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I can’t believe I have to write this article. It’s honestly depressing.
Over the past few weeks on my blogs, YouTube channels, in my email, and even in my Whatsapp messages, I have people screaming things like:
Caleb! Trump’s going to make Canada the 51st state! Isn’t that great?!? Maybe that will help prevent the collapse!!!
Caleb! Oh my God! Trump is going to invade Panama because of the Panama Canal!!! OH FUCK!!! What do you think about this???
Caleb! Trump is going to buy Greenland!!! Won’t that be good for America because of its natural resources???
Caleb! Trump is going to build a new missile defense shield around the USA!!! You once said in your blogs that that would be a good idea!!! Do you support Trump now???
Caleb! OH NO!!! Trump is going to rename the Gulf of Mexico into the Gulf of America!!! What does this mean for Mexico as a flag???
Caleb! Trump is going to create a bunch of “freedom cities” in the USA! Isn’t that great???
Look, I love you all. I really do. It’s my Mission to help you and I’m here for you. But sometimes you guys need some very tough love. So here goes.
Are you retarded?
You pro-Trumpers and anti-Trumpers are just as bad about this.
Think rationally and objectively for a minute. I know it’s hard for modern-day collapsing Americans, but please try…
I mean, Jesus guys, how many times do I have to repeat the following?
The first time he was President…
Did he build the wall?
Did Mexico pay for the wall?
Did he end all of the wars?
Did he bring the manufacturing jobs back?
Did he put Hillary in jail?
Did he appoint a special prosecutor to go after her?
Did he kick out all the illegals?
Did he eliminate Obamacare?
Did he eliminate Common Core?
Did he end birthright citizenship?
Did he stop the AT&T-Time Warner merger?
He said he would do all of that plus about 100 other things and didn’t do any of them.
Honestly, guys. What the hell? Seriously, are you retarded?
The next time you hear Trump say something and you freak out (positively or negatively) and immediately assume he’s actually going to do what he says, so you can continue to hope he saves America (he won’t and he can’t, you Trump idiot) or so you can continue to hate him or be terrified of him (Obama and Biden were just as bad, you left-wing moron) you need to picture my hand slapping you in the mouth, HARD, so you can snap out of it and come back to reality.
And if you think this is some anti-Trump thing I have, wrongo! As I’ve stated for a very long time, the last six American presidents have all been horrible and they’ve all lied about crap like this.
Let me count the ways…
George HW Bush: Read my lips, no new taxes.
Bill Clinton: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky.
Bill Clinton: Tonight, there are no Chinese nuclear missiles pointed at any American cities.
Bill Clinton: We will END corporate welfare!
George W Bush: All combat operations in Iraq have ended.
George W Bush: I’m opposed to nation-building.
Barack Obama: I will close Guantanamo Bay within my first year.
Barack Obama: If you like your doctor, you can keep him.
Barack Obama: We will have the most transparent administration in history.
Joe Biden: I will make community college free for all Americans.
Joe Biden: We will bring back the assault weapons ban.
Joe Biden: If I win the election, $2000 stimulus checks will go out immediately!
And on, and on, and on.
All of this history of lying presidents, including Trump, AND STILL so many of you believe whatever stupid bullshit comes out of Trump’s mouth.
Honestly, why?
I don’t get it.
In my big presentation about the stats regarding why America is collapsing (send it to all of your friends), I showed the statistics that stated half of all Americans have used illegal drugs (not counting prescription drugs, which is even more), that one-fourth of Americans are mentally ill, that America’s suicide rates are at all-time highs, surpassing even Japan’s, and that American’s IQs are dropping every year while in Asia they keep rising.
I can only assume that those of you asking me questions about when Trump will do all of these things he’ll obviously never do, that you’re in one of those above categories.
That maybe you’re mentally ill, depressed, on some kind of drugs (illegal or prescription, because they’re both awful), suffering from reduced IQ, going through some kind of crisis in your personal life, or… something.
That’s the only explanation I have because honestly, I’m bewildered at the number of people in my audience asking these completely retarded questions.
If you have a better explanation, I’m happy to hear it, because… Jesus… this doesn’t make any sense.
So, please.
For the love of god…
Stop instantly believing that Trump will do whatever he says. He says a lot of insane crazy shit and always has. He only does about 1% of what he says.
Stay rational.
(And build your location-independent business and your international backup plan or move out of the Collapsing USA. Then this stuff won’t bother you anymore. Try it and you’ll see.)
