means money for them also. He now gets lots of extra publicity because of this ban which again means money. I wouldnt be suprised if he paid all those companies to ban him as a form of marketing.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 01:38 am, 29th August 2018

    I wouldn’t have believed that it is possible to be this concise in just 13 minutes, but this video provides 100 percent of the big picture (in broad strokes). With the exception of its slight allusions to sexual traditionalism and religion (which I oppose), I agree with everything said in it.

    Fuck Alex Jones and his fictional, CIA created, “inter-dimensional reptillians.” This is the real shit right here:



  • Sailormack
    Posted at 06:37 am, 29th August 2018

    Truth Seeker

    Is it wholly impossible that Alex Jones is Bill Hicks?

    If so why?

  • Joe Smith
    Posted at 12:13 pm, 29th August 2018

    This just supports the idea that it was all a facade.

    A facade yes partly, but I think they’re serious about banning conservative voices they don’t like (not AJ) and we’ll continue to see loss of free speech.

    After all I think all this stuff is just about money.

    Not just money, but narrative. It’s about leading the truth movement. Getting “shut down” gains AJ street-cred. But yes, it’s also a great PR stunt.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 02:59 pm, 29th August 2018

    Now here is a more nuanced and specific version of the true story of the elites. This is pretty much all you need to know about their psychologies (40 minutes):



  • Greg
    Posted at 12:37 am, 31st August 2018

    Do I think 9/11 was an inside job – yes I absolutely do, but I that’s not why I come to this blog for.  

    I don’t listen to Alex’s podcast, as at 4 hours a day Monday-Friday, it’s too long and I don’t have the time.  Hillary isn’t a demon, but I’m glad she’s not president, as the Clintons are responsible for over 30 murders that have happened, if one does the research.

    Jones has never gone into ‘the Earth is being invaded by aliens from another dimension?’ angle.  That’s more David Icke, but it’s a complicated topic and while it sounds ludicrous, you’ve got to read Icke’s literature to get the full picture, as just watching him on YouTube isn’t enough, which most close minded people aren’t going to do, as it’d be too time consuming for them.

    It was interesting how 18 years ago, Jones and a friend snuck into Bohemian Grove and had a respected British journalist (Jon Ronson) document it, to take secret footage of their annual Illuminati ceremony (that’s on up on YouTube) that’s pretty freaky to see and hear, so the Illuminati isn’t something that’s made up.

    The 2nd Captain America movie, was a good depiction of the New World Order state that AJ goes on about, but most dumbasses just noticed the action.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 10:03 am, 31st August 2018

    Good question. But this one is really for philosophers and “enlightened” beings like Eckhart Tolle to untangle.

    Eckhart Tolle is not an “enlightened being.” He is a piece of sub-human filth, recruited by the CIA to get people to stop playing chess with their lives and make them “live in the now,” so that they will be helpless sheep without a plan!

    Tolle is the epitome of evil.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 10:05 am, 31st August 2018

    Jones has never gone into ‘the Earth is being invaded by aliens from another dimension?’ angle.  That’s more David Icke, but it’s a complicated topic and while it sounds ludicrous, you’ve got to read Icke’s literature to get the full picture, as just watching him on YouTube isn’t enough, which most close minded people aren’t going to do, as it’d be too time consuming for them.


    Do you people at Langley ever sleep?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:20 am, 31st August 2018

    Do you people at Langley ever sleep?

    Are you calling Greg a CIA operative? Do you think CIA operatives are posting on my blog?

  • Truth Seeker
    Posted at 09:44 pm, 31st August 2018

    Eckhart Tolle is not an “enlightened being.” He is a piece of sub-human filth, recruited by the CIA to get people to stop playing chess with their lives and make them “live in the now,” so that they will be helpless sheep without a plan!
    Tolle is the epitome of evil.


    What spectacular, ungodly ignorance.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 01:33 am, 1st September 2018

    Are you calling Greg a CIA operative? Do you think CIA operatives are posting on my blog?

    Obviously, there is no way to be sure, as the only evidence is circumstantial, but there have been people on your blogs who have promoted the textbook ideas of the elites the way the CIA would have them do it – the nihilism pro-depopulation, pro-suicide nonsense, climate change, and Greg’s idea that David Icke (a counter-intelligence shill) is correct when he talks about the elites being inter-dimensional lizards.

    It’s all absurd, but this is precisely what the elites want the truth movement to believe so that it may discredit itself. I can’t wait for the flat Earth nonsense to make its way here.

    Do CIA agents go to red pill blogs to dumb us down with their “active measures?” I wouldn’t be shocked in the least!


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 01:40 am, 1st September 2018

    What spectacular, ungodly ignorance.

    Not an argument.

    Since you’re obviously brainwashed by New Age filth, let me break down your only two choices:

    1. You can have a long term vision for your life, play chess, and eventually be happy and achieve great things.

    2. You can embrace Eckhart Tolle’s “the power of now” and live like the amoeba.

    In the children’s story of the grasshopper and the ant, I’m the ant and Tolle wants you to be the grasshopper. Well I’m not sharing my food with you in the winter. But have fun “living in the now.”


  • Sailormack
    Posted at 03:15 am, 1st September 2018


    Are you advocating “never living in the now”, only planning for the future and regretting the past?


  • Truth Seeker
    Posted at 07:46 am, 1st September 2018

    In the children’s story of the grasshopper and the ant, I’m the ant and Tolle wants you to be the grasshopper. Well I’m not sharing my food with you in the winter. But have fun “living in the now.”

    You exhibit the superficial understanding of authentic spirituality of the typical, mindless consumer drone. That is what our society has become, so I am not surprised.

    Normally I wouldn’t bother engaging with that kind of mindset, as it’s a waste of time. But for the sake of others reading this blog, I will make one attempt to explain the unexplainable. Then I will drop the subject.

    “Living in the now” does not preclude planning for the future nor doing all the other practical things required of living in a modern society. If you read some of my earlier posts on this article, I specifically mentioned that “transcending the mind” doe not mean that the mind and ego disappear. They are still there in one who is awake. They have simply taken their proper place and are now subordinate to the Life Force itself, rather than operating at a hyper active level that largely blocks Life and fills daily activity with anxiety, fear, greed, insecurity, violence and all the other negative traits that afflict man.

    Living in the now or being more present simply means living authentically, in that deep well of peace that is your birth right. It’s the Tao. It’s Zen. It’s Nirvana. One discards the fundamental fear of life that defines the “human condition” as we have come to know it. One does not become a zombie or a mindless fool. Quite the opposite in fact. Life improves dramatically, not only for yourself but also for all those in close contact with you. Everything just flows, with minimal effort. I’m living proof of that, as are tens of thousands of others on this planet. And I’ve barely scratched the surface.

    But keep living in fear, accusing everyone and his mother of being a CIA agent. If it serves you on some level in your chosen life path, I won’t argue against it.

  • Anon
    Posted at 08:04 am, 1st September 2018

    What good is “the truth movement” if it apparently has no way whatsoever of verifying said truth? If they fall hook, line and sinker for the most absurd ideas, what veracity is there in any of their other claims?

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 08:50 am, 1st September 2018

    Are you advocating “never living in the now”, only planning for the future and regretting the past?

