Overview of Where I Think the Entire World is Going

Today I will list every region in the entire world and my opinion on its medium and long-term future. I’m not a futurist nor expert in macroeconomics or geopolitics; I’m just a guy who’s been all over the world, seen a lot, researched a lot, and has a pretty good track record in both business and investing, including international aspects. What I’m about to say could end up being totally wrong, but I think the odds are good I’m at least mostly right.

This can assist you in deciding where to invest, where to start a business, and even where to move someday if that’s your goal.

North America is going down. The USA, as I’ve demonstrated many times, is in a slow state of economic and cultural decline that can’t be stopped at this point, and that’s even if the voters didn’t keep voting for people who continue to make everything worse long-term (example: the last four US presidents). Canada is inexorably linked to the fate of the USA economically, not to mention its recent move to the insane political left. Mexico will also suffer when the USA collapses/diminishes, though since it’s a second-world nation already, the shift won’t be as radical. Mexico also has a decent amount of oil which will help.

Central America and the Caribbean I think will eventually get better, but it will be a very, very slow improvement. These nations seem to embrace more sane economic policies every once in a while. They’ve got a long way to go though, so it will be decades before you see any noticeable economic growth there, and even then, only in certain countries.

South America is the world’s ADD-ridden little brother. It will continue to be a land of up-and-down chaos. Sometimes some nations will do great, and then they’ll fuck it up and crash. Then they’ll do great again, and then do horribly. Up and down, up and down. South America is a fantastic place for speculators, buying when things are down and selling when things are up. I don’t see the up-and-down pattern of South America ending any time soon, if ever.

Europe is the fastest declining place in the world, collapsing even faster than the USA, which is saying something. As I’ve shown many times, both the elites and the voters of Europe are completely suicidal, working overtime to destroy their own cultures both economically and culturally. I’ve heard more than one savvy investor say that they have no idea why anyone with any assets would possibly live in Europe, and I agree. Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and Scandinavia are all completely fucked in the long or medium term, though it’s true that Eastern Europe will probably go last… but it will go, for the same reason Canada will go when the US goes; Eastern Europe is too reliant economically on Western Europe.

The Middle East and Northeastern Africa will continue to be a land of death, poverty, oppression, religious insanity, interference by more powerful nations, and war (with the exception of little pockets of oil-based ultra-prosperity like Bahrain and UAE). Barring some world-wide tech revolution that radically transforms the human condition, I don’t see any of this coming to an end, ever. The people who live there clearly have no interest in embracing peace, rationality, and economic prosperity. I honestly don’t think they ever will, which is a real shame.

Africa, like Central America, will experience a slow rise. As technology becomes smaller and cheaper, and as more shithole nations slowly, ever so slowly embrace slightly more sane economic policies, as well as shepherding from nations like China, Africa will slowly get better. It’s going to take a long time though; Africa is in a very deep hole, so it will take a long time to climb out.

Russia is a wildcard. It my opinion, it could go either way, 50/50, a total coin toss. There’s a 50% chance that it will eventually clean up its act (once Putin is gone), actually start punishing corruption, and embracing rule of law and capitalism. If it does this, it will do fantastic, and could become an economic powerhouse and eventually, a prosperous nation. However, there’s another 50% chance that it will descend into chaos, revolution, authoritarianism, and crime. Flip a coin… it could be either one.

China will continue to experience moderate but steady economic growth for the long term, and will become the world’s next de facto ruler, replacing the USA some time in the next few decades at the latest. China has a lot of very serious problems to overcome, but so did the USA on its rise to world leader. China will not boom as fast as it did over the last 15 years, but it will keep rising, steadily, every year, while the entire West is collapsing. Might want to look into learning Mandarin.

India is the world’s greatest tragedy. India is a land filled with intelligent, fun, hard-working people who are also the most ridiculously stubborn people in the world, making even the British look flexible. The Indians have embraced some of the most insane economic and cultural policies imaginable, and they’re going to stick with them regardless of the fact it’s preventing them from blossoming. Millions of poor people can’t eat even though they have vast farmlands. Millions of people defecate in public, damaging their water supply. They have the most insane anti-sex Societal Programming in the world, even worse than the Middle East, destroying the emotional peace of hundreds of millions of men and women. They have the most insanely inefficient and bureaucratic government on the planet. And they don’t want to change any of this stuff. India could be greater than China. Seriously, India could rule the entire world. But they never will. Tragic.

