The Israeli Palestinian Conflict

Warning – This is an issue in which both sides are hyper-irrational and can’t think clearly. I’m pretty lenient about the insanity people say on my blogs, but I will delete any comments that go too insane on either side. Please, for the love of god, try to control yourselves. I know it’s hard, but at least try. Thanks in advance.

What follows is an objective, non-biased, rational viewpoint of the seemingly endless conflict in the Israeli region between the Jewish Israelis and the Arab Palestinians. It is unlikely you will read such an unbiased account anywhere else.

You live in your house that you’ve lived in your entire life. Your house, and your entire neighborhood have been inhabited by your family and ancestors for several hundred years.

One day, I come to your house with a machine gun, point it at you, and tell you to get out. I tell you that this is my house, not your house, because my religion says so. You protest and say that you and your family have lived in this house for hundreds of years. I say that I’m very sorry, and that I will try to help you, but this really is my house, and you need to get out. You can move across town. I’ll even help you move. But I’m pointing a machine gun at you as I say this.

So you move out with your family to the crappier part of town. You’re furious, you’re insulted, but you have no choice.

For many years, you seethe with anger at what I’ve done. One day, you decide to make me pay. You get a sniper rifle, and as my children are playing in my back yard (formerly your back yard), you shoot my small daughter in the head, killing her. She was an innocent civilian and had nothing to do with the decision to kick you out of your house, but you’re so angry you don’t care.

I walk out into my yard, see my small daughter bleeding and dead on the grass. I look up, and see you far away with your rifle. I fly into a rage and run back into my house, headed towards my weapons locker. I have far more money than you, higher technology than you, and much better weapons than you. So instead of a sniper rifle, I grab a rocket launcher.

In retaliation for killing my daughter, in a red-hot fury, I drive over to your part of town, find your house, and launch a rocket into it. You’re not home, but your wife and kids are. They all die in the explosion. I’ve just killed more innocent civilians, but like you, I’m so mad that I don’t care.

Now you’re even more angry than before, and continue to kill my family members with your sniper rifle as I continue to kill yours with my rocket launcher. On and on this goes, forever.

Now here’s the question: Who is the bad guy, and who is the good guy?

It’s a trick question, because there is no good guy. We’re both pure evil, gleefully murdering innocent civilians and children who had nothing to do with any of this, then we both turn around and give speeches about how righteous we are, when in fact, we both belong in hell.

The insane left wing takes your side, and says that you’re just an innocent victim. The insane right wing takes my side, saying that I’m just defending myself. Everyone’s insane. Everyone’s angry. No one is thinking straight. Everyone is justifying the murder of innocent children.

And the violence continues.


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  • Makeshift
    Posted at 05:32 am, 21st March 2018

    They either need to kill eachother or work it out, but on their own. Western powers meddling in blood feuds they don’t understand always makes things worse.

  • Xrm0909
    Posted at 05:57 am, 21st March 2018

    That’s one way of looking at the issue, but it lacks a few “unimportant” details:

    Since the mid-1800’s, Jewish organizations have BOUGHT lands form the “Palestinians” (that entity didn’t exist back then, it’s an “invention” of the former PLO in the 70’s), the people who lived on those lands.

    Those people SOLD their lands, evacuated their properties, received the money, and then, years later, claimed to be still the owners.

    So, your story isn’t accurate at all.

    Let’s try a different one:

    You live in your home, I come and offer you good money for it. You agree, sell me the house, you leave the place.

    10 years later, your sons claim the house, arguing that it belonged to their families for centuries. Since I BOUGHT the house, paying a fair price for it, I refuse to let them have it, and THEN that horrible killing circle starts.

    Now, who is to blame?

    I am NOT against the Palestinians rights for their own country but look at History.

    Every suggestion for a solution has always encountered the same wall: the Palestinians DEMANDED Israel destruction. They continuously refer to Israel+USA as one entity, the “Zionist Enemy”. So basically, its a common problem for the USA as well.

    I will NOT go into the religious aspect of the problem, the Europe aspect etc.

    Full Disclosure – I am Israeli. I am actively operating to promote peace and negotiation between the two sides, therefore I cannot silence up when the story is only partially told.

    Posted at 08:33 am, 21st March 2018

    Pretty reductionist view if you ask me, and glosses over a few things: How populated was Palestine? How shitty/desirable was most of the land? Was a huge amount of the existing population nomads? And what was actually offered on each side? You could look into those on your own, it may be eye-opening.

    I think bad things were done on both sides in the 1930s-40s transition. But it undermines with your narrative if they bought the land legitimately and this takeover didn’t happen at gunpoint. In that case it looks (as the guy above hints) more like a crumbling property that got flipped and the original homeowners come back furious.

    Anyway genesis aside, I’m not convinced both sides (leadership and citizens) don’t need the conflict on some level.

    For the Palestinians: Makes them believe they have a distinct cultural identity separate from Jordan, Syria, etc, gives them an outside enemy to swing at so they don’t have to address the immense corruption within their leadership, gets them aid from sympathetic organizations they wouldn’t get otherwise.

    For Israel: Having an enemy (even a weak one) actively trying to eradicate them preserves the image of the Holocaust, keeps the military sharp, and also unifies an overly diverse and argumentative culture who would otherwise be at each others throats. It also prevents Israel from swinging that far left.

    I actually think there’s a good chance of some kind of treaty in the next 7 years. Trump would love to have that under his belt. But I also think there’s a “careful what you wish for” scenario. If both sides need it, it can be like removing a piece of shrapnel from your jugular only to bleed to death instead.



  • Antekirtt
    Posted at 08:35 am, 21st March 2018

    @Xrm0909: the problem is that “we didn’t take it, we bought it” is ALSO only a partial description of the story. You can’t point out a problem with CJ’s summary and then replicate it on another level.

  • Zan
    Posted at 09:56 am, 21st March 2018

    BD, looking at your current reading list…. are you going to write a review on “Money” the Tony Robbins book and “The Truth” the Neil Strauss book?






  • joelsuf
    Posted at 11:54 am, 21st March 2018

    I actually think there’s a good chance of some kind of treaty in the next 7000 years.

    Fixed. lol

    With each passing year, I’m beginning to think more and more that the Israeli Palestinian conflict is staged. It HAS to be. How can populations be stupid enough to be fighting each other, continually, with less than nothing to gain from it for four millennia or so?

    At the expense of being a conspiracy theorist, I believe that the conflict is completely staged and just exists to push more “us-vs-them” narratives.


  • Antekirtt
    Posted at 12:37 pm, 21st March 2018

    How can populations be stupid enough to be fighting each other

    ‘Cause populations and ideologically driven people really are stupid. There, conspiracy theory averted.
    Joelsuf, no offense but have you attempted to find/read some articles or books that aim to discredit conspirationism and prove wrong the patterns of thought behind it? After all, that’s the least you could do to be objective, since you clearly give thought to the opposite side.

    And as usual, this isn’t to say conspiracies don’t exist. It’s the scale, extent and influence over worldwide events that’s overestimated. Remember, we are creatures that really want gods and spirits and…well, persons at the origin of large-scale chaotic events happening to us. But chaos just has mindless patterns of its own. We see faces in the clouds all the time. We need to actively correct for that bias, instead of gleefully giving in to it.

    And hey, as a secular MENA guy myself, I pragmatically think it’s kind of a good thing that there’s this secular-ish nation in the Middle East that can keep in check any dangerous power increase of islamism in the region. Comes with tons of drawbacks, but the point remains.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 01:55 pm, 21st March 2018

    Pretty reductionist view if you ask me

    Yes, that was the entire point of the article.

    the problem is that “we didn’t take it, we bought it” is ALSO only a partial description of the story. You can’t point out a problem with CJ’s summary and then replicate it on another level.

    Correct; any summary of this scenario that is less than about 20 pages will have to leave out some details. None of that changes the factually accurate point I made in the article, which is, that we’re dealing with two groups of irrational, violent, bloodthirsty people who are pure murderers, neither of whom deserve our help or support in any way.

  • Yonatan
    Posted at 03:06 pm, 21st March 2018

    I am Jewish and a staunch supporter of Israel, so Caleb, you will probably not agree with me and will probably think I am biased, which, of course, I am.

    I have discussed this issue so exhaustively that I decided to just make a post from a debate I had with a famous singer who has a deep hatred for Israel.  Her name is Azam Ali.  The irony of Azam Ali is that she is of the Baha’i faith and her family had to flee Iran or risk being executed.  Guess where the Baha’i’s fled and set as their new religious center?  ISRAEL!  Yes, Israel..  When the Iranian government ordered the forced conversion to Shia Islam or execution of all the Baha’is, it was only Israel who was sympathetic and allowed them to set up their spiritual centers in Haifa, which is the now the world headquarters of the Baha’i faith and home of their sacred shrines.  How, forgetful, these liberals are?   She is big defender of womans rights, gay rights, etc and she supports the very people who persecuted her people, just as the Muslims persecuted my people.  She is another example of another ungrateful liberal who has been programmed to hate Jews like so many others before her.  Perhaps, she should return to her beloved Iran or even her beloved Palestine and try to openly practice her Baha’i faith there?

    Anyway, here is an excerpt from our discussion, which she copied, modified the contents and posted a doctored version on her fan page.  Some her fans posted threats to me on my facebook page, which I thought were humorous.  But, it also shows how tolerant the other side is of criticism.

    Anyway, I am posting my conversation.  Caleb, I hope you do not feel it is overly offensive, but if you feel you have to remove it to make everything about this debate sound nicer, I understand:

    message to Azam Ali fans who are viewing my profile:

    WOW!! These responses are absolutely hilarious and pathetic!! Everyone is here to demonize the Jew.. You all talk so much about how I love guns and I have a gun photo. None of you have seen the photo of me in villages in Uganda, helping orphans and widows dying of HIV/AIDS.. I used my own money to help women/children in orphanage by donating computer equipment and money to NGOs/orphanages in Africa. What did any of you bleeding heart liberal , save-the-world, peace-loving, kind souls do to help anyone except rant and rant about the evil Jews and the plight of Palestine?? Seriously, most of you build yourselves up by whining and ranting online and don’t know anything about the world around you.

    Many of you also don’t know how much I was enjoying Azam Ali’s/Niyaz’s music until I started reading her fanatical posts where she was advocating that the Jews be exterminated since they have no more place on this Earth. So, what the Jews to do?? Should they go back to Europe where they systematically exterminated 6,000,000 (a majority of EUropean Jewry) in death camps and gas chambers?? And what about the Middle Eastern Jews? Yes, did any of you know that there was 1.5 million Jews from Yemen, Tunisia, Morocco , Algeria, Libya, Iraq among many other Arab countries where the Jews were terrorized.

    Mizrachi (Middle Eastern ) Jews were being executed, having their synagogues burned down , women raped and forced into Islamic conversion when Israel became a country and even before that. Many Jews in Middle East had to pay a very high Muslim Tax (Jizya) to be allowed to keep their Jewish religion in Muslim lands. When Israel became a state, the Muslims waged war on their Jewish citizens who did not even want to leave, but were forced to leave the Islamic nations they were living or be wiped out. Where else did these Mizrachi Jews have to go? No other place than Israel. So what should be done, should all these JEws return to these Arab nations so they can face extermination??

