The Thought Processes of the Citizenry in a Collapsing Empire

The advancement of a society is only as strong as the thought processes of the citizens within that society. This is particularly true in democracies, including fake democracies like the USA and Europe. If the vast majority of citizens can’t identify real problems with their civilization and focus their energies on solving or improving those problems, these problems will grow in severity, forever. Well, “forever” being a metaphorical word, since the society will collapse because of these ever-worsening problems eventually.

The latest news story is a perfect example of what I’m talking about. Some US soldiers were shot and killed in the African nation of Niger, and Tantrum Trump allegedly said some insensitive things to one of the soldier’s widows.

Both sides of the political isle took their usual, stupid, boring, predictable positions. Left-wingers heads exploded, and screamed their heads off about what a jerk Tantrum Trump is, how insensitive he is, how unpresidential he is, and in some cases, how racist he is (since the widow was black).

Right-wingers circled the wagons around their leader whom they secretly hate, defended him as being a kind and courteous president, and downplayed the entire thing as an overreaction.

Societal Programming and the dominant thought processes of the day gently push you in the direction of one of those two viewpoints and to pick a side. And that’s the problem. As usual, both sides, which encompass the vast majority of the population, are focused on the wrong thing.

When they first heard this story, most people instantly leaped into the left-wing “Trump is an asshole” camp or the right-wing “Trump is doing a good thing” camp. Since I’m not affected by Societal Programming in this way, the first thought that instantly came to my mind as soon as I saw this story was: What the fuck are we doing in Niger? Why do we have military troops in Niger? What the hell? We’re in seven different Obama wars already… now we’re in eight wars?

It appears that American zeitgeist has become so numb to the reality of never-ending war and American empire that virtually no one cares that our troops are getting into firefights in the country of Niger. 40 years ago, if there was suddenly new news that we had troops in Niger, people would be shocked and horrified. Congress would hold hearings about it, and people’s heads would roll.

Today, no one cares. All they care about, and they care a lot about it, are the specific words the current corporatist president uses on the telephone to a widow that no one will care about in two weeks. The fact we have military troops in Niger, and all over the world, doesn’t matter to anyone.

This is what I’m talking about regarding the thought processes of a citizenry. If people were thinking rationally, then left-wingers would be furious not about a phone conversation, but about the fact that we had troops in Niger, as well as all over the Middle East and North Africa. Left-wingers should be screaming that we need to bring the troops home so that phone calls to widows wouldn’t be required in the first place.

But nope, as usual, left is mostly silent on that; they’re too busy being furious about a phone call that means nothing to the future of the country and of our civilization.

By the way, the alt-right, if they were truly and intellectually consistent, which they are not, should be screaming about the same thing. They should be yelling at Trump to get our troops out of Niger. Do you hear any of them doing this? I don’t. They’re too busy defending their God Emperor about a phone call that means nothing to the future of the country and of our civilization.

When I say that the problems of the collapsing West are literally unfixable, I’m not saying that to just be a jerk or to be controversial. I say that because it is a literal reflection of the facts. You can see in this one stark example how the thought processes of most of the population are geared to look away from the real problems and towards minor things that don’t matter. And this is only one tiny scenario; I see this same problem played out over and over again with serious issues being ignored and minor issues being brought to the fore, on purpose, by both sides. I said this back when the left and the right were screeching at each other about gay marriage (something that affects only 0.2% of the population)… yet most of these people, on both sides, don’t even know what the Federal Reserve is (something that severely affects 100% of everyone, including non-Americans).

Problems in a society, collapsing or otherwise, will never be fixed, can never be fixed, if this is how a society processes information.

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  • PK
    Posted at 05:36 am, 29th October 2017

    My initial reaction when I saw this news story was similar:  “We have troops in Niger?”

  • MoChnk
    Posted at 07:09 am, 29th October 2017

    It’s just sad how many people are completely irrational these days. It runs so deep. My own dad is using the word Nazi at every opportunity when someone has a more conservative opinion than him.

