How You Can Exploit the China/Africa Situation

Doug Casey recently wrote an article concerning China’s slow takeover of Africa, what that means for Africa, and what it might mean for you if you plan on doing business with Africans or the Chinese (which I think you should).

First, he lays out the problems with Africa, and there are many:

It’s important to remember that Africa doesn’t produce anything besides raw materials. There’s close to zero manufacturing, like 1% of the world’s total, in sub-Saharan Africa. And almost all of that is in South Africa. The little there is, is only produced with the help foreigners—Europeans, but increasingly the Chinese.

Africans don’t have the Protestant work ethic of Europeans. They don’t have the Confucian work ethic of China.

The average African can’t even save money, for starters. Every one of the currencies in Africa is essentially worthless. Even if you have money to save, where are you going to park it? Africa’s banking system is almost nonexistent. The banks are unstable, and the governments are basically kleptocracies.

Africa doesn’t even enter the equation. The continent has no civilization, no economy, no technology, no military power. The famed Zimbabwe ruins are just some semi-finished rocks piled on one another—and they’re considered iconic.

The people who run these African governments are not going to change their stripes or their culture.

The methodology in Africa has been the same for years. Get into the government. Steal as much as you can. Then go to Europe to live like a billionaire.

These are among the many reasons why most of Africa still remains (mostly) a shithole even after centuries of human civilization. The Africans simply don’t want to be successful. They’d rather fight each other and steal each other’s stuff. I don’t like to say that, but facts are facts. If Africa wanted to be successful, they would be. The entire continent is rich with resources. Africa could have an empire the size of the USA or the riches of Saudi Arabia. But they don’t want these things, so they don’t.

But China, on the other hand, does want these things. And they’re going to get them. Much of that will be in Africa…

they’re definitely exploiting Africa. We’re seeing a veritable re-colonization of Africa. Every time I visit Africa I see more and more Chinese. It doesn’t matter which country; they’re everywhere.

What do the Chinese people think of Africans? They don’t hold them in high regard. Of course, you’ve got to remember that China has viewed itself as the center of the world since Day One. They see all non-Han peoples as barbarians, as inferiors. That was absolutely true when the British sent an ambassador, Macartney, to open relations at the very end of the 18th C. He was treated with borderline contempt—pretty much the way Europeans and Americans have treated primitive peoples since the days of Columbus. It’s actually the normal human attitude, when an advanced culture encounters a backward culture. The Chinese see their culture as superior to even that of the West, and believe—probably correctly—that they’ll soon be economically and technologically superior as well.

Yup. While the USA wastes its time in the Middle East and goes into debt, and while Europe continues to suicide itself, China is wisely and quietly taking over the continent that will be the most important place in the next 50 years…

Nonetheless, Africa is going to be the epicenter of what’s happening in the world for years to come. It’s gone from being just an empty space on the map in the 19th C, to a bunch of backwater colonies in the 20th C, to a bunch of failed states that people are only vaguely aware of today. Soon, however, it will be frontpage news.

Eighty years from now, Lagos, Nigeria will be the largest city in the world. It’s on track to have a population of more than 90 million. The world’s second biggest city will be Kinshasa in the Congo with about 80 million people. Dar es Salaam of Tanzania will be the world’s third biggest city with a population of roughly 75 million people.

Reason number 247 that Western civilization is on its way out. Africans are out-breeding all other races, particularly and especially white people. What are small cities now in Africa will be huge, sprawling, mind-bogglingly large metropolises by the time I’m an old man (which isn’t very long considering I’m 3.5 years away from turning 50). It will change everything.

The Collapsing West has no fucking idea of course, nor cares. But the Rising East knows this very well and is taking advantage of it.

It’s going to still be very hard in Africa though…

Just look at what Zimbabwe recently went through. It forcibly evicted 250,000 Europeans, and stole almost all their property. There are only about 5,000 Europeans left there now. I was last there a couple of years ago. The place now produces nothing but people and political agitation. It used to be the breadbasket of Africa. Now it’s going back to bush.

You’d think South Africans would say, “Geez, that country’s economy was totally destroyed by politics and envy. That wasn’t a good idea; we ought to act more intelligently.”

But they’re doing the opposite. They’ve announced a plan to confiscate, without compensation, all the white-owned land. They started with two game farms a few weeks ago. Everything will be distributed to cronies of the President and his ministers. Then, having evicted the two white tribes—the Afrikaners and the British—the remaining nine black tribes will start fighting over everything.