Southeast Asia is the fastest growing region in the entire world. Benefiting from being China’s satellites, but without much of the overhead, SE Asia is moving from third world to first world status fast, at least as compared to the rest of the world. This is the place to invest and start businesses, perhaps even live in. SE Asia will do very, very well in the mid to long-term.

Japan will slowly vanish off the face of the Earth. They’re an intelligent and hardworking culture, but they aren’t having enough sex or babies over there to maintain their population. In several decades there will be no Japan nor full-blooded Japanese people, just mixed Japanese, those few who procreated with other Asian races. I’m not sure what will happen to Japan as a nation; I imagine vast farmlands in Japan with no people. On top of this, Japan is highly corporatist like the USA, which spells long-term doom for their economy. It’s sad. I like Japan.

Australia and New Zealand will just sit there like bumps on a log. Like Canada, they’ve embraced hardcore SJW, big government socialistic policies, and will continue to do so, which means they won’t grow economically long-term. But, their proximity to the Rising East, their lack of the third world immigration problem Europe has, and their (comparatively) low levels of debt means they are unlikely to collapse with the rest of the Western world. (Indeed, in 100 years or more, Australia and New Zealand may the last vestiges of the West anywhere on Earth.) So they’ll just sit there mostly as-is, not growing or dying. A stable place to live (that’s why I’m moving there) but not an exciting place to make money, get laid, or make a killing in investments.

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  • donjom
    Posted at 05:30 am, 2nd May 2018

    what are your thoughts or general overview of the Philippines?

  • justin
    Posted at 05:48 am, 2nd May 2018

    Do you think ALL of the US will decline or do you see pockets here and there of decent, hardworking people who still are level headed and manage to prosper and get through the inevitible collapse? If so, where?

  • mago
    Posted at 06:00 am, 2nd May 2018

    South America is the world’s ADD-ridden little brother. It will continue to be a land of up-and-down chaos. Sometimes some nations will do great, and then they’ll fuck it up and crash. Then they’ll do great again, and then do horribly. Up and down, up and down. South America is a fantastic place for speculators, buying when things are down and selling when things are up. I don’t see the up-and-down pattern of South America ending any time soon, if ever.

    Hey, is not that hard once you get used, there is a mayor crisis every ten years, then is fat cows time again.

    The thing that is interesting, at least here in Argentina, is that hardcore libertarian (Javier Milei) are starting to appears in dumb tv shows with quite good reception.

  • Eldm
    Posted at 09:57 am, 2nd May 2018

    I imagine vast farmlands in Japan with no people

    … And filled with automated farming machines.

    The upside with a population slowdown like in Japan is that the upcoming AI/automation revolution will have a lesser impact on them – the labor shortage will just be filled with machines, and not as many people’s job get displaced and required re-training.

    More population doesn’t equate to more prosperity – just look at India and Africa.

    How about less people on the planet, but with higher standards of living? – instead of subscribing to the Keynesian model of infinite growth and endless consumer side stimulation?


  • DerWeltenbummler!
    Posted at 10:48 am, 2nd May 2018

    Very exciting to hear your predictions!

    What do you think about Switzerland? I don’t think that it will be as affected as the other European countries. Many wealthy Europeans are already moving here as part of their escape plan from countries that will be the first European nations to go down (France, Germany, Italy, Sweden).

    Any prediction when Europe might be collapsing? In 5-10 years?


  • Brandon
    Posted at 12:20 pm, 2nd May 2018

    Hey caleb how hard would it be to have a business base in asia or Australia while having a home base in either south america or north america?

    Would there be alot of road blocks geoarbitrating your income half way across the world?

  • Zan
    Posted at 12:22 pm, 2nd May 2018

    What’s Hong Kong’s fate… I’m guessing with that of SEA.

    And, since SEA has the best prospects “(This is the place to invest and start businesses, perhaps even live in. SE Asia will do very, very well in the mid to long-term.)” why not move there instead of New Zealand?

  • Antekirtt
    Posted at 01:27 pm, 2nd May 2018

    Japan will slowly vanish off the face of the Earth. […] they aren’t having enough sex or babies over there to maintain their population. In several decades there will be no Japan nor full-blooded Japanese people […] I imagine vast farmlands in Japan with no people.