    Only planning for the future. While I don’t have exactly the same opinion as Tolle as JOTB does, I will agree that reading Tolle is not suitable for long term growth. When it comes to “performing,” Tolle’s information is kind of relevant as if you only think about what is currently happening when you are playing golf or something, you’ll actually do better.

    But in anything other than performing, “living in the now” is not a good idea because 9 times out of 10 if you do that you’ll live a life of excess.

    What good is “the truth movement” if it apparently has no way whatsoever of verifying said truth?

    My point exactly. This is why I mock collectivists (of which the “truth movement” most certainly are) all the time. They preach that they know the “truth,” and if you do so much as disagree with them you’ll be shamed out of their circles. But the only truth they know is their observations. It’s starting to become a major narrative in our culture to where if you decide not to be a collectivist for any group, progressive or trad-con, things will not end well for you. Progressives and trad-cons borrow behavior from each other constantly btw. For example, progressives are now acting like trad-cons when it comes to their moral subjugation of people who do not agree with them. More and more trad-cons act like they are the “victims of oppression by progressives” nowadays.

    But they are all part of the same mad disease: Collectivism.

  • Joe Smith
    Posted at 12:23 pm, 1st September 2018

    What good is “the truth movement” if it apparently has no way whatsoever of verifying said truth?

    Exactly! There is no real cohesive “truth movement” any, just a bunch of private individuals doing research on the internet many of them kids posting poor quality videos on Youtube. Most of the established “leaders” are disinfo shills.

    Some truth is verifiable, but it takes time and hard work. Most people would rather get their information from a leader who they trust.
    This is OK so long as you realize that it’s almost certain that your source is putting out some disinformation and to make damn sure you double check each piece of alleged truth against multiple other sources that are known to be trustworthy.

    Not surprisingly a large number of truthers have been completely bamboozled by the Qanon psyop, which has already incited multiple acts of domestic terrorism.

    Some guy held up the “Pizzagate” Comet Ping Pong restaurant at gunpoint and is now doing 4 years in jail.

    Another guy held up traffic the Hoover Dam, demanding a document be released that turns out had already been released.

    The MSM talking heads are having a field day in discrediting these guys.

    This is how they’re going to take internet freedom away. By inciting gullible sheeple in the “truther movement”, mostly kids struggling with psychological issues to acts of violence which is the perfect pretext to crack down on internet freedoms.

  • kevin
    Posted at 02:37 pm, 1st September 2018


    by your definition no AJ supporters have yet posted on this topic

    Is the alpha male 2.0 lifestyle incompatible to AJ supporters?


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:58 pm, 1st September 2018

    by your definition no AJ supporters have yet posted on this topic

    Incorrect. One has; Truth Seeker qualifies.

    A few others don’t qualify but are certainly in the conspiracy theorist category (Jack, Joe, etc).

    Is the alpha male 2.0 lifestyle incompatible to AJ supporters?

    Alpha Male 2.0 has nothing to do with whether you support AJ or not. Alpha 2.0 is a lifestyle, not a set of political beliefs.

  • Anon
    Posted at 05:34 pm, 1st September 2018

    This is how they’re going to take internet freedom away. By inciting gullible sheeple in the “truther movement”, mostly kids struggling with psychological issues to acts of violence which is the perfect pretext to crack down on internet freedoms.

    So it’s the work of The Powers That Be? Yet another conspiracy, in other words? As opposed to the Internet being Internet and empowering people with more opinions than facts to reach out to wide audiences.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 07:45 pm, 1st September 2018

    This is how they’re going to take internet freedom away. By inciting gullible sheeple in the “truther movement”, mostly kids struggling with psychological issues to acts of violence which is the perfect pretext to crack down on internet freedoms.

    Legit, that IS how it’s gonna happen. And it’s like I said, it’s collectivists feeding collectivists which is EXACTLY what the State wants. The “Truther Movement” is nothing more than another gaggle of Social Vengeance Warriors who want the entire world to share their ideals and nobody else’s.

    That’s gonna happen soon btw. I’ll put an actual year on it: 2026. The US will have it’s very first Socialist president, they’ll have the authoritarian personality of Tantrum Trump but the harmless and unassuming charisma of Obombya. By 2026 only certain opinions will be allowed on the internet, and by 2030 we’ll have martial law (curfews and quartering).

  • Joe Smith
    Posted at 02:56 am, 2nd September 2018

    So it’s the work of The Powers That Be? Yet another conspiracy, in other words? As opposed to the Internet being Internet and empowering people with more opinions than facts to reach out to wide audiences.

    It’s long been the direction things are heading, whether a conspiracy or not, but it fits into the bigger picture.

    Society is certainly heading more towards more regulations and less freedom ie. socialism. Otherwise there’d be little need for Alpha Male 2.0.

    It’s hard to articulate in a single post if you don’t understand the bigger picture, but a lot of people who don’t trust the government accuse the government of sneakily staging “false flag” operations. The idea is to get an emotional response from the general public so they can more easily to pass a piece of legislation that would otherwise be unpopular.

    An example of this would be to have the intelligence services fake a high school shooting using actors, fake blood and stage props shown on the nightly news in order to pass stricter gun restrictions.

    The point is, what appears to the public as a spontaneous event is not as it seems, as the government had always intended on passing the new laws and just needed an excuse to do so.

    Same idea with internet restrictions.

    This video that goes into more detail about how Qanon is being used to incite people to violence with more examples.


    Here is a link to the feared new regulation (linked to in the video) which would require you to verify your identity before posting on major platforms.


    I will shut up now, but I’d like to add if anyone’s into this sort of thing and is looking for a better alternative than Alex Jones, I recommend looking up Brendon O’Connel who’s killing it at the moment and covers subjects that AJ won’t, like for example, (and especially) Israel.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 01:55 pm, 2nd September 2018

    Are you advocating “never living in the now”, only planning for the future and regretting the past?

    I don’t understand your question. Why would you regret the past? And why would you plan for the future only?

    Check out Caleb’s book “The Unchained Man” for details about planning, preparation, time management, and achieving the goal of long term happiness instead of short term.

    Caleb’s views (as well as my own) are, to put it mildly, wholly incompatible with Tolle’s concept of “living in the now,” which will earn you nothing but poverty and welfare.

    A present time orientation will simply get you sub-Saharan Africa. A future time orientation (planning for the winter, so to speak) will get you Europe at its peak, technological inventions, the internet, and landing on the moon.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 02:10 pm, 2nd September 2018

    What good is “the truth movement” if it apparently has no way whatsoever of verifying said truth?

    The truth movement is not a monolithic entity. It is a loosely connected group of individuals who think outside the box and question everything.

    Anon, you are a very “all or nothing” thinker. You want blanket truth or blanket debunking. It is political bipolarism. And the world doesn’t work that way.

    If they fall hook, line and sinker for the most absurd ideas,

    See above. There is no monolithic “they.”

    what veracity is there in any of their other claims?

    This is an absurd question. The idea that all claims are false just because some are is a mockingbird media talking point. They want to make sweeping claims that all conspiracies are false by linking the true ones with the false ones in order to institute the third world dictatorial concept of “guilt by association.”

    There are ways to verify what is true, or at least potentially true vs. what is self-evident garbage. But it requires lots from research and checking multiple sources. For example, all the New Agers have been debunked as CIA operatives. Anyone spewing nonsense about reptillians, flat Earth, inter-dimensional creatures, and the like is a dis-info agent. Anyone praising Madam Blavasky shouldn’t be taken seriously. The woman was a narcissistic Lucifarian charlatan.

