My Hope for Pop Culture’s Future

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It’s strange. It’s as if some kind of dark, left-wing god has gone back in time to the 1980s and systematically destroyed almost everything I loved back when I was a child.

Seriously. I’m not exaggerating. I was actually thinking about this the other day and Hollywood has pretty much gone through all of my childhood loves like a checklist and has destroyed each and every one (with one or two exceptions). In the last 20 years or so, either through left-wing bias or pure incompetence (or both), Hollywood (or its ilk) has destroyed:

  • Star Wars
  • Star Trek
  • Dr. Who
  • Dungeons and Dragons
  • Transformers
  • Predator
  • Ghostbusters
  • Indiana Jones
  • Alien
  • Robocop
  • G.I. Joe
  • Rated-R action movies in general (though it has recovered from this slightly)

These were the things I loved as a child. Today, Hollywood has butchered all of these things so badly that if Hollywood announced there was a new TV show or movie to be released about any of these things, I wouldn’t go see it.

I don’t think any other generation in world history has experienced this; to watch your culture go back and destroy almost everything you loved as a child. My elder Baby Boomer dad didn’t have to spend his adulthood watching Hollywood turn John Wayne gay or make a politically-correct, left-wing version of Dirty Harry. My Millennial son, who is now 27, wasn’t subjected to the experience of watching a movie where the Ninja Turtles were actually all female Ninja Cats or where the Power Rangers were rebooted as unfunny, man-hating feminists. I mean, sure, I’ve seen Hollywood butcher some things from prior generations, but never everything. I think my generation, Gen X, is unique in this. At least so far.

I have to be fair and cover the few items from my childhood Hollywood didn’t destroy.

Obviously Hollywood knocked it out of the park with Lord of the Rings. I was amazed when I watched these movies, mostly at how they did it well. The scene where Boromir died and the end of The Fellowship of the Ring was the only time in my entire life I actually cried while watching a movie or TV show. However, I am now 100% convinced (based on the data above) that the fantastic job Hollywood did with Lord of the Rings was a lightning in a bottle fluke and will never happen again. I hear that they’re trying to make a Lord of the Rings series on cable; I’m 90% sure it will suck hard.

The two other things I loved as a kid was Robotech and Tron. Hollywood never screwed up Robotech because it never got the rights to do so, thank goodness (though guys like Tobey Maguire tried very hard). To be fair though, Japan’s version of Hollywood did screw up Robotech (called Macross in Japan) with some very terrible follow-up TV series (Macross 7 and others).

Hollywood did a Tron sequel which, while not perfect, was actually very good (Tron Legacy) and I still re-watch it sometimes today.

But that’s it. Pretty much everything else I loved as a child I now look at with disgust because of what Hollywood did. With the exception of comic books written by Marvel, Hollywood (and its foreign brothers like the BBC) seemingly can’t adapt anything correctly anymore, almost as if they want to screw these things up.

The sadder part is that the things I wanted Hollywood to do I now don’t. For most of my life I’ve been waiting for a big budget movie or HBO series version of Roger Zelazny’s The Amber Chronicles, one of the most Alpha, masculine, well-written fantasy series ever written featuring my favorite fictional character of all time (Corwin of Amber).

Today, I not only don’t want them to adapt these books, I’m actually terrified that they will. If they do, the odds are 97% or more that they will butcher them to death, the same way they did with Battlefield Earth and every other cool series or book they’ve tried to make adapt (Game of Thrones being another one of those will-never-happen-again flukes).

My One Hope

“Not all hope is lost,” as Gandalf would say. I have one hope that I’m pretty enthusiastic about.

Back in the heyday of good movies, there were low-budget movies, mid-budget movies, and big-budget blockbusters. All three. Today, for various economic and cultural reasons, mid-budget movies are almost nonexistent, and that’s part of the problem. When was the last time you saw a movie in the movie theaters like Conan The Barbarian? You haven’t, because these types of movies aren’t allowed anymore.

