The 19 Ways Trump Screwed His Supporters… In Just His First Year

Time for another huge I-told-you-so. Ready? So many of you are going to be so angry. But as always, you have only yourselves to blame.

On November 9th, 2016, the day Trump was elected, I very clearly said the following to his rabid, excited, orgasmic supporters:

Remember I said this to you, right-wingers: Trump will fuck you. He will fuck you just like George W. Bush fucked you. He’ll fuck you just like Obama fucked the progressives. The odds are overwhelming that Trump is going to do some things in the next four years that is going to confuse and enrage you. Just watch, and remember I said it, because I’m going to be right.

And I was right, and Trump has only had one year in office to prove me right.

Throughout 2017, I kept careful track of all the things Trump did that were the opposite of what he promised his supporters. Today, I’m going to list them all with links to sources where appropriate (and I will use both left-wing and right-wing sources). I’m not even going to cover all the stupid things he’s said, all the lies he’s told, all the people he hired and then fired, or all the scandals he’s involved in. This is because if you’re a Trump supporter, I know you don’t care about any of that.

That’s why I’m only going to focus on those things where he clearly fucked you, as I clearly warned you he would they day he got elected when you all said he was going to Make America Great Again™ (yeah right).

And before you get butt-hurt about me pointing out all of Trump’s backstabbing, I urge you to go through the archive of this blog and look at the numerous times I mercilessly and repeatedly bashed Obama when he was president. Unlike most anyone else on the internet, I call out shitty presidents regardless of left or right, Republican or Democrat. They’re all liars, and they’re all destroying your country even though you keep voting for them.

At the end of this list, perhaps some of you will wake up to the concept that no one is going to save you, no one is going to save the USA, and that forever hoping for external solutions is a waste of your time, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll stop focusing on this stupid political crap and shift your focus onto where it belongs: YOU, and your life.

Here we go! They are listed in chronological order…

1. Trump filled his cabinet and inner circle with numerous banker elites, most of whom were from Goldman Sachs, the exact people he excoriated when he ran for office.

2. Trump bombed Syria, and for literally no reason.

3. Trump escalated the war in Afghanistan, a war he spent literally years denouncing when Obama was doing it.

4. Trump fired Steve Bannon, confusing his supporters. He later said Bannon “lost his mind.”

5. Trump increased Obama’s drone strikes by… get ready for this… 432%[*]

6. Trump worked with Democrats against Republicans to raise, and later eliminate, the debt ceiling, kicking the debt to over $20 trillion.

7. Trump’s Attorney General continues to crack down on legal marijuana[*].

8. Trump sided with Democrats to keep Dreamers (illegal aliens brought over when they were children) in the country, enraging many of his public supporters, specifically people like Ann Coulter.

9. Trump sold $110 billion in arms to the corrupt Islamic state of Saudi Arabia (how is that nationalist?) though apparently Trump lied (big shock) and the deal was “only” $25 billion [*]

10. Trump backtracked on building the wall in September, saying that the “wall” will actually be renovations to existing fences.[*] (Haha! Told you! He was never going to build a wall, you idiots.)

11. Trump asked for an increase in military spending by $54 billion more per year (the corporatist, warmongering Republican congress gave him $80 billion instead). [*]

12. Trump used funds donated to him by his backers for his campaign to pay his legal bills in the Russia scandal.[*] (Is that what those funds were for, Trump? I thought you were a billionaire.)

13. Trump gave more leeway for drone strikes and commando raids outside of conventional battlefields, beyond what Obama did, which resulted in literally hundreds of civilians dead. [*]

14. Trump supported the establishment candidate (who lost) for Jeff Session’s abandoned Alabama Senate seat. (Steve Bannon supported the outsider candidate.)

15. Trump told his highest ranking security leaders that he wanted to increase the amount of nukes in our arsenal by ten times.[*] (Side note: this was the event that caused his own Secretary of State (Rex Tillerson) to call Trump a “moron.” Tantrum Trump challenged Tillerson to an IQ test to prove he had the higher IQ, but cowardly backed down when Mensa offered to moderate and verify the two tests. Second side note: Trump’s reaction to all of this was to threaten to shut down NBC and Twitter. Because, as I’ve said, he’s an authoritarian.)

16. Amazingly, Trump added an 8th war to Obama’s current seven wars (sigh), bombing Niger.[*] America is now waging a massive shadow war all over Africa.[*] (How is this “America First?” How is this “Rebuilding at home?”)

