This Blog Will Radically Change Tomorrow

Tomorrow, at 8pm PST Thursday Dec 10th, we are migrating this blog over to the new version of All comments and articles will be moved there but the blog will look very different. Also, per the warning I gave you several months ago, all new commenting at the new blog will be permanently turned off (you can still comment at the sites/services listed below instead). When the new site is up there will be a video over there discussing specifics. I will continue to post new articles at the new blog every Monday morning and if you are email-subscribed to this blog your subscription will continue. I’m sure there will be some problems during the transition. If you see any, don’t freak out, we’ll get around to fixing them.

If you want to continue to comment on my content after the transition tomorrow night (including these videos and articles), follow/subscribe to the following platforms, where I provide new content regularly:

Alpha Male 2.0 Private Facebook Group:
Alpha Male 2.0 Forum:
Alpha Male 2.0 Podcast:

Leave your comment below, but be sure to follow the Five Simple Rules.

  • Somebody
    Posted at 04:06 pm, 9th December 2020

    Commenting on Facebook sucks.  What is the purpose of turning commenting off on the site?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 07:57 pm, 9th December 2020

    Commenting on Facebook sucks.

    You don’t have to comment at Facebook. You can comment at the private Alpha 2.0 Forums. Or YouTube. Etc. I’ve provided you numerous options.

    What is the purpose of turning commenting off on the site?

    The time spent to income ratio for responding to my blog comments has become extremely low over the last 24 months. Five years ago it was extremely important to the revenue of this business that I responded to blog comments, but the nature of the internet has changed so that just isn’t true anymore. Today I get much more bang for my buck (especially in terms of future prospects) by responding to social media comments and DMs, particularly at places like YouTube, Instagram, and the Facebook group. But I will dual-post these articles at the Alpha 2.0 Forums and respond over there if I get enough engagement there.

  • bluegreen
    Posted at 04:21 pm, 10th December 2020

    Thanks and all the best!

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