Instead, all you see today are giant Avengers-type blockbusters costing $200 million or more, and shitty little horror movies and independent movies made very cheaply. There’s very little in-between. It was those mid-budget movies in the 80s and early 90s that were so awesome. They were expensive enough to not be pure crap, but not big enough to warrant the big studios to crack down on them and stifle their creativity or enforce the extreme left-wing bias most actors, screenwriters, and directors have.

That’s the bad news. The good news is it’s now becoming possible for normal, everyday fans to create movies that are almost Hollywood-quality. I’ll give you just a few examples just off the top of my head from recent years, but there are many others.

Go watch the movie Iron Sky. Seriously, go watch it. It’s a sci-fi comedy about Nazis invading Earth from the moon. It’s not perfect, but the production quality and special effects are simply amazing, and it was done by a completely independent group of people.

Even better, go watch the fan-made Star Trek short films Prelude to Axanar and/or Star Trek Renegades. Even if you hate Star Trek and science fiction, just watch a few minutes of each of them and look at their special effects. These were just a bunch of random fans, and the god damn special effects are better than the original Star Wars movies. Just incredible.

It’s not just about special effects, it’s also about production values. Take a minute and watch the short film Batman: Dead End, made all the way back in 2003. This is, at least in my opinion, one of the best Batman movies ever made, and it was made by a few fans on a microscopic budget… and it looks fantastic.

And I’m well aware there are already tons of fan-made Star Wars movies. Many of them are terrible, but some of them are really damn good.

Technology is the great equalizer. Soon, if not already, motivated fans, not studios, but fans will be able to produce content that is as good or even better than what Hollywood used to make back in the 80s or 90s. Or even today.

I actually do expect to see another amazing Predator movie or Dr. Who TV show someday, but they won’t be made by a bunch of incompetent SJWs in some big, corporate studio. They will instead be made by fans like you and me, who actually love and respect the source material and want to create new stories in those worlds rather than reboot them into something lame and unrecognizable.

This is to say nothing about original content. Hollywood is terrified of creating original action, sci-fi, or fantasy movies / TV shows today, but fans will have no problem doing this. Some of it will suck, but a lot of it will be every bit as good as anything Hollywood can do.

I have no idea when this will happen, but I know it’s just a matter of time.

I can’t wait to see it.

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  • marco
    Posted at 06:16 am, 18th April 2019

    if yu understand French, this is a nice, low-budget, not politically correct sci-fi movie: La Guerre des Romands.

  • Johnny Ringo
    Posted at 07:58 am, 18th April 2019

    I will trade them all for Game of Thrones.

    That’s badass television right there and it throws the concept on it’s head of “good guys” or “bad guys” winning.

  • Eric C Smith
    Posted at 10:36 am, 18th April 2019

    Thanks for writing this, I was hoping to make original anime and high quality rock music based off of daydreams I’ve had and thanks to the perks of the times we are in.

    The distinction of the sweet spot for enough money to be quality, but not too much for oversight paints a vivid picture in my mind.

    I’ve heard and felt similar frustration over a badass manga called Berserk.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 05:12 pm, 18th April 2019

    Look, at least Cobra Kai was awesome, and the second season looks like its gonna kick ass too.

    And my beef is with the remakes themselves. I despise remakes, even if they don’t push SJdub propaganda in our brains. I actually don’t care about anything that pushes SJDub propaganda, as long as its entertaining. Ghostbusters is a great example. If it was Ghostbusters 3 and was a sequel it would have been just fine. But no, instead we got a try hard remake.

    Even worse are live action adaptations. TMNT was like the ONLY good live action adaptations, and that’s a stretch. None of the three movies have aged well.

    And I never have, nor have I understood, the hype behind Game of Thrones. It’s literally like The Walking Dead, only in the middle ages. Meh.

    I’ve even stopped watching wrestling now and I’ve been watching that for right around 30 years.

