The Predator Movie Review

The Predator movies are some of my favorite movies of all time. The first Arnold Schwarzenegger Predator movie is one of the best action movies and sci-fi movies ever made and one of the seminal movies of my teenage years. Predator 2 was, again, one of my all time-favorite movies as a young man and I watched that thing over and over again despite the fact Arnold wasn’t in it. I read and collected Predator comics throughout the late 80s and 90s. The 2010 movie Predators was shockingly good and a worthy addition to the Predator series. (The Alien vs. Predator movies were pretty bad outside of a few cool action scenes, but I don’t consider these “true” Predator movies, or true Alien movies for that matter.)

The new movie this week, The Predator, is the fourth true Predator movie. Written and directed by one of the best action screenwriters in movie history, Shane Black (who was actually in the first Predator movie; he was Hawkins, the skinny guy with the glasses who told all the jokes), I was super pumped to see The Predator and expected it would probably be the best movie this year.

Was it?



The Predator should have been amazing. Instead it was barely okay.

Don’t get me wrong; it’s a fun movie I guess, but as compared to the other three Predator movies, it’s a massive disappointment.

What I Liked

1. Predator lore is more or less respected. It really bothers me when movies completely disregard details from prior movies, and this movie thankfully doesn’t do that. The main Predator in this movie is the Predator we all love and remember. There are also various Easter eggs in the movie for Predator nerds such as me, such as a particular side-character with the last name of “Keyes” played by a particular actor, which made me gasp and point at the screen with a huge smile when they revealed him. Good stuff.

2. The dialog is very good, of course, since it was written by Shane Black. This is the guy who wrote Lethal Weapon, The Nice Guys, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Last Boy Scout, and so on, so the dialogue was sharp and smart, even the stupid funny stuff.

3. How useless our weapons are against the Predators. Throughout this entire movie, characters are unloading hails of bullets from M-16s and other heavy weapons and the Predators just ignore them and slice the shit out of the stupid humans trying to hurt them with their silly lead pellets. Seriously, the humans are firing constantly throughout the entire movie, and it doesn’t do shit. It actually gets humorous in the end. The only time the humans actually hurt the Predators in any way is when they use the Predator weapons against them.

4. The little kid in the movie has some really good scenes, especially the Halloween ones, but I won’t spoil anything.

What I Didn’t Like

I didn’t like a lot. Not good.

1. The action was too fast. Just like most other action or actionish movies today, the action in the movie is good, and there’s plenty of it, but it moves way too fast so sometimes it’s hard to register what’s going on. Ready Player One had the same problem. Hell, just about all movies these days have the same problem. It’s really annoying. Because this is a Predator movie, and you’re accustomed to seeing Predator movies made in the 80s and 90s, this too-fast action really stands out more than in most other films.

This annoying, overly-fast action style of filmmaking really sucks. I can’t wait until movies finally go back to the 80s style where you can actually see what the hell is going on. The John Wick movies do this, but that’s about it.

2. Too much god damn comedy, and I know why. Everyone is trying to copy the Marvel movies now. As I’ve mentioned before, the Marvel movies are suffering from a problem where they’re putting in WAY too much comedy, to the point where I couldn’t even enjoy movies like Guardians of the Galaxy 2 or Thor Ragnarok, both of which could have been really good, but they were too silly. The problem is Marvel movies make billions of dollars, so now everyone is going to start shoving all this extreme comedy into movies where it doesn’t belong, like a Predator movie.

Yes, the other Predator movies add a little comedy. A little. This movie is jam-packed full of comedy, even to the point where the Predator himself does funny stuff. It’s completely out of place and badly hurts the tone of the film.

3. No good characters. There wasn’t a single compelling character in this entire movie, at least not in my opinion. They weren’t bad characters, but they weren’t good either. All three of the other Predator movies had at least some characters who were interesting and fun. Not this movie.

4. For fuck’s sake, stop it with the “bigger” Predators! Just like in the last Predator movie, in this movie there is a “bigger” Predator that is the enemy of the “normal” 1980s Predator. This is so predicable and uncreative. It’s another stupid Hollywood trend, where everything has to just be bigger, like in Star Trek Into Darkness where the Enterprise fights a “bigger” Enterprise.

C’mon Hollywood. This is just so fucking dumb and an easy out. Write something interesting with the usual Predators we are accustomed to. That would be such a cool idea.

The “bigger” Predators in the last movie were at least cool and made sense. The “bigger” Predator in this movie is, of course, even bigger, standing at 11 feet tall and looking more like a giant or a dinosaur than a Predator. The normal Predator didn’t have nearly enough screen time. The whole concept just sucked balls. Lazy writing.

5. Various things that made no sense. Several times, characters or convenient objects would just appear out of nowhere, causing you to say, “Wait… how did she get there?” or “Wait… where/how did they get that?” There’s also a subplot of one of the predators actually trying to do something nice for humanity (I think), yet he goes around murdering everyone. There’s just too many things in this movie that make no sense. Irritating as hell.

The Predator isn’t a bad movie, but compared to the other three Predator movies, two of which were masterpieces, it doesn’t measure up at all, even with the talented Shane Black at the helm.