    Of course, you people don’t care, because many of you are anti-Semites and you rejoice when Jews are murdered. As Azam says, who cares about dead Jews, when so many Palestinians suffer.

    Azam Ali is not preaching or talking about peace. If you read her posts you will see she advocates the completed annihilation of the Jewish people and the establishment of an Arab/Islamic state in Palestine, who she falsely claims are the native people. Somehow, 1000s of years of history must be erased. Considering how the Shias, Sunnis and other Islamic conquerors massacred so many of their native residents/religions, it is no wonder she takes the side of the TRUE aggressor. Will anyone remember the suffering of the Coptic Christians of Egypt (The True Egyptians), the Lebanese Maronite Chrsitians of Lebanon (The True Lebanese), The Zoroastrians, Bah’ai of Persia (The True Persians/Iranians) or the Buddhists/ Hindus of Afghanistan and Pakistan (The True Afghanis/Pakistanis). Of course who will remember the massacre of the Jews in Israel who were forced out by Crusader nations, the Catholics and Muslims Crusaders, both who are seeking to gain possession of Jersualem. Catholics and Muslims have more freedom to pray in the holy sites in Jerusalem than even the Jews have.. Jews are still not allowed on their own Holy Temple Mount!! Only Muslims are allowed! Now, Jews cannot even enter King David’s Tomb! Only Catholics are allowed!

    The comment about her hair is so grossly misinterpreted because many of you are very ignorant or just very lacking in the intellect department. Seriously, I love Azam Ali’s hair and have no problem with hair letting it flow free. Azam Ali is free to be free-spirited, flowing hair and sing to her heart’s desire anywhere in the land of Israel. However, the land of Gaza, she loves so much, if she tried to execute these freedoms, she would be at risk of death.

    Gays, women, minorities are massacred by Palestinians .. However, nobody seems to bat an eyelash or even care. Did you realize that a majority of homosexual Arabs flee their countries to seek refuge in Israel? And , what about all the Palestinians massacring each other. Killing their own women, children at funerals, parties, weddings?? I guess all that is the Jews faults too. I guess we Jews just make them very violent people. The Hamas and Fatah have actually murdered more of their own people in this last decade than the Israelis have murdered Palestinians.

    Has the bleeding heart, liberator of the Arabs made any mention of the Muslims who have been massacred in Syria? There has been more Arabs killed in this civil war than have been killed in all the wars between Israel and Palestinians.

    None of you know anything about me. I am the grandson of a Pogrom survivor and my grandmother’s village was exterminated by the Nazis in WWII.. We Jews were never welcomed in Europe or the Middle East by our hosts who both oppressed us..

    The founder of the modern state of Palestine is Mufti Amin Al Husseini. He was one of Hitler’s inner circle and an architect in the Final Solution..

    The Israelis never purposely seek out to murder Arab children, but rather the ruthless and heartless terrorists in Hamas will use these children as human shields. They purposely launch their rockets from schools and hospitals so that when the Israelis retaliate to destroy the missile launching sites as many innocent civilians are murdered as possible. Who is really to blame for these causalities?? It is the nation of psychopaths, the Palestinians. What sane nation launches their rockets and missiles from schools, hospitals and areas crowded with civilians. Hamas has been known to shoot dead any civilians who try to escape a battle zone, because they on purpose want civilians present so that maximum civilian causalities are inflicted.

    In contrast, the Hamas/Palestinians purposely seek to wipe out children for their cause, unlike the Israelis.. Here is something for all you Jew haters to celebrate. Maybe Azam Ali can lay some flowers on the grave of Alaa Abu Dhein who shot dead 8 innocent children peacefully at Torah study.

    To those who make false claims that I advocate Azam Ali to be veiled/covered:
    I am not jealous of her hair.. I love her hair.. But her Arab friends would beat her dead for not wearing a hijab… You got it all wrong, I think women should be able to let their hair flow free.. But Azam wants Israel to become an Arab or Shia-like nation where women are forced to wear head coverings or risk being arrested , fined and put to death.

    White, Brown, Yellow, Black.. From New York to Russia to Iran to Israel.. We Jews are one people and our blood has been shed together.. The 8 dead children killed in cold blood while studying at their school in Israel..…/uploads/2009/02/mert1.jpg


  • Genji
    Posted at 03:42 pm, 21st March 2018

    The west will end up looking like this in the coming decades. Fun times.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:20 pm, 21st March 2018

    My solution: Leave both monsters completely alone. The United States has no business helping, assisting, propping up, or aiding Israel (or the Palestinians) in any way, shape, or form. We must completely divorce ourselves from that blood soaked garbage!

    Let the savages (hopefully) slaughter one another. It is none of our business.

    If I were the President, I’d cut off literally all aid to Israel. Indeed, I’d cut off all aid to everyone. The U.S. needs to completely divorce itself from the entire world. The world is truly not worthy of us in the slightest.

    I’d end all the wars, bring all of our troops back home (including the ones still in Germany), dismantle all U.S. military basis outside America, shred every single international treaty ever signed (including NATO), pull out of the UN (as well as all other international organizations which violate the Declaration of Independence), and promote a foreign policy of pure isolationism, thus leaving the rest of the world (including our precious Israel) in a sink or swim situation.

    The only exception I would perhaps make is on the subject of Islamic terrorism, although there’s a good possibility that the Muslims wouldn’t threaten us at all if we did all of the above.

    In other words, civic nationalism, baby! Fuck globalism!



  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:31 pm, 21st March 2018

    They continuously refer to Israel+USA as one entity, the “Zionist Enemy”. So basically, its a common problem for the USA as well.

    No, it’s not. The only reason that the Palestinians refer to the USA and Israel as one entity is because the USA is acting like it. Instead of leaving Israel completely alone (like we should), we are taking Israel’s side, thus creating a problem for ourselves with the Muslims.

    The reason we’re doing this is because the U.S. Government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Jewish lobby! That is the cancer that must be removed from our government before we can be allowed to think clearly.

    Full Disclosure – I am Israeli.

    No shit? I would never have guessed! LOL! Shalom!





  • Kike
    Posted at 05:06 pm, 21st March 2018

    The reason we’re doing this is because the U.S. Government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Jewish lobby! That is the cancer that must be removed from our government before we can be allowed to think clearly.

    Maybe we should come up with a Final Solution to rid the USA of this problem?  Perhaps, we should ask Adolf Hitler and his friend Mufti Amin Al-Husseini for help with this issue?

  • Kike
    Posted at 05:08 pm, 21st March 2018

    I am a Jew.. My last sarcastic response was to the Neo-Nazi, Jack Outside The Box, who thinks the Jews run America, when, in fact, the Goyim run America..  It is the Russians, Chinese and Arabs, not the Jews who are pulling the strings.  Jews are just functioning as bankers and actors as they had for 1000s of years in Europe, where they more or less lived like Slaves.  Jews in Islamic countries also were 2nd class humans.

    Israel is the only place a Jew can be free. Let the savages go and kill themselves, Jews wnat there 300 sq mi plot of land. Sorry ,the Arabians feel like they are so oppressed.  I mean they only own most of the world’s oil and have over 1,000,000 times the land as the Jews and even more land than the Europeans.  But, that isn’t enough of course.

    As well, there is no such thing as a Palestinian people. The original Palestinains were the Jews. Jack the Nazi’s relatives in Germany use to tell my relatives “GO BACK TO PALESTINE, JEW!” Now, Jack and his Euro-fascist relatives are saying “GET OUT OF PALESTINE, JEW!” Why cannot these Euro-fascists make up their mind? Or, should we voluntarily march into gas chambers a second time to appease you?

    Also, nobody discusses the modern state of Palestine was founded by one of the heads of the Third Reich, the Nazi leader, Mufti Mohammad Amin Al-Husseini. He ordered the execution of hundreds of Jews in Israel and uprooted Jews from their homes. The JEws have been in this land much longer than any Arabian Jihadist savage. To quote the founder of the PLO, Yassir Arafat’s uncle, Mohammad Amin Al Hussein, “In heaven we have Allah, on Earth we have Hitler”.

    If Caleb Jones didn’t pull so many facts out of his a$$hole, maybe he would realize that his Catholic relatives are the real bloodthirsty people, not us Jews. No, Caleb, we Jews don’t mix the blood of your babies in our matzah for Passover, but don’t tell your mom that, she may be offended to know the truth. Also, yo f*cking Catholics murdered a million of my people, so kiss my Kike a$$ telling me we are the bloodthirsty people. My great grandfather held my aunt dying in her arms after being shot by a Catholic piece of sh*t during a pogrom in Belarus.

    Yeah, but of course, tell us how bloodthirsty we are for fighting for our land.

  • mostly a fan
    Posted at 05:09 pm, 21st March 2018

    Unfortunately you completely missed the point this time:

    The invention of modern terrorism

  • mostly a fan
    Posted at 05:14 pm, 21st March 2018
  • Kike
    Posted at 05:37 pm, 21st March 2018

    @mostly a fan


    So, Israel went from being the country that controls banks and capitalists to a Marxist nation?  What’s next?  Are we collaborating with aliens with a plot to over throw the entire Earth?   I know, to quote Borat, we are responsible for wiping out the dinosaurs.  What else?

    Marxists massacred so many of my relatives in Russia and are part of the reason why so many Russian Jews fled to Israel, because Marxism/Communism was so oppressive.

    Anyway, you Nazi scumbags will keep dispensing all your Anti-Semitic garbage.. Keep it up..  YOu are only more proof why JEws need to fight for their land and be rid of all the bigoted Christians, Muslims, Atheists and all the others who have oppressed us and treated us like subhumans for years.

  • Kike
    Posted at 05:40 pm, 21st March 2018

    The Nazi Roots of the Arab Palestinian Movement.  What the liberal/Anti-Semitic historians don’t want you to know about the history of the modern state of Arab Palestine..

  • Antekirtt
    Posted at 07:02 pm, 21st March 2018

    Wow, and I thought CJ didn’t need to put those warnings at the top, how silly of me. Thread still ended up chock full of ad hominem fallacies and personal attacks, lol.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 07:31 pm, 21st March 2018

    Political correctness detected. Initiating red pill countermeasures now:

    Maybe we should come up with a Final Solution to rid the USA of this problem?

    Fully agree! The final solution is to abolish the Federal Reserve Bank and restore the money making power back to Congress and the people, with whom it properly belongs. One Executive Order should do the trick. That’s what got Kennedy killed.

    Perhaps, we should ask Adolf Hitler and his friend Mufti Amin Al-Husseini for help with this issue?

    Already done! Hitler’s “economic miracle” in 1933 was a thing of brilliance which all nations with private central banks would do well to emulate. Abraham Lincoln tried to establish a currency (the greenback) which would have essentially accomplished the same thing that Hitler eventually did in 1933, which is why he (Lincoln) was killed.

    Further, President Andrew Jackson actually succeeded in abolishing America’s Central Bank at the time. His last words on his death bed were “I killed the bank.”

    Why? What were you thinking of?

    I am a Jew..

    The clarity of this fact is superior to even the purest and most precious crystal.

    My last sarcastic response was to the Neo-Nazi, Jack Outside The Box,

    My most magnanimous sir: You will discover that politically correct name-calling and other social justice tactics will profit you nothing here, nor will it emotionally intimidate or influence my words by even one millimeter. I must remind you that this isn’t Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or Tumblr. This is a red pill space in which your tactics (based on pure emotion and with the intent to intimidate into silence, or avoid arguing on the merits) will be effective a total of 0.0% of the time.

