When There Is No More Privacy

As I’ve talked about before, I am in 100% agreement with those who say that soon, in our lifetimes, technology will reach a point where there will be no such thing as privacy, at least not the concept of “privacy” that you and I understand today.

I’m not necessarily talking about government or corporations spying on you (though that will certainly be a component as well). I’m talking about the privacy you will voluntarily give up in order to receive certain benefits.

Today’s example is social media. Every day, people voluntarily give up massive amounts of their privacy via things like Facebook and Instagram in order to receive social validation and/or entertainment. No one made them do this. They chose it themselves.

Extend that out into the future, where you will voluntarily exchange your privacy for things like money, physical health, protection from crime, sex, more extreme entertainment, feelings of closer connections to others, and so on. I’ve also talked about how near-future tech will render monogamy effectively impossible. When you cheat, she’s going to know, regardless of what you do. (And you’ll know when she does too.)

You will have zero privacy. It’s going to happen. We just don’t know when. Your future children or grandchildren will be bewildered at this strange thing called “privacy” that you used to have.

This concept is crazy to modern-day, low-tech humans like us. Imagine if everyone who was interested knew exactly who you were having sex with, exactly how much money you make, what your net worth is, how often you masturbate, what kind of porn you prefer, what kinds of drugs you do and how often, all the immoral or unethical or illegal stuff you’re doing or have done, all the stupid mistakes you’ve made in your past, and so on.

This may send a chill down your spine. But I think in a few decades it won’t. I think this stuff will be normal.

So you go out on a first date with a woman. You will instantly know everything about her. She won’t be able to lie about anything. The reverse is also true; she’ll know everything about you, including that 19 year-old girl you had sex with last week, or the fact you haven’t been laid in over eight months.

Won’t that be interesting?

Years ago, there was a dumb TV show called Sliders where a group of people traveled to different parallel universes. In one episode, they went to a parallel Earth where every human being was fitted with a collar around their necks that would issue a small electric shock every time they said anything that wasn’t true.

It was very interesting, because it demonstrated how often we human beings lie, even in normal day-to-day conversation and even if we’re trying to be nice. A person would say, “You kinda think I’m boring, don’t you?” and the other would say, “Oh, no, of course not.” ZAP! He’d get an audible electric shock and his face would wince.

It transformed everything in society. Everything was based on truth. Few people even tried to lie because they didn’t want to get shocked. I always thought that concept was extremely fascinating.

Well, we’re likely in for a world like that in real life in a few decades. Lying about anything of consequence is going to be effectively impossible. I’ve even heard some very intelligent folks talk about how the very concept of crime will be impossible, in that 100% of criminals who commit any crime will be instantly caught and punished. (Think about the worlds portrayed in Minority Report or Demolition Man.)

Will I like that world? I honestly don’t know yet. I see both the pros and cons.

More importantly, since I live the Alpha Male 2.0 lifestyle, which is based around concepts such as outcome independence and redundancy, I don’t really care what people find out about me for the most part. I’ve been talking about intimate details of my very unconventional sex life on my blogs for many years, and doing so under my real name. I don’t care if you know. If you don’t like it, that’s your problem, not mine. My income and my happiness doesn’t revolve around your opinion of me, so I don’t care. I’m outcome independent.

It’s true I don’t disclose a few details about my financial life for legal and other reasons, but when the time comes where everyone will know everyone else’s financial details, by then I won’t care.

This new zero-privacy world we’re headed for will only be a threat to normal people who have a lot to hide. People who cheat on their spouses or girlfriends/boyfriends. People who lie about how much money they make. People who cheat on their taxes. People who are into weird porn and don’t want anyone to know.

This is why I’ve said that the more you can adopt an outcome independent lifestyle and attitude now, the less you’ll need to worry about people “finding shit out about you” or losing your privacy. That’s why I’m not really threatened by this future society, while most other people I know are absolutely terrified of it.


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  • Investor
    Posted at 05:21 am, 4th July 2018

    People who lie about how much money they make. People who cheat on their taxes.

    This part is very tricky.

    For example this case where you are supposed to declare and get taxed on your income that you make in other countries. That is beyond preposterous. How is it in any way the governments business in the country where I live as to what I make in other countries? It has nothing to do with them. When googling simple fundamental questions regarding this like why that has to be declared or why the government should think it should be not only I was not able to find any answers to this, I did not even find any articles by others call it outrageous or criminal. It also seems to be a common practice in most countries.