Man, what a disappointment.

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  • Ken
    Posted at 05:31 am, 18th September 2018

    From the looks of it, the bad reviews and also how it performed in North America, this will lose money and has bombed.

  • AnonDude
    Posted at 10:13 am, 18th September 2018

    The worst part about the comedy today is that it is Marvel/new Star Wars type comedy. The jokes are bland, uncreative and land about 10% of the time only to get a small chuckle out of you.

    Worst of all it kills all tension in those movies because they use it too often when dramatic stuff is happening. It’s like they are afraid people won’t be able to handle some tension while watching a movie. I just don’t get why they think this is a good idea.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 02:40 pm, 18th September 2018

    I just don’t get why they think this is a good idea.

    Well, sadly, because it works on today’s stupid audiences, as well as in less demanding foreign markets like China. Thor Ragnarok and Guardians of the Galaxy 2, two movies that could have been great but that were saddled with so much excess stupid comedy it made kind made the movies shitty, made over $850 million each(!).

    Just like in Idiocracy, stupid stuff sells well now. Welcome to cultural collapse!

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 02:42 pm, 18th September 2018

    From the looks of it, the bad reviews and also how it performed in North America, this will lose money and has bombed.

    It’s pretty much bombed, yes. It made less money on its opening weekend than Predators did, and that was 8 years ago.

    Not surprising, since the trailers for this movie were pretty bad.

  • Investor
    Posted at 12:28 am, 19th September 2018

    From the looks of it, the bad reviews and also how it performed in North America, this will lose money and has bombed.

    It’s pretty much bombed, yes. It made less money on its opening weekend than Predators did, and that was 8 years ago.

    Not surprising, since the trailers for this movie were pretty bad.

    I didn’t even know this movie was out. I think that says enough. Which brings me to another point:

    Well, sadly, because it works on today’s stupid audiences, as well as in less demanding foreign markets like China. Thor Ragnarok and Guardians of the Galaxy 2, two movies that could have been great but that were saddled with so much excess stupid comedy it made kind made the movies shitty, made over $850 million each(!).

    There is also a lot of similar stuff that is a total bust. It seems to mostly correlate with how well hyped up it is. The marketing budget/power(based on previous success) seems to mainly determine how well its going to sell. Then it gets super hyped up, everyone buys it and then everyone complains it was shit but they already cashed in a lot, and it continues on like this. I see this even more with video games. It seems to me its mostly got to do with the fact that people have the need to be excited about something so they follow gladly the hype but are too lazy/uninterested to try to check out alternative options / research how good it is and just go and throw money at it because its the current hype.

    So to me the message is if you can hype up your products you’re gonna do really good even if they are shit. Having good products without the hype is gonna be a struggle no matter how good they are.

  • CTV
    Posted at 10:01 am, 19th September 2018

    Damn from what you’ve wrote that pisses me off.

    I just went out and bought Predator Omnibus.

    I’ve heard these and some of the Aleins books are very good actually.

    Science Fiction and Horror Movies are done. We just don’t have movies like Aleins, Predator, Hellraiser, or Original IT anymore. Just new age horse shit.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:34 pm, 19th September 2018

    Then it gets super hyped up, everyone buys it and then everyone complains it was shit but they already cashed in a lot, and it continues on like this. I see this even more with video games. It seems to me its mostly got to do with the fact that people have the need to be excited about something so they follow gladly the hype but are too lazy/uninterested to try to check out alternative options / research how good it is and just go and throw money at it because its the current hype.

    So to me the message is if you can hype up your products you’re gonna do really good even if they are shit. Having good products without the hype is gonna be a struggle no matter how good they are.

    Disagree. People know all about the Transformers and Jurassic Park movies (as just two examples) and people aren’t tricked by that marketing, and despite the fact those movies get stupider and stupider, people still go and see them to the tune of billions of dollars.

    I seriously think people are either getting dumber or less demanding for quality entertainment. (Or both.)

    Science Fiction and Horror Movies are done.

    Well, let’s see, the SJWs have killed Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr. Who, Terminator…

  • The Lord Humungus
    Posted at 06:37 pm, 19th September 2018

    You are giving Shane Black WAY too much credit as a writer. 

    “one of the best action screenwriters in movie history,”

    Are you fucking serious?

    He wrote 2 good movies, that’s it. Lethal weapon and last action hero.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:18 pm, 19th September 2018

    Are you fucking serious?


    He wrote 2 good movies, that’s it.

    Uh, have you ever seen The Good Guys? Last Boy Scout? Long Kiss Goodnight? Kiss Kiss Bang Bang?

    Even if you think those movies were poorly written (which would be a bizarre opinion to have) please give me the long list of other action screenwriters with a decent body of work who are better than Shane Black.

  • Ken
    Posted at 09:59 pm, 19th September 2018

    It probably still would’ve flopped anyway, but I’d have much rather seen Dwayne Johnson in this as as well as Arnie as well, instead of DJ wasting his time on a piece of shit like Skyscraper.  I guess they didn’t want to meet DJ’s and Arnie’s asking prices and opted instead for a cheap priced acting cast of B listers.

