America Continues To Move Left

I have written several articles already showing all the facts and stats that clearly demonstrate America is a left-wing country and continues to move left. If your answer is “But what about Trump???” then remember that more people voted for the Lizard Queen (the worst presidential candidate in my lifetime), only 26% of people voted for Trump, and a significant percentage of those people didn’t think he was qualified to be president. But seriously, if you think America is “going back to the right,” then stop right now and read this article and this one. (And for Christ’s sake dude, try to form your opinions using facts, not feelings.)

There’s a concept called the Overton Window. If you’re not familiar with it, it means the range of ideas that are tolerated in public discourse. Every year, the Overton Window shifts more to the left. Even since Tantrum Trump’s election in 2016, it has continued to shift to the political left, and here’s the latest indication of this…

Last week, openly-admitted socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (the most popular politician in the USA right now according to all the surveys; still think the USA isn’t becoming more left-wing?) made a serious proposal that all Americans be automatically guaranteed a government job, at $15 per hour, with full health care coverage.

I’m not going to talk about the insanity of this proposal, since that’s obvious to anyone who is informed about the US government’s current financial position and who can perform basic math.

The more important thing is the public’s reaction to this proposal.

If you’re old enough, imagine a nationally-known, mainstream politician seriously announcing this proposal 10-15 years ago. How would people react to it? I don’t mean the fringe far left; I mean normal, everyday people.

The answer is that they would blow it off as absurdity and move on. They wouldn’t even argue about it. The idea would be just too insane-sounding to them. Mainstream news probably wouldn’t even cover it.

How are people reacting to it today?

Pretty much the opposite. It was plastered all over every news source you could think of. Everyone talked about it and debated it like it was a real thing. People all over the country and the internet are talking about how it’s a great idea. And of course, terrified conservatives are screaming that it’s a terrible idea.

My point is none of this would be happening if the Overton Window in the US hasn’t shifted greatly to the left. The fact everyone is talking about it, and that many people love it, and other people are bitching about it like it’s a real possibility (which it is, more on that in a minute) proves this. Again, if some popular Senator proposed this back in 1995 or 2005 you would probably never have even heard about it.

In following the predicable slow collapse of every prosperous empire in human history, the US will continue to move left, every year, no matter what else happens or who is elected. It’s inevitable at this point. One could even make the argument (and I have before in a roundabout way) that things like Trump, the screaming alt-right / alt-lite, Brexit, and all of these celebrity sexual harassment cases actually increase this slow move to the left with normal, everyday, non-informed Americans.

America will continue to move to the left. If you don’t think this is happening, you’re either not paying attention to the facts or you’re being irrational. Sometime in the next few years, you will see insane quasi-communist reforms in the federal government just like Comrade Bernie’s proposal. This will happen. Just watch.

If you’re an American left-winger, then don’t worry. In time, you’ll get everything you want; America will end up as a more corporatist and indebted version of Scandinavia. So good on you.

If you’re an American but you’re not a left-winger, and don’t like things like redistribution of wealth on a mass scale, sky-high taxes, massive personal and business regulation, then instead of hoping that some Messiah like Trump is going to come along and save you (which he can’t and won’t), you need to make plans to offset these problems which are coming to America in your lifetime.

The Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle is my recommendation, obviously. Alpha Male 2.0’s will be protected from at least 90% of this stuff even if they don’t move out of the country. And yes, you could do what I’m doing and make plans to leave the country too if you really want to, though that isn’t required as long as you do everything else correctly.

My point here is to not delude yourself about the overall direction the United States is heading just because you see an unhinged anti-SJW as our temporary President. America is heading for bigger government, more debt, more laws, higher taxes, and more socialism. Republicans can’t and won’t fix it (they’re actually part of the problem).

Don’t stick your head in the sand about this… instead, plan on it and make plans to avoid it. That’s the smart thing to do.