    And guess what? All the people who worship her are also affirming a belief in the elites being lizards or space aliens. You have to look for patterns and harmonize your intuition and commonsense with your rationality, instead of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, as both you and the mockingbird media are doing.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 02:36 pm, 2nd September 2018

    Exactly! There is no real cohesive “truth movement” any,

    There is, but it is decentralized, as it should be.

    just a bunch of private individuals doing research on the internet

    No. Not “just.” It’s not limited to the internet.

    many of them kids posting poor quality videos on Youtube.

    Be more insulting and wrong.

    Most of the established “leaders” are disinfo shills.

    Many. But there are some great ones. William Cooper, for example, was a true hero, until the deep state murdered him in 2001. Seth Rich was another one who was murdered by John Podesta.

    Some truth is verifiable, but it takes time and hard work.


    Most people would rather get their information from a leader who they trust.

    Yup, that’s a problem.

    This is OK so long as you realize that it’s almost certain that your source is putting out some disinformation and to make damn sure you double check each piece of alleged truth against multiple other sources that are known to be trustworthy.

    I agree.

    Not surprisingly a large number of truthers have been completely bamboozled by the Qanon psyop,

    Oh, so you believe in psyops? Welcome to the truth movement.

    which has already incited multiple acts of domestic terrorism.

    I judge Qanon on a case by case basis. The 13 minute video I linked to above, for example, is gold. I challenge you to watch it and tell me what is in there that you disagree with.

    Based on what I’ve seen, Q is not advocating violence, domestic terrorism, or any other type of law breaking. It’s message is one of passivity (trust the plan) and claiming that there will be mass arrests. In fact, Q claimed that the mass arrests will begin on, or prior to, November 11th of this year. If that doesn’t happen, Q will lose all of its credibility. It may be a psyop, but I don’t feel sorry for any unstable person who chooses to break the law in contradiction to Q’s advice.

    As William Cooper said, “Whoever fires the first shot, loses.”

    Some guy held up the “Pizzagate” Comet Ping Pong restaurant at gunpoint and is now doing 4 years in jail.

    False! The man you are referring to was an actor with his own IMDB page. He murdered a teenager with his car two weeks prior. He was facing life in prison, but the FBI made a deal with him. They’ll reduce his punishment to 4 years if he does three things for them:

    1. Walk into Comet Ping Pong with a gun.

    2. Fire once and put one bullet into a computer hard drive (thus erasing the child porn and allowing the police to seize the computer as evidence where it will never be seen again).

    3. Walk back out with his hands up and get arrested peacefully.

    Also, the street cameras were mysteriously turned backward at the time and the yellow police tape was already up before he even arrived.

    The MSM talking heads are having a field day in discrediting these guys.

    Wow! If you believe anything the mockingbird media says, you are further gone than I thought. The MSM has not discredited, or even looked into, any conspiracy theory. They just pronounce it as “debunked” so that the people will believe them based on their journalistic credentialism and shiny diplomas (image over substance).

    This is how they’re going to take internet freedom away. By inciting gullible sheeple

    You are correct here. They do want to kill two birds with one stone. Solution: Remember the wisdom – Whoever fires the first shot loses. Don’t break the law! Don’t be stupid!

    in the “truther movement”, mostly kids struggling with psychological issues

    False. This is a strawman. You’re guilty of the same thing Anon is. You’re throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It’s not all or nothing.

    to acts of violence which is the perfect pretext to crack down on internet freedoms.

    Correct. That’s why the truth movement must denounce these law breaking idiots which are only helping the deep state gain control of the internet. That is indeed their plan – to use conspiracy honeypots to rile up domestic terrorists in order to crack down on Free Speech without losing the public relations battle.

    Again, I offer the solution – Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater by turning your back on the red pill, but don’t allow them to maneuver you into breaking the law either, because they are acting like a wife who will get sole custody of the kids by inciting her husband to hit her. Don’t fall for it!



  • Sailormack
    Posted at 01:05 am, 3rd September 2018

    I don’t understand your question. Why would you regret the past? And why would you plan for the future only?

    I’m trying to ascertain your mindset when it comes to “living in the now” so to speak, and that’s why I framed the question in that way. I have read The Unchained Man, so I don’t need a reference to the book.

    A lot of people do indeed regret the past and constantly fear the future, but is life not just a series of simultaneous moments where the past is gone and the future is not guaranteed to come?

    Just trying to understand your thought process.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:30 pm, 3rd September 2018

    I have read The Unchained Man, so I don’t need a reference to the book.

    Then you should understand why living a happy life is incompatible with Tolle’s “live in the now” crap.

    A lot of people do indeed regret the past

    Well, in a way, that’s good, because regretting missed opportunities and hating your former self can give rise to a fire inside you that will motivate you to new heights. The past is an extremely valuable learning tool.

    Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. That’s why we have historians and history books. If we don’t know where we’ve been, we won’t know who we are.

    and constantly fear the future,

    It’s not rational to “constantly fear the future,” but you should definitely anticipate it and plan for it. Otherwise, if you embrace “the power of now,” you will live a life of poverty, misery, and possibly homelessness.

    Ask any self-made billionaire how they did it. It required long term planning, strategy, a clear vision of the future, and lots and lots of foresight!

    but is life not just a series of simultaneous moments

    Dude, if you’re going to communicate with me, you need to drop the hippie talk. It’s vomit-worthy! Put down the LSD!

    where the past is gone

    The past is not gone. The consequences of the past have produced our present. Like I said, the past provides you with an invaluable learning tool and an opportunity to improve!

    and the future is not guaranteed to come?

    What is the utility of this garbage statement?

    First of all, yes, the future IS guaranteed to come, unless you get hit by a bus or something, but you can’t live life that way. You must live life with the expectation that the future will come for you, so you must plan accordingly if you ever hope to be long term happy (read the Unchained Man again, because if you’re asking such questions, you obviously haven’t absorbed the knowledge).

    So, according to you, the future is not guaranteed to come, and therefore……..what? Should I just throw my hands in the air and “live for today” like those stupid homeless Christians who end up selling pencils from boxes on the street corner because they never planned for the future?

    This is the mentality of a loser (which Eckhart Tolle encourages).

    This “present time orientation” mentality will only guarantee you a life of poverty and slavery. Planning for the future and making preparations is the only thing which will get you rich and happy (sexually, financially, spiritually, and in every other way).

    Fuck Tolle! Live for tomorrow or be a poverty stricken bum. Those are people’s only two choices!



  • Anon
    Posted at 05:10 pm, 3rd September 2018

    Jack, even you clearly delineate between conspiracy theories and normal hypotheses. You say “Anyone praising Madam Blavatsky shouldn’t be taken seriously”, I just extend this to all the other conspiracy theories, for example “all the New Agers have been debunked as CIA operatives” which is so obviously false.