    What a shame that these days sons can’t look up to their dads because their worldviews have become so ridiculous.


  • Gil Galad
    Posted at 07:33 am, 29th October 2017

    What a shame that these days sons can’t look up to their dads because their worldviews have become so ridiculous.

    Couldn’t agree more. Though I don’t think society matters more than the individual, I gotta admit that the loss of ideological continuity between generations may be contributing to the modern psychological crisis. Whether your parent’s are more or less conservative than you, in both cases there is a huge disconnect that our ancestors generally didn’t have to deal with. In a sense – far beyond just the whole single mother syndrome – , we’re a generation without fathers, ie without really great fatherly figures to look up to, and it’s probably doing us more damage than we’re aware of, except in occasional moments of lucidity.

    I can’t just go alt right and start preaching that society should be built on religion yada yada yada, since I am myself as secular as it gets, but I have to admit that there is a high price to be paid when a society fails to maintain ideological cohesion. As distasteful as it may sound, maybe the masses do need a strong unifying religion, though with some safeguards that protects the freedom of conscience of the minority that is capable of being nonreligious without losing its mind. Perhaps 18th century Europe just with less inquisition and more human rights, with a minority of secular thinkers and scientists discreetly leading the way, is the way to go.

  • Gil Galad
    Posted at 07:37 am, 29th October 2017

    btw CJ, the comment edit function is also shot here. The difference is that at BD it just doesn’t work, and here it allows to edit but the “comment edited successfully” is actually not changed at all.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 11:28 am, 29th October 2017

    the first thought that instantly came to my mind as soon as I saw this story was: What the fuck are we doing in Niger? Why do we have military troops in Niger? What the hell? We’re in seven different Obama wars already… now we’re in eight wars?

    I’ve been saying this ever since the war in Iraq: Saving the world is like sex in the west and War is like porn. We are hopelessly addicted to both. Get ready for a new dark ages and World War III (I estimate that by the time I die we will be up to World War VII).

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 04:17 pm, 29th October 2017

    What a shame that these days sons can’t look up to their dads because their worldviews have become so ridiculous.

    Yes… and the West will pay a heavy price for this. It already has begun.

  • kevin
    Posted at 07:02 pm, 29th October 2017

    Of course we have troops in …..

    a country that the Chinese own the Soraz oil refinery (over a billion dollars in debt and underproducing)refinery

  • Macro Investor
    Posted at 01:17 am, 30th October 2017

    CJ — I agree with your opinion, except the country is not doomed. Every institution in the world is just as corrupt and incompetent. That is the human condition. You could make these observations every 20 years, and the next 20 would be better and more full of progress.

    Nothing is new here. What’s different is we have the internet, which has blown up the traditional media. I think that is healthy. People are being red pilled very rapidly, such that the pervasive dishonesty is being laid bare.

    Most humans, despite spending 12 years in school learning about government have no understanding of the constitution. Perhaps they were like silly children who needed to be protected from the truth. I prefer to believe that the cock roaches are scattering because more light is shining on them. Smart people always debated the important issues. The sociopaths who would divide to conquer have less of voice.

    As far as fathers and sons not being able to talk. That is cognitive dissonance. People who get angry when their world view is challenged are feeling threatened and insecure. Logic is slamming their deeply held emotional beliefs and causing them to go tilt.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 02:02 am, 30th October 2017

    You could make these observations every 20 years

    Extremely incorrect. I would not have made these observations about the USA or the West in 1950 or 1890 or 1835 (and many other years), all times with the USA and/or the West were poised for greatness, and seized it, rather than poised for economic and/or cultural ruin, or at least decline.

    Most humans, despite spending 12 years in school learning about government have no understanding of the constitution.


    I prefer to believe that the cock roaches are scattering because more light is shining on them.

    You’re free to prefer to believe things that are not factually accurate if it makes you feel better (i.e. many Christians). But it doesn’t make you right. But that’s an entirely different topic.

