Donald Trump Is Bill Clinton

I’m about to describe a US President. See if you can figure out which one I’m talking about.

  • He’s been a Democrat for most of his life.
  • He’s a near-pathological liar, lying in public appearances regularly, so much so that his staff is constantly having to embarrassingly explain away his lies and engage in damage control.
  • He’s been accused of sexual assault by numerous women.
  • He’s been accused of full-on rape by at least one woman who has no political or financial motivation to do so.
  • He has a long track record of being a player and repeatedly cheating on his wife.
  • He has spent much of his marriage living apart from his wife.
  • His wife clearly despises him, but remains with him and puts up with him because of her own money, image and/or power.
  • He utterly hates free speech and has often complained about how his opposition shouldn’t be afforded the free speech he enjoys.
  • He doesn’t really have an ideological basis even though he pretends to, and as such, he  has often made deals with his opposing party members, often to the fury and/or confusion of his own supporters.
  • He repeatedly took credit for a booming stock market when he pretty much had personally nothing to do with it.
  • He loves speaking in front of large crowds of enthusiastic supporters and absolutely basks in the limelight. It’s one of the primary reasons he became president.
  • He bombed countries, including civilians, without checking with Congress or the United Nations, even though he had vociferously blamed former presidents for doing exactly that.
  • He is hugely popular with a vocally strong contingent of voters who love him absolutely, regardless of all his obvious wrongdoings, and would vote to bring him back as president if they could.

Well? Who am I talking about?

It’s a trick question. I’m talking about Bill Clinton… and I’m talking about Donald Trump!

It hit me one day that Clinton and Trump are pretty much the same person in many ways. Isn’t that hilarious?

I’ll leave you with this quote from Micheal Graham of CBS News:

Members of the media often ask how President Trump was able to get past his issues regarding his treatment of women, how voters were able to get past truly disturbing actions and accusations and find a way to support him.

No need to wonder. Just go find Bill Clinton supporters over the age of 40 and ask them.

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  • Trudodyr
    Posted at 06:07 am, 26th November 2017

    Nice one 🙂 Too many people on both sides lose their shit about Trump, but in the end he’s just another politician.


    I have a question about one of the above points though:

    “He repeatedly took credit for a booming stock market when he pretty much had personally nothing to do with it.”


    This is something I have been thinking about in the past few days. When I look at the history of Dow Jones in the past 10 years, I can see the following:

    after the crisis it steadily grew, there were some jumps but the trend is clear from the graph
    since the start of 2015 until elections last year it stagnated around 18000
    since the elections it grows steadily and fast, now it’s roughly 23,500


    There indeed seems to be a correlation between Trump winning the elections and growth of the stock market. What is the explanation? I know absolutely nothing about stock market, I was just curious because I know Trump boasts a lot about it and this is what I see in the graph. My theory behind this would be roughly as follows:

    Notice that the fast growth started right after Trump winning elections, before he actually did anything – so it is not his actual economic measures which are behind it (even though some of them may have helped the growth to continue, I really do not have enough understanding of the topic to judge this).
    Stock market is, in a sense, fake money – if GM actions grow by 10% today it is still the same company with the same buildings, people, patents, tech etc. Nothing really changed about it’s real value, just the price.
    Because of the above, stock market is largely based on trust and perceptions of investors, so on emotions.
    Trumps proclaimed agenda (bringing back the companies, better international deals, etc) gave investors more trust in American companies, and hence the growth in stock market.
    The whole situation is not as great as it may look on the first sight – since the growth is not really substantiated, it is essentially a bubble which will burst big time at some point.

    So my question is – is the above completely wrong and the reasons behind the growth are totally different? Would the growth be the same under, say, Hillary or Bernie? Is there some element unrelated to politics that can cause such a growth?

    Once again, I do not really stand by the above theory, I am just trying to understand what is going on.


  • Macro AlchemisT
    Posted at 07:45 am, 26th November 2017

    Is there some element unrelated to politics that can cause such a growth?

    It’s always the same “force” since beginning of the history of the stock market.

    Economic Cycle. Boom and then Bust.

    *) Political aside is just as a catalyst, if there is any.

  • David
    Posted at 11:03 am, 26th November 2017

    A leader’s personal life never affected my opinion of their leadership, especially as a boss or client.  In fact, ruthless douchebags are my favorite people to work with.  They get shit done.


