The Left-wingers Bashing Hillary Are Full of It

This is one of those ‘bookmark-and-check-later’ experiments to show exactly how I was right and how insane certain groups of people are. The last time I made one of these posts was about net neutrality. That one will take several years to play out. Fortunately, this post will only take about a year or less from today’s date. Keep it handy, then check back in about a year to see what I’m talking about. Here we go…

In a recent debate, the Lizard Queen declared that she was “not the establishment candidate” and even implied that it was silly to suggest such a thing. Of course, this is untrue, as Hillary is the elites’ choice for president on the Democratic side, just as Rubio is (and Jeb Bush was, before he imploded) on the Republican side. The Lizard Queen even went so far as to play the “woman card.”

Most left-wing internet pundits are for Bernie Sanders. These pundits had meltdowns all over the internet when this happened and proceeded to bash Hillary in ways I’ve never seen left-liberals eat their own. Much of this is part of the new left-wing civil war that I’ve talked about before.

They went on and on about what a sleazebag the Lizard Queen is, how she’s a liar, how she’s “like a right-winger,” how she’s corrupt, how she’s received millions of from the banking industry and how she’s deeply entrenched in the establishment.

This is all true. This is why I will never vote for the Lizard Queen. Ever.

But all these left-wingers bashing her will.

If something unusual happens (like Hillary goes to prison where she belongs) and Bernie becomes the democratic nominee, then none of this matters. However, if Hillary becomes the nominee (which is most likely), all these angry, anti-Hillary pundits will immediately do a 180-degree swicheroo and start defending Hillary in the national election and start talking about what a great President she’ll be. Everything they’re now saying will be moot. Instead of screaming at their viewers that the Lizard Queen is a corrupt, lying, evil, establishment criminal, they’ll instead scream at their viewers that she’ll make a good President and they NEED to vote for her.

In other words, they’re all full of shit.

Below are some specific examples of some popular left-wing internet pundits. Pay very close attention to the things they’re saying about Hillary now, then re-read this post about a year from now when we’re down to just two candidates (one of which will likely be Hillary) and see what they’re saying about her then.

Do you honestly think any of these pundits will be telling their audience, “Don’t vote for Hillary. She’s corrupt and horrible and the banks own her. Just stay home on election day. We can’t keep voting for these monsters.”  Nope. Thus the decline will continue.

Here are some direct quotes from these folks with their sources.

Here’s the Young Turks, saying:

To play the woman card in front of a bunch of leftie liberals, “it’s disingenuous” is the BEST thing I can say about it. She did this in the primary against Barack Obama, it drove everybody crazy who was a real liberal then, I remember Keith Olbermann screaming at the top of his lungs. They were doing all kinds of underhanded, crappy stuff. It’s insulting. When you’re using your womanhood to try to press that liberal card, when what you’re really doing is moving center-right positions forward under the guise that you’re a lefty-liberal woman. That’s disgusting.

Remember they said it!

Here’s the Democracy Now folks:

It’s unprecedented for a presidential candidate to have enriched him or herself to the degree that Hillary Clinton did out of office. Bill and Hillary Clinton made over $150 million on the paid speaking circuit since 2001. At least in one speech to Goldman Sachs, she said she’s actually against all this anti-bank populism, and she wanted to reassure the bankers that she’d be more friendly to them.

Remember they said it!

Here’s Kyle Kulinski, of Secular Talk saying:

If you think you’re liberal, if you think you’re progressive, and you’re even considering voting for Hillary Clinton, for whatever reason you’re coming up with or you pull out of your ass, “Oh, she has a vagina. Feminism. I’m going to vote for her,” that ain’t feminism. That’s about as real as the meat in chicken Mcnuggets. This is not a liberal. This is not a progressive. This is not somebody who’s principled. This is someone who is deeply narcissistic and deeply corrupt, and the facts prove it.

Remember he said it!

Read all of the YouTube comments that these videos (and videos like them) receive from Bernie Sanders supporters about how horrible Hillary is and how she shouldn’t be President.

Then watch all these people, and I mean all of them, do a 180-degree flipperoo when Bernie loses and the Lizard Queen is their nominee, and how she suddenly should be President.

Ah, the two-party system. The elites couldn’t be happier.

Enjoy the decline!

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  • Tony
    Posted at 06:59 am, 11th February 2016

    I don’t think Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks will change his tune. He was still critical of Obama during the 2012 election. You can see this video he made right before the elections in 2012 as an example.

  • Everybody vote!
    Posted at 08:25 am, 11th February 2016 Seems the game is rigged.

    Never trust a voting machine. Remember, the one who counts the votes has all the power.

  • Alejandro
    Posted at 08:44 am, 11th February 2016

    Not so much full of shit as much as preferring a corrupt, lying democrat over the republican alternative.

    And that’s part of why the US is in such shape.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 04:18 pm, 11th February 2016

    I don’t think Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks will change his tune.

    Yet you posted a video of him telling everyone to vote for the guy he was constantly bashing: Obama. Thanks for proving my point.

    He will do the same thing again. He will say Hillary is bad bad bad bad bad, but oops, Bernie lost so now YOU NEED TO VOTE FOR HER.

    Seems the game is rigged.

    Voting has be rigged for decades, going back to JFK being elected and before.

    Yet another reason I don’t vote.

    Not so much full of shit as much as preferring a corrupt, lying democrat over the republican alternative.