    The sociopaths who would divide to conquer have less of voice.

    The USA is more politically divided now than even the 1960’s, so again, you are incorrect.

    I’m not opposed to having a positive attitude. I think that’s great! However, I prefer to have a positive attitude regarding my own life while operating as the world really is, rather than as I want it to be.

  • Von
    Posted at 04:27 pm, 30th October 2017

    Have you ever written anything on some characteristics of a rising / strong culture?

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 05:59 pm, 30th October 2017

    Caleb, I hope you’re aware that your BD blog has completely crashed. There’s an “internal sever error” preventing anyone from accessing the site.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:49 pm, 30th October 2017

    Have you ever written anything on some characteristics of a rising / strong culture?

    Not in a focused article, but I have a lot to say about that very soon.

    Caleb, I hope you’re aware that your BD blog has completely crashed. There’s an “internal sever error” preventing anyone from accessing the site.

    OMG! Really?!? Holy fuck! I had no idea!!!!!!

    It’s down for maintenance. Have a guy working on a few problems over there (and here).

  • Peter Winters
    Posted at 07:39 am, 31st October 2017

    Hi Caleb,

    Love your blog btw.. But I have one question. Why don’t you call out who is REALLY responsible for this mess. International Jewry is to blame yet nobody wants to call it out for what it is. Why don’t you go all out and just say it?


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 11:12 am, 31st October 2017

    International Jewry is to blame yet nobody wants to call it out for what it is. Why don’t you go all out and just say it?

    Because extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and you Jew haters haven’t provided it. Yes, Jews are disproportionately in positions of power, no question about it; they have a lot of power. But that’s different than saying Jews secretly run the world and are unilaterally responsible for all of its problems. I don’t see that (Jews put Trump in charge? Really? Uh, no.)

  • Peter Winters
    Posted at 12:21 pm, 31st October 2017

    Because extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and you Jew haters haven’t provided it.

    Firstly brother, I am not a “Jew Hater”… International Jewry and in particular American backed Zionism is pretty much directly responsible for the continuing increase in Anti-Semitism worldwide. Jews, if anything are victims of this. If you want to do some research on the topic look into Jewish academics like Norman Finkelstein and Benjamin H. Freedman.

    Yes, Jews are disproportionately in positions of power, no question about it; they have a lot of power. But that’s different than saying Jews secretly run the world and are unilaterally responsible for all of its problems.

    And how do you suppose these guys got there? There is overwhelming evidence to suggest that Fractional Banking Systems and The Federal Reserve were wholly Jewish implementations. Look at the last three Chairman of the Fed… Janet Yellen, Ben Bernake and Alan Greenspan.. ALL Zionist Jews with ties to Israel. Hell, Americas entire Foreign Policy is completely governed and dictated to by Zionist Israel. Why do you think the West keeps getting into wars in the Middle East based on fabricated lies? There’s only one country that benefits from it in the Middle East.

    I don’t think Jews are to blame for EVERY problem, but there is absolutely no doubt that they are the biggest contributors to the economic and cultural decline in the West. The decline that you often talk about.

    I don’t see that (Jews put Trump in charge? Really? Uh, no.)

    Actually Jewish Zionists were very much instrumental in putting Trump in power. Ivanka actually converted to Orthodox Judaism back in 2009 and his son in law Jared Kushner, one of his top advisors, is a Zionist Jew who is well known for funding illegal settlements in the West Bank and aiding Israel with it’s rapid expansion and occupation. The Trump Organizations CFO and General Counsel are both observant Zionist Jews and his leading political donor is no other than Las Vegas Casino Mogul and Zionist Jew Sheldon Adelson. The list goes on and on.

    Anyway man, I do implore you to look into this more. I love your blogs and think you’re doing a great job!