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Dandy Dude
Posted at 01:30 pm, 14th January 2025It’s probably some cultish thing. Politics have devolved into religiosity, like they were back in the day.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:56 pm, 14th January 2025Yeah, that’s literally retarded! First of all, Canada never declared independence and is legally obligated to have a foreign policy consistent with the UK, and the Canadian prime minister’s oath of office includes a mandate to keep secrets from the Canadian people told to him by worthless British billionaires that the sheep call “British royalty.” So Canada is technically not even an independent nation (although they’re pretty independent on domestic policy). And if Canada were to be added to the US, it would have to be broken down into 20 or more states. It’s way too big to just be one state.
This is the most retarded thing I’ve ever heard Trump say. But I think I know why he’s saying it. He was more independent minded in his first term, but now, the globalists have compromised him in certain ways (which explains why no one is rioting or violently protesting him this time – no Antifa, no left wing terrorism, no nothing). The ruling class wants a one world government and they don’t care if they get it the left wing way (a surrender of national sovereignty to the UN) or the right wing neo-con way (imperialism and invasion). These bastards want to turn the US, Mexico, Canada, and Greenland into “Zone I” of the New World Order, and they think the people will accept it if Trump is the one to do it. It’s sick and it’s evil. Nationalism and isolationism is the way to go instead.
I honestly can’t believe that my fellow Trump voters support adding left wing lunatics like fucking Canadians into the US. I agree that these types of Trump supporters will even murder their own children if Trump orders them to, or literally become communists and turn their backs on everything they believe if Trump is okay with it. It’s genuinely pathetic.
I support that! We built the Panama Canal. It’s fucking ours! Jimmy Carter gave it away because he was a pussy and a traitor!
More retardation! Just like Canada, Greenland is not a real country. It’s owned by fucking Denmark! And the people who live up there are left wing lunatics! Once again, the ruling class wants the western hemisphere to be Zone 1 of the one world government, as they plan on dividing the world into ten zones! This is sick, evil, and deranged! But they think that they can get the people on board if Trump is the one to propose it! His hardcore fanatics make moderate Trump supporters like me look really bad!
With our nuclear weapons, no one is going to attack us, but whatever. It would be better to do what Russia is doing and protect our electronic grid against solar flares that might act like EMPs.
I support that. I also support his plan of invading Mexico. That failed garbage country has disrespected us, our borders, our sovereignty, and our Declaration of Independence for way too long. I would invoke the War Powers Act and devastate Mexico to the point where they would be so humbled that no one would cross our border again. Forget about the drug cartels. That entire garbage dump needs to be turned into a lake of fire, which will create a sort of no man’s land that will be an insurmountable barrier between us and Guatemala!
Pure crap! Every city in the United States of America is already legally required to be a freedom city! Duh!
I was furious when he didn’t do this. But he is still better on this issue than Camel Bitch would have been. Under her, Biden’s completely open border plan would have continued because slavery or something!
It’s a little hard to extricate America from all the places it has stuck it’s nose in, but I agree that he should have tried harder.
Yeah that was a massive fail. If I were president, free trade would become such a dirty thing to say, like pedophile or Hillary Clinton. Free trade has hollowed out America and impoverished an insane amount of our people.
The fact that that evil bitch is still walking around is probably the most unforgivable thing about Trump.
Sadly no. But I’m convinced that he will go much harder on them now, unlike if Camel Bitch would have won!
No, but he did work with Republicans to successfully abolish the individual mandate! Now thanks to him, people with zero health insurance will NOT be spending 20 years in federal prison for tax evasion for not being able to afford the IRS’s 2,000 dollar tax penalty for not having the money for Obamacare or other forms of health insurance. So I give Trump a lot of credit on that.
No, and I really wish he would have. Still, we have a better shot with him than Camel Bitch!
HAHA! Birthright citizenship is guaranteed in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, so that would require a Constitutional Amendment. That was always just a pipe dream.
I never understood why he didn’t do that. That would have been the easiest thing for him to have done. Just apply existing anti-trust laws.
Trump was a major disappointment, no doubt. But the globalism, anti-white racism, and absolute open borders would have accelerated by a trillion light years if he would have lost to Camel Bitch! So I’m still thanking my lucky stars for his win! I’m already seeing positive results. As soon as Trump won, Walmart and other corporations have suspended their anti-white DEI programs and have officially declared that they will no longer discriminate against people of European descent in their official hiring and promotional practices in the form of tweaking the algorithm to make sure the job recruiter will never see their job applications if they answer “white” on the application’s mandatory racial question. Working class white people can now be more equal and more respected. Also, I believe it was Klaus Schwab, or that goblin minion of his, who declared that if Trump wins, that will spell the death of the international world order, so it’s no wonder that they’re now so desperate that they are trying to take Canada and Greenland by appealing to masculine big dick energy in order to establish the new world order in the opposite way. They will fail. And the globalist panic was a great reason to still vote for him.