    Of course I am completely against this and completely against the concept of declaring such income if I had any in this category based on the basic principle it has nothing to do with them. I also don’t see how it can be legally enforceable since it relates to stuff that happens outside of their jurisdiction. The “laws” are laughable. However if it was publicly visible then thats a different story…

  • CSR
    Posted at 06:52 am, 4th July 2018

    As I’ve talked about before, I am in 100% agreement with those who say that soon, in our lifetimes, technology will reach a point where there will be no such thing as privacy, at least not the concept of “privacy” that you and I understand today.

    And how is that situation going to happen, exactly?

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 09:15 am, 4th July 2018

    Every day, people voluntarily give up massive amounts of their privacy via things like Facebook and Instagram in order to receive social validation and/or entertainment. No one made them do this. They chose it themselves.

    100% correct. But people keep doing this in full knowledge of giving up their privacy. For outcome independent people like myself and other Alpha 2s this doesn’t mean much, but for others its gonna bite them in the ass.

    And how is that situation going to happen, exactly?

    Our trust in government and authorities who know whats best for us is at an all time high, its only a matter of time before they begin taking our privacy. Especially going into the 2020s, where we’ll have a left leaning socialist version of Trump who everyone will like. That’s when privacy is going to probably end.

    I’m predicting that every home and apartment in the US will have cameras in every room recording everything you do by the 2030s and that if you try to break one, you’ll get executed or something. We trust government and authorities THAT much.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:27 am, 4th July 2018

    For example this case where you are supposed to declare and get taxed on your income that you make in other countries. That is beyond preposterous.

    I agree. The counterargument is that if you live in country A, you are using country A’s resources even if you’re receiving income from country B.

    The problem is when you live in country B pretty much full-time and country A still wants to tax you (coughAmericacough). That’s beyond preposterous.

    And how is that situation going to happen, exactly?

    I don’t know exactly because I can’t tell the future. Likely, it will because of some piece or pieces of technology that is in your pocket, woven into your clothing, something you wear, or/or something implanted in your body. And again, you will choose to use these things because the benefits will outweigh the lack of privacy (maybe not to you particularly, but to most people by then).

  • Investor
    Posted at 12:51 pm, 4th July 2018

    And again, you will choose to use these things because the benefits will outweigh the lack of privacy (maybe not to you particularly, but to most people by then).

    Yeah if giving up privacy means not having to worry about having enough money and having always unlimited sex, to give an over the top extreme example, almost everyone will do it.


  • BigTime
    Posted at 12:54 pm, 4th July 2018

    The problem is when you live in country B pretty much full-time and country A still wants to tax you (coughAmericacough). That’s beyond preposterous.

    The counter argument is you are still receiving benefits such as world-wide protection, embassy services, etc.  The US is the world policeman after all.  Occasionally people in trouble are rescued by the navy/marines.

    Not making a value judgement here, just laying out the other side’s argument.

    Also, unless they are very vigilant, rich people would just move all their income over seas and never pay anything.  They already do that to an extent, but it maintains an appearance of fairness.

  • David
    Posted at 12:54 pm, 4th July 2018

    Its fascinating watching everyone clamor over the elusive title of “celebrity.”  I work a lot in online advertising.  Facebook knows so much about people, it’s crazy.  I can only imagine what’s next.  Live feed of our bedrooms?

  • BigTime
    Posted at 01:03 pm, 4th July 2018

    The loss of privacy is really laughable.  You don’t have to be addicted to social media.  You don’t have to put an alexa in your bedroom listening to everything you do.  You don’t need a TV with a microphone and access to the internet.

    You don’t have to carry a phone around all the time that records your location.  You can turn it off until you need to make a call.  Emergencies are rare.  You don’t have to talk to someone constantly about every boring detail of your lives.

    In each case, people were duped into giving up privacy.   Being informed is like situational awareness in the real world.  You wouldn’t close your eyes and walk thru an unsafe ghetto, nor let potential pick pockets know you have a fat wallet.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 01:40 pm, 4th July 2018

    The counter argument is you are still receiving benefits such as world-wide protection, embassy services, etc.  The US is the world policeman after all.  Occasionally people in trouble are rescued by the navy/marines.

