How To Set Up Health Insurance As An Alpha Male 2.0

Instead of a transcript this time around, I’m just going to summarize the advice in the video. I’ll cover both Americans and non-Americans in terms of how you should handle your health care and health insurance costs in the freest way possible as an Alpha Male 2.0

Alpha Male 2.0 health care plan for Americans:

  1. Stop with the bullshit excuses and get your fucking income up to the point where you can cover most “normal” doctor visits yourself instead of having to rely on your corrupt, collapsing government or your rip-off corporatist health insurance conglomerate. Relying on your government or a giant health care insurance company to take care of you in the long-term while the Western world is in a literal state of collapse is the dumbest thing in the universe you could possibly do.
  1. Get a catastrophic health care plan that has low monthly premiums but will take care of you in case you run into a horribly expensive health care issue like cancer or getting your arm cut off.
  1. Get an HSA account attached to a debit card.
  1. Deposit as much as you can per year into that account (up to $3,500) so you can deduct it off of your taxes.
  1. Use your HSA to pay for your doctor’s visits.

Alpha Male 2.0 health care plan for non-Americans who live in socialist countries:

  1. Realize that every country is different and I can’t cover all of them so I’m forced to generalize.
  1. Stop with the bullshit excuses and get your fucking income up to the point where you can cover most “normal” doctor visits yourself instead of having to rely on your corrupt, socialist, collapsing government. Relying on your government with its bankrupt health care system to take care of you in the long-term while the Western world is in a literal state of collapse is the dumbest thing in the universe you could possibly do.
  1. Set aside a stash of money so you can pay for your own health care visits or needs in case your stupid government can’t or won’t pay for them. Also, set aside some cash so you can actually travel to a different country to get care if your country can’t or won’t provide it.

That’s basically it. The point here is to not rely on some external entity, particularly a collapsing Western government or a brutal, soulless health care corporation to take care of your health in the long-term.

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  • Donald
    Posted at 02:05 am, 29th July 2020

    “Socialist country” hey your’s is so much better, People have heart attacks but dont call the ambulance  because they dont want to have an other one seeing the Bill

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:49 am, 29th July 2020

    “Socialist country” hey your’s is so much better, People have heart attacks but dont call the ambulance because they dont want to have an other one seeing the Bill

    Correct. My country is also terrible and has the worst health care system in the world. I already said that here.

    But that doesn’t mean socialism is the answer.

  • Paggas
    Posted at 05:55 am, 28th September 2020

    How about a catastrophic health care plan for non-Americans living in socialist countries, such as Sweden?  And how much would you actually count on such a plan delivering when it actually happens?  In your own words, you wouldn’t trust a corporation much on this, or maybe I’ve misunderstood?

    Thanks for all the good material!

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