    Perhaps you’d care to explain how a libertarian like myself is anywhere near the “Neo-Nazis” on the political spectrum?

    who thinks the Jews run America,

    They do. Or, to be more precise, approximately 4% of the American Jewish population rules America (the so called “crypto-Jews”). The remaining 96% (give or take) of American Jews know nothing about any of this. I’m assuming you’re one of the 96%, since you have exhibited genuine cluelessness regarding America’s oligarchical elite.

    when, in fact, the Goyim run America..

    Then again, you using such a racist word to describe non-Jewish Americans makes me have second thoughts about whether you’re one of the 96% or the 4%. I feel I should remind you that we are your equals, not cattle.

    It is the Russians, Chinese and Arabs, not the Jews who are pulling the strings.

    If you wish to know who is pulling the strings in America, you must simply discover whom you are not allowed to criticize. So if I criticize the Russians, Chinese, or Arabs, would my career in Hollywood, in politics, in banking, or just as a Taco Bell janitor come to an end?

    What if I criticize the Jews? Already, you are using the fascist tactics of intimidation to attempt to shut me down. It’s rather telling.

    Jews are just functioning as bankers

    And the bankers rule the government via loaning money to the government through the central bank, at interest (usury).

    and actors as they had for 1000s of years in Europe, where they more or less lived like Slaves.

    Slaves huh? Interesting designation for a group whose religious texts (Talmud) claim them to be the master race and the rest of us cattle (goyim).

    Israel is the only place a Jew can be free.

    Explain how Jews aren’t free in America. In Canada. In Australia. In any country in the West.

    Let the savages go and kill themselves, Jews wnat there 300 sq mi plot of land. Sorry ,the Arabians feel like they are so oppressed.

    Who gives a fuck how the Arabians feel? Both sides in the region should just kill each other without any interference from us, in my opinion.

    I mean they only own most of the world’s oil and have over 1,000,000 times the land as the Jews and even more land than the Europeans.  But, that isn’t enough of course.

    If the Arabs feel that that isn’t enough, that’s their problem, not Americas. You seem to think that I’m taking sides here, when what really upsets you is that I’m refusing to take the Jewish side.

    As well, there is no such thing as a Palestinian people. The original Palestinains were the Jews.

    Okay. I don’t care.

    Jack the Nazi’s relatives in Germany use to tell my relatives “GO BACK TO PALESTINE, JEW!”

    First, I’m still waiting for your explanation as to how a libertarian like myself can possibly earn the label of “Nazi.”

    Second, I have relatives in Germany? Tell me more. You seem to know more about me than I do.

    Third, let’s say, for the sake of argument, that I am fully German (which I’m not) and that all of my relatives are in Germany (which they’re not). Only a racist would cast aspersions on such a fact. Does it matter what my blood is, or where my relatives came from?

    Well, if you believe the Talmud (which is a collection of Nazi trash, except from the opposite side), I guess my fictional German heritage should matter to you. In which case, you are establishing your racist credentials way better than I am.

    Now, Jack and his Euro-fascist relatives

    A libertarian is the exact opposite of a fascist. The crypto-Jewish bankers are the literal fascists here, not libertarians.

    are saying “GET OUT OF PALESTINE, JEW!”

    Really? I’m saying that the Jews should get out of Israel??? When have I ever said this??? Please tell me so I can correct myself.

    Why cannot these Euro-fascists make up their mind?

    I don’t know. I cannot speak for Euro-fascists.

    Or, should we voluntarily march into gas chambers a second time to appease you?

    How about just discard your own racist/supremacist beliefs, stop thinking of us as cattle (goyim), and call out the Talmud believing crypto-Jews who are enslaving the entire West with the corrupt central banking system which stifles true capitalism. I think that’s a superior solution.

     To quote the founder of the PLO, Yassir Arafat’s uncle, Mohammad Amin Al Hussein, “In heaven we have Allah, on Earth we have Hitler”.

    Great! So I wish you luck in exterminating the Muslim savages. Just……leave the United States out of your garbage blood feuds! Please?

    If Caleb Jones didn’t pull so many facts out of his a$$hole, maybe he would realize that his Catholic relatives are the real bloodthirsty people, not us Jews.

    Again with your racist eugenics. Why attack a man based on his blood? This is why there is so much anti-Semitism. There is not much difference between Nazism and the teachings of the Talmud.

    No, Caleb, we Jews don’t mix the blood of your babies in our matzah for Passover,

    Did Caleb, or anyone else here, make this accusation?

    Also, yo f*cking Catholics murdered a million of my people,

    I do not believe that Caleb is a Catholic. I think he’s agnostic. But don’t let a little thing like individualism derail your racist tirade. Continue.

    so kiss my Kike a$$ telling me we are the bloodthirsty people.

    I believe Caleb’s post referred only to the Israelis, not to all Jews everywhere. For a race which boasts a high IQ, your reading comprehension level leaves much to be desired.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 07:55 pm, 21st March 2018

    Wow, and I thought CJ didn’t need to put those warnings at the top, how silly of me.

    Then you are very naive. Any discussion about Israel/Palestine or Jews brings always brings out the psychos, on both sides. Always. It is the psycho hot button topic of the internet. As you can see, even with my very clear warning, they’re still here, screaming away as usual.

    Thread still ended up chock full of ad hominem fallacies and personal attacks, lol.

    And I think I’ve changed my mind. I think I’ll let the crazies post here and go wild, just to prove the point I was making in the article. Should be fun.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 08:45 pm, 21st March 2018

    Any discussion about Israel/Palestine or Jews brings always brings out the psychos, on both sides. Always.

    Where is the opposite side? So far, I haven’t seen a single pro-Nazi, anti-Semitic, or pro-Palestinian post here.

    It is the psycho hot button topic of the internet. As you can see, even with my very clear warning, they’re still here, screaming away as usual.

    I believe there is only one Jewish man here who is screaming in an unhinged manner.

    And I think I’ve changed my mind. I think I’ll let the crazies post here and go wild, just to prove the point I was making in the article. Should be fun.

    It’s very unlike you to censor us beyond the five simple rules. So thank you for changing your mind.

    By the way Caleb, is your opinion on this issue in any way dissimilar from mine? I think America should just leave them both alone to kill each other.



  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:55 pm, 21st March 2018

    Where is the opposite side? So far, I haven’t seen a single pro-Nazi, anti-Semitic, or pro-Palestinian post here.

    Give it time. You will.

    (Unless they’re scared of being banned. I’ve banned a few of these guys on my blogs in the past, but there will always be more.)

    By the way Caleb, is your opinion on this issue in any way dissimilar from mine? I think America should just leave them both alone to kill each other.

    Yes, that is my view. The US should immediately pull entirely out of the middle east (Israel included) and immediately stop all foreign aid and all military support to all middle eastern nations (Israel included) and lets the chips fall where they may. It’s not the responsibility of the hardworking American taxpayer to police the world, bomb the world, or play favorites.

  • KikeSupreme
    Posted at 10:23 pm, 21st March 2018

    Wow, A Jewish man is pissed off about a Holocaust denier who blames the Jews for all the world’s economic problems .. I didn’t even bother reading much of the Neo-Nazis comment.  Or, if he is not a Neo-Nazi, he is just a typical Anti-SEmite who blames the reason why he cannot sh*t today for what the Jews put in his food last night.

    I tried reading a few paragraphs of this deranged Anti-Semite response and it was partially too humorous and partially too bewildering to my brain to comprehend how in this modern world with so much educational and historical resources available to us that people can be so backward, degenerate, uneducated (or purposely mis-educated) to fulfill whatever racial hatred or feeling of superiority they want to have.  Wow, a German American guy who hates Jews.. That is unheard of! Yeah, the Holocaust didn’t happen, of course, it was all a plot by the Zionists to punish Muslims and hard working gentile Americans..

    I guess when the Nazis came into my grandmothers village and put guns to the heads of mothers holding their crying babies and forced them to dig their own graves, it was just a necessary deed to fulfill the evil Zionist conspiracy of the Jewish bankers and Hitler? When they blew the brainsd out of the babies while crying in their mothers arms and then shot the mothers in the head and buried them all, some still alive, I guess it was just all a necessary deed? Oh , let me guess, the Jews murdered so many more and deserved it. So much of my family was massacred in the Holocaust. I can thank Jack’s family members for that, but he blames it all on the Jews.. How German of him.

    Also, Caleb Jones, the Jewish people would be more than happy to stop having America bullying it and telling it what to do.  I wish Israel would help India and China develop their nuclear and military technology and stop being buddy buddy with the USA which will be ruled by Democrat fascists sooner or later anyway and they hate Israel as much as you and your Holocaust Denying, Jew-hating buddy .

    Caleb, I respected your website for so long, but didn’t realize you were such a Jew hater.  Yes, you say both sides are wrong, but it mostly is obvious you love Muslims and hate Jews.  You’ve traveled all over the Middle East , but I bet you haven’t stepped foot in Israel? Nope, don’t want to pollute yourself around us kikes, do you?    You would be surprised to know 1,000,000 Muslims live in Israel and are full citizens with voting rights. The Muslim women in Israel run for political office, which is almost unheard of in any Muslim country.  Muslims in Israel have more freedom than anywhere in the Muslim world.  How many Jews live in Muslim countries?  THere use to be over 1,000,000 Jews in the Islamic countries. Geez, what happened to all those Jews in Yemen, Tunisia, Morocco, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, etc etc..  Can you Jewish experts please explain to me what happened to them all?

    The both of you are ignorant bigots who don’t know two sh*ts or don’t care about the reality of the situation.    As i said, Jews have been persecuted your ancestors for years. So, if you are sad we reclaimed our land, well that is just too bad, kiss our Christ killing Kike a$$ses.

    “Again with your racist eugenics. Why attack a man based on his blood? This is why there is so much anti-Semitism. There is not much difference between Nazism and the teachings of the Talmud.”

    You are such a freakin idiot its disgusting. Caleb Jones called Jewish people a bunch of bloodthirsty murderers. And, you are bitching at me for attacking him in response? However, the Catholics have massacred over a million Jews. That is a fact! Check your facts! Since Caleb decided to call my people a bunch of bloodthirsty murderers, I will go ahead and educate him on history about his people. Anti-SEmitism exists because a bunch of degenerate jackasses (no pun intended) like yourself go around created up all types of conspiracies and finding a scapegoat for the reason why people like you are so f*cking stupid. Enjoy being stupid, dumb people like you and Caleb make the world go round and round.

    Well, I thought Caleb was a smasrt guy, but he seems to just buy into typical liberal bullsh*t propaganda like the rest of the braindead sheeple who are told how to think and what side to choose..

    Oh yes, I probably have more Muslim and Arab friends than both of you too.. Funny enough, there are more Arabs who are sympathetic to Israel than you would have your propaganda infused media outlets and blogs tell you about.

    The Arab population Israel is increasing.. Kind of funny for a bunch of people suffering genocide? But, idiots like yourselves don’t bother to do much research , you much rather just sound like social justice warriors coming to fight for the righteous cause which you don’t even know what it is.

    Angry Jewish Man *Out*

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 10:41 pm, 21st March 2018

    Wow, A Jewish man is pissed off about a Holocaust denier

    I’m a Holocaust denier now?

