Books I’ve Been Reading Lately – Part 4

Here are some quickie reviews of books I’ve been reading lately. As usual, I am always (or at least usually) reading one fiction book and one non-fiction book. These are either paper books, Kindle books or audiobooks. Usually it’s a combination of the three. 

The Slight Edge 

By Jeff Olson 

This is a popular success book that has a strong following. The “Slight Edge” essentially means that most success comes from very small, insignificant things you do every day that don’t help you at all in the short-term or even the medium-term. You’ll notice no difference by doing these things for a very long time, but then one day you’ll wake up and have your success. This means you have to get into the habit of doing certain things every day even if they don’t help you immediately, which they probably won’t.  

The good thing about this book is that his examples and his logic are 100% sound and I agree completely with his overall concepts. You can also tell he really cares about this topic and has a lot of conviction regarding it. 

The problem with this book is that it’s one of the most painfully long-winded books I’ve read in a very long time. He often takes many pages, sometimes even entire chapters, to say something that could very easily be stated in a paragraph or two. He even has some of his family members write some chapters. (Sigh.) This book could have been one-third the size, and it would have been better for it. 

Either Olsen is a very verbose, long-winded writer or he purposely adds in fluff to extend the size of his book. I’m not sure which, but reading this book was tedious to say the least, which is unfortunate because I really like the core of his content. 

Swords and Deviltry  

By Fritz Leiber 

The adventures of Fafhrd (a huge but friendly barbarian) and the Gray Mouser (a short, shifty thief) are two classic sword and sorcery characters featured in many books and short stories from the 1970s, around the same time the Elric novels were published. I have read tons of fantasy in my life, but I never got around to these stories until now. 

Swords and Deviltry is a compilation of three short stories that are essentially the origins of these two characters. The first story is about Fafhrd, the second is about Gray Mouser, and the third is when they meet within the main setting of the subsequent stories in the dark city of Lankhmar

Leiber is a fantastically skilled good writer. His writing style is very dense, similar to William Gibson. You really need to focus when reading one of his books because he throws so much at you, in a good way 

The problem is that the first two origin stories aren’t very interesting or exciting, but I’ve mentioned before, origin stories usually suck. I have a strong feeling now that the origin stories are over with, the next few Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser stories I read are going to be much better. So, the next installment in this series is definitely on my reading list despite the fact that I didn’t love two of the three stories in this book.  

Once I finish that next installment, I can then definitively say if this series is good or bad. We’ll see. 

The Passion Trap 

By Dean Delis 

This book was recommended by several of you in my audience. It’s written by a marriage therapist with a lot of experience. His controversial concept is that in every relationship, literally every relationship without exception, there is one person who is more invested in the relationship than the other. (Which is correct; I said the exact same thing myself nine years ago right here.) He says that instead of trying to ignore this reality or fight it (which is what most people and therapists do), you need to instead accept it and manage it. 

He calls the more invested person the “one-down” and the less invested person the “one-up.” The book is full of techniques for both the one-up and the one-down.  

It’s very interesting and I took lots of notes from this book. I highly recommend it to any man who has an OLTR or OLTR Marriage (where, if you are an Alpha Male 2.0, you will be the one-up and will have to learn to manage a one-down woman). 

John Gardner on Writing 

By John Gardner 

This is one of the big books that most professional fiction authors recommend. It’s written for those interested in writing fiction.  

It’s a very relaxed read with lots of examples and anecdotes and not really a technical book. If you’re looking to be a fiction writer and want a strict set of how-to techniques, there isn’t much in here. Rather it’s more of a mindset book, which is still valid.  

Obviously I only recommend this book if you have a strong interest and passion for writing fiction like I do. It doesn’t carry over much to writing non-fiction. 