    While I don’t believe that there’s a “monolithic ‘they'” as in a centralized group of “truth seekers”, they surely have common traits that are strongly linked with no trustworthiness. If some narrated words which are consistent with three possibilities, a) no links to reality at all, b) a pedophile dad abusing his daughter with others, c) OMG AUSTRALIAN LEADERSHIP IS ALL SATANISTS, are enough for a “truth seeker” to be convinced of option C, such truth seeking methodology I disregard utterly. (All the video alleges is people including the dad, who works for intelligence, drugging the girl and causing her to dream something about men promising her “special gifts” if she does what they say. Even if every single claim in the video were proven true as narrated, there would be nothing whatsoever to convict anyone of any crime.)

    Note, by the way, what known Russian bots do when their handlers decide to do some trolling regarding vaccines. They simply fuel the fire from both sides. Why engage in anything complex when plain stupidity will suffice?

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 07:48 pm, 3rd September 2018

    Again, I offer the solution – Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater by turning your back on the red pill, but don’t allow them to maneuver you into breaking the law either, because they are acting like a wife who will get sole custody of the kids by inciting her husband to hit her. Don’t fall for it!

    See JOTB, this right here, this exact sentiment is exactly why I mock collectivists. And red pill groups are equally as bad as the social vengeance warriors that they supposedly despise because not only will they maneuver you into breaking the law, they will also convince you that you will be a better person if you sacrifice your ability to think for yourself and join them. This is how they operate. Go to any given manosphere message board or community and you’ll see for yourself. This is why I mock them.

    The red pill is a religion. Sure it isn’t as bad as scientology where when you join them you must pay them or they’ll kill you or something like that, but there’s no difference to me.

    Of course I agree with some red pill views. But some of these views are really stupid and I refuse to agree with them. But that’s not enough for the common red pilled person.

  • Jaunty
    Posted at 09:28 pm, 3rd September 2018

    I have always seen Alex Jones as controlled opposition. Much like skip tracing, if you want to disappear you create false trails to hide your real trail. Same with money laundering, you don’t actually hide the money you just mAke it so time consuming and expensive to recover that whatever you COULD recover is ultimAtely not worth it. Alex Jones works for the elite and hides the truth by spouting the truth and also spouting batshit insane crap as well. People find the truth, also find Alex Jones as they dig deeper into the truth and either go off the deep end because they accept the controlled opposition along with the truth or they hit  a wall not being able to accept the truth when it’s spouted by a “nut” like Alex Jones.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:37 am, 4th September 2018

    Jack, even you clearly delineate between conspiracy theories and normal hypotheses. You say “Anyone praising Madam Blavatsky shouldn’t be taken seriously”, I just extend this to all the other conspiracy theories,

    To use Joelsuf’s language, you’re a collectivist. As an individualist myself, I tend to judge conspiracy theories on a case by case basis. I reject many, but I also support many. You need to be more individualized in your thinking.

    The problem with you is that you make these blanket “all or nothing” judgments via guilt by association.

    for example “all the New Agers have been debunked as CIA operatives” which is so obviously false.

    No, it’s not. But it would take too long to even summarize all the evidence for you on a blog post.

    While I don’t believe that there’s a “monolithic ‘they’” as in a centralized group of “truth seekers”, they surely have common traits that are strongly linked with no trustworthiness.

    Again, it depends on what and who.

    If some narrated words which are consistent with three possibilities, a) no links to reality at all, b) a pedophile dad abusing his daughter with others, c) OMG AUSTRALIAN LEADERSHIP IS ALL SATANISTS, are enough for a “truth seeker” to be convinced of option C, such truth seeking methodology I disregard utterly.

    Who said that it’s “C” based on just that one video? That was just one bread crumb. You need to do some serious research and then connect the dots by harmonizing your rationality with your intuition. I can’t do it for you here.

    Also, no one said that they are literally all Satanists. It’s not all or nothing. See? You’re collectivizing again.

    Here’s my problem: If I link you to one video, you will say that there’s not enough evidence. But if I do refer you to enough evidence that will take you months to sort out, you will just say that you don’t have that kind of time, and it must be false if it requires tons of information to sift through instead of being concise. So you’re putting me between a rock and a hard place.

    (All the video alleges is people including the dad, who works for intelligence, drugging the girl and causing her to dream something about men promising her “special gifts” if she does what they say. Even if every single claim in the video were proven true as narrated, there would be nothing whatsoever to convict anyone of any crime.)

    Really? So drugging a 6 year old is not a crime?

    Why engage in anything complex when plain stupidity will suffice?

    Because sometimes, that which is more likely is false, and that which is less likely can be true. The universe sometimes beats the odds. This has always been my problem with Occam’s Razor.



  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:51 am, 4th September 2018

    Joe Smith and Anon:

    Okay, I’ll throw you guys a bone. On the subject of Pizzagate, the freelance journalist Titus Frost composed a seven hour long documentary on youtube that detailed, and elaborated upon, every single piece of evidence which supports the notion of a conspiracy of institutional pedophiles operating at the highest levels of power, with Comet Ping Pong being just one focus point.

    The evidence he presented is beyond compelling, which included discovering child porn on the encrypted portion of Comet’s website, which is linked to seven different servers in seven different countries.

    Please, do not respond saying that you’re not going to commit to watching a 7 hour documentary. I don’t care. The important thing is that I can’t be accused of not trying, or just providing flimsy evidence. Believe what you want and do what you want.

    Here’s Part I:


    Part II:


    And Part III:




  • Sailormack
    Posted at 09:23 am, 4th September 2018


    Thank you for your detailed reply.

    I can now concede that you are in fact correct, and I am wrong and as such I bow to your superior knowledge and understanding.

    Thank you for taking your valuable time to show me the way.



  • Sailormack
    Posted at 09:30 am, 4th September 2018

    You exhibit the superficial understanding of authentic spirituality of the typical, mindless consumer drone. That is what our society has become, so I am not surprised.

    Normally I wouldn’t bother engaging with that kind of mindset, as it’s a waste of time. But for the sake of others reading this blog, I will make one attempt to explain the unexplainable. Then I will drop the subject.

    “Living in the now” does not preclude planning for the future nor doing all the other practical things required of living in a modern society. If you read some of my earlier posts on this article, I specifically mentioned that “transcending the mind” doe not mean that the mind and ego disappear. They are still there in one who is awake. They have simply taken their proper place and are now subordinate to the Life Force itself, rather than operating at a hyper active level that largely blocks Life and fills daily activity with anxiety, fear, greed, insecurity, violence and all the other negative traits that afflict man.

    Living in the now or being more present simply means living authentically, in that deep well of peace that is your birth right. It’s the Tao. It’s Zen. It’s Nirvana. One discards the fundamental fear of life that defines the “human condition” as we have come to know it. One does not become a zombie or a mindless fool. Quite the opposite in fact. Life improves dramatically, not only for yourself but also for all those in close contact with you. Everything just flows, with minimal effort. I’m living proof of that, as are tens of thousands of others on this planet. And I’ve barely scratched the surface.

    But keep living in fear, accusing everyone and his mother of being a CIA agent. If it serves you on some level in your chosen life path, I won’t argue against it.

    Truth Seeker

    Thank you for taking the time to explain this with much more articulation than I could, even if I had the time.


  • Anon
    Posted at 12:42 pm, 4th September 2018

    The evidence he presented is beyond compelling, which included discovering child porn on the encrypted portion of Comet’s website, which is linked to seven different servers in seven different countries.

    None of the YouTube autogenerated transcripts contain the word “server”. Timestamps?