    What else do the voices in your head tell you?

    Wow, a German American guy who hates Jews..

    I’m German American now? And I hate Jews? Continue. What else do the voices say?

    That is unheard of! Yeah, the Holocaust didn’t happen, of course, it was all a plot by the Zionists to punish Muslims and hard working gentile Americans..

    Amazing! I don’t suppose you can quote me on any of those beliefs, can you?

  • JacobSterling
    Posted at 11:03 pm, 21st March 2018

    Wow, the comment section didn’t take long to implode.

    I’m curious, Caleb, what was the indended discussion when you posted this? Given the warning at the beginning, and the innevitable craziness that followed, you were aware of the result. Not that it should be avoided due to the insanity surrounding the issue; if anything that makes it a more important topic to adress in a reasoned, measured way.


    Yes, that is my view. The US should immediately pull entirely out of the middle east (Israel included) and immediately stop all foreign aid and all military support to all middle eastern nations (Israel included) and lets the chips fall where they may. It’s not the responsibility of the hardworking American taxpayer to police the world, bomb the world, or play favorites.

    100% agree, we can’t afford to keep that up and I’m disgusted that my money goes to killing innocent civilians all over the world.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:22 pm, 21st March 2018

    I’m curious, Caleb, what was the indended discussion when you posted this?

    Of course not. Did you not read my very clear warning at the beginning of my article?

    if anything that makes it a more important topic to adress in a reasoned, measured way.

    Much like issues such as abortion in the 80’s, unions in the 90’s, and race today, this topic can not be addressed in a reasoned, measured way in the public square (including the internet). It’s impossible, at least in today’s current zeitgeist. Two calm, rational people having a one-on-one discussion might be able to do it, but it’s never going to happen in public on the internet.

    100% agree, we can’t afford to keep that up and I’m disgusted that my money goes to killing innocent civilians all over the world.

    Me too. That’s why I’m leaving.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 01:23 am, 22nd March 2018

    Alright, let’s deal with all the crazy because this should be extremely educational to all the curious readers who might wish to learn more about the 4 percent of the American Jewish population whom I affectionately call “the crypto-Jews:”

    Wow, A Jewish man is pissed off about a Holocaust denier

    Okay. Right here, we have a baseless accusation predicated on absolutely nothing. I do not believe that this man is stupid.

    Instead, this obviously false accusation of holocaust denial is actually a slimy tactic used by the crypo-Jews to distract the conversation away from the actual points a truth seeker might bring up and move it towards you defending yourself against a frivolous accusation.

    I have since revised my opinion about our esteemed Jewish author. He isn’t one of the 96 percent of American Jews who are innocent. He is one of the supremacist 4 percent.

    who blames the Jews

    Jewish supremacists, which comprise about 4 percent of the entire Jewish population in America. A small minority of Jews (which most Jews know nothing about), but a very powerful one.

    for all the world’s economic problems ..

    On a macro scale, yes. On the individual scale, no.

    I didn’t even bother reading

    Bingo! The problem has been pinpointed. But I believe this part of the comment was deliberately intended to create a false sense of incompetence in order to cover up the deliberate deception (i.e. I’m a “holocaust denier” etc…).

    much of the Neo-Nazis comment.  Or, if he is not a Neo-Nazi, he is just a typical Anti-SEmite who blames the reason why he cannot sh*t today for what the Jews put in his food last night.

    In order to be an anti-Semite, you must hate the Jews for being Jews. I have stated multiple times here that roughly 96 percent of Jews are normal people whom I have no quarrel with. Blatant liars like this man attempting to deliberately manufacture PC outrage with completely baseless and false accusations, on the other hand…..

    I tried reading a few paragraphs of this deranged Anti-Semite response

    Notice the psychological projection. The only one showing evidence of derangement (or a pre-schooler’s reading comprehension level) is him.

    and it was partially too humorous and partially too bewildering to my brain to comprehend how in this modern world with so much educational and historical resources available to us that people can be so backward, degenerate, uneducated (or purposely mis-educated)

    Notice here, my dear readers, the complete lack of a counter-argument, or even any attempt to explain why I’m wrong, or why anything I said is incorrect. He is avoiding my arguments like the plague and simply throwing personal attacks.

    This is known as “Critical Theory” in Marxist circles – smear or discredit your opponent with PC outrage and name-calling (racist, sexist, anti-gay) so that you no longer need to answer his arguments. It is obvious that he is doing this deliberately, which, in my opinion, makes him a 4 percenter; here to simply distract and move on to another subject instead (such as, did the holocaust happen?).

    This is because he knows he can’t win on more honorable terms.

    to fulfill whatever racial hatred or feeling of superiority they want to have.

    Again, no racial hatred was exhibited by anyone, except him when referring to non-Jews as goyim (cattle), just like the Talmud commands him. Because he cannot defend himself or his racism, he must once again deflect with more politically correct outrage based on nothing, despite him being the only one with a religious text that commands him to be racist (a point he is covering up via distractions with PC outrage).

    Wow, a German American guy who hates Jews..

    The myth of my German origins is yet another deflection.

    I will repeat – This man is NOT stupid. He knows what he’s saying is bullshit. These are just distraction tactics used by crypto-Jews, cultural Marxists, and social justice warriors, to win an argument via emotion over reason. 

    Take note, dear readers. This is how to spot a deliberate provocateur.   

    That is unheard of! Yeah, the Holocaust didn’t happen, of course, it was all a plot by the Zionists to punish Muslims and hard working gentile Americans..

    More anti-Semitic myths spewed by no one but him in order to change the subject.

    I guess when the Nazis came into my grandmothers village and put guns to the heads of mothers holding their crying babies and forced them to dig their own graves, it was just a necessary deed to fulfill the evil Zionist conspiracy of the Jewish bankers and Hitler?

    More anti-Semitic myths spewed by no one but him in order to change the subject.

    When they blew the brainsd out of the babies while crying in their mothers arms and then shot the mothers in the head and buried them all, some still alive, I guess it was just all a necessary deed?

    More anti-Semitic myths spewed by no one but him in order to change the subject.

    Oh , let me guess, the Jews murdered so many more and deserved it.

    More anti-Semitic myths spewed by no one but him in order to change the subject.

    So much of my family was massacred in the Holocaust. I can thank Jack’s family members for that,

    The myth that I even have any German blood in me is the quintessential cherry on top of the Marxist concept of Critical Theory – destroy the speaker at all costs; lie about him, butcher him, distort and invent everything he said; just don’t engage him on the merits of actual debate!

    but he blames it all on the Jews..

    The exact opposite of what I said. I mostly blame the Talmud, which is a subject this man won’t touch.

    Caleb, I respected your website for so long, but didn’t realize you were such a Jew hater.

    Jew hater = anyone who won’t tow the line and suck Zionist dick!

    Take note, dear readers (especially those not in America) – This is what American politicians must deal with if they stand up against the American Jewish lobby! Is it any wonder that most American politicians are spineless cowards? This is the baseless and slanderous abuse they will go through if they try to preserve American sovereignty.

    Yes, you say both sides are wrong, but it mostly is obvious you love Muslims and hate Jews.

    More baseless trash. Remember, these powerful elites don’t even feel the need to make their accusations sound plausible. They brazenly make shit up out of thin air and then shriek in outrage when a sane person calls them on it!

    You would be surprised to know 1,000,000 Muslims live in Israel and are full citizens with voting rights.

    In Israel, a biological Jew marrying a biological non-Jew is illegal. Everyone in Israel who isn’t Jewish is a third class citizen.

    The both of you are ignorant bigots who don’t know two sh*ts or don’t care about the reality of the situation.

    Take note: This is coming from a guy who called me a German and a holocaust denier based on zero evidence talking to us about “the reality of the situation.”

    As i said, Jews have been persecuted your ancestors for years. So, if you are sad we reclaimed our land, well that is just too bad, kiss our Christ killing Kike a$$ses.

    Note: No one here said that we are sad that the Jews reclaimed anything.

    Please understand everyone – Critical Theory is all about changing the subject. It’s about distraction, deflection, and smearing your opponent via slander in order to avoid debating the opponent’s actual points! 

    You are such a freakin idiot its disgusting. Caleb Jones called Jewish people a bunch of bloodthirsty murderers.

    No he didn’t. He was referring to Israeli leaders, which make up less than 1 percent of the Jewish population in the world. More lies in order to invent PC outrage.

     However, the Catholics have massacred over a million Jews. That is a fact! Check your facts!

    “Check your facts” is coming from a guy who thinks I’m a German, thinks I’m a holocaust denier, and thinks that Caleb and I are saying anything negative about all Jews.

    Sure, you first!

    Since Caleb decided to call my people a bunch of bloodthirsty murderers,

    Check your facts!

    I will go ahead and educate him on history about his people.

    His people aren’t Catholics. He’s agnostic. Check your facts.

    Anti-SEmitism exists because a bunch of degenerate jackasses (no pun intended) like yourself go around created up all types of conspiracies

    Self-evident projection. See above.

    and finding a scapegoat

    Pure projection.

    Enjoy fighting invisible Nazis, fictional Germans, non-existent deniers of the holocaust, and those evil anti-Semites. I hope they provide you with a PC scapegoat to hide your crimes.

    Well, I thought Caleb was a smasrt guy, but he seems to just buy into typical liberal bullsh*t propaganda like the rest of the braindead sheeple who are told how to think and what side to choose..

    Note here that Caleb is precisely not picking sides.

    your propaganda infused media outlets

    Pure projection.

    you much rather just sound like social justice warriors

    Major projection. Only social justice warriors smear opponents with PC accusations and refuse to answer their actual arguments.

    Everyone, PLEASE learn these Marxist tactics of distraction. It will help you spot the real professional agent provocateurs among us, sent by the elites! 








  • oops britney
    Posted at 05:03 am, 22nd March 2018

    I say that I’m very sorry, and that I will try to help you, but this really is my house, and you need to get out. You can move across town. I’ll even help you move. But I’m pointing a machine gun at you as I say this.

    That bears a surprising, and yet so to-be-expected similarity with your female I’ll-Be-With-You-Forever when she communicates to you, through a Fakebook post (or some weeks of radio silence in response to your last mail) that forever has expired.

    There’s a difference though: the Israeli know they are holding machine guns and pointing them. They say, and say to themselves what they want.

    A normal female brain can never afford self-knowledge, so they’ll never know their machine guns, and how, when the time came, they were pointed at you.


    Now here’s the question: Who is the bad guy, and who is the good guy?

    Buddhism and Zen (non-mainstream versions found in niche serious books) provide that chilling question the best answer I think may ever be found.

  • oops britney
    Posted at 05:04 am, 22nd March 2018


    Now here’s the question: Who is the bad guy, and who is the good guy?

    Buddhism and Zen (non-mainstream versions found in niche serious books) provide that chilling question the best answer I think may ever be found.

  • oops britney
    Posted at 05:10 am, 22nd March 2018

    100% agree, we can’t afford to keep that up and I’m disgusted that my money goes to killing innocent civilians all over the world.

    Might is right. Might is truth. Power is right. Power is morals.
    As long as the USA have this military “surplus power” it will flow out, and onto other weaker places.