    TV and movies just plain suck, no getting around it.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 05:48 pm, 18th April 2019

    at least Cobra Kai was awesome

    Yes! Cobra Kai was awesome, and that sort of proves my point. I don’t think that was made by any major studio.

  • Ashida
    Posted at 09:23 pm, 18th April 2019

    Yep.. I was pissed about Dr Who the most, the last season was some manly lesbian and that was bad enough, then they make dr who a woman.. he isn’t a fucking woman. But the idiot who directs it is a big pussy who talks shit about men even though he is a man.

    I agree Cobra Kai is awesome, the second season is out pretty soon.

    I’m starting to feel like if anyone asks me if I want to see a movie that I have to google it, because I don’t want to be suprised by faggotry, feminism or other stupid bullshit.

    Even worse is not just the ads on before the movie I PAID for in the cinema. BUT in australia is the blatant brainwashing ads against men with stuff like ‘respect women’ and showing men doing absolutely nothing disrespectful but telling other men to white knight and call it out. Things like ‘looking at a woman on a train’ or ‘telling her she burnt your sausage’. (So now i’m paying to be brainwashed with stupidity.)

    So strong and independent that they need men to protect them from such INCREDIBLY ABUSIVE things!

  • Freevoulous
    Posted at 04:26 am, 19th April 2019

    I, for one, am happy that the Holywood SJW “ruined” these movies. The originals are still there to be watched, but the botched remakes mean that the franchises are finally buried, making space for new stuff to be made.

    I don’t want a good quality sequel to my beloved PREDATOR, I want a brand new franchise to be made, as long as it is truly badass and not pussyfied.

    Its like in nature, old trees die, new ones sprout from the underbrush.

  • MetCom
    Posted at 07:33 am, 19th April 2019

    Maybe one day someone will produce an indie romcom based in reality, with an Alpha 2.0 setting up his multiple relationships and you’d see the acceptance process of the girl’s. One can imagine the mainstream comments such a movie would get (at first).

  • epi
    Posted at 08:07 am, 19th April 2019

    My problem with pop culture is that it teaches the wrong things. It teaches you to either bury your head in the sand, or make drama. I think it should teach taking risks and telling the truth.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:26 am, 19th April 2019

    I, for one, am happy that the Holywood SJW “ruined” these movies. The originals are still there to be watched, but the botched remakes mean that the franchises are finally buried, making space for new stuff to be made.

    That isn’t happening. Have they stopped making Star Wars movies? Will they? Have they stopped making Transformers movies? Will they?

    And so on.

    (I agree the originals are still there to be watched though. I just watched Commando the other day and it was great.)

    Maybe one day someone will produce an indie romcom based in reality, with an Alpha 2.0 setting up his multiple relationships and you’d see the acceptance process of the girl’s. One can imagine the mainstream comments such a movie would get (at first).

    Haha yeah never gonna happen.

    My fantasy (just a fantasy, I will never do this) is to produce a web series that is my version of Curb Your Enthusiasm; a silly, heightened-version of my life. That would be really fun.

    My problem with pop culture is that it teaches the wrong things. It teaches you to either bury your head in the sand, or make drama. I think it should teach taking risks and telling the truth.


  • Investor
    Posted at 02:11 am, 20th April 2019

    Not sure why Alien is on the list. We haven’t had a new Alien movie in more than 20 years. If you are talking about Alien vs Predator thats a separate franchise which is easy to ignore and since it is quite different in general and generally does get ignored. If you are talking about Prometheus and its sequel Alien Covenant, I am not sure why you think those were bad or why you think it was left wing. They may not be the best examples of film making but the setting, atmosphere and overall vibe are excellent.

    Also I am not sure I have yet seen a single good adaptation of a game into a movie Hollywood or not, now or back then. They all seem to somehow suck and people expect game adaptations to suck.

    Its true that there haven’t been any big good original releases from Hollywood since a long time now. I already noticed that quite some years back that the trend was to just keep making remakes or in best cases continue making more movies in a franchise or digging up all those marvel comics (also not new ideas or concepts). I wonder if hollywood will collapse because of this. I am not even sure who watches theyre movies anymore, most people I know have completely switched to nextflix and prime originals like stranger things or vikings and completely ignore anything come out of Hollywood.

