Racism Is Societal Programming

I usually avoid talking about racism because its one of those issues that neither the right nor the left can think rationally about. Both sides hear the word and then go crazy, making rational discourse almost impossible. It’s irritating, which is why I dislike discussing it.

Yet, I need to clarify one thing, since in the past I’ve said that “racism is Societal Programming.” When some people hear this, they think I’m saying “there are no biological differences between the races.”

I didn’t say that. I said that racism is Social Programming, because it almost always is (and yes, there are unusual exceptions to every rule; we’ll cover those in a minute). It’s also true that there are real and factual differences between the races. Science has shown us that there are differences in things like temperament, average IQ, lifespan and health issues.

But that doesn’t mean that racism isn’t Societal Programming. It still is.

If you think SP has nothing to do racism, then that means you think a white person is raised to love black people just as much as white people, and over the course of his life he views white and black people exactly the same. Then one day, when he’s about 30 years old, he looks at some racial IQ studies on the internet, sees that blacks on average score lower than whites, and then suddenly says, “Oh! I didn’t know that! Okay, now I hate black people!” Boom, he’s a racist.

That’s not how it works.

In the real world, it works just the opposite. A racist white person is usually raised by either somewhat racist parents or in a somewhat racist part of the country (or world). Or perhaps he hangs out with racist friends, either in real life or online. Over time, he learns to dislike, or at least be uncomfortable with, people who are black. This is called Societal Programming. Then, when he’s an adult, he seeks out information on how blacks are biologically different than whites to use as fodder for arguments against left-wingers. He finds the racial IQ studies and says, “Ah HA! See??? I told you!”

The point is that the Societal Programming came first. The biological differences didn’t come into play until he was already a racist. The biological differences don’t turn non-racists into racists (barring unusual exceptions).

This is how I can acknowledge those same IQ studies as scientifically accurate, yet I’m not a racist. I was not raised with any racist SP (beyond the usual hidden stuff in normal media messaging). Even though I’m white, grew up in a predominantly white suburb, and tend to be attracted to blonde white women, my best friend in high school was half black, my son is black, and in my past I’ve dated women of all races and loved them all. My longest consistent relationship (other than my marriage) was with an Asian woman. One of the closest relationships I’ve ever had was with a Hispanic woman. Etc. Race is just not something I give a shit about.

The fact that I can acknowledge all of the biological facts about how the races are different yet not be a raging racist shows that these biological facts are not the cause of racism. SP is (among other things).

It’s only fair to point out the exceptions to the rule. I’m sure there are some white people who were raised with zero (or near-zero) racist SP, then moved to a big city, had a few negative experiences with black people, and then slowly became racists because of it. Statistically, I’m sure there must be some people like this.

But again, these are the exceptions to the rule. The vast, vast majority of people who strongly dislike other races, whether it’s white people who hate black people, black people who hate white people, Asians who hate everyone not Asian (Asians are far more racist than white people; it’s not even close), or anyone else, are like that because of their Societal Programming, even though there are indeed biological differences between the races.

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  • Gil Galad
    Posted at 06:06 am, 14th March 2016

    Thank you for pointing out something I’ve been seeing literally everywhere: people FIRST start believing something (because they’ve been told by some authority or because it “feels” right), THEN they look for so-called logical justifications. It’s the same irrational pattern everywhere.
    I’d go as far as to argue that humans are hard-wired to (have a strong tendency to) do this, and that starting from a neutral position to slowly make up your mind based on facts and logic is something that you learn and that your normal instinct will always try to resist.

  • RT
    Posted at 10:08 am, 14th March 2016

    Nice article, I also notice that many debates eg gay marriage are people having preconceived ideas and then using selective perception to find arguments that suit their opinion.

    Pointer – you didn’t define racism, briefly defining at least the keywords in the title (racism and SP) helps the readers. Speaking of which, here’s a study http://www.pewresearch.org/daily-number/hispanics-favor-bigger-role-for-government/

    Basically says hispanics favor bigger government. On the one hand, libertarians support freedom of movement for capital and labour. On the other hand, if immigration increases hispanic population like in the US, eventually they will vote bigger gov’t, which is against the libertarian’s core preference. What is your take on this? If your libertarian friend opposed immigration because he knew immigrants will vote for bigger govt, would he be racist? Would he be a libertarian to you? It’s like a situation where if you hit another person first to procect yourself, you go to court for assault, but if you don’t hit first you’re finished.