Why is this? Is it because South African blacks are that stupid? I thought about it, and the answer is “no.” They actually view what happened in Zimbabwe as a success.

The blacks went from owning, say, 10% of the country’s wealth to now owning, say, 99%. That looked pretty good. The fact the absolute amount of wealth fell by perhaps 75% is irrelevant to them.

It’s a different way of looking at things. No black in South Africa thinks Zimbabwe made a mistake. They consider getting rid of the white people a triumph.

This is obviously racist. But Africa is probably the most racist place on the planet. Most people in Europe and the US either don’t know this or, if they do, they’d never admit it.

Again, even though Africa will be a very important place in several decades, the Africans are going to have to deal with the biggest problem they’ve always had: themselves. No, not “European colonization” or Chinese or whatever.  Just like the problem in Europe is the suicidal Europeans and not the immigrants they’re hording in, the problem in Africa is the racist, irrational Africans hell-bent on keeping themselves in perpetual poverty.

Will these huge future African cities be shining cities on the hill like Hong Kong or Singapore? Or will they be expansive hellholes the likes of which we have never seen?

It’s up to the Africans. No one else.

The most interesting thing will be how China deals with all of this. Unlike the West, China isn’t politically correct and doesn’t take any crap…

[African] governments really only know how to do one thing: steal. In Congo it’s likely to be more overt. In South Africa, they’re passing a law which mandates blacks must own 30% of the mining company’s shares, plus get a 1% royalty, plus be in the majority of management. And a lot more. I may be slightly off in the numbers, working from memory—but it’s going to destroy mining. These people are actually insane.

On the kind of bright side, since the Chinese have significant investments in Africa, they’re not going to let the African governments confiscate their assets and run them into the ground.

If bribing political leaders proves ineffective, it’s possible that they’ll put soldiers’ boots on the ground. They could send in the Red Army to defend their assets. Or send in assassins to take out individual African politicians.

I’ve been thinking the exact same thing. If Africa rips off China, China isn’t going to just sit back and take it the way the USA does when North Korea rips it off or the way Europe takes it when it gets ripped off by Africa or the Middle East. Again, China isn’t interested in suicide like the West is. The Chinese don’t give a shit about being nice or fair. If Africa screws with China even a little bit, Africa is going to get bitch-slapped in ways they haven’t been for over 100 years.

Given all of this, is it still a good idea for young entrepreneurs to move to Africa and start their fortunes there? YES! When asked about this, Doug said:

Absolutely. I know what I’ve been saying may sound contradictory.

After all, if Africa is likely to go into economic, political, and sociological collapse in the decades to come, how can there be opportunity?

There’s plenty of opportunity, however, because the playing field is very uneven in Africa. And that’s exactly what you want.

You don’t want a level playing field; you want one tilted in your direction. If a young American or European stays in their own country, he’s just like 100 million other people. He’s got no marginal advantage.

If you go to Africa, it’s a different story. You’ve got a ton of marginal advantages. You are likely the only person that has a certain background, set of skills, education, capital, and connections. You’re automatically very unusual. That makes it much easier to make things happen.

You can be sitting down with the president, or the richest guys in the country, in a couple weeks after you arrive on the scene.

I think that it’s an excellent place to go for an individual from Europe or America that wants to get wealthy. And have an exotic adventure as a bonus.

Exactly. If you’re a young guy and want to make a lot of money very fast, and don’t mind living in a semi-shithole for a few years, Africa is the place to go. Because:

1. It’s at the bottom; the only way it has to go is up. And as I’ve said, parts of Africa will get better. Slowly, but they will.

2. You’ll have instant clout as a non-African, as Doug described. If you’re white, that’s even better, but even Asian /Hispanic / Indian guys will do well.

3. The population growth is exploding over there, and will for at least the next 50 years. This is all kinds of good for business opportunities. No where else in the world is the population growing this fast.

4. Geoarbitrage and everything else I talk about in my book about starting and maintaining an Alpha 2.0 location independent business applies to Africa.

If I was single, no kids, and in my 20s, I would go to Africa (SE Asia would be my second choice) to start a business. I would plan on staying there five years, make as much money as I could, set up some flags over there, then move somewhere else while maintaining my growing Africa income.

If you’re going to ask me about what kinds of businesses to start over there, read this.

Africa is definitely one of the places to watch over the next decade or two.

