Cultural Collapse

Whenever I talk about the collapse of Western Civilization slowly occurring around us, I usually focus on economic collapse. Many more traditional, right-wing types, particularly those angry guys in the manosphere, focus instead on the topic of cultural collapse.

These guys usually define cultural collapse as a loss or decay of tradition, art, and relationships. They cite things such as the decline of organized religion, reduced traditional gender roles, increased immigration, increased acceptance of homosexuality, and other aspects that tend to anger traditional conservatives.

I agree that some of those things can contribute to cultural collapse, but I tend to define cultural collapse more broadly, as the increased inability to maintain a civil and functioning society.

Regardless of if you use the conservative’s definition or mine, irrelevant of economic aspects, is Western civilization currently experiencing a slow cultural collapse? The answer, sadly, is yes. Our once great civilization is not only collapsing economically, but culturally as well.

I could write a very long dissertation on this, showing all the data points, but I don’t have that kind of time or interest. Instead, today I’ll just throw out a few random examples, just off the top of my head, that demonstrate that people in Western culture are becoming less and less able to hold together a healthy, functioning society.

Some of these examples will indeed coincide with what the conservatives complain about, though others will not. They all apply, at least in my opinion.

One of the big aspects is crime rates. Violent crime in the USA has been dropping ever since the 1970’s. It’s literally one of the only things about our society, besides technology, that’s been actually improving over the last several decades. However, since around 2011, this trend has started to reverse. Violent crime in both the US and many parts of Europe is now either leveling off or rising. This is the first time in many decades this has happened. And it’s going to get worse.

The recent shooting in Vegas once again brought up the discussion about mass shootings. Left-wingers are complaining that the amount of mass shootings in the US has increased over the years. Are they right? Sadly, yes. The per captia rate of mass shootings in the US has almost quadrupled since the 1970’s. And it will continue to increase.

How people reacted during the Vegas shooting is also instructive. I watched several videos of the event. Many people, while literally being fired upon by a sniper armed with a semi-automatic rifle, were, instead of running, pausing to use their cell phones to film the horror so they could post it on Facebook or YouTube. Many others were running slowly because, and I’m serious now, they didn’t want to spill the beer they had in their hands. And remember, this was a country western concert, so these geniuses were largely right-wingers, not left-wing SJW’s.

And let’s talk about those SJW’s. Regular internet news is flooded with insane SJW bullshit that is at a height of insanity never before seen in the Western world. Check out this video where they talk about the outrage over a fun and harmless video on how to eat Vietnamese noodles (pho). It is, of course, “racist” and “offensive.” They key part of that video is when one of the left-wing commentators actually says something to the effect of, “You can’t make videos like this anymore. I’m not sure if this is moving forward as a society or backwards, but you can’t make videos like this anymore.”

So even some of those on the extreme left admit that this level of political correctness is actually moving backwards as a culture and a society. Which, of course, it is.

This is not a left/right issue though. This is a Western collapse issue, and both sides, hell, all sides are at fault. As I’ve shown many times, the right-wing has also lost it’s mind, voting in a guy who has been a Democrat for decades just because he said he would build a wall. I’m keeping track of all the promises Tantrum Trump has broken to his voters, and I will be presenting that list in December, as an analysis of his first year in office. It’s brutal.

And there’s that minor part about white nationalists marching in the streets and murdering people along with left-wing psycho antifa communists. Cultural collapse.

What about music and art? There have been several analyses of music today as compared to music decades ago, including this one. It’s quite obvious that, objectively speaking, music today is mathematically simpler in terms of notes and tones, and the lyrics are dumber and simpler.

Movies have also suffered. Take a look at the quality of movies in the last few years, then read this article I posted a few weeks ago about the movies released in just 1982 alone. Prepare to be absolutely staggered at the difference in quality. I was.

The counterargument to this is that television shows have become much better in recent years. This is true… but only for the top tier of shows. The vast, vast majority of today’s television is a vast wasteland of stupidity and political correctness. (TV has always been stupid, but the political correctness is new, so now you have both.) For every one of Game of Thrones or True Detective there are at least twenty shows like New Girl or The Kardashians. Focusing on the top 2% of TV shows is skewing what’s really happening.

At my other blog I talk a lot about rising divorce rates (now at all time historic highs), rising infidelity rates (now at all time historic highs), rising marriage dissatisfaction among people who don’t get divorced (now at all time historic highs). While I have my own opinions regarding marriage and monogamy, the right-wing is correct in saying that these are all extremely harmful trends for our culture. Long-term monogamy may not be how humans are designed, but long-term pair-bonding and the raising of kids are indeed good things, at least for a thriving culture. These things are going away in the West. In some ways, they’re already gone

Decreasing birth rates are also a strong indication. Birth rates in the USA are at all time lows, and nowhere near enough to sustain a population[*]. Europe’s birth rates are even worse, and Europe is dying right before our very eyes[*], as I’ve noted many times before. Declining birth rates are horrible for a culture, and yet another sign of cultural collapse.

Yes, governments can and will try to overcome this problem by importing massive amounts of third-world immigrants. Heh. You can decide if that’s good for a culture or bad.

As I said, I could go on and on with more examples. The West is absolutely fucked economically long-term, but even if it wasn’t, culturally it’s headed for collapse anyway.

And as always, you can profit from this and/or prepare for this, or scream your head off in anger about how bad it is. The choice is yours.

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Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.

  • Marty McFly
    Posted at 06:42 am, 15th October 2017

    What say you about the NFL controversy? As a Libertarian, you support African Americans’ right to protest police bruatality, no? Or, are you of the opinion that the NFL is a free enterprise and should leave politics aside? Or perhaps it’s just another symptom of racial strife and cultural decline.

  • JEB
    Posted at 07:27 am, 15th October 2017

    It can be difficult not to get a little upset about the things mentioned in this article, ecen

  • Sean
    Posted at 08:30 am, 15th October 2017

    What are ways to profit? Buy gold? But asian and latin american stocks?

  • MoChnk
    Posted at 08:41 am, 15th October 2017

    Technology has already undermined the societal enforcement of monogamy. So going back to old structures would only be possible by eliminating the recent technological progress such as dating apps and social media. That’s never gonna happen. I wonder how Asia is dealing with this. Japan is in serious trouble and suffering from low birth rates, but it’s more westernized than the rest of Asia.

    And you see people clinging to these outdated structures even when it comes to new concepts like Bitnation Pangea, a virtual nation free of national governments. It sounds like a libertarian utopia where you can make your own contracts, but the people involved are still focused on outdated things like TMM.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 09:25 am, 15th October 2017

     it’s just another symptom of racial strife and cultural decline.

    The NFL thing is a complete psyop pushed by elites to make sure that collectivism is all around you. One thing that Caleb didn’t expound upon is that collectivism has become the new religion of sorts to where it will be similar to the inquisition in the 14th century to where if you have even a modicum of individualist beliefs, you will be forced to pick a side or you will be hunted down. This won’t happen for a long time (probably not until the 2030s or so) but it will be VERY scary when it does. I’ve written about it at length in my blog. Collectivism = The existential death of the individual.

