There Is Nothing You Can Do About America’s Guns

Watch the above video.

Just watch it.

And the next time there’s a school shooting in the US, which will be very soon I’m sure, watch it again.

Enjoy the decline!

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  • MilanRados
    Posted at 06:37 am, 21st February 2018

    Hey Caleb,

    Would love to see a post regarding what new non fiction books(business/productivity/self improvement) have you read recently and your opinion on them.

  • PrepZ
    Posted at 08:14 am, 21st February 2018

    I’ve been telling libertards this every time they suggest “tougher” gun control laws.

    As a test of an idea’s worthiness, I test the extreme position to see if the premise, theories and facts still hold up. In the case of guns, if more control is good, then complete prohibition should be better, or the best solution.

    If guns are truly the scourge of human existence, then banning them through overturning the 2nd amendment is not only the final solution, but a moral imperative. And, just like prohibition of alcohol, should produce similarly intended outcomes.

    Oh, wait. That didn’t work out as expected. And America has a particularly black period in it’s recent history due to politicians caving to  cultural pressure (Temperance movement) and political opportunity to pander to a vocal minority.  Sounds familiar.

    A complete prohibition of firearms, and possibly other weapons, will only result in the same kind of gangland underground black market as prohibition spawned.  Criminals will still have a market to buy and sell, and formerly law-abiding citizens who owned, possessed guns or who use them in “speakeasy” shooting ranges and hunting areas will become criminals. The criminal justice system will be further burdened with  prosecuting and incarcerating good people along with the harmless potheads who got busted with a few grams of weed in the pockets.

    Just as with alcohol, it’s prohibition didn’t solve all the problems it was intended to solve, and it’s legalization didn’t hinder America’s rise to the premiere global superpower within the next two decades. Sure, alcohol has it’s problems. But like all aspects of freedom, you have to deal with the negatives consequences of that freedom — even if some people die as a result. We have laws to convict the irresponsible abuse of freedoms, whether alcohol, or guns. To kill those freedoms is fraught with more problems than the solutions they provide.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:17 am, 21st February 2018

    Would love to see a post regarding what new non fiction books(business/productivity/self improvement) have you read recently and your opinion on them.

    I’ve got some stuff coming up, but until then, you always have this:

    To kill those freedoms is fraught with more problems than the solutions they provide.

    To me it’s not a philosophical issue, even though I agree with the right on the philosophy. The problem is when you live in a slowly collapsing society with 350 million guns, passing a few gun control laws here and there isn’t actually going to noticeably reduce the amount of mass shootings that occur. It will just make you emotionally happy for a few days until the next mass shooting when you’ll be upset again. It won’t actually solve any problems or do anything, other than to create even more government expense and bureaucracy, and we have enough of that already.

  • PrepZ
    Posted at 02:55 pm, 21st February 2018

    All this over-hyped media nonsense feeding off of unrestrained emotional response by mostly liberal, and all ignorant, people.  Why Trump is having a “dialog” with anyone about this shows he’s not a leader, be a reactionary puppet, just like any other president or politician, to the media and it’s agenda d’jour.

    I’ve been preaching the message in this video for years, to mostly deaf ears. People scream for prohibition of guns, but have little foundation of facts and history to support their purely emotional posistions. We only have to look back at history on what happens when you “eliminate the evil _______” (fill in the blank) from society, all, of course, for the greater good.

    The politicians of the 1900’s bowed to the screams of a mobilized Temperance movement to pass Prohibition. That little social experiment did not deliver on the promises of a dry America, and certainly didn’t stop drinking, especially among the elites who passes such legislation. At least they amended the constitution to steal citizen’s rights and freedoms. Of course they to repeal that amendment to fix the unintended problems created by prohibition. So, at least we have a case study for how to take away our inalienable rights.

    Now, for the crisis at hand, and another chorus of screams for controls on firearms ranging from bans on assault rifles, “stronger” background checks, the ridiculous Trump proposal of banning bump-stocks (as if you needed one to bump fire any semi-auto gun, etc. etc. etc.

    If anyone in the media would care to think for a minute, they would recall we’ve already tried a ban on such things back under the CLINTON regime. The Assault Weapon Band of 1994, which expired in 2004, provides a perfect case study in how banning scary-looking “assault” weapons didn’t reduce gun crime or deaths. And, expiration of that same law when people once again could buy and possess assault weapons and ammo didn’t change things for the worse. Even the NY Time had to admit to such in at least one article, and other studies, at best, hand-picked data to either support or discredit the ban.  They admitted the problem was the media bias towards the highly dramatic nature of mass shooting events as the problem of skewing public perception.