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  • El
    Posted at 05:49 am, 9th September 2018

    Seriously, Africa? The Chinese are just exploiting them for resources and will dump the continent as soon as they run out of them. Read your  linked article about how young entreprenuers could start their first business in Africa. I am seriously  wondering what the hell the Africans are going to pay with for the services/goods I offer. Unless there is a revolutionary way of using the African labor to be as productive as the West, there is no way the continent will develop. And who the fuck cares if they grow their population exponentially when all it will is make their problems worse.

  • Makeshift
    Posted at 05:52 am, 9th September 2018

    I’m gonna have to disagree with going anywhere near Africa after the next couple decades. The country is a horrible, fucked up cesspool of despair and misery with an average IQ somewhere around room temperature. When the population quadruples, a continent that already can’t feed itself is going to descend into the biggest fucking shit show since the plague.

  • Marty McFly
    Posted at 06:06 am, 9th September 2018

    There’s money to be had, certainly. But one needs a pair of brass balls to relocate to the dark continent for business. I personally love adventure and think African women have the best bodies on planet Earth, but even I had to think twice when considering such a move as this.

  • JEB
    Posted at 06:45 am, 9th September 2018

    Do business there, but for Gods sake don’t move there. You’ll be kidnapped and/or murdered in weeks without a massive army of bodyguards.

    While the whole point of this article is pretty great, suggesting people to move to the most unstable continent is not.

    Furthermore, you’ll need a huge cash stack to start up any sort of business in Africa. Not something a young idiot in his 20s is likely to have. Otherwise, what would the difference between you and any other poor slob be if not for the money and skin colour?

  • Eric C Smith
    Posted at 08:11 am, 9th September 2018

    dude this is a great article. im setting this as my first international quest. Definetly would like to see china whoop it up as a side bonus/epicness.

    as a 20 year old white mommas boy, what do i do to stay safe over there while taking advantage.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:53 am, 9th September 2018

    What a bunch of weakass, pussy, beta comments. (Except for you, Eric.) Where are your guys’ balls? I know multiple white people who either live in Africa or visit there for weeks on end on an annual basis (including one of my own uncles), and they’ve never had a problem even remotely close to what you guys are suggesting. Jesus.

    I suggest you guys listen to the first Joe Rogan podcast with Henry Rollins about how he travels all over the world in “dangerous” areas and has never had a problem. I also suggest you read up on the 2% Rule.

    You guys sound like those betas who said I was be arrested if I went to Dubai (which I didn’t, I had a great time), or how I’ll get kidnapped when I go to South America in November (stupid).

    Fucking pathetic.

    as a 20 year old white mommas boy, what do i do to stay safe over there while taking advantage.

    Do some research on the safest areas (including countries and cities). Stick to the less-shithole cities and don’t venture out into the country. Try to stay in areas where more white people / foreigners congregate if possible. Stay in the nicest hotels you can (which will still be shit, but will be extremely cheap). Do your research before you go.

  • Brandon
    Posted at 11:00 am, 9th September 2018

    With me being African american do you think there would much of an advantage doing business in African compared to the locals

  • Axel
    Posted at 11:12 am, 9th September 2018

    On point Caleb, I’m saving this.

    I live in Africa, Sierra Leone to be exact.

    To answer your comments:

    Many parts of Africa are hungry for basic infrastructure; infrastructure that you can help provide, and make piles of cash in the process.Roads. Bridges. Internet. Wifi. Water. Electricity. Sewer. Cell phones. Health care. Nike shoes. Etc. Africa is hungry for all the basic things you and I take for granted. If you can help provide any of these things, even in a small way, or even help provide products or services to the companies already providing these things, you’re going to make a lot of money pretty damn fast.


    This is the reason why China’s top dog in Africa.

    We need the basics, not a lecture on human rights or socialist policies that don’t work in the west.

    China knows that.

    Provide the basics = make a killing.

    Aliko Dangote, anybody?

    Heck, some white guy make $2m profit from medicinal marijuana last year in SL.

    Here’s one area that needs solving in my country: Housing.

    The BBC said that the average African wants a house that costs about $10,000. Thats a one-storey, 1-3 bedroom house.

    You could do that with Hydraform blocks, get the local banks on board for loans. Imagine you pull that off? King of the Hill

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:24 am, 9th September 2018

    With me being African american do you think there would much of an advantage doing business in African compared to the locals

    I don’t have a solid answer for that (guys like Axel would be able to better answer). My guess is that it would not help you nearly as much as being white, but you being an American with American contacts and education would still help.

    We need the basics, not a lecture on human rights or socialist policies that don’t work in the west.


    Heck, some white guy make $2m profit from medicinal marijuana last year in SL.