    Like Caleb said, we are going backwards, but it is a cycle. Every great empire has gone through this in history. And then another place (Caleb argues that it is China and he isn’t wrong) will become another empire, and then it will destroy itself as well.

    Its all a cycle.

    And as always, you can profit from this and/or prepare for this, or scream your head off in anger about how bad it is. The choice is yours.

    True story, Caleb. These crazy events have birthed a mantra of mine. Accept, Adapt, Adjust. Those are my order of operations when I witness these crazy events.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:18 am, 15th October 2017

    What say you about the NFL controversy?

    The same thing I said about gay marriage; it’s a nothing issue that both the left and the right are way too excited about when they could be focusing on important issues that affect all of us, like war, the national debt, the Federal Reserve, etc.

    The problem is those issues aren’t sexy like this NFL bullshit, so the left and the right chase the most recent shiny object, and the collapse continues.

    What are ways to profit? Buy gold? But asian and latin american stocks?

    Those are two ways. There are many others I’ve talked about in the past.

  • LionKing
    Posted at 03:21 pm, 15th October 2017

    What say you about the NFL controversy?

    CJ, you obviously know, so please explain this reference. Something that happened in American football? I rarely watch football (the one you Americans call  soccer) and I don’t give a shit about American football – being from a small, 2 million EU country; we do all watch ski jumps for instance, where our guys are winning :-).

    Something to do with kneeling during national anthem?

  • American
    Posted at 06:01 pm, 15th October 2017

    I personally don’t give a rats ass about the NFL.  The NFL players can kneel all they want.  But at the end of the day, they are paid performers.  If those performers piss off enough of the American NFL consumer, the NFL fans will no longer pay to watch those performers play.  Then the NFL will no longer have the money rolling in and those performers will be out of a job.  It is the choice of the players to protest or not.  But the American consumer can choose to no longer watch NFL.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 07:04 pm, 15th October 2017

    Something to do with kneeling during national anthem?

    Yeah. Pretty much, a bunch of collectivist assholes who play football decided not to stand for the anthem because they thought it was gonna magically make people aware of how nonwhites (and according to them, ONLY nonwhites) are being mistreated in the US. But instead of turning their back to the flag which would REALLY cause a stir, instead they were kneeling in front of it as if they were praying before the game started or something. Or maybe its just a different way of standing for the anthem; you do kneel before a king usually, sooo…

    In response, a bunch of collectivist (and nationalist) assholes think that by not watching football, they will magically stop the collectivist assholes they don’t like from kneeling. These are the same people who treat american sports like its some weird religion and waste so much time watching it. Its equal parts disturbing and hilarious, both sides look to their views like its some kind of weird religion. Crazy.


  • Shubert
    Posted at 08:48 pm, 15th October 2017

    Well… yes, I agree.  But honestly, the importance of this bullshit is directly proportional to how much I care about this.  And I have no idea that there was even a show called Kardashians.

    If you want a lesson in collapse, the best example is the former USSR (and Warsaw Pact.)  The economy imploded, parts of it split off, but life continued on rather well (for some better and for others worse.)  So, I’m not convinced that your idea of collapse warrants leaving the US for — of all things — Asia or South America (Asia at least I can understand.)  What I expect to happen is a temporary moment when the dollar is up the air and does go away in some way.  However, what will get you across is having useful skills (farming,  for one.)  Plus, the recovery time will actually be quite quick, much of the country is already well acquainted with capitalism, you don’t need re-learn it like the former citizens of the USSR had to.  There will be a painful re-adjustment, but not just economically, but nationally and culturally (and Fed interest rates won’t do anything about it.)  I don’t like this, I hope I’m wrong and things will be fine (as best as they can be.)

  • Shubert
    Posted at 08:53 pm, 15th October 2017

    “These are the same people who treat american sports like its some weird religion and waste so much time watching it.”

    It IS a religion.  In the past we used to dedicate vast quantities of resources to build religious buildings (cathedrals, mosques, temples, etc.), now we do the same thing for stadiums.  Just think, when was the last time that you’ve heard of hundreds of millions of dollars being spent on a new cathedral?  Nope.  Now it’s worshiping the idea of kicking a ball around.

    Oh!  And it’s not playing the game!  No!  These are emotionally stunted children in adult bodies that get excited/upset when they see someone else kick the ball!  These people will never want to get off their ass, they would rather scream at a TV…

  • Shubert
    Posted at 08:57 pm, 15th October 2017

    “What are ways to profit? Buy gold? But asian and latin american stocks?”

    Learn skills that will enable you to earn money.  Everyone wants to eat, live in a warm home and shit in a toilet like a civilized person.  How can you profit off of that?

    If you’re a doctor, you’ll just print your own money when shit hits the fan.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 09:22 pm, 15th October 2017

    As a Libertarian, you support African Americans’ right to protest police bruatality, no?

    On their own time. Not on their employers’ time. They are committing time theft against their bosses.

    If I were their employer, I’d fire them on the spot. And it wouldn’t be because they’re “protesting the flag” or whatever. It would be because they are arrogant, pretentious, attention whoring, and virtue sniveling little shits who actually think they can use my time to mentally masturbate and score PC points so they can be worshipped and get some SJW pussy! Unacceptable! I’d cancel their contract immediately and tell them to take that PC faggotry to Tumblr where it belongs!

    Or, are you of the opinion that the NFL is a free enterprise and should leave politics aside?

    The NFL can do whatever it wants. But these players are committing time theft. If their employers are okay with that, that’s on them.

    Or perhaps it’s just another symptom of racial strife and cultural decline.



  • David
    Posted at 10:24 pm, 15th October 2017

    I just finished ” the creature from jekyl island” about the federal reserve.  That monster is buying up private firms with our taxes, printing money like a counterfeiter, speeding us toward communism quickly.


    Makes me hesitant about investing.  Are there any up and coming ” new worlds” where the economy is taking off and free like the US once was?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:03 pm, 15th October 2017

    The economy imploded, parts of it split off, but life continued on rather well (for some better and for others worse.)  So, I’m not convinced that your idea of collapse warrants leaving the US for — of all things — Asia or South America

    I’ve already accounted for that contingency. Read item number #1 right here.

    Are there any up and coming ” new worlds” where the economy is taking off and free like the US once was?

    Free? No. Taking off? Somewhat, yes: SE Asia.

  • Pink Firefly
    Posted at 01:30 am, 16th October 2017

    Many people, while literally being fired upon by a sniper armed with a semi-automatic rifle, were, instead of running, pausing to use their cell phones to film the horror so they could post it on Facebook or YouTube. Many others were running slowly because, and I’m serious now, they didn’t want to spill the beer they had in their hands.