Tax Free Wealth 

By Tom Wheelwright 

This is the main tax guy in Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad brand. The book starts out very boring and stupid (lots of dumb anecdotes that I really didn’t care about) but very quickly gets very, very good. Frankly, the book only applies to higher income or higher net worth people. If I wasn’t in that category myself I might have been upset that the book cover didn’t clearly state this. But I am in that category, so most everything the book talked about directly applied to me or could. 

Once I was done reading the book I had tons of questions for my accountants and attorneys, and I was happy to find that the book really was telling the truth on lots of interesting ways to save a lot of money on taxes that I wasn’t aware of. 

If you have a decent income and your own business or perhaps a decent net worth, this book is required reading. If you don’t have these things quite yet, you can safely skip it until you get your income up a little more. (Read books on marketing instead!) 

The Templars 

By Dan Jones 

A fun but difficult book about the Knights Templar from their inception in the 11th century to their eventual fall. Jones purposely tries to write historical events as if you’re reading them in a fictional novel, and mostly succeeds. The book is fun but very dense. Like J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Silmarillion and William Gibson’s Neuromancer, you need to really focus on the book to understand it and may even need to take some notes in order to really get it. It’s the kind of book you almost need to read more than once to get everything. Still enjoyed it though, but I love reading about history.  

Me, Inc.  

By Gene Simmons 

I’ve read most of Gene’s books, plus most popular success books already, so much of this book was a repeat of information and techniques I already know. The best parts where when Gene describes certain business decisions he made with his Kiss empire. Really interesting stuff. Gene Simmons is one of my favorite self-made men to follow, as well as the biggest celebrity Alpha Male 2.0… at least until 2011 when he got traditionally married. Oh well. 

The Alpha Male 2.0 Focus Program is where you meet with me and a small group of men one-on-one four times over the course of a year to improve your financial and woman life 90 days at a time. There is a huge discount if you sign up before February 16th and our first session is in March! Click here for the details.

Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.

  • Pickle Rick
    Posted at 05:46 am, 13th February 2020


    Fritz Leiber does not disappoint. Swords & Sorcery!

    Me, Inc. was pivotal for me. In the sense that he had several chapters about businesses he started that became successful and he knew nothing about but he had the money to get involved not to mention the rock star clout. But it proved something–you can do it.

    I also like his quote “work is good.” It says a lot with a little.

    Going back to Olson is intriguing because I think we live in a short-term world right now. Very few people are thinking about the long term nor do they have the discipline to see it through.

    Gardner is good. If you’re looking for inspiration for writing Mamet is also insightful.

  • John Smith
    Posted at 06:00 am, 13th February 2020

    He calls the more invested person the “one-up” and the less invested person the “one-down.” The book is full of techniques for both the one-up and the one-down. 
    I highly recommend it to any man who has an OLTR or OLTR Marriage (where, if you are an Alpha Male 2.0, you will be the one-up and will have to learn to manage a one-down woman).

    Is that right? I would have thought an Alpha Male 2.0 would be the one-down (less invested) person in an OLTR marriage since they are likely the driving force behind keeping the marriage open and implementing legal protections from the outset.

    It seems like outcome independence and mission focus would also contribute towards caring less about the relationship (being less invested). Unless I don’t understand what he means by “invested.” 🤔 (I haven’t read the book)

  • John
    Posted at 07:17 am, 13th February 2020

    Is that right? I would have thought an Alpha Male 2.0 would be the one-down (less invested) person in an OLTR marriage since they are likely the driving force behind keeping the marriage open and implementing legal protections from the outset.

    I think that part’s a typo. Most of the time the expression “One-up” refers to a position of relative greater power (i.e. less invested — Alpha 2.0) whereas “One-down” refers to a position of relative lesser power (i.e more invested, the women you are dating).

    It’s helpful to note that most non-dominant personality women prefer to be in a “one-down” position with their partner, because if you communicate otherwise (by, say, putting her on the proverbial pedestal) you are planting in her mind the awful, sinking feeling that she is in fact dating a loser.