    The very day Trump was elected, the stock market and USD went up.   I was laughing at Mark Cuban’s virtue-signalling ass predicting the opposite.  Its all consumer and investor confidence.  You have a business man in the white house who talks about jobs, annihilating our enemies, protecting the country.  Great marketing targeted at any investor who wants to think the future of the US is stable.

    re: bubble –  Naysayers call every ascending market a bubble.  Bitcoin, socal real estate, China.  A lot of people just made their fortune in that “bubble”and are watching for the first hiccup to pull out.  They’ll be fine and you’ll be wishing you started something you’ve always wanted to.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:56 am, 26th November 2017

    So my question is – is the above completely wrong and the reasons behind the growth are totally different?

    You could make the argument that there is some boost in the fake stock market because of the unfounded optimism some people had regarding a Trump presidency, and I would agree, but Trump himself did literally nothing to create this boost. I’m quite sure such a boost would have occurred had any Republican been elected to the Presidency (with the possible exception of Jeb Bush), as a reaction to Obama fatigue.

    The problem, as I’ve said before, is that candidate Trump was very clear about the stock market levels being complete bullshit and a dangerous bubble. Then the split second he got elected, he did an instant 180 and start bragging that the stock market was fantastic and it was all because of him.

    In other words, he’s a liar.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:59 am, 26th November 2017

    A leader’s personal life never affected my opinion of their leadership, especially as a boss or client.

    Me too. The problem is that both Clinton and Trump are/were very problematic in their actions regardless. Clinton was a corporatist and did things that were directly responsible for the crash of 2008. His war in Kosovo was complete bullshit. He was also the only president to actually lose his nuclear launch codes. And so on. And I’ve already criticized many actions taken by Trump.

    I don’t care what people say. I only care about what they do.

  • Cronos
    Posted at 01:15 pm, 26th November 2017

    Members of the media often ask how President Trump was able to get past his issues regarding his treatment of women, how voters were able to get past truly disturbing actions and accusations and find a way to support him.

    1. He is a master persuader, and a money making machine. Nobody is perfect.

    2. The alternative was a person so unhealthy that could barely say a few words without getting a cough fit, or take a step outside without fainting.

  • Sugar Ray Clone
    Posted at 01:51 pm, 26th November 2017


    A Political post. I thought you did not care anymore?


    Clearly you have come to the same conclusion as some of us, that the entire political machine is utterly far more corrupt than even thought possible, and more moral/ethical corruption is off the scale by any means thought possible by those same individuals that were elected. It’s great that they can use our tax money to buy off the victims.

    Do you want to see America live again or would you have seen her die overnight if Killary got elected?

    Granted even on the outside Trump was a hard pill to swallow. He continues to antagonize like a child, but things are what they are, he’s who we got.

    I agree performance is everything. Still waiting to see what will turn out of it.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 02:41 pm, 26th November 2017

    The alternative was a person so unhealthy that could barely say a few words without getting a cough fit, or take a step outside without fainting.

    If your defense of a president is to point out how the other person would have been worse, then you’re literally confirming your guy sucks.

    A Political post. I thought you did not care anymore?


    Yes. As long as the topics are relevant to my overall message, clickbait is a valid form of advertising.

    Do you want to see America live again or would you have seen her die overnight if Killary got elected?

    To repeat: If your defense of a president is to point out how the other person would have been worse, then you’re literally confirming your guy sucks.

    And America will not “live again.” America is fucked no matter who you elect. You’re about 25 years too late to turn America around.

    Granted even on the outside Trump was a hard pill to swallow. He continues to antagonize like a child, but things are what they are, he’s who we got.

    Yes. That’s one of the reasons I’m getting the fuck out of here. I’ve had enough of this.

    Still waiting to see what will turn out of it.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 08:21 pm, 26th November 2017

    To all the readers here: Please let me know if this is also happening to you:

    The last blog post on this blog is the Justice League post. The “Donald Trump is Bill Clinton” post doesn’t exist. So how did I find it? I first had to go into the Justice League post with its 7 comments and hit refresh. When I hit refresh, the comments on that post became 8. Then the “Donald Trump is Bill Clinton” comments magically appeared in the comment box on the right of the blog. So I clicked on one of them, which led me here!

    Anyone else experiencing this?