    I have to completely disagree with this. I have watched video after video and what I saw was true heroism in the wake of disaster. As soon as people realized they were being shot at, nobody was worried about their beer; they were worried about whether they were going to get out alive. I saw people coming together to help others. People were being shot at, yet people were out there still helping others. I was very impressed at how many heroes there really were and how many people died trying to help others and or protecting/shielding their loved one. Of course the shooting in itself was devastating, but I have to say, I have been very impressed with all of the people involved who risked their lives that day. The stories I have read have been truly inspiring.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 08:27 am, 16th October 2017

    Just think, when was the last time that you’ve heard of hundreds of millions of dollars being spent on a new cathedral?  Nope.  Now it’s worshiping the idea of kicking a ball around.

    Yup. And things would be different if they kicked that same ball around themselves and were watching it to compare techniques or something (its why I watch pro Bowling, because I bowl as well). But no, its not like that at all.

    And it’s not playing the game!  No!  These are emotionally stunted children in adult bodies that get excited/upset when they see someone else kick the ball!  These people will never want to get off their ass, they would rather scream at a TV…

    Agree completely. Although I tolerate them (because they are all around me, similar to collectivists), those types of sports fans are some of the biggest degenerates to exist in the 21st century. They ONLY think in group mentality, that’s how bad they are.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:45 am, 16th October 2017

    I have watched video after video and what I saw was true heroism in the wake of disaster. As soon as people realized they were being shot at, nobody was worried about their beer; they were worried about whether they were going to get out alive. I saw people coming together to help others.

    Yes, but things like that would happen in most any society, on the rise or on the decline. A culture can still be in decline even when there are lots of people who are heroic and want to help out.

  • Liquorice
    Posted at 05:25 pm, 16th October 2017

    If you grab a history book you can see that every dominant culture eventually implodes. Western culture is not going to be any different.

    Western culture, however, is under threat from multiple directions and there have been so many rapid changes in the last few decades that society simply cannot keep up.

    I agree with MoChnk that technology is the catalyst behind these observations.

    A summary of technological advances that have created a shift in society:

    – The pill.

    – Modern conveniences such as a washer, dishwasher, vaccuum cleaner, etc.

    – A shift from a workforce consisting largely of hard industrlal labor to service-based workforce.

    – Access to the internet and affordable ways to travel.

    People simply did not have the time, energy or knowledge to rant about all the things SJW’s, tradcons and other people are ranting about.

    There was no Sex and City, Desperate Housewives, Dan Bilzerian and a constant stream of Facebook posts to remind you that your life could be so much better.

    For the majority of society, life was hard, really hard, until a few decades ago where technology gave us freedom, choice and convenience.

    Most people were too busy trying to survive. Religion, patriotism and the family unit were things that made the sacrifice worthwhile or at least bearable.

    All of these three “goals”, so to speak, have lost their importance over the years.

    Today we have time to think about things. We have access to more information than ever before.

    Therefore, more and more of us are realizing that what we have been told all our lives, is a lie.

    The issue is that Western society has nothing to replace these values, hence we turn to consumerism, hedonism and nihilism.

    The Pandora’s box has been opened. We cannot go back to 50’s values with the current technology and think it will all fall into place.

    Barring a worldwide catastrophe or conflict, we cannot put the lid back on the box.

    I do not thik there currently is a one-size-fits-all solution to the societal issues from digital era.

    Society will have to adapt. Before the family unit, the nation and the church us humans still had societies.

    Thousands of years ago, when a couple of smart minds figured out how to irrigate their farmland and could grow more food than was needed for self-sustenance,

    it changed society from tribes to the family structure where possessions were passed down from generation to generation.

    One of the key changes is the shift of power from nations (most of them are bankrupt nowadays) to multinationals.

    Multinationals benefit from a globalized economy and do not care about borders, culture or traditions, unless it can be translated into profit.

    In Europe, the migrant invasion, the Islam, left-wing indoctrination in education and other measures are merely tools to break down national pride to pave the way for an unified Europe, an unified market for the multinationals to profit from.


    It is obvious that China will profit from the Western world losing their dominant position.

    With the world being so interconnected nowadays, can it really avoid a similar fate?


    Regarding professional sports; it is the equivalent of the Roman gladiator fights. The reason why so much money is sank into professional sports is because it keeps the people busy and away from taking action in their own lives as that will not benefit the elites. Bread and games.



  • captain
    Posted at 07:32 pm, 16th October 2017

    The thing that is most telling about our cultural decline is that Jack (who I consider a very intelligent human being although someone I would not want to hang out with), is getting himself emotionally involved in the assassin football controversy.

    By the 1990s the elites had already figured out how to program us.  The Disposable Heroes of Hiphopracy had figured this out way before most of us had: Television the Drug of the Nation.

  • Curtis Mifield
    Posted at 07:38 pm, 16th October 2017

    I hung our with some mid level google executives on Friday night. Disturbingly, they all indicated that the decline of the West was happening. None of them liked it but seemed to see it as inevitable so were trying to get as big a piece of the pie while they could:(

  • Robert Plant
    Posted at 07:43 pm, 16th October 2017

    The best way to deal with the declining west is to develop mindfulness and awareness.  I really believe  we need to get our own minds aware on a very deep level before we can really contribute anything positive to the world.

  • Robert Plant
    Posted at 07:49 pm, 16th October 2017

    I agree 100% with Caleb that music is an indicator of our cultural decline. Although heavy metal was stupid in a lot of ways at least the lyrics sometimes offered some wisdom as this Nuclear Assault video demonstrates.

  • Freevoulous
    Posted at 03:11 am, 17th October 2017

    Caleb, one thing you had not taken into account, is that there is a difference between Cultural Collapse, and Collapse of a Culture.  Cultures collapse all the time and are organically replaced by a newer, more hip cultures. This is essentially the outcome of multiculturalism done right(-ish).

    Once in a while however, you get a society so f*ed up that they cannot maintain ANY culture anymore. It usually happens when the entire society is so jaded, cynical and angry at each other that they cannot maintain any culture, be it a traditional one, or a new one.

    Its good to recognize which one is it in each particular case.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:34 am, 17th October 2017

    The thing that is most telling about our cultural decline is that Jack (who I consider a very intelligent human being although someone I would not want to hang out with),

    That’s a shame. I’m super fun in person. And I let guys fuck my girlfriend! But that’s okay. My heart will go on.

    is getting himself emotionally involved in the assassin football controversy.

    It’s not about any stupid football controversy for me. It’s about political correctness – the biggest cancer to our culture that has ever presented itself.

    By the 1990s the elites had already figured out how to program us.

    I don’t watch football, nor any other sport. But when I see a bunch of SJWs, once again, disrupting society with their cry bullying and hateful over the top self-righteousness, yeah, I get a little pissed. And it makes me want to take them down a peg or two. Sorry for being human.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:36 am, 17th October 2017

    you get a society so f*ed up

    Why do people censer themselves on the internet? I sincerely don’t understand.