  • Investor
    Posted at 02:18 am, 20th April 2019

    That isn’t happening. Have they stopped making Star Wars movies? Will they? Have they stopped making Transformers movies? Will they?

    I am not sure, because it looks like the last star wars movies were such a flop critically that no one watched Solo even though (apparently, I haven’t watched it) it was a good film. Now they are announcing they will bring Palpatine back for the episode 9 in hopes to get audience for it because it is expected no one was gonna watch that movie. Transformers – I think most people stopped watching that long ago. It’s not about what they release but about whether anyone is gonna watch it.

    Part of the problem is for them that people are moving away from going to the cinema – people have streaming subscription serves so can watch loads of movies included anytime and many people can now afford a home cinema set up and steaming services are mostly driven by series and the main draw to a particular streaming service is often some really good originals series.

    I will trade them all for Game of Thrones.

    That’s badass television right there and it throws the concept on it’s head of “good guys” or “bad guys” winning.

    I also like how being a main charachter means nothing there – everyones expendable.

  • Investor
    Posted at 02:22 am, 20th April 2019

    I am currently on second season of Mad Men as my main thing at the moment and I am loving it. Such a different world it was back then, I often feel when watching it: yes, this is how the world should be. I also find very inspiring on how to deal with people. I also see how much the corporate world has changed since then: its pretty apocalyptic when you compare it to those, just the office spaces alone say enough. Makes you realize just how much of a collapse has already happened since those times on pretty much all levels.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:05 am, 20th April 2019

    Not sure why Alien is on the list. We haven’t had a new Alien movie in more than 20 years.

    Incorrect. Alien Covenant, 2 years ago.

    If you are talking about Prometheus and its sequel Alien Covenant, I am not sure why you think those were bad or why you think it was left wing.

    They are not left wing.

    Prometheus was good, but that is not an Alien film.

    Alien Covenant was very, very bad on multiple levels as compared to the original 2 Alien movies, in addition to reconning the entire Alien story in very dumb ways. (As compared to the typical movie, it was okay.)

    Also I am not sure I have yet seen a single good adaptation of a game into a movie Hollywood or not, now or back then. They all seem to somehow suck and people expect game adaptations to suck.

    Yup. Accurate.

    I am not sure, because it looks like the last star wars movies were such a flop critically that no one watched Solo even though (apparently, I haven’t watched it) it was a good film. Now they are announcing they will bring Palpatine back for the episode 9 in hopes to get audience for it because it is expected no one was gonna watch that movie.

    And it will work. Watch, here’s what will happen: the next movie will suck, it will still make over a billion dollars, and they will keep making many, many more. I will be right.

    Transformers – I think most people stopped watching that long ago.

    Incorrect. Just the last two made a combined total of over a billion dollars. Attendance has gone down, but these movies are still massively popular and profitable. They will make a lot more. Just watch.

    Makes you realize just how much of a collapse has already happened since those times on pretty much all levels.

    Correct. Right-wingers don’t realize that the collapse can’t be prevented because it has already occurred.

  • Eric C Smith
    Posted at 05:39 pm, 20th April 2019

    Makes you realize just how much of a collapse has already happened since those times on pretty much all levels.

    Correct. Right-wingers don’t realize that the collapse can’t be prevented because it has already occurred.

    We’re in the endgame now.

  • Greg
    Posted at 11:37 pm, 21st April 2019

    They’re doing a Halo TV series, which I think could be cool, after failing to get off the ground as a cinema project. The fact Showtime are doing it, will give greater freedom with more violence, language and sex. Showtime wouldn’t be doing it to do a PG version.

  • Dandy Dude
    Posted at 02:18 pm, 22nd April 2019

    Dungeons and Dragons

    You’re talking about the 2000 movie, or did they do more damage since then?