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  • PrepZ
    Posted at 09:15 am, 9th May 2018

    The Overton Window

    A.K.A. The Idiot box, The Boob Tube, the Television.

    Mine has moved so far left in the last few years I had to bolt it down for fear it would throw itself through the window and drown in the pool.

  • Matt
    Posted at 09:16 am, 9th May 2018


  • Anon
    Posted at 11:32 am, 9th May 2018

    How does any of this come as a surprise? The majority has always been poor, but now thanks to the Internet, the poor have a voice so the average voice gets poorer and poorer. How can leftist rhetoric not flourish in this environment?

  • CrabRangoon
    Posted at 11:45 am, 9th May 2018

    The most fucked up part is the vast majority could care less about the suicidal march off the cliff in this country.  People have become so distracted by “bread and circuses” as they used to say in Rome I believe that they are oblivious to the ground crumbling underneath their own feet.  When I ask leftists where the money will come from to pay for all this shit, I’ve heard things as asinine as “we can just print more money!”.   Good call planning your exit from this shit show one day Caleb.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 11:48 am, 9th May 2018

    Caleb, what are you talking about? Bernie is senile and his psychotic idea will never come to pass! The media elites love him, which is why they’re all gaga over his Soviet nonsense.

    But does any European government, no matter how socialist, guarantee all of its citizens government jobs if they want them? This is just the mental masturbation of a sad old man who’s going to die soon.

    California adopted single payer healthcare, until they repealed it because they couldn’t figure out how to pay for it (duh!). European governments pay for it because they control both ends of it via setting price controls on medical costs, thus making medicine wildly less profitable, which won’t happen here.

    Math is the ultimate destroyer of spoiled millennials. Of course the sheep are cheering this on. They would also cheer on free ice cream for the disabled (to make them feel better) and free housing for the homeless. It won’t happen.

    In time, they’ll have no choice but to learn that there is no Santa Claus. You’re being too alarmist about this.




  • Alex Jones
    Posted at 01:41 pm, 9th May 2018

    You are cherry picking. I think you are mostly right that the country is moving leftward economically, but in other areas it isn’t. For example, the recent passage (without much fanfare) of FOSTA bill which, although justified on a human trafficking grounds, is really a puritanical reaction to prostitution. Prostitution used to be largely left alone, which is a soft left position (the real left position is “my body, my choice”), but FOSTA makes in much harder for hookers, sugar babies and all that whole world to ply their trade, and greatly exposes them to danger of street walking.

    Or what about the fact that we have been continuously at war for twenty years? That is by no means a left wing position — strong military, strong intervention, bombs and guns diplomacy is very much a right wing position compared to the “give peace a chance” left wing view.

    Or what about the fact that despite everything the leftie media can do, America seems incapable of increasing its level of gun control?

    Or what about the fact that the Trump tax cut is EXTREMELY popular, and may well save the Republicans from getting their asses handed to them in November?

    It is certainly true that some ideas that are popular today would be unthinkable fifty years ago. But those ideas aren’t all bad. After all, fifty years ago black/white marriages were only beginning to be tolerated, homosexual marriage would be out of the question, and polygamous relationships could get you in some serious trouble. Much of what you talk about with regards to women would have been largely unthinkable fifty years ago, plus your advocacy of starting multiple small businesses would have been almost impossible then too. Five flags also would have been VASTLY more difficult fifty years ago too. In a sense Alpha Male 2.0 would have been vastly more difficult to achieve fifty years ago, and for that we should all be thankful, even if we have to watch foolish cities collapse their economy under a fifteen dollar minimum wage.


  • CrabRangoon
    Posted at 02:16 pm, 9th May 2018

    @Alex Jones

    “FOSTA bill which, although justified on a human trafficking grounds, is really a puritanical reaction to prostitution.”

    Very true-they lumped in escorts with sex trafficking much like they now equate any kind of harassment with “rape” to make it sound like a big bad wolf.