    Even if you’re right, which you aren’t as I’ll show in a minute, I didn’t ask for this “protection,” and would happily sign a document saying I wasn’t eligible for this “protection” when I move out of the country. If the US doesn’t allow me to do that and still wants to tax me, it can go to hell.

    As just one example I could make out of thousands, how is the US army or police going to help me if a foreign power invades my apartment in Hong Kong? It’s laughable. And the US wants to charge me a literal percentage of my income for this?

    Again, it’s beyond preposterous.

    Not making a value judgement here, just laying out the other side’s argument.

    Then clearly the other side has a very weak and pathetic argument.

    rich people would just move all their income over seas and never pay anything.

    No, I agree the USA has the authority to tax (lightly) people (rich or otherwise) if they live in the US even if their income is from other countries.

    The loss of privacy is really laughable.  You don’t have to be addicted to social media.  You don’t have to put an alexa in your bedroom listening to everything you do.  You don’t need a TV with a microphone and access to the internet.

    You don’t have to carry a phone around all the time that records your location.  You can turn it off until you need to make a call.  Emergencies are rare.  You don’t have to talk to someone constantly about every boring detail of your lives.

    Correct. People choose this.

    In each case, people were duped into giving up privacy.

    No, people chose to do this. I have no sympathy.

  • Investor
    Posted at 02:15 pm, 4th July 2018

    No, I agree the USA has the authority to tax (lightly) people (rich or otherwise) if they live in the US even if their income is from other countries.

    So you support fully the idea that if you live in a country A you should pay taxes on you income and/or assets that have no connection to country A? Really?

    I would say that I should pay taxes on income that arrives in my bank account in country A. As long as I keep it elsewhere its not taxable in A.

  • Investor
    Posted at 02:18 pm, 4th July 2018

    But these tech advancements you mention which will lead to this are based on a huge assumption of business as usual. It is highly likely there will be a global scale collapse of some kind, the extent can be small but still big enough to stop such levels of tech advancements.

  • Mich
    Posted at 03:49 pm, 4th July 2018

    So you go out on a first date with a woman. You will instantly know everything about her. She won’t be able to lie about anything. 

    This is not compatible with mankind. It’s one of the implications of Dave Eggers’ The Circle.

  • Zan
    Posted at 04:41 pm, 4th July 2018

    This is so true and is already here in so many forms. Haha, Caleb, you just solved the solution to the #MeToo movement and those new rape laws that Sweden just past.

    Everyone is going to be exposed for who they are, whether saint or sinner, racist or pedophile, etc. etc…  but you do know someone, somewhere (probably the Chinese) is going to create a device to scramble the whole damn system, so that one can self-hack or disguise parts of his/her identity or go into stealth mode (like the DarkWeb).

    Remember, humans are very creative and resourceful… when one thing is created, it’s equal and opposite will be created too.

  • BigTime
    Posted at 04:47 pm, 4th July 2018

    Why worry so much about if a woman lies?  Unless you are pedestaling them or looking for some perfect wife.  Neither is a healthy attitude.

    Just have them around for fun and sex.  Who cares what they think or lie about?

  • BigTime
    Posted at 04:57 pm, 4th July 2018

    I didn’t ask for this “protection”

    You’ve got it, along with 1001 other things most don’t want.  Not really a relevant argument.  It’s not an ala carte dinner.

    You won the DNA lottery by being born here.  Many billions were born in shit holes, and they’re trying desperately to cheat their way into your country.  Paying a little money isn’t such a hardship.  But then aren’t you the guy who can’t stand dropping a few hundred on a office couch?  Possibly frugality can be taken too far.

  • Nekrocow
    Posted at 05:44 pm, 4th July 2018

     Likely, it will because of some piece or pieces of technology that is in your pocket, woven into your clothing, something you wear, or/or something implanted in your body. And again, you willchooseto use these things because the benefits will outweigh the lack of privacy (maybe not to you particularly, but to most people by then).

    And the worst part is: since almost NOBODY will have privacy, your own will be easily violated via the info others give away freely.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 06:12 pm, 4th July 2018

    So you support fully the idea that if you live in a country A you should pay taxes on you income and/or assets that have no connection to country A?

    I’m against income tax and capital gains taxes, so no. But if a country I lived in for most of the year wanted to charge me a reasonable sales tax of about 4% or so, with the argument that I had to pay this tax because I utilized their country’s resources, I would (reluctantly) agree they had a point.

