The Story of My History with Women – Part 18 – Returning Women

first date advice, first online date, online dating advice, meaning of an open relationship, alpha male traits

This is the next installment of the book I never published regarding my history with women and the lessons I learned from it. If you haven’t yet, you should read parts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 , 16, and 17 before you read the article below, so you can be up to speed on where the story picks up. I’m not describing literally every woman I dated or had sex with during these times. I’m just focusing on the most noteworthy ones. Everything below is all 100% true to the best of my memory, journals, and spreadsheet records, though all the names of the people described have been changed. 

-By Caleb Jones

We last left off about ten years ago, in early 2010… 

January 2010 

At the start of 2010, I had pretty much my entire online dating system and non-monogamous relationships management system in place. Things were solid, and I was feeling very good about the women side of my life. Later in the year I would finally start to shift my focus back over to my financial life and physical life… but not quite yet. I was still having fun with my reasonably new superpowers and wasn’t quite done with play time. 

I was seeing two regular women plus several sporadically on the side. The two main ones at this time were: 

HBM – Now 20 years old. I had just upgraded my Asian girl from FB to low-end MLTR because we were getting along so well. I saw her every week consistently. We weren’t serious (she was too young), but she was certainly becoming more serious than an FB. 

Charlotte – 27 years old, smart, fun, college-educated redhead who was a regional manager of a large restaurant chain. She started as an MLTR but we were rapidly getting much more serious. By mid-February she was officially my high-end MLTR. 

Because I had been doing this solidly for three years, for the first time I started to experience women returning to me after LSNFTE and other breaks. This was when I started tracking how often women returned to me (after playing around with temporary monogamy with other men who were almost always drooling beta males), how long it took them, and the conditions under which they left and returned. 

The first to come back was Emma. She finally calmed down regarding her bout with herpes. Her breakouts ended and her health was back to normal. We were communicating sporadically over Facebook and she seemed to finally accept the fact that I was going to see other women forever. She made one or two statements about it and literally never brought it up again. Nice. 

On New Year’s Day, 2010, I went over to her place and we had sex, seven full months after she left over getting upset about Shelly (story here). However, this time Emma had herpes, so I had to be really careful. Today I wouldn’t do this, but way back then I simply made sure she was on suppression therapy, wasn’t experiencing a breakout and made sure she didn’t feel one coming on, then left my underwear on during sex and wore a really good condom. That way there was no skin-to-skin contact during sex. Then I’d rush to the shower and lather up right after sex. 

It was a hassle, and again, I wouldn’t do such a thing today, but Emma was very hot, and we always got along well, so back then I considered it a small price to pay. I started seeing her again semi-regularly, always taking the same precautions. 

Coincidentally, Shelly, the woman Emma was upset about in the first place, also returned around this time. Shelly was a blonde corporate gal, age 29, who made a six-figure income as an internal auditor. Just like with Emma, I had to be careful during sex with Shelly since she had recently recovered from cervical cancer. She was very horny but also very nervous about having sex after her recent cancer, so I had to be very slow and gentle. I didn’t like it (slow and gentle is the opposite of how I have sex), but I liked her and she was exactly my physical and mental type, so I put up with it.  

Interestingly, Shelly would sometimes mention that if we got serious she would make me sign a prenup if we ever got married. As always, women with high incomes demand prenups more often than men with high incomes, since women secretly know marriage is temporary and men are idiots when it comes to marriage. Not that any of that mattered, since a prenup is the least of what I would have demanded if I had become married. 

A third woman who returned in early 2010 was Emi, who I met way back in 2008 when I was playing around with crazy Selina. I saw Emi a few times once again and we really hit it off, or so than two years prior. One day she checked out my MySpace page and saw HBM’s stuff plastered all over it. This upset Emi who was looking for a serious boyfriend despite her younger age. She vanished. We would remain friends from then on but would never have sex again. 

The fact all of these women were returning to me was extremely interesting. For the first time, I started to calibrate my system so that when a woman left me, my odds of her returning would go up. 

Lesson Thirty 

If you are happy, low-drama, outcome independent, non-judgmental, and do everything correctly in your non-monogamous relationships, there is an over 90% chance the women who leave you for LSNFTE reasons will come back to you eventually. A woman never actually “breaks up” with an Alpha Male 2.0. She just goes on temporary breaks before coming back.

So, during the first three months of 2010, I had four women I was seeing regularly: HBM, Charlotte, Shelly, and sometimes Emma. For the first time since my divorce way back in 2007, I started dialing back on the online dating. I didn’t see the point of adding any new women when I already had four regulars plus a growing list of ex-FBs and ex-MLTRs who I figured would return at some point down the road (and I was right, more right than I knew). 

