You Guys Keep Falling For It

  • Tlanitlalpanecatl
    Posted at 01:36 am, 1st February 2025

    Not so.

    Taxes in the US on the multibillionnaires are too low. As a result, there is a constant flow of capital from the working class to the ultra-rich. An easy remedy is to make the richest pay. let’s say, 20% of their assets. All assets in the USA are worth approximately 135 trillion. Levy a one-time tax of 20% of those assets, and the government debt is decreased to zero. Another excellent idea is to confiscate all assets with a UBO which is not a natural person, i.e. all trusts.
    As Europe proves, economies can prosper with a higher tax rate,. The UAE and other lauded low-tax jurisdictions stays afloat by parasitizing on the rest of the world. The UAE is not a state as we know it. Google “Why Dubai Has a Poop Truck Traffic Jam outside the Burj Khalifa”

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 12:04 pm, 1st February 2025

    All assets in the USA are worth approximately 135 trillion. Levy a one-time tax of 20% of those asset

    That will never happen.

    You’re living in a fantasy world.

    Google “Why Dubai Has a Poop Truck Traffic Jam outside the Burj Khalifa”

    Confirmed; you’ve living in a fantasy world. I’ve lived in Dubai for 4 years now and I’m right down the street from the Burj Khalifa and I’ve literally never seen any poop trucks. Not once.

    Stop basing your opinions on what the internet says and instead focus on real life.

  • Tlanitlalpanecatl
    Posted at 04:42 pm, 3rd February 2025

    “That will never happen.”

    Famous last words. It already happened before, after the Second World War. As a tax on personal income. Tax rates exceeding 70%. Do you really believe that a desperate government will not take what it can get?

    “fantasy world”

  • Caleb Jones
    Posted at 08:55 am, 4th February 2025

    It already happened before, after the Second World War. As a tax on personal income. Tax rates exceeding 70%.

    That isn’t what you said. You said a one-time 20% tax on assets. That has never happened in the USA and will never happen.

    You live in a fantasy world.

    Do you really believe that a desperate government will not take what it can get?

    From the super rich people who run the country? No.

    From normal people like you? Yes. That’s why I don’t live there and am actively working on renouncing my citizenship, while you’re still there hoping Trump will fix everything because you live in a fantasy world.

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