    I would say that I should pay taxes on income that arrives in my bank account in country A. As long as I keep it elsewhere its not taxable in A.

    I’m against an income tax, so I don’t agree with any sort of income tax at all, regardless of origin. I’m talking about taxes in general. If I’m using a countries resources, I (again, reluctantly) agree that they have some right to tax me at least a little. A little! Not a fucking 35% income tax.

    But these tech advancements you mention which will lead to this are based on a huge assumption of business as usual. It is highly likely there will be a global scale collapse of some kind, the extent can be small but still big enough to stop such levels of tech advancements.

    Sure, in the Western world. But you’re forgetting about China, Asia, India, etc.

    If you think the entire world will all crash into desolation at the same time, I already addressed that here.

    Remember, humans are very creative and resourceful… when one thing is created, it’s equal and opposite will be created too.

    Very true. For the privacy-intense among us, likely there will be countermeasures available. The only issue is the cost of these countermeasures and the ease of their use.

    Don’t forget that the vast majority of typical, average people still have no idea how to actually use bitcoin or a VPN, nor could even explain what they are.

    You’ve got it, along with 1001 other things most don’t want.  Not really a relevant argument.  It’s not an ala carte dinner.

    I know. I’m not saying it isn’t. I’m saying it is, and that it’s wrong, and I’m going to do everything in my power to avoid it.

    You won the DNA lottery by being born here.

    Correct. Now read my book, chapter 27, section titled, “You Don’t Own Your Country Anything.”

    Paying a little money isn’t such a hardship.

    Incorrect. It isn’t a little. It’s 51.4% to 73% of your income. Read this:


    If the USA had something like a 10% flat tax, or no income tax with just a 5% sales tax, then I wouldn’t mind.

    But then aren’t you the guy who can’t stand dropping a few hundred on a office couch?  Possibly frugality can be taken too far.

    Not wanting to pay 51.4% – 73% of my income is not frugality. It means I’m not insane.

    American taxes is not “a little money.” It’s one of the highest taxed places on Earth; it’s huge money.

    You really need to inject some objectivity and real facts into your constant, knee-jerk, pro-America comments if you want me to keep responding to you.

  • American
    Posted at 07:34 pm, 4th July 2018

    Paying a little money isn’t such a hardship.

    If you want to fund all the thousands of stupid government programs that your taxes go to, then go ahead and knock yourself out.  Put your money where you mouth is and write a check to the IRS now.  You don’t need us for that.  Personally, I’d rather not pay for stupid government waste.  But if you want to, have at it.

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 12:02 am, 5th July 2018

    I can only imagine what’s next.  Live feed of our bedrooms?

    I’m calling it now, and I want someone to quote this. Sometime in 2025 is when that’s gonna take place. It’ll be one of the first of many executive orders of whoever gets elected president in the 2024 election. Their approval rating will be at least in the 90s. Then, a year later, when they realize that they don’t have any privacy anymore, the approval rating will be a historic low, probably somewhere in the 25% range. When it is revealed that there is a live feed of all the dorms of all the US armed forces too, it’ll result in a Coup. Yes, there will be a Coup in the US in 2027 or so. Maybe even a bloody revolution. I love making these kinds of predictions.

    And like many above me have said, no, this is not something we asked for.

    And as Caleb says, enjoy the decline!

  • joelsuf
    Posted at 12:13 am, 5th July 2018

    This is so true and is already here in so many forms. Haha, Caleb, you just solved the solution to the #MeToo movement and those new rape laws that Sweden just past.

    Legit, and this is why I’m not afraid of #metoo. Because privacy will soon be taken away, this will backfire BAD against the chicks who rape guys and then pull their #metoo card to accuse them of rape. Just a matter of time. And yes, I have a theory that chicks who accuse guys of sexual harassment via social media are sexual deviants themselves and are trying to hide their evil deeds behind a narrative.

    I’m rooting for the end of privacy for three reasons:

    1) I don’t have a lot to hide.
    2) Other people DO have something to hide, way worse stuff than me.
    3) The people in item 2 will be punished for having something to hide and I will be ignored because the other people who have stuff to hide will be hiding way worse stuff than me.

  • Investor
    Posted at 02:22 am, 5th July 2018

    Why worry so much about if a woman lies?  Unless you are pedestaling them or looking for some perfect wife.  Neither is a healthy attitude.

    Just have them around for fun and sex.  Who cares what they think or lie about?