    I don’t buy this one. I read -0.1% as the growth rate for 2016; at that rate, you need 700 years to half your population. By then, tons of things could happen, in any direction. And the death rate will keep decreasing as medicine and longevity improve, further lowering the minimum replacement rate.
    I predict that in 2050 Japan’s population will still be over 110 million – it’s 127 now.

    I’m also a bit more pessimistic about Africa. You’re certainly right about some countries being poised for a slow rise, but many other regions are going to have huge problems, for many more decades imo. At least that’s the impression I get anytime I read news about places like Central Africa, etc. For the lulz, I plan to read the scifi saga Poseidon’s Children, where Africa becomes an economic and tech powerhouse. Hey who knows.

    Overall the article leaves me just as hesitant about where to move to (not anytime soon anyway, I can’t do that yet, but eventually), Latin America or SE Asia. I realize the latter is economically more promising but I hear the climate is shit. “Dry and very hot or super humid and very hot” is not my thing; by comparison, the temperate places in Chile/Argentina/Uruguay sound way better.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 04:52 pm, 2nd May 2018

    what are your thoughts or general overview of the Philippines?

    Like SE Asia but it won’t rise nearly as fast. Very inexpensive place to live, and the horniest women in the world (thought not very attractive).

    Do you think ALL of the US will decline or do you see pockets here and there of decent, hardworking people who still are level headed and manage to prosper and get through the inevitible collapse?

    No, because it’s all connected. If the entire US goes under but, let’s say, Colorado doesn’t, how well will Colorado do? The answer is that Colorado is fucked too, at least eventually, even if they do everything right.

    The only exception to this is if you see states seceding from the union, which I think would be fantastic, but modern-day Americans don’t have the balls to do something like that. Threaten it, talk about it, but never actually do it. Modern-day Americans are too fat, drug-addicted, beta, and collectivist.

    More population doesn’t equate to more prosperity – just look at India and Africa.

    Not relevant to what I’m talking about. I’m just talking about where I think certain nations are going. And it’s hard to argue your culture is on the rise if your population is in decline.

    How about less people on the planet, but with higher standards of living?

    I think that would be great, but the poorer races would never do such a thing. African blacks are the fastest reproducing race on the planet; I recently read that by the year 2100, which is less than 100 years away, 45% of all humans will be African black, and that includes places like China and India. Crazy.

    What do you think about Switzerland?

    If it’s in Europe it’s fucked, regardless of what they do, because of the interconnectivity of economies. See my Colorado example above.

    But yeah, Switzerland is the least-bad European country by far. That won’t save you in a European-wide crash / collapse though. If you don’t want that, you need to be as far away from Europe as possible.

    Many wealthy Europeans are already moving here as part of their escape plan from countries that will be the first European nations to go down (France, Germany, Italy, Sweden).

    I know, and those people are doing this very half-assed. Moving from a bad part of Europe to a less bad part just means that you’ll get a buffer of just a few more years before you’ll have to move again, this time out of Europe.

    I guess that might make sense if you’re well over age 60-70 and you plan on being dead in the next decade or two, but not it you’re younger.

    It would be like me moving out of the USA to escape the USA’s collapse by moving to Canada. Dumb move in my view.

    Any prediction when Europe might be collapsing?

    If I knew the answer to that I’d already be a billionaire. The answer is “Soon, before the USA, and the USA will be next.”

    Hey caleb how hard would it be to have a business base in asia or Australia while having a home base in either south america or north america?

    I’m going to do that. It’s not hard, it just takes some time, travel, paperwork, and patience.

    Would there be alot of road blocks geoarbitrating your income half way across the world?

    If you’re an American citizen like me, yes. If you’re not an American citizen, no. But American citizens can still do it (I am).

    What’s Hong Kong’s fate… I’m guessing with that of SEA.

    Yep. It will continue to do well, but it’s already “arrived” so it won’t see quite the growth SE Asia will see.

    And, since SEA has the best prospects “(This is the place to invest and start businesses, perhaps even live in. SE Asia will do very, very well in the mid to long-term.)” why not move there instead of New Zealand?

    1. I hate the climate of SE Asia.

    2. I vastly prefer Hong Kong; more high-tech, first-world, and awesome, so I’ll be focusing more on that.

    3. I can have investments in SE Asia and benefit from their growth without having to live there (or even go there).

    I don’t buy this one. I read -0.1% as the growth rate for 2016; at that rate, you need 700 years to half your population.

