I’m In Love With Nicki Minaj And I Don’t Know Why

I am the whitest white man on the planet Earth. I have never dated a black woman. I hate rap music. Nicki Minaj isn’t even pretty. (Yeah, she has a big butt and that’s good, but in a Kim Kardashian world that’s nothing new.) I can’t even understand the words she’s singing. Yet this video is one of the sexiest, most mesmerizing things I’ve sever seen in my life. Especially the first minute and a half before Lil Wayne comes out.


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  • Adam
    Posted at 03:05 pm, 22nd January 2015

    I’m in love with her too. Don’t know why either. I’m a political conservative. I’ll gladly admit she IS beautiful, but in some way I can’t explain. Even the sound of her voice. Want to slay dragons for her. Crazy, huh?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 06:24 pm, 22nd January 2015

    Yeah, it’s completely irrational and I have no problem admitting that. 🙂

    My wild theory (and I could be way off) is that men have been subjected to teeny tiny skinny women as the Hollywood ideal for so long, that once we start seeing women like Nicki Minaj, Kim Kardashian, etc, we get excited like the thirsty man who’s spent 30 days in the desert.

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