    Yes but I find it hard to schedule things with them when they are completely unreliable.

  • Dave from Oz
    Posted at 04:53 am, 5th July 2018

    The SMBC “Dating Solutions” sketch presents a foretaste of this possible future. Funny, and a little close to home.

  • Investor
    Posted at 06:53 am, 5th July 2018

    The SMBC “Dating Solutions” sketch presents a foretaste of this possible future. Funny, and a little close to home.

    So this just means the losers will be more easy to identify and people will just have to stick with someone of their own level and accept that and going up a level will be near impossible. Im sure this will be great news for some.

    What will be interesting to see is how the high ASD women will react and start losing it totally. Its interesting always to me how some women seem so naive and so surprised about stuff regarding men that most of us would consider obvious. This will hit some of them very hard.

    But question is will these things make people accept others more because they will just see “everyone has issues and everyone is like this or that” or will it make people more distant from each other because they will just give up and decide its best to be alone?

  • CTV
    Posted at 09:00 am, 5th July 2018

    To be honest you can help yourself have more privacy..

    As an Alpha 2 I’d even say it would help your confidence and be a testament to your confidence if you delete your social media.

    Take Note: I am a True TOH guy who like to go out and meet chicks versus meet em online. I’m an Alan Roger Currie Mode One guy, being honest and upfront is just how I am. YES, I miss out on some chicks because I’m honest about wanting to fuck or about wanting to see other women. It can cause drama, but also cuts back on it other ways.

    Having no Snapchat, FB, Instagram will make it tougher to do EFA announcement, BUT it also cuts back on drama from getting seen with other chicks from your other women like an OLTR or just overall general drama.

    You really have to ask yourself.. How badly do you WANT or worse NEED Social Validation? Then if you have answered Yes, you seriously need to figure out why.. Because you’re the problem. Being an Attention Whore and craving drama is beta if you ask me..

    Caleb I know you may not agree with 100% of this, but I think you’re hearing me on this.

  • Investor
    Posted at 01:14 pm, 5th July 2018

    ake Note: I am a True TOH guy who like to go out and meet chicks versus meet em online. I’m an Alan Roger Currie Mode One guy, being honest and upfront is just how I am. YES, I miss out on some chicks because I’m honest about wanting to fuck or about wanting to see other women. It can cause drama, but also cuts back on it other ways.

    Having no Snapchat, FB, Instagram will make it tougher to do EFA announcement, BUT it also cuts back on drama from getting seen with other chicks from your other women like an OLTR or just overall general drama.

    You really have to ask yourself.. How badly do you WANT or worse NEED Social Validation? Then if you have answered Yes, you seriously need to figure out why.. Because you’re the problem. Being an Attention Whore and craving drama is beta if you ask me..

    Caleb I know you may not agree with 100% of this, but I think you’re hearing me on this.

    Yes I have considered cutting out on these things also but to be honest I rarely post stuff. I am mostly using it to look at other peoples stuff or use the messenger function, or to find events / sell stuff. In the future I plan to use it for marketing purposes. I think if one can draw the line its very powerful tool while not giving up much in return. If one is not able to draw the line its indeed best to cut these things out.

  • BF
    Posted at 02:44 pm, 5th July 2018

    What you’re describing is “sousvelliance”, where the people watching and reporting you are your peers… typically friends.

    The government doesn’t care much about the average person, arguablly, in the western world it never has so it never is a true concern like some would like to think. At elast not in most developed nations.

    However, your friends and neighbors been spying on you. Hell since grade school they were scoping us out from near and far. Now even your friends will post about you and you’re cool with it because it’s a photo tag. Well that tag and its meta data reveal so much that Jones highlights.

    Here’s the important thing though, coming from a former Google emplyee who left because of their what I deemed to be unethical and immoral practices.

    I and serious privacy and security proponent do not hide. We live full functioning lives, and for the most part you wouldn’t know we were secure until we tell you. That’s because privacy is not about hiding details though there is deception in play, not unlike the deception BlackDragon teaches at times. No, instead we reveal the essentials, and do so in secure ways so that data doesn’t become a tool to invade our personal space.

    More accurately, we honor our personal space because we’re the few who realized that we can do most, if not everyinthing we want, without having to give up access to our bank info, address, sexual lives, social security number, photo id, etc… If more people knew how to do this, they’d opt-in and live free like we do too. Nothing more free than being virtually invisible.