  • joelsuf
    Posted at 09:27 am, 17th October 2017

    I do not thik there currently is a one-size-fits-all solution to the societal issues from digital era.

    Maybe we could stop obsessing with saving the world? That seems to be the flavor of the century at the moment.

    Why do people censer themselves on the internet? I sincerely don’t understand.

    Its just them being mindful. I for one don’t have an issue with it unless its forced. If you want to censor yourself because you feel you might make someone mad, go right ahead. But if you are forcing others to censor themselves because they say things that make you mad and you don’t possess the emotional control to leave the discussion and find a different one, that’s wrong.

    Ever since we’ve begun interacting, I’ve seen you as a “save the world” type, JOTB. You can’t just take away censorship and hope that will fix everything. Sure that will make you happy, but it won’t save the world. And for the record, like Caleb, I don’t want to save the world. I DO want to save others from those who want to save the world, and that’s why I drag collectivism through the mud so much.

    By the 1990s the elites had already figured out how to program us.  The Disposable Heroes of Hiphopracy had figured this out way before most of us had:

    It goes back way, WAY further than the 1990s. Its just become more convenient now. It all began when religious people decided they knew what was best for everyone except themselves, which I detail in my blog here. Jesus Christ, Moses, and Muhammad were the first three elites. Scientology and other cults were the next step, and big government and wars are the final step.

    Once in a while however, you get a society so f*ed up that they cannot maintain ANY culture anymore. It usually happens when the entire society is so jaded, cynical and angry at each other that they cannot maintain any culture, be it a traditional one, or a new one.

    If we keep maintaining this narrative of “save the world at all costs,” the west will become such a society. In fact, we have pretty much already become this kind of society, as primitive individualism has all but vanished in most modern narratives. But we won’t really start seeing changes (people being persecuted for NOT being collectivist) until the 2030s or so.

    when I see a bunch of SVWs, once again, disrupting society with their cry bullying and hateful over the top self-righteousness, yeah, I get a little pissed. And it makes me want to take them down a peg or two. Sorry for being human.

    Aaaaand this is why I know you want to save the world. In stating this, you have pretty much just admitted that you yourself are an SVW (Social Vengeance Warrior. Justice = Vengeance). I will never understand why you choose to waste your energy on this kind of stuff. Why you can’t just joke about it or walk away from it is beyond me.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 01:24 pm, 17th October 2017

    Liquorice – Great analysis. I agree 100%.

    The thing that is most telling about our cultural decline is that Jack (who I consider a very intelligent human being although someone I would not want to hang out with), is getting himself emotionally involved in the assassin football controversy

    That’s not a surprise. Jack is one of the most emotional commenters I have. (Though he’s by no means the only one.)

    I hung our with some mid level google executives on Friday night. Disturbingly, they all indicated that the decline of the West was happening.

    Yes, 2016 was the first year in which I noticed “normal” Americans started realizing something is very wrong and unfixable with the USA. I think the Trump / Hillary election woke many people up to this.

    Not that they’re going to do anything about it, of course.

    None of them liked it but seemed to see it as inevitable so were trying to get as big a piece of the pie while they could:(

    Yep! That’s me! I’m focused on making the biggest wad of cash I can from the collapsing West before I get the hell out of here in 2025.

    If it can’t be fixed, you might as well profit from it.

    I agree 100% with Caleb that music is an indicator of our cultural decline. Although heavy metal was stupid in a lot of ways at least the lyrics sometimes offered some wisdom as this Nuclear Assault video demonstrates.

    I remember that song! Haha!

    Caleb, one thing you had not taken into account, is that there is a difference between Cultural Collapse, and Collapse of a Culture.  Cultures collapse all the time and are organically replaced by a newer, more hip cultures. This is essentially the outcome of multiculturalism done right(-ish).

    Ehhh… I partially agree. I think that is generally true but one could easily argue that point.

    Once in a while however, you get a society so f*ed up that they cannot maintain ANY culture anymore. It usually happens when the entire society is so jaded, cynical and angry at each other that they cannot maintain any culture, be it a traditional one, or a new one.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 01:29 pm, 17th October 2017

    Its just them being mindful.

    Of what?

    I for one don’t have an issue with it unless its forced. If you want to censor yourself because you feel you might make someone mad, go right ahead.

    But that is beta and pussy behavior.

    But if you are forcing others to censor themselves because they say things that make you mad and you don’t possess the emotional control to leave the discussion and find a different one, that’s wrong.

    It depends what you mean by “force” and “censor.”  I’m a Free Speech absolutist as far as the government is concerned. But you should have the right to censor anyone you want on your private property. If they don’t like it, they can leave.

    Ever since we’ve begun interacting, I’ve seen you as a “save the world” type, JOTB.


    You can’t just take away censorship and hope that will fix everything.

    That won’t fix everything. But it will fix many things. All hope for freedom begins with freedom of expression.

    when I see a bunch of SVWs,


    I will never understand why you choose to waste your energy on this kind of stuff. Why you can’t just joke about it or walk away from it is beyond me.

    Because I care about people.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 02:25 pm, 17th October 2017

    Chilling fact about the Vegas shooting: First hand witnesses who swear that there were multiple shooters are being mysteriously killed and their Facebook accounts of the incident are being deleted:


  • Steven
    Posted at 04:36 pm, 17th October 2017

    They can’t even get away with a false flag anymore. Is that a sign of the decline?

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 05:32 pm, 17th October 2017

    They can’t even get away with a false flag anymore. Is that a sign of the decline?

    No, it’s a sign of their arrogance and their belief that it doesn’t matter whether they’re careful or not, because they know there’s nothing we can do about it either way. They just want to impress this upon us.



  • joelsuf
    Posted at 09:38 am, 18th October 2017

    Chilling fact about the Vegas shooting: First hand witnesses who swear that there were multiple shooters are being mysteriously killed and their Facebook accounts of the incident are being deleted:

    No shit. The Vegas shootings, like most other shootings, were half legit and half false flags. The rising body count is where the false flags come in. I do NOT think that there were that many fatalities…maybe half of what was reported. But the higher the body count, the more the libfags scream for gun control.

    That being said, the people crying for absolute gun control after that fail to realize that authority figures kill many more civilians than civilians kill civilians with lethal weapons on a daily basis.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 09:51 pm, 18th October 2017

    No shit. The Vegas shootings, like most other shootings, were half legit and half false flags.

    You REALLY want your mind blown? The FBI’s official website, on its “crime statistics” page, declares that 0 people were murdered in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012 – the year of the supposed Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Here’s the link (just scroll down to Newtown):

    the higher the body count, the more the libfags scream for gun control.

    Exactly. This is about the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Nothing more.

    That being said, the people crying for absolute gun control after that fail to realize that authority figures kill many more civilians than civilians kill civilians with lethal weapons on a daily basis.

    I’ll never understand why people believe that disarming innocent people is what will protect innocent people. It’s absolute insanity! Every mass shooting in America took place in a gun free zone. No exceptions. That’s where these mass shooters feel safe!

