Reading Time – 4 minutes
If you do X you will accomplish Y.
There are simple steps to be successful in anything in life, particularly things like starting your own profitable, low-work, location-independent business or internationalizing your life, both of which are things that today have essentially become requirements for long-term happiness and stability instead of interesting but optional things to do.
These simple steps will get you the results you want, including more income, more freedom, and more safety for you and your inner circle for the long-term future.
However, there are several things you can do that will accelerate the time it takes for you to get these results.
You can drive from Seattle to Los Angeles in an old pickup truck or you can do it in a Ferrari. Both cars will get you there, but the Ferrari will get you there a lot faster.
There are seven things that I’m aware of that will shorten the time from when you begin to when you get the results you want. I have used all of these things at one time or another so I know for a fact they work, and they will work for you as well.
Some of them cost money. Some of them are free. Some take a lot of time and focus. Some are pretty easy. Ideally, you should do all of these things, but feel free to use the ones you’re able to use now and do the ones you can’t right now a little later.
Here they are, listed in no particular order:
1. Optimize your physical body for maximum work focus.
The more your body is on your side when you engage in work, the easier the work will be, the more focused you will be, and the faster the money and/or freedom will come to you. Getting your body on your side means you are doing the following things:
- You’re getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
- You’re exercising hard at least 3 times per week (4-6 times per week is better, if you can do it).
- Your hormonal profile is optimized. This requires blood tests, a visit to a specialist or two, a change in lifestyle, and possibly a new protocol like TRT.
- You minimize how often you eat carbs, particularly high glycemic carbs like rice, pasta, bread, etc.
You drink lots of water all day long.
2. Optimize your mind for maximum work focus.
This works just like your body. If your brain is foggy, cluttered with too many thoughts, addicted to scrolling on a phone, or anything else like that, working towards your goals is going to be much harder. If your mind is instead on your side, your results come much faster. You’ll be happier during the journey too, which is pretty important. To get your mind on your side, you are doing the following things:
- You’re meditating at least 3-4 times a week (every day is better), even if it’s just for a few minutes.
- You’re minimizing all scrolling, social media, and short-form videos to absolute minimums in your life (zero is ideal).
- You’re minimizing how often consume info about news or politics so you’re not pissed off or worried all the time.
- You’re having sex regularly with someone you find attractive so you’re not masturbating all the time or distracting yourself by thinking about sex all the time. (Remember I said having sex. I didn’t say you have a girlfriend, boyfriend, or spouse. You have plenty of sex without these things.)
- You laugh a lot.
- You aren’t a LISG who is constantly reading business books and listening to business podcasts and overloading your brain with too many techniques and options that you’ll never actually do in real life. Learn a small number of things, then stop learning and take action.
If you’ve got some real trauma in your past, you are working with a really good therapist, which means you’re not making bullshit excuses about things like “Therapists suck,” or “I tried that once and it didn’t work.” It also means you’re working with a therapist who is focused on improvement and results rather than being your buddy or just talking about problems forever.
3. Get a coach.
This costs money, but it will speed you to your results faster than just about anything else on this list. If you are regularly coached by someone who has already accomplished the exact results you want, it will shave YEARS off of your total workload. I’m serious; I’ve experienced this more than once.
4. Be accountable to someone.
Ideally, this would be a coach, but if that’s not an option, find someone you respect and be accountable to that person for weekly or even monthly outcomes. Ideally, this person should be older and more successful than you, but sometimes friends or accountability buddies can work too.
Do not ever be accountable regarding your tasks and goals to anyone you’re related to or having sex with. I’ve seen a lot of people try that and it doesn’t work.
5. Get good at time management and personal strategic planning.
This means planning your year, planning your quarter, planning your week, planning your day, and then reviewing all of these things regularly so you’re constantly improving.
There are so many areas in life where have outperformed so many other people who were smarter than me, more talented than me, and better looking than me simply because I knew how to plan, manage, and optimize my time and they didn’t.
6. Find a burning WHY.
If you want to start your own location-independent business because you “don’t like your job” or because “my country sucks,” or because you “want more money,” these things might not be enough motivation (and they might; it depends on the person).
If they aren’t, you need to find a strong, compelling reason (or reasons) why you are putting in the work to get what you want. These reasons can be positive or negative; sometimes negative works better.
I have extremely strong reasons, both positive (I have some big goals that are SUPER exciting to me) and negative (I have some big concerns about the future and I harbor fears about being screwed when I’m an old man). These both propel me to my goals fast.
7. Focus on IW.
IW is one of my time management terms, meaning Improvement Work. This is the work that actually moves the needle and accomplishes your goals, rather than SW (Standard Work) which is the bullshit work that needs to be done but doesn’t accomplish anything. Checking your email (SW) needs to get done, but it doesn’t make you more money. On the other hand, making 20 cold calls (IW) will make you money and get you closer to your goals.
Most people spend 80-100% of their work time in SW which is why they never accomplish anything or why they take a super long time to do so. Focus on cranking out several hours of IW per day (or at least as much as you can) and your goals will appear much faster.
Think about how fast you could accomplish your goals if you were doing all seven of these things.
It’s possible.
Start doing it.
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Tom Wright
Posted at 03:33 am, 4th September 2024Really enjoying these posts Caleb, hope you keep writing frequently now you’re settled in Paraguay.
Getting my Paraguayan residency next month, & then Mexican soon after.
Super excited.
Caleb Jones
Posted at 02:12 pm, 4th September 2024Good for you, excellent.