17. Trump promised to issue longer-term government bonds to take advantage of low interest rates after viciously attacking Obama for not doing this. Then, he did literally the opposite by having the Treasury Department shorten the maturity of government debt, and encouraging more people to buy six-month and one-year bonds[*].

18. Trump increased military spending by an astounding $700 billion (National Defense Authorization Act).

19. Trump screwed divorced men all over the USA by removing the tax deduction for alimony payments. Before Trump, alimony was fully tax deductible for the man, and the woman had to pay income tax on it. Trump flipped it, so now men have to pay taxes on their alimony payments and women don’t pay any tax at all. Thanks Trump!

That’s just in his first year, folks. The guy’s got three more to go (unless he gets removed from office or steps down before the end of his term, something I’ve said has a 25% chance of occurring).

Most Trump supporters are going to respond to all of these facts and data by ignoring all of it and doing one of two things:

1. Attacking me personally


2. Justifying all of it by saying that Hillary would have been worse. As I’ve said before and will keep repeating, if your only defense of your guy is that the other guy (or gal) would have been worse, then you’re admitting your guy sucks. See, if your guy didn’t suck, when I say something bad about him, you would respond, “No Caleb, he doesn’t suck. He’s a great president, and here’s why…” But if you don’t do that, and instead angrily grumble something about Hillary, then you’ve just proved that I’m right, and Trump sucks. (And again, I said the exact same thing to Obama supporters when they said “McCain/Romney would have been worse.”)

Those will be most Trump supporters, but I’m hoping a few of you are smart enough to realize that your time is better spent increasing your income, increasing your dating and relationship management skills, and working on your Mission rather than voting for lying assholes who are just using you to acquire and maintain power.

The choice is yours, as always.

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Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.

  • PK
    Posted at 05:40 am, 10th January 2018


    Good post.  Small typo on #17, where “by” should be “buy”:

    “encouraging more people to by six-month”

  • Makeshift
    Posted at 06:13 am, 10th January 2018

    As a fairly moderate Trump supporter I can agree with all of these except for no. 4 and 14, which don’t really fit the idea of screwing his supporters.

  • Shubert
    Posted at 09:19 am, 10th January 2018

    The alimony crap surprised me. That is fucked up.

    But what’s this with bonds? Why is this relevant?

    I’ll admit that I supported him, but now I’m staying on the sidelines.

    I do like the tax cuts, but other things screw American men more than anything.

  • CrabRangoon
    Posted at 09:48 am, 10th January 2018

    What’s hilarious right now is all this talk about Oprah running for president coming from the same folks who were outraged that a rich TV personality become president….  Can’t make this shit up anymore.

  • Cronos
    Posted at 09:55 am, 10th January 2018

    Points 2-3-5-9-11-13-15-16-18

    They are all basically the same thing: Trump is doing at amazing job at defeating ISIS. Remember when they used to be a big deal? Trump practically defeated them. If Hillary had been elected, not only ISIS would be stronger now, ISIS terrorists would have entered the US disguised as refugees.

    Point 12: Trump can use his money for whatever he wants. Is his own money.

    Point 6: As it was discussed in this blog previously, if you mathematically accept that the US will have to inflate the debt, it makes sense to borrow money in order to invest in things like infrastructure.


    all the people he hired and then fired

    He is just following your advice here:

    How ironic is it that you actually used Trumps image and catchphrase (“you are fired”) on one of your posts, and then go on to critize him for doing the exact same thing you advice business owners to do?

  • PK
    Posted at 10:00 am, 10th January 2018

    CrabRangoon says
    January 10, 2018 at 9:48 am

    What’s hilarious right now is all this talk about Oprah running for president coming from the same folks who were outraged that a rich TV personality become president….  Can’t make this shit up anymore.

    That’s my take on it.  Oprah would just be the left’s version of Trump, rich TV personality that doesn’t know squat about governing.  You can pretty much give her near 100% of the black female vote if she runs.  She’s like an untouchable deity to them.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:15 am, 10th January 2018



    As a fairly moderate Trump supporter I can agree with all of these except for no. 4 and 14, which don’t really fit the idea of screwing his supporters.

    You’re absolutely wrong about #4. I’ve read on many alt-right blogs and forums where Trump supporters said they will keep supporting him “unless he fires Steve Bannon.” The fact you’re a “moderate” Trump supporter is exactly why you don’t care about that one.

    But what’s this with bonds? Why is this relevant?

    It’s complicated but the bottom line is longer-term bonds help the people and shorter-term bonds help government.