    I’ve known a couple escorts and they’re just chicks with a side hustle just like sugar babies.  No one is forcing them and it’s a mutually beneficial arrangement for those seeking it.

    Typical of America today though-just keep adding more laws and regulations under the guise of “safety” or “for the kids” or “equality” when it’s all just the feds clamping down on their control of the masses.  It’s not harming anyone for 2 consenting adults to trade sex for cash-it’s been going on for centuries.

    Prostitution should just be legal with brothels like in other countries-you’d eliminate sex trafficking, provide a safe spot for the girls and guys wouldn’t have their lives ruined just for a quick piece of strange.

  • Eric C Smith
    Posted at 04:51 pm, 9th May 2018

    so I could attain alpha 2.0, have my crazy phase till my head explodes, then move to part 2 (moving internationally and prepping 5 flags etc. asian futuristic world adventures etc) …!?

  • American
    Posted at 05:34 pm, 9th May 2018

    Caleb’s right on track here.  I am shocked at how far and how fast we have lurched leftward.  Not only nationally, but locally.  Local politics are being run Alinsky style now.  Lots more protests by lefties, lots more left wingers trying to get people who oppose them fired from their jobs.

  • BigTime
    Posted at 01:43 am, 10th May 2018

    Agree with Caleb on the direction things are headed, but I’m not alarmed at the pace of change.

    The leftist protests are paid for by NGOs backed by a few wealthy elites.  Regular people aren’t going to these protests.  It’s a few corner cases who do this professionally, get bused in, have their signs/slogans pre-prepared, have their expenses paid and get a small salary.  The media stokes this because they love anything that gets more attention for their shitty commercials.

    As another commenter noted, even the far left european countries are having trouble implementing a guaranteed wage.  Look at the news from Seattle last week.  Amazon said no more taxes or we’re gone (talk about 5 flags, lol).  I’m pretty sure the city will quietly back down after that.

  • CrabRangoon
    Posted at 07:58 am, 10th May 2018

    @Big Time

    Not sure it’s really that alarmist.  Most people I know are very left, men included.  I expect it of most women, especially the younger set but I’m starting to get really surprised how left the men I know have become.    I’m considered “odd” for being libertarian…at least they don’t spit too much venom at me though unlike if I was openly conservative.    I still don’t openly talk about this stuff much since I just get confused looks.  Most people just regurgitate the same old talking points an  rarely have independent thought.   I came to be libertarian after much thought and education (used to be more conservative but the Republicans are just as bad as the Dems these days).

    Mind you I live in Chicago which is a bastion of liberalism and it’s the “cool” thing to be.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:49 pm, 10th May 2018

    Jack – You misunderstood my entire article. I’m not talking about Bernie Sanders nor government health care. I’m talking about a much bigger issue.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:58 pm, 10th May 2018

    the recent passage (without much fanfare) of FOSTA bill which, although justified on a human trafficking grounds, is really a puritanical reaction to prostitution

    Correct, and I’ve already addressed that at my other blog. As I’ve said there numerous times, heterosexual sexual issues will indeed become more right-wing as time goes on, since it’s the only issue upon which right-wing men and left-wing women over 30 agree.

    Or what about the fact that we have been continuously at war for twenty years?

    I’ve addressed that here as well. That’s because much of the American left is pro-war. I regularly get left-wing Democrats on this blog defending stupid, nonstop war.

    Or what about the fact that despite everything the leftie media can do, America seems incapable of increasing its level of gun control?

    Utterly incorrect. It has increased its level of gun control at the state and federal levels over the last 30 years, and it will keep doing so, slowly.

    Or what about the fact that the Trump tax cut is EXTREMELY popular, and may well save the Republicans from getting their asses handed to them in November?

    Those tax cuts will get instantly repealed by the very next Democrat president who is coming very soon. Just watch.

    Five flags also would have been VASTLY more difficult fifty years ago too. In a sense Alpha Male 2.0 would have been vastly more difficult to achieve fifty years ago, and for that we should all be thankful

    Correct. I have an entire chapter saying exactly that in my book. That is because of improved technologically and globalization (something most right-wingers are against). That has nothing to do with America not moving to the political left.