    Yup. I know a guy who made $700,000 in less than 18 months selling cell phones over there. And he didn’t get murdered or kidnapped or get AIDS or whatever the fuck.

  • Eric C Smith
    Posted at 11:38 am, 9th September 2018

    thanks caleb.

    holy fuck. this is makes it feel like the arnold Schwarzenegger narrative can be possible exploiting this.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 02:49 pm, 9th September 2018

    The country is a horrible, fucked up cesspool of despair and misery with an average IQ somewhere around room temperature.

    Now, now, that’s not fair. The room temperature in Africa is like 115 degrees Fahrenheit!



  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:06 pm, 9th September 2018

    Africa is probably the most racist place on the planet.

    So true. Currently, white countries are the least racist countries on the planet if you compare them to non-white countries.

    What a bunch of weakass, pussy, beta comments.

    Um……..yeah……..I agree with the pussy comments!

    Seriously guys, don’t fucking go to Africa! That’s insane! Mosquitos are probably carrying Lyme disease, you got AIDS and Ebola everywhere, and animals which would love to eat you, not to mention a bunch of machete wielding savages who would love nothing more than to kill a white man. Also, Africa has no human rights protections.

    You guys sound like those betas who said I was be arrested if I went to Dubai

    Well, I don’t believe anyone should go to any Muslim countries, but we’ll agree to disagree.

    God, I love the West! It really is the best and freest place to be.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:10 pm, 9th September 2018

    We need the basics, not a lecture on human rights

    Uhhhh, if you have no human rights guarantees, you’ll never get those basics. If you’re living in a state of anarchy where the savage with the largest machete is your leader, there is no incentive for capitalism to flourish!

    Human rights are where the basics begin! No human rights? Forget about flush toilets or a functioning sewer system. It begins in the psychological realm, not the physical.


  • CTV
    Posted at 04:32 pm, 9th September 2018

    I feel you Caleb.. as long as you’re not going wild trying to make problems or get involved in criminal activity you should be safe. Although I’d scope out the area you decide to do business in/live first to be cautious.. the same way I would here in California..

    Aside from that I’d be more worried about getting HIV. 

    Africa is an excellent idea for business!

    If you speak French or Portuguese that can seriously help you!

    Don’t be surprised if the Chinese start getting too powerful or make too much money.. The collapsing West may decide its time intervene because the Chinese are “Oppresing the poor Africans” and they all of a sudden “Care”.. HAHAHA I’m sure China has factored this in and that’s why they have a Military base in Djibouti.


  • Throughfare
    Posted at 08:34 pm, 9th September 2018

    As Shawn said in the comments on the other thread, every guy thinking about going into business in Africa should investigate Botswana.

    I don’t know what it is, perhaps the Tswana people have western-style work ethics, but business works in Botswana and there is the closest approximation to rule of law anywhere in Africa (including North Africa.)

    As South Africa starts to degenerate into a kleptocracy, it is attracting a lot of South African business people, white and black. Everybody I know who’s lived and worked there has been happy with the place.


  • Greg
    Posted at 09:49 pm, 9th September 2018

    I don’t think guys are being beta, to say Africa is super fucking corrupt, has zero human rights and is pretty dangerous. I’m not into most black women. Some are attractive, while others are ugly.

    If you’re African and you emigrated to a Western country, so you understand things better, it’d be much easier to go back to set things up there.

    I’d say if you’re white, don’t go there to engage in entrepreneurial activity, unless you’re already an advanced entrepreneur in your own country. Like you have at least 1 million in savings in your bank, as it’s probably for more advanced guys.

  • David
    Posted at 12:57 am, 10th September 2018

    Big fish in a small pond concept I guess.


    I had a conversation with some people in Yucatan paeninsula when I was living there.  A chinese corporation promised to mine precious metals and give a percentage from every piece found to Mexico.  But the contract indicated the metal had to be found and extracted in Mexico.  To exploit the loophole, the chinese company just ships raw, un cut rock and dirt for free out of the village and does the sifting offshore haha.  The locals were also protesting because that same company wanted to buy an entire village and send 30,000 unwed chinese men to come live there and work!



  • SuperBetaHiFi
    Posted at 01:03 am, 10th September 2018


    I’ve been four times in Luanda. It’s dangerous, of course, but I’ll bet you’ll get far worse places right on US. If you are a low profile westerner and know the can and can’ts of local geography you’ll be alright.

