Announcing New Online Seminar – How To Write A Book

Announcing New Online Seminar:

How To Write A Book

Have you ever wanted to write a non-fiction book to sell — print book, small book, long book, or ebook? I’ve written eight non-fiction books, all of which have sold thousands of copies. Two of those would be considered best-sellers if they had been traditionally published.

On Saturday, August 22 at 1:30 p.m. PST, I will do a live online training called How To Write A Book in which I will show you step by step how to write a book in the fastest way possible while still keeping it readable and marketable. Topics I will cover include:

  • How to choose topics that resonate with readers
  • How to organize your thoughts into something coherent, structured, and readable
  • How to actually write the book, step by step, using a number of drafts, each one with its own purpose
  • How to get help writing, proofreading, typesetting, publishing, and doing the cover art
  • How to self-publish the ebook on Amazon Kindle
  • How to self-publish the print version (if that’s what you want)
  • How to navigate issues such as ISBNs and copyright issues
  • And much more

The seminar will last approximately one hour, after which I will answer all the questions you have during the live Q&A. When the seminar is over, you will be sent a download link to the video of the entire webinar even if you didn’t actually attend the live version. You’ll also be sent the one-page bulleted notes from the seminar in PDF format.

You get all that for just $47 (SMIC members receive a 25% discount as usual, check the member site for that discount code). Click here to reserve your spot. You must register before Saturday!

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