    I’m tired of the young, ignorant, barely-educated youth of this country demanding any respect and voice for their positions based on their strong feelings, rather than completing their education so the can rationally evaluate the raw data to see that guns don’t kill the majority people who die from firearms — especially from assault styled weapons.  And, it’s shameful for mature adults to give into irrational fears rather than look at the hard facts of guns and gun violence.

    Without a level head and real information and a sense of history, only bad policy and laws will result from indulging the bleeding hearts of Amerika.




  • Dave from Oz
    Posted at 03:24 pm, 21st February 2018

    Australian here. It’s like this: when a criminal robs a convenience store, they probably don’t have a gun.

    Sure, the triads  have them. The bike gangs have them. Serious criminals have them. But the junkie breaking into your house to steal your X-Box doesn’t.

    But, as the video points out, this is just not possible in the USA. It’s right there in the constitution. It’s a foundational law of your country. Every attempt to legislate arms in the USA is a bullshit legal contortion.

    An Australian subject of Her Majesty the Queen doesn’t have a right to bear arms. Going about armed is a prerogative of the crown. A citizen of the USA totally does, and that isn’t going to change.

  • CrabRangoon
    Posted at 04:45 pm, 21st February 2018

    Its the typical knee-jerk emotional reaction as per usual with these types of tragedies.  “DO SOMETHING!!!!!” is of course the rallying cry, meaning the government needs to do some nebulous thing that no one can agree on.  There is no way to get the millions upon millions of guns to disappear.    Mental health is another issue and again in a country of over 320 million people,  some nut jobs will always slip through the cracks.  Not sure what could be done about that either since mental issues aren’t visible to the naked eye until something bad happens.

    Emotional decisions are rarely ever good ones but that’s the world we live now.  As long as the decision “feels good”, everything else be damned.

    Some of the quotes I’ve read are
    “All these school shootings, it doesn’t make sense. Fix it!”
    “Don’t ever let this happen again!”

    People don’t seem to grasp that no one can make these promises, regardless of their best efforts.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 07:54 pm, 21st February 2018

    I LOVE that video!

    In case there are any PC bleeding hearts here: FROM MY COLD DEAD HAND!!!!!

    I own only one hand gun. And its only purpose is to allow me to put a bullet in my own head if I’m ever diagnosed with leukemia, or penile cancer, or something. Or if I get in a car accident and end up paralyzed from the waist down.

    Obviously I need a gun then, since I’m not going to overdose on pills or any of that gay shit, because even without a working dick at that point, I’m still a man, goddammit! GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!

    I’ve never been interested in guns outside of suicide, although, I guess, it would be nice to go out into the forest and blow Bambi’s head off just once. Or shoot an Antifa freak who’s trying to kill me for being white. But those are mostly idle dreams.

    But anyway, as a libertarian, or just a rationalist, it should be obvious to everyone that anyone who wishes to disarm you is, by definition, not your friend!



  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 08:30 pm, 21st February 2018

    In all seriousness though, there is only one way to solve the mass shooting problem, and that is by abolishing gun free zones. Every time there is a mass shooting at a gun free zone (where else?), I ask myself how many more innocent people and children have to die before we stop enforcing their helplessness with these sick “come and kill us” gun free zone advertisements.

    Give the teachers guns, for fuck sake. If a student is 18 or over, require him or her to bring a gun unto school property, or provide them with one during school hours at tax payer expense. When flying a plane, have the airlines require all their adult passengers to have a gun onboard, or have the airport provide them with one before they board the plane.

    Private companies should make this mandatory. Public schools should make it mandatory for all teachers and adult students under penalty of expulsion.

    An armed society is a polite society. Just like every country on the planet having nuclear weapons would bring about a permanent state of world peace immediately!

    Bleeding heart hippies are killing us all!


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 09:37 pm, 21st February 2018

    Mental health is another issue and again in a country of over 320 million people,  some nut jobs will always slip through the cracks.

    Thanks for reminding me:

    Another remedy to the mass shooting problem: Criminalize psychiatry! Prosecute psychiatrists under existing laws against fraud. Expose the myth of mental illness and, above all, GET OUR KIDS OFF OF THESE POISON PILLS WHICH ARE DRIVING THEM TO MURDER!!!!!!!