Though I’m not quite sure, I believe this was around the time where I came up with the Roster concept of active and recurring-but-currently-inactive women, meaning that I wouldn’t have to spend the rest of my life picking up new women like some kind of pick-up artist. I had finally accomplished something beyond just the ability to bring new women into my life whenever I wanted. Now, I had a group of current and recent exes who would see me for the long-term (though sporadically per woman), providing me with a possibly never-ending group of women I could have sex with without ever needing to go back to the dating sites unless I really wanted to for some reason. I still hadn’t figured out precisely how to do this since I was only three years into the process, and this would take a much longer time to verify it was a proven model. It looked very promising though.

Around March Shelly started leaning on me to get more serious. Of the four women I was seeing, she was the only provider hunter. She was aware that I was having sex with other women and didn’t mind, but she started leaning on me for something much more serious, with marriage as the objective, even if it was an open marriage. 

I did not want to get married at this time in my life, traditionally or otherwise. It was way too soon for me and I had other objectives. I explained to her the risk of divorce and the pressures this would likely create for something more monogamous. (I had not yet formulated how an OLTR Marriage would work.) This upset her, though she was smart enough to not deny the realities of these things. After all, she was the one who brought up the concept of the prenup before I did, so she was well aware of the risks of getting divorced. 

We had another conversation about it, and she finally let something slip that most women know but never actually verbalize: “So what? So, you get married and you get divorced a few years down the road! So what? What’s the big deal?” 

Yup. That’s exactly how modern-day women secretly view marriage. 

Lesson Thirty-One 

Most women know when they establish a new serious relationship or marriage that the relationship/marriage will end someday. Always remember this and adjust your actions accordingly. Also remember that men are very stupid about this, have no idea this is the case, and usually think things like marriage will last forever, or likely will. 

Needless to say, I didn’t budge, and Shelly soon did a LSNFTE. She left me for an extreme beta male, which is what she wanted. (And of course, she came back yet again later when it didn’t work. See? It’s a great system!) 

This was all fine, since there would shortly be another small group of new women in my life, as well as more women returning, and even some friends of existing women entering my dating life. 

More on this in the next installment. 

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Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.

  • Russ
    Posted at 06:36 am, 27th January 2020

    Very interesting! Im new to this but I have seen similiar patterns 10 – 15 years ago. I have your book the unchained man but admitingly Im still working on the concepts. Im 46 and been divorced for 3 years (we were together for 10 yrs married for 8). I have a regular high end MLTR (she’s 33 and going for a little over 2 yrs).  I had a low end MLTR (27 yr old filipino/spainish) that lasted 3.5 months. Everything was going great and all in a sudden she stopped meeting up but she still responded to text (i sent 3 to 4 text in a 6 wk period). The last time we text she said it was uncomfortable because she felt obligated to have sex. That was BS. Our text history proved it was mutual from day 1 until the last day (her excuse I guess). Our last time having sex was great as usual. She said her pussy was so wet and she loved how I choked her. I walked her to the door, kissed her and told her to let me know she made it home. I did that everytime with her (i actually do that with all of them). This time she took a few steps then motioned for me to come to her. She kissed me twice, grabbed my dick and said goodnight. I wondered but didnt overact. I had a phone call with her (probably 3 wks later) where I told her I can be aloof and I didnt want her to think I was uncaring (probably mistake #1). I also mentioned our relatiinship and asked her how she felt about it. She responded she was wondering about it but never said anything. I did tell her from the start Im only interested in open relationships.  We hit it off immediately and had sex the 1st day we met and saw one another on average once a week for the full 3.5 months. We had sex every single time and she would tell me she always lost count of her orgasms and that it was easy for her with me. She had never met anyone who was as sexual as her. But I had a feeling it would be short because her ex (he broke up with her) was still in the picture. Showing up to her place unannounced and on her social media. She was still pining over him. Its my assumption that’s where she ended up. I have not spoken to her since mid December 2019. I told her i enjoyed our time together, cared about her, and respected her boundaries. I wanted her to be happy and wished her the best with whatever she was doing. I told her she knew how to find me. She hasnt heard from me since. I always held my frame (at least I think I did). Im looking for feedback where I can improve or did I handle myself correctly? The idea of women returning is now foreign since its been 15 yrs since I last seen it. Im appreciative of any feedback. Im sure I broke some non-monogomous relationship rules somewhere.

  • Russ
    Posted at 07:10 am, 27th January 2020

    I failed to mention. She also went off on a tangent because I said we had a relationship (ie: a little more than a FB). She said it was a friendship and she thought we were just having fun. I told her she’s misunderstanding and that’s exactly what were doing. During our last text session she said she wanted to continue what we had but without sex. I literally laughed out loud and ignored the comment. She mentioned it twice and I ignored it twice.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:09 am, 27th January 2020

    Im looking for feedback where I can improve or did I handle myself correctly?

    I’d love to help, but…

  • Russ
    Posted at 01:27 pm, 27th January 2020

    Thanks for your reply. I read the article and I agree I need to work on being more OI. But Im also glad I dont have oneitis. I didnt act on my thoughts or feelings.  I definitely need to get back to work and bring in more women.