    PS in 30 years US will be less than 50% white according to this, interesting to see if that turns out to be true https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CdZzitkXIAAXa4T.jpg:large

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:43 am, 14th March 2016

    Basically says hispanics favor bigger government.

    Correct. So do blacks and Asians. Pretty much all non-white races prefer bigger government on average. That’s documented.

    On the other hand, if immigration increases hispanic population like in the US, eventually they will vote bigger gov’t, which is against the libertarian’s core preference. What is your take on this? If your libertarian friend opposed immigration because he knew immigrants will vote for bigger govt, would he be racist? Would he be a libertarian to you?

    My position on immigration is laid out in detail right here.

    In summary, if you were in a truly libertarian country you would never have the problem you describe in the first place, because:

    A. Immigrants looking for free stuff would never move to your country in the first place

    B. The goverment would not be allowed to create or change laws to give people free stuff, even if the voters wanted it.

    A truly libertarian country would have an ENFORCEABLE constitution that would clearly say, “The federal goverment doesn’t give free money to anyone, for any reason, at any time, even if the voters or politicians want it. Any politician who enacts such a law for any reason will be immediately punished in the following ways…(impeachment, imprisonment, etc)”

    The only reason immigrants are a big-goverment problem in the US and Europe is because the US and Europe stupidly have a governmental structure that gives people free stuff. This is a difficult concept for a lot of people to understand, race being such an emotional (read: irrational) issue.

    The conservative says: “Get them out of my country! Build a wall!”

    The libertarian says: “Immediately stop giving everyone free stuff!”

    Both accomplish the same thing. (However, as I’ve said, the US and Europe are so bad and are so far gone at this point they’re fucked no matter what solutions they try. These are notes for the next round of free countries yet to be born.)

    30 years US will be less than 50% white according to this, interesting to see if that turns out to be true

    I’m sure it will be true. Get ready! (I won’t be here by then.)

  • zan
    Posted at 01:19 pm, 14th March 2016

    CJ, well stated, great article. I’m curious, what/whom created racism and why do we need it any way?

    And, those who are racists, will they always remain racists, since SP is so strong (having had been conditioned since youth)?

    What’s the best way to deal with racism/racists?

    Lastly, what’s your educated guess on what percentage of racists are in the U.S. and what percentage are in the world, as a whole?

  • bluegreenguitar
    Posted at 01:31 pm, 14th March 2016

    Kudos for the well-reasoned article.

    Beyond what Caleb writes about immigration, another possibly might be to have an entry tariff. Here’s a study to check out https://cei.org/onpoint/conservative-case-immigration-tariffs . I don’t necessarily agree with the study, but it’s food for thought.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 02:11 pm, 14th March 2016

    what/whom created racism and why do we need it any way?

    It’s human nature. We are naturally drawn to spend time with people like us. Racism is simply an extension of this.

    those who are racists, will they always remain racists, since SP is so strong (having had been conditioned since youth)?

    Depends on the person.

    What’s the best way to deal with racism/racists?

    I don’t mind racists at all. Often they have good points. I’m not a left-winger, so racists are free to be as racist as they like. I’m a free speech absolutist.

    When I start to mind racists is when they pass laws that make me less free or cost me money. I also don’t like it when they insult people close to me without actually having any factual points about those specific individuals. But other than that, racists don’t bother me.

    what’s your educated guess on what percentage of racists are in the U.S. and what percentage are in the world, as a whole?

    No idea. I just know that white people are the least racist race there is, and all the other races have tricked the stupid white people into thinking they are. It’s hilarious.

    entry tariff

    Interesting idea. Never seen that before.

  • zan
    Posted at 02:25 pm, 14th March 2016

    All good valid points… I wish people could just be people and live beyond the racism…(since it’s people who created it, then it’s people who can eliminate it) would sure make things better, especially when it comes to dating women of any race.

  • Ergeniz
    Posted at 09:47 pm, 14th March 2016

    “Correct. So do blacks and Asians. Pretty much all non-white races prefer bigger government on average. That’s documented”.

    As do single women. Essentially, anyone that wants a free hand out.

    “No idea. I just know that white people are the least racist race there is, and all the other races have tricked the stupid white people into thinking they are. It’s hilarious”.

    This is true.