    So yes, there are two issues upon which America remains right-wing: heterosexual sex and war. If you have 25 things in your nation moving to the left and 2 that are not, what does that tell you?

    (One of the things it tells you is that you are the one cherry picking.)

  • Anon
    Posted at 05:55 pm, 10th May 2018


    There’s a great read on this entire topic if you haven’t seen it already. It’s called “Fate of Empires,” and it was written by John Glubb in 1978. It practically feels like he’s not only telling the future but also explaining our entire history as mankind up until this day. It puts the entire United States life cycle into perspective.

    I highly recommend this read; it’s 26 pages and should take about 1-2 hours — well worth the time spent!

    EDIT: If you’re cautious about clicking links, I’ve found this PDF in other locations. Just do a Google search for “Glubb Fate of Empires” and you’ll find something!

    Enjoy. 🙂

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 06:08 pm, 10th May 2018

    There’s a great read on this entire topic if you haven’t seen it already. It’s called “Fate of Empires,

    Already read it. But everyone else reading this should as well.

  • Cronos
    Posted at 08:08 am, 11th May 2018

    Thats was a very interesting read. Thanks for sharing!

  • Anon
    Posted at 03:23 pm, 11th May 2018

    Thats was a very interesting read. Thanks for sharing!

    No problem! Glad you enjoyed it! 🙂

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 06:57 am, 12th May 2018

    an unhinged anti-SJW as our temporary President.

    To me, Trump is just as big an Social Vengeance Warrior as any other. Thinks the stuff he does is gonna save the world, etc etc etc…this little collectivism binge we are currently on is not going to end well.

    a more corporatist and indebted version of Scandinavia.

    Is Scandinavia an actual successful version of a socialist nation? I don’t think any nation can remain socialist for too long before everything just comes around and bites everyone in the ass.

    All things considered, this is just a good example of history repeating itself over and over. The Soviets thought that socialism was going to save it and that got flipped on its ass hard. And now the US thinks it can swing it because of deluded fools (with good intentions, but still) such as Comrade Bernie. And thanks to, again, a stronger love affair with collectivism that hasn’t been seen for roughly half a century, it’ll succeed even faster. However, like Caleb, this doesn’t affect me too much. I just gotta make adjustments or adapt.

    Alpha Male 2.0’s will be protected from at least 90% of this stuff even if they don’t move out of the country.

    For me, the missing link is know how I would be protected and what kind of stuff I need to do to be protected.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:19 am, 12th May 2018

    Is Scandinavia an actual successful version of a socialist nation?

    Ask all the women there being raped by third-world immigrants.

  • m.k.
    Posted at 12:48 pm, 12th May 2018

    Democracy is left-orientated.

    I recommend everyone Curtis Yarvin’s blog, Unqualified Reservations, on this subject.


  • Anon
    Posted at 06:15 pm, 12th May 2018

    Ask all the women there being raped by third-world immigrants.


    But even if true, since when do 2%-type events define success of a nation? From a cursory look at Wikipedia data it appears that probability of being raped in Sweden is comparable with probability of being shot with a firearm in the US, and I never heard the latter linked with success of US as a nation.

  • blueguitar
    Posted at 06:19 pm, 12th May 2018

    So, when did the USA become a superpower/great nation?

    According to THE FATE OF EMPIRES and SEARCH FOR SURVIVAL, “250 years emerges as the average length of national greatness.”

    If you start from 1776, this would be 2026.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 07:29 pm, 12th May 2018

    So, when did the USA become a superpower/great nation?

    I’ve talked about that before. It was the 1950s or early 1960s. With the exception of crime improvement and technological growth, it’s been downhill for the US since the 1970s.