    I’ll say it again. If everyone had a gun, there would be no more murder. And if every country had nuclear weapons we’d have world peace!

    The solution to all gun violence is more guns, not less!

    The solution to all war is more nukes, not less!

    The solution to hate speech is more speech, not less!


  • joelsuf
    Posted at 07:50 am, 20th October 2017

    This is about the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. Nothing more.

    I’d argue that its about a little more than that. Collectivists like the libs want their own version of big government to rule anyone who isn’t like them. They want to rewrite the constitution just like the tradcons wanted to (and eventually failed).

    Like Caleb said, this is just a phase, but its a very long phase and I for one do not want to be around for it, for the phase where citizens are forced to vote and protest.

    Collectivism as a whole is what scares me more than anything.

  • Marty
    Posted at 09:55 am, 21st October 2017

    The solution to all gun violence is more guns, not less!

    Just like the solution to drugs is let everyone have whatever drugs they want. People will self regulate pretty quickly or die. Either way everyone wins! 🙂

    Well not everyone. Lots of law enforcement will have to get new jobs or maybe solve other more important crimes! And large Drug companies will lose out a bit as well! Wait a second…..???

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 12:53 pm, 21st October 2017

    Just like the solution to drugs is let everyone have whatever drugs they want. People will self regulate pretty quickly or die. Either way everyone wins!


    Well not everyone. Lots of law enforcement will have to get new jobs

    Only the DEA. But many new jobs will be created in the legal drug dealing business.

    or maybe solve other more important crimes!


    And large Drug companies will lose out a bit as well! Wait a second…..???

    I do not believe in the concept of “intellectual property” any more than Ayn Rand did. Ideas should be free. If you want to make money off of your idea, that’s fine, but you shouldn’t have the right to patent anything. There may be civil laws against plagiarism, but that has to do with deception.

    But the concept of royalties, copyright, trademark, and patenting are complete and utter bullshit! If drug companies want to make a drug and sell it, that’s fine. But the idea that I should get a doctor’s permission, have him write me a prescription, and go through the proper fascist channels just so a group of tyrants who “patented” a specific product can make more money, even though I didn’t purchase anything directly from them, is just plain stupid.

    You may own a specific physical thing, but you may not own an idea. Drug companies may provide guidelines and safety recommendations (informing their customers of the proper dosage, etc…) but there should be no force involved. If people want to overdose, let them. If people want to purchase a powerful antibiotic at a grocery store, right next to the cereal, let them. “Proper channels” and “prescriptions” are for fascists and the low IQ.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 12:56 pm, 21st October 2017


    That is your favorite word.


  • The New Yorker
    Posted at 01:01 pm, 21st October 2017

    So Caleb,

    Something I can’t fully comprehend is why there’s still countless Asian people hoping to live in the US, especially given all that’s happened politically, economically and socially, with the 2016 presidential election, over 20 trillion national debt, and the conflicts between right wing and left wing extremists.

    I mean virtually all of my Taiwanese family and friends who are all middle class citizens and especially my parents practically worship America, “Land of the Free.” Since they’re relatively affluent middle class suburban folks, welfare can’t likely be the reason.

    And yet when I tell them that economic opportunity in China is rising and that America is collapsing, the Taiwanese folks scoff and claim that China is poor and competitive as hell, and yet they talk about the US with bright, longing eyes.

    Is this all simply a symptom of Societal Programming? Or are there other factors at play? What’s your opinion on this? Is there a different attitude towards the American collapse between Asian born Asians and Americanized Asians, based on your observation?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 01:20 pm, 21st October 2017

    And yet when I tell them that economic opportunity in China is rising and that America is collapsing, the Taiwanese folks scoff and claim that China is poor and competitive as hell, and yet they talk about the US with bright, longing eyes.

    Is this all simply a symptom of Societal Programming?

    Societal Programming, yes. Obviously China is not poor and obviously the US is collapsing, so these are factually incorrect statements. The two reasons are A) the international love of US culture, and B) the outdated Societal Programming people have of how China used to be (poverty stricken communist shithole) and how the USA used to be (manufacturing powerhouse, low-taxed economic creditor nation of the of the world).

  • The New Yorker
    Posted at 06:31 pm, 21st October 2017

    By the way Caleb,

    How did you come up with the year 2025 for your escape from the collapsing US?

    I do remember one of your posts in 2015 mentioning that the US will likely have its first openly socialist president in another 15 years.

    But how did you come up with 2025?

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 08:57 pm, 21st October 2017

    the US will likely have its first openly socialist president in another 15 years. But how did you come up with 2025?

    We’ll have one after the 2024 election. And his or her inaugural year will be in 2025. And it isn’t likely, its guaranteed. Trump was elected to get even “libertarians” who dislike him to turn to socialism. For instance, I had never head of the term “Libertarian Socialist” until Tantrum Trump got elected. And now even the anarcho communists who went away after Obombya got elected are now resurfacing. All signs are point to the US being a poor man’s USSR by 2025. That’s why I think Caleb set that date, he is making similar predictions.

    That is your favorite word.

    I do use it quite a bit, but I do it for a reason. The more I repeat that collectivism is cancer, the more others will start believing it too. This is a technique that has been utilized by -you guessed it!- Collectivists! haha. I’m not afraid to use their strategies against them. lol

    I do not believe in the concept of “intellectual property” any more than Ayn Rand did. Ideas should be free.

    True story. The concept of intellectual property is core narcissism played out at its Zenith. “These are MY ideas, how dare you take them and make them better, forcing me to come up with better ideas!”

    Hell if I become a big shot author or something, I HOPE my ideas get stolen lol. I would encourage it.

    There may be civil laws against plagiarism

    That’s dumb too, because everyone does this to everyone. Hell its encouraged (as long as you “quote” the source) in school. I swear, like 90% of these “laws” we have in this fading culture make no sense and hold us back quite a bit as a species.

    Just like the solution to drugs is let everyone have whatever drugs they want. People will self regulate pretty quickly or die. Either way everyone wins!

    True story. I for one have been preaching this since high school. If all drugs were made legal tomorrow, I would still be straight edge (or as close to being straight edge without actually being straight edge as I call it lol). Let those who can’t self regulate get killed off. God forbid we let nature take its course.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:31 pm, 21st October 2017

    How did you come up with the year 2025 for your escape from the collapsing US?

    Several reasons:

    – It will take that long to achieve my one last financial goal, and I’d like to have that done before I move out of the country (although it technically isn’t necessary).

    – 2024 is when I have given myself permission to end the Blackdragon business if I so choose at that time. That business has always been a 15 year endeavor, started in 2009. In 2024 that will be 15 years.

    – 2025 will give me plenty of time to make sure my grown children are solid and stable in their adult lifestyles before I leave.

    – 2025, a 10 year time frame, was plenty of time to nail down my long-term OLTR (already done; I’ve gone one now).