    Without the lobby-driven involvement “to bring democracy” in that certain area of the Middle East, they’d focus more on China, North Korea, South America, Russia, …

    Before all of this, they focused their energy/resource/military might surplus on their own brethren in what was called Civil War and imagined as a moral endeavor “against slavery”.
    Countries are pretty much like females in how they can’t do without rationalizing immorality, and their use of bare power, through myths. (You won’t see a female say “I leave him because he doesn’t arouse me sexually any more”: in the absence of abuse, she’ll have to invent much of it and tell herself she has received it, to leave with a light conscience. Same for false flags and rationales produced at the onset of every war of aggression… oops I mean defense.)
    Power abhors a vacuum: specially under its feet.

  • Dave from Oz
    Posted at 06:13 am, 22nd March 2018


    So, your story isn’t accurate at all.

    Let’s try a different one:

    You live in your home, I come and offer you good money for it while pointing a machine gun at your chest. You agree, sell me the house, you leave the place.


    If we are talking historical right to the territory, the Jewish right to Israel comes from Jehovah saying to Abraham: “So, you human-sacrificed your son (or were seriously going to do it before I stopped you). Cool! You can have all this land. There’s people living there now who you will have to kill or enslave, of course, but whatever.”

    The earlier books of the OT are polytheistic. Jehovah is simply one of the Elohim, each nation having its own. The notion that there’s only one big god comes from the time of the captivity. It’s quite obvious when you read with that idea in mind, and makes sense of a number of odd passages.

    So you have to wonder, what right did Abraham’s god have to give him a bunch of land belonging to a bunch of other gods?

    Whatever. None of ’em are real. I’m with “the west should bug out and let these people resume killing each other, as they have been doing for over eight millennia” up there. Fuck ’em.

  • FiveSix
    Posted at 06:29 am, 22nd March 2018

    Unfortunately, it’s difficult to tell who is very crazy and who is very sarcastic in the comments.

  • Alex Jones
    Posted at 03:46 pm, 22nd March 2018

    Correct; any summary of this scenario that is less than about 20 pages will have to leave out some details. None of that changes the factually accurate point I made in the article, which is, that we’re dealing with two groups of irrational, violent, bloodthirsty people who are pure murderers, neither of whom deserve our help or support in any way.

    This nice lady point out that one of the core premises of your description is wrong and you dismiss this with “ah but all the stuff I said about violence is still right”. I appreciate an honest evaluation of the situation but yours isn’t it.

    As the lady says the land was bought but the Jews (the history of the region is extremely complex, but the Jews buying the land offers a baseline where all the previous squabbles can be wrapped up in the exchange of money.)

    Then the these same people try to take back what they bought by force. And the Israelis defend themselves as they have every right to do.

    Add to that the fact that the Palastinians (and as your respondant pointed out “Palastinian” is just made up out of whole cloth) start launching rockets at you from schools and hospitals leaving you with the choice of a military response against schools and hospitals or simply allowing them to continue bombing you.

    Add to that the fact that the goal, partly motivated by religion, of one side is the total destruction of the other, whereas the Israeli goal is to live in harmony with the Palestinians.

    And finally, before Israel this region was a howling wilderness, after the Israelis arrived they turned it into one of the most productive region in the world, with blossoming farms, and a high tech industry with few rivals. Did you know, for example, that the Gulfstream G280 private jet is built in Israel? The Palestinians can barely build a water pump. This is the great principle of homesteading — taking vacant useless land and making it useful is one of the foundational principles of ownership.

    Israel is 1% of the middle east, and the only part without oil. And yet it is the most prosperous economy, the most fair and free society (including for Arabs).

    So, I am sorry but you are completely wrong about this. Both sides are not equally evil. Both sides are not deserving of hell. One side wants peace, for all, and to advance the productivity of the world. The other side wants the destruction of the Jews, the theft of land they fairly acquired and improved, and to die a martyrs death with suicide bombs, hospital based rocket launchers, and kids educated in the most vile forms of antisemitism that would make any decent person wretch with horror.

    They Israelis aren’t without fault, but they have shown immense patience and toleration with the Arabs. To suggest their evil deeds are indistinguishable and call that an honest analysis is ridiculous.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 03:50 pm, 22nd March 2018

    So, Israel went from being the country that controls banks and capitalists to a Marxist nation?

    Marxism is simply Talmudic Judaism put into practice. The Talmud states that all of the property of the goyim belongs to the Jews.

    If all the property of the non-Jews belongs to the State and the Jews control the State, most people call that Communism, whereas Talmudic Jews would call that Judaism.

    Even Karl Marx (a Jew) endorsed a privately owned (by Jews) central bank that would loan all currency to the government at interest during his “transition” to a stateless society. Every Communist country (including the former Soviet Union) has had a private central bank owned by Jews keeping the Marxist government in debt and holding it by the balls.

    Communism being atheistic was also by design because the Talmudic Jews don’t want any “idol worship” from the goyim and would, in their minds, prefer only Jews to have access to “the one true god,” while the human cattle (non-Jews) should be encouraged to freely break all of “god’s laws” so that they can never be righteous (by the standards of Judaism), and therefore, spiritually (and thus, physically) enslaved to the Jews forever.

    This is how these psychotic crypto-Jews think. Fortunately, they represent a very tiny minority of the Jewish population (albeit an extremely powerful one).

    This is also why these elites want a one world government. They believe that all countries are fictional and were born via the worship of “false gods.” Thus the world needs to abolish all countries and divide the world into two – the world and Israel.

    Anyway, you Nazi scumbags will keep dispensing all your Anti-Semitic garbage.. Keep it up..

    Calling out 4 percent of Jews and saying that the remaining 96 percent of Jews are fine is hardly anti-Semitic or Nazi. But you have already proven your immunity to reason and basic linguistic comprehension.

    You also think I’m a German. And a holocaust denier. So you’re also not immune to pulling fairy tales completely out of your ass!

    YOu are only more proof why JEws need to fight for their land

    Is anyone here against the Jews fighting for their land? All we said is that we shouldn’t be helping you because we are not your shabbos goys.

    and be rid of all the bigoted Christians, Muslims, Atheists and all the others who have oppressed us and treated us like subhumans for years.

    LOL! This coming from a guy who referred to us non-Jews as cattle (goyim) and is the only one here who has a religious text telling him that he is the master race and the rest of us are sub-humans!

    Nice projection there. Is that hamster in your brain tired of doing all those cartwheels?




  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:18 pm, 22nd March 2018

    I am Jewish and a staunch supporter of Israel,

    Assuming you’re an American and do not live in Israel, the Founding Fathers would probably have endorsed your execution for this. They kind of frowned on political polygamy, or as it’s more directly called, treason.

    Why would any American be a supporter of a foreign country? Imagine a situation in which no American politician could possibly get elected, unless they first pledged their allegiance to Japan! It would be absurd.

    But Israel plays by different rules because the U.S. Government is indebted to the Federal Reserve Bank, due to interest payments that can only come from that bank again, thus creating a permanent cycle of dependency on our inherently anti-capitalist debt based monetary system, run by 4 percent of “the chosen ones.”

    I have discussed this issue so exhaustively that I decided to just make a post from a debate I had with a famous singer who has a deep hatred for Israel.

    No one here is promoting any hatred or attack against Israel. All we’re saying is that we have no business getting involved in your irrelevant garbage! That’s it!

    America has no business helping Israel with anything in any way. Even if everything you say is correct (that the Jews are saints, they want a civilized democracy while being surrounded by savages, etc…), it doesn’t change a single thing!

    If the entire middle east is overrun by Muslim savages, Israel gets wiped off the map, and all hope for democracy and civilization completely dies and is replaced with slavery and dictatorship, that still means nothing to America and we still shouldn’t help you!

    By contrast, if Israel defeats all of its enemies, creates an Israel as big as it was during King Solomon, and becomes a haven for freedom and democracy in the middle east, as well as the most powerful country in that region, that still means nothing to America and we still shouldn’t help you!

    Either way, Israel can go fuck itself! The point isn’t anti-Semitism or “Jew hating.” The point is – we’re not your goyim slaves. Leave us alone!  We owe you nothing!



  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 04:18 pm, 22nd March 2018

    As the lady says the land was bought but the Jews

    Did the Arabs have a choice to not sell? To tell the Jews to just go away? Yes or no?

    And finally, before Israel this region was a howling wilderness, after the Israelis arrived they turned it into one of the most productive region in the world, with blossoming farms, and a high tech industry with few rivals.

    I agree that Israel is a prosperous and hardworking nation and offers far more freedom to their people than the Palestinians, and that I would far rather live in Israel than in the surrounding Arab lands. The same could be said of the USA, but that doesn’t excuse the wide scale killings of innocent civilians, just like that doesn’t excuse the USA’s horrible drone strikes against civilians.

    So, I am sorry but you are completely wrong about this. Both sides are not equally evil. Both sides are not deserving of hell.

    The Israeli military has killed large numbers of innocent civilians – true or false?

    (And if your answer is that the Palestinians have killed more, then you’re proving my point, that we’re dealing with two groups of murderers.)

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:56 pm, 22nd March 2018

    whereas the Israeli goal is to live in harmony with the Palestinians.


    Care to ask a Canaanite if Joshua and his merry band of……”diplomats” wanted nothing more than to “live in harmony” with the Canaanites? I mean, assuming you can find a Canaanite.

    Talk about Disney horseshit! Ask some of the Orthodox rabbis in Israel if they just want to “live in harmony” like Snow White with her woodland creatures.

    Consult the Jewish Talmud on the subject of racial harmony.

    it is the most prosperous economy, the most fair and free society (including for Arabs).

    A fair and free society?

    A racist ethno-state that wants Israel to remain “at least 80 percent Jewish” is hardly free and fair. It’s the Jewish version of the Alt Right, or Neo-Nazism – racist, identitarian trash! Nothing more!

    A “fair and free society” doesn’t care about blood, race, or ethnicity.

    A “fair and free society” shuns religion.

    A “fair and free society” is individualistic.

    A “fair and free society” wouldn’t make racist laws against inter-marriage.

    A “fair and free society” wouldn’t strive to be racially pure while hypocritically pushing “diversity” on everyone else so it can be the only successful identity politics game in town.

    A “fair and free society” wouldn’t kick out hundreds of African blacks in order to avoid “changing the genetic character of the country.”

    A “fair and free society” wouldn’t be forcing Israeli tax payers to sponsor “therapy” and “counseling” for Jewish girls who are sexually attracted to black men!

    No Alex! Israel is not a “free and fair society.” It is a garbage dump for racists with retrograde views based on tribal bronze age fairy tales that promote racial supremacist ego masturbation.

    Have you even listened to the speeches given by the Israeli rabbis? Or the Israeli politicians? They’re indistinguishable from Nazis! Did you know that Orthodox Jews in Israel have a separate blood bank for blood transfusions that only Orthodox Jews may donate to, lest they be contaminated with “spiritual impurities” from the goyim?

    One side wants peace, for all, and to advance the productivity of the world.


    Been watching the mainstream media there, Alex? Yeah, peace for all in their Talmudic Neo-Nazi ethno-state.

    To suggest their evil deeds are indistinguishable and call that an honest analysis is ridiculous.

    They are indistinguishable. The Muslims are no better. Which is why both sides should just kill each other as quickly as possible. Then, once they’re both dead, maybe we can turn Israel into something useful, like a giant shopping mall, or another Disney World.

    But I get to ride the Ferris wheel first!