    In one of the ocasions I forgot my tooth brush. I went to a local (actually quite good) supermarket all by myself (didn’t need a bodyguard for God sakes) and walked around the entire place looking for a damned tooth brush. Finally while looking at the toothpastes I kindly (always remember you’re a foreigner) asked one of the employees “Can you please help me finding the tooth brushes?” just to ear back “Ah! We don’t have!”

    I ended up buying a Bart Simpson kid tooth brush next day on a drugstore 3 or 4 blocks away after asking in the office where could I find such a scarce item.

    This anecdote ilustrates, I believe, the sheer amount of nonsensical opportunity you still can find in Africa.

    (This applies also to women… but I’m on … the other blog)

    If I was single, no kids and in my 20’s (now that I have read you’re book) I would be there 😀.



  • David
    Posted at 01:12 am, 10th September 2018

    Also, heres a fascinating talk on global trade , oil, war, and demographics of the future by Peter Zeihan

  • Gang
    Posted at 06:06 am, 10th September 2018

    I like the recommendation about Botswana, but it’s landlocked. I am looking for a sub-saharan african city with access to sea or ocean (not just a lake no matter how huge), and where Islam is non existent or only a tiny minority religion. Any recommendation?

    I am also interested in Madagascar : BD and commenters, what’s your opinion about this country for business opportunities?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:08 am, 10th September 2018

    I don’t think guys are being beta, to say Africa is super fucking corrupt, has zero human rights and is pretty dangerous.

    That isn’t what they’re saying.

    I am also interested in Madagascar : BD and commenters, what’s your opinion about this country for business opportunities?

    Yes, Madagascar is one of the less-bad African countries.

  • Investor
    Posted at 11:02 am, 10th September 2018

    The title of your article says “How to exploit…” but you do not say anything about that. You just say that its a good idea to do business in Africa and have listed why but wrote literally nothing on how to exploit the situation.

    Furthermore, the title refers to the China – Africa situation and none of what you mentioned has any relevance to the China situation.

    Did you forget to upload the second half of the article or is that coming in “part 2”?


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 02:22 pm, 10th September 2018

    The title of your article says “How to exploit…” but you do not say anything about that. You just say that its a good idea to do business in Africa and have listed why but wrote literally nothing on how to exploit the situation.

    Yes I did. Move to Africa and start a business over there. That’s how to exploit it. If you want more detailed information, then as usual, you’ll have to pay for it by buying my products/services that relate to business.

    Furthermore, the title refers to the China – Africa situation and none of what you mentioned has any relevance to the China situation.

    The China situation in Africa. Not the China situation in China. You read very strangely.

    Did you forget to upload the second half of the article or is that coming in “part 2”?

    This is Part 2. Part 1 is here.

  • David
    Posted at 02:42 pm, 10th September 2018

    but you do not say anything about that



    Caleb, this could be an ebook idea or even a seminar, webinar series.  Its a lot more unique than the average “work from home” product and will prob draw some seriously high end customers.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 04:49 pm, 10th September 2018

    Caleb, this could be an ebook idea or even a seminar, webinar series.  Its a lot more unique than the average “work from home” product and will prob draw some seriously high end customers.

    Someone else will have to do that. I’m an expert at doing business internationally but I’m not an expert in doing business in Africa, nor ever will be.

  • MoChnk
    Posted at 04:54 am, 11th September 2018

    Caleb, your primary business advice is to start a location-independent business. But here you recommend to go to Africa and start a local business there. Even for young guys with no experience and no connections.

    I think the best strategy is to first start a location independent business that can sustain you and then start a local business in Africa. So I would only recommend this to a bit more advanced guys.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:42 am, 11th September 2018

    But here you recommend to go to Africa and start a local business there.

    I never said to start a local business marketing only to locals. That isn’t necessary, and would not be Alpha 2.0 compatible anyway.

    I think the best strategy is to first start a location independent business that can sustain you and then start a local business in Africa. So I would only recommend this to a bit more advanced guys.

    I don’t disagree with that advice.

  • MalkeyMonkey
    Posted at 06:30 pm, 11th September 2018

    Dyou have any blog posts about business opportunities and tips for making a business as a young person in their 20s in Southeast Asia instead of Africa?

  • Marty McFly
    Posted at 10:16 pm, 11th September 2018

    This coming from the guy who wasn’t brave enough to sell weed in his youth in the PNW of all places.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:02 am, 12th September 2018

    Dyou have any blog posts about business opportunities and tips for making a business as a young person in their 20s in Southeast Asia instead of Africa?