    Our ability to be hidden in plain sight is getting tougher, but it’s amazing how much you cna do when no one knows extras about you. For instance I have multiple, if not dozens of relationships where me and others are friends/lovers/business associates, and we don’t know each others names… and it’s not weird.

    Irnoically, we know more about each other because we’re being ourselves without living up to a false identity SP told us to make for ourselves.

    Privacy is a BIG topic, but there’s a lot of SP that shades how the average person talks about it… it’s not all about hiding for instance.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 04:01 pm, 5th July 2018

    not unlike the deception BlackDragon teaches at times

    I don’t teach deception. Read this:


  • Anon
    Posted at 06:26 pm, 5th July 2018

    The loss of privacy is really laughable.  You don’t have to be addicted to social media.

    Currently the loss of privacy is primarily due to things people upload about themselves, but that can easily change. Think face recognition on publicly available photos and video feeds.

  • Danny Kane
    Posted at 10:14 am, 6th July 2018

    Do you have an archive of your ‘currently reading’? I’d like to see all the books you’ve read in the past.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:46 am, 6th July 2018

    Do you have an archive of your ‘currently reading’? I’d like to see all the books you’ve read in the past.

    No. But that’s a very good idea.

  • BigTime
    Posted at 01:47 pm, 6th July 2018

    Personally, I’d rather not pay for stupid government waste.

    I’m not some gung ho america is always right guy.  But I am sick of all the internet bashing that goes on.  It’s easy to criticize.  It’s not so easy to find something better.

    Stop whining and move.  We both know you won’t.  Because when you really look into alternatives, there isn’t anything better.  You can optimize for lower taxes, sure.  But many other things will be worse.  If there was a paradise everybody would live there.  America is no paradise, but it sure looks that way to the 5 billion who’d love to sneak in illegally.


  • American
    Posted at 04:22 pm, 6th July 2018

    Stop whining and move.  We both know you won’t.  Because when you really look into alternatives, there isn’t anything better.  You can optimize for lower taxes, sure.  But many other things will be worse.  If there was a paradise everybody would live there.  America is no paradise, but it sure looks that way to the 5 billion who’d love to sneak in illegally.

    I have just begun the research on moving from the USA.  I might move I might not.  It is too early to tell.

    But I still fail to understand why you would encourage more taxes and bigger government.  I really don’t get it.  If your government hikes your taxes even $100, is your life really going to be better for that?

    I also fail to understand why people who constantly complain that we are not taxed enough don’t just mail their money into the IRS and call it a day.  If you want higher taxes just send your money in.  You don’t need to drag the rest of us into it.

  • Mike
    Posted at 12:44 pm, 7th July 2018

    There is a great book by David Brin: “The Transparent Society”

    It’s from several years back now before the big social media explosion…

    Not sure if you’ve read it but it is a worthwhile read by a scientist/SF writer. His conjecture is that as long as the privacy goes both ways no one will mind, it’s when there is a one-way curtain that causes issues…i.e. the government knows everything about you, but there is no government transparency. His point is if we can fully see what our congress, Fed, courts, etc are doing we wont mind if they can see what we’re doing…

    Take a look at it.

  • BF`
    Posted at 12:04 pm, 8th July 2018

    whoops. thanks for the calrification of terms…

    yes I am not being “deceptive” nor is BD.

    though we’re both being indeirect and still clear.

    For me a lie is hiding information somene needs to know… slightly vague for hte immoral, but for us respeonsible types, I can interact with anyone without compromizing myself.

    All because the information we regualrly reveal is TMI compared to the informaiton that’s needed to progress any realtionship.

    Spend time with people who live in nations without freedom as the US “definies” it and you’ll apprecaite how our concenr is not real enough, but still overinflated at the same time haha.

  • Investor
    Posted at 01:42 am, 9th July 2018

    Not sure if you’ve read it but it is a worthwhile read by a scientist/SF writer. His conjecture is that as long as the privacy goes both ways no one will mind, it’s when there is a one-way curtain that causes issues…i.e. the government knows everything about you, but there is no government transparency. His point is if we can fully see what our congress, Fed, courts, etc are doing we wont mind if they can see what we’re doing…

    A full two way transparency is never going to happen. They have a lot to gain from one way transparency and a lot to lose by two way transparency. Not to mention having the ability to manipulate the information.

    One way transparency will inevitably result in a fascist regime.

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