    All shooters were either taking, or withdrawing from, some mind altering psych med, which cures and treats absolutely nothing, but only creates a violent killer.

    You disable the ability of my heart to beat faster when I’m afraid and then claim to have cured fear, and my heart will have to overcompensate the next time I’m afraid just to overcome the heart slowing pills, thus giving me a heart attack. Similarly, you disable certain chemicals in my brain which give me depression and the next time I’m depressed, my brain will have to overcompensate with the depression chemicals, just to overcome the pills, thus leading to my suicide, or perhaps turning me into a murderer.

    But the government needs these poison psych pills for its anti-gun narrative in order to disarm the public and usher in the police state!


  • joelsuf
    Posted at 06:47 am, 22nd February 2018

    Its the typical knee-jerk emotional reaction as per usual with these types of tragedies.  “DO SOMETHING!!!!!” is of course the rallying cry,

    Yup. And for proof, see JOTB’s comments lol. Full of edgy external solutions.

    That is what is slowly destroying us. No real dialogue, just “my edge is sharper than your edge” degenerate collectivism and external solutions. Its been crowding my facebook feed for the last week or so, and its just a matter of time before you’ll be forced into going on marches and stuff. So what if you were in the middle of something productive. You NEED to go on this march because you NEED to fight for someone other than yourself. Yuck.

    Buh-Bye, personal freedoms. Buh-Bye, anything pertaining to the individual. Been nice knowing you.

    And this is gonna bite the progressives in the ass big time when they realize they have voted themselves into a corner and the US becomes a poor man’s USSR. I’ll be somewhere in Southeast Asia laughing loud and last when that happens lol. And I’ll be saying the three words I absolutely love saying…

    Told ya so.

    So I say let the progressives have their way. It’ll just give me more incentive to fuck off to Southeast Asia quicker. They’ll be shouting about only authority figures having firearms and how government takes all their money away and gives virtually nothing back. Well that’s what you wanted lol. What did you expect? Like I said, it’ll be hilarious. Especially when my buddies start complaining about it to me. One of my childhood friends said that he wants to live in the US until he dies. To which I respond: So you enjoy being unhappy and dealing with a culture that revolves around idyllic, external solutions? That gets me to say three other words that I love saying…

    Don’t come running.

    Give the teachers guns, for fuck sake.

    Or we can abolish the idea of public school altogether which is just as antiquated as monogamy. But nope, let’s not embrace our technology that allows us to learn anything we can learn in public school in the safety of our homes. There “wouldn’t be any order” in that. You know, the “order” we have now, with statism? just lol.

    No wonder these shootings take place, public school is worse than prison lol.

  • Anon
    Posted at 09:24 am, 22nd February 2018

    Another remedy to the mass shooting problem: Criminalize psychiatry! Prosecute psychiatrists under existing laws against fraud. Expose the myth of mental illness and, above all, GET OUR KIDS OFF OF THESE POISON PILLS WHICH ARE DRIVING THEM TO MURDER!!!!!!!

    All shooters were either taking, or withdrawing from, some mind altering psych med, which cures and treats absolutely nothing, but only creates a violent killer.

    Well, BD has Rule #1, and it’s a good rule. So with great effort I respond only by asking two questions:

    1. What about the concept of mental illnesses is a myth?

    2. What evidence is there to show a causal link from meds to crimes, as opposed to the obvious null hypothesis that both the need to take meds and the urge to commit crimes are caused by some disorder, without a causal link between the two?

  • blueguitar
    Posted at 02:37 pm, 22nd February 2018

    As an aside, the grammar used to write the 2nd amendment has contributed to the a lot the confusion about gun ownership.  There’s too, many, commas.

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.



  • Steven
    Posted at 11:52 pm, 22nd February 2018

    The celebrities are going to save us all from evil guns!

  • Gang
    Posted at 12:02 pm, 23rd February 2018

    @ JOTB


    Haha I am european, your argument about giving teachers guns is hillarious. That’s complete insanity.


    And then you double down with wanting to criminalise psychiatry. Man you’re completely nuts.



    That being said, my only interest in guns would also be suicide.

  • Marty
    Posted at 06:32 pm, 23rd February 2018

    All shooters were either taking, or withdrawing from, some mind altering psych med, which cures and treats absolutely nothing, but only creates a violent killer.