  • Tony
    Posted at 06:40 am, 27th November 2017

    My family is moderately well connected within the Democratic party (for example, we once got baseball tickets from the governor), so about 5-10 years ago I got the opportunity to hear Bill Clinton speak. I only really remember two things. One, he was very late, which is actually something I had heard about him before but was shocked how true it was. I don’t understand how you can run a white house when you’re constantly running an hour behind schedule. Two, he was a fantastic speaker and I immediately understood how he became president.

    He is a little before my time, so I can’t speak to the issues you raised, but I’m curious what your opinion is of Roy Moore in Alabama. As a liberal I’m happy this scandal is giving the Democrats a chance to win a seat that would otherwise be impossible, but personally from what I’ve heard it really doesn’t bother me that much. Apparently everything was consensual and he never actually assaulted anybody, but people have an issue with the age and are calling him a pedophile, but in my mind 14/15 is right on the border. How young is too young from a moral standpoint?

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 09:17 am, 27th November 2017

    Apparently everything was consensual and he never actually assaulted anybody, but people have an issue with the age and are calling him a pedophile, but in my mind 14/15 is right on the border. How young is too young from a moral standpoint?

    I’d go with 14. The age of consent should be lowered to that. One of my bowling buddies was 23 and his gf was 17. There isn’t anything wrong with that at all but people were tagging him a pedophile. I knew chicks in junior high who were having sex with college students.

    I’ve had high school freshmen and sophomores hit on me and I’m over twice their age. They can make decisions about sex at that age for sure. If they were doing this 15-20 years ago what’s the difference now?

    He’s a near-pathological liar, lying in public appearances regularly, so much so that his staff is constantly having to embarrassingly explain away his lies and engage in damage control.

    Its like what George Carlin said about Clittin: He may be full of shit but at least he lets you know it lol. I wonder what Caleb would compare Obombya to? I’ve been comparing pretty much all of them to a combination of Kennedy and Nixon: Knows how to sweet talk while taking advantage of everything at the same time.

    I really wish Ron Paul was enjoying his 4th term in a row right about now 🙁

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 09:21 am, 27th November 2017

    I don’t understand how you can run a white house when you’re constantly running an hour behind schedule.

    Its a tactic to make people overvalue you. Caleb offers the same advice to arriving at a first date: Be a little bit late cuz it will get the chick to think of you more. And because we are so obsessed with overvaluing everything around us in our culture, it works every time.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:26 am, 27th November 2017

    I’m curious what your opinion is of Roy Moore in Alabama.

    Much ado about nothing. One senator in Alabama won’t make any difference to anyone.

    Apparently everything was consensual and he never actually assaulted anybody, but people have an issue with the age and are calling him a pedophile

    Which is false, since pedophile means someone attracted to pre-pubescent children. 14/15 is clearly post puberty. This is all just standard American right-wing puritanism, of which the American left-wing is just as guilty as the right, as I’ve described before at my other blog.

    but in my mind 14/15 is right on the border. How young is too young from a moral standpoint?

    There is no objective answer to that question. My answer has always been to make age of consent for everything age 16 or 15, then have punishment for sexual contact for people under that be a sliding scale as they get younger. For example, 16 is legal, if you get sexual with a 15 year-old it’s a misdemeanor with a slap on the wrist, if she’s 14, it gets more severe, and so on. This is instead of throwing people in prison and branding them sex offenders for the rest of their lives if they have sex with someone one day younger than the age of consent.

    I knew chicks in junior high who were having sex with college students.

    So did I. It’s all ridiculous.

    I wonder what Caleb would compare Obombya to?

    He is the slightly smarter Democrat version of George W. Bush, as I said here.

  • Tony
    Posted at 10:24 am, 27th November 2017

    This is all just standard American right-wing puritanism, of which the American left-wing is just as guilty as the right, as I’ve described before at my other blog.

    It’s true, it’s all part of what you say all the time, that people decide things based on emotion and not reason, something that was very hard for me to come to terms with back when I thought people formed their opinions based on the facts and evidence and couldn’t understand how they could believe such obviously silly things. Even as a liberal myself I have had to accept that, even though I’m in the majority, most people don’t agree with me because of logic and evidence but because it feels good. Even before I found your stuff I accepted that if I wanted to be truly happy I had to learn not to care what other people believed and to just let them continue being irrational.