    Its strange; I was born in 1973, which means I’ve never seen the USA maintain real long-term economic growth. Nor has anyone younger than me.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 07:36 pm, 12th May 2018


    Good point. I’ll re-word my statement to be factually accurate: Ask all the women there being sexually assaulted by third-world immigrants.

    But even if true, since when do 2%-type events define success of a nation?

    No, but the ever-growing burden these immigrants place on their welfare state does.

    Bringing in massive amounts of immigrants forever + a welfare state where they get free shit from the government = eventual collapse. That’s true of Scandinavia, the rest of Europe, and us in the USA.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 09:25 am, 13th May 2018

    when did the USA become a superpower/great nation?

    Directly after World War II. The collapse that Caleb talks about actually took place at the same time as well, since the US needed to print TONS of money for the war effort. But because they decided to have troops sent to Europe in WWII, it created lots of jobs and because of that it ended the Great Depression, making the US a superpower (because all of the other nations besides the USSR were left without resources after World War II). Nixon tried to double down on this with the Vietnam war, but it backfired as the US lost a whole ton of money and resources. This happened in the 1970s.

    Because of this, the US is always at war because we need to constantly pay off debts created by the Vietnam war and (partially) World War II. And because the economy of the US is now driven by luxury goods, services, and insurance, which cost WAY more than physical necessities, we’re locked into a hole where we have nothing but debt to look forward to. Combine that with the fact that anyone can borrow money from anyone at any time. It used to be JUST business owners, but now…

    Since this trend began during Tricky Dick’s administration and he had the ability to put and end to this really dumb trend, this effectively makes Tricky Dick my pick for worst president in US history, right along FDR and Neocon Dubya (George W Bush). But it won’t be long before we get an even WORSE version of Comrade Bernie who effectively turns the US into the USSR, being constantly at war AS WELL AS making sure the government (along with megacorporations) own everything. At least Comrade Bernie is anti-war and wants to end the war on drugs.

    1984 is going to happen, peeps. It may not happen until the 2030s/2040s, but its gonna happen.

    It just sucks that the Sanders nuthuggers don’t understand what secondary effects are. Their intentions are in the right place, and most of them are against war and drug laws (two of the four horsemen of the West’s apocalypse, the other two being collectivism and consumerism), but they want other kinds of stupid laws. Paradoxically, many of them are sympathetic towards anarcho-capitalists such as myself. Perhaps its because my principle of “live and let live” is like a built in discipline system where if someone disagrees with me, I do not have the right to attack them. That’s not what “live and let live” is all about 🙂

  • Antekirtt
    Posted at 08:08 am, 14th May 2018

    when did the USA become a superpower/great nation?

    The US’s GDP had already overtaken that of the UK as world n°1 by the 1870s. Militarily they may have become the strongest by the end of WWI if not earlier, though the Axis may have temporarily been a “pound for pound best” for a few years in WWII.

  • CTV
    Posted at 09:58 am, 14th May 2018

    See Caleb what sucks for us in California is that the Left has a Super Majority. 

    I’d rather not vote for the Republicans, but living here if you don’t vote Republican at the State level at least it’s pretty much asking for even higher taxes in one of the most expensive states in the Union.

    I Don’t Like the Republicans, but I Hate the Democrats.

    If/When Newson wins were Fucked.

  • Throughfare
    Posted at 11:53 am, 14th May 2018

    LOL, the Anon posting above was right to not identify himself.

    Quoting Snopes?!

    Snopes is a clown show:

    and it’s well-known to be populated by leftist agenda-pushers who distort the facts on darling topics like the supposed multicultural paradise being created in Sweden:

    So, when you get tempted to quote Snopes in the future, fix yourself a stiff drink, and go relax somewhere until the urge to make yourself look clueless goes away.

    Oh, and by the way, here are some serious articles on why Sweden (& Denmark) actually is the rape capital of Europe:

    And we won’t even delve into the folly of quoting Wikipedia on any topic dear to the OCD leftists who have nothing better to do than micromanage the narrative there . . .

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