    I scrolled till I saw something tangible. The author, for the umpteenth time, noticed how timestamps shown in Google search results are unreliable: http://archive.is/KHiJT. This sort of thing happens All The Time, whenever multiple websites feel compelled to report on something at the same time, some of them will get timestamps wrong in their software.

    Hell, one of the biggest discrepancies is with washingtonian.com, and at this very moment a Google search for a recent headline from that website shows this: https://ibb.co/iagBPe. Inter-dimensional rat conspiracy confirmed! Or washingtonian.com is just misconfigured. Or Google calculates some things and not others using the user’s local time zone.

    How can I believe anything else from a source who displays such ignorance with the most basic OSINT techniques?

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 06:17 pm, 4th September 2018

    To use Joelsuf’s language, you’re a collectivist. As an individualist myself, I tend to judge conspiracy theories on a case by case basis. I reject many, but I also support many. You need to be more individualized in your thinking.
    The problem with you is that you make these blanket “all or nothing” judgments via guilt by association.

    Not my language. In fact Caleb was using it before I even began reading his blogs, when he was talking about the manosphere in 2014. But yes I do enjoy mocking collectivists. Just because I want people to know how much energy they are wasting being one.

    And also, allow me to ask: What exactly do you gain by sharing the kind of information you share? How exactly does it improve each of your life areas? Just a sentence per area will do. I’m legitimately curious.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:04 pm, 5th September 2018


    Thank you for your detailed reply.

    I can now concede that you are in fact correct, and I am wrong and as such I bow to your superior knowledge and understanding.

    Thank you for taking your valuable time to show me the way.


    This is so pathetic! Your snarky sarcasm is completely worthless! It’s a waste of a post! If you want to disagree, fine. But either come up with counter-arguments or don’t say anything at all.

    A post like this, seething with scorn and contempt, only makes you look bad!


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:46 pm, 5th September 2018

    You exhibit the superficial understanding of authentic spirituality of the typical, mindless consumer drone.

    Just the fact that you said this (which couldn’t be more ironic) proves that you either didn’t read my post, or that you’re a deliberate agent provocateur.

    The “typical, mindless consumer drone,” does not plan for the future. Instead, he lives in the now and will never amount to anything in life because he just says things like, “well, I hope the good lord will just let me make it till tomorrow.”

    By contrast, everything I said makes me the exact opposite of a “mindless consumer drone,” especially in reference to planning for the future and having a future time orientation.

    In other words, you’ve just exposed yourself as either deliberately lying or completely clueless (or perhaps illiterate).

    That is what our society has become, so I am not surprised.

    Yeah, a society of present time thinkers who feel badass for “living in the now” and shopping because Eckhart Tolle said it’s cool.

    Normally I wouldn’t bother engaging with that kind of mindset, as it’s a waste of time.

    Oh thank you so much for getting off your pedestal and condescending to a lowly worm like me! You’ve earned a cookie.

    By the way, that’s another thing that this New Age garbage preaches – narcissistic elitism!

    But for the sake of others reading this blog,

    Yes, let’s do it for the readers! Not all heroes wear capes!

    I will make one attempt to explain the unexplainable.

    LOL! Is this you being a Zen master?

    Then I will drop the subject.


    “Living in the now” does not preclude planning for the future nor doing all the other practical things required of living in a modern society.

    It does according to many of Tolle’s whores! Also, I’m not talking about the practical things that are required in modern society. I’m talking about practical things that aren’t required – the ones that will take you above and beyond the modern consumer drones!

    If you read some of my earlier posts on this article, I specifically mentioned that “transcending the mind” doe not mean that the mind and ego disappear. They are still there in one who is awake. They have simply taken their proper place and are now subordinate to the Life Force itself

    So…..we’re talking about transcending the mind now?

    rather than operating at a hyper active level that largely blocks Life and fills daily activity with anxiety,

    There are many ways to alleviate excessive anxiety. “Living in the now” doesn’t have to be one of them. For example, hitting the gym and increasing testosterone can overwhelm anxiety.


    This is context specific. A fear of failure, for example, can motivate you to succeed. It depends what you’re talking about. You’re generalizing concepts which are inherently specific. Fear can be useful just as it can be destructive.

    That’s another problem with Tolle and other New Age garbage. They throw the baby out with the bath water!


    Explain why greed is bad. Now you’re talking like a hippie.


    Meaning what in this context?

    violence and all the other negative traits that afflict man.

    You think violence is negative? Again, it depends on what it is used for. This is another thing New Agers do. They turn verbs and adjectives into absolute nouns without a reference point, like “hate.”

    Living in the now or being more present simply means living authentically, in that deep well of peace that is your birth right.

    So I’m not present if……wait, what are you talking about? Deep well of peace? Sounds like something that kills motivation and lulls the sheep to sleep, if you ask me. Sounds like heroin!

    It’s the Tao. It’s Zen. It’s Nirvana.

    In other words, it’s garbage! Passive, sleepy, New Age filth! This is why the West is the greatest civilization the world has ever known, while the East has been busy navel gazing in “nirvana.” The roles are being reversed now because of people like you, which is devastating.

    Contrary to the false crap that you think about me, I’ve studied all this Lucifarian stuff masquerading as self-empowerment. It leads to dictators pronouncing themselves as gods, which is what the New Age Movement is now openly doing, with scum like Tolle leading the way.

    In college, I also had an Indian professor of philosophy who taught us what real Buddhism is – it is spiritual annihilationism, with “nirvana” being the feeling you get before you cease to exist. He said that western New Agers will never tell you that, but it’s true.

    One discards the fundamental fear of life that defines the “human condition”

    I have no fear of life just because I don’t have a present time orientation.

    Everything just flows, with minimal effort.

    So you are no longer the master of your life, but have subordinated yourself to the spontaneous flow, the rhythms and whims of “woo-woo?”

    I’m living proof of that, as are tens of thousands of others on this planet. And I’ve barely scratched the surface.

    Tens of thousands? I doubt it.

    But keep living in fear,

    I do not live in fear at all. Quite the opposite. Where did you get that nonsense? Probably from the same place that you got the crap that I’m a consumer drone.

    accusing everyone and his mother of being a CIA agent.

    I have never accused everyone, or even close to 10 percent, of people of being CIA agents. But your deliberate and wilful lack of nuance does lead me to suspect that you are a deliberate agent provocateur.

    If it serves you on some level in your chosen life path, I won’t argue against it.

    You just did, after strawmanning my entire position with smug, elitist garbage preachings about nirvana and the tao!

    Know this – people like me are exposing people like you all the time. Tolle’s days of any significant influence are numbered, as are yours! 




  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:50 pm, 5th September 2018

    And also, allow me to ask: What exactly do you gain by sharing the kind of information you share? How exactly does it improve each of your life areas? Just a sentence per area will do. I’m legitimately curious.

    How does sharing the fact that the world is run by about 800 powerful child molesters who are above the law benefit me?

    Well gosh, you stumped me. Maybe I’m just a good person who wants to purify my karma. Or maybe I want to expose them in order to make it at least a little harder for them to kidnap little kids (including my own future kids).

    Retarded, I know.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:58 pm, 5th September 2018

    None of the YouTube autogenerated transcripts contain the word “server”.

    What autogenerated transcripts? What are you talking about? I was referring to the documentary I linked to.