There is no such thing. The philosophical concepts of “mental illness” and “mental health” have no objective reality. In order to prove the existence of real diseases, real doctors use a group of people called “pathologists.” In order to prove the existence of mental illness, psychiatrists use a group of people called “lawyers.” Mental illness is just any behavior or way of thinking that doesn’t fit into the narrow establishment approved human norm.
What’s happening is that brand new mental illnesses are being invented out of thin air by money hungry pharmaceutical corporations in order to medicalize more and more of the human condition, until only establishment approved personalities will be considered “mentally healthy.” As the list of mental illnesses keeps expanding, the diagnoses keep coming for the profit of psychiatrists and their equally demonic associates!
The only difference between mental illness vs. mental health is a visit to a psychiatrist vs. no visit. Go to five different psychiatrists and you’ll get five different diagnoses. It’s all a game called “control.”
Ha! I guess I’m lucky. Over the course of the last five years I’ve gone through 3 CATESTROPHIC personal crises which have revolutionized my personal life in a way that I could never have conceived before, but that was mostly when Biden was president, and I’m now in recovery under Trump. 🙂
Oh yeah, and Trump saved the lives of millions of Americans by appointing three Supreme Court justices which stopped Biden’s plan to make tons of Americans homeless or dead by forcing a poison “vaccine” on them as a condition of their continued employment! For this, many Americans owe Trump their homes and their very lives. I saved my father’s life by offering to financially support him if they fire him for refusing to take the poison vax (he was going to because he couldn’t stand the thought of losing his job), but it turned out to be unnecessary because Trump’s Supreme Court stopped that shit. Still, if I wouldn’t have made the offer, my dad (and mom) would probably have taken the MRNA filth and been dead by now.
Plus, Trump saved literally millions of unborn babies thanks to his Supreme Court Justices overturning Roe v. Wade. I’m sure Trump will hilariously demand that all of those babies now born become life long Republicans because “I am a man who collects his debts.” LOL! He’s a funny man!
Posted at 05:33 pm, 14th January 2025The fact that you had to write an article about this… Funny.
Trump is like Andrew Tate at this point, both are meme-worthy and…
What would you have written about instead of this, if you didn’t get this response?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:36 am, 15th January 2025Incorrect. They can, and will, and have attacked us, just not with conventional bombs or missiles. (Cyber warfare, pandemic, social media manipulation, etc.)
And millions of you people fell for it while I said back in 2016 he was completely full of shit.
Irrationality carries a heavy price.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:37 am, 15th January 2025How insane it is to still live in California, which I’ll address next week.
A Texan
Posted at 12:44 pm, 15th January 2025I read Vox Populi’s site, voxday dot net, and he presented the idea that there is a ‘real’ Trump and ‘fake’ Trump. I think the stuff with Greenland, Panama, and Canada is A level trolling not to be taken seriously. The libtard press can’t help themselves though, so they give Trump free media attention.
I don’t expect much to happen with a Grand Ole Poltroon majority less than 2016 along with the fact most of the GOP are RINOs. I’m unhappy with Trump Zionist stupidity, but that comes with the package. At least Trump is pro-business, but I don’t really want more H1’s or legal immigration. Marc Faber and Peter Schiff have offered some reasonable criticisms of a Trump administration with the biggest issue the national debt. Sadly, neither party has any interests in American citizens first.
All one can do is take advantage of the opportunity to affect some change at the local and state level and to if you have some extra cash invest in the coming boom in energy and other areas and take care of yourself and family. Even here in Texas the GOP e is fighting to get a state House speaker in who has a penchant for appointing Democrats to committee positions.
A sober analysis from Paul Roberts who served in the Reagan administration and remembers the old America:
Posted at 08:12 am, 16th January 2025I remember Trump making a remark that I thought was insightful in an interview he did years ago: “People will just believe you. You just tell them and they believe you,” was, I thought, not a good choice to lead our country.
This is a very shrewd remark from Trump. And while it’s not an insight unique to him, he’s certainly taken it to far greater lengths than we’re used to.
I remember thinking about this years ago. It was pretty clear that the vast majority of people—not cynical political junkies like us, but normal people—basically just believe whatever politicians say. It’s an interesting contradiction. In surveys, huge majorities say that politicians are horribly untrustworthy charlatans, but in real life they uncritically accept nearly anything they say. Their past records don’t matter much. The unlikelihood of what they’re promising doesn’t penetrate. Even fairly obvious insincerity isn’t a deal killer. If you say you’re going to cut taxes and reduce the deficit, they believe. If you say you’re going to provide universal health care without raising taxes on the middle class, they believe. People believe pretty much anything.