  • Incognito
    Posted at 10:39 pm, 27th January 2020

    She said it was a friendship and she thought we were just having fun. I told her she’s misunderstanding and that’s exactly what were doing.

    No point arguing. There are no reasons. And if there are, she doesn’t know them, and if she knows them she probably wouldn’t tell you. So just say thanks and God be with you and go in peace. Maybe she’ll come back, maybe not.

  • Russ
    Posted at 06:21 am, 28th January 2020

    Ive had the chance to read the comments on a few articles (primarily no contact) and I admit Im astonished. Not to judge anyone because we’ve all been through it but some of the commentors questions are embarrassing. There state of being does not reflect mine in anyway. I had 20 new lays (direct approach and social) in 2019 so I dont have trouble getting women. Granted the last qtr of 2019 was challenging in a number of ways so I wasnt focusing on new wonen at all. I honestly want an experienced commentor(s) to tell me if they wouldve done anything different based on what I wrote so going fwd I can make an adjustment. Sure I enjoyed my time with the woman but I wished her well and I meant it. Im not pining over her nor do I have the urge to text or see her. Im just wondering if I need to tweek anything based on what I wrote. As Ive learned in life prevention is always better than the cure.

  • Sonny
    Posted at 06:46 am, 28th January 2020

    Hi blackdragon ,

    I respect your blogs and learn from them for example your ” 2 % principal ” but the death of Kobe Bryant recently was quite disturbing. Very random.

    You talk about these things happening near negligibly but this incident  made me kinda question your theory and im sadder for it.

    Decent hardworking famous successful self made guy going down so quickly and suddenly.

    Please throw light and help me come to terms with this particular incident , especially by telling me how you rationalize this your self in the context of your personal safety.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:49 am, 28th January 2020

    I respect your blogs and learn from them for example your ” 2 % principal ” but the death of Kobe Bryant recently was quite disturbing. Very random.

    You talk about these things happening near negligibly but this incident made me kinda question your theory and im sadder for it.

    What are the odds that you will die in a helicopter crash?

    What are the odds that anyone you personally know will die in a helicopter crash?

    What are the odds that anyone they know personally will die in a helicopter crash?

    The answer to all of these questions is less than 2%. Far less.

    Therefore, is it rational for you to walk around worrying about dying in a helicopter crash? Or any kind of freak accident like this?

    This Kobe thing is an exact demonstration of the 2% Rule.

    Decent hardworking famous successful self made guy going down so quickly and suddenly.

    How many decently hardworking self-made men in the world are there? Several hundred million maybe? Just one hundred million?

    How many of them have died suddenly in a freak accident? Maybe 1%? (Go look up the actual death statistics of men who die in freak accidents if you don’t believe me.)

    2% Rule wins again.

    You’re letting your emotions cloud your logic. Which is fine, but just be aware of it when it happens.

  • Kayleb
    Posted at 10:17 am, 28th January 2020

    Whats your opinion on SeeingArrangements.Com? I’m thinking about becoming a part time sugar daddy. It sounds like a lot of fun and I can afford it.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:09 am, 28th January 2020

    Whats your opinion on SeeingArrangements.Com? I’m thinking about becoming a part time sugar daddy. It sounds like a lot of fun and I can afford it.

    Go right ahead as long as you meet the two criteria here:

  • Zech
    Posted at 02:00 am, 29th January 2020

    Btw, how do you calculate your “return rate”. I believe you have been writing that 94% of the girls who you manage to lock in, come back later.

    This would mean that if over the years you have managed to lock in 200 girls and to have some fact based number (not assumption that they might come back), 188 of them should have already revisited you at some point.

    I’ve been doing this only 2 years so my return rate is around 30% which is understandable because many of the girls who may come back haven’t gotten time to do that yet.

    Even tho you have been doing this for far longer, 94% seems a bit overstatement because there should be still plenty of girls who “haven’t gotten time to return” (The post about 94% return rate was from the year 2014 or actually 100% if you exclude girls who moved away etc).

    I just see this return rate a bit impossible just with the fact that many of girls haven’t gotten time to get back to you.

  • Sonny
    Posted at 08:53 am, 29th January 2020

    What precautions do you take for your physical safety ?

    Includes cars , planes , bikes , helicopters. Basically anything which is a motorized machine which moves you from point A to B  or is for “fun” like jet ski’s , skiing , surfing etc.

    Im sure you get what im trying to ask.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:26 am, 29th January 2020

    Btw, how do you calculate your “return rate”. I believe you have been writing that 94% of the girls who you manage to lock in, come back later

    Correct. 94% of every woman I’ve had sex with at least twice has returned to me after leaving me at least one time. That does not mean that 94% continually come back over and over again (though many have). 94% represents all the women who have done that at least once.

    Even tho you have been doing this for far longer, 94% seems a bit overstatement because there should be still plenty of girls who “haven’t gotten time to return” (The post about 94% return rate was from the year 2014 or actually 100% if you exclude girls who moved away etc).