    – I don’t expect anything super horrible to happen to the US economically (other than the next stock market crash) before 2025. After 2025 I’m not so sure.

    – 2025 is when my Mission shifts in to phase two.

    – A few other personal reasons.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 02:06 pm, 26th October 2017

    I do use it quite a bit, but I do it for a reason. The more I repeat that collectivism is cancer, the more others will start believing it too. This is a technique that has been utilized by -you guessed it!- Collectivists! haha. I’m not afraid to use their strategies against them. lol

    Yeah…..good luck with that.

    True story. The concept of intellectual property is core narcissism played out at its Zenith. “These are MY ideas, how dare you take them and make them better, forcing me to come up with better ideas!”

    Fully agree!

    Hell if I become a big shot author or something, I HOPE my ideas get stolen lol. I would encourage it.

    These 6 immoral concepts which should not exist – intellectual property, royalties, patenting, copyright, trademark, interest – are precisely the 6 concepts which keep the elites in power and prevent them from having to do any work to earn their money the honest way. They just sit back and collect interest payments or royalty checks, which frees them up to put their garbage ideas about world domination into practice and then simply transfer the wealth they accumulated to their children.

    The key to human freedom is abolishing the above six concepts. Hell, just abolishing the concept of interest payments (which is a despicable form of theft/extortion) would free millions of people from the slavery of debt.

    If all six of the above were abolished, three things would happen:

    1. Humanity would be free

    2. Everyone would have to work hard for their money (money wouldn’t multiply itself).

    3. It would be mathematically impossible to be a billionaire. A millionaire, yes. But not a billionaire.

    That’s dumb too, because everyone does this to everyone. Hell its encouraged (as long as you “quote” the source) in school.

    Actually, if you quote your source, it’s not plagiarism. Plagiarism means that you deceptively claim someone else’s work as your own, thus unjustly usurping the reputation of another.

    I swear, like 90% of these “laws” we have in this fading culture make no sense and hold us back quite a bit as a species.

    I do agree that laws against plagiarism are too broad. They need to be narrowed to prohibit only deliberate or malicious deception, because no one should be allowed to lie to people that they invented something that someone else did, since honest reputations and credit do matter, but the current definition of plagiarism, especially in college, is ridiculous.

    When I was in college, I almost got in trouble for “plagiarism” in an English class. I wrote in a term paper that the Roman Emperor Constantine established Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire and my teacher wanted to accuse me of plagiarism for not citing my source because what I wrote “didn’t pertain to common knowledge.” I gently explained that I got it from my own head and had no idea where I originally learned it (probably a history book from 4th grade). And if it’s not “common knowledge” it should be, lol. I’m not maliciously taking credit for someone else’s history book. Everyone who is sane knows that I am not the historian who first uncovered that fact! Sheesh! Luckily, he understood my point and relented.

    So yeah, laws against plagiarism should be narrowed, but maliciously stealing someone’s inventions or thoughts without giving them credit is wrong and should be a civil violation.


  • joelsuf
    Posted at 08:50 am, 27th October 2017

    It would be mathematically impossible to be a billionaire. A millionaire, yes. But not a billionaire.

    Let’s face it, the reason why billionaires even exist is because so much money is being printed. We should have stayed on the gold standard. But like you argue, the elites knew exactly what they were doing when they agreed to fiat currencies. It’s gonna wipe out cryptocurrencies too, just watch. Its why I don’t own any crypto. Fiat currency is designed to monopolize all currency and almost automatically swallow anything that stands a chance against it. Scary stuff.

    maliciously stealing someone’s inventions or thoughts without giving them credit is wrong and should be a civil violation.

    No it doesn’t because protecting someone from “maliciously” stealing inventions eventually gives rise to those 6 things you mentioned (sans interest I suppose). My concept of “malicious” is likely way different than yours, which is probably different than Caleb’s and so on and so on. So if one person gets to decide, then eventually, whole groups will get to decide what is malicious and that’s why we have this mess in the first place. No one should decide what is best for others on any kind of scale. Live and let live, homie.

    If I “steal” someone’s content without letting them know it, I should not get punished no matter how “malicious” it is. I’m not physically inconveniencing anyone by doing so. In my own blog, I’ve been borrowing freely from Caleb, Doug Casey, and Victor Pride. I’m sure none of those three care at all about what I’m doing and on the contrary, are quite flattered that I am “stealing” their work.

    The only laws that should exist are laws that prevent violence. And even then, they should not be answered with violence. But our law enforcers aren’t too good at doing that, since they all have this weird obsession of being like Judge Dredd.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 07:12 pm, 27th October 2017

    There’s a lot to say here, so I’ll split it up into two posts:

    Let’s face it, the reason why billionaires even exist is because so much money is being printed.

    Fully agree!

    We should have stayed on the gold standard.

    Or just do what Hitler did in the early 1930s – abolish all private non-commercial banks, return the money printing power back to the government, criminalize all interest payments, and base the money supply not on gold, but on the productivity of the working class! This would flatter all poor people because they would receive honored status as the generators of the entire nation’s wealth. This is what led to Germany’s so called “economic miracle” in the 30s. Meanwhile, all the other western powers were still in utter poverty trying to pay off the completely unpayable debt via interest payments to the Jewish bankers!

    But like you argue, the elites knew exactly what they were doing when they agreed to fiat currencies.

    Correct! Abraham Lincoln tried to correct this by cutting out the banks completely (100 years before Hitler did it) with his greenback idea, so they killed him.

    The only reason the elites didn’t kill Hitler right away was because he did the elites a huge favor by being a psychotic mass murderer, so they allowed him to discredit himself first (plus, hey, the elites love a good population reduction).

    It’s funny how most of our problems can be solved by simply returning to the Constitution, which requires Congress to print our money, not some private bank owned by four Jewish families. As Thomas Jefferson stated:

    “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered…. I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

    Unfortunately, attempting to abolish our Federal Reserve Bank is what got Kennedy killed. Andrew Jackson was the only President who ever succeeded in abolishing the, at the time, “American Central Bank” and successfully evaded multiple assassination attempts. This led to an era of enormous economic prosperity and wealth until 1913 when the elites created the Federal Reserve and undid what Jackson accomplished.

    Andrew Jackson’s last words on his deathbed were “I killed the bank.” That’s why he’s on our 20 dollar bill. But now the bankers have decided to replace his face with Harriet Tubman for fuck sake! That’s how much they hate that dead man even today!

    It’s gonna wipe out cryptocurrencies too, just watch. Its why I don’t own any crypto.

    Disagree. That’s what the bankers want you to think. But I do agree that crypto-currencies aren’t a permanent solution. The only permanent solution is to go all Andrew Jackson on these international bankers’ asses, but that would require an actual civic nationalist (Steve Bannon, perhaps) who would completely pull the United States out of all international banking institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) – which is the real head of the snake impoverishing the entire planet and restraining capitalism while the monsters who own it get to have their pedophilia parties every Christmas (Saturnalia)! It’s beyond sickening!