Or maybe not. It’s also possible that they don’t believe so much as they simply discount everything and treat promises as mere declarations of a candidate’s values. The fact that Trump approves of cutting taxes and reducing the deficit is all that matters. The fact that Bernie Sanders approves of universal healthcare and funding it solely by taxes on the rich shows that he’s a true progressive.
In the end, Trump may turn out to be less right than he thinks. But he’s still pretty close to right: “You just tell them and they believe you.” It’s not true of everyone, and it’s not true all the time, but it’s true for an awful lot of people an awful lot of the time.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:20 am, 16th January 2025As I’ve said before, Vox Day was my favorite blogger about 20 years ago but he has completely lost his mind, starting with Gamergate.
The last time I peeked a look at his blog he was saying free speech was the work of Satan (and he wasn’t being sarcastic).
The problem isn’t that it’s the libtard press. It’s also tons of Trump supporters, including in my audience.
That’s the issue. They should know better. And they don’t.
That will be a complete waste of time and will not avert the collapse of the USA.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:25 am, 16th January 2025Correct. You don’t elect a marketing genius to run a $27 trillion collapsing empire if you have any rationality whatsoever.
Incorrect. It’s also very political pro-Trump and anti-Trumpers in my audience, who closely follow all the political news and analysis far more than I do.
That’s the problem: it’s almost everyone.
Correct. This is the number one reason for the collapse of the USA over the past 35 years or so: Western voters have lost their ability to solve basic problems.
Jack Outside the Box
Posted at 04:39 pm, 16th January 2025I was responding to the whole “Trump should build a missile defense shield” thing.
Like I said, Trump did three major fantastic things:
1. He got rid of Obamacare’s individual mandate. Before, if you didn’t have health insurance because you couldn’t afford it, including Obamacare, you had to pay a 2,000 dollar tax penalty. If you couldn’t afford that either, you’d go to federal prison for tax evasion. Trump, by getting rid of that, saved a lot of innocent people from going to prison.
2. He appointed three United States Supreme Court justices who struck down Biden’s plan to have OSHA force everyone in the country to be unemployed and potentially homeless if they refuse to get the poison jab. By striking Biden down on that issue, the Supreme Court saved millions of lives from death (due to the injectable poison) or homelessness (due to refusing).
3. Those same Supreme Court justices whom Trump appointed overturned Roe v. Wade, thus resulting in Trump saving potentially millions of unborn children from murder.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 09:18 am, 17th January 2025And like I said, these are all re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic and are completely useless in terms of America’s collapse which will happen in your lifetime.
Posted at 04:39 pm, 17th January 2025Even if he’s “lost his mind”, do you agree with his SSH model or do you consider it to be an excuse for – as you put it:
“that’s just how I am” is the most disempowering, inaccurate, and lazy mindsets to have in life.
It’s just an excuse for weakness.”
Are you talking about this quote? “Libertarianism is a satanic psyop aimed at the masculine, just as communism and feminism are psyops aimed at the feminine. Only it is arguably even more contrary to human nature.”
Also, do you consider him to be a Sigma/Alpha Male 2.0 or an angry tradcon conservative Alpha Male 1.0?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 04:50 pm, 17th January 2025Next time use arrow brackets instead of hard brackets for your blockquotes.
No. As I’ve stated in my YouTube videos his SSH model is way too overly complicated. The more complex something is, the less accurate it tends to be.
No. He literally said free speech is satanic. He was very clear about it; it wasn’t my interpretation.
He’s lost his way. Which is really unfortunate. Like I said, he had the best blog on the internet 20 years ago, and was one of my inspirations back then.
Very angry, high-drama tradcon Alpha Male 1.0, obviously.
Many years ago he was a sigma male, but that was a long time ago. He was never an Alpha Male 2.0 (he’s always been big on monogamy and Christianity).
Dandy Dude
Posted at 06:46 pm, 17th January 2025I never followed Vox Day, he’s always been one of those names right around the corner for me. I decided to visit his blog and type “free speech” on the search bar…
Holy crap, Calbe. You weren’t even exaggerating.
Posted at 07:15 pm, 17th January 2025> Like I said, he had the best blog on the internet 20 years ago, and was one of my inspirations back then.
What specifically made the blog the best since you don’t believe in his SSH model?
> Many years ago he was a sigma male, but that was a long time ago.
Is there anything you’d recommed from his earlier sigma male days, any articles? Or is the blog best to be skipped in its entirety?
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:36 am, 18th January 2025There you go.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 07:38 am, 18th January 2025I loved his blog before he came up with the SSH model, again, about 20 years ago.
Because he was a real small-government libertarian back then instead of an angry irrational Trump-loving tradcon who loves big government and nationalism.
It’s only political content; I don’t remember any details. Feel free to go through his old articles before 2009 or so, if they’re still on his blog.