    I just see this return rate a bit impossible just with the fact that many of girls haven’t gotten time to get back to you.

    That’s because I don’t add in a lot of new girls these days like you probably are. If I was adding 20 new women a year right now then yes, I would have to wait a few years to see what happened. But I’m a married man who’s almost 50; I’m well past that stage of my life. In 2019 I only added a grand total of three new recurring women for the entire year.  This does not include new women I had sex with while traveling in 2019 (even if they recurred, which some did), nor does it include any local women that year where I didn’t get to Lock-In. When I say three that means three new recurring women, not that I just had sex with three new women throughout the entire year (even now my numbers are still a little higher than that).

    I think your overall point is that I should state something more specific, like “My return rate is 94% as of this specific date.” That makes sense. I have not recalculated it in about two(ish) years but I’m quite sure it would be 94% or even higher, though the sugar daddy game I’ve integrated into what I’m doing probably artificially skews that number upwards a bit (but that’s a relatively recent change in my personal model).

    What precautions do you take for your physical safety ?

    Includes cars , planes , bikes , helicopters. Basically anything which is a motorized machine which moves you from point A to B or is for “fun” like jet ski’s , skiing , surfing etc.

    Depends on the mode of transportation.

    Cars: I always wear a seat belt, drive in a very safe car (my car is a Lexus) and almost never drive past 13 miles over the speed limit on freeways (I use cruise control). Most importantly, I LIMIT MY DRIVING. I don’t drive very much. That’s why I’m actually going to dump my car soon.

    Planes: What exact safety precautions am I supposed to take when on a commercial plane? Safety is pretty much out of my control. And remember that statistically you’re much safer flying in plane than in a car on an annual basis. So I don’t worry about it. (2% Rule!)

    Bike: I wear one of those gay helmets when I ride my bike and never ride outside when its even a little frosty/icy (I live up on a hill).

    Helicopters: I don’t ride in helicopters and neither do you. That was my point to you above.

    I don’t go surfing, I don’t ski, and I very rarely use jetskis (I live in a cold part of the country).

    Im sure you get what im trying to ask.

    I do. Because of one statistically unlikely celebrity death you’re now irrationally worried about dying in a freak accident even though you’re trying to hide it. Again, please look up death stats regarding how rarely this happens.

  • Kyle
    Posted at 10:08 am, 29th January 2020

    Has it ever crossed your mind that all those women that broke up with you just regretted having sex with you, instead of LSNFTEing(?) for another beta or any other fancy term you have come up with?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:28 am, 29th January 2020

    Has it ever crossed your mind that all those women that broke up with you just regretted having sex with you, instead of LSNFTEing(?) for another beta or any other fancy term you have come up with?

    Why would 94% of them come back to me then?

  • Eug
    Posted at 11:13 am, 29th January 2020

    Has it ever crossed your mind that all those women that broke up with you just regretted having sex with you, instead of LSNFTEing(?) for another beta or any other fancy term you have come up with?

    @Kyle Why would a woman see/date someone and have sex with someone continuously for months on end, and then one day out of the blue “regret” having sex with them?

  • Sonny
    Posted at 12:00 pm, 29th January 2020

    Do you think luck can be taught ? Serious question.

    You may or may not be familar with the theory ” the law of attraction ” ( your thoughts metaphysically make things likelier to happen ex: success , women , money , safety / halo from accidents )

    Your answer to this can broadly help a lot of your other readers as well.

    Please let me know if my questions ever become irrelevant. Last thing i want to do is to waste your time.

    I just wanna better myself. Im always researching on ways to self improve.

    One thing i must MUST learn from you is discipline and focus.

    I bring a unique perspective and i feel i can contribute to this blog / community



  • Kyle
    Posted at 12:15 pm, 29th January 2020

    Why would 94% of them come back to me then?

    Did they message you first? If not, they just said yes because you were their only decent option at the moment. I guess they didn’t say yes the first time, either.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:34 pm, 29th January 2020

    Do you think luck can be taught ? Serious question.

    No. Instead you focus on putting the odds in your favor.

    You may or may not be familar with the theory ” the law of attraction ”

    Very familiar and I practice it daily. But I also back it up with massive action (or else it doesn’t work).

    Please let me know if my questions ever become irrelevant.

    We’ve gone way too off-topic now. I won’t be continuing this line of discussion but other commenters are welcome to.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:35 pm, 29th January 2020

    Did they message you first?

    Approximately 50% of them, yes.

    If not, they just said yes because you were their only decent option at the moment.

    Cute/hot younger women’s only decent option for sex at the moment is a chubby older man in his 40s who they “regretted having sex with” earlier? So they’re going to immediately leap at the chance to fuck him again?

    Are you actually trying to make a point or are you just trolling?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:40 pm, 29th January 2020

    @Kyle Why would a woman see/date someone and have sex with someone continuously for months on end, and then one day out of the blue “regret” having sex with them?