    They can make decisions about sex at that age for sure. If they were doing this 15-20 years ago what’s the difference now?

    That’s my thought too. Once you become old enough to have consensual sex with somebody your own age, you’re old enough to consent to sex with somebody of any age. It’s crazy to me that people lump in having sex with a 14-year-old with raping a 6-year-old. Do they honestly not see the difference or are they just lying to themselves because that’s what they’ve been told to believe?

  • Macro Investor
    Posted at 01:18 pm, 27th November 2017

    My view of politics is that both parties are in the business of selling our representation.  That is their only *product* and the fact that they can raise billions is the proof.  They are the gate keepers to government access, and your ability to pay determines who you can speak to and what you get in return.

    Having said that, I was a Trump supporter the moment he announced he was self funding his campaign.  I would vote for a homeless bum before any republican or democrat — so long as the bum can actually govern according to his honest beliefs rather than what large donors/lobbyists demand as payment.

    Trump has a lot of issues, which I mostly consider irrelevant in light of this independence.  I don’t expect him to govern the way I would.  Hell, most of my closest friends wouldn’t either.

    It is no surprise to me that neither party nor the media will stop attacking him 24×7.  They are the parasites who are living off our representation.  They would stop at nothing to make him fail.

    TRUMP/BUM 2020.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:41 pm, 27th November 2017

    It’s crazy to me that people lump in having sex with a 14-year-old with raping a 6-year-old. Do they honestly not see the difference or are they just lying to themselves because that’s what they’ve been told to believe?

    It depends on the person; there’s a lot of both.

    It’s also completely subjective from person to person. If you’re an over-33 woman with a 14 year-old daughter, you’re going to be much more horrified than if you’re a 27 year old man with no kids, for example.

    That’s fine, but subjectivity is not how you organize a well functioning society.

    Having said that, I was a Trump supporter the moment he announced he was self funding his campaign.

    But he didn’t.

    I’m not sure why so many people believed Trump’s bullshit during the campaign. I knew he was lying; it wasn’t that hard to figure out. As I’ve said before, it was the same thing with Obama supporters back when he was first running; he told obvious lie after obvious lie and people loved him anyway.

    I guess since I’m not desperate to find a savior, I can be more objective about these things.

  • Alex Jones
    Posted at 09:25 pm, 27th November 2017

    This post reminds me of one of those comparisons showing all the strange coincidences between the Lincoln and Kennedy assassination:

    The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters.
    Lincoln’s secretary, Kennedy, warned him not to go to the theatre.Kennedy’s secretary, Lincoln, warned him not to go to Dallas.
    Both successors were named Johnson.
    Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

    etc. Which is mostly just a bunch of nonsense. Plainly Trump and Clinton and completely different types of people. Clinton is the ultimate insider, Trump is the ultimate outsider. Clinton is loved by the left, Trump is despised by the left, Clinton has never done anything useful in his life, Trump has built a huge business. In most important respects they are opposites.
    Of course their policies aren’t and that is simply because the American political only allows a very narrow variability in policy: the nature of the system is to drive everything to the center. But in many respects they are at opposite sides of that narrow pathway. And that doesn’t even consider the strong rightward pull in the Clinton administration by Gingrich. It was Gingrich that produced those surpluses not Clinton.
    And to claim that Trump had nothing to do with the stock market explosion is to ignore facts. It started almost to the day he was elected, and there are plenty of reasons to connect market optimism to Trump. And the plain fact is that Trump has stripped away massive amounts of regulation and has a fair chance of passing a tax reform bill that, while pretty paltry, at least goes in the right direction.

    That isn’t to say I don’t think the market is a bubble, it plainly is. But the swing tells you something.

    I hate politicians as much as you do. They are vile creatures. But as they go, his bad manners and tacky style notwithstanding, he is making small improvements within the narrow channel available. Which isn’t to say he is making america great again, but he is making it worse more slowly than the alternative.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:54 pm, 27th November 2017

    Trump is the ultimate outsider.

    Incorrect. The first thing Trump did was fill his cabinet and inner circle with Goldman Sachs bankers and other corporatist elites. His foreign policy is almost identical to Obama’s and Bush’s. Etc. He may not be as “inside” as Clinton, but he’s still an insider.

    Clinton is loved by the left, Trump is despised by the left

    Correct. He’s the alt-right version of Clinton. A mirror image.