    This lack of sex / babies thing in Japan is a growing trend, not something that will remain at 2016 levels forever.

    the death rate will keep decreasing as medicine and longevity improve, further lowering the minimum replacement rate.

    True but that doesn’t change what I said.

    I realize the latter is economically more promising but I hear the climate is shit. “Dry and very hot or super humid and very hot” is not my thing; by comparison, the temperate places in Chile/Argentina/Uruguay sound way better.

    Yep, that’s reason number one why I’m not moving to SE Asia.

    A lot of guys aren’t bothered by this though. One of my brothers moved to Thailand last year and he’s fuckin’ loving it over there.

  • CF
    Posted at 05:08 pm, 2nd May 2018

    Nice. A picture of the world where Greenland isn’t the same size as Africa.

  • BigTime
    Posted at 05:15 pm, 2nd May 2018

    USA is still growing 3-4% a year.  Right now there is a world-wide debt bubble slowly being unwound.  When that happened in the 30s, it took over a decade and a world war to recover.  You shouldn’t expect 2008-20205 to be a trend.  More like a sin wave down.

    The author doesn’t explain much about how he formed these opinions.  But it sounds like a pessimistic bias from looking at gold bug, prepper and doom/gloom blogs.  There is no shortage of people hurting, however it’s mostly anecdotal and exaggerated for clicks.  So I will respectfully disagree.

    I’ll stick with the US until somebody shows me a better option.  Our citizenship is like having a passport in 50 countries.  Of course I won’t be living in the 3rd world parts, the crazy socialist parts, the hot/humid/frozen parts.  There is a lot of choice.

    The decline is people who would never be life’s winners anyway.  Poor people are poor because they have a multitude of problems.  One is they keep their heads in the sand.  Look at all the people still working at dinosaur companies like zerox, kodak or IBM.  It’s like they almost want to get laid off and have outdated skills.

  • Gibd
    Posted at 05:24 pm, 2nd May 2018

    What do you think there is in India that can make it better than China now if ther try to?

  • Dave from Oz
    Posted at 10:17 pm, 2nd May 2018

    Australian here, and reading this, I feel good about it. Here’s to stable civilisation and having a nice place to raise a family.

    China, Africa, and India all have the same problem: teeming numbers of superstitious peasants that believe in witchcraft. Arguably, so does the USA.

  • Dan
    Posted at 05:33 am, 3rd May 2018

    I`m from Britain and I`m thinking of buying a house. Is this crazy to do in your opinion or wait till there is a house price crash, buy and then sell in 20-30 years when shit really starts to hits the fan if it does?

    I have a 2 year old so plan on being here at least 16 more years then if stuff is bad or starts to get bad will move abroad.

    Buying is something we are traditionally encouraged to do as rent is `dead money` as they say but I guess its better than buying and house prices crashing and never recovering.

    Your predictions are interesting but I have no idea how they will unfold in the UK especially if Brexit truly happens. It always seems through history here, things get messed up, then we recover and repeat the cycle.

  • John
    Posted at 05:45 am, 3rd May 2018

    What do you think will happen to Africa after the west declines. The food and support will have to come from China. Will they want other countries with high population and low food supply’s to put a one child policy to reduce the threat of mass immigration in the future for support? Maybe even pushing for stream banks, egg donation (from Asian or European) or sexual section enforced by the different governments to increase iq of the nations were famine is a problem?


    I think you are right about Japan becoming mix. Many Japanese women want a more assertive men and aggressive. They view rightly or wrongly white men to be more than native Japanese men.

    Also I know a lot of asians (Thailand and Philippines from my experience more so) love the idea of their future children being Eurasian. Marrying an White men or women and having their children take the traits of both. In Japan Hafu(half Japanese and half something else) is becoming more common and lot of stars over there are hafu (mainly focusing on the lighter skin, eye and hair colour). As the west decline look for rich Asian men to start marrying white (mostly blonde) women and western men going to asia for jobs as engineers, doctors and computer science and marrying a poorer or uglier local. Mix kids with start to appears  more common in Asian as it is in the west today. This will happen in China but Japan will be much worst especially with the men marrying white women.


