I’ve said my peace over at the BD Blog about this. In a few days I’m going to answer the real question I had about this election, which was not Hillary or Trump. I didn’t care which of them would win because A) they’re both horrible and B) it’s far too late to stop the collapse no matter who you vote for.
Rather, my big question was whether or not polls can still be trusted in our slowly collapsing society. Late last week I took a detailed snapshot of the polls with the intention of comparing them to what actually happened yesterday. In a few days I’ll have a detailed analysis of how accurate, or inaccurate, the polls were before the election, to see if they’re even worth paying attention to in future elections.
I’m off to Vegas to win more money at blackjack and to enjoy my life, so today, I’ll just leave you with Doug Casey’s Five Reasons Not To Vote. I agree with all five, though number four is the most important. Here you go:
If you vote, you have no right to complain. ~George Carlin
1. Voting in a political election is unethical. The political process is one of institutionalized coercion and force. If you disapprove of those things, then you shouldn’t participate in them, even indirectly.
2. Voting compromises your privacy. It gets your name in another government computer database.
3. Voting, as well as registering, entails hanging around government offices and dealing with petty bureaucrats. Most people can find something more enjoyable or productive to do with their time.
4. Voting encourages politicians. A vote against one candidate—a major, and quite understandable, reason why many people vote—is always interpreted as a vote for his opponent. And even though you may be voting for the lesser of two evils, the lesser of two evils is still evil. It amounts to giving the candidate a tacit mandate to impose his will on society.
5. Your vote doesn’t count. Politicians like to say it counts because it is to their advantage to get everyone into a busybody mode. But, statistically, one vote in scores of millions makes no more difference than a single grain of sand on a beach. That’s entirely apart from the fact that officials manifestly do what they want, not what you want, once they are in office.
Spend your limited time bettering your life for you and your loved ones, not trying to vote for evil people who continue to destroy your civilization.
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Pyro Nagus
Posted at 02:16 pm, 9th November 2016Way to go America. You sure showed that your integrity is important to you by “voting for the lesser of two evils”.
You also showed politicians that a clean record or qualification for presidency doesn’t actually matter as long as you make sure you’re less evil than your presidential opponents to win. Now even Vlad the impaler could win if his opponent is Satan. This will set the standard for decades. Lol
It’s funny how the manosphere educates men to identify shit tests but fails to identify the biggest one that it just failed.
Posted at 06:25 pm, 9th November 2016Good. From my perspective the polls were used as a political weapon by the mainstream media.
While media coverage this election was anti-right and journalists as a class usually lean left, I’m sure the elites who own the companies could reverse the coverage if it suited their interests. It’s not hard to tweak a poll’s methodology to get the outcome you want.
The polls were so far away from the outcome and only started to come closer to reality just before voting day. The more cynical who observed this suggested that the only reason the poll gap closed was to preserve media credibility for the next election.
I liked your balanced view on Nationalism so it will be interesting to see what you say here.
As an aside, while I’ve been supportive of Trump I suspect a lot of people will be disappointed in his presidency just like the left was with Obama. They put a lot of outcome dependence on Trump so if he doesn’t ‘save America’ then the collapse will hit them harder because of the false hope. More nihilism in the manosphere.
Posted at 03:20 am, 10th November 2016Eh, this mostly due to the First Past The Post electoral system which results in vote splitting and a two party system. In a proportional representation system your vote would actually matter. Also, in a proportional representation system things are a lot slower due to conflict on agreements of policies, which is good. You don’t want politicians constantly getting away with sneaking in new laws, the more friction the better, which requires a true consensus to pass something when you have 5-10 parties battling it out.
Sure enough, all the western super powers employ FPTP for this reason, to maintain the status quo with a 2 party system and an illusion of democracy, pass laws quickly and covertly, and pretty much being an oligarchy.
Posted at 07:06 am, 10th November 2016“It’s funny how the manosphere educates men to identify shit tests but fails to identify the biggest one that it just failed.”
CJ has said this before, but the idea of self government scares many, most of the manosphere included. Just like SJWs think that government will take care of them, alt rights and the manosphere think that the government will be able to stop itself if they vote for the right person. Apparently they have never heard of the phrase “absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
“More nihilism in the manosphere.”
And in general hopefully. Realizing that no outside force matters or makes sense and that you are the only constant is refreshing and very much liberating.
Posted at 07:07 am, 10th November 2016And Doug Casey’s stuff is genius. I’ve been following Adam Kokesh for the most part in terms of anarchist theory but Casey blows him out of the water completely.
Pyro Nagus
Posted at 07:53 am, 10th November 2016Quote
CJ has said this before, but the idea of self government scares many, most of the manosphere included. Just like SJWs think that government will take care of them, alt rights and the manosphere think that the government will be able to stop itself if they vote for the right person. Apparently they have never heard of the phrase “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” End quote
Agreed. But right now, I’m poking fun at people who know Trump sucks but vote for him to keep Hillary away from power. If I was a popular political figure (and didn’t care for my mental health), I’d use that influence to convince people to not stand for this shit choice between two monsters. Y’know, remind them that there’s a third option. Mass rebellion would ensue. One can dream…
Not that I have a good understanding of politics to know what exactly America would lose if it stopped interfering with other countries and whittled down the government.
My general understanding is that America’s power is too unstable to keep and too addicting to let go. America would rather die in bang than to back down from power.
I’m not even American. Heh…
Posted at 08:42 pm, 11th November 2016So Caleb, Do you not believe in voting at all, or just in presidential elections?
Votes certainly do count in local elections, from what I have observed. Nationally, yeah, you need to be in a swing state to have it really matter.
I’m in CA so I just use the ‘Other’ box on the Pres. ticket to write something entertaining. No chance anyone other than the Dem candidate wins here.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 08:45 am, 12th November 2016The only time voting makes sense is in a local election affecting your local town only, or a state election if you live in a very low population state. Other than that, voting is useless at best, destructive at worst.
Voting in state election if you live in a giant state like California is just as useless as voting in the presidential election. It might give you a nice little emotional release, but it won’t change anything.
I stopped voting in national and state elections about 16-17 years ago. I stopped voting in local elections about 11-12 years ago, since I’ll be moving out of the country so I don’t care about my local stuff.
It still doesn’t matter. Your two choices are always two pieces of shit selected by the elites. (I know Trump wasn’t selected by the elites, but he’s still a piece of shit.)