Fixing Your Teeth – Invisalign – Part Two

Back in March I talked about how I started using Invisalign trays to straighten my teeth. I finally finished last week. Did it work?

I took a few photos of my mouth to show you a real before-and-after.

Here were my teeth back in March. (You may notice the tiny, spiky nubs on my side teeth the dentist had to install to keep the trays in place when I was wearing them.)

Not horrible as smiles go, and I never had any complaints, but the gap between my two front teeth was starting to bother me.

Here are my teeth now, six months later, after being all done with the Invisalign and a little teeth whitening:

My smile is now perfect. Even better, I now wear a retainer to bed every night so that my teeth will never move again, thus will stay perfect like this for the rest of my life. The money I spent on this (about $4000) was a very good investment.

And before you start complaining that you don’t have $4000 to spend to fix your teeth, I didn’t either. It took me about two years to save up that cash, since I don’t believe in debt. I put about $160 away every month for about two years, then paid cash for the procedure (which enabled me to negotiate the price down about 15%). Any middle class guy can do the same thing.

Having the Invisalign trays in my mouth for 23 hours a day (you take them out for eating) for almost six months was a little irritating at times, but they were still way better than having braces. No one could tell I had them on, even women I kissed. However, it made eating a real pain in the butt, since you have to take them out while you eat, then remember to put them back in, try to not get them thrown away by accident, etc. They were also somewhat uncomfortable at various points, especially when I had to swap out the trays for new ones (which you have to do every two weeks).

Well worth it though. I highly recommend it if you need it. The great thing about these kinds of teeth procedures is that it’s literally a once-in-a-lifetime expense. As long as you wear your retainer every night for the rest of your life (which I did not do initially, bad me), you’ll never need to fix your teeth ever again (at least in terms of alignment).

If you were wondering, I brush twice a day, mouthwash once or twice a day, and floss after every time I eat. I also eat very little sugar unless I’m on a cheat day. I get my teeth cleaned by a dentist every 10-12 months or so. I also had all metal fillings removed from my teeth a few years ago to reduce the odds of cancer.

Because of all this, at least according to every dentist that’s checked them, my teeth are very healthy.

Regarding how I whitened my teeth, I did a lot of research and settled on the Dazzlepro Whitening System. If you use the discount code “alphasmile” you’ll get 70% off, courtesy of my bro Alpha M. He does a very good video on teeth whitening here. (Damn. I really need to start doing YouTube videos.)

It only took three 30 minute applications (one a day for three days) using that teeth whitening kit to get my teeth pretty damn white, though I’m sure I’ll have to semi regularly do this again to keep them that way. Not a big deal.

So that’s one more thing I can permanently check off on the big list: getting my teeth perfect. If your teeth are problematic, I highly recommend Invisalign if you can tolerate a few months of inconvenience. Most women, those in the US at least, do indeed consider bad teeth a deal breaker, so be aware of this. It looks better to men in the professional workplace as well. Nice teeth also make you appear more confident and intelligent. In other words, it’s worth doing if you need it.

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  • Minister
    Posted at 09:57 am, 9th August 2016

    Hey BD. Speaking of body transformations, I have a SLIGHTLY hooked nose. Would you advise me to make a plastic surgery or isn’t it a deal breaker with women?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 02:18 pm, 9th August 2016

    I’d have to see your nose. If it’s very slight I wouldn’t worry about it, particularly if the rest of your face is good looking and your body is decent.

    If it’s not slight, I would get it fixed.

  • Makeshift
    Posted at 08:04 pm, 9th August 2016

    “It only took three 30 minute applications (one a day for three days)”

    Does it really only take that long to work?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:35 pm, 9th August 2016

    The pics you see above were after just three 30 minute applications of whitening and that’s it. So yes.

    However, upon closer inspection, my teeth still have some yellow, so I’m not done applying.

  • Andrew
    Posted at 11:34 am, 10th August 2016

    Did you hear about the college student who 3d printed his own retainer? Since he had access to the printer it only cost him 60 bucks. I think he should start his own business of making retainers for people who can’t afford or don’t want to pay for Invisalign who knows he might make some money.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 02:15 pm, 10th August 2016

    Did you hear about the college student who 3d printed his own retainer?

    Very cool! I love it!

  • John
    Posted at 05:23 am, 11th August 2016

    Thanks for the follow up! The Invisalign trays were clearly effective (pun intended 😛 ), so they’re definitely going on my to-do list.

    Going by skin tone, the lighting looks different in the before and after photos, so it’s hard for me to tell how effective the whitening treatment was. I tried Dazzle Pro’s 20 minute smile makeover, and it didn’t do shit. But if you’re happy with your results from the pro system, I might consider giving them another shot.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:38 am, 11th August 2016

    Going by skin tone, the lighting looks different in the before and after photos, so it’s hard for me to tell how effective the whitening treatment was.

    Yeah the lighting is a lot different. Best I could do.

    I tried Dazzle Pro’s 20 minute smile makeover, and it didn’t do shit.

    Yeah that’s not the product I used. Same brand, different product.

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