    I don’t believe it to be hilarious, but actually rather ridiculous. I’ve had several scenarios where I was talking to both blacks and whites and attempted to explain why blacks aren’t ‘oppressed’, as a matter of fact they have several advantages and they, like other minorities can play the race card (black women in particular have a double advantage being both female and a minority), etc. I discussed topics such as the absolute travesty of the Travin Martin case, the economic situation that befell Detroit after the area came to be controlled by blacks and many other things. Many of these can be fact checked on the website “Things Black People hate”. This nonsense that whites somehow ‘owe’ blacks ‘reparation’ for ‘past grievances’ is also complete bullocks – its just another excuse for minorities to excuse themselves as they mooch off another person’s earnings.

    I wasn’t surprised to be shouted down by the blacks, but what shocked me is the reaction of the whites whom I shared this with. They acted no different from the blacks. Its almost as if the vast majority of whites want some reason to hate themselves. This has the doubled effect of making minorities no different than women/feminists who see themselves as eternal victims that nonetheless can abuse their ‘oppressive overlords’. Hence, the blacks by and large never improve themselves. Its impossible to do so since they can continue to leech off of Uncle Sam (read: taxpayers, most of whom are white) and subscribe to the thinking that since they are continually under the boot of the White Man (™) none of their shortcomings or failures in life are their fault. Its sad to see.

    On your article, I have to disagree somewhat. I think racism is more than just societal programming – I believe its basic human nature to the extent it arises from tribalism. This would explain why its so easy to magnify it. Furthermore, I think racism is something that mainly applies to men of other ethnic groups and to a lower extent, unattractive women. White nationalists, Black supremacists, Islamic extremists, etc all have something in common – they hate and deride men of other races with impunity but somehow have no problem with banging the women of other races. White nationalists? When many of them go to Asia and find a wife nothing is said about this. When a black panther sleeps with a white woman all are silent. When an Islamic man takes a non-arab woman as a wife its fine, but Allah have mercy on you if you so much as talk to a middle eastern female.

    It all seems to come down to these men attempting to hoard breeding options to themselves as I see it.

  • zan
    Posted at 09:59 pm, 14th March 2016

    @ Ergeniz……..but somehow have no problem with banging the women of other races.

    So are you saying SEX trumps RACISM?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:00 pm, 14th March 2016

    Its almost as if the vast majority of whites want some reason to hate themselves.

    Yep. Particularly Europeans.

    I think racism is more than just societal programming – I believe its basic human nature to the extent it arises from tribalism.

    As I said in the comment above, racism is not our natural human tribalism, it comes from it.

    White nationalists? When many of them go to Asia and find a wife nothing is said about this. When a black panther sleeps with a white woman all are silent. When an Islamic man takes a non-arab woman as a wife its fine, but Allah have mercy on you if you so much as talk to a middle eastern female.

    It all seems to come down to these men attempting to hoard breeding options to themselves as I see it.

    Completely agree. That’s all an extension of male sexual territoriality that I describe in my book. “I can fuck your women but you’d better not fuck mine!!!”

  • Ergeniz
    Posted at 06:57 am, 15th March 2016

    “So are you saying SEX trumps RACISM”?

    No, I’m saying that sex drives a lot of what humans do. A lot more than most people realize.

    “As I said in the comment above, racism is not our natural human tribalism, it comes from it”.

    That’s what I said. Its similar to how many people subscribe to religion not in and of itself but being a byproduct of natural psychological traits. Religion is a common extension to that.



    “Yep. Particularly Europeans”.

    Why Europeans in particular? Are you referencing the recent situation with the muslim invaders?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 01:10 pm, 15th March 2016

    Why Europeans in particular? Are you referencing the recent situation with the muslim invaders?

    Among other things, yes. That, plus the reactions to the violent Muslims in their own countries, the political class in Germany trying to make up for WWII, and many other things I could list.

  • zan
    Posted at 01:56 pm, 15th March 2016

    @ Ergeniz….

    OK, then why have sex with them. If you’re racists .. meaning you hate another race and think your race is superior to theirs… then why have sex with them. One would think, as racists do, that you do not want any interaction or intermixing with the enemy.

    Since you mentioned Europe… why would a Nazi want to have sex with the Jew he hates and wants to exterminate… or a white racists have sex with a black, whom he thinks is inferior….. except for the notion that…. SEX trumps RACISM.

  • Ergeniz
    Posted at 09:50 pm, 15th March 2016
  • zan
    Posted at 10:51 pm, 15th March 2016

    @ Ergeniz…. OK, understood. I concur.

  • Greg
    Posted at 02:53 pm, 21st March 2016

    Asians dislike white people? I had no idea. How do they view them?