    It was Gingrich that produced those surpluses not Clinton.

    Actually, the surpluses under Clinton were bullshit. They cooked the books by taking money away from Social Security to make it look like they were balancing the budget when they actually weren’t. In other words, Gingrich was a fuckin’ liar too.

    And to claim that Trump had nothing to do with the stock market explosion is to ignore facts. It started almost to the day he was elected, and there are plenty of reasons to connect market optimism to Trump.

    I said Trump didn’t actually do anything as president to make the stock market any better (other than get elected). He got elected, did literally nothing regarding the stock market, and people got optimistic, so the stock market improved. Again I will state that because of Obama fatigue, this would have happened under any new Republican president with the possible exception of Jeb Bush.

    And the plain fact is that Trump has stripped away massive amounts of regulation

    …and increased spending, including increasing the debt ceiling, which is very bad despite cutting regs. Speaking of which…

    and has a fair chance of passing a tax reform bill that, while pretty paltry, at least goes in the right direction.

    Celebrate if he does it, not before. And I promise if he does it, he will continue to increase spending, which while cutting taxes will eventually destroy the country (not that I care). Read this.

    I hate politicians as much as you do.

    Then why are you defending Trump?

    No, you don’t hate them as much as I do.

     he is making it worse more slowly than the alternative

    Haha. To state for the third time in this thread: If your defense of a president is to point out how the other person would have been worse, then you’re literally confirming your guy sucks.

    Posted at 09:04 am, 28th November 2017

    Yeah, we live in a post-logic society and politicians are generally lying sociopaths. Next, at 11…

    Now, what actions would make you support Trump, or at very least, take you out of the “railing against” camp? Things one man could reasonably achieve in 8 years.



  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:42 am, 28th November 2017

    Now, what actions would make you support Trump, or at very least, take you out of the “railing against” camp? Things one man could reasonably achieve in 8 years.

    If he became a libertarian, ended all the wars, and started slashing government spending at all levels he had authority over.

  • Alex Jones
    Posted at 07:29 pm, 28th November 2017

    > The first thing Trump did was fill his cabinet and inner circle with Goldman Sachs bankers and other corporatist elites.
    Mattis, Tillerson and DeVos really are insiders?

    > He got elected, did literally nothing regarding the stock market, and people got optimistic, so the stock market improved.

    The stock market is future priced, getting elected is changing the future and so changing the market.

    > And the plain fact is that Trump has stripped away massive amounts of regulation

    > …and increased spending, including increasing the debt ceiling, which is very bad despite cutting regs.
    But Clinton didn’t cut the deficit. I’m not particularly arguing that Trump is good, I’m arguing that your premise that “Trump Is Clinton” while fun in a cartoonish way, plainly doesn’t stand up to examination.
    > Celebrate if he does [pas a tax cut], not before.

    Fair point. As to spending, your choice is not “reduce taxes and reduce spending or something else” your choices are “reduce taxes and increase spending or increase taxes and increase spending.” Which do you choose? Holy shit, he proposed changing the tax code so that the standard deduction include things like state tax deductions, etc. and everyone had a fucking conniption. You can’t reduce spending in America, it is not possible with our present system of government. We have already seen riots in the streets when state governments have tried to make miniscule changes to their ridiculous obligations. Which is why in the long (or not so long) there are bad things coming. But as we wait for those bad things, I’d rather keep as much of my money as I can, thankyouverymuch. All the democrat waffling about increasing the deficit by 1.5 trillion dollars should make any person with the slightest amount of awareness fall on the floor laughing. But they take these nut jobs seriously somehow.

    > Then why are you defending Trump?
    I am not defending Trump at all. On the contrary I am defending truth. I am attacking your claim that Trump and Clinton are the same. And certainly, on the whole Trump is better than Obama. Saying one thing is better than another is not the same as saying that thing is good, or great.
    > then you’re literally confirming your guy sucks.
    Trump isn’t my guy, and compared to what I’d want from a government he and the rest of them do suck. If I committed a crime and had the spend my life in jail, I’d rather do my time in a Dutch jail than a Nigerian one. That doesn’t mean I like either prospect, or that I advocate a lifestyle choice of “going to jail in Amsterdam”.

