More Q&A Regarding the Maximum Freedom Course

The four Maximum Freedom courses are available here at a discount until tomorrow night. Here are a few questions that have come in, with their answers.

What if I want one course but only want a PIECE of one of the other courses without getting the entire thing?

That takes a little extra work on our part but I’m willing to do it. We can make that work if A) you are willing to make a manual PayPal or Stripe payment, B) you’re cool with receiving the extra videos separately from the main course, and C) you waive the refund policy. If you’re cool with all that, email my staff at before tomorrow night, let them know what you want, and we’ll hook you up. Otherwise just get one of the main four courses as-is which would probably be easier.

Is the course hosted at Kartra or Teachable?

Kartra. The original version of the course is still at Teachable but that version is no longer available to new participants. Teachable is a very good system and I have no complaints about it whatsoever but my business outgrew it.

Do all four versions of the course come with the Unchained Man audiobook?

Yes. And it’s 100% complete and unabridged, in my voice. All four versions of the course come with the entire Unchained Man Ultimate Version suite of goodies.

Just 24 hours left! Click here to get the course before tomorrow night when the bonuses end and the prices go up.

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