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:27 pm, 31st October 2017

    There is overwhelming evidence to suggest that Fractional Banking Systems and The Federal Reserve were wholly Jewish implementations. Look at the last three Chairman of the Fed… Janet Yellen, Ben Bernake and Alan Greenspan.. ALL Zionist Jews with ties to Israel. Hell, Americas entire Foreign Policy is completely governed and dictated to by Zionist Israel. Why do you think the West keeps getting into wars in the Middle East based on fabricated lies? There’s only one country that benefits from it in the Middle East.

    Correct. Jews have a lot of power, particularly in the financial and Hollywood sectors. I’ve said that many times.

    there is absolutely no doubt that they are the biggest contributors to the economic and cultural decline in the West.

    Extraordinary claim, which requires extraordinary evidence.

    Actually Jewish Zionists were very much instrumental in putting Trump in power. Ivanka actually converted to Orthodox Judaism back in 2009 and his son in law Jared Kushner one of his top advisors, is a Zionist Jew

    “The Jews put Trump in power because… one of his kids married a Jew!!!!”

    Thank you for proving my point. You guys are full of extraordinary claims, but flimsy evidence. This is my final comment on this topic in this thread.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 10:49 pm, 1st November 2017

    Societal Programming and the dominant thought processes of the day gently push you in the direction of one of those two viewpoints and to pick a side. And that’s the problem.

    In a decade or so, it won’t be so gentle.

    Americas entire Foreign Policy is completely governed and dictated to by Zionist Israel. Why do you think the West keeps getting into wars in the Middle East based on fabricated lies? There’s only one country that benefits from it in the Middle East.

    Absolutely. Its all being manipulated and choreographed, like a wrestling match. But different than the alt-righters who want to just kill all Jews (and then BECOME the Jews in the sense of having power), people like Caleb and myself instead suggest that we just leave them alone. Which is what we should do, and should have done like two whole decades ago.

    Its this unending quest for power and moral subjugation brought forth by collectivist efforts that created this mess in the first place. You gotta get to the root of the problem and that is groupthink and group mentalities.

  • Pete Winters
    Posted at 10:00 pm, 4th November 2017

    Comment deleted for violation of Rule Number One.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 01:45 am, 7th November 2017

    OMG! Really?!? Holy fuck! I had no idea!!!!!!

    Glad I could help!

    It’s down for maintenance. Have a guy working on a few problems over there (and here).

    Yeah on this blog, the number of comments in a specific thread does not correspond to the number of comments displayed in the official comment number on top of the thread, unless you actually click on the thread and then hit “refresh.” Only then does the number of comments increase and you can scroll down to read the new comment. Otherwise, without hitting refresh, the new comments don’t show up at the bottom of the thread or on the sidebar to the right of the blog.




  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:32 am, 8th November 2017

    the number of comments in a specific thread does not correspond to the number of comments displayed in the official comment number on top of the thread, unless you actually click on the thread and then hit “refresh.”

    That is not a problem I consider important.

  • Jack Outside the Box
    Posted at 02:26 pm, 8th November 2017

    That is not a problem I consider important.

    Right, but the actual comments are being censored unless you hit “refresh.” For example, my last comment to you is the last one here, unless I hit refresh – only then does your above comment magically appear and I can read it.

    Most people will not think to hit refresh and will believe that no one responded to them when someone may have. Obviously, it’s your blog. I just wanted to make you aware of everything. Cheers.


  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 02:55 pm, 8th November 2017

    Right, but the actual comments are being censored unless you hit “refresh.”

    Then they are not being censored and that’s a stupid word to use.

    I strongly suggest you try using a different browser. I’m not having the problem you describe, nor has anyone else reported it. If it’s only happening with certain browsers, I don’t care.

  • Michael Singh
    Posted at 08:38 pm, 8th November 2017

    hey caleb i bought ur book alpha male 2.0 .. im 20 years old and i feel blessed to know about this blog and bd

    On the personality quiz where u got architect .. I got Entrepreneur .. is this a good thing for dating BD style and for business?

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