    We all have to put up with some crap. After all, your first two choices for your new residence are in a country that does this:

    Enjoy your government controlled Internet, constant surveillance, capricious legal system and constant threat of tyrannical oppression. (Yeah, as I typed that, I got the irony…)


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:08 pm, 28th November 2017

    Mattis, Tillerson and DeVos really are insiders?

    Haha! James Mattis, Obama’s replacement for Petraeus to be in charge of the Middle East theater? YES! Rex Tillerson, CEO of fucking Exxon for ten years? YES! They’re not bankers, but they’re insiders and corporatists, exactly as I said, and you’re not even mentioning all the Goldman Sachs guys he put into power.

    With all due respect, you Trump supporters really are starting to act insane. Do you even read what you type?

    I’m arguing that your premise that “Trump Is Clinton” while fun in a cartoonish way, plainly doesn’t stand up to examination.

    Correct. This is a fun, light hearted article, not hard analysis. That being said, everything I listed in the above article is factually accurate and they do indeed have all those things in common.

    As to spending, your choice is not “reduce taxes and reduce spending or something else” your choices are “reduce taxes and increase spending or increase taxes and increase spending.” Which do you choose?

    Both are going to destroy the country, so I refuse to chose and instead I’m just leaving. I don’t want to live in a suicidal nation.

    That’s like asking me, “Pick Trump or Hillary! Which do you choose?” Neither! Both are terrible, so I’m getting the hell out while the getting is still good.

    You can’t reduce spending in America, it is not possible with our present system of government.

    Reason number 2 I’m leaving.

    We have already seen riots in the streets when state governments have tried to make miniscule changes to their ridiculous obligations.

    Reason number 3 I’m leaving.

    Which is why in the long (or not so long) there are bad things coming.

    Yep! Reason number 4 I’m leaving.

    You’re proving my point for me here.

    But as we wait for those bad things, I’d rather keep as much of my money as I can, thankyouverymuch.

    I agree completely and that’s exactly what I’m doing. Read this. But I’m not walking around pretending that Trump is doing a great job while I’m making my money.

    I am not defending Trump at all.

    You just made the implication that Rex Tillerson is not a corporatist insider. And you did it to defend Trump.

    Again, you’re not even reading what you type. Incredible.

    (I hope all of you readers are paying close attention here. This is what happens when an intelligent person loses objectivity, engages in defensive tribal politics, and embraces cognitive dissonance. He actually thinks he’s not defending Trump “at all.”)

    And certainly, on the whole Trump is better than Obama.

    Oh. Still not defending Trump, huh?

    Again, you’re jumping the gun. You can’t make that claim until Trump’s tenure is over. Then we can review exactly how Trump stacked up against Obama (which I will do, in detail, when Trump leaves office, exactly like I did with Obama here and here).

    And again I will repeat, if your measuring stick for a decent president is “not as bad as Obama,” (who was at least the second worst President in my lifetime of 45 years), then you’ve admitted Trump sucks.

    Enjoy your government controlled Internet

    I’m not moving to China. Your information is very out of date. Read this.

    And again, if your response to me criticizing Trump is to attack some other authoritarian country as worse, then what does that say about Trump…

    …who, of course, you’re not defending.


  • Investor
    Posted at 12:56 am, 29th November 2017

    The alternative was a person so unhealthy that could barely say a few words without getting a cough fit, or take a step outside without fainting

    Yes this. I keep saying that its logical he doesn’t have high approval ratings. People were not voting for him, they were voting against Hilary.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:16 am, 29th November 2017

    Yes this. I keep saying that its logical he doesn’t have high approval ratings. People were not voting for him, they were voting against Hilary.

  • Alex Jones
    Posted at 04:54 pm, 29th November 2017

    > Haha! James Mattis, Obama’s replacement for Petraeus to be in charge of the Middle East theater? YES! Rex Tillerson, CEO of fucking Exxon for ten years?
    You only need to look at the reaction of the real insiders — the lizards the skitter around in these big permanent bureaucracies to see how much they are not insiders. Betsy DeVos has actually done really useful things to improve education. She would probably do what I wanted (which is to say privatize education) if she could, but she can’t, because that is not possible without the guillotines coming out. You do the best you can.
    > (I hope all of you readers are paying close attention here. This is what happens when an intelligent person loses objectivity, engages in defensive tribal politics,
    Yes, I hope so. Because it is a serious mistake to be unable to distinguish between different degrees of bad. Something that has exhausted me in listening to libertarians for years. Any advancement of liberty should be celebrated. Removal of the “Dear Colleague” letter requiring colleges to act like Star Chambers in cases of rape accusations should bring a lot of joy.