    Fiat currency is designed to monopolize all currency and almost automatically swallow anything that stands a chance against it. Scary stuff.

    Yes, but the Internet is the one wrinkle here. That’s why on October 1st, 2016, Obama, acting under orders from above, abolished Free Speech on the Internet by issuing an executive order disconnecting the net from ICANN – Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers – (a property of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which made all Internet servers legally protected under the First Amendment, according to the U.S. Supreme Court) and handing it over fully to private tech companies which can tell the First Amendment to go fuck itself and refuse to issue you a website if they don’t like your political speech!

    ICANN – now a fully private entity – is still decentralized, hence the lack of censorship today, but Teddy Roosevelt’s disgusting and socialist “anti-trust” law prohibiting private monopolies puts ICANN’s existence as a private entity (as of October 1st 2016) in legal jeopardy, which necessitates the sponsorship of another government to shield ICANN from our socialist anti-monopoly laws. And guess who’s interested in managing ICANN – and hence the entire Internet – now? The United Nations! The basket of true deplorables!

    If the UN ever gets its Stalinist hands on the Internet, crypto-currencies will be targeted as well as all politically incorrect speech. This is set to happen in about 10 years, which is why our only hope is to fight to keep the Internet decentralized and scattered throughout multiple tech companies!

    The elites really hate the Internet, which is why it is so precious and needs the utmost protection, notwithstanding Obama’s disastrous executive order (opposed in Congress only by Ted Cruz)!

    I’ll be back later for part 2.



  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:29 am, 28th October 2017

    Ok, let’s continue:

    No it doesn’t because protecting someone from “maliciously” stealing inventions eventually gives rise to those 6 things you mentioned (sans interest I suppose).

    What? No it doesn’t! I never said you have to pay royalties to anyone. Just give them verbal credit for their idea or invention, that’s all. To put it simply, don’t be a liar. Allow the inventor to have his reputation as the inventor. Don’t lie to people by claiming it was your idea.

    My concept of “malicious” is likely way different than yours,

    Right. By “malicious” I meant “deceitful.” Laws against plagiarism just mean that you are legally required to acknowledge the truth, nothing more. Do not falsely claim that someone else’s reputation is, in fact, your own when it’s really not. Credit (in the verbal sense) matters. Truth matters.

    So if one person gets to decide, then eventually, whole groups will get to decide what is malicious and that’s why we have this mess in the first place.

    Being truthful vs. being a liar as it pertains to objective facts. There’s not much room for interpretation or grayness here. If it makes you feel better, I’d be okay with merging our laws against plagiarism with our laws against slander/libel, since both are about distorting a person’s reputation using objective falsehoods.

    No one should decide what is best for others on any kind of scale. Live and let live, homie.

    Therefore, it’s okay to lie about other people by claiming that they didn’t really do the work that they, in fact, did? I don’t think so.

    If I “steal” someone’s content without letting them know it, I should not get punished no matter how “malicious” it is.

    Correct, as long as you don’t verbally claim to have invented it. Steal away. My “intellectual property” is also yours. I’m happy to help, especially since we’re all technically, as they say, “standing on the shoulders of giants” that came before us. But please, don’t lie about me by falsely claiming that you gave me an idea, when I am the one who, in fact, gave it to you.

    Just don’t be a liar and we’re cool. That’s doesn’t mean you can’t use my shit. Just be truthful.

    I’m not physically inconveniencing anyone by doing so.

    No, just lying about people’s non-existent laziness when they, in fact, did all the work. Like I said, merging the concept of plagiarism with the concept of defamation would be fine with me.

    In my own blog, I’ve been borrowing freely from Caleb, Doug Casey, and Victor Pride. I’m sure none of those three care at all about what I’m doing and on the contrary, are quite flattered that I am “stealing” their work.

    I’d be flattered as well. Again, I don’t believe in “intellectual property,” “copyright,” “trademark” or any of that crap. But if someone were to ask you where you got these ideas from, just don’t lie. That’s all I ask: DON’T LIE!

    The only laws that should exist are laws that prevent violence.

    As it pertains to adults interacting with other adults, there should be three laws (two criminal and the third civil):

    Law #1 (criminal): Don’t do anything to someone else’s physical body without that someone else’s permission.

    Law #2 (criminal): Don’t do anything to someone else’s physical property without that someone else’s permission.

    Law #3 (civil): Do not be objectively deceitful in any of your official contracts, oath taking, verbal declarations, or other actions (such as making counterfeit money or other forgeries) for the purpose of causing others physical, financial, or reputational injury.

    There should be more laws when it comes to the protection of children and other matters, but as far as adults vs. other adults, those three are sufficient for virtually all purposes!

    And even then, they should not be answered with violence.

    Really? So a murderer shouldn’t be physically forced into prison or given death? A thief shouldn’t be forcibly punished? Then the law would be nothing but a suggestion. I think we’ll have to agree to disagree here.

    But our law enforcers aren’t too good at doing that, since they all have this weird obsession of being like Judge Dredd.

    The whole point of government is to exercise physical force against human rights violators (those who break the three laws). Otherwise, it’s anarchy, which means the law of the jungle and no protection for the weak against free will violations. With no protection against human rights violations, there is no freedom for anyone (except the strongest). That’s not a society. That’s a jungle. And most of us would be already dead under such anarchical conditions.


  • Cronos
    Posted at 04:13 pm, 30th October 2017

    Hell, just abolishing the concept of interest payments (which is a despicable form of theft/extortion) would free millions of people from the slavery of debt.

    Then what motivation would I have to lend you money?



  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 01:01 am, 31st October 2017


    In all 57 Muslim countries, interest is prohibited by law (yet another reason for the bombing). I think there’s plenty of money lending going on though. If it makes you feel better, you could demand some good collateral. That is a perfectly legitimate concept.

    But hey, if you just don’t feel comfortable lending other people your money without expecting interest, then here’s a radical idea: Don’t. People are too dependent on other people’s money anyway. It’s not healthy. A significant decrease in money lending and debt would be, in my opinion, a good thing. Credit cards are mostly for betas.

  • Gil Galad
    Posted at 04:43 am, 31st October 2017

    In all 57 Muslim countries, interest is prohibited by law

    That has to be the most ignorant thing I’ve ever read on this blog’s comment section. But “the sun is melting ice caps on the moons of Jupiter (all the while claiming that it has no warming effect on Earth even though we receive 25 times more heat than those moons per the square root law)” gives it a good run for its money.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:32 am, 2nd November 2017

    That has to be the most ignorant thing I’ve ever read on this blog’s comment section.

    Then I pity you, as I always have.

    You do realize that charging interest, or usury, in money lending practices is forbidden by the Koran, right? Sharia law absolutely forbids it as haram. If a Muslim nation does indeed allow usury, it isn’t in compliance with Sharia. Unlike, for example, the Jewish Bible, which prohibits usury only between Jews, but allows it when Jews do business with non-Jews.