    I scrolled till I saw something tangible. The author, for the umpteenth time,

    Which author? You scrolled where? I’m confused.

    noticed how timestamps shown in Google search results are unreliable:

    Um, ok.

    This sort of thing happens All The Time, whenever multiple websites feel compelled to report on something at the same time, some of them will get timestamps wrong in their software.

    What’s your point?

    How can I believe anything else from a source who displays such ignorance with the most basic OSINT techniques?

    Which source? I know you didn’t watch all 7 hours of the documentary. The author doesn’t just rely on Google time stamps. 99 percent of his evidence has nothing to do with time stamps. Again, what are you talking about?


  • joelsuf
    Posted at 04:20 pm, 5th September 2018

    maybe I want to expose them in order to make it at least a little harder for them to kidnap little kids (including my own future kids).

    Alright then, makes sense to me. How do you plan to make this happen? Will this make you happier and more successful as a person? How much time are you willing to put into it? I’m legitimately curious about this.

    You should read Caleb’s posts about external and internal solutions again. But hell, it isn’t my energy you’re wasting.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:21 pm, 5th September 2018

    None of the YouTube autogenerated transcripts contain the word “server”.

    The computer hacker who found the child porn on Comet Ping Pong’s website is interviewed here:


    He’s the reason the FBI paid that IMDB actor go to Comet and put a bullet into the computer in order to erase it, while the media glorifies the shooter as an example of “fake news having consequences for real people.”

    Two birds, one stone.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:32 pm, 5th September 2018

    How do you plan to make this happen?

    Well….. raising awareness is kind of the first step.

    Will this make you happier and more successful as a person?

    Will I be happier knowing that I’ve made it a little harder for pedophiles to kidnap kids? You tell me! What do you think?

    How much time are you willing to put into it? I’m legitimately curious about this.

    A reasonable amount.

    You should read Caleb’s posts about external and internal solutions again.

    I believe in both.

    But hell, it isn’t my energy you’re wasting.

    “Wasting” implies that it is a futile attempt. If a parent keeps their eye on their kid even a little bit more than otherwise, thus preventing a kidnapping, because of the awareness I raised, it will have been worth it.



  • Qlue
    Posted at 04:57 pm, 5th September 2018

    The only conspiracy I somewhat believe is cannibalism practiced by the elites, because bone marrow is extremely healthy and contains stem cells and so attaining bone marrow stem cells from babies is probably what elites can get away with. This video does a good job of explaining why cannibalism (not pedophilia) is preferred by the elites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_CXwa-_5Uk

    How the elites also push veganism, while being cannibals themselves.

    Note: the rest of his channel is quackery (flat earth, anti-semitism, etc..)


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 05:20 pm, 5th September 2018

    The only conspiracy I somewhat believe is cannibalism practiced by the elites, because bone marrow is extremely healthy and contains stem cells and so attaining bone marrow stem cells from babies is probably what elites can get away with. This video does a good job of explaining why cannibalism (not pedophilia) is preferred by the elites:

    You think these elites are rationalists and make decisions based on practical considerations only?

    You think if a decision is irrational then they must not have made it?


  • Sailormack
    Posted at 06:07 am, 6th September 2018

    This is so pathetic! Your snarky sarcasm is completely worthless! It’s a waste of a post! If you want to disagree, fine. But either come up with counter-arguments or don’t say anything at all.

    A post like this, seething with scorn and contempt, only makes you look bad!

    From this…


    Are you advocating “never living in the now”, only planning for the future and regretting the past?

    and this…

    I’m trying to ascertain your mindset when it comes to “living in the now” so to speak, and that’s why I framed the question in that way. I have read The Unchained Man, so I don’t need a reference to the book.

    A lot of people do indeed regret the past and constantly fear the future, but is life not just a series of simultaneous moments where the past is gone and the future is not guaranteed to come?

    You assume this?

    In other words, it’s garbage! Passive, sleepy, New Age filth! This is why the West is the greatest civilization the world has ever known, while the East has been busy navel gazing in “nirvana.” The roles are being reversed now because of people like you, which is devastating.

    Contrary to the false crap that you think about me, I’ve studied all this Lucifarian stuff masquerading as self-empowerment. It leads to dictators pronouncing themselves as gods, which is what the New Age Movement is now openly doing, with scum like Tolle leading the way.

    and this, a genuine but curious comment…

    Just trying to understand your thought process.

    Was answered with….

    Fuck Tolle! Live for tomorrow or be a poverty stricken bum. Those are people’s only two choices!

    As I say, good luck with your choice.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 06:48 am, 6th September 2018

    Sailormack – Wow! You must really hate typing! Or you just love being super cryptic and undiscernible, which you have been with me since your very first question.

    You need to learn how to speak in plain English and drop the garbage innuendo.

    From this…


    Are you advocating “never living in the now”, only planning for the future and regretting the past?

    and this…

    I’m trying to ascertain your mindset when it comes to “living in the now” so to speak, and that’s why I framed the question in that way. I have read The Unchained Man, so I don’t need a reference to the book.

    A lot of people do indeed regret the past and constantly fear the future, but is life not just a series of simultaneous moments where the past is gone and the future is not guaranteed to come?

    You assume this?

    In other words, it’s garbage! Passive, sleepy, New Age filth! This is why the West is the greatest civilization the world has ever known, while the East has been busy navel gazing in “nirvana.” The roles are being reversed now because of people like you, which is devastating.

    Contrary to the false crap that you think about me, I’ve studied all this Lucifarian stuff masquerading as self-empowerment. It leads to dictators pronouncing themselves as gods, which is what the New Age Movement is now openly doing, with scum like Tolle leading the way.

    That was my response to Truth Seeker, not you. Just like Anon, you lack nuance and are guilty of a multitude of oversimplifications as they pertain to my positions. Or, like I said, maybe you just never learned how to type on a keyboard and aren’t good at it.

    and this, a genuine but curious comment…

    Just trying to understand your thought process.

    Was answered with….

    Fuck Tolle! Live for tomorrow or be a poverty stricken bum. Those are people’s only two choices!

    No! That’s not how I answered it. My answer involved way more than that. Again, you’re strawmanning!

    As I say, good luck with your choice.

    I don’t need luck! Only those who live in the now need something as lame and uncontrollable as luck. That’s the point!



  • Sailormack
    Posted at 08:07 am, 6th September 2018


    Why would you think I would want to spend my valuable and yet infinite time on this planet typing into a computer trying to win an argument?

    What am I, retarded?

    By the way, I was amused by your comments about the West being the greatest civilization blah blah blah.

    That gave me a chuckle.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 08:22 am, 6th September 2018

    Why would you think I would want to spend my valuable and yet infinite time

    Your time is not infinite. It’s finite. Stop inserting subtle New Age trash.

    on this planet typing into a computer trying to win an argument?

    Fine. Then don’t say anything at all! But this short and unintelligible cryptic nonsense is just stupid.

    By the way, I was amused by your comments about the West being the greatest civilization blah blah blah.

    That gave me a chuckle.

    Great, so you’re an anti-American and anti-western as well! That is typical of New Age hippies also. In general, they are a bunch of ungrateful treasonous parasites who wish to take down the greatest civilization on the planet and replace it with………what? India? Africa? China?

    They can’t point to a single civilization that is greater or superior, but they sneer at the greatest and freest one!