  • Kurt
    Posted at 07:32 pm, 22nd March 2018

    Given that your goal is to make money from blogging and controversial topics get the most eyeballs it’s kind of amazing you haven’t stirred this pot before.

    Agree with your summary. I remember casually mentioning to a friend once that if I believed in such things that Jerusalem and the holy land would clearly be evidence of Satan, as nothing more evil could have ever been devised to keep people hating and killing each other for centuries.

    Of course he flipped a bitch and started going crazy asking me how I could say such a horrible thing, taking the side of Israel and pointing out how the violence and hatred was all the fault of the muslims, etc. Proving my point for me.

    This shit is amazing to watch, but really sad.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 12:10 am, 23rd March 2018

    The voice of sanity: My favorite Jewish person in the whole world (next to my girlfriend), Milo:


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 01:46 am, 23rd March 2018

    Given that your goal is to make money from blogging and controversial topics get the most eyeballs it’s kind of amazing you haven’t stirred this pot before.

    I enjoy debating highly charged and controversial topics where rational discussions are possible. I usually avoid this issue for the same reasons I avoid talking about race… because rational discussions on topics like this are not possible. You just get a bunch of psychos and irrational, biased, angry people screaming at each other.

    Entertaining perhaps, but not helpful in actually educating or enlightening anyone. Thus my lack of interest.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:35 am, 23rd March 2018

    To all the decent Jews who might be reading this and are concerned about true anti-Semitism or hatred against Jews, understand what you have to do:

    If you wish to stop anti-Semitism from increasing drastically, you MUST start calling out your rabbis when they start calling for the genocide of all non-Jews, like here:


  • oops britney
    Posted at 09:35 am, 23rd March 2018

    And the violence continues. Forever

    This brought to mind 2 quotations from someone who had the creation of Israel quite at heart

    “The difference of race is one of the reasons why I fear war may always exist; because race implies difference, difference implies superiority, and superiority leads to predominance.”


    “Progress and reaction are but words to mystify the millions. They mean nothing, they are nothing, they are phrases and not facts. All is race. In the structure, the decay, and the development of the various families of man, the vicissitudes of history find their main solution.”


  • Alex Jones
    Posted at 10:53 pm, 23rd March 2018

    Caleb Jones says

    Did the Arabs have a choice to not sell? To tell the Jews to just go away? Yes or no?

    Yes, the did. I think you are missing the crucial facts of the Jewish relationship with the land pre the current state of Israel under the Ottomans and the British. I believe she was referring to the various Jewish migrations and land purchases them. (This has nothing to do with, for example, the West Bank settlements.)

    The Israeli military has killed large numbers of innocent civilians – true or false?

    Yes they did. So are you of the opinion that there is no circumstances under which war is justified? After all, innocents are killed in every war. If ever there was a justified war it is the war of defense the Israelis have conducted against the Arab terrorists. Here are the facts:

    1. The Israelis do the best they can to minimize innocent casualties on the Palestinian side

    2. The Palestinians do their best to maximize innocent causalities on the Israeli side.

    3. The Israelis do their best to separate innocents on their side from legitimate military targets to minimize the risk of collateral damage.

    4. The Palestinians do their best to intermingle innocents and “military” to maximize collateral damage on their own side, using the bodies of their own people for propaganda purposes.

    5. The Israelis keep their children out of it.

    6. The Palestinians strap bombs on their children to take advantage of the compassion of the other side.

    7. The Israelis put their weapons of war in military bases.

    8. The Palestinians put their weapons of war in hospitals and schools


    If you think there is no such thing as a just war (and all wars, including just ones have innocent causalities) then you condemn the world to tyrants and thugs because tyrants and thugs don’t share your moral scruples, in fact will exploit your moral scruples to the max.

    So again, to suggest their are morally equivalent doesn’t stand up to the most cursory honest analysis.


  • Janos
    Posted at 04:48 am, 24th March 2018

    The Israelis do the best they can to minimize innocent casualties on the Palestinian side

    At least so they claim. I’m not convinced this is true.

    7. The Israelis put their weapons of war in military bases.
    8. The Palestinians put their weapons of war in hospitals and schools

    The Israelis have many more millions of dollars for war avaliable and far more technologically advanced weapons. Of course the Palestinians have to resort to some degree of guerilla tactics to be able to fight such an extremely unfair war. If the Palestinians put their weapons in bases, Israel could just blow the bases in a matter of days, something Palestina can’t do.



  • joelsuf
    Posted at 07:29 am, 24th March 2018

    The Israeli military has killed large numbers of innocent civilians – true or false?
    (And if your answer is that the Palestinians have killed more, then you’re proving my point, that we’re dealing with two groups of murderers.)

    I have a feeling that we’re pretty much the only two individuals in this comment section who doesn’t get their jollies squawking their opinions and just looks at everything as objective as possible, Caleb.

    Joelsuf, no offense but have you attempted to find/read some articles or books that aim to discredit conspirationism and prove wrong the patterns of thought behind it? After all, that’s the least you could do to be objective, since you clearly give thought to the opposite side.

    Not really, its just an opinion that comforts me, that this conflict is staged. I’m not out to “prove” anything. Unlike 95% of the other commenters here, I don’t seek to impress others or whatever. I just say my piece, and others can attack it, defend it, or just leave it alone. Doesn’t bother me. I feel like its staged so that we can maintain the us-vs-them mentality (as this comment section is proving on its own). Different than many, I do not have enough stake in this claim to defend it to the grave. It makes sense to me, and that’s all I need.

    And seriously, taking a look at this comment section is like staring into the abyss. Are you all that self important?

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 04:05 pm, 24th March 2018

    And seriously, taking a look at this comment section is like staring into the abyss. Are you all that self important?

    This is not an argument. Care to point out where I said anything wrong or inaccurate?

    What’s wrong with being passionate in your beliefs and enjoying debate?

    I agree with Caleb. Withdraw all our support and involvement and let them just kill each other. None of our business. Can anyone make the case for U.S. involvement?

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 06:37 pm, 24th March 2018

    Care to point out where I said anything wrong or inaccurate?

    Honestly, I don’t care to. I’ve given up, mane. Just do you and try your best not to intentionally inconvenience anyone offline. If you want to waste that kind of time or energy, be my guest.

    What’s wrong with being passionate in your beliefs and enjoying debate?

    Nothing unless you want to physically tell others what is best for them, which you do quite a bit, at least online anyways. Didn’t you mention on a different post that you are out to save the world by any means necessary or something? I mean if that makes you happy that’s cool, I just think it is rather mean of you to think you know what’s best for others, just like the other degenerates in the “march for our lives” thing. While they are being degenerate collectivists, I’ll be busy doing my “march for MY life” aka being Alpha 2. And if you’re responding on comment boards with 3000+ word responses, then I have a pretty hard time thinking that you’re alpha 2. jussayin. That goes for others not just JOTB.

    Withdraw all our support and involvement and let them just kill each other. None of our business.

    Agree 100%. And this is coming from someone who’s dad’s side of the family is from Israel. If the lefties want their nice socialist paradise, the US will HAVE to get out of the middle east.

    Can anyone make the case for U.S. involvement?

    No. But since we are addicted to war, identity politics, collectivism (everyone’s trigger word nowadays lol), and in some cases religion, nearly everyone believes that we “need” to be involved. This conflict in the middle east is a very quick fix for ALL THREE.

    The people who say that the israelis are “the good guy” are wrong. As mentioned in that Bernstein article a few comments back, European Jews (who comprise most of the Israelis) want a master race. So because they are Israelis, them wanting a master race is permissible? Seems legit.

    Those who say that the palestinians are the “good guy” are also wrong. Palestinians are muslims, and muslims want everything to return to an age where Islam was the world’s official religion, where women were forced to have their clitori removed. Oh yeah and let’s not forget the arranged polygamous marriage thing too. Must have been real fun.

  • Gang
    Posted at 04:17 am, 25th March 2018

    Nuke that neverending mess.

  • Antekirtt
    Posted at 05:38 am, 25th March 2018

    Different than many, I do not have enough stake in this claim to defend it to the grave. It makes sense to me, and that’s all I need.
    And seriously, taking a look at this comment section is like staring into the abyss. Are you all that self important?

    Well ain’t that pretty disappointing. Now “having a rational backing for your claim, at all” is “defending it to the grave”, and calling out a fallacy is “being self-important”. AND on top of that you’re changing the subject by pointing to the comment shitstorm that mostly happened after my comment. Not you at your best, Joelsuf, but whatever. I’ll take it as an admission that you know your tinfoil hat stuff is implausible.

  • Alex Jones
    Posted at 09:58 am, 25th March 2018

    Janos says

    The Israelis have many more millions of dollars for war avaliable and far more technologically advanced weapons.

    Something that is an interesting fact in itself, no? After all Israel was founded in a howling wilderness, and through hard work, dedication and effort was made into a technological paradise. Allegedly the Palestinians were there for a thousand years before, and yet it was just as much a howling wilderness after a thousand years as it was before. And what is the ambition of those self same Palestinians? Nothing less than the massacre of the Jews who live there, and the returning of this Jewel of the middle east to a 14th century barbarian society.

    Of course the Palestinians have to resort to some degree of guerilla tactics to be able to fight such an extremely unfair war. If the Palestinians put their weapons in bases, Israel could just blow the bases in a matter of days, something Palestina can’t do.

    I love your use of the word “guerrilla”. Talk about putting lipstick on a pig. Guerrilla means irregular warfare. It means setting IEDs for military trucks. It means improvised mortars firing bombs into military bases with quick hit and run attacks. It does NOT mean firing rockets from hospitals. The French resistance during the second world war used guerrilla tactics, but they didn’t launch rockets from schools. The Americans used guerrilla tactics early in the revolutionary war, but they conducted hit and run raids on columns of troops, they didn’t strap bombs to babies and drive them into market places.

    However, even were we to concede that these are valid guerrilla tactics (a concession that is is an insult to every guerrilla freedom fighter in history) it still concedes that basic premise that the Palestinians are acting in dramatically less moral way.

    Argue if you will that the ends justifies the means, an argument that is far from convincing, but at least have the honesty to admit that the means are profoundly immoral, and that the Israeli military, irrespective of the reasons why, and irrespective of whether you think their ends are justifiable, are undoubtedly conducting their operations on a much higher moral plane.

    In society we really have three levels at which we operate.

    1. The rules of civil society where laws and regulations are enforced to allow the functioning of society

    2. When these fail and war is engaged then we operate under the laws of war, which although much more prone to hurt the innocent, at least offer some basic level of protections,

    3. When these fail, anarchic all out war, with no quarter. At this level anything goes, no torture is too evil, no act however dreadful too unthinkable, no quarter, no decency is required.

    The Israelis try to operate at level 1, but sometimes events demand that they operate at level 2, the Palestinians at level 3, all the time, and consider their barbarity justifiable because of a religious belief which contains some thoroughly awful views.

    Let’s not pretend that there is some moral equivalency here.


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 02:56 pm, 25th March 2018

    Honestly, I don’t care to. I’ve given up, mane.

    This actually gratifies me. I’ve debated this topic before on other forums and when I point out facts about the Talmud being just a Jewish version of Mein Kampf and all the racist laws which Israel has (like the law forbidding inter-racial marriage between a Jew and a non-Jew), I’m met with nothing but cold silence. This tells me I’ve won the argument.