    The funny thing is mixed race marriages will start to decline in the west unlike now where it has increase. As the west gets worst and goes even more socialist with services failing. less people will move there and a lot will leave. The funny thing is the white race that the alt right care about might survive due to the West becoming more of a shit hole.  Reduce to second world (or third world) type nations. The problems of least say the mass immigrate in Sweden (England and Germany) might be solved not by strong Swedish people kicking them out but by them fleeing (or dying from freezing or starvation) once the heating is cut off and food is short.

  • Sean
    Posted at 10:01 am, 3rd May 2018

    Hi Caleb,

    You should do a breakdown of southeast asia next!



  • Zan
    Posted at 10:36 am, 3rd May 2018

    I agree with Sean. Would love to see Caleb’s breakdown of Southeast Asia.

  • BigTime
    Posted at 01:47 pm, 3rd May 2018

    You guys — asia is going down if interest rates keep rising.

    Get yourself a long-term chart of the 10 year US treasury bond yields.  It has been a straight shot down, from record highs in 1982 to record lows recently.  All that asian *miracle* growth has been on the back of cheap debt.  Just like how starbucks was able to build a coffee shop on every corner.

    If this doesn’t make sense, here’s an example.  A co-worker got a home equity loan and used it to buy stuff.  Then rates went down another 0.5%, so he refinanced to a bigger loan and more cash out.  And again.  And again.  Each time his payment was the same, but he got more and more cash to play with because the rate went down.  This is how asia and large corps financed their expansion for the last 30 years.

    Is it ending?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 02:06 pm, 3rd May 2018

    USA is still growing 3-4% a year.

    Incorrect. To get that figure you have to cherry-pick the last 4 years. If you include the last 10 or more, it’s around 2%, and that 2% includes government growth which is very bad, not good. If you take government growth out of the equation (and you should), the USA is losing GDP and going backwards.

    The author doesn’t explain much about how he formed these opinions.  But it sounds like a pessimistic bias from looking at gold bug, prepper and doom/gloom blogs.

    Go through the archive of this blog and the article guide where I show all the facts and stats backing up what I’m saying, of which there are hundreds. I don’t have the space in articles to repeat all this stuff every time I say the USA is slowly dying.

    I’ll stick with the US until somebody shows me a better option.

    That’s perfectly fine as long as you adopt an Alpha 2.0 structure so that you can detach from the slow collapse happening all around you. But if you choose to remain in the USA and continue to do all the normal stuff (corporate job, traditional monogamous marriage, investing in the stock market, voting for Democrats and Republicans, etc), then you’re going to be fucked.

    The decline is people who would never be life’s winners anyway.

    Precisely; you can profit greatly from this slow collapse. I have already and will continue to do so.

    What do you think there is in India that can make it better than China now if ther try to?

    Heavily deregulate and embrace free market capitalism without too much government interference.

    It will never happen though.

    Australian here, and reading this, I feel good about it. Here’s to stable civilisation and having a nice place to raise a family.

    I agree.

    China, Africa, and India all have the same problem: teeming numbers of superstitious peasants that believe in witchcraft.

    Uh, I’m in Australia right now as I write this, and there are hordes Chinese and Indians here, so if they have that problem, you Australians do too, and will continue to have more of it.

    I`m from Britain and I`m thinking of buying a house. Is this crazy to do in your opinion or wait till there is a house price crash, buy and then sell in 20-30 years when shit really starts to hits the fan if it does?

    If you’re a speculation genius at accurately timing markets (and I am not), then sure, go ahead. Otherwise no.

    As I’ve said to many other commenters here: You cannot assume that you will accurately predict exactly when your country will crash.

    I have a 2 year old so plan on being here at least 16 more years then if stuff is bad or starts to get bad will move abroad.

    I have no idea where the UK will be in 16 years, but that’s a very long time, far longer than I would stay in UK or anywhere else in Europe.

    Also, I can tell you as a father, your child will still want you around at age 18, 19, 20, etc. It’s not like you can just take off on their 18th birthday and still be an involved father (unless your kid moves to another country with you).

    What do you think will happen to Africa after the west declines. The food and support will have to come from China.

    You just answered your own question: China.

    Also I know a lot of asians (Thailand and Philippines from my experience more so) love the idea of their future children being Eurasian.

    Yes, I do too.

    You should do a breakdown of southeast asia next!