    I think everyone here knows by now exactly who and what you are! Thank you for your honesty!



  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 08:40 am, 6th September 2018

    That gave me a chuckle.

    More contemptuous poison from you with zero counter-arguments.

    You’re doing really well here! LOL! It’s beneath you to argue, but not beneath you to sneer with elitist condescension.

    I know it’s difficult to admit intellectual bankruptcy, but perhaps there is some chapter in Dianetics, or some eastern woo-woo trash that will help you kill the ego and admit that you just have zero superior ideas – only patronizing elitist contempt worthy of a morally bankrupt and incestuous royal family! Sad.




  • Sailormack
    Posted at 11:35 am, 6th September 2018



    Centuries of war, murder and genocide.

    Bombing of innocent children in the Middle East. Soldiers fighting wars who don’t understand why.

    Apocalypse of human health due to trans fats and high fructose corn syrup.

    Re-engineering of human dna by corporations like Monsanto.

    An economy on the verge of collapse propped up by debt and fiat currency.

    I could go on but my level of retardation prevents me from doing so.

    Loving your idea of “civilization”.

    Peace lol

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 11:46 am, 6th September 2018

    Will I be happier knowing that I’ve made it a little harder for pedophiles to kidnap kids? You tell me! What do you think?

    You won’t be. Like any other collectivist, you won’t be satisfied until everything goes according to your plan. Look, I have studied collectivists, that is their nature. I have actual background in this. Took a class in college where you had to protest for a grade and then perform research surveying the people you protested with. One of my questions was “what would make you more satisfied? Having just one change or having others live by all your ideals without question?” Unanimously, people from both sample groups (I went to a trad-con protest as well as a progressive one) chose the second option.

    Decided to late drop the class because I was still failing. Why was I failing? Because in my term paper analysis I argued that protesting was an existential war on individuality, no matter what the protest was about. The research I did literally proved it. I got a 65 on it. Showed the exact same paper to the department head, asked her what grade she would give it and she said that although she disagreed with it (social science people, especially sociology people LOVE their collectivism lol), she would have given it a 90.

    Collectivists go about achieving what they want to achieve the wrong way. Another argument I presented in my term paper was that dialogue can only do so much and that only massive acts of violence can any form of “change” actually take place. This explains why the west has been so warlike over the last few millennia. We are a culture that operates on a warlike narrative and protesting is nothing but an act of war but with nonviolence.

    Look, we agree and disagree on a lot of things but like Caleb has said in the past, your dialogue has become pretty insane for awhile now. Getting a bit more difficult to take you seriously and its getting more difficult to have legit discussions with you. I mean good luck with whatever you want to do, but I don’t think its a good use of your time or energy.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 11:03 am, 7th September 2018



    Yes. Do they have internet in the jungle?

    Centuries of war, murder and genocide.

    You’ve just described every civilization. What’s your point? You don’t seem to be comparing the West to any other civilization. You seem to be comparing it to a fictional heaven, much like a typical Marxist!

    Bombing of innocent children in the Middle East. Soldiers fighting wars who don’t understand why.

    You’ve just described every civilization. Native Americans used to commit genocide against other tribes and literally eat each other. The West just has superior technology.

    What distinguishes your criticisms of western civilization from other civilizations?

    Apocalypse of human health due to trans fats and high fructose corn syrup.

    Apocalypse? I’m pretty healthy. So are many people I know. You are sensationalizing things to the Nth degree. Cognitive therapists call it “catastrophizing.”

    Re-engineering of human dna by corporations like Monsanto.

    You use one corrupt corporation as an indictment against the entire West?

    An economy on the verge of collapse propped up by debt and fiat currency.

    Yes, the West is declining, like all civilizations eventually do. But it’s still the greatest civilization the world has ever known compared to other real places, not fictional utopias.

    I could go on but my level of retardation prevents me from doing so.

    Loving your idea of “civilization”.

    Peace lol

    Don’t you think it’s hypocritical to hate the West while using the West’s created internet?

    Ok, now it’s my turn:

    Good things which only the West has done:

    Technological inventions:

    The toilet, toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrushes, showers and indoor plumbing, the discovery of electricity, heating and air conditioning, stoves, microwaves, cars, airplanes, helicopters, paved roads, computers, the internet, the telephone, the cell phone, the smart phone, the cure for every disease that has ever been cured since the 1800s, modern medicine, birth control, the discovery of DNA, DNA paternity testing, gene therapy, bridges, skyscrapers, our sewer system….and virtually everything else which distinguishes us from a primitive jungle.

    The non-West has all of these things only to the extent that the West gave it to them.

    Philosophical inventions:

    Democracy, human rights, the very idea of freedom, racial equality, sexual equality, sexual freedom and liberation, individualism, libertarianism, the Renaissance, the European Enlightenment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Separation of Church and State, Freedom of Association, the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, the right to face one’s accuser, the right to privacy and personal autonomy, Freedom of the Press, and……did I mention sexual freedom and individualism?

    All of the above are things which the West, and only the West, invented and then spread to other civilizations.

    I always tell all the politically correct social justice traitors and ungrateful teenage brats who know nothing about nothing – You want to see REAL racism? Go to a non-white country.

    You want to see REAL sexism? Go to a non-western country.

    You want to see REAL homophobia? Go to a non-western country.

    You want to see REAL trans-phobia? Go to a non-western country.

    You want to see REAL slavery? Go to a non-western country.

    You want to see REAL collectivism? Go to the far East.

    In short, everything that you hate about the West is found in greater abundance outside the West.

    And everything that is good, decent, and conducive to individual happiness is unique to the West, or was exported to the non-West by the West.

    You sound like a young millennial who doesn’t appreciate his freedom or his internet access – given to you exclusively by the West! Shame on you!


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 11:04 am, 7th September 2018


    Good things which only the West has done:


    Technological inventions:


    The toilet, toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrushes, showers and indoor plumbing, the discovery of electricity, heating and air conditioning, stoves, microwaves, cars, airplanes, helicopters, paved roads, computers, the internet, the telephone, the cell phone, the smart phone, the cure for every disease that has ever been cured since the 1800s, modern medicine, birth control, the discovery of DNA, DNA paternity testing, gene therapy, bridges, skyscrapers, our sewer system….and virtually everything else which distinguishes us from a primitive jungle.


    The non-West has all of these things only to the extent that the West gave it to them.


    Philosophical inventions:


    Democracy, human rights, the very idea of freedom, racial equality, sexual equality, sexual freedom and liberation, individualism, libertarianism, the Renaissance, the European Enlightenment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Separation of Church and State, Freedom of Association, the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, the right to face one’s accuser, the right to privacy and personal autonomy, Freedom of the Press, and……did I mention sexual freedom and individualism?


    All of the above are things which the West, and only the West, invented and then spread to other civilizations.


    I always tell all the politically correct social justice traitors and ungrateful teenage brats who know nothing about nothing – You want to see REAL racism? Go to a non-white country.


    You want to see REAL sexism? Go to a non-western country.


    You want to see REAL homophobia? Go to a non-western country.


    You want to see REAL trans-phobia? Go to a non-western country.


    You want to see REAL slavery? Go to a non-western country.


    You want to see REAL collectivism? Go to the far East.


    In short, everything that you hate about the West is found in greater abundance outside the West.