    But “the sun is melting ice caps on the moons of Jupiter (all the while claiming that it has no warming effect on Earth even though we receive 25 times more heat than those moons per the square root law)” gives it a good run for its money.

    I never said that increase in sun spot activity (which is indeed melting the ice caps on Mars and Jupiter’s moons) isn’t also warming the Earth. Of course it is. But that is the cyclical nature of the climate. It has nothing to do with the fictional “global warming” perpetrated by “evil white men.” That’s PC garbage designed to facilitate one world government.

    Humans are not effecting the climate in any meaningful way. That was my point.



  • Gil Galad
    Posted at 12:42 pm, 2nd November 2017

    You do realize that charging interest, or usury, in money lending practices is forbidden by the Koran, right? Sharia law absolutely forbids it as haram

    Of course I do, I was a Muslim until I was almost 19 (though I began dropping the tenets one by one starting around 13) before finally dropping out for good. For the same reason, I know that many of those 57 countries are only applying whatever bits of islamic law they find pragmatically tolerable depending on the sociopolitical situation; they are very far from applying all of it, including with banking. And if you had read the link you gave me, the introduction alone would’ve had you stumble upon this bit “Islamic Banking still makes up only a fraction of the banking assets of Muslims”. My home country is in North Africa (I prefer to keep vague about it) and is officially overwhelmingly muslim (though I suspect the number of closeted atheists/agnostics is underestimated), and there definitely are interest rates there. Every big bank in my country that I could name is a secular one; islamic banks are the exception rather than the rule.

    square root law

    I meant inverse square law there.

    It has nothing to do with the fictional “global warming” perpetrated by “evil white men.” That’s PC garbage designed to facilitate one world government.
    Humans are not effecting the climate in any meaningful way. That was my point.

    Then I’m a bit surprised because you usually just say you’re a climate change denier/climate change is a fiction etc and I hadn’t seen you specify the above. You’ve also dismissed data about historical temperature comparisons, even though multiple unrelated sources can be found showing the warming trends (same for the rising CO2 in the atmosphere, which 1° is not and cannot be fully absorbed by the oceans and 2° what gets absorbed acidifies them, not a good thing to put it mildly), so I assumed you just deny everything.

    I’m curious then: what if this supposedly “exclusively natural and not human-made” warming ends up being dangerous, would you support at least libertarian-compatible measures (if there are any) to curb it? Or are you gonna revert to “don’t fuck with nature and respect the natural cycles, even at our detriment”?

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 06:45 pm, 3rd November 2017

    Humans are not effecting the climate in any meaningful way.

    That’s pretty much all you had to say, JOTB. And I agree, it’s negligible. The planet has been around for 4.6 Billion years, and will pretty much be around for another 4.6 Billion no matter what we do. George Carlin said it best when he said “The Planet is fine, the people are fucked.”

    Because we are scared of this, we now feel compelled to save the planet because we believe it will also extend our lifespan as humans. Which is dumb. We should be cognizant of entropy, not try to stop it. Hell, I believe that everyone should spend 1-2 years embracing it just to see what depression truly is like.

  • Gil Galad
    Posted at 05:16 am, 4th November 2017

    @Joelsuf: you’re contradicting yourself, perhaps doubly so. First you say it’s negligible, then you elaborate that Earth has been around for 4.6by and will be around etc; except that during that period it did go through climate fluctuations many of which where not livable or at least hugely problematic for us, both in heat and cold, to say nothing of the higher/lower CO2 and oxygen concentrations many of which were lethal. Second contradiction, though just a potential one depending on a clarification from you: the whole climate debate is about what’ll happen to us first, as you perfecly know; hundreds of millions will have to flee if the world’s coasts are flooded; billions will starve if our crops go to shit, etc, etc. So when you say the people are fucked but the planet will survive, you’re not saying anything to cheer for, unless you want extinction like Sideburns. Your second paragraph isn’t exactly something JOTB would nod at; if anything he dislikes that kind of nihilism even more than belief in climate change.

  • It Moc
    Posted at 01:14 am, 13th November 2017

    ” I’m keeping track of all the promises Tantrum Trump has broken to his voters, and I will be presenting that list in December, as an analysis of his first year in office. It’s brutal.”


    You know the USA aren’t governed by their president, though, and so he is not to be blamed.
    I mean, come on. You know he’s being held at… judiciary power-point, and other-things-point by the actual government system.
    The public part of politics is only like those “simple and dumber” tunes and pieces of music now so common in the market… entertainment, addressed to the people.

    Birth rates in the USA are at all time lows, and nowhere near enough to sustain a population[*]. Europe’s birth rates are even worse, and Europe is dying right before our very eyes[*], as I’ve noted many times before

    You know, the most dejecting part of this is: it’s the more cultivated and intelligent who don’t want to have offspring.
    The more cultivated and intelligent “perceive” where their age is headed, and move towards that direction earlier than the others. So they are an indication of what is to come.
    I remember Carl G. Jung saying there was nearly none of his patients who hadn’t caught psychological problems because of a lack of faith in any God.
    The lack of faith in any God (actually: the faith in there being no Gods) is the source of all this psychological despair — which then gets rationalized, and reaches consciousness, in a vast array of ways.

    It’s as if the Internet, the open society, the open world of information… has led people to be bombarded with too much information, too much freedom, too many options. This creates confusion and a sense of directionlessness. Then, despair.

    If you read Julian Jaynes’ “The origin of consciousness” you’ll likely think that we are at another juncture in human history where a certain type of brain/mind becomes obsolete, and another one — better equipped to adapt to the pace of novelty and technological progress — takes over.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:51 am, 13th November 2017

    You know the USA aren’t governed by their president, though, and so he is not to be blamed.

    I know and I never said such a thing. I was specifically and clearly referring to the things Trump has personally done. Of course Trump can’t be held accountable for the entire United States, but he can (and should) be held accountable for his personal actions.

  • CTV
    Posted at 09:52 am, 26th July 2018

    @ Caleb here’s some more Right Wing bullshit. I like Gavin Mccines but this is the typical narrative the spew out about Babies, Family Values, Anti- Abortion and all that.

    I’m not comfortable calling them Alpha 1.0’s they’re just like Angry Beta’s IMO. 

    Only they White Knight for an agenda that doesn’t even benefit them. It won’t save the West.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 04:33 pm, 28th July 2018

    I’m not comfortable calling them Alpha 1.0’s they’re just like Angry Beta’s IMO. 
    Only they White Knight for an agenda that doesn’t even benefit them. It won’t save theWest.

    Meh. Same nonsense, different direction.

    “Let’s save the world (at the expense of people we don’t agree with) with ____! Don’t agree with us? You must be one of THEM!!”

    Both sides can fuck off of my life forever. Can we not just get both groups inside of a packed arena, let them just kill each other and put it on Pay Per View already…?

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