    I don’t have quite the expertise to do that with every country in SE Asia since I don’t know them all. At some point when I have more data I will do that.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 02:12 pm, 3rd May 2018

    You guys — asia is going down if interest rates keep rising.

    Sure, Asia will have some problems when this happens, but holy fuck, what will happen to the USA when interest rates skyrocket? I would far rather be in Asia than there in the USA when that happens.

    As always, we’re talking about least-bad, not best, or even good.

  • Sean
    Posted at 03:34 pm, 3rd May 2018

    There is a decent community of libertarians here in nh that support seccession (about 2,ooo who moved here for the free state project and more that were here before).  Only place I really would want to live in the U.S. You should join us! 😉

  • John C
    Posted at 04:14 pm, 3rd May 2018

    What are your thoughts on the iq of the world going down?

    Do you think the Asian countries will do about it?


    I expect the world population growth to start dropping. I know Germany, Japan and Russia will loss millions but Africa and India are still expected to grow. At the same time countries like South Africa are kicking out whites out of jobs in miltary, engineering and farming. Let alone killing them or driving them out of the country. I can not image how this will not end in a massive population drop. I know people like Stefan molyneux think that these people are going to flee to Europe when it collapses and cause Europe to collapse.  I don’t think this time Europe will take them in the same numbers only because they will be collapsing themselves into a Venezuela style only worst since winter

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 05:15 pm, 3rd May 2018

    There is a decent community of libertarians here in nh that support seccession (about 2,ooo who moved here for the free state project and more that were here before).

    Oh yes, I know.

    Only place I really would want to live in the U.S. You should join us! 😉

    Haha. NH is still in the USA and will go down with the rest of the ship eventually, so no thanks. But I agree it’s probably one of the least-bad places in the USA to live until that happens.

    What are your thoughts on the iq of the world going down?

    I’m aware of this but haven’t done enough research on it to form an opinion. My initial thought is “Cool. More for me.”

    Do you think the Asian countries will do about it?

    Nothing in particular.

    I expect the world population growth to start dropping.

    Oh no no no. The rate of overall growth might decline as whites reproduce less and less, but the actual population will not start dropping world wide for the foreseeable future.

  • Duke
    Posted at 07:45 pm, 3rd May 2018

    Wouldn’t the World Bank or IMF help divert the collapse of Western nations, similar to the bailouts of 2008 but much bigger obviously? Or do you think that the future governments in these “collapsed” countries you speak of will confiscate people’s money to keep solvent? I guess I just may not get what collapse means to you. You make it sound like it’s serious, but there seems to be too much at stake for the elites to let America or Europe become adversly affected on a large economic scale.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:01 pm, 3rd May 2018

    Wouldn’t the World Bank or IMF help divert the collapse of Western nations, similar to the bailouts of 2008 but much bigger obviously?

    Yes, they will certainly try. But there’s a difference between bailing out a tiny country like Portugal and bailing out a global empire like the US.

    Or do you think that the future governments in these “collapsed” countries you speak of will confiscate people’s money to keep solvent?

    That will happen in some countries, yes, particularly in Europe. Cyprus already did it.

    I guess I just may not get what collapse means to you.

    Read this.

    You make it sound like it’s serious, but there seems to be too much at stake for the elites to let America or Europe become adversly affected on a large economic scale.

    That’s precisely why, and the only reason why the USA (and to a much lesser degree, Europe) has not collapsed yet: the elites. They have manipulated currencies and interest rates to keep this party going way, way past when it should have ended. (They’ve actually done a pretty impressive job, all things considered.)

    The problem is that they can’t keep doing this forever. You can’t keep interest rates at zero or negative forever. You can’t keep printing trillions of dollars out of thin air forever. You can’t keep borrowing trillions of dollars every year to run your government forever. Eventually this shit will come to a head. Granted, it may be a while for that to happen, but it will happen. It can’t not happen.

  • blueguitar
    Posted at 11:36 am, 4th May 2018

    Interesting ideas.  Thanks!

    Japan seems to have the highest debt-to-GDP ratio (about 240%).  It’s about twice USA’s and many European countries.

    How much might indebted Western countries learn from the the economic path of Japan in the next 5-20? 

    Presumably if trends continue, the US and many European countries may see their ratio balloon above 200% in the next 10-20 years.

    How much of Japan’s debt experience would be applicable?