    Even if you do leave for another country (and my apologies my info was out of date, Argentina I have been to and is beautiful, though still the spirit of the Peron’s and the Junta lives on in their politics, and NZ I have not been to but hear many great things about, nonetheless, funadamentally a soft socialist country.) Even if you do leave you will find no perfection, so the ability to discern between bad and worse is important. Whenever there are men with guns and power and government badges, you’re going to get some degree of bad. How bad, which is baddest, that is an important skill (and one you have evidently done a great deal of work to convert from feelings to numerics — kudos.)


  • Michael Singh
    Posted at 04:06 pm, 1st December 2017

    PLEASE stop calling trump ALT RIGHT! hes not ALT RIGHT!!!

    Alt right is white ethnostate from richard spencer and james allsup maybe baked alaska

    Alt right hates israel n jewish media … TRUMP LOVES ISRAEL!

    alt right considers the New right as “Alt Lite”

    THE NEW RIGHT is the new CIVIC nationalism regardless of race , it includes mike cernovich, rebel media like gavin mchines, alex jones, Paul joseph watson, mark dice, roaming mil, jack poseibic,

    when will you please get this right BD?

    Man i love you and your posts but your acting like left wing media calling all trump supporters white nationlist alt right meeting” rofl

    i dont even like ben shapiro much but this video explains it (steve bannon n trump are new right aka alt lite )

    please watch , much love

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 05:13 pm, 1st December 2017

    PLEASE stop calling trump ALT RIGHT!

    No. The alt-right supports Trump. As soon as the alt-right starts repudiating Trump, I’ll stop calling Trump alt-right.

    It doesn’t matter if Trump isn’t 100% alt-right in his views (he has no political center anyway). What matters are the groups that support him.

    Alt right is white ethnostate from richard spencer and james allsup maybe baked alaska

    Yeah, and all those guys support Trump. Fucking Spencer was going around to rallies saying “Heil Trump.”

  • Michael Singh
    Posted at 11:25 pm, 10th December 2017

    No. The alt-right supports Trump. As soon as the alt-right starts repudiating Trump, I’ll stop calling Trump alt-right.
    It doesn’t matter if Trump isn’t 100% alt-right in his views (he has no political center anyway). What matters are the groups that support him.

    Ok BD by that logic since isis supporters in america might vote for hillary or bernie would u call them Isis? of muslim extremist or communist party (for bernie)
    Alt right makes up less than 1% of trump supporters so its better to brand them via majority as New right
    if 1% of ur blog readers are women and if someone named you as “womens blog writer BD”

    Alt right is super small.. they only get attention due to left wing media trying to make trump look bad, its very very small there plan wont work its a bunch of sexually frustrated white men who hate call white women who date outside their race mudsharks while they would secretly go to asian women(richard spencer in a interview said he always like asian girls but doesnt want his group to find out)

    Please watch this you will understand its 4 minutes professional video


    Yeah, and all those guys support Trump. Fucking Spencer was going around to rallies saying “Heil Trump.”

    2) BD i swear to you but this heil trump stuff and nazi salutes is a deep state operation plus the tiki torches, richard spencer is deep state getting funded to make trump look bad.. half of alt right hell is turning on trump calling him zionist shill

    alt right is very small and alot of it is funded by deep state, by watching that video will prove the small point


    in conclusion BD

    What does that prove? The the term “Alt-Right” was supplanted and bastardized by the Left in order to make the MAGA movement look racist. Richard Spencer knowingly and willingly played a key role in that subversion when he jumped in front of a camera and read Nazi propaganda, and “Hiel Trump” to a room full of Nazi saluting men in suits (almost all of whom had their faces blurred in order to prevent identification). He doesn’t give the same protection to the useful idiots that show up to his events now that he is well known. He does the opposite.   Given the fact that his boss has direct family members tied to the CIA and a lot of his money comes the CIA, it isn’t a stretch to suggest Spencer is a deep state plant. 


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:00 pm, 11th December 2017

    Alt right makes up less than 1% of trump supporters

    Where is your hard data to support this claim?

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