    SE Asia would be easier in terms of setting up a business, but would be slightly harder in that you wouldn’t gain the social status as a non-black person that you would quite get in Africa. Regardless, SE Asia is the only guaranteed strong growth area in the entire world right. GREAT place to do business and invest.

    This coming from the guy who wasn’t brave enough to sell weed in his youth in the PNW of all places.

    Shit I wasn’t even brave enough to smoke it. 🙂

  • Marty McFly
    Posted at 10:45 am, 12th September 2018

    In regards to the above, I’ll just say that I never got high on my own supply. 😇

  • Qlue
    Posted at 06:37 am, 13th September 2018

    Yeah no, don’t go to a land where people will murder you while you’re at a red traffic light in the middle of the night just because of the color of your skin. That’s how my cousin’s south african’s father in law got murdered.

    Fuck Africa,

    Similarly if you look at the homicide stats in each US state and city it is highly correlated with black demographics, almost a 1:1 ratio.



  • MalkeyMonkey`
    Posted at 11:44 am, 13th September 2018

    Alright, any general tips on doing business in Southeast Asia as a foreigner? I am Filipino so I might meet some mild racism, but I’m also a glasses-wearing well-spoken nerdy dude so that probably cancels out any racist stereotypes.

  • Investor
    Posted at 02:18 am, 14th September 2018

    I’m also a glasses-wearing well-spoken nerdy dude so that probably cancels out any racist stereotypes.

    Yes, from what I’ve seen this is the type that people wanna take seriously and do business with in Asia.

  • Shawn Martian
    Posted at 03:09 am, 14th September 2018

    Thanks Throughfare.

    To Gang:

    Research brother, do your research thoroughly. Yes Botswana is landlocked but are you aware that She owns Ports in neighboring Namibia that can be accessed & used by business people in Botswana.

    Fact! Botswana is the safest place to be in all of Africa & is the most peaceful & stable African country.

    There are also ongoing business model law reviews by the government aimed at easing the process of doing business in the country.

    85% of the population is christian with the remaining percentage spread across different religions (islam, hindi, African traditional religion, sikh, baha’i,etc)


  • Gang
    Posted at 04:14 am, 14th September 2018

    Thanks BD.


    For african cities, I think I would prefer close to the tropic, maybe within 15 degrees of the equator. But it’s not really a criteria.


    My criteria are :

    A-no islam (or very insignificant minority max 10%, might make an exception up to 15% if other criteria are strong). This culture is too boring for me, I have been in Egypt, Morrocco, Tunisa, Indonesia, Malaysia and the muslim regions of Thailand, they’re all boring and depressing as fuck places for me (and I don’t even drink alcohol, but I like something lively). Christianism is a bit boring. Buddhism is the best for me, so mich more happy and lively culture, that’s why I live a lot in South East asia.

    B-coastal, good for snorkeling and/or surfing (one good of these 2 activities is enough), ideally a good spot should be just one short ride from my apartment and no more than 1h total transportation one way

    C-more than 1 million people in the city, sweet spot would be around 3 millions people or 2~4 millions, but I don’t mind more if B is very good and accessible

    D-reasonably safe in term of diseases and criminality, I don’t expect super safety but I would like to be able to be safe just by maintaining a low profile and respecting a few basic hygienic precautions. In comparison I find Europe, Canada, USA, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and most of the Philippines except Manila, totally within my comfort zone for safety and even street cleanliness and how it’s built, Manila I find sometimes borderline in term of street safety, Cambodia I didn’t feel unsafe but Phnom Phen and Sianoukville where a bit out of my comfort zone in term of street cleanliness.


    I am trying to find out which cities might meet these criteria. So far I listed 4 cities that are coastal (but unclear if it’s suitable snorkeling or surfing) and meet the A and C criteria, but no clue if they meet D:

    – Accra in Ghana

    – Pointe-Noire in “Republic of Congo”, not in “Democratic Republic of Congo”. I have heard one of those 2 country is scary I don’t know which one though or if that’s even true.

    – Luanda in Angola

    – Maputo in Mozambique. I am not 100% sure that this city meets criteria A, as the country has 18% muslims, but I assumed they live more in the north and less in the south.


    Any insight on these cities or other subsaharan black african cities meeting these criteria are welcome.

  • Gang
    Posted at 07:16 am, 14th September 2018

    Forget Maputo, Mozambique is AIDS ridden with 12.30% of adults infected by HIV.

    One of the main reasons I am interested to go live in Africa for a while is because I like black women, so I will be sexually active with locals.