    Larger European countries with somewhat decent debt-to-GDP:

    Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany (60%), Poland, Russia and Switzerland.  Turkey, too, depending on how a person categorizes countries and continents.

    Larger European countries with troubling debt-to-GDP:

    Italy, Spain, Belgium, France, UK, Austria, Germany (60%).

    Check out the chart below for some interesting data, though possibly somewhat inaccurate data projections for 2019 -(from http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2018/01/weodata/index.aspx)

    for the larger chart : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V0JDkGUOdqniIgQft2_zQKs3wt1IwOCY8f0GSExWOcQ/edit?usp=sharing

    Large Countries with High Debt ratios

    2018 numbers from IMF World Economic Outlook Database, April 2018
    General government gross debt, % GDP
    General government total expenditure, % GDP
    GDP, USD$, Billions
    Gross domestic product, current prices, Purchasing power parity; international dollars, Billions
    Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices, PPP, Billions



    United States






    United Kingdom

  • Bhindrawala
    Posted at 08:12 pm, 4th May 2018

    What about the develop of khalistan? 1947 British dummies split India and Pakistan , they didn’t give Punjab aka sikhs a country !!! Khalistan needs to become a country Caleb, sikhi is the only major religion without their own main country with a majority , 1984 happened facist Indian government under indira gandhi attacked the golden temple they didn’t want sikhs getting power , even the British counlsnt conquer the sikh empire under the maharaja Ranjit Singh passed away cause sikhs had technology equal to Europe at that time and allied with french , thoughts Caleb?

  • JEB
    Posted at 11:50 pm, 4th May 2018

    Even countries in Europe with low to no debt (like most of Scandinavia), compared to the US which can never repay it’s debt, will still go down since we’ve chosen to entangle ourselves in not only the currencies (all European currencies are directly tied to the Euro with only a small margin of difference), but also the vast majority of our trade and even social and immigration policies. When the weakest fall, the whole empire will tumble. Hell, even if it doesn’t (like Greece a couple years ago) I have to work harder to pay for some irresponsible pension policy that worked 30 years ago during prosperous times.

    On another note  I’m currently in Thailand and am seeing just how much business can get concentrated in a small area. I am genuinely shocked at how the principles of lean or any other process of effectiveness have gone completely by these people. You could cut at least 4 out of 5 people here out of their jobs, and everything would look completely the same.

  • Eric C Smith
    Posted at 04:10 am, 5th May 2018

    Time to make plans to see if I like the SE asian climate 🙂 And places to learn Mandarin out there. Any scoop on Columbia?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 04:27 pm, 5th May 2018

    1947 British dummies split India and Pakistan , they didn’t give Punjab aka sikhs a country !!!

    They also merged Iraq into one country when they shouldn’t have. Look at the cluster fuck that’s become (Iraq should be at least three different countries).

    Yeah, although I give the British Empire credit sometimes, they certainly fucked a lot of things up when they re-drew many of their borders.

    Khalistan needs to become a country

    They should secede, absolutely.

    I’m currently in Thailand and am seeing just how much business can get concentrated in a small area. I am genuinely shocked at how the principles of lean or any other process of effectiveness have gone completely by these people. You could cut at least 4 out of 5 people here out of their jobs, and everything would look completely the same.

    Yes, that’s exactly part of my point. When SE Asia really starts getting their shit together (and they will), they’re in for an economic boom.

    Any scoop on Columbia?

    It’s as I said about South America.

  • PrepZ
    Posted at 11:49 am, 6th May 2018

    I also foresee the further criminalization of success and the explosion of nonsensical torts that keep the parasitical class of politicians, lawyers and judges rolling in money at the expense of the people who produce invention, innovation as well as real goods and services. There are so many GD lawyers now all clamoring for their share of frivolous lawsuits, huge nonsensical judgements and endless billable hours that they’ll continually squeeze the already declining country until bled out and dead.

    Corporations who pay for and own this class of parasites have successfully bled the country and it’s economy for the last century. However they’re going soon kill to the goose that used to lay golden eggs. The rate of decline is accelerating as this class of worthless parasites multiplies geometrically like an aggressive, fatal virus.

    After I get proficient in Spanish I’ll get on learning that Mandarin.

  • Rigg
    Posted at 03:54 pm, 7th May 2018

    What’s your opinion on the future of Puerto Rico Caleb?

