How To Meet With Me In Person and Get All of My Products Free

As of now, but only until June 20th, you can join The Alpha 2.0 Focus Program.

It works this way. First, you get every Caleb Jones and Blackdragon book and course ever published. That’s right. You’ll get literally every book and course I’ve ever done.

Then, every 90 days, for one year, you will meet with me in Portland, Oregon, USA for a very intensive one-day coaching session with me and a small group of like-minded men. For the entire day, I will cover the specific actions you need to take to optimize your freedom-based lifestyle and develop a specific battle plan for you to follow for the next 90 days. You will also hear from guest experts regarding specific areas for even more techniques. Also attending the sessions will be people from my staff and personal life who can provide even more actionable information.

At the end of each daily session you will have an action plan with a specific set of objectives to work on for the next 90 days, until we meet again for a new session, for a total of four sessions over the course of an entire year. During each 90-day period you’ll also have at least one video coaching session with me to keep you on track. You will dramatically improve your income, personal effectiveness, and/or your woman life every 90 days under this program.

We already had our first session in March, but if you sign up now you will get an extra “make-up” session at the end to ensure you get four sessions. You’ll also get all the material from the first session sent to you and we’ll have a “make-up” phone call where I will go over the gist of the session.

After June 20th I will no longer accept anyone else into the program. That’s your deadline if you want to sign up and join our group.

Topics in The Focus Program include:

  • Increasing your income, ideally doubling it
  • Starting your first Alpha 2.0 business so you can get to the high income fast
  • Increasing the income from your Alpha 2.0 business if you have one
  • Reducing your work hours
  • Bringing new (and more attractive) women into your life
  • Managing your multiple relationships with women
  • Dating younger women
  • Time management
  • Personal strategic planning
  • Anti-aging
  • Maintaining maximum physical energy
  • Managing an international lifestyle
  • And a lot more

What You Will Get

1. Four full-day intensive sessions with me and a small group of men for one year. All sessions will be held in Portland, Oregon, USA.

Here is the schedule for the rest of 2020:

Saturday, June 20th, 2020

Saturday, September 19th, 2020

Saturday, December 19th, 2020

Make-Up Session: Some time in February of 2021 (date to be determined, but it will be a Saturday).

Breakfast and lunch are provided during each daily session.

2. At least four video coaching sessions with me, each one halfway between each session. You will have a full back-and-forth conversation with me to keep you accountable and on track with your 90-day projects and goals for as long as you need. I also do informal, impromptu group video sessions with everyone in the program (we just had one two weeks ago).

3. Written tools and materials that you take home after each session. These are materials customized just for The Focus Program, including content I have never discussed elsewhere, that will never be available anywhere else.

4. Full blood workup. We will have a nurse on-staff during the very next session (June 20th) who will, if you wish, draw your blood and give you a full hormonal blood workup (testosterone, estrogen, and other important hormone levels you need to be aware of) so you’ll know exactly what you need to address for maximum health and energy.

5. Every Caleb Jones and Blackdragon book and course ever published. That’s right. You’ll get literally every book and course I’ve ever done, FREE. Digital versions of my entire product suite plus access to all of my online courses will be emailed to you as soon as we receive your final payment.

6. Kolbe Test. If you haven’t already taken it, you’ll be given a complimentary Kolbe test to determine your ideal work style in order to maximize your productivity.

7. Myers Briggs Test. If you haven’t already taken it, you’ll be given a complimentary and professionally administered Myers Briggs test to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your personality so you can capitalize on both.


This program is different from any other coaching I’ve done in the past in regard to my Blackdragon/Alpha Male 2.0 business. The Alpha Male 2.0 Focus Program is not for everyone. It’s not even for most of my readers. It is only for men who have achieved a certain level in their lives and are 100% ready to take action for improvement right now. I’ve included these requirements to purposely keep the group of men small and manageable, to ensure I don’t waste my time with anyone who isn’t serious, and to make sure everyone in the program gets their full, individual attention from me.

Here are the requirements for anyone who attends The Focus Program:

1. Your total annual income must be at least USD $75,000 (before taxes) or the equivalent, though it does not need to be location-independent and you do not need to be self-employed. Most of the guys already in the program have normal jobs.

2. You can’t be a virgin or similar complete beginner with women. You must have dated at least a few women in your past.

3. You must be ready to put in real work in order to improve your income and/or your woman life for at least one year. I will eject anyone from the program at any time if I see they’re not putting in any effort.

If you are strongly interested in The Focus Program but don’t quite meet those requirements (for example, you only make USD $68,000 per year, and so on), or if you are not sure you fulfill the requirements, feel free to email us and present your scenario and we will take a look on a case-by-case basis and let you know if you qualify.

What to Do Next

If you’re ready to become successful this year in your new Alpha Male 2.0 life, then go here to sign up. You’ll be prompted to place a fully refundable deposit of $1,000 towards the program. After you’ve placed your deposit, you and I will get on the phone for a brief call to discuss the program in greater detail to make sure it’s a fit for both of us. This will not be a coaching call, just a quick call to see if you’re a good fit for the program and if I’m a good fit for you.

If we determine that it’s a match, we will discuss payment options for the remaining balance.

If either party determines that it’s not a great fit, your entire $1,000 deposit will be immediately refunded to you (there are no fees or anything).

The fee for an entire year of The Alpha Male 2.0 Focus Program which includes all of my products plus the entire year of in-person and remote coaching is $8,777. This is far less expensive than comparable programs, most of which run $10,000, $20,000, or more. You must make a $1,000 deposit to apply and the remainder of your balance is due before our next session on June 20th. You may break out the remaining balance into payments if you wish. You will not receive any of the materials, books, tests, or any other aspect of the program until you pay 100% of the remaining balance.

All payments made for this program (outside of the $1,000 refundable application fee) are 100% nonrefundable for any reason, even if you don’t like the content and even if I have to kick you out of the program. This policy screens out all the men who probably don’t qualify and/or who aren’t serious about putting in the work necessary to build their Alpha 2.0 life. If that bothers you, then this policy has worked, and you do not qualify for the program.

Go here to sign up. There is also a FAQ at the bottom of that page that will answer most of your questions. Beyond that, if you have comments or questions on this, let me know.

Just remember that I will not accept anyone else into this program after June 20th, so if you’re interested in this program, now is the time. Click here.

Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.

  • Maksimkaz
    Posted at 12:04 pm, 3rd June 2020

    Hi Caleb, just saw your new video, thank you for sharing!

    As far of moving out of the country, what are you thoughts on Russia? Do you consider it part of Europe, or part of the East? or tyrannical non free country?

  • Investor
    Posted at 12:37 am, 4th June 2020

    As far of moving out of the country, what are you thoughts on Russia? Do you consider it part of Europe, or part of the East? or tyrannical non free country?

    I have not been in Russia yet but I have spoken to a lot of people who have been there many times over the years sometimes for weeks or months and a time and also I know a lot of Russians. I can tell you that the way it works in Russia is that if you are in a city A it does not matter what the official laws are, if the mayor of that city doesn’t like what you are doing then it is not allowed and that is that. You then have to move to a different place or have a lot of money / influence and even then its not so simple. Having said that where do you think it fits?

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