    Oh sure, they’ll use the SJW tactic of masquerading their embarrassment with fake smugness and sophistication by saying that I’m just a crazy troll not worth responding to, or just unleash the buzzwords (racist, Nazi, wah, wah, wah), which have zero power and mean absolutely nothing, but it’s hard to ignore that I haven’t heard a single counter-argument to anything I said. It’s pretty sweet!

    Just do you and try your best not to intentionally inconvenience anyone offline.

    I don’t know what this means. I don’t pester people offline or beg them to debate me when they’re clearly not interested. LOL!

    If you want to waste that kind of time or energy, be my guest.

    It’s not a waste of time. Everything I do has a purpose.

    Nothing unless you want to physically tell others what is best for them, which you do quite a bit, at least online anyways.

    Physically? How can you “physically” tell someone anything? I’m just stating opinions. People are more than welcome to counter mine with theirs. I can’t force anyone to do anything.

    Didn’t you mention on a different post that you are out to save the world by any means necessary or something?

    I don’t know about “by any means necessary,” but improving the world is part of my mission, yes. I do not condone violence or illegal activities though.

    I mean if that makes you happy that’s cool, I just think it is rather mean of you to think you know what’s best for others,

    Again, I’m not sure what this means. SJWs are the cultural authoritarians who want to force people to be autistic robots during sex or risk a rape charge, criminalize asking women out on dates as “sexual harassment,” and even tell you what Halloween costumes you are or are not allowed to wear.

    How am I telling people “what’s best for them?” Here, I’m simply arguing against the racist and supremacist philosophy of Jewish Zionism.

    And if you’re responding on comment boards with 3000+ word responses, then I have a pretty hard time thinking that you’re alpha 2. jussayin.

    Ok. Good for you. I respond with as little, or as many, words as I deem necessary to get my point across.

    Agree 100%. And this is coming from someone who’s dad’s side of the family is from Israel.

    You mean the one who told you that you’re the master race and you’re not allowed to date non-Jews in high school? LOL!

    No. But since we are addicted to war, identity politics, collectivism (everyone’s trigger word nowadays lol), and in some cases religion, nearly everyone believes that we “need” to be involved. This conflict in the middle east is a very quick fix for ALL THREE.

    Yup. It’s an addiction to ego which the American Jewish lobby is exploiting for its own supremacist interests.

    The people who say that the israelis are “the good guy” are wrong. As mentioned in that Bernstein article a few comments back, European Jews (who comprise most of the Israelis) want a master race. So because they are Israelis, them wanting a master race is permissible? Seems legit.

    Right. That’s what I’ve been saying here. These specific Zionist Jews are supremacist racists who think that every non-Jew is less than an insect. They also think that the only reason god hasn’t killed all non-Jewish humans is because it would, in one way or another, inconvenience the Jew. Or as one Jewish rabbi from Israel said, “We want our own planet.” LOL! Good luck with that!

    Those who say that the palestinians are the “good guy” are also wrong. Palestinians are muslims, and muslims want everything to return to an age where Islam was the world’s official religion,

    Islam was never the world’s official religion, but these diaper heads definitely want it that way. Basically, two totalitarian philosophies fighting for dominance over a worthless desert! Haha! And America is funding this filth because the Zionists own our central bank! Sad!

    where women were forced to have their clitori removed. Oh yeah and let’s not forget the arranged polygamous marriage thing too. Must have been real fun.

    Both Islam and Judaism are nothing but primitive totalitarian barbarisms. Then again, so is Christianity and virtually every single other religion you can name. That’s why the European Enlightenment was probably the greatest revolution in human history. Too bad it’s so trashed today!


  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 02:58 pm, 25th March 2018

    Nuke that neverending mess.

    Nah. That would be getting involved. And that would count as us “caring.”

    They need to learn how laughably unimportant they are.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 06:29 pm, 25th March 2018

    Alex Jones – As I predicted, you’re proving my point. Your point is since Israel has some strong positives that automatically makes the Israelis the good guys in this scenario even though they’ve killed thousands of innocent civilians over a period of multiple decades.

    When you kill thousands of innocent civilians over and over again, the conversation is over in my view, and you are one of the bad guys, regardless of all other factors. This includes Israel, this includes the Arabs who bombed the World Trade Center, and this includes my own country, the USA, among many others.

    You need to remove your Societal Programming that says there’s always a good guy and bad guy in every conflict. No, often they’re both bad guys, and any argument about which one is less bad brings us both down to a level of stupidity I’m not willing to go.

  • Alex Jones
    Posted at 11:00 pm, 25th March 2018

    Caleb Jones says

    When you kill thousands of innocent civilians over and over again, the conversation is over in my view

    Perhaps so, but that is because it is easy to give trite answers to simple problems, but when reality intrudes, messy, complicated reality, then triteness has to take a back seat to seriousness.

    I notice for example, that you don’t answer one of the fundamental questions that anyone who thinks seriously about these sorts of issue thinks about — namely what is a just war? Again, it is fun to polish your halo while answering simple questions, and simply taking a pass on the hard ones.

    You talk about “bad” and “good” as if these are two defined points, when, back here in the real world, things exist on a spectrum. Some things are good, some things are mostly good, some things are kind of bad, and some things are atrocious. To say that I think that there is always a good guy and a bad buy is a serious misreading of what I have said.

    Sometimes life doesn’t cooperate with the idea of a good approach and a bad approach. Sometimes life only allows us the choice between two bad approaches, and we have to choose the least bad of them. You can be all supercilious about it if you don’t actually have to make the choice.


    So perhaps rather than polishing your halo you can offer an actual practical solution were you to run the Israeli government. What would you do if you were under constant attack from the Palestinians, hell bent on your total annihilation, subject to massive, murderous rocket attacks launched from hospitals, or bomb laden babies sent into your market places. Negotiation proves utterly ineffective because your opponent negotiates in bad faith, because, for irrational, religious reasons they want to kill you and your children not come to a mutual settlement.

    Why not answer a hard moral question, rather than skimming the easy ones.


    Or don’t. It is your blog after all.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:15 pm, 25th March 2018

    I notice for example, that you don’t answer one of the fundamental questions that anyone who thinks seriously about these sorts of issue thinks about — namely what is a just war?

    A just war is when you’re defending yourself against an enemy that’s violently violating your borders that you didn’t do anything to antagonize in the first place. But that’s irrelevant to my point. You’re trying to change the subject in order to make the mass slaughter of innocent civilians okay. It won’t work (at least on me).

    So perhaps rather than polishing your halo you can offer an actual practical solution were you to run the Israeli government.

    There is no solution to Israel’s problem, just like there is none to the USA’s problem(s). Still not relevant to my point, as I would not kill mass amounts of civilians, period. On a personal level, my solution would be to not live in that country. (If I was elected president of Israel, I would resign, and leave the country, because I don’t want to live in a country with an unworkable violence problem, and I certainly don’t want to run one.)

    In terms of the country, as an entity, it can go fuck itself. As can the USA.

  • Jude
    Posted at 12:56 am, 26th March 2018

    This guy Jack Out of the Box and Mr. Caleb Jones both have absolutely no knowledge about Jews or Israel.   Israeils are the most open and friendly people in the world.  If anything America has more bigots (both black, white and Hispanic (i.e. La Raza, etc))  than almost any country on the Earth.

    The Talmud is a commentary book that some sects of Jews consider equal to Torah.  However, almost all Jews follow the Torah , not the Talmud, which they keep as commentary.  I mean, considering how racist and Anti-Semitic the Christian bible is, I cannot understand why this whiner name Jack is freaking out over the Talmud?   And, the Talmud has nothing to do with race, rather religion.  In that effect, at least you can compare the Talmud to the Qur’an rather than Mein Kampf, which specifically discusses racial superiority rather than religious superiority. 

    Anyone can convert to Judaism and some of the greatest sages, kings ,etc came from the line of converts.    In fact, Judaism is one of the few religions that actually sanctify non-Jewish gentile kings.    If anyone has studied about Purim, it is a holiday where we honor the King of Persia, named King Cyrus (Kouresh) who, himself, was a Zoroastrian.    So, your whole concept of racial superiority is complete hogwash.

    Another point is that Israel is a very secular nation.. Israel has one of the largest gay pride parades in the world. Most Israelis are very secular believers of Judaism and many others are atheists or agnostics. Buddhism is very popular in Israel. There are religious zealots, but does USA have no religious zealots? So, if Israel has them they must all be racists or puritanical? It is an unfair standard you have given to Israel.

    I am not sure why Jack Out of the Box thinks interracial marriage is illegal in Israel?  There are more inter-racial marriages in Israel than anywhere else on the Earth.   Even Arab Israeli men (not Palestinians) marry Israeli Jewish girls and it is not illegal.  Russian gentile girls come to Israel in droves and many of them marry Israeli guys.  My Israeli friend was married to a 6 foot tall Russian babe who, of course, ended up divorcing him and taking half his money.   HAHA.. Hence, why I check out this Black Dragon Blog.     Anyway, Jacky Boy, if you want some hot Jewish , Russian, Ethiopian, Greek, even Arabic (yikes, watch out for the brothers and daddy) or whatever other type of pussy, please come to Israel, Jacky.  There are plenty of babes for you to bang and you can even marry them and I promise not to cut your foreskin :p.

    Caleb, why not come take a trip to Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) and have some fun on the beach?  Monogamy is not required, Israeli girls love to have fun ;).   I bet after you spend some time there and actually get to know the people and meet even the Arabs in the country you will realize your societal programmed beliefs of Israel are actually fabrications.   You claim to be the guy who is not programmed by society, so come and see for yourself, rather than reading all the articles on CNN about the poor , starving, dying Palestinians.  They are the fattest Arabs in the Middle East. It is true their food is pretty damn good, but they also have running water, sewage, farms, etc all supplied with by the Israeli government.    The Gazans are under savage Hamas rule and have no freedom at all.  Take a trip to Gaza and let me know who the oppressors are .

    Anyway, the people who are going the craziest about the Israel/Palestine conflict are you guys.  Life in Israel isn’t easy, but you have more bloodshed and murder in the USA with all your illegal aliens, drug wars, gangbangers, white supremacists, etc.    It is so easy to go and pick on another nation and say how bad they are.

    The Israeli Jews live side-by-side with approx. 1,000,000 Arabs.  These are not Palestinians.  Instead they are referred to as Israeli Arabs.  Then, you have the Palestinian Arab people who live in the West Bank and Gaza and are the ones you keep hearing all about on the news.   There are even M

    Let us also not forget about some other Arab ethnic groups in Israel who also serve in the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces).  You have the Druze ethnic group who follow a very moderate sect of Islam.  Many of them are some of the most fervent supporters of Israel you met and many hold senior positions in IDF and government. Then, there is the Bedouins who dwell in tents all over Israel and there are other more modern Bedouins who serve in the IDF.