    And everything that is good, decent, and conducive to individual happiness is unique to the West, or was exported to the non-West by the West.


    You sound like a young millennial who doesn’t appreciate his freedom or his internet access – given to you exclusively by the West!



  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 11:06 am, 7th September 2018



    Do they have internet access in the jungle?

    Centuries of war, murder and genocide.

    You’ve just described every civilization.

    Do you have any criticisms of the West which are unique to the West? Can you find a superior civilization?

    You don’t see the hypocrisy in trashing the West while using the West-created internet?

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 11:10 am, 7th September 2018

    You won’t be.

    You are wrong.

    Look, we agree and disagree on a lot of things but like Caleb has said in the past, your dialogue has become pretty insane for awhile now.

    I hate these generalities. Sticking just to this blog post, what have I said that’s insane?

    Getting a bit more difficult to take you seriously and its getting more difficult to have legit discussions with you.

    Ok. Tough shit, I guess!




  • Sailormack
    Posted at 02:32 pm, 7th September 2018


    You seem to like the sound of your own voice bro.

    Why do you keep repeating yourself?

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 02:02 pm, 9th September 2018

    You seem to like the sound of your own voice bro.

    Why do you keep repeating yourself?

    The blog’s spam filter fucked me up so I accidently posted something three times.

    I’m just refuting your Marxist college professor arguments. I used to love challenging my Marxist professors on things like this.

    But this is why your anti-western stance is wrong: When it comes to bad things, the West is just one of many villains. But when it comes to good things, the West is the only hero.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:15 pm, 9th September 2018

    Sailormack, I’m curious:

    Sociology or Gender Studies?


  • Sailormack
    Posted at 02:17 am, 10th September 2018


    I’m not sure of why, but you seem to have a real problem answering simple questions. Your MO is one of deflection, garnished with poor extrapolation and inaccurate character judgement.

    Instead of your feeble attempts at labelling me (millennial, scientology, gender studies etc), why not put your PMT aside for once and try answering very simple questions?

    You seem to have a bee in your bonnet about the elite paedophilia agenda, so let’s assume that this is in fact correct.

    Question 1: How do you see this playing out? How is this “awareness” going to come to fruition? Who specifically has to be “awakened” before this will blow open and what needs to happen to make this a reality?

    Question 2: Who specifically is going to take control of this and bring those responsible to justice?

    Question 3: What will this justice be? Mass jailings? “Suicides”? Public executions in town squares? What?

    Question 4: Do you see this happening in your lifetime?

    I don’t need any “I’m a really caring person and this is so wrong” responses or “you are this, that and the other, blah blah blah” deflections, just intelligently thought out answers to simple specific questions.


  • MetCom
    Posted at 10:38 am, 16th September 2018

    Interested in JOTB’s answer to this one, but it doesn’t look like it’s coming. JOTB, thank you for all the links you’ve posted here. This has led me to a real awakening. I’ve been familiar with many red pill truths for a long time, but this is on a new level. The Ronald Bernard series of interviews in particular is gold, recommended for everyone to watch. In the fifth part of the series, he comes to a conclusion that is very Alpha 2.0: if you try to make a change in society and get some results, you are likely gonna mess with some long established power structure, step on some toes, and get into trouble. Therefore all you can do to thrive is create your own bubble of business and relationships where you’re independent and don’t mess with other interests.

    Also, seeing some of the ‘art’ involved in the pizzagate and at the Podesta’s, along with the leaked Instagrams, really alleviates any doubts. To see the MSM treatment of this as some “wild conspiracy theory” is utterly disgusting.

    Sailormack, to answer your questions, you can watch this video:


    In the last year or so, more than 5000 pedophiles were arrested in the US. In 2014, only 400 were, under the former presidency that is. What happens when you arrest many members of criminal networks ? They rat. So I believe many small players are now out, while evidence is still being gathered over the big fishes. Many are not rerunning for midterm elections, probably not a coincidence.


  • Luna
    Posted at 12:19 am, 17th September 2018

    A little late to the party here, but here are my thoughts: Alex Jones should be sued for libel and defamation, nor taken off of YouTube. Anyone with a modicum of intelligent and rational thought, as well as a healthy dash of skepticism, can see right through that nonsense.

    Most of the data that Mr. Alex Jones and others of his ilk present on their channels can be easily debunked with a quick internet search, as well as reading some well-sourced and independently verified peer reviewed studies.

    Censorship is not necessary when incorrect and incendiary statements can be refuted with reason, facts, logic, and empirical data.

    Blocking individuals on social media without setting clear terms as to why is misleading, and only further seeks to create this narrative that these individuals are somehow  being targeted or persecuted for having Conservative political views, which id problematic and can lead to a host of other problems.

    On a side note, I’ve also been hearing from a lot of Conservatives that I talk to from time to time. Now all of a sudden they want Government to get involved to fix this. The irony of Conservastives wanting Govt to get involved is lost on them, I’m afraid.

    Even though we live in a free society  there are limits to free speech. Free speech protects you from being harmed or sent to jail for saying something unpopular, but it does not protect you from being banned on social media, and it does not protect you from losing your job or other negative consequences that may occur as a result. Anyone who believes otherwise clearly needs to brush up on their understanding of the law.

    That is the same reason why even though we have freedom of religion, it is not always applicable at all times and in all places. The Christian Baker  who denied service to a gay couple cannot deny providing a public service he provides to everyone else in his community. I would bet with a high degree of certainty he has already made cakes for divorced and people of opposing beliefs and political views that differ from his own. Probably without his knowledge But it’s much easier to cherry pick who you discriminate against when you have a gay couple standing in front of you.

    Regardless, weddings cakes can apply to a broad spectrum of people within the community, therefore proving a wedding cake does not in any way endorse or condone said activity. It is a business transaction, not a religious rite. As far as the bakers obligation is concerned, according to the law he is still required to bake a wedding cake. He isn’t required to bake a gay themed cake, so he could have easily objected because of artistic reasons, and bake a generic cake instead,  and be fine as far as the law is concerned.

    What he can’t say is “No I can’t serve you a cake because you are gay. That’s where he went wrong.

    I apologize for any spelling and grammar mistakes as 1. It is late and 2. I am typing from a cell phone.

    Regarding the media and Corporate Oligarchies. This has been going in for years, they will do anything to make money, and if that means posting bad news at you, they will. The fact people are just waking up to this now astounds me. Facebook and Google and all these companies are exchanging your information in the Hope’s that uou’ll buy more if their products by customizing it to you. Thid has been going on for years. None of that stuff they give you is truly for free. We all have to pay, sooner or later,  one way or another.

  • Sailormack
    Posted at 09:06 am, 18th September 2018

    Sailormack, to answer your questions, you can watch this video:


    In the last year or so, more than 5000 pedophiles were arrested in the US. In 2014, only 400 were, under the former presidency that is. What happens when you arrest many members of criminal networks ? They rat. So I believe many small players are now out, while evidence is still being gathered over the big fishes. Many are not rerunning for midterm elections, probably not a coincidence.



    As you will be aware, the internet is awash with videos and websites representing everything and anything. How do we know that those who are being arrested and investigated are not being sacrificed to save the skins of the elites?

    Once I see a top player, Clinton, Biden, Soros etc being brought before the courts, tried and convicted I will believe what you say.

    Until then, we can but hope.


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