    I heard asians have cosmetic surgery to make their eyes more white-like, and being white is a plus in an asian country for scoring with women.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 04:16 pm, 21st March 2016

    Asians dislike white people? I had no idea. How do they view them?

    There are many different types of Asians so it depends on which ones you’re talking about. The Japanese in particular are quite racist, but I’ve been called anti-white racial slurs in in China and Hong Kong too.

    I heard asians have cosmetic surgery to make their eyes more white-like, and being white is a plus in an asian country for scoring with women.

    That’s mostly in China and S. Korea, yes.

    Yet even in those countries, it’s better to be Asian and look white than actually be white, in terms of racial acceptance anyway.

  • zan
    Posted at 04:45 pm, 21st March 2016

    @CJ, don’t filipinos and vietnamese, indonesians, chinese and thais love whites more…they even bleach their skin. Worldwide, being white is considered the standard of beauty, success and status…I’m sure you can’t disagree with that.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:35 pm, 21st March 2016

    As I just said, just because some Asian cultures are trying to look more white doesn’t mean they aren’t racist against other races, including white people. They are.

    But yep, being white is considered the standard of beauty.

  • balisong5
    Posted at 04:15 pm, 7th December 2016

    Hello Caleb I just read your series on race and dating in regards to asians. And I must say I love the information you provided and perspective you gave. Now having said that I was put off upon doing further reading on your other posts how divisive and opinionated you are towards asians which makes people like me less inclined to take up your services. Because honestly no other pua site has shown this type of racial bias. First you say asians are less attractive than Indians and then you say asians are by far the most racist people on earth! There are so many metrics that dictate the severity of racism in one society vs another that it’s impossible to conclude with absolute certainty that one race is more racist than another. As an Asian person I can say that from a historical and contemporary perspective that whites are the most racist based on how we were treated from colonialism right down to the present day. And I’m certain so many others would see my point as valid. The fact is that numerous examples of racism can be attributed to every race in every continent that to say who is worse is truly moot. Your comment on a Japanese father wielding a sword ready to slice the head of a black guy his daughter may bring home is hilarious. East Asian countries do not engage in honor killing. That lot is reserved for Muslim nations in the middle east and south Asia who have btw have had instances of having their daughters killed for dating outside the race or religion.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:02 pm, 7th December 2016

    divisive and opinionated you are towards asians

    Uh, I love Asians. I date Asians all the time. My longest relationship was with an Asian. My closest relationships with business partners and co-workers are with Asians. I will be opening an office in Asia soon. I may be moving to Asia.

    Millions of men read my blogs and you are the first one to imply that I’m racist against Asians. Quite the opposite; if anything, I think Asians are superior to whites.

    you say asians are less attractive than Indians

    I have literally never said this. Of course Asians are hotter than Indians.

    then you say asians are by far the most racist people on earth!

    When you add Japanese to the word “Asian,” then yes, that’s correct. It’s the Japanese who are the most racist people on Earth, and they move the Asian racist quotient up a bit.

    I agree that if you remove Japanese from the equation, non-Japanese Asians are less racist.

    Your comment on a Japanese father wielding a sword ready to slice the head of a black guy his daughter may bring home is hilarious. East Asian countries do not engage in honor killing.

    I know. That was called a “joke.” It means, “to speak humorously or flippantly.”

  • balisong5
    Posted at 09:34 pm, 7th December 2016

    When you add Japanese to the word “Asian,” then yes, that’s correct. It’s the Japanese who are the most racist people on Earth.

    I understand why you may think this. Although I don’t think Japan has anything on Russia. Russia truly underscores the ugly side of racism that is still capable of existing in this day and age.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:39 pm, 7th December 2016

    Yes, Russians are racist, but not nearly as racist as the Japanese. Russians are more nationalistic and xenophobic than racist. Japanese are racist.

  • balisong5
    Posted at 11:09 pm, 7th December 2016

    Yes, Russians are racist, but not nearly as racist as the Japanese. Russians are more nationalistic and xenophobic than racist. Japanese are racist.

    I disagree. Russia is a hotbed of racial violence/hate crimes against asians, blacks and anyone nonwhite. The police have been known to trivialize the severity of the acts as well as engaging in willful harassment and physical beatings of nonwhite minorities. Japan on the other hand does not have such an egregious situation concerning it’s minorities. In a national poll, most Russians believed a Slavic appearance to be “real Russians” despite the fact non slavs have been living on Russian soil for centuries.

