Why I Don’t Support Trump

Beyond all odds, The Donald is still kicking ass in the polls and is making a lot of my friends and readers very excited. He’s currently at 27% nationally, which is damn near double the next closest candidate (the very boring liar Ben Carson, who will not win).

As an interesting turn of events, the elites’ favorite, Jeb Bush, has turned out to be such a horrible, unskilled, wimpy politician that he’s pretty much imploded and will probably be out of the race shortly. The right-wing elites have slowly abandoned him and found a new champion, Marco Rubio, who is doing “eh okay” at the moment. We’ll see what happens with that. Then there’s Ted Cruz, who is far too right-wing to win any major election in our new left-wing America. None of the other Republican candidates are worth mentioning because they don’t have a chance in hell.

Nothing has changed on the Democrat side. Regardless of how much young white people like him, it’s demographically impossible for Bernie Sanders to win the nomination unless something very unusual happens, which means it’s Hillary unless she gets indicted before the election as I’ve discussed before.

So at the moment, it looks like a Trump-Hillary race or Rubio-Hillary race. I suppose a Bush-Hillary race is still possible but I don’t see how that could happen at this point. In all three cases, the heavy odds are on Hillary’s side for numerous reasons I’ve discussed before. So my overall odds-laying remains the same: odds are the Lizard Queen will be our next president. (Enjoy the decline!)

Back to Trump. Am I pumped up about him? I’ve received many emails asking me if I’ll cancel my plans to move out of the US if Trump (or Cruz) becomes president. Um, no. The US is not a fixable system regardless of who you elect. As I’ve said before, the last opportunities we had to turn this country around was during the mid 1990s, and that was 20 years ago. The US, along with the rest of the Western world, is now on a slow decline that cannot be stopped. The only thing that could stop the decline would be if someone invents something that’s a societal game-changer, but clearly that has nothing to do with politics or government. (Government actually impedes this kind of innovation in the first place.)

Do I support Trump as president? No. He’s very entertaining, I love his Alpha Male 1.0 bravado, and I agree with several of his positions. At the same time, he’s a ruthless authoritarian of near-psychotic proportions. A few examples:

1. He wants to bring back big-government, Nazi-like persecution of particular peoples. He said:

We’re going to have to do things that we never did before. And some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule…And certain things will be done that we never thought would happen in this country in terms of information and learning about the enemy. And so we’re going to have to do certain things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago…We’re going to have to look at the mosques. We’re going to have to look very, very carefully.

Hey, I think terrorists (of any race or religion) should be killed, but make no mistake; what he’s talking about above is 1984 stuff. It’s Nazi shit. That’s not freedom. That’s not America.

2. Despite the fact he was against the War in Iraq, he is now a hardcore warmonger who wants to “bomb the shit out of ISIS” and “take their oil” and make some fascist / corporatist deal with big oil companies like Exxon. Yeah. Like that’s worked so well when we’ve done that stuff in the past. Peace-loving Obama has dropped literally thousands of bombs on ISIS. How has that worked out? Winston Churchill already interfered and mashed three separate countries and cultures into one country called “Iraq.” How did that work out?

Trump wants more of the same. Bombs, war, death, creating more angry terrorists, big business making lots of money, trillions of more dollars spent (read: wasted), and we the taxpayers getting royally screwed.

I realize this tough talk might give your inner masculine id a fist pump, but in the real world this shit has never worked. It won’t work if/when Trump does it either.

3. Trump actually wants to kill the families of the terrorists. Yeah, he actually wants this. What a great idea. Use our bombs to now purposely kill completely innocent civilians (including children). Not only is it horrific on its face, it’s 100% guaranteed to create more terrorist and more anti-West hatred throughout the world.

So no, I don’t support Trump for president in any way whatsoever.


If Trump does win, it will actually be one great positive that has nothing to do with Trump. If Trump actually wins the presidential election (and I still say his odds are not good at all) then it will represent the first time in my lifetime, perhaps even the first time in over 100 years, that the elites didn’t get their choice for president.

It will be the first time the people actually elected a US president instead of the elites. That would be a very good and wonderful thing, regardless of how much of a monster Trump is. This is especially considering that one of the two elite choices (Hillary) is an even worse monster than Trump.

So a Trump Presidency would be great thing in that the elites finally got a much needed finger-poke in the eye, but it would also be a horrible thing because Trump is a monster.

What interesting times we live in…

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  • Speculation
    Posted at 01:46 am, 4th December 2015

    Yeah, I’m roughly in the same camp that you are.

    I hate establishment candidates so I was supportive of Trump until recently where he jumped the shark with the comments you’ve pointed out.

    I could have sworn back in the day that Trump was anti-intervention in the middle east, but that’s changed now into the usual war mongering of ‘bomb them back into the stoneage and take their oil’.

    I know he’s firing from the hip with some of his comments and I used to think that being completely non-PC in that way was great, but some of these blunders are huge.