    What’s hilarious right now is all this talk about Oprah running for president coming from the same folks who were outraged that a rich TV personality become president….  Can’t make this shit up anymore.

    There is a low but decent chance that you will see a president Oprah or even president The Rock at some point in the future. Yes, America has really become that stupid. Enjoy the decline!

    Trump is doing at amazing job at defeating ISIS. Remember when they used to be a big deal? Trump practically defeated them.

    Uh, no, incorrect. Trump didn’t defeat ISIS, the Iraqi army did. Seriously, you really need to do more research before forming opinions or trying to defend this guy on blogs.

    If Hillary had been elected

    Haha, there’s one! (Read the second to last paragraph in my article.) I’m going to tally up the number of times Trump supports say “Hillary would have been worse!”

    Trump can use his money for whatever he wants. Is his own money.

    So if I run for political office and you give me campaign money (that I don’t even need) and I use it to pay hookers, that’s totally cool with you? Okay.

    As it was discussed in this blog previously, if you mathematically accept that the US will have to inflate the debt, it makes sense to borrow money in order to invest in things like infrastructure.

    As long as you admit this will bankrupt your country, then fine. The problem is you guys were trying to save the country, not destroy it.

    He is just following your advice here:

    Incorrect again. He is not hiring slow. He’s hiring way too fast, thus firing way too fast, over and over and over again. If he was taking my advice and hiring slow, he wouldn’t have to fire so many people.

  • Shayme
    Posted at 11:45 am, 10th January 2018

    Nothing new here. Politicians don’t usually follow through on campaign promises. The party doesn’t make a difference, same outcome within a very narrow range of possibilities either way. I find these politics to be a waste of time. I’m surprised you have time to spend on this.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 01:12 pm, 10th January 2018

    Trump is doing at amazing job at defeating ISIS. 

    Defeating ISIS by BECOMING ISIS. Seems legit.

    Its like I’ve said since Dubya: Every president we have until 2024 or so are going to pretty much continue what Dubya has done. We are seeing the same with Trump, just like we saw the same with Obombya.

    Caleb is right about this. When you give politicians (and famous people in general) so much agency to where you view them as Gurus, it is a total waste of energy.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 01:16 pm, 10th January 2018

    Politicians don’t usually follow through on campaign promises.

    I wish people remembered that on election day.

    I’m surprised you have time to spend on this.

  • CF
    Posted at 01:45 pm, 10th January 2018

    Dang. That’s more than I thought. And I already thought the media focused too much on Trump. It seems he screwed up so much that the media didn’t have enough time to cover everything.

    As for the long term bonds. I don’t have any data so it’ll all be anecdotal. I prefer long term bonds over short term. The rates are always higher for the long term ones. So even if the interest rates are low, I’d always be getting the highest rates. It’s like a laddered GIC. But then, I hold until maturity.


  • Trudodyr
    Posted at 02:16 pm, 10th January 2018

    Trump didn’t defeat ISIS, the Iraqi army did.

    Not so sure about this. Even the article you cite speaks about ISIS’s territory being “brutally disrupted by US-backed bombing” and “US-backed assault on Rakka” etc. I have read several books about the second war in Iraq and quite often it happened that Iraqi military was given credit for successful operations done by US troops for propaganda reasons — to make the new Iraqi government look good. Iraqi soldiers took part in those operations as well, but usually were poorly trained, poorly equipped and not exactly happy/willing to get the job done.

    The current situation with ISIS is different in that it is presented as US (and other countries) provide support of all kinds (mainly airstrikes and artillery and training of Iraqi forces) and there is Iraqi army on the ground with Iraqi soldiers doing the dangerous close quarter combat etc. This is all nice, except for two things: 1) Just look at pictures of Rakka now – the city bombed pretty badly and I assume plenty of ISIS fighters were killed. Do you think that Iraqi army would be able to take it over in a few months (or at all?) without it? 2) I might be wrong but I would be surprised if there wasn’t a bunch of US special forces soldiers with vague rules of engagement killing a lot of ISIS fighters. If course I am not saying that a few SEALs defeated ISIS, but they can make a lot of difference.

    Given all this, I would still not claim that Trump defeated ISIS (him letting military do their job probably helped, but without further research I just don’t know how much), but I would be equally careful with claiming that Iraqi army did.

    My guess is that if there weren’t for US military presence and actions in that region Iraqi military wouldn’t do shit, as wouldn’t the rest coalition army. (That they shouldn’t be there in the first place and that there probably would be no ISIS if US-led coalition forces didn’t fuck up the whole region is another story.)

