How To Get FREE Content From Me

How To Get FREE Content From Me No One Else Receives

How would you like regular, real how-to content from me that no one in the public gets, and get it for FREE?

I now have two regular, ongoing email newsletters that contain information I don’t share anywhere else on the internet. And they’re both FREE. And you get discounts and other deals no one else gets. I shall explain.

First, you get the newly revamped Alpha Male 2.0 Newsletter. It’s where you can write in questions to me and I will answer them for you.

As some of you already know, we completely overhauled the look and feel of the newsletter a few weeks ago (the old version was starting to look pretty dated). Now the newsletter is presented in a very easy to read and non-cluttered screen without a bunch of ads and a much more readable font. (By the way, I’ve received compliments from many of you about it and I thank you for those.)

Every issue is two questions from my audience, one woman question and one business/financial question. If you would like your question answered, all you need to do is reply to any of the email newsletters with your question and likely it will get answered in an upcoming newsletter.

As of right now, Alpha Male 2.0 Newsletter is sent out every week, every Thursday morning. And it’s FREE.

Then you get a second newsletter called Sleek Technique where I lay out one specific technique you can use to improve your Alpha 2.0 life. The first issue goes out tomorrow, this Sunday, June 28th. Sleek Technique goes out once or twice a week. And this is in addition to the Alpha Male 2.0 Newsletter.

Third, we are now going to start emailing out discount coupon codes to every newsletter subscriber on a regular basis. No one else will get these discount coupons, nor will I make them known to anyone who is not an email subscriber. It’s just for email subscribers and literally no one else. I’m talking about discounts on my courses, coaching programs, books, everything.

Fourth, I’m going to start having drawings for free, expensive prizes for anyone who is subscribed to the newsletters and actually opens the emails to read them. (That was one of the reasons for yesterday’s poll.) More info on that is coming soon.

This is all stuff you won’t get anywhere else. I mean it. Everything I just described will never go on my blogs or social media. It’s just for email subscribers. And all of this is 100% FREE.

All you need to do is click the green button at the very top of this website that says “Click here for your free gifts” then enter your name and a real email address. (If you are reading this blog post in an email or RSS, then go to and then you’ll see that button at the top of the page; click it). That will subscribe you to the email list. (Check your spam filter or Social/Promotions tabs if you don’t see it.) Then you’ll start getting all of this content.

Click that button up there right now if you want all of this free stuff. Enjoy.

Edit/Update – I’m getting questions about this: if you’re already getting the Alpha Male 2.0 Newsletter in your email (you should have just received one last Friday) then you’re good to go and you don’t need to do anything. You’ll automatically get Sleek Technique and all of the new stuff automatically. If you are NOT getting the Alpha Male 2.0 Newsletter in your email (i.e. you didn’t get it last Friday) then you need to click that green “Click here for your free gifts” button above or else you won’t get anything.

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