    I don’t think he’s actually trying to make a point; what he’s saying is too nonsensical… but I could be wrong.

  • No more mr nice guy
    Posted at 06:43 pm, 29th January 2020

    I’d say Kyle is trolling – he’s making similar comments in the inexperienced woman thread.

  • Incognito
    Posted at 07:45 pm, 29th January 2020

    The returning women thing is really interesting. Before I came across this blog, my tendency was towards very short term serial monogamy, intense interactions that often only lasted a month or two, until the wheels fell off. I never got many returns with that. Since I’ve shifted more towards multiple relationships, with less frequent meetings, I’m starting to get more of them coming back.

    (The usual mandatory disclosure statement about living in SEAsia ….)

  • Sonny
    Posted at 10:20 pm, 29th January 2020

    Hi Blackdragon,

    You talk about women with their age preferences in 3 categories- type 1,2,3 VYW

    Are there any identifiable  physical characteristics of type 2VYW – fat / slim ,  less / more pretty.

    Similarly any physical characteristics of type 1 VYW.

    Im concerned that type 2 vyw might be less attractive than type 1 vyw and thus be forced by lack of options to settle for older men.



  • Incognito
    Posted at 01:44 am, 30th January 2020

    Im concerned that type 2 vyw might be less attractive than type 1 vyw and thus be forced by lack of options to settle for older men.

    I think there’s a lot of genuine gerophiles out there. I’ve got a great FB who has two old men on her roster, one of whom is me. She has no trouble at all scoring younger men and she has some minor flings with them when she’s out partying and drinking. But she always comes back to the old men.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:15 am, 30th January 2020

    Are there any identifiable physical characteristics of type 2VYW – fat / slim , less / more pretty.


    Im concerned that type 2 vyw might be less attractive than type 1 vyw and thus be forced by lack of options to settle for older men.

    Completely inaccurate. I have observed literally zero correlation between level of hotness (or uglyiness or averageness) and the type of VYW (1, 2, or 3). And I purposely looked for that. There is none.

  • Kyle
    Posted at 10:05 am, 30th January 2020

    Approximately 50% of them, yes.

    Then I stand corrected. The rest 50% maybe just happened to be too desperate when they finally gave in to your persistent meet suggestions. Or maybe not.

    Cute/hot younger women’s only decent option for sex at the moment is a chubby older man in his 40s who they “regretted having sex with” earlier? So they’re going to immediately leap at the chance to fuck him again?

    Don’t you repeatedly say about yourself that you are a true Alpha Male 2.0? Then you can be a decent option, why not? If only one is a matter of timing.

    Are you actually trying to make a point or are you just trolling?

    My point is that a woman never leaves an Alpha for a lower SMV beta. And if she does, she realises her mistake soon and comes back by herself. If a woman is REALLY attracted to you, she NEVER gives you shit whatsoever. She open her legs to you immediately without ASD and without more than one date, if not none. The only date with her is on your bed. Why would she make it hard for a guy that she really likes? If you were Brad Pitt, do you think she would demand dates before sex or leave you for a low SMV guy? Or would you do so for a hot woman that makes you horny?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:51 am, 30th January 2020

    Then I stand corrected. The rest 50% maybe just happened to be too desperate when they finally gave in to your persistent meet suggestions. Or maybe not.

    I was right. You’re trolling. To entertain the readers, I’ll play along for just a little bit.

    You are incorrect. As I’ve said many times, my system is that I send one opener text and during that conversation I ask just once. If they say no I go I politely end the conversation and then go radio silent for at least another 6 months, usually 12 months or more, if ever. There is no pestering since pestering in that scenario drives down attraction.

    You are commenting on something you clearly know nothing about. I would suggest you do a little research on topics before you make sweeping and stupidly inaccurate assumptions regarding them.

    Don’t you repeatedly say about yourself that you are a true Alpha Male 2.0?

    I don’t know about “repeatedly,” but I’m sure I’ve said it at least once. Because it’s true.

    Then you can be a decent option, why not?

    Scroll back up and read your own trolling comments. You didn’t say I was a decent option for sex. You said I was their only option for sex. Haha! No man is ever the only option for sex for attractive younger women regardless of how amazing they are.

    My point is that a woman never leaves an Alpha for a lower SMV beta.

    Oh boy. Completely, totally, and empirically incorrect.Women eventually leave Alphas because the Alphas don’t conform to their ASD / Disney desires. They will dump them for beta males who will happy adhere to these models. And then sure, they’ll cheat on those beta males (or dump them again) to hook up with Alpha Males again.

    Your entire view on this is emotionally skewed and factually inaccurate. You really need to read this.

    If a woman is REALLY attracted to you, she NEVER gives you shit whatsoever.

    Haha… ohhhh man. You’re hilarious. Keep going, please. This is great…

    She open her legs to you immediately without ASD and without more than one date, if not none.

    So all those women who fucked me on the second date within 3 hours of face time and then continued to have sex with me for years and years after… none of them were attracted to me. Got it.