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:02 pm, 10th January 2018

    I would still not claim that Trump defeated ISIS (him letting military do their job probably helped, but without further research I just don’t know how much), but I would be equally careful with claiming that Iraqi army did.

    I spoke too quickly when I said Iraqi army, so I take that back. The point is Trump didn’t defeat ISIS, it’s stupid to even think such a thing, and the fact there are so many people like Chronos who think he did is sad.

  • Randy
    Posted at 09:08 pm, 10th January 2018

    It’s all 11 dimensional underwater hyper chess! He’s just thinking a billiondy moves ahead of everyone else.

    Caleb, what do you think about Scott Adams continuing to make 90% of his writing about reframing everything Trump does as being master persuasion?

    I was pretty excited about Trump, though I had my reservations (same deal with Obama). I’m shocked that everyone else is not only unwilling to admit that he’s more of the same, but they’re actively reframing everything he does as amazing no matter what.


  • JB Consta
    Posted at 07:38 am, 11th January 2018

    You should show this list to Scott Adams – may it’ll snap him out of his self-“””hypnosis””” and “””persuasion””” regarding Trump.


    In other future news:

    Michelle steals the primaries from Oprah! You heard it here first, folks!

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:40 pm, 11th January 2018

    Caleb, what do you think about Scott Adams continuing to make 90% of his writing about reframing everything Trump does as being master persuasion?

    I had to stop reading his stuff and watching his videos. Pre-Trump Scott had one of the best blogs on the internet, and I eagerly read every article. He posed a lot of creative and intelligent ideas and viewpoints. Now he’s lost his soul (like Mike Cernovitch; another guy I used to love). I can only hear “lying is good persuasion” and “bombing countries is good persuasion” and “soon his approval ratings will go up!” so many times before it feels like I’m listening to a shill or an insane person. I’m done with him, and that’s a shame.

    I’m shocked that everyone else is not only unwilling to admit that he’s more of the same, but they’re actively reframing everything he does as amazing no matter what.

    To be fair, most people aren’t doing that. The only guys who are doing this are the ones who make money by talking about Trump (like Scott Adams) or the delusional true believers who represent a very small percentage of the electorate. Most Republicans and Trump voters (not supporters, voters) know Trump’s a fraud.

  • JEB
    Posted at 05:46 am, 12th January 2018

    Points 2-3-5-9-11-13-15-16-18

    I must have missed the news the day where Trump nuked ISIS. Or threatened them with nukes. Or where America didn’t have enough nukes to literally obliterate the entire surface of the earth multiple times.

    And if I remember correctly, the attack on Syria was an attack on an airbase containing Assad loyalists (and a few Russian soldiers by mistake) as retaliation for a chemical attack that may or may not have actually happened.

    I think I see what Caleb means when he talks about delusional Trump supporters. Hell, I even like Trump a lot more than the elitist American politicians, but outright attributing some of his mistakes to some fictional goal that you just made up to justify them is outright retarded.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 12:51 am, 13th January 2018

    Now he’s lost his soul (like Mike Cernovitch; another guy I used to love). I can only hear “lying is good persuasion” and “bombing countries is good persuasion” and “soon his approval ratings will go up!” so many times before it feels like I’m listening to a shill or an insane person. I’m done with him, and that’s a shame.

    I used to read Danger And Play a lot as well. But for the last two years, its been nothing but Cernovich being an edgelord and sucking Trump’s dick. Which caused me to effectively place him in the same big boat as the commie Sanders nuthuggers (actually, commie is too good a word for them; most real Anarcho Communists don’t like Comrade Bernie either) and these girl power assholes who think Oprah would actually amount to anything in politics.

    Look, I could sing the praises of Ron Paul, Adam Kokesh and Arvin Vohra all day long but no, those three are not perfect either. You’re right, Caleb. Identity politics (as well as external solutions and collectivism) is destroying everything around us, even us libertarians aren’t safe anymore 🙁

  • DerWeltenbummler!
    Posted at 02:12 am, 13th January 2018

    Regarding point number 19 (no more tax deductions for alimony payments):

    Doesn’t surprise me that Trump did this. This is one of the few men who actually got a prenup with his current wife and declared that this made his marriage stronger! I actually think that he once said at a talk that his number one piece of advice is for men is to get a prenup.

    Luckily men don’t have to worry about this regulation at all, since their wife really loves them, their wife is different than the rest and divorce rates are at the record low of around 63%! Heh!!