    But for all that, I’d rather have him than Hillary because she will sell (non-elite) men down the river in an instant for more political power.

  • Patrick
    Posted at 12:02 pm, 6th December 2015

    Trump displays many admirable qualities in the business and marketing arenas. He also would fall under the “alpha male” category.

    But in general, being good at one thing doesn’t always make you good at another, like Mike Jordan and baseball.

    Trump may have issues in terms of certain questions of ethics. He doesn’t have to deal certain ethical situations in real estate or that don’t influence the outcome of his business like they would in politics . I’m curious how he would turn out as president in a hypothetical way but am not sure the rewards would be worth the risk. It’s too bad he wouldn’t try to be mayor of New York first, though he may not able to fill the position due to conflict of interest.

    But who would be better (at least less bad), Clinton or Trump? Truthfully, it’s not something I would care to really think about too much.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 01:16 pm, 6th December 2015

    But who would be better (at least less bad), Clinton or Trump? Truthfully, it’s not something I would care to really think about too much.

    The problem is that unless you’ve already checked out of the system like I have, you’ll have to think about it, because at the moment those are the two most likely candidates to run in the national election.

    And the answer is Trump would be slightly less bad than Hillary on the overall. At least under Trump a small handful of minor things might change. Nothing will change under Hillary except “more” (more wars, more spending, more debt, etc).

  • Magnetic
    Posted at 09:10 am, 10th December 2015

    Who exactly are these elites that pick the President?

    Are they simply the CEOs of major corporations?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 10:31 am, 10th December 2015

    Who exactly are these elites that pick the President?

    I’ll be doing a blog post on this soon.

    It’s more complicated than just “CEOs,” but that’s one of the sub-groups, yes. Also include high-end politicians, billionaires, high-end military leaders, high-end lobbyists, bankers, etc.

  • Randy
    Posted at 06:52 pm, 13th December 2015

    Great post as usual, I don’t think there’s any way Trump’s going to win really – all I hear people talking about (online and in real life) is how outraged they are about everything he says. Haven’t heard anyone particularly excited about Hilary, but I think they’ll all mobilize and vote for her en masse if Trump gets anywhere close to a chance at getting elected.

    Do you have any opinion on Trump’s recent comments on Muslim immigration?

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 09:00 pm, 13th December 2015

    Great post as usual, I don’t think there’s any way Trump’s going to win really – all I hear people talking about (online and in real life) is how outraged they are about everything he says.

    Yes, that’s about 60% of the reason. The other 40% is that the elites, including the Republican party, will do everything in their power (which is vast) to stop Trump.

    Do you have any opinion on Trump’s recent comments on Muslim immigration?

    My opinion is that the US must withdraw all troops from Europe and the Middle East so we can end the conversation about whether or not Muslims are dangerous.

    Like so many issues in America, the issue people stupidly focus on (Muslims in the USA) is not the real issue, but a symptom of a completely different issue (America’s non-stop wars in the Middle East).

  • Ergeniz
    Posted at 11:20 pm, 13th December 2015

    “My opinion is that the US must withdraw all troops from Europe and the Middle East so we can end the conversation about whether or not Muslims are dangerous.

    Like so many issues in America, the issue people stupidly focus on (Muslims in the USA) is not the real issue, but a symptom of a completely different issue (America’s non-stop wars in the Middle East)”.

    At the same time you must know that muslim immigration is a massive problem in anglo countries. The rape cases across Europe by Muslim men are fairly common knowledge by now; it seems the authorities are past the point of trying to deny the cases and just simply choose to not talk about it or attempt a flimsy handwave of the matter.

    I’ve recently read the Germans, in particular, are very vexed about the entire issue. I’ve seen firsthand how muslim males are in regards to their obsession with white women and hearing about the sexual assaults in Europe was entirely unsurprising.

    Naturally, this won’t end well. I’m starting to question if expatting to Europe to avoid the decline of the US is even worth any longer. This doesn’t include the fact many countries in Europe are heavily affected with feminism, which no doubt ties into the above.

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:48 am, 14th December 2015

    At the same time you must know that muslim immigration is a massive problem in anglo countries. The rape cases across Europe by Muslim men are fairly common knowledge by now

    We’re not having that problem in the US.

    Europe’s problem is importing millions of immigrants because of some kind of guilt, and then forcing taxpayers to give them billions of euros because of Europe’s socialistic tendencies. This is just as dumb as America’s wars, so of course it will cause problems.

    The solution to both problems is:

    1. Don’t attack Middle Eastern countries.

    2. Let immigrants in your country if you wish, but don’t give them one penny of taxpayer money, and deport/punish these immigrants as soon as they break your laws. I explain that here:


    ’m starting to question if expatting to Europe to avoid the decline of the US is even worth any longer.

    As I’ve said many times, that would be a terrible idea. Europe is closer to collapse than the US is, so going from the US to Europe makes no sense.

    You’ll need to go to Asia or South America, like I’m doing in 2025.

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