    Your logic and wisdom humbles me.

    If you were Brad Pitt, do you think she would demand dates before sex

    No because he’s famous. Celebrities are in completely different category than you or me, as I’ve analyzed many times. But fame has nothing to do with Alpha or beta. Famous extreme beta males can pull pussy as fast as they want; not because they’re Alpha, but because they’re famous. (Brad Pitt is far more beta than he is Alpha. He was married to one of the biggest Dominants in Hollywood for years.)

    or leave you for a low SMV guy?

    If Brad Pitt was a true independent Alpha, having sex with other women while he dated her and/or constantly refused to take her out on fancy, romantic dates, or always refused to marry her or move in with her when she begged him, yes, that is precisely what she would do, eventually. She would dump Brad’s ass and go marry a lower SMV beta who would do exactly what he was told. (And then yeah, she would then cheat on that beta with an Alpha eventually also.)

    Or would you do so for a hot woman that makes you horny?

    Yep. I’ve dumped and/or nexted numerous women who made me hot and horny because they gave me drama. And I’m sure I’ll do it again. (And the vast majority of them eventually came back to me when they calmed down, either by contacting me first, or getting one request from me.)

    Put please, keep telling me how massive amounts of real-life experience from thousands of men is all wrong and all your theoretical KJ bullshit you read on the internet is right. This is fun.

  • Federico
    Posted at 01:21 pm, 30th January 2020

    Great interchange (trolling por not).

    I find poking women a bit sad, but I am older and understand Caleb method. When I das younger, they came by theirselves.

  • Jim Cuttrell
    Posted at 07:43 am, 31st January 2020

    Commented deleted for violation of Rule Number One and Rule Number Five.

  • Kyle
    Posted at 11:35 am, 31st January 2020

    You are incorrect. As I’ve said many times, my system is that I send one opener text and during that conversation I ask just once. If they say no I go I politely end the conversation and then go radio silent for at least another 6 months, usually 12 months or more, if ever. There is no pestering since pestering in that scenario drives down attraction.

    Ok then, if this is the case, sorry for being so speculative.

    Scroll back up and read your own trolling comments. You didn’t say I was a decent option for sex. You said I was their only option for sex. Haha! No man is ever the only option for sex for attractive younger women regardless of how amazing they are.

    You have to scroll up because I said that you were the only DECENT option for them at the moment.

    So all those women who fucked me on the second date within 3 hours of face time and then continued to have sex with me for years and years after… none of them were attracted to me. Got it.

    They were somewhat attracted obviously, but do you think they were as much as attracted as if they had opened their legs right off the bat?

    No because he’s famous. Celebrities are in completely different category than you or me, as I’ve analyzed many times. But fame has nothing to do with Alpha or beta. Famous extreme beta males can pull pussy as fast as they want; not because they’re Alpha, but because they’re famous. (Brad Pitt is far more beta than he is Alpha. He was married to one of the biggest Dominants in Hollywood for years.)

    Why are celebrities a different category? I don’t get it.

    If Brad Pitt was a true independent Alpha, having sex with other women while he dated her and/or constantly refused to take her out on fancy, romantic dates, or always refused to marry her or move in with her when she begged him, yes, that is precisely what she would do, eventually. She would dump Brad’s ass and go marry a lower SMV beta who would do exactly what he was told. (And then yeah, she would then cheat on that beta with an Alpha eventually also.)

    As far as I know, the definition of Alpha is someone that gets regularly laid. This has nothing to do with getting married or going on dates BY CHOICE. So why isn’t Brad Pitt or any other high SMV (semi)celebrity/(super)model guy who gets laid left and right an Alpha?

    Put please, keep telling me how massive amounts of real-life experience from thousands of men is all wrong and all your theoretical KJ bullshit you read on the internet is right. This is fun.

    This is not a KJ. And I am not trolling. One of my friends is a semi-celebrity and I know firsthand things that you don’t come even close to imagining. This guy PULLS ASS. Girls come straight to his place or car and literally jump on his dick without expecting a single date from him. Then they beg him to fuck them again but he more often than not turns them down as he is already busy getting laid with other girls. No shit tests, no ASD, no resistance, no bullshit. He just opened my eyes. Ever since I feel a total jackass every time I get the “I need to know you better” or “I am not that kind of girl” line shit, when I ask a girl to come to my place on a first or second date.

    You guys in the menosphere, pickup community or whatever you call it are completely delusional. And I don’t blame you as you have fallen victims of the biggest mass delusion phenomenon of modern times, which is the pickup movement. If you get to know a (semi)celebrity, you will see the real truth, which is: There is no such thing as ASD. There is no such thing as plausible deniability or shit test. All these are different manifestations of lack of female attraction. Pickup is supposed to take you out of the matrix, but it puts you in another one. If a girl likes you, she makes sex utterly easy for you. Delayed gratification is a complete BULLSHIT. People do things that give them pleasure and avoid things that give them pain. If you like candies and you have them in front of you, you go eat them rightaway, instead of waiting for days. So simple. I haven’t got a PhD in this field, but it is human psychology 101. Everything else is mental masturbation. Sorry to break it for you, I know it sucks knowing that most women don’t like you, but it is the harsh reality.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:14 pm, 31st January 2020

    They were somewhat attracted obviously

    Thank you for proving my point.

    but do you think they were as much as attracted as if they had opened their legs right off the bat?