  • CrabRangoon
    Posted at 07:56 am, 13th February 2020

    Been reading “modern ethics in 77 arguments” and it’s a bunch of great “food for thought” stories.  Each one is is very short and easy to digest and can be read in any order.

    Side note I was also wondering about the “One Up” thing-I also think it would be the Alpha 2.0 who would be less invested in the relationship.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:17 am, 13th February 2020

    Yeah I mixed up the one-up and one-down in the article. I just fixed it. Sorry for the confusion.

  • Dandy Dude
    Posted at 07:30 am, 14th February 2020

    The problem with this book is that it’s one of the most painfully long-winded books I’ve read in a very long time. He often takes many pages, sometimes even entire chapters, to say something that could very easily be stated in a paragraph or two. 

    I notice this with a lot of productivity and self-help books. The author has what would be a great idea for an article or booklet, but not enough for an entire book, so in comes the padding. The Power of Habit is was one of the worst offenders for me.

    And on the topic of William Gibson: did you ever read his Bridge trilogy? I’m a big fan of his, and I liked it even better than the Sprawl books. If you haven’t already, I suggest checking them out.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:38 am, 14th February 2020

    And on the topic of William Gibson: did you ever read his Bridge trilogy?

    No. I’ll check it out.

  • Axel Coker
    Posted at 09:51 am, 14th February 2020

    I agree, Olsson’s book has too much fluff. A good reminder of the “Check System” and “Rule of Two”.

    Some fuction books I’ve read recently that I think you might like:

    1. The Forsaken Mercenary Series by Johnathan Yanez – (Science-Fiction)

    2. The Rescue by Steven Konkoly – (Action Thriller)

    3. The James Bond and Sherlock Holmes books by Anthony Horowitz

    4. The Blackbeard Superbox, Void Queen Trilogy, and Aliance Trilogy by Michael Wallace – (Science Fiction)

  • epi
    Posted at 10:48 am, 14th February 2020

    Two books I read as a kid in one day:

    Robert Ludlum – The Bourne Identity

    Alfred Bester – The Stars My Destination


  • Duke
    Posted at 01:07 am, 17th February 2020

    Why not put links to your other books you’ve been reading like you did with your history of women and business series.

  • Freevoulous
    Posted at 06:05 am, 17th February 2020

    Caleb, you should definitely read the Cross-Time Engineer by Leo Frankowski

    I think you will love it. Its a light-hearted, masculine series about an absolute Alpha Male 2.0 who gets stranded in Medieval Europe, and decides to make it his mission to defend it from the Mongols… while banging hot babes by the dozen, and introducing modern engineering to the 13th century.

    The whole series of books reads like a long love letter to freedom, masculinity, open relationships and rationalism.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:48 am, 17th February 2020

    Lots of good recommendations! I’ve taken some notes.

    Why not put links to your other books you’ve been reading like you did with your history of women and business series.

    I don’t understand the question. I didn’t have links to books in those series (unless I’m forgetting something).

  • Duke
    Posted at 02:58 am, 18th February 2020

    Links to parts 1,2 and 3 of books I’ve been reading lately.

  • epi
    Posted at 05:40 am, 18th February 2020

    I think he means the links to the previous posts about books.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:49 am, 18th February 2020

    Links to parts 1,2 and 3 of books I’ve been reading lately.

    Ah. Eh, I don’t know. This is not really a series that links to or continues other installments like those History series articles. A quick search in the Archive or clicking the Books icon above will get you to all of my book reviews really fast.

  • Investor
    Posted at 12:04 am, 19th February 2020

    I see you like templar books and wear a templar ring. What exactly would you say is the origin of your fascination with templars?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:02 am, 19th February 2020

    I see you like templar books and wear a templar ring. What exactly would you say is the origin of your fascination with templars?

    It’s because I’m a member of a secret society that secretly rules the world. This whole Alpha Male 2.0 thing is just a cover. Mwahahahaha!

    The Templar thing is a combination of my Catholic upbringing (my own Societal Programming) and my love of the middle ages.

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