How To Get Customers…Without Selling

True story…

A few years back there was a guy I’ll call “Joe”.  Joe was a car salesman, but he was no ordinary car salesman.

He sold for Lincoln Mercury, and his cars were directly competing against Cadillac.  Not an easy job.

Every time someone bought a Cadillac, his competitor, he started a file on that person.  Every time that person’s new Cadillac was due for service or maintenance, he called them and reminded them.  He also offered to help them with any other car needs they had.  He would recommend quality mechanics in the area.  He would help them with renting a car if their Cadillac was in the shop.  Etc.

He would help these people out for years.  Remember, these were his competitor’s customers.  These were people who had not bought from him.  (Of course, he would do this with people who bought from him also.)

These people were so impressed, many of them eventually bought a Lincoln or Mercury from him. Many of the ones who did not buy would send him qualified referrals, and he would sell them.

Crazy idea.  Did it work?

Well, let’s see.  Joe soon became the Salesman of the Year for Lincoln Mercury, the top-selling salesman in the nation.  (I believe he held this position for several years in a row.)  In addition, he never once did a “floor sale”.  He never had to hang around the parking lot hoping for some cold prospects to walk by so he could pounce on them.  Instead, everything was done over the telephone.

Moreover, he never had to work weekends or evenings.

Yeah, I’d say it worked.

How can you take this concept and apply it to your business or career?

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