  • balisong5
    Posted at 11:21 pm, 7th December 2016

    So bad is the Russian situation that the u.s department of travel put out a warning for Americans of Asian or African descent about the risk of falling victim to harassment or attacks whereas there has been no such similar warning in regards to would be travelers to Japan.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:56 pm, 7th December 2016

    You’re talking about violence. I’m talking about racism. Two different things. Racism encompasses much more than whether or not you are violent against others. The vast majority of the world’s racists have never committed a violent act and never will.

    The Japanese are racist, but they’re also some of the nicest, most polite, least violent people on the planet, whereas the Russians are violent, high testosterone, extreme Alpha Males, more so than even Americans. Therefore, Russian racists will be violent, Japanese racists won’t be. Doesn’t matter. The Japanese are still extremely racist, and have more negative feelings based purely on race than the Russians do.

    If you want to nitpick about whether or not Russians or Japanese are more mentally racist, that’s great but I have no interest in that topic. I said Asians are racist, and they are. I said Japanese are extremely racist, and they are. And yeah, Russians and Arabs are too. If the facts bother you, that’s fine, but I can’t help you.

  • balisong5
    Posted at 05:52 am, 8th December 2016

    The Japanese are racist, but they’re also some of the nicest, most polite, least violent people on the planet, whereas the Russians are violent, high testosterone, extreme Alpha Males, more so than even Americans. Therefore, Russian racists will be violent, Japanese racists won’t be. Doesn’t matter. The Japanese are still extremely racist, and have more negative feelings based purely on race than the Russians do.

    Interesting. I guess we can agree that the Russians are the ones most likely to engage in racial violence. Your perspective on the Japanese I somewhat agree but I’m not fully on board with you on that but that’s okay. I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree on some level. And to be honest your response is actually a lot better than what I would’ve gotten from most people discussing race online. Far too often race discussion becomes an emotional tit for tat that I abhor and you didn’t go there so I’m commending you for that. I respect your opinion however at the end of the day I still stand by my belief that there is plenty of racism in our present day whether it be from Blacks, Asians, Whites, Indians, Middle Easterners or Hispanics that condemning one group over another is pointless.

  • balisong5
    Posted at 07:10 pm, 8th December 2016

    Russians are violent, high testosterone, extreme Alpha Males, more so than even Americans.

    Interesting that despite them being very alpha they are not popularly sought after by women unlike men of other nationalities. Instead it is Russian women who are the object of infatuation and admiration and many of them are keen to date or marry non Russian men.

  • balisong5
    Posted at 04:12 pm, 15th December 2016

    Interestingly enough in Japan, other Asians such as Koreans, Chinese and Southeast Asians are hated and treated much worse than Whites.

  • Mark Larkin
    Posted at 03:22 am, 5th April 2018

    There is no such thing as scientific evidence that shows the differences between the races. It has been widely debunked after peer review. Personally, I believe in environmental factors to cause these differences. A white New Yorker won’t have a different temperament with a black Canadian because of their skin color. Also to think that a black kid raised in a good neighborhood will score less than a white kid raised in the projects is ludicrous. It also applies to the opposite. A black guy from Compton will be different than a black guy from Botswana. Same way, an Asian kid raised in Cincinnati, Ohio won’t be the same as an Asian kid raised in Beijing, China. Blaming it all on skin color is to take dangerous position that ignores their environment. It’s true, no one alive today was a slave but you somehow seem to believe that black and white people suddenly became equal because slavery was abolished. You think they had the same opportunities to start businesses, had access to the same jobs, had access to the same mortgage opportunities, same healthcare, same well-equipped schools and so forth. You also think that all these factors that were in truth and practice deliberate government actions didn’t contribute to the current state of black communities. To somehow expect that a black kid from those circumstances should suddenly perform the same as a white kid that lived in a safe neighborhood and went to a good public school is unfair. Now just so we are clear, I’m not blaming black underdevelopment wholly on whites, I’m saying don’t ignore the environmental factors that have over decades played a large part. Black people also share the blame and need to be part of the solution as well. But I believe that these deliberate govt actions need to be rectified in part by that govt  as well. how is it ok that Reagan’s war on drugs targeted crack users (overwhelmingly black) while cocaine users (overwhelmingly white) walked free. Why does a TRAINED cop WITH A GUN walk free after killing an unarmed black kid simply because “he felt like his life was in danger”. Yes, racism is social programming, and society is the environment we live in. change the environment and such nonsense will fade as well.

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