    If you scream at the top of your lungs that someone is a horrible person and would make a horrible president, then turn around and endorse that person and tell people to vote for that person, you’re full of shit. You could list the reasons why you’re full of shit, but you’re still full of shit.

    I have never, ever done such a thing. Because I’m congruent (i.e. not full of shit). If someone is shitty, I don’t vote for them. If all my choices are shitty, I don’t vote for anyone, and make plans to leave the country if necessary. Then I can look in the mirror and know that A) I’m not full of shit, B) my words match my actions, and C) I’m not making the country a worse place.

    And that’s part of why the US is in such shape.

    The two party system. Yeah.

  • Tony
    Posted at 07:59 am, 13th February 2016

    You’re looking at it in too black or white terms. It’s not as simple as “oppose” or “support”. Didn’t you yourself write an article saying just because you agree with somebody on some things doesn’t mean you support them in everything?

    Cenk isn’t being a hypocrite, as you’re saying. You just disagree with him over voting for flawed candidates if they’re the lesser of two evils. In the video Cenk maintains the same opinion on Obama he’s always had. He’s a mediocre president, but better than Romney.

  • Alejandro
    Posted at 08:18 am, 13th February 2016

    “If you scream at the top of your lungs that someone is a horrible person and would make a horrible president, then turn around and endorse that person and tell people to vote for that person, you’re full of shit.”

    Like tony says, it kind of makes sense if you think the alternative would be even worse.

    And yes, the “vote for the lesser of two evils” is deeply flawed.

  • Alejandro
    Posted at 08:23 am, 13th February 2016

    I just remembered this Halloween episode in the Simpsons were both presidential candidates are revealed to be aliens who want to enslave the population. The aliens just declare to the people that they have to choose between one of them because it’s a two-party system. Some guy says “oh I will just vote for a third party instead” and they are like “go ahead throw your vote away”.

    One of the aliens wins of course. That is the situation in the US basically 🙂

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:58 am, 13th February 2016

    You’re looking at it in too black or white terms. It’s not as simple as “oppose” or “support”.

    Haha, yes it is. Voting is a black-and-white action. You vote for someone or you don’t. If you vote for someone, do you support them or not?

    Again, this is the delusion you’re under because of your American Societal Programming with the two party system. Look at what you’re saying: “Just because I vote for someone doesn’t mean I support them!”

    Um, yeah it does.

    Didn’t you yourself write an article saying just because you agree with somebody on some things doesn’t mean you support them in everything?

    Yes. But if I vote for that person, especially if I tell other people to vote for that person, that means I support them. It doesn’t mean I agree with 100% of their policies, but it does mean I want them as president and support them in that goal, because voting is a black-and-white action. You support that candidate or you don’t.

    it kind of makes sense if you think the alternative would be even worse.

    Yeah, that means you support Hillary. If you didn’t support her, you would not vote for her and you certainly would not tell others to do so. Why you support Hillary is a completely different conversation. “Well, I have to support Hillary because…” Great, you support Hillary, even though you sere telling people not to vote for her six months ago.

  • Tony
    Posted at 09:05 am, 14th February 2016

    Saying you should vote for Sanders over Clinton in the primary but Clinton over whoever in the general doesn’t mean you’ve flipped, and it’s not hypocritical as long as your consistent in your criticism.

    In the video you posted of the Young Turks, they never said they wouldn’t support her in the general if she wins the primary. They just said using the woman card is bullshit. If they then turn around and say people should vote for her because she’s a woman, then you can call them out. But so far they’ve been ideologically consistent.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:50 pm, 14th February 2016

    it’s not hypocritical as long as your consistent in your criticism

    Correct, if you’re consistent in your criticism. Saying a certain person shouldn’t be president, then saying she should, isn’t being consistent in your critisism.

    For example, if you’re like Bill Maher, and say, “Hillary sucks, I’d rather have Bernie, but if Bernie loses I’ll still vote for Hillary,” then you’re being consistent. You may be thinking the same thing. But that’s not what the above folks are saying (or thinking). They clearly don’t want Hillary to be president.

    In the video you posted of the Young Turks, they never said they wouldn’t support her in the general if she wins the primar

    True, but I can read between the lines (and I watch a lot of Young Turks). And you keep singling out that video and ignoring the other two videos I posted. I’m not talking about the Young Turks specifically. I’m talking about most pro-Bernie internet pundits in general, who clearly hate the Lizard Queen and don’t want her to be president. (Until Bernie loses, that is.)

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 04:52 pm, 14th February 2016

    Here’s more of what I’m talking about. Young Turks released this just an hour ago. It’s an 8 minute attack piece on Hillary Clinton and her crimes, by people you’re saying want her as president. Your argument is that right now, these people would have Hillary as president but would prefer Bernie. I can’t read minds but I’m confident that isn’t the case (until Bernie loses of course). There is real hatred here, just like in the above videos. Just watch the video.

  • Randy
    Posted at 08:13 pm, 14th February 2016

    It’s actually really funny, I’m starting to notice the whole “left-wing civil war” thing a lot now. Hilary supporters attacking Bernie Sanders supporters as being mysogynist woman haters, with the same venom they previously reserved for conservatives and MRAs…hahaha. This is almost too good.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:14 am, 15th February 2016

    Hilary supporters attacking Bernie Sanders supporters as being mysogynist woman haters, with the same venom they previously reserved for conservatives and MRAs…hahaha.

    Not just the same venom, but the exact same arguments.

    And yeah, it’s great. 🙂

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