The Six-Figure Consultant Course – Complete Listing and How To Be An Affiliate!

I promised I would reveal the lesson titles for all the videos for the upcoming video course, The Location-Independent Six-Figure Consultant, going on sale March 22nd for just one week. The entire listing is here.

In terms of what’s included in the course, here’s everything you get:

– Seven hours of video training, featuring me and my lovely assistant, Pink Firefly herself, broken out into 45 lessons. Each lesson runs between 3 and 20 minutes depending on the complexity of the topic. You receive this immediately, as soon as you sign up and your last payment is made (so if you do the single payment option, you’ll get it all immediately). You will have a permanent account where you’ll have access to all the videos forever.

– Subtitled videos in multiple languages. All the videos in the course are available with subtitles in English, Chinese, Hindustani, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and German. (This list is not final. In two months these languages could change, and/or we may add more.)

– Membership in an exclusive Facebook Community where you can interact with other participants in the course. You receive this immediately, as soon as you sign up and your last payment is made. You can choose to either join the Alpha 2.0 Business Facebook Group or the new Six-Figure Location-Independent Consultant Group (you can’t choose both).

– Written PDF transcripts of the entire course. These will be sent to you 35 days after you sign up for the course.

– A suite of documents needed for consulting, including templates you can use to do your own proposals.

– Personal coaching with me, Caleb Jones, so I can assist you personally in setting up (or improving) your consulting business. This is done over email where you get a day to ask me any questions you like. This happens 35-40 days after you sign up for the course and your last payment is made.

– Book recommendations, including the best books I’ve ever read regarding how to be a successful consultant.

It’s all yours on March 22nd, in less than two months. It will only be available for one week!

There will also be two additional, optional add-on courses available too, but I’ll tell you about those a little later. For now, I have something better to tell you…

How You Can Make Thousands of Dollars Referring This Course To Your Friends or Audience As An Affiliate

This is even bigger news. This time around, I’m offering full affiliate status to anyone who wants it. This means I will give you a special link that links to the sales page for the consultant course. For anyone who clicks that link and buys the course, you will automatically be paid a 25% commission on every sale. Do the math on that! The course is $697. That means you make $174 dollars on every sale(!!!). If they purchase either upsell course, you get additional money on that as well. And that’s all from just one person buying the course. It’s the easiest money you will ever make.

If you have even a small audience of people who like you, read your content, or trust you, you could make several thousands of dollars just by putting this link on your page, or social media, or emailing it out.

For you guys who live in non-English speaking countries, remember that I’m providing subtitles for this course. That means you could market this course to your non-English speaking friends / audience and they’d still be able to benefit, and you’d make a nice mountain of money. Some of you guys living in big markets like China and India could REALLY cash in on this.

If you are interested in becoming an affiliate, email my staff ASAP at We will set up your user account and get your affiliate link to you ASAP. Seriously, I know many of you in this audience will end up making thousands of dollars doing this.

More to come.

Want over 35 hours of how-to podcasts on how to improve your woman life and financial life? Want to be able to coach with me twice a month? Want access to hours of technique-based video and audio? The SMIC Program is a monthly podcast and coaching program where you get access to massive amounts of exclusive, members-only Alpha 2.0 content as soon as you sign up, and you can cancel whenever you want. Click here for the details.

Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.

  • Investor
    Posted at 11:57 pm, 3rd February 2019

    It is not clear to me whether it is necessary to buy the course in order to be affiliate, or whether that is a separate thing.

    It does sound very good, pity I don’t have a big audience at the moment. Could be worth a shot though.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:59 am, 4th February 2019

    It is not clear to me whether it is necessary to buy the course in order to be affiliate

    It is not. Totally separate thing.

  • Investor
    Posted at 01:35 pm, 4th February 2019

    It is not. Totally separate thing.

    Great then I will contact you about it. After reading this I thought it was an amazing idea and that you are going to make yourself lots of money by doing this. Only part I don’t get is why you didn’t do something like this before. Also, I am hoping you will continue to do this in the future.

  • Investor
    Posted at 01:41 pm, 4th February 2019

    By the way is there an incentive also for the person clicking on the link and buying the course via affiliate link? Because if yes that could help get more people and prevent the thing where they click on the link then browse around your content and buy something else / the course via the normal website link and the affiliate doesn’t get any credit.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:10 pm, 4th February 2019

    After reading this I thought it was an amazing idea and that you are going to make yourself lots of money by doing this.

    Correct, I will.

    Only part I don’t get is why you didn’t do something like this before.

    The first video course was new and untested. Now it’s a verified working business model for me.

    Also, I am hoping you will continue to do this in the future.

    Oh, trust me, I will. If anything I’m going to dramatically expand it.

    By the way is there an incentive also for the person clicking on the link and buying the course via affiliate link?

    Above and beyond any other link? No.

    Because if yes that could help get more people and prevent the thing where they click on the link then browse around your content and buy something else / the course via the normal website link and the affiliate doesn’t get any credit.

    They get a cookie on their computer that lasts, I believe, 60 days to ensure you get credit for it even if they manually browse to my site on their own after they click your link. (At least I’m pretty sure that’s how it works.)

  • Investor
    Posted at 01:38 am, 5th February 2019

    They get a cookie on their computer that lasts, I believe, 60 days to ensure you get credit for it even if they manually browse to my site on their own after they click your link. (At least I’m pretty sure that’s how it works


  • Stefanos
    Posted at 12:34 am, 16th February 2019

    If you are interested in adding more subtitles, I would love to help you out. Let me know via email.

  • Alex
    Posted at 05:08 am, 26th February 2019

    Hello! One of my goals is to become a location independent psychologist/coach; would this course help me with that, or is it more geared towards stuff like business consulting?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 06:22 pm, 26th February 2019

    It’s definitely a course for those interested in consulting, not coaching. That being said, at least 60% of the content applies to coaches.

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