  • The Lord Humungus
    Posted at 10:40 pm, 19th September 2018

    I’ve seen all of those except kiss kiss bang bang, and they were all mediocre. And he wrote Iron Man 3 also, which was fucking horrible. The worst of all the marvel movies.

    James Cameron is far better, for one. I admittedly don’t know many other writers by name , so I’d have to go read up to really prove my case, but I only think those 2 of Black’s movies qualify as really good or great, and that makes it hard to imagine that he would legit qualify as one of the greatest of all time. If it does, then it just means nobody can string together more than a couple great action writing credits.

    If you really think all of those movies you mentioned were excellent, then sure I can see it. I don’t think they were though.

  • Investor
    Posted at 12:28 am, 20th September 2018

    Star Trek

    Dissagree about startek. I like the new movies. Its true its totally not the same as original star treks but its good. Its kind of like people complaining they didnt like the Hobbit because its totally different style and tone than LotR. Never the they are still good movies.

    About star wars.. the new star wars movies make Phantom Menance look like a good movie. Which says enough.

    About terminator etc… no one I know has ever watched any of the new series stuff saying it was killed is an exagorration… they just made some new stuff that no one cared about and this leaves space in the future to make good stuff that ignores the bad crap. Same with some of the alien vs predator stuff.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:18 am, 20th September 2018

    Dissagree about startek. I like the new movies.

    I’m talking about the new Star Trek TV show. Try to watch just the first 2-3 episodes, if you dare.

  • Investor
    Posted at 01:03 am, 21st September 2018

    I’m talking about the new Star Trek TV show. Try to watch just the first 2-3 episodes, if you dare.

    Oh yeah I forgot that even existed. I watched the trailer and read a review and it was enough for me.

    Its true that there are not any good sci fi series anymore which is a serious issue. On the other hand one can always rewatch battlestar galactica or star trek next generation or even voyager. I think I will pick up next generation rewatch next. I didn’t watch that stuff since I was a child basically.

    But there is a lot of really good mainstream stuff that isnt sci fi:
    Game of Thrones
    Black Sails
    Man in the high castle
    Extant was also pretty good but I got bored of it in season 2

  • David
    Posted at 03:41 pm, 22nd September 2018

    Dont care to see this, but thanks for bringing the writer to the spotlight.  Kiss kiss bang bang was hilarious, as well as The good guys!  I’m gonna look for more of his stuff

  • Prepped
    Posted at 09:40 am, 23rd September 2018

    Is the action really too fast? Perhaps it’s designed for hyper twitch gamer kids who are conditioned to super fast video game action, unlike us old guys who are slowing down and want our action, including our sex, a bit slower so we can savor and enjoy them.

    I speculate Gen XBox’ers are the producers target demo for these films nowadays.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:59 am, 23rd September 2018

    Is the action really too fast? Perhaps it’s designed for hyper twitch gamer kids who are conditioned to super fast video game action, unlike us old guys who are slowing down and want our action

    Absolutely there’s a generational divide on a lot of this stuff, no question. That goes back to my original problem; Hollywood is not an industry that can easily segment its markets; i.e. make one action movie for guys over 40 and completely different one for low attention span Millennials, each one edited and directed accordingly. Hollywood just isn’t designed that way (with unusual exceptions like the Expendables movies). So we get this Predator problem; a franchise for men well over age 35 edited for men who are 19. It just doesn’t work.

    including our sex, a bit slower so we can savor and enjoy them

    Speak for yourself! That last thing I want is slow sex. I have the testosterone of an 18 year-old man and I fuck like one. 🙂

  • Eric C Smith
    Posted at 01:04 pm, 25th September 2018

    fingers crossed for venom. all the more reason to keep my nose to the grindstone or however the saying goes.

  • Eldon Kellogg
    Posted at 04:27 am, 26th September 2018

    Sci-Fi action movies are now written for teenage and tweenage boys. Thor Rag was almost unwatchable.  They have converted a Viking god into a metrosexual dweeb. In the next movie he and the Hulk will probably become lovers.

    The new Predator suffered from the same style of writing. The biggest problem was I didn’t care what happened to any of the ‘damaged’ veterans. They were caricatures, even the hero. All military personnel, mercenaries, veterans, government workers were ‘evil’.  Of course, the global-warming-end-of-the-world schtick was mandatory. Now, the new suit for the hero, shown at the end . . . . that was cool!

  • POB
    Posted at 09:36 am, 1st October 2018

    There’s a niche for 80s/early 90s style action movies, as the Expendables series has clearly shown us.

    Problem is Hollywood is so lazy these days that they don’t want to invest in good screenwriting, and prefer to use any pasteurized formula that is making money. Michael Bay is the epitome of this dumb style.

    Another thing they do (that I hate) is to milk old sci-fi / action franchises to exhaustion, trying to “update” them to this era. This Predator entry is just the last example, but I could go on and on (Aliens, Die Hard, Bad Boys, etc,etc).

    I wonder where their creativity went.

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