    Irrelevant. If a hot woman has sex with me I don’t give a shit about her specific degree of attraction. She’s fucking me. I win.

    Why are celebrities a different category? I don’t get it.


    As far as I know, the definition of Alpha is someone that gets regularly laid.

    That is not the definition of an Alpha. That is one of many aspects of an Alpha. You can read my definitions here. Though precise definitions may vary, there’s much more to being an Alpha than “guy who gets laid a lot.”

    So why isn’t Brad Pitt or any other high SMV (semi)celebrity/(super)model guy who gets laid left and right an Alpha?

    Brad Pitt was definitely not “getting laid left and right” for the 11 years he was monogamously married (or in a monogamous relationship) with that dominant bitch Angelina Jolie, so you’re violating your own point. A true Alpha would never agree to a relationship where his balls are owned like that.

    One of my friends is a semi-celebrity and I know firsthand things that you don’t come even close to imagining. This guy PULLS ASS.

    Right, because he’s a celebrity, as I just stated above.

    We’re not going to get anywhere if you just keep repeating yourself.

    You guys in the menosphere, pickup community or whatever you call it are completely delusional.

    I disagree with a hell of a lot of what the manosphere and PUA community says, but you’d already know that if you had done a little research before shooting your mouth off about things you know literally nothing about, as I already said above.

    Regardless, I have a strong feeling anyone reading your above comments will clearly see which one of us is delusional.

    There is no such thing as ASD.

    Uh huh.

    All these are different manifestations of lack of female attraction.

    Even though you just admitted all of these women were attracted to me. Including the ones who demonstrated ASD before they had sex with me the first time, which many of them did. But oh wait, ASD doesn’t exist, so I must have been imagining all of it. Yes, yes. Please continue.

    If a girl likes you, she makes sex utterly easy for you.

    Not if she’s over age 33.

    If you like candies and you have them in front of you, you go eat them rightaway, instead of waiting for days.

    That’s because there is no societal, social sigma against eating candies.

    Your analogies are great.

    I haven’t got a PhD in this field

    No way!

    Sorry to break it for you, I know it sucks knowing that most women don’t like you, but it is the harsh reality.

    Most women don’t like me, that’s absolutely correct and I’ve said this many times. Your job is to focus on the small percentage of cute girls who do like you, have sex with and date those in long-term non-monogamous relationships, and completely ignore all the rest.

    And of the women who have sex with you, stop obsessing over exactly how much attraction she has for you. You’re having sex with her; just calm down and enjoy it.

    But this is fun. Please, keep going about how wrong I am.

    Be sure to use more analogies.

  • Incognito
    Posted at 09:58 am, 1st February 2020

    Your job is to focus on the small percentage of cute girls who do like you, have sex with and date those in long-term monogamous relationships, and completely ignore all the rest.

    Pretty sure you mean non-monogomous.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:09 am, 1st February 2020

    Pretty sure you mean non-monogomous.

    Fixed; thanks.

  • Kyle
    Posted at 02:43 pm, 1st February 2020

    Right, because he’s a celebrity, as I just stated above.

    We’re not going to get anywhere if you just keep repeating yourself.

    We are not going anywhere, either, if you keep making fun and ridiculing my points. Is this the Alpha Male 2.0 way to treat others with different opinions? By diminishing my points, you don’t prove them wrong. 😉

  • Kyle
    Posted at 03:04 pm, 1st February 2020

    Thank you for proving my point.

    I said SOMEWHAT attracted, not fully. There is a huge difference here.

    Irrelevant. If a hot woman has sex with me I don’t give a shit about her specific degree of attraction. She’s fucking me. I win.

    So fucking the girl is the only thing you care about, no matter the cost? Caleb, you are very close to a semi-celebrity yourself. You already have thousand of followers and now make youtube videos. You have the power, if you become a little more famous, to bang a different girl every other day without resistance. Instead, you choose to go on 2 tedious dates with a 30% success rate and fuck the same girls for years that hardly like you and LSNFE your ass. Why?

  • Kyle
    Posted at 03:16 pm, 1st February 2020


    You are making fun of me, but you are not really answering. Just like women throw themselves to (semi)celebrities they like and spread their legs without resistance, the same must apply for every guy they are into. What am I missing?

    Though precise definitions may vary, there’s much more to being an Alpha than “guy who gets laid a lot.”

    I thought that getting laid was the only thing that matters to you. But anyway.