    In comparison (proportion of AIDS/HIV infected adults):

    USA, Canada 0.4%,


    Top 4 HIV ridden hell holes, I won’t step foot in:
    Swaziland 27.20%
    Lesotho 25 .00%
    Botswana 21.90%
    South Africa 18.90%


    Seemingly manageable :

    Ghana, 1.6%,

    Angola, 1.9%

    Congo, Republic of the 3.10% (about safety it seems OK : the french embassy says Pointe-Noire is reasonably safe, whereas all travels to Democratic Republic of Congo should be avoided)


    I already managed without ever  remotely encountering any HIV infested person:

    Thailand 1.1%,

    Philippines<0.10% April 2015 (Department of Health)


  • Marty
    Posted at 07:18 am, 14th September 2018

    Client of mine used to be a cargo port manager in the west for a major international company. Retired about 65. 2 years later got an offer to go to a remote coastal town in Madagascar to train the locals how to run a port. Supposed to be a 2 month gig. Quite a few flights to get to the nearest big city and then a 6 hour drive over rough dirt roads to get there. Town was about 40,000 people. He was one of 5 white guys in the town who all worked for the multinational corp that ran the port and mine close by. Everyone in the town knew who they were. He was only being paid about 90k Euro/yr. But in that town it might as well have been 1 million. He never left. Stayed there into his 70’s. Was treated like a king as were the other 4 white guys. He was single. So he had multiple GF’s all in their early 20’s. Built a few houses (pretty sure he said he could build a nice house for about $2k AUD) with one of his main girls in each plus he had lots of other FB’s on the side. Was friends with the police Chief, Major and other rich people in the town etc. They all used to hang out at the local high society bar/club all the time. He used to come back to Aust a few times a year to catch up with people, his kids and get medical stuff done etc. You’ve never seen such a happy 70 yo. hahaha

  • Gang
    Posted at 07:26 am, 14th September 2018

    Problem of Madagascar is coastal cities are not enough populated :

    Antananarivo, population 2013 1,299,080, is in the middle of Madagascar up in the Mountains far from the sea. I don’t like to live far from the coast.

    Second largest city is Toamasina with a population of only 274,667 in 2013.

    That’s too few for Alpha 2.0 dating.

  • Gang
    Posted at 07:30 am, 14th September 2018

    Thanks Marty, so your comment shows even small cities are actually manageable for Alpha 2.0 dating in Madagascar. I was writing my previous comment before I could see yours.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:25 am, 14th September 2018

    He was one of 5 white guys in the town who all worked for the multinational corp that ran the port and mine close by. Everyone in the town knew who they were. He was only being paid about 90k Euro/yr. But in that town it might as well have been 1 million. He never left. Stayed there into his 70’s. Was treated like a king as were the other 4 white guys. He was single. So he had multiple GF’s all in their early 20’s. Built a few houses (pretty sure he said he could build a nice house for about $2k AUD) with one of his main girls in each plus he had lots of other FB’s on the side. Was friends with the police Chief, Major and other rich people in the town etc.

    OMFG you mean he didn’t get killed or murdered or kidnapped or raped or get AIDS or have his head cut off?!?!?!? BUT HE’S IN AFRICA THERE’S NO WAY!!!!!!!

    But seriously, thanks for that example. I’ve seen many similar ones.

  • Jay
    Posted at 06:13 pm, 14th September 2018


    First off, I’ve been a LONG time reader of your blog and have implemented many of your lessons  to the T over the past few years. 
      I have established many aspects of an Alpha 2.0 lifestyle. These include setting up flags ( currently securing my 4th which will take a few years). I thank you for this.
    I agree with most of this article except your full acceptance of Doug Casey’s prejudiced and suspiciously racist drivel. I read his piece.
        To preface my comment- a quick back ground- I’ve lived in Africa for 15 years(born there), SE Asia for 4 and the Unites States for 15 years. Citizenship in the US and an African country, permanent residence in one SE Asian country and working on a second.I have business interests in ALL areas. I am in my mid thirties.