    I’ve been reading positive things due to Acts 20 & 22.

    Peter Schiff has moved his business to Puerto Rico as well.

  • Gang
    Posted at 08:54 am, 14th May 2018

    I am from south west of France. I hate the climate of the Pacific Northwest and love the climate in Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, especially near the equator. I like hot weather but I feel better with hot and humid than hot and dry.


    Does your brother in Thailand follow any of your BD advices over there?

  • Antekirtt
    Posted at 02:21 pm, 14th May 2018

    @Gang: where do you think France is headed? seems like a bunch of indicators are in the wrong direction right now: degrowth/ anti-nuclear propaganda, state feminazism, etc. Do you think living in France for the next 10-ish years may still be tolerable for a 2.0 type?

  • paternitytester
    Posted at 03:59 am, 16th May 2018

    I could live in South East Asia if only they didn’t have ridiculous drug laws sentencing you for death if you ever smoke smoke weed (or whatever). I’m my own guy and I want to be free to choose what I ingest, especially that doctors don’t know cure for my illness, so I’ve found treatment myself – obviously I’m getting it from the black market. It’s not drugs or anything harmful, but I suppose SEA government would happily cut my head off for treating myself. Cause, you know, treating your illness deserves death.

  • Paul
    Posted at 10:30 am, 17th May 2018

    Think you’re wrong about Japan. Which is understandable, as basically every MSM article is lying about it as a way to secretly push the “Japan needs immigrants” meme. But if you look at Japan’s native fertility rate (here’s a source: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.TFRT.IN?locations=JP), it has actually gone *up* over the last decade. In fact, it is now higher than many European countries, as well as most other developed Asian countries (e.g. Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea).

    Meanwhile, every stupid MSM article is screaming bloody murder that Japan had the lowest number of babies born in history in 2017. Which is true, but, like the 77 cents on the dollar statistic, it is incredibly misleading because the number of fertile women is also the lowest in history (Japan’s population pyramid is a bubble of older middle aged and elderly people). So even as the number of babies born decreases, as the native fertility rate keeps increasing and the elderly “bubble” starts dying in a couple decades, the problem should stabilize itself in the long term.

    That said, Japan has a host of other issues – its corporate giants are going bankrupt, all the young people are pouring into Tokyo, it is increasingly difficult to take care of the elderly, and they are slowly but surely adopting a more SJW mentality (though this could potentially stop once America’s global influence weakens). But when you consider that they import 66% of their food and are increasingly losing their status as a global power, a shrinking population is probably a good thing.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:43 am, 17th May 2018

    But if you look at Japan’s native fertility rate (here’s a source: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.TFRT.IN?locations=JP), it has actually gone *up* over the last decade.

    I know, but it’s still nowhere near replacement rate, which is 2.1 percent. The fertility rate you’re referring to is “up to” a terrible 1.4 percent.

    In fact, it is now higher than many European countries

    Correct, Europe is fucked too. Europeans who wish to stay in Europe for the rest of their lives need to start learning Arabic.

    as well as most other developed Asian countries (e.g. Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea).

    You can’t count the teeny tiny countries like Singapore who actually have an overpopulation problem rather than the reverse. I agree on Korea though.

    But when you consider that they import 66% of their food and are increasingly losing their status as a global power, a shrinking population is probably a good thing.

    In the short and mid-term, perhaps. Not in the long-term.

  • Gordan Dan
    Posted at 07:09 am, 24th September 2018

    Agree on your predictions, even I have better opinion on East Europe.

    SE Asia is definitely best place to live in.

    Australia and NZ, terrible lifestyle and people, in my experience. Worse than Canada.

  • Ben
    Posted at 11:32 pm, 2nd March 2019

    Australian here, I disagree with your prediction on my country. Many of us think our property market will collapse soon in both Sydney and Melbourne. Some are predicting a drop of prices of up to 40% (though that’s the upper limits of predictions). Our economy is reliant on the property market so it could be a rough few years. Additionally, something like 30% of our GDP relies on selling coal to China, that boom can’t last forever.

  • Gordan
    Posted at 09:54 pm, 24th October 2019

    Old yet still accurate article.

    Aus and NZ are definitely places of no get laid lifestyle, yet fascist and stable places. Insane laws eat those societies from the inside, yet they might transform themselves into Aisan style economies, afte complete western crash.

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