    Brad Pitt was definitely not “getting laid left and right” for the 11 years he was monogamously married (or in a monogamous relationship) with that dominant bitch Angelina Jolie, so you’re violating your own point. A true Alpha would never agree to a relationship where his balls are owned like that.

    Of course Brad Pitt was getting tons of lays on the side, while he pretended monogamy to Angelina. Just like anyone in his shoes would do and does.

    Even though you just admitted all of these women were attracted to me. Including the ones who demonstrated ASD before they had sex with me the first time, which many of them did. But oh wait, ASD doesn’t exist, so I must have been imagining all of it. Yes, yes. Please continue.

    When I say that there is no such thing as ASD, what I mean is that the behaviour you interpret as ASD is a partial or complete lack of female attraction. Anti slut defence. Why you a woman defend against a possibility she is called slut, if she has instant sex with a guy she likes? The only thing she cares about is not having sex with a guy she is not really into. So yeah, from this perspective, in such case she would feel a complete slut. I ‘ll give you a point.

    Not if she’s over age 33.

    No, the same applies for every woman, no matter her age, background or ethnicity, apart from muslims.

    That’s because there is no societal, social sigma against eating candies.

    Your analogies are great.

    Of course there is a social stigma against eating candies. They make you fat! Eating healthy is what’s considered cool. But you ignore the social stigma and you eat the candy anyway. You know why? Because the pleasure of the sweet flaviours is stronger and truer than a stranger that may call you greedy and fat.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 03:40 pm, 1st February 2020

    So fucking the girl is the only thing you care about, no matter the cost?

    Is that what I said?

    How does not caring about her specific level of attraction when she’s having sex with me = fucking her is the only thing I care about no matter the cost?

    Dude, seriously, how old are you?

    Caleb, you are very close to a semi-celebrity yourself.

    I appreciate the compliment but that isn’t accurate. I’m not even close to a semi-celebrity. (At least… not yet… check back in about a year or two. The manosphere needs some radical updating. I’m going to change the game around here.)

    You already have thousand of followers and now make youtube videos.

    Dude. I have a grand total of 900 YouTube followers. Any dipshit can do that.

    You have the power

    Incorrect. No one knows who I am.

    if you become a little more famous, to bang a different girl every other day without resistance

    Yes, if I become famous later, then correct, I won’t need to fuck around with 2 dates, ever. That’s because I’ll be famous.

    You’re repeating yourself for the third time here; yes, celebrities get laid very fast with virtually zero effort. We agree on that. Let’s move on from that point.

    Instead, you choose to go on 2 tedious dates

    Incorrect. My two dates are not tedious at all. One hour first date (that costs less than $20 and is often $0) plus a 2 hour second “date” at my place, then sex, is not tedious in the least.

    You are now purposely misquoting me and mischaracterizing my advice and content, which I realize you want to do as a troll, but when guys do that it usually means I’m done with the conversion because I can’t have a rational discussion with someone who is constantly stating that I’ve said things I’ve never said. Hopefully you won’t do that again.

    with a 30% success rate

    You did it again. It hasn’t been as low a 30% for about nine or ten years. Today my first-date-to-lay ratio is around 55%, often higher. I’ve been very clear on this.

    and fuck the same girls for years that hardly like you

    Third time. We just established these girls don’t “hardly like me” or else they wouldn’t have sex with me within 2 dates and then continue to fuck me for years on end even when they know I’m fucking other women.

    Three strikes, you’re out. I’m done. It’s been fun though. Feel free to keep posting here about how wrong I am and about how you don’t understand why celebrities are different or about how there is no such thing as ASD or that you think there’s a social stigma in America against eating bad-for-you food (haha!). As long as you don’t go ad hominem, feel free to go crazy and keep saying I said things I’ve never said. Have a good day.

  • Tony
    Posted at 05:24 pm, 1st February 2020

    Comment deleted. And you’re banned, Kyle. Posting under different names and IP address while pretending to be different people doesn’t fly here. Either you’re a psychopath, in which case you really need to seek therapy, or you’re a kid or underage teenager, which means you need to go post somewhere else since this is an adults-only blog for men age 18 and over. Glad I could provide you with some momentary entertainment. ~BD

  • Sonny
    Posted at 11:40 pm, 1st February 2020

    Hi Blackdragon,

    Since we’re on the subject of celebrities. In terms of getting laid as a male which would help more if you had to choose one in your opinion ?

    Being really good looking or being a relatively well known celebrity ?


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:50 am, 3rd February 2020

    In terms of getting laid as a male which would help more if you had to choose one in your opinion ?

    Being really good looking or being a relatively well known celebrity ?

    Being a celebrity. Hideously ugly celebrity men can and do get laid left and right with hot babes. As I was saying above, when you’re a celebrity all the rules change.

    Be aware that I’m not recommending you should be a celebrity. Quite the opposite. There are much easier ways of getting laid, and the numerous downsides of being famous celebrity aren’t worth it in the least (with the exception of some very unusual personality types).

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