    Africans WANT to work and do have the work ethic. They want to be successful nations. The opportunity is not there for many. Case in point- Nigerians are the highest educated Africans in the U.S. They are REQUIREd by their families to be one of three things: Doctors, Lawyers or Engineers. As the joke goes among Nigerians- ” If a hospital in the States doesn’t have a Doctor- is it even a hospital?” Doug Casey’s opinion on Africa is highly biased. Pick up a copy of Forbes Africa and you’ll get an accurate insight into emerging economies and some of the most amazing work ethics you’ve ever read. Ever success story in Africa is a Horatio Alger story on steroids. No electricity, no running water, no loans, no banks- just pure resourcefulness.Those African migrants coming into Europe ( and even parts of SE Asia where they have major enclaves ( Im talking in the tens of thousands ) are mostly college educated, speak English, computer literate, horny and hungry for success. The media shows those on welfare. It rarely shows those running things. 
    You are right about one thing: Africans Leaders who plunder their countries coffers. You may also be unaware of two important points: a)Africans KNOW that only they can save themselves. Expelling Europeans is perceived as a way to “jumpstart” a non dependent economy. Europeans have historically meddled with African politics. Most of the coup de etats  are not tribal in origin, but instigated by former European powers who need puppets in power. So they simply assassinate the leader who actual wants a self sufficient economy. Expelling all Europeans at the cost of of going through temporary economic pains, but having lower foreign interference? This sounds good to most Africans. It’s far from racist. It is self preservation, yet only Europeans as cannot see it that way because the “no history, lazy, dependent” narrative runs deep. The problem is- Europeans don’t want to stay out. They want to to keep coming in and exploiting- just as this blog post recommends. When Africans say – “no more”, the race card is played. Time will tell how this works out. One thing is certain: More and more Africans realize that the solution is self dependence and not accepting western handouts. They know that Africa has no friends- only foreigners waiting to profit. b) Fun Fact: Africans LEARNED to plunder from the colonial powers which governed them. This attitude is not inherent.It was passed down and is maintained by many of the geriatric despotic rulers who were military leaders under colonial governments. In fact, one of the difference between Asia and Africa is that when the Colonial powers left Asia- they left their infrastructure intact. When they left Africa- they pulled out the RAILROADS ( among many things) in some countries and shipped them back to Europe. No one talks about that. 
    I know it gives most history buffs a boner to think of how “badass” China is and what it will do if those “Pesky Africans” try to renegade on an agreement. With the West self destructing, it’s always nice to fantasize about a world power that won’t take crap. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that China will seriously intervene militarily in Africa. Not in the next few decades anyway.Sure they have infiltrated to the point that “shaolin” monks are opening orphanages in African and teaching African kids kung fu( really- google it), the top action movie in China is based in Africa, thousands of Chinese are relocating, but China is there to extract raw materials and they are increasing pissing off locals because they never use African labor.Their men are marrying local women,  having kids, leaving them behind-and moving their money else where once they’ve made it. At this point in time, if an African nation were to renegade on an agreement, they won’t do a thing. Why? Because other African countries will take note and EXPEL the Chinese. Make no mistake, White East and South Africans getting expelled is not an accident. Leadership aside, Africans are hungry to participate on the world stage on their terms. The internet has connected everyone and Africans ( one of the largest demographics that use mobile phones with internet access) have become aware of their situation and are increasingly seeing the importance of solidarity.Also- conflicts in Africa are no joke- they always spread to neighboring countries. Can China afford to sustain a small scale war in multiple African Nations and still exert sovereignty in Asia? While trying to outwit former colonial powers like the UK  and France? That’s exactly how Europe lost Africa and Asia in the 60’s.They will most likely pit tribe against tribe- Africa’s biggest weakness. As another African saying goes: ” When the locusts are fighting, the hawk rejoices”
      There is a burgeoning upper middle class to wealthy in Africa. Africans aren’t unaware of their resources or grow to extract them. They just don’t have enough infrastructure to do so.You’d be surprised how many West Africans are subscribed to The Robb Report! More young Africans are returning from colleges in the West to capitalize on technology. Almost every major tech company on Africa is run by a western graduate. I predict that a new generation of African leaders- many whom are educated in Western countries will take action against China and their neo colonialism/ raw material extraction. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.Thanks for your article and excuse my lengthy, typo ridden response.


  • Gang
    Posted at 06:31 pm, 19th September 2018

    Hello Jay !


    In which cities of SE asia and Africa have you lived? And how do they compare according to you in term of street cleanliness, public transportation, local cost of living, street safety and overall atmosphere or mood?


    I am talking specifically about the cities you have lived or been to, not the rest of the countries.

  • Johnny Ringo
    Posted at 09:13 pm, 24th September 2018

    Our business sometimes is over 50 percent international on certain months.

    All on the web.

    My point.

    Would love to market to Africa, not too interested in seeing Africa.   🙂

    If people in Africa are reading this and want a women’s wrestling business on the side, let’s talk.

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