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:13 am, 13th January 2018

    This is one of the few men who actually got a prenup with his current wife and declared that this made his marriage stronger!

    It didn’t though. If you keep lying to and cheating on your wife, she’ll grow to hate you regardless of prenup or not. Melania hates Trump. (She’ll still stick around of course; she loves the money, power, and fame.)

    I actually think that he once said at a talk that his number one piece of advice is for men is to get a prenup.

    I agree with him there, though times have changed and prenups are no longer enforceable in many parts of the world/country.

    Luckily men don’t have to worry about this regulation at all, since their wife really loves them, their wife is different than the rest and divorce rates are at the record low of around 63%! Heh!!


  • Seamus
    Posted at 02:16 am, 17th January 2018

    “Justifying all of it by saying that Hillary would have been worse. As I’ve said before and will keep repeating, if your only defense of your guy is that the other guy (or gal) would have been worse, then you’re admitting your guy sucks. See, if your guy didn’t suck, when I say something bad about him, you would respond, “No Caleb, he doesn’t suck. He’s a great president, and here’s why…”

    Almost everything in life is RELATIVE and especially so in a two horse race like the American Presidential Election sysptem.

    Are you seriously trying to imply/argue that psychopath bitch C**T wouldn’t have been any worse than Trump?

    Do you think war with Russia would have more or less likely with Hillary?

    And No I don’t fawn over Tump – I always said He is a conman with Princess daughter syndrome – It’s His  member of chabad cult (((son))) in law that I think is most dangerous.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:01 am, 17th January 2018

    Are you seriously trying to imply/argue that psychopath bitch C**T wouldn’t have been any worse than Trump?

    Haha! There’s two!

  • Mike Hunter
    Posted at 10:13 am, 22nd January 2018

    5. Trump increased Obama’s drone strikes by… get ready for this… 432%.

    Good!  I want scumbag Islamists’ who plot to kill American civilians and harm our interests dead.  Drone strikes are the most economical way to do this.  Much less expensive then a ground invasion.  It also greatly reduces the number of fatalities suffered by the American military.

    9. Trump sold $110 billion in arms to the corrupt Islamic state of Saudi Arabia (how is that nationalist?) though apparently Trump lied (big shock) and the deal was “only” $25 billion.

    I could care less what they do to their own people or how they run their country.  As long as they keep the price of oil low by increasing the supply when America asks them, share intelligence with us, and don’t attack us or  harm our interests. I don’t see a problem with selling weapons to a country who’s been a reliable ally. Especially if it benefits us monetarily, and allows us to have a fiscally responsible way of keeping production lines of military equipment that we might need in the future open.

    10. Trump backtracked on building the wall in September, saying that the “wall” will actually be renovations to existing fences.[*] (Haha! Told you! He was never going to build a wall, you idiots.)

    Good!  The wall was a waste of money.  Trump has used the bully pulpit to raise issues of: chain migration, reforming the diversity visa lottery, mandatory e-verify, and the abuse of the H1B system by employers.  Which is a win.  None of the other candidates for president even wanted to discuss these issues.

    13. Trump gave more leeway for drone strikes and commando raids outside of conventional battlefields, beyond what Obama did, which resulted in literally hundreds of civilians dead.

    Again good!  I want people who hate me, want to harm me, and lower my quality of life dead.  If that results in hundreds of peasants who I’ve never met, who despise me, and who would kill me if I ever visited their country dying than I’m fine with that.  The ‘think of the children’ rhetoric doesn’t do much for me.  Little haji boys grow up to become big haji’s that kill American soldiers and civilians.   Little haji girls grow up to become breeders that pump out multiple insurgent fighters.  Most of the men we’re fighting in Afghanistan now were 1-5 years old when the Afghan war started on 9/11/2001.  I don’t think that we should target civilians.  But if there are accidental civilian causalities I don’t mind.

    19. Trump screwed divorced men all over the USA by removing the tax deduction for alimony payments. Before Trump, alimony was fully tax deductible for the man, and the woman had to pay income tax on it. Trump flipped it, so now men have to pay taxes on their alimony payments and women don’t pay any tax at all. Thanks Trump!

    Divorce court judges were already screwing men.  They’d figure out the amount that a man would save in taxes, and raise alimony accordingly; so that any tax gains went to his ex-wife in the form of additional alimony.  That’s why the National Association of Woman is complaining about the provision in the GOP tax plan that removed the deductibility of alimony.  They’re whining that divorced women will get lower alimony payouts as a result.

    I support anything that reduces involuntary contractual obligations created out of thin air.   I also don’t think that taxpayers should be forced to subsidize a woman’s divorce.  The removal of the tax deductibility of alimony was a small win in that regard.

    That’s not to say that I don’t think that Trump is emotionally insecure (I do), that he’s a great president, or that he’s great at cutting deals. But I don’t think everything he’s done is bad.  Although people with different political preferences will probably disagree.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:08 am, 22nd January 2018


    This article is not a commentary about whether what he’s doing is good or bad. It’s about how he blatantly lied to his supporters, they bought his lies, and he proceeded to the opposite of what he promised.

  • Someone
    Posted at 06:26 am, 3rd February 2018

    As a Trump voter, but not a hard core supporter, good points. Hildebeast would have been worse. The US needed a bit of optimism right now after eight years of the metrosexual mulatto. My biggest joy is the fits of leftist over everything he does.

    Keep in mind to that most of Congress regardless of party works everyday against the interest of every American citizen. I certainly don’t benefit from overseas bombing runs, unlimited legal and illegal immigration, or the corporatist state.

    Here is another perspective:

  • Donald Trump's Throbbing Id
    Posted at 02:27 am, 6th February 2018

    Some of us will say “he’s better than Hillary” while being fully aware that to do so is to acknowledge that Trump sucks. My reasoning when voting for the guy was pretty simple: the probability that I’d hate nearly everything Hillary did in office was 100%, while with Trump it was somewhere between a coin toss and a dice roll. OK, maybe a 100-sided die…

    Most of the things on your list I really don’t care about.* Bannon leaving was the worst on your list, and if Stephen Miller leaves I admit I’ll be disappointed. If anybody voted for Trump expecting a principled constitutional conservative or something, they’re an idiot. The guy is no philosopher king, but he’s not as dumb as the media likes to make him out to be, either (the same is true of Bush II, but he will deservedly go down as one of the worst presidents in American history). Trump is reflexively pro-American. It’s sad to say, but in 2018 that’s a lot to ask of an American politician. I like some of the stuff he does, dislike more, and am ultimately detached. I have no delusions about Trump being some kind of savior. Trump could have turned out to be Richard Spencer’s wet dream, and it would hardly matter in the long run for the United States.

    *I worked in the military-industrial complex for long enough to realize that it is far more powerful than any POTUS. That machine will do what it wants to do regardless of who is in office, so I’m not hung up on drone strikes or dead civilians. I didn’t care about this during the Obama years, either. It’s terrible foreign policy, but it literally cannot be stopped.

    On a related note, we were in Niger long before Trump took office. Think of any country that Trump might refer to as a shithole (including South Korea), and I can guarantee the military or the IC has been there for years or decades. Americans truly have no clue how out of control this stuff is.

  • Free Speech Forum
    Posted at 05:36 am, 7th March 2018

    How can Americans sleep at night while the USA is collapsing?
    Soros, Obama, Clinton, and Trump all support endless wars, debt, and tyranny. What’s the difference?
    Has Trump opposed trade wars, starting wars with Iran, Mexico, China, Russia, and North Korea, driving up the debt, ending minimum wages, opening concentration camps, banning free speech, religious freedom, freedom from warrantless searches, freedom from torture, security cameras, license plate readers, checkpoints, redlight cameras, speed cameras, FBI facial and voice recognition, curfews, gun bans, NSA wiretapping, the end to the right to silence, searches without warrants, private prisons, mandatory minimums, 3 strikes laws, DNA databases, CISPA, SOPA, IMBRA, private prison quotas, no knock raids, take down notices, no fly lists, terror watch lists, Constitution free zones, stop and frisk, 3 strikes laws, kill switches, National Security Letters, DNA databases, kill lists, FBAR, FATCA, Operation Chokepoint, TSA groping, civil forfeiture, CIA torture, NDAA indefinite detention, secret FISA courts, FEMA camps, laws requiring passports for domestic travel, IRS laws denying passports for tax debts, gun and ammo stockpiles, laws outlawing protesting, police militarization, and Jade Helm?
    Has Trump arrested the bankers, decreased taxes, kicked out the illegal aliens, ended the Fed, ended the wars, ended welfare, ended Obamacare, and restored the Bill of Rights?
    Trump doesn’t work for you. He works for the elites.
    The time for supporting Trump has ended and the time for buying gold, guns, and food has arrived.
    Wake up. Think. Spread the word. Dark times are coming.

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