    As far as the other societally programmed lie about Israel being composed mostly of European Jews, that is also statistically wrong!  Yes, please review your statistics before ranting on the comments of a blog.  I know, like who does that, right?   In fact, most European Jews live in the USA!  Most of the Ashkenazi Jewish ethnic group came to the USA throughout the years and only a remnant of them who survived the Holocaust (very few Ashkenazi survived in Europe) were the ones who migrated to Israel.  However, a good majority of the Jews in Israel are brown skinned and known as the Mizrachi.  The Mizrachi Jews are the Arabic/Persian ethnic group of Jews.  Their origins come from all over the Middle East and there is another large ethnic group called the Sephardim who also originated in Spain, but migrated to Turkey, Tunisia, Morocco  and other regions in NOrth Africa/Middle East after the Inquisition.   Israel is mostly comprised of brown skin Jews of Mizrachi/Sephardic lineage.  So, who ever wants to make an accusation that Israel is full of Europeans, they have it very wrong.  Maybe, that status should go to New York, but isn’t most of New York European descended?

    As far as this whole Jew/Palestinian war, I’d say it is the product of modern media. The Jordanians massacred 10,000 Palestinians on Black Thursday and the media didn’t make a sound. Israel hasn’t killed 10,000 Palestinians, yet anytime they bomb in retaliation for those damn rockets, the media goes wild and acts as if the Israelis are shooting poor Arab children for sport. This is complete crap! Israel actually drops leaflets notifying civilians to flee before they bomb. Does America drop leaflets before it bombs Iraqi homes? And , when was the last time Iraqis shot rockets into your homes? Yet, America goes around bombing plenty of countries, for whatever reason.

    If America wants to stop giving Israel aid money that is fine. Half of it goes to the Palestinians anyway and the other half goes to military and intelligence collaboration. Right now, Israel has become trade partners and trading military technology with lots of other countries. They don’t need America. Israel has a good economy and is on the forefront of innovation.

    Cheers Guy..  Keep up the debate and conspiracy theories!

  • Alex Jones
    Posted at 11:07 am, 26th March 2018

    Caleb JonesCaleb Jones says

    A just war is when you’re defending yourself against an enemy that’s violently violating your borders that you didn’t do anything to antagonize

    By antagonize you mean by your enemies judgment? So you are walking along the street, some guy punches you in the face because “you looked at him funny” defense is unjustified? The Isrealis bought the land and transformed it, and have tried very hard to accomodate the Palestinians. Seems to me that the constant violence initiated by the Palestinians justifies a response.

    If you fire rockets from a place full of civilians it is you, not the person defending themselves who is responsible for the deaths of these civilians. People are not required to simply die because someone is holed up in a hospital.

    You’re trying to change the subject in order to make the mass slaughter of innocent civilians okay. It won’t work (at least on me).

    Nope, I am saying that the Palestinians have set up a situation where civilians are going to be killed. Israel just gets some say what proportion of them are Palestinians and what proportion are Israelis. It be great if there was a “no civilians die” option, but there isn’t due to choices that the Palestinians have made.

    If the Palestinians disarmed unilaterally, they’d get a peaceful accommodation from Israel. If Israel disarmed unilaterally, they’d be slaughtered mercilessly by the Palestinians.

    On a personal level, my solution would be to not live in that country. (If I was elected president of Israel, I would resign, and leave the country,

    So your solution is to leave, and, were all Israelis to adopt such a solution, it would mean simply giving over the territory to Palestine. If the terrorists win by their thuggish tactics they won’t stop there. And where will you run when the thugs and tyrants have taken over all the world?

    Nonetheless, I am a big fan of your blog, so I’ll leave it there rather than antagonize you more. Thanks for stating your views so cogently.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 01:26 pm, 26th March 2018

    So your solution is to leave, and, were all Israelis to adopt such a solution,

    Nonetheless, I am a big fan of your blog, so I’ll leave it there rather than antagonize you more.

    You’re not antagonizing me. I don’t care about this issue. It’s people above like Jack and Kike who get antagonized. I don’t give a shit about the collapsing Western world (it’s fucked regardless, including Israel), so I don’t care enough to get emotional about it.

  • Kike
    Posted at 08:04 pm, 26th March 2018

    You’re not antagonizing me. I don’t care about this issue. It’s people above like Jack and Kike who get antagonized. I don’t give a shit about the collapsing Western world (it’s fucked regardless, including Israel), so I don’t care enough to get emotional about it.

    If you don’t care then why did you even make this blog post?   Where exactly is your utopia since you hate  America, Israel and all the West?  Is it your beloved China you keep talking about?  You really think you can enjoy the Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle in China?  Oh, is it Russia with the ruthless dictator Putin who executes everyone who challenges his power?  Is Russia any less of a warmonger?  Do you remember the Afghanistan-Russian war?

    You keep saying you hate the Western world as if it is any different than the Eastern World.  I find it ludicrous.    The world is fucked if you want to know!   India is socialist, China and Russia are now both dictator-ruled bureaucracies.  You want to go to South Africa where the Black African ANC says it will take all the white farmers land by force and seize all the resources from the white people there?  Apartheid in reverse!    Singapore is a fun place, the government can execute you for a large variety of offenses.    Maybe Papua New Guinea?  I hear they have very lovely beaches.   You are far from the Western world there.  I bet you would be real safe and can operate your business freely (just pay some bribes) and live your Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle with any hindrance.

    Oh, and those lovely Palestinians!! Ahhhh, the Palestinians..   Do you think they are really victims?  Have you ever met a fucking Palestinian?   You say the Palestinians are victims of the Jews, what about all the Arab women who are beaten to death by their husbands?  How about the gay Palestinians who have to escape to Israel for refuge.      Do you really want to live in an Islamic country and live in a world ruled by Islam?  Do you think the Islamic world is any less fucked than the Western world?

    Caleb, I actually think even you don’t know what hell you really believe.  So, I am sorry for being pissed at you.  I actually think you are just ignorant and have too much ego to actually admit you don’t know what the hell to do.   The Western world may collapse, but the Eastern world will follow suit.  And, if you think the Israelis should just sit on their asses while they shoot rockets into Ashkelon, Sderot and even into Haifa and Tel Aviv you better just kiss our Hymie butts.    Caleb, here is a situation for you to think about.  If somebody tried to shoot your daughter and used their own daughter as a human shield so you wouldn’t try to stop them, yet you shoot them and accidentally kill their daughter to because it was hard to aim, does that make you a murderer?  If you are  defending your child’s life and the enemy hides behind their own child, that means you are a murderer?    Say what you want, but I highly doubt if someone was trying to kill your child you would even care about the other persons.    Your first priority is your child.  If you think the Palestinians don’t use their children and wives as human shields you are wrong.  And, if you don’t think the Palestinians don’t commit honor killings you are wrong.  If you don’t think that Hamas and Fatah have murdered more of each the other, than the Israelis have murdered of either, you are wrong!

    I still wonder where you think your utopia will be.  You keep saying China, but I bet you would be hauling ass out of there in a year if you lived under the iron grip of the Chinese bureaucracy.  That is, if you don’t die from some type of infection or respiratory problem with their atrocious environmental and pollution issues.

    Just so you know, my father served in the US military, his father served in the US military and his father’s father served in the US military.  They said the USA was fucked back then as the German empire was conquering huge parts of Europe that nobody could have fathomed.  I am glad to see you are so fast to jump ship and run away.  As well, you condemn the USA for hurting Muslims.  I don’t hear you making any noise of all the innocent fucking people Muslims have massacred for centuries!   What about all the fucking CHristians being massacred in Egypt, Iraq and Syria?   If the Muslims didn’t like getting bombed they could stop waging jihad all over the fucking globe.  Fuck them.. Did you remember the Batclan massacre in France?    Oh, and what about all the other terrorist attacks in France, Belgium, USA, England and Spain?  You only complain when “brown” people are being hurt.. What about those wretched white people?  Any compassion for them?

    I am a Libertarian which means I want countries to mind their own fucking business.  You send your jihadis to my country then I will bomb the shit of yours.   Yes, that is how I think.  That is my kind of Libertarian.   Leave me alone,  I leave you alone.  You go around spreading some Jihadist ideology, try to seize the world’s oil supply and develop nukes that can fulfill your ideological principles of jihad, then I will take your ass out to protect my country.

    Sorry, I was wanting to be done with this debate, but I just couldn’t help but read through the comments.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:01 pm, 26th March 2018

    If you don’t care then why did you even make this blog post?

    Where exactly is your utopia since you hate  America, Israel and all the West?

    There is no libertarian utopia on the planet, so the next best thing is to do Five Flags, which I’m doing:

    You really think you can enjoy the Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle in China?

    Read #2, #3, and #4 here.

    The Western world may collapse, but the Eastern world will follow suit.

    Read objection #6 here.

    Do let me know if you have any other points or questions I haven’t already addressed in my other articles. (Which I doubt.)

  • Kike
    Posted at 09:51 pm, 26th March 2018

    You really think you can enjoy the Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle in China?
    Read #2, #3, and #4 here.

    Ahhhhhh, so you are moving to New Zealand or Argentina.  These are not examples of the crumbling west?  Okokok, I see where your mind is now, you will reap the benefits of Asia without having to live there.  Oy Vey!  Yeah, gotcha.    Well, I guess that means you will live in the crumbling west and do business in Asia via telecommuting.   Not a bad idea.  I am working on a business that will also generate its revenue from around the globe.  But, by living in the crumbling west, you are still in the west.  Speaking of which, have you ever thought about doing business in Israel?  A lot of room for foreign investment.   Russians, Indians, Filipinos, South Americans are all doing lot of business in Israel with tech, bio-farming and military related industries.  You would be surprised how many Israelis and other Jews around the world read your blog.   Just saying.

    I just read you are planning on renouncing your American citizenship!  Whooaaa!

    I guess I was trying to figure out what is going on with you and after reading these articles I am even more confused than before.  I’m not saying you are not right about a lot of things.  I am a Libertarian and support much of your ideas.  I think you are misguided and also a bit confused, but whatever.

    As far as you thinking Palestinians are being butchered ruthlessly by Jews in Israel, I am pretty shocked.  You are pretty smart about a lot of things, so why are you acting so profoundly ignorant here?  I mean at least call a spade a spade.  If you think after all the years of oppression Jews suffered by Europeans (Ashkenazi) and Arabs (Mizrachi) that they should have the right to that tiny piece of land I also find it disconcerting.  In fact, most of the land was not habitable and the only place Arabs even lived at the time was East Jerusalem and some small enclaves of Hebron.   Most of the Arabs were migrants to the region just like Jews.  It wasn’t until the Jews turned the wasteland now known as the state of Israel into a flourishing and innovative nation that the Arabs even cared anything about it.    The landowners sold all the land rights and thought it was silly the Jews even wanted it.  The English imperialists (under Churchill) gave 20% of the land to the Jews and the Arabs received 80% and renamed the area Jordan.   Howver, the Arabs invaded that pre-1967 Israel (Palestine Mandate) and the Jews fought them off.  They won the war and re-claimed land that was theirs.

    Here is a video your PC friends will not want you to about the Nakba.. This was the forced exodus of all the Middle Eastern Jews from Islamic countries to Israel in the 1940s.  Basically, the Muslims were going around killing all their Jewish citizens after Israel became a state.   And, people just cannot figure out why Jews want to have their own land and have Arabs leave them the fuck alone?  Caleb, if you want to be educated about Israel/Palestinian Conflict, you should watch these videos and be more educated than about 90% of the other people who think they understand this issue.  (Part 1)  (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5)

    Here is a very sobering and enlightening debate between a group of Arabic Jews and Arabic Muslims at a Palestine rally..

    By the way, the Jews not Muslims are the indigenous people of the Land of Israel..

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