    Also, Macross 7 is dumb and cheesy, but the soundtrack rocks.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 04:57 pm, 22nd April 2019

    You’re talking about the 2000 movie, or did they do more damage since then?

    The 2000 movie. No more damage since then since that 2000 movie pretty much sunk it in the eyes of mainstream Hollywood.

    Also, Macross 7 is dumb and cheesy, but the soundtrack rocks.


    And to be fair, Macross Plus was amazing, but that was just 4 episodes.

  • Dandy Dude
    Posted at 06:39 am, 23rd April 2019

    Macross Plus is a masterpiece, indeed. Didn’t know you liked that stuff, by the way. If you’re taking recommendations, Gundam Thunderbolt is also good (and short).

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:56 am, 23rd April 2019

    I’ve tried Gundam several times; I can’t get into it. Their mecha looks less utilitarian than the more military-looking Macross stuff, at least to me.

    Posted at 02:41 pm, 29th April 2019

    I think most people notice this, but why? Do you think it can be traced to business decisions?

    What would hypothetically happen to a mainstream director who chose to buck all those trends? (not necessarily to reverse them out of spite, just not entertain them at all). Would the critic hive-mind savage him to make an example of him?

    Are we so emasculated on a cultural level that they need to fill movies with girl power, gay power, and condescending social justice lessons to get people to show up, male OR female?

    In other words, are women, hardcore lefties and other minority groups simply better consumers, and it’s a smart business decision to ignore people like you and me?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:10 pm, 29th April 2019

    In other words, are women, hardcore lefties and other minority groups simply better consumers, and it’s a smart business decision to ignore people like you and me?

    It’s both, not one or the other.

    People in media are indeed left-wing and there are those non-political executives who know if they’re more left(ish) in certain media they will make more money. However, to be fair, sometimes these people are wrong and/or go too far and lose money, as I examined here.

  • Ashida
    Posted at 09:11 pm, 29th April 2019

    I watched Season 2 of Kobra Kai. Sadly it’s brought some stupid shit into it, mostly the ‘tough bitch’ kind of crap and centering alot of the focus on the 2 girls. Like that 1 girl comes into the class and beats the shit out of that guy, and she’s more masculine than any of them.

    So I assume the 3rd season will increase it even more. Sadly i’ve seen this with alot of good shows, but not that fast. Californication was awesome, but in the later seasons he become more and more of a pussy. Rescue Me was too but in about season 5 he becomes big pussy too.

    My theory is that they get guys hooked on shows that are actually good like that and slowly bring the stupid bs into it.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:51 pm, 29th April 2019

    I haven’t seen season 2 of Cobra Kai yet, but yes, I’m sure what you’re saying happened is accurate, and yes, I’ve seen that happen with many TV shows over the years as well.

    The most egregious I’ve seen this happen was with the show Human Target. Season 1 of that show was so amazing, and so Alpha, it was often movie-quality. Fantastic action, fantastic characters, and no women. I even use the theme song as the outtro to my podcasts.

    Then in season 2 they added a bunch of female characters, put a female character in charge, neutered all the male characters, and it was unwatchable. And of course, the ratings plummeted and the show went off their air, never making it to season 3.

    So yes, you’re right.

  • Robert
    Posted at 06:13 pm, 24th May 2019

    Agree with everything 100% Caleb. The eighties were awesome for both movies and TV. I do wonder if the streaming platforms will demand more mid-level films. They can’t release a $200M film every month but they can release a $20M film monthly and they will be more willing to take chances on those.

  • Ashida
    Posted at 07:18 pm, 25th May 2019

    Jesus. Just seen the trailer for Terminator 6.

    Avoid. Don’t bother. It’s full of extremely manly women shooting up stuff, more of this ‘tough bitch’ crap ruining movies.

    Though really Terminator was dead ages ago, I mean they had the ‘Sarah Connor Chronicles’. I watched the trailer and avoided it alltogether.

    I’m starting to worry that in the future there won’t be any movies without this stupid crap.

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