    Joe Rogan goes on about this a lot and I totally agree. I’m sure SOME mental illness is real and needs to be sorted out. But FFS giving every kid who’s feeling sad about something for 10 mins ridiculously powerful mind altering drugs is insanity. Just don’t let them have beer or weed though because that is SO dangerous. WTF?

    I live in Australia and it pisses me off that I can’t own a gun to defend myself. Look what’s happening in Europe with home invasions and the like. That will never happen somewhere like Texas.

  • CTV
    Posted at 06:40 pm, 23rd February 2018
  • Sugar Ray Clone
    Posted at 12:48 am, 24th February 2018

    Guns don’t kill people.

    People kill people. They will find a way to get it done, better on a small scale than if they actually were intelligent enough to use alternative methods that are much more damaging.

    Imagine if the “shooter” had just chosen to run everyone down in his SUV as they got out of school?

    Hundreds instead of 17 would be dead.

    Facts are hard to understand these days with the bullshit the media tries to pull over everyone’s eyes.

    The moral minority is going to keep pushing for the left to take over and ban guns in America.

    It will never happen. This is all just political manipulation to keep the sheeple in control and continue the new world order mandate to disarm the biggest threat to it, the American Citizen.

  • Cronos
    Posted at 03:44 am, 24th February 2018

    All shooters were either taking, or withdrawing from, some mind altering psych med, which cures and treats absolutely nothing, but only creates a violent killer.

    Great point.

    The USA has a huge problem with overmedicating kids and teens. The teacher claims a 10 year old kid has some issues staying still at school, so the school psychiatrist concludes he has ADHD and gives him a massive dose of amphetamines. WTF!!

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 07:37 am, 24th February 2018

    your argument about giving teachers guns is hillarious. That’s complete insanity.

    LMAO seriously. I wouldn’t trust a teacher with a lethal weapon one iota. There would be way MORE shootings if teachers were armed. A handful of my buddies are teachers and you can hear it in their voice, there is some pent up rage in them just waiting to be let loose.

    Especially 33+ chicks. Or Black Alpha 1 Males who are teachers. We’re gonna give THEM lethal weapons? I’m good. I am G00D on that.

    Now if teachers were allowed to pound their students into hamburgers to make an example out of them…

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    Pretty sure the founding fathers weren’t expecting schools to resemble prisons when they made the constitution haha.

    Also, I took a look at the kid who shot up the school, which I live about 15 minutes away from actually. Went to their rival high school. That kid looks like a weak ladyboy. For some reason, I can’t see a muscled up meathead resorting to that kind of violence. Drunkenly throwing hands at some weak omega PUA fag for “running game” on his girl, sure. But not shooting people.

    Imagine if the “shooter” had just chosen to run everyone down in his SUV as they got out of school? Hundreds instead of 17 would be dead.

    Not to mention, people can make bombs with household items too. Or he could have bought a hatchet at home depot for $30 and could have murdered people that way.

    The moral minority is going to keep pushing for the left to take over and ban guns in America.

    Most of that is idyllic. I mean let’s look at the double standard involved. You’d have to send people with guns to the houses of people who have guns. And then if the gun owners don’t give up their guns, they would get bombed or something. I used to think the left was aware of this kind of thing, but no they are not.

    What JOTB suggests, which is to arm everyone, is kind of dumb too. I wouldn’t trust my neighbor with a lethal weapon, let alone about 85% of our authority figures.

    Talking about the weapons themselves is not the answer, as Caleb mentions in this article. Its about the source of the behavior and what causes the behavior. But that’s not as in-style as talking about the guns and government and “saving the world” and other stuff. Sigh.

  • Neil
    Posted at 08:53 am, 24th February 2018

    Look what’s happening in Europe with home invasions and the like

    I am in Europe, so where are all these invasions?..

    Imagine if the “shooter” had just chosen to run everyone down in his SUV as they got out of school? Hundreds instead of 17 would be dead.

    Only unless they all were in one huge open space standing still and were happy to wait while he stopped, turned the truck and raced along half a dozen times!?!

    Gun control to gun owners is always going to be an issue. The point is that kids aged 18 can go an buy an automatic weapon, with ease. Rather than address one small aspect of gun control, everyone starts looking for stupid solutions (arm teachers, look at teenage mental illness..) because they all think the Goverment wants to ban all guns.

    I read about these shootings and all the ‘Pray for the victims & now’s not the time to make decisions’- crap again and again and think “you don’t give a fuck about kids” only losing support for your political career.

  • Marty McFly
    Posted at 09:41 pm, 24th February 2018

    You gonna review Black Panther or what?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:54 pm, 24th February 2018

    You gonna review Black Panther or what?

    I’m not going to contribute to the needless left-wing hype over a mediocre superhero movie.

  • Nate
    Posted at 06:43 am, 25th February 2018

    I’m not going to contribute to the needless left-wing hype over a mediocre superhero movie.

    Then don’t. Check it out and give us your assessment. I wanted to see it and did knowing full well that people would see whatever they wanted in the movie. It’s pretty good.

  • Gang
    Posted at 04:17 pm, 25th February 2018

    I’m not going to contribute to the needless left-wing hype over a mediocre superhero movie.

    Would surely bring traffic to your blog though XD And it wouldn’t hurt to have a non biased, no bullshit review.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 07:34 pm, 25th February 2018

    Would surely bring traffic to your blog though XD And it wouldn’t hurt to have a non biased, no bullshit review.

    The arguments and reactions on both sides regarding that movie are so pathetic, stupid, and irrational that I’m staying out of the conversation, by choice. My IQ will drop by at least 12 points if I get involved.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 10:20 pm, 25th February 2018

    The arguments and reactions on both sides regarding that movie are so pathetic, stupid, and irrational that I’m staying out of the conversation, by choice. My IQ will drop by at least 12 points if I get involved.

    LMAO yeah its insane. Just like the lady Ghostbusters two years ago haha. I too have decided to ignore it, to the point that it doesn’t even exist to me.

    Same with the gun control thing. I don’t own and have no interest in owning any firearm heavier than a handgun, so it doesn’t affect me. And I don’t mess with people enough to even own a handgun. I’m good with the weapons I have (brass knuckles). Let laws pass, let them not pass, don’t care.

    “But Joelsuf, that’s selfish! Don’t you care about it?! You’re not a good person if you don’t care about it!”

    Good. Guess I’m not a good person then. Oh well.

    That was an actual dialogue I had on facebook a couple days ago.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 02:04 am, 1st March 2018

    Haha I am european,

    Thank you. You have just explained perfectly why you will say everything that you’ll say next. Much appreciated.

    your argument about giving teachers guns is hillarious. That’s complete insanity.

    And that’s not an argument. It’s just a mindless insult.

    Further, this isn’t just my argument. It is the argument of the National Rifle Association and many other organizations and institutions here in America. Maybe if you got out of your European bubble and exposed yourself to points of view that are a little bit less castrated, you wouldn’t think it’s such an insane idea.

    And then you double down with wanting to criminalise psychiatry. Man you’re completely nuts.

    And you have just violated Caleb’s Rule #1. Congratulations!

    And may I say again: That’s not an argument!


    Nothing is unthinkable in a free country. You Europeans have lost sight of that and it’s up to us Americans to teach you that all over again, before your entire continent is overrun by savage diaper-headed hordes!

    My opinion about psychiatry is libertarian (American definition), not nuts, and certainly not “unthinkable.” I’m sure Kim Jong Un uses that word a lot.

    In a libertarian (American definition) society, the government, and only the government, must have a monopoly on physical force, and even then, that physical force must be limited only to what a sane person would do if he had a gun and no government. He would use the gun to stop a murder or a theft. He would NOT use it to build a school or care for the needy and disabled.

    But we have two institutions in America (not one) which have a duopoly on force: The government AND psychiatry.

    Psychiatry is simply – the application of force against those who do not wish to be forced, even if they have broken no laws!

    Plus, if you replace the word “punishment” with the word “help” your human rights are deleted. Those who are kidnapped by psychiatrists and locked up have no right to an attorney, no right to remain silent, etc…

    Yes, psychiatry must be abolished. And it must be done yesterday! It’s not “unthinkable.” It’s an absolute human rights requirement!


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 02:12 am, 1st March 2018

    You gonna review Black Panther or what?

    You mean, “We Was Kangs?”

    Racist, xenophobic, black nationalist trash!

    There! I just reviewed it!


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 02:39 am, 1st March 2018

    Gun control to gun owners is always going to be an issue.

    It’s not an issue to us. Because it will never happen. Stop thinking about your fictional “gun control.” It will only cause you pain. We have the Constitution on our side. You have just a bunch of smelly hippies with blue hair.

    The point is that kids aged 18 can go an buy an automatic weapon, with ease.

    Not enough ease. First they need a gun license, which is absolutely insane! Licenses are for privileges, not rights. How do you need a license to exercise a human right? Waiting periods are also bullshit, and background checks are too broad and excessive. They should be limited only to previous felony convictions, nothing more.

    If an 18 year old wishes to buy an automatic weapon, he or she should just be allowed to buy it with cash, just like buying a loaf of bread or cereal (barring the background check exception, of course).

    The problem is that more 18 year olds are NOT purchasing automatic weapons. Schools would be a lot safer if they did. An armed school would be a very polite and safe one.

    Rather than address one small aspect of gun control,

    Why? To make it harder to purchase automatic weapons? So more defenseless 18 year olds can die? Great plan!

    everyone starts looking for stupid solutions (arm teachers,

    Why is that a stupid solution? Do you have an argument? Or just insults?

    look at teenage mental illness..)

    No such thing. There’s nothing to look at.

    because they all think the Goverment wants to ban all guns.

    It does.

    I read about these shootings and all the ‘Pray for the victims & now’s not the time to make decisions’- crap again and again and think “you don’t give a fuck about kids” only losing support for your political career.

    Well, I don’t have a political career. And I do give a fuck about the kids. That’s why I want to take them off pills which turn them into killers and give the teachers guns so that the children can be defended. Duh! By contrast, you want more gun free zones to make kids even more helpless.

    Ronald Reagan said that the scariest 9 words in the English language are:

    “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

    While I do agree that those words are terrifying, I think 9 even scarier words are:

    “I’m your friend and I wish to disarm you.” That’s just creepy!



  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 02:55 am, 1st March 2018

    The USA has a huge problem with overmedicating kids and teens.

    The USA has a huge problem with medicating kids and teens. Not overmedicating. Just medicating.

    These kids and teens shouldn’t be medicated at all. Forget about overmedicating.

    The teacher claims a 10 year old kid has some issues staying still at school,

    In other words, the kid is a normal 10 year old who wants to play.

    so the school psychiatrist

    A position which shouldn’t exist.

    concludes he has ADHD

    A fictional piece of poetry used to stigmatize children who have more hunter-gatherer genes inside them then grain-eater genes.

    and gives him a massive dose of amphetamines. WTF!!

    Child abuse.



  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:34 am, 1st March 2018

    I’m sure SOME mental illness is real and needs to be sorted out.

    Disagree. You can either believe in mental illness or human rights. Not both.

    But FFS giving every kid who’s feeling sad about something for 10 mins ridiculously powerful mind altering drugs is insanity.

    It’s a war on masculinity, which ultimately is a war against female heterosexuality, because the former is the source of the latter. Sexually frustrated lesbians simply want more lesbians. Period.

    On the, now defunct, radical feminist website radfemhub, they were talking about how radfems should infiltrate chemistry in order to strategically strip male baby formula of key nutrients, which would result in all boys becoming lobotomized by the age of six. Well, I think they compromised by infiltrating the public schools and giving boys psych meds.

    I live in Australia and it pisses me off that I can’t own a gun to defend myself.

    That is terrible. I truly am sorry.

    Look what’s happening in Europe with home invasions and the like.

    Gun free zones + Muslim rapefugees = home invasions.

    That will never happen somewhere like Texas.

    Nope. I was once in Kentucky, visiting a friend. We went to the bank and every person waiting in line had a gun on their waist.

    Here was the conversation between me and him:

    Me: Is it legal here to actually bring a gun to a fucking bank?

    Him: Of course.

    Me: What about bank robberies?

    Him: What are you talking about? Everyone has a gun. How can there be bank robberies?

    Food for thought!




  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:48 am, 1st March 2018

    Yup. And for proof, see JOTB’s comments lol. Full of edgy external solutions.

    You got a counter-argument?

    That is what is slowly destroying us. No real dialogue,

    LOL! Irony!

    its just a matter of time before you’ll be forced into going on marches and stuff.

    Dude, breathe! No one is going to force you to go to any gay ass march!

    So what if you were in the middle of something productive. You NEED to go on this march because you NEED to fight for someone other than yourself. Yuck.

    Is that what I’m advocating? You don’t “need” to do anything. Except get yourself some car insurance before you get pulled over for speeding or something and then arrested. How’s that working out, by the way?

    Buh-Bye, personal freedoms. Buh-Bye, anything pertaining to the individual. Been nice knowing you.

    Dude, if I believed in medications……

    Or we can abolish the idea of public school altogether which is just as antiquated as monogamy.

    Uhhh, dude, have you met me? I’ve been advocating for the abolition of government schooling on this blog and elsewhere for a very long time! I’ve said that here multiple times! How can a wolf teach the sheep how to be vigilant against wolves?

    My point was that if we are going to keep government schools around (and we shouldn’t), then our tax payer dollars should at least go to something useful, like arming the teachers. Don’t you think that giving all teachers guns is a more productive use of tax payer dollars than a class on “Gender Queer Dance Theory?”

    But nope, let’s not embrace our technology that allows us to learn anything we can learn in public school in the safety of our homes.

    Actually, I’ve said “yes, let’s do that,” multiple times!

    There “wouldn’t be any order” in that. You know, the “order” we have now, with statism? just lol.

    This is the exact opposite of what I think.

    No wonder these shootings take place, public school is worse than prison lol.

    Yeah, at least in prison you’re not medicated. Other than that though, I’d say it’s about the same.

    Just like in prison, when you’re in school, the sex you want, you’re not getting. The sex you’re getting, you don’t want.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:25 am, 1st March 2018

    More wackiness from Joelsuf:

    LMAO seriously. I wouldn’t trust a teacher with a lethal weapon one iota.

    The question is: Would you trust a teacher without one?

    There would be way MORE shootings if teachers were armed.

    How do you figure? The SJW teachers wouldn’t hurt anyone because they’d look at the gun and get too triggered by the trigger. The rest are sane people.

    A handful of my buddies are teachers and you can hear it in their voice, there is some pent up rage in them just waiting to be let loose.

    You can hear it in their voice? Dude, I hope you’re never the deciding member on a jury.

    Especially 33+ chicks.

    They’re more likely to shoot themselves when they look in the mirror and see wrinkles. Or the men they’re dating, which is why the gun shouldn’t belong to the teacher. It should belong to the school, which confiscates it at the end of the school day.

    Also, how many teachers have ever been responsible for school shootings?

    Or Black Alpha 1 Males who are teachers.

    Uhh…..what does their race have to do with anything? Don’t be racist, my nigga. The NSA might getcha! LMAO!

    Truly Joelsuf, despite all your talk, I am way more free than you are.

    We’re gonna give THEM lethal weapons?


    Pretty sure the founding fathers weren’t expecting schools to resemble prisons when they made the constitution haha.

    The Founding Fathers weren’t expecting there to be any government schools at all. They would be horrified that such a monster even exists. Every Founding Father knew, even the stupidest one (I’m looking at you, Alexander Hamilton), that “government education” is an oxymoron.

    The job of the citizenry is to educate you. The job of the government is to make you dumber. Thus, education over ignorance is just the struggle of the people against government tyranny.

    For some reason, I can’t see a muscled up meathead resorting to that kind of violence.

    What about that black alpha 1 you mentioned? Consistency please!

    Drunkenly throwing hands at some weak omega PUA fag for “running game” on his girl, sure. But not shooting people.


    Not to mention, people can make bombs with household items too. Or he could have bought a hatchet at home depot for $30 and could have murdered people that way.


    I wouldn’t trust my neighbor with a lethal weapon,

    You think your crazy neighbor would try something crazy if your entire neighborhood was armed?

    Also, how do you know your neighbor doesn’t have a lethal weapon? Were you at his house? You seem to be advocating for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment, by your logic.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:34 am, 1st March 2018

    Its about the source of the behavior and what causes the behavior. But that’s not as in-style as talking about the guns and government and “saving the world” and other stuff. Sigh.

    Boom, baby:


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:52 am, 1st March 2018

    Well, BD has Rule #1, and it’s a good rule.


    So with great effort

    Don’t strain yourself now.

    I respond only by asking two questions:

    1. What about the concept of mental illnesses is a myth?

    Everything. There is no scientific, medical, biological, or credible evidence of anything which psychiatrists call mental illness, or “brain diseases” or “bio-chemical imbalances.” It is all a complete fraud.

    2. What evidence is there to show a causal link from meds to crimes,

    Watch the anti-psychiatry documentary “Generation RX.”

    as opposed to the obvious null hypothesis that both the need to take meds and the urge to commit crimes are caused by some disorder, without a causal link between the two?

    What evidence do you have of a chemical imbalance, or any other kind of brain disorder? X-rays? Brain scans? Blood tests? Anything?

    To prove real diseases, real doctors use pathologists. To prove mental illness, psychiatrists use lawyers.



  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:55 am, 1st March 2018
  • joelsuf
    Posted at 10:20 am, 1st March 2018

    What about that black alpha 1 you mentioned? Consistency please!

    I meant white meathead my bad. Or nonwhites who act white. Literally the single solitary thing I agree with White Nationalists on are that white people are historically more civilized than any nonwhite has been. This is historically accurate.

    You seem to be advocating for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment, by your logic.

    The entire constitution, actually. Remember, I am an anarcho-capitalist. Let each state make its own laws and guidelines and stuff.

    The SJW teachers wouldn’t hurt anyone because they’d look at the gun and get too triggered by the trigger.

    I don’t go by ideals that others have. Actions ARE the words. Put lethal weapons, firearms, and bombs in their hands and let’s see what they do. Oh right, we already KNOW what they would do. Because we have witnessed the atrocities of AntiFA. So yeah, they would likely hurt others, as mad at the world as they are. And since most teachers are 33+ chicks AND lefties…

    I hope you’re never the deciding member on a jury.

    I don’t vote (never have), therefore I’ll never get sent to jury duty, so that’s handled.

     I’ve been advocating for the abolition of government schooling on this blog and elsewhere for a very long time!

    I never said you in particular were not, I was just pointing out the same.

    Dude, breathe! No one is going to force you to go to any gay ass march!

    Famous last words. That’s all I’m saying about this. You’ll see.

    You got a counter-argument?

    Not really, I just like bickering with you cuz its fun. If we’re gonna imprison kids until they turn 18, “trolling 101” and “Schadenfreude techniques” should be part of the entire curriculum. Also, there would be a “prank quota” where in order to finish one year, you need to have pulled a prank on at least 20 classmates or teachers. Make public school fun again! lol



  • Joe
    Posted at 06:04 pm, 1st March 2018

    I’m Canadian so correct me if I’m wrong but the video mentioned the mobilization of the National Guard. Do they not report to the Governor and not the President? Is it possible that a State could give a big FU to the Feds and refuse to enforce the law? That would force the Fed Gov’t to either acquiesce or send in the Army. Would a State that did not support the law allow the Army to attack it’s citizens?

    I read an article some time ago that said the DoD had wargamed this scenario and it turned into open civil war.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:04 am, 4th March 2018

    My suggestion about giving teachers guns is being implemented! Huzzah!


  • joelsuf
    Posted at 10:22 am, 5th March 2018

    My suggestion about giving teachers guns is being implemented! Huzzah!

    LMAO inb4 a teacher snaps and blows a whole bunch of kids’ heads off. It’ll happen eventually. And inb4 the dropout rate climbs up to above 40% because of this. I’m hoping it gets to 66% or so by the 2020s. The sooner kids realize that school just teaches them how to function in a police state the better.

    Now if only my suggestion about eliminating public schools only became implemented…but nah, we like treating our kids like prisoners, where if they piss off the wrong authority they will get shot.

    I’m SO glad I do not have kids. If I had kids, they wouldn’t set foot inside of a public school.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 08:21 pm, 6th March 2018

    LMAO inb4 a teacher snaps and blows a whole bunch of kids’ heads off. It’ll happen eventually.

    Not likely. They don’t medicate the teachers with murder pills. Only the students.

    And inb4 the dropout rate climbs up to above 40% because of this.

    Even less likely. Did you listen to those interviews with the kids? They feel even safer now.

    I’m hoping it gets to 66% or so by the 2020s. The sooner kids realize that school just teaches them how to function in a police state the better.

    I agree with this. That’s why I’m against all government schooling. But, like I said, investing tax payer dollars into guns is at least more productive than investing them into “Gender Studies.”

    Now if only my suggestion about eliminating public schools only became implemented…

    That’s my suggestion as well. As a libertarian, I believe that the concept of “government education” needs to be permanently abolished, side by side with compulsory education laws, which are fascist in nature.

    but nah, we like treating our kids like prisoners, where if they piss off the wrong authority they will get shot.

    You are so wrong about guns. As the shocking video I’m about to link to will prove, guns aren’t causing school shootings. Psych meds are.

    I’m SO glad I do not have kids. If I had kids, they wouldn’t set foot inside of a public school.

    Dude, let me make one thing perfectly clear – my future children will NEVER set foot in a public school. Never! Under no circumstances! I would literally murder my children before I give them to the State.

    Joelsuf (and everyone else) – please watch this video. It will truly make you puke your guts out:


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