Announcing The Six Figure Location Independent Consultant Course!

Announcing The Six Figure Location Independent Consultant Course!

Of all the various businesses you could choose from, consulting is the one where you can get from zero to the money the fastest.

Regardless of what your expertise is, by getting just one or two clients, provided you position yourself correctly and price yourself correctly, you can instantly rocket yourself to high income.

Being a consultant, you can work in any area that interests you but do it on your terms. Work on the projects you want. Work with the companies you want. Get paid what you’re worth, instead of what your corporate boss thinks you’re worth.

This video course will show you exactly, step-by-step how to set up your own consulting business the right way, so you can get to high income fast.

If you already have your own consulting business, this course will show you how to take it to the next level, to get your income up while simultaneously getting your work hours down.

Best of all, unlike most other consultants, this course will show you how to be a location-independent consultant. Imagine making good money from anywhere in the world.

You could live wherever you want, travel wherever and whenever you want, and still make more than enough money to support your lifestyle.

No employees. No equipment. No paperwork. A laptop would be all you’d need. Wouldn’t that be nice?

This video course will show you how to:

  • Make $100,000 per year or more within 6-24 months, if you’re willing to put in the work.
  • Price yourself so that you can get paid based on the value you provide, instead of being stuck selling dollars for hours.
  • Avoid many mistakes most consultants (or wanna-be consultants) make.
  • How to get repeat business from clients, reducing the need for new marketing.
  • How to get referrals from clients, again reducing the need for marketing.
  • Exactly how to market yourself when you need to.
  • How to manage your business with minimum hassle, all location-independent.

I have been a full-time consultant for over 24 years. I started in consulting as a young dumb kid with no business experience, no college degree, and no special certifications, and was making a six-figure income within 3.5 years, and I did that with no real blueprint for success and doing most things wrong.

Since then I have worked with hundreds of companies in numerous industries, including small businesses, the Fortune 500, nonprofits, and everything in-between. I have personally worked with scores of consultants and seen exactly what they do right and what they do wrong. Today, all of my consulting income is location-independent, allowing me to live a lifestyle unlike anything you’ve seen. You can live the same way.

This video course will show you step-by-step exactly how to do it, even if you’ve never owned your own business and are a complete beginner.

In 49 lessons comprising eight hours of video, I will personally walk you through the entire process of building your six-figure, location-independent consulting business from scratch, as well as taking your current consulting business to the next level, if you have one.

Here’s what you get when you enroll in the course…

  • Eight hours of video training, featuring me and my lovely assistant, Pink Firefly herself, broken out into 49 lessons. Each lesson runs between 3 and 20 minutes depending on the complexity of the topic.
  • Membership in an exclusive Facebook Community where you can interact with other participants in the course.
  • Written PDF transcripts of the entire course. These will be sent to you 35 days after you sign up for the course.
  • A suite of documents needed for consulting, including templates you can use to do your own proposals.
  • Book recommendations, including the best books I’ve ever read regarding how to be a successful consultant.
  • A bunch of extra bonuses if you get the course during its enrollment weekend starting on June 18th, all listed below.

This is not the same course I released several years ago. I have updated the course, added some new lessons, and added some bonuses. I also talk in great detail about the HUGE opportunities we consultants have in a post-coronavirus world. (If you already purchased the course then you already have access to the new lessons right now for free, as always. Just go back to the course website, log in and they’ll be there for you.)

The newly updated and improved version of Six Figure Location Independent Consultant online course will be released in two weeks on Thursday, June 18th at 4 p.m. EST. It will be available for just four days, with the enrollment ending on the following Monday, June 22nd at 8 p.m. EST.

If you enroll in the course during those four days, you will receive these extra FREE bonuses:

1. A $100 discount off the investment of the course. – It will retail for $997 but you’ll be able to get it for $897. (And yes, SMIC members get their 15% discount off the sale price, as always. The discount code is at the SMIC site now.)

2. Business Plan Critique – You will be able to email me your full consulting business plan (or ideas). Be as complete as possible, and I will go through the entire thing and critique it to make sure you won’t make any mistakes or waste your time. I will actually be your consultant and send you back a full report on what I think you’re doing right, should be doing more of, should be doing less of, and things you should probably change. This alone could save you an entire year of trial-and-error. It is, at least in my opinion, worth the price of the entire course. (I would have killed to have something like this when I was first starting out.)

3. Group Coaching Session With Me – About two weeks after you get the course I will have a group coaching session where all of you can join me live on a video call where I will work with all of you to answer any questions or help you with any problems you’re encountering. You’ll be able to download the entire video when we’re done.

4. An entire free 30-day trial of the SMIC Program. If you’re not already in the program, you’ll get 30 days of the program for FREE. This normally costs $177 so it’s a damn good deal.

I will do a FREE live webinar on how to be successful as a location independent consultant at noon PST on June 18th, with a live Q&A at the end. Click here to register and join us.

Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.

  • Fmx
    Posted at 07:22 am, 7th June 2020

    Hi Caleb,

    Great that you updated that course. I already bought some products from you, but missed this one, I’ll probably buy it this time.

    One question though : my current consulting niche (as an employee for now) is specific to big corporations in retail industry (IT Supply Chain) : do you cover aspects on how to get these kind of clients by yourself as an independant consultant ?

    This may be the biggest worry I currently have, following how to make it location independant.

    Thank you.

  • Prodigy
    Posted at 08:57 pm, 7th June 2020

    Can you ask your staff to revise lectures of the courses. I’ve been going trough A2.0 biz course lessons and few of them won’t start/play the video? Thanks!

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:38 am, 8th June 2020

    Prodigy please email us at and let us know whether you’re logging into Teachable or Kartra and give us a specific list of the exact lessons you’re having trouble with. We need to see if this is just happening to you or if other users are having this problem, in which case need to fix it ASAP. Thanks!

    my current consulting niche (as an employee for now) is specific to big corporations in retail industry (IT Supply Chain) : do you cover aspects on how to get these kind of clients by yourself as an independant consultant ?

    That specific, isolated industry? No. How to get clients in an industry like that? Yes.

    This may be the biggest worry I currently have, following how to make it location independant.

    You can. We address that directly in the course.

  • Prodigy
    Posted at 03:55 pm, 8th June 2020

    Prodigy please email us at and let us know whether you’re logging into Teachable or Kartra and give us a specific list of the exact lessons you’re having trouble with. We need to see if this is just happening to you or if other users are having this problem, in which case need to fix it ASAP. Thanks!

    Done! I’ve sent your staff exactly what lessons under which sections. Hopefully they’ll manage to fix it quickly. 🙂 It’s on Teachable. I’ve mentioned that to them as well.

    If you don’t mind me asking what’s the difference between Teachable and Kartra?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:54 am, 9th June 2020

    If you don’t mind me asking what’s the difference between Teachable and Kartra?

    Karta is the new system we’ve moved to. It houses not just courses, but everything (mailing list